
Drawn to the Light Press Issue 2right24542750February 2021Come Spring Janina Aza KarpinskaContentsa love, a light, and a magic, all of my ownLinda M. Crate 4Signs and Wonders Janina Aza Karpinska5a flowering Susan Connolly 6The sun is naked K.S. Moore 7The best way out is always through – Robert FrostK.T. Slattery 8Anointed Michael Cullen 9Kingfisher in slow motion, frame #7Glen Wilson10Dear Jason,Taidgh Lynch 11Speaking of You Lynne Wycherley 12The ones that are here still Sacha Hutchinson 13DropletMaeve McKenna14Droplet Reflections Dolores De Bie15TidyMark Ward16Woman Bathing Anne Daly 17Shipping ForecastNicola Heaney 18Never Forgotten Anthony Wade 19Just Go Marie Studer20London UndergroundElla Sadie Guthrie 21Valentine Stephanie Powell22Love you. DS Maolalai 23FortressPatrick Chapman24Modena Ted McCarthy 25Still the Sea Roisin Ní Neachtain26Elements Roisin Ní Neachtain27ellipse RC deWinter 28Vigil Jeremy Haworth 29Coming Home Faye Boland 30Not My TypeGhost TownRóisín BuglerAine MacAodha3132Love PoetryAna Spehar33Bungee Jumping Ceri Savage 34My Lover, Irena DubrovnaBlank Wall Paul McDonald Rhea Johnson3536The Jolly-Wolly Wobbly ManCamillus John37Thin LinePatrick Deeley39The Star Anamaria Julia Dragomir40BlazeBilly Fenton41On The Wing John D. Kelly42You heard the one about the Mars RoverGeorgie Bailey 43The Grey of Goibniú Mary O’Brien44Galway StonechatSacha Hutchinson45Notes on Contributors46EditorialSincere thanks to this issue’s cover artist Janina Aza Karpinska. Come Spring, in her own words, was one of two canvasses I found put out by bins; I?had?to take them although I wasn't used to working with canvas. I'm an artist, but I don't use paint. It hung around for a long time.... waiting for me to realize I could marry my textile collages and love of crazy patchwork with a kind of devotional image - a tribute to redeeming the discarded - all the butterflies?and flowers were ones I applied - finding use and purpose in that which had been thrown away. Creative compost - something fertile coming from processed waste. New Life.Janina spoke of her works as ‘Creative Acts of Redemption’, and it struck me how close the link is, between works and feats of art, and solace or redemption. This issue has a collaborative feel to it. Janina’s butterflies are in tune with Deirdre McKernan’s Aurora. I worked with some of the poets in the editorial process and in translation. Mark Ward responds to an Anne Tannam poem (Tannam had a poem in issue 1). Maeve McKenna responds to a photograph by Dolores De Bie. Ana Spehar brings a sample of Instapoetry to the issue. Love in many guises became an integral theme of the issue, perhaps because Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Magic is also weaved throughout and is something I always associate with February 1st, St. Brigid’s Day. Thank you to everyone who submitted. There were many fine poems I couldn’t include but I hope that these poets will submit again to the June edition.We await Spring with anticipation.Orla Fay, 30/01/2021a love, a light, and a magic, all my own"i love you, but you scare me"isn't the flexyou think it isbecause i no longercare who likes mei have learned to lovemyself,and i am not going to change;done apologizing for things thataren't even my fault—you don't have to like me,but i don't have to care;i have a love, a light, and a magic, all my own.Linda M. Crate Signs and Wonders Beside the water of Ballygowan,the bottled water of the same,a little white candle burns;close to both, a golden swan,a tiny open padlock withlong curving neckfound on the tarmac of Windsor St.placed, just so, on the tableof the Earth and Stars,my face reflected in its shining curve;a distortion of near-wonder:key to every mysteryJanina Aza Karpinskaa floweringsayinghow ifeelwhiledays of knowingyougrow –andlife-storiesunfurlflourish flowerblessblossomcharm praySusan ConnollyThe sun is nakedThe sun’s not breaking through.Celandines took the last lemon chiffon,stripped her of ballgown.The sun is naked,she rolls in the waterthat rises from cloud,flashes a shoulder —at least it’s evidence of lightif not full bodied and blazing.She hasn’t left us yet,although each winterwe wonder will this be the yearshe never gets dressed?K. S. MooreThe best way out is always through – Robert FrostDear Mr. Frost,Your advice is some of the best Ihave ever gotten,after the fact. Hindsight is a complex thing,but I did make it through.There were times I gave up,closed my eyes and hidin my warm bed where it was safe,imagined sucking my thumb,clutching my childhoodpillow and blanket to fruitless breasts,I stopped moving, self-sabotage at a standstill, resigned to this life sentence. Angels disguised as friendsgave gentle nudges, pushed softly forward,reminded me how to acknowledgea self-constructed prison. I know reality alters and shifts, and I couldallow the darkness to win over once again.In the meantime, I will chant your aphorismlike a mantra, praying it will take root,help me swiftly navigatethe next dark voyage. Sincerely, MeK.T. SlatteryAnointedAs I plunge below the icy depths?I feel my worries washed out on a wave,My head submerged, now free of secrets kept?And of burdens I no longer wish to save.Beneath the dividing sheet of two domains?As the water laps towards the bay?And the air made warm by delicate summer rains?I feel as light as golden hay.Transformed again by the waters cure?Baptised by the elements, washed and new,?God’s healing hand felt in the ocean pure,?My mind cleaned of disease by the deep blue.Surrounded by the elements?I feel light as snow?And recognise my own impermanence?Like the tide going out, I too, will go.Michael CullenKingfisher in slow motion, frame #7?Technology lets us be a god that can’t change everything,pausing the film to study a moment already gone;?the wingspan at its fullest, outward sprays a million beadsof water, river jewels for the offerings, feathers deep-painted?by the wetness but not yet shaken off, azure blue, sunset orangea white chest full with the inhale, at the cusp of a mighty exhale.?The splendour of divine watercolour perfect to the eyethat wants to see it, its long sharp beak at full hinge?makes room for the fish that came too close to the surface, its eyes seeing no danger to either side does not expect the above?to break the ceiling of its universe, it will strugglethough it doesn’t know that it will be just a struggle.?Even if I could intervene I would be depriving one lifefor another, the bird must eat, the next frame will come.Glen WilsonDear Jason,I’ve been trying to come back to you,to shake you out from under the leavesand find you under the cherry blossoms. But how can I come back to you when I don’t know where you are?Perhaps you’ve taken to the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps your wetsuit clings to your skin,though it’s unlike you to stay in one place for so long, so you can’t be found.Taidgh LynchSpeaking of YouIn the flow of this world, its stream of peptides, DNA’s furl, faces, parishes, fern frondsuncurled, fingerprintsswirling with currentsthere is you – just you – your signature voice, your hands at rest on fret-board and strings, a Gallagher in waiting, Hendrix-on the-wingand your face I know more clearly than my own, familiar country where sunlight walks fawn trackways. Out of a shoal of leaves one leaf is topaz, gold.Out of a shingle mile, one stoneinsists; in cross-shore drift one shell says lift me. Out of a river of strangers you turn to melike a truth.Lynne Wycherley The ones that are here still?To wander in the woodsto smell autumn leavesto think about black holesyou have left time and spacenow you float as atoms.?It must be good to be a birdmake your alarm call, fly awayre-locate to a nearby fieldor just stay high.?A photograph album of black and whitefaded colour, reminds what was beforewhy does memory sweep withsad happiness, then catch and wrench??How I miss youthe ones that went beforethe ones that are here stillI miss you all.Sacha Hutchinson DropletNot a moist lash to cushion your descent, not cheeks flush with autumn’s breath, where you might trickle, and tickle.Each image is a millisecond of pain, blinking.Absorbed, these limpid capillaries are routes blinded by fear, socket perilous on a branch, whipping wind circling this invisible cup of hurt, wooden stalk, branches of small strength holding firm. But, you are delicate, vulnerable, clinging on until winter hardens your brittle film. For now, droplets of rain have offered your heart this reality: your tears are imagining a tree.Maeve McKennaDroplet Reflections Dolores De BieTidyafter Anne Tannam’s ‘Role Models’ Anne, the workmen don’t look happysweeping up. No one has had lunch, not with the loose gravel’s small hillsspilling into the road. One man, older than you’d think, mid-60’s, drives the digger effortlessly, its claw reaching – a dancer’s arc - whilst the cab moves clear of traffic. The other man follows after, brush in hand. Anne, from the kitchen, you watched your men go each day to work with their hands. I stand, waiting -my hands not having lifted more thana box of books. I have swept up, spot-mopped supermarket floors butI write this because I can’t liftthe world and move it like they can.Mark WardWoman Bathingafter Rembrandt’s ‘A Woman Bathing in a Stream’How he devoured her, that old master…the quiver of uncovered skin, lily-white against the strokeof water upon her thighs. The inviting penumbra of a lifted shift, ripples inching upwards,red with the knowledge of refracted sighs.A woman stands in sea water, gooseflesh blooms over the mottled iris of her shivering skin.The striations of childbirth cascade, cracked as the umbo of a broken shell. Her swimsuit is too tight.My heart, overlook these earthbound blemishes and love me, as the water loved her.Anne Daly Shipping Forecast My car is wedged tight on the ringroad – morning gloom lit by red lights that stretchahead for miles. I think of youacross the sea breakfasting alone – probably porridge – sitting with a bookat the kitchen table, pelts of rain slapping the skylight, guttering down pipesinto the garden we used to play in.Maybe you’re already out on the river, oars cutting through the glassy surface – without the life jacket we bought youone Christmas years ago.Most nights I lie in darkness, listening to freight lorries pounding the wet tarmacof an English city I still can’t call homebecause how can it be home without you.It’s been nearly twenty years since I became a visitor to my attic bed,tucked up under a roof that playedlullabies of rainfall and rattled in storms.Across the sea, you hear the same broadcast.Lundy: northerly three, slight, fair and good. Malin: variable six, rough, rain and poor. There may not be rowing in the morning.Nicola Heaney Never ForgottenEarly in the pandemic the daughter walkedwith her small daughters on their daily visitsto Granny. They walked slowly. Every schoolwas shut and the unexpectedly hot days were long.The eldest, always first, would press her right handagainst the kitchen window and Granny would placeher left hand against it on the inside for what they calleda glass kiss. The middle girl would place either hand,followed by the lifted youngest, who alwaysgave Granny two glass kisses, and her bewildermentat why just this and no more tore at the heartsof the two Mothers. Then they were gone, again,so few short minutes so swiftly flown, andGranny left with the angry bee trapped inside,and desperate, the living world out of reachbeyond the glass, and fated to fade away within.Anthony WadeJust GoThere are days when it is best to go on a whimwhether by foot, bike, or car,a leafy lane, a climb up Keeper Hill,see spikes of purple loosestrife, fernswatching over streams.To city or town, no map, no plan,encounter a street seller, feast on stained glass, steeples,lichen headstone stories,herbaceous borders in a park,coffee on the pavement.The je ne sais quoiof a journey on a whim.Marie Studer London Undergroundafter ‘Baseball and Classicism’ by Tom ClarkSometimes I wonder why I spend so much timelooking at the tube map in between each journeysince I am not going to take a test on itand I already know where I am going.Sometimes I wonder how many things I would knowif my mind wasn’t cluttered with the exact hue of each linewhere they went and which zone they fall into If I’d be able to think clear enough to solve thingslike math equations and physics andcrises in the Middle East, world peaceor the correct date to send flowersto your doorstep.If I were to take a test,maybe for the first time in my life I’d get straight A’s.My school halls wrapped in ivy.My brow higher than Hampstead Station’s 300 stepsbut tests were not made for meand the flowers die on your doorstepevery time.Ella Sadie GuthrieValentine?She makes love on my bedroom floor, Valentine’s day 2016.?I try and swallow my loneliness high on the old mattress –??lying as still as a laid-out corpse, watching the shadowsmove along the ceiling. Long past midnight, last drinks bell?hollering across the pub, straight cut of light through thevenetians – the slick of cars in the rain make choir with??the kisses and groans from down below. The radio in the?next room plays soft, mournful music – as I wait for them to finish.?Stephanie PowellLove you.it's these hot summer days doublingin dublin sun.these hot daysand hot nightslike a cat in the bramble patchscreaming. all down the canalkids are drinking,20 and 30 year olds sharing cansand winebottleslike artists in the 20s, Paris,sprawled all up the Seine.my girlfriend calls and tells me things have gone bad in the office – she's panickingand could I come get a drink with her. then she tells meif she loses this jobshe'll have no visaand I'll have to marry herif I want to keep her around.I say I'll think about itand tell her 10 minutesand I'll meet her.then it's just "love you"and just hanging up.getting ready to meet herI put on a fresh shirtand look out the windowand think about it.DS Maolalai?FortressVolterra. This morning the name aroselike a scent. How long it had lain dormantin my mind. Electric earth, I’d called it. Rebound atmospherics. The year a boltin April rent the welkin in my heart. In those days, I was wrong about so much. Stopped in a piazza for paniniand espresso, you spoke, regressed to tenyears old, watching a movie on cable.Noble virgin, probably beautiful,falls in love with the stable-hand, so hermother walls her up alive in the keepat Volterra with a wild boar to mockher rebellion and a black dog to teachher submission. That day as we parked onthe spiral path to the old fortress town,you recognised the Porcellino tower. Her face, a perfect life-mask, regained itsvigour, descending to rest on your own.Bianca Maria di Malaspina –She had been immured at Fosdinovo,but in which century it is unclear.Their skeletons, mingled in a charnelpile, were found in nineteen-eighty. Was it the hound or the pig that got to her first?In those days, you were wrong about so much. ‘Volterra, I am sure of it, my love.This is where?I died.’Patrick Chapman ModenaAfter the harshness of cobbles, the diminterior is soothing on the eyes,cool, too, with the intimacyof a cave, walls almost dampto the touch. Such is imagination -that old couple strolling stifflyalong what shade the garden gave,content as a pair of swans.I rest between the smell of masonryand wax, and think of livingunder a sky that rarely changes,where rain comes and is gone, leavinga hint of citrus in the airand morning tells what day will become;where the language of good nature is easy,unhampered by chill or sudden downpour.Maybe I could learn to walkgracefully in arid air, shirtnot clinging to the small of the back.There is a style in having overcomewhich I know I'll never master,a knack in moving along streets wherelocal flags carry their centuries lightly.Exiting, all is shadow and glareas it must always beat the centre. This is the true light,the crayon-colour of a four year old,all green, gold, purple; the heartof the sun is in one of those layersburied in a box among the cast-offsof a long growing. Go homeand shiver, make your own sun.Ted McCarthyStill the SeaStill. still seastill preserving your omniscient touch the coral limbs the lucent timbre and blueness of the altitude more like an ashen cornflower than an Adriatic pool of six years between a repetition where every man and woman screamed I am burning I am burning and all the rage went deadRoisin Ní NeachtainElements Roisin Ní Neachtainellipseya knowit's all ok until it isn'tyou bob alonga rubber duckin the bathtub of the worldwaiting for something you can't controla captive in the ignoranceof silencewaiting for that happy endingto beginyou don't hear the wavesslapping the rocksyou don't even know the rocksare therethe tide carries youand you just breathein and outwaitinguntil you forget what it isyou’re waiting forand closing your eyessurrender to the homelessnessof what you thinkis the open seabut is onlythe polluted porcelainbound pondof rich men’s dreamsRC deWinterVigilNothing matters nowsave his eight pound slip of flesh warming behind perspex,every bloodshot palpationof his ruby heart fastened in its nook of mothwing,its tent of cotton-curtain skin.Every spark that lifts in the dark, every misfire of every synapse inside every soft, curling wire in his head,every womb-sluiced follicleon every inch of his tiny bodypinkening on the tube bedand every red beep of the insomniac machinethat jangles the hum in my bones,the hum of grief, the murmur-hum of love. Jeremy Haworth Coming Home?The sky, bright as your baby-blue eyes.Busy nurses fustle, utter the hospital'sblack and white tiled-effect policy, pass you over at the hospital door. ?The sweet milkiness, bundled newness of you,strapped into your bucket seat in the back.My neck in an owl-twist over my right shoulder,inspecting the rosiness of your cheeks, tweakingthe temperature dial, as your father drives with more than the usual dose of caution.?Framed by the windscreen, we glide round the bend. The MacGillycuddy Reeks, bathed in blue light, peak and dip like a screen-monitored heartbeat. ?The baby-fingered exquisite perfection of the moment, heart-swelling glory of it all.Faye BolandNot My Type(Kerry Babies case - 1984)?From Cahersiveen strand Baby drifts to limbo where ?ireann’s sin-stained bastards go.Eighty kilometres north pointy fingersslitty eyes spy trollop’s extramarital frolicsromping willingly with a wedded man.??‘She’s not the full Catholic shilling’?Bless the father’s it’s been that longsince the falsified confession.Garda explanation ‘heteropaternal superfecundation’Offer penance - Baby A twenty-eight stabsBaby O interred in plastic shroudFound by out-house, death indeterminate.God is gracious Baby JohnPedigree to eternal nonentity cast.Illegitimates and adulteresses spat out holy steam rubbed in wounds washed down by the constabularywith the blood of Christ.Róisín BuglerGhost Town I want to hear Paul Weller sing Going UndergroundThe Modern World, The Eton Rifles, along with The Specials’ Ghost Townand The Sex Pistols for pity sake,but it’s Saturday night in Omagh and the DJ will only playa few numbers from the ‘alternative music’ scene.The rest will be pop tunes and everyone will bestill doing disco dancing moves on checkered tiles.The queue for the loo, (commonly known in Tyrone as the bogs)will be lined with lipsticked girls wearing boob tubes andcarrying a bag they just danced around.They will look at me as if I landed fromthe far side of the moon with my Doc Martens on,sticking out like a sore thumb in the rural North of Ireland,in drainpipes and sugar starched spiky hair.God loved a trier, and my friend Trich and I did that.I wanted to say I’m with you all 100%,I’m shaking my fist at the establishment.I’m doing all I can in this market townto ripple a few waves at parochial powers,at government propaganda. Aine MacAodha Love Poetry Ana SpeharBungee JumpingShe looks at me curiously, and asks, are you in love with me?And I remember bungee jumping once, off a cerulean bridgestretched over a canyon ridge in West Coast Canada.The view was sublime – endless trees broken only by the skyline –and I knew there’d be so few times I’d drop from a bridge and survive.So, I straightened my back, held my head high, and aimed for the thin lineof the horizon, breathing deep, bended knees, diving forward fearlessly.I was never afraid of heights until that morning; the rope pulled me back, but I never forgot that feeling of falling.I was hanging to life by a thread,long, elastic, dangling over a careless canyon.It could end so stupidly – just a loose thread,just a fall from a tread on my shoelace.When scared, I often dip my head, hide my face, look down at my shoesinterlaced, see my toes itch over the edge of some unseen ravine,feel a slight bend in the back of my knees – my body reminding methat I know the feeling of falling.So I take the same stance, back straight, head high,and I look into her eyes as though they are the skyline.I take a deep breath, and I say, yes.Ceri SavageMy Lover, Irena DubrovnaYou kept yourself awake at night by purring, reflecting on your history of wickedness. Cats didn't like you,saw themselves mirrored in your amber eyes;birds glimpsed their certain death.You'd choke the ones that didn't dieof fright, stand beside their cages dressedin mourning clothes, your black coiffurelacquered. You had no choice.I loved you long before we kissed;you'd hang from my lip with your needle teeth, wrap yourselfin fur to walk the night streets.I'd stroke your coat on your return,wet with scent, seal sleek.You'd stalk imagined rivalsin their sleep, lap at their wounds with ferocious cunnilingus: they'd wake at dawn in ruined sheets, the remnants of a torn life.You told me scraps about your past:descendent of your master's pets,the corpse you limped away from with eight of your nine lives left. Paul McDonaldBlank WallOn the drowsing above-bed wall I caught themStealing out – like a rook or bishop mid-move – fir trees,Their long faces stooped on shrapnel chins, leapingAway from the headlights of a somnambulist car passing;Then quickly as if to cover up the slip, crouchAgainst any one of four edges untilBehind me, the streetlight flickers back onOffering to read my face – A neat black blot on blank wall.Rhea JohnsonThe Jolly-Wolly Wobbly ManThe drug dealer hopped on the bus.The gangster hopped on the bus.The vicious dope hopped on the bus.But he wasn’t a drug dealer.And he wasn’t a gangster.And he wasn’t a vicious dope either.I knew where he lived. I’d seenhim every so often for five years.Always keeping my head down as I passed so as not to establish eye contact in any way.It could be life-threatening. Because.He looked like a drug dealer.He looked like a gangster.He looked like a vicious dope too.He’s just bounced up the stairs of the 79 bus at 5.30 pm.It’s packed with people travelling home from work.He’s all jolly-wolly wobbly loud and cracking bullet jokes with people as he swaggers to a seat right at the back of upstairs. This is going to be trouble man.I hear everyone thinking the same.He’s going to upset apple-carts. Get on your nerves.Get the bus rowdy. But no way. Not at all.Because he’s not a drug dealer.And he’s not a gangster.And he’s not a vicious dope either.He’s funny and charming and it’s absolutely impossible not to like him. He has personality sprouting out of every thought in his head. People are beaming him blindupstairs on the bus.They’ll be no aggro. Only love. He’s sound. Really fucking sound. His conversation is a constant loud jolly wolly wobbly. I don’t miss a word of it, thank God,it’s that resonant and warm. I’ve misjudged him all these years. He got on the bus the next day as well at around the same time.And snake-charmed everyone a second time. It wasn’t a fluke.Even better than the first. Unbelievable. He sat down beside this woman from America and she was eating out of his heart like a pigeon. Everyone sang goodbye to him when he got off like he was Norm from the sitcom Cheers. The whole bus adoring him in very soft focus.I’m a bastard for getting him wrong all these years.Life is great. Life is simply great.Sometimes.Camillus John Thin LineThose who’ve left us aren’t absent, they’re invisible – Saint AugustineIf through a brisk, fantastical gesture I could gather you back out of the eternity beyond earth and air, nothing might seem late or past repair, all grief instantly cleared; if I could spend a day around you again – mother, your hand on my shoulder while I washed or cooked in slanty light criss-crossing between two windows;father, your shadow next my arm, pointing where the tidiest lop of a dead apple branch sits hidden; or you, friend, for once drunk only on the summer air,reciting ahead of me a poem at midnight, your voice blending with a blackbird’s sworn from a tree on Charlemont Street…But no, your gifts are still on offer here, any want beyond this not yours but my own, though everything I grow tangled up in or call good sensechafes against the thin line separating us – which will fray soon, frays even now, if the crooning chimney, the yellow-green willow rustling with finches, or my own body can be given credence. Patrick DeeleyThe StarI'm looking at the rising star,flickering in bewildered night,Shivering, trembling, hanging from the sky.She's calling, but I can only reach her with naked eye.Blink slowly, some day she will fall,My desires pulling after her.Burning sparks of longing and dreamsWill shine in the wake of detachment. Her light grows timid in the end,When fiery body shatters.And I will go out with her, For she will have been, after all, mine.Anamaria Julia Dragomir (translated from the Romanian below)SteauaPrivesc la steaua abia r?s?rit?Cum p?lp?ie-n noapte nedumerit?.Sclipind tremur?nd?, de cer ag??at?,M? cheam?, dar n-am s-o ajung niciodat?.Clipe?te ?ncet, c?ndva va c?dea,Dorin?ele mele tr?g?nd dup? ea.Sc?ntei arz?toare de doruri ?i viseLuci-vor pe urmele stelei desprinse.Sfioasa-i lumin?, c?nd se va curma,C?nd trupul de foc i se va sf?r?ma?i eu m? voi stinge odat? cu ea,C?ci ea va fi fost, dintre toate, a mea.Anamaria Julia DragomirBlazeHalf-heartedly, I let youread my palm:scrape of your finger naillike a trickle of bloodalong a desert hillside.Grind to a halt, between head and heart,stab your finger through.I open my eyes to moonlight,your naked leg over mine,watch the clouds slide by,see the stars blaze open.Billy FentonOn The Wing It was always in my nature to be supernatural.Like the time when I first flew and sang with you in a dream and wrote a poem and instantly knew that all poetry is non-fiction – that all conscious and unconscious thoughts are real.I say this with the elation that a lark might have singing high in the blue of a cerulean skyand my spirit flies and I feel as free of friction as a swift that eats and mates and even sleeps and dreams on the wingand only comes to rest to nest to bring about what (maybe) came first, once again amidst the mind-splitting, dumb refrainof the heady, headless chicken and egg conundrumthat doesn't really feature in the mostly non-down-to-earth nature of this poem.John D. KellyYou heard the one about the Mars Rover? Every year it sang itself Happy Birthdayand waved a little flag,slap bang middle of the red planet (the one they reckon we could live on one day). Out there, cold, in the inky Black Sea. The one peppered with glinting fish, pebbles we mistake for satellite dishes, Rover blew out it’s candles and danced a birthday slow dance, for age is not a construct to robots, no no. And when they were done with it, tinkered with a new one better than it, decided they’d had enough, they’d better scrap it, they turned it down, shut it off. Let it freeze on the red face of that earth. How cruel of us to think we’re better than a machinemanifested, birthed from our hands.One that helped draw our eyes in the middle of the lonely stars and the lonely skies. So, really what I’m trying to say when I discuss the sorry little sod today, is never let anyone think you owe them anything. Georgie BaileyThe Grey of Goibniú On my last legs now alas,since the disrespect began,expelling me from my rightful place,that place where, properly honoured,I would generously give of myself,enough to be shared equally among all, regardless of position, rich or poor. Then came the need for more and more, throwing everything out of balance, the notion that there is no limit,that I can somehow fill this vessel they have brought,this sieve; by day, by night and day againtrying to give what is expected trapped in a habit of providence.Between life and death now,my strength ebbing, my draining soul. Mary O’BrienNote: In ancient Ireland?the magical Grey Cow of Plenty was owned by Goibniú, the Smith-God of the Tuatha Dé Danann, one of the three?gods of craft. Galway Stonechat Sacha HutchinsonNotes on ContributorsGeorgie Bailey is a working-class Poet and Playwright from Bordon, Hampshire. He is a recent graduate of Bristol Old Vic Theatre School’s Dramatic Writing MA, and mentors new writers through creative writing projects. Georgie has had several poems and short stories published in anthologies and magazines such as Horizon Magazine and The Unexpected Spring. Faye Boland was highly commended for the Desmond O' Grady Prize 2019 and shortlisted in 2013 for the Poetry on the Lake XIII International Poetry Competition. She won the Robert Leslie Boland Prize 2018 and the Hanna Greally Award 2017. Her?first poetry collection?Peripheral?was published in September 2018. ?Róisín Bugler has had work published in Boyne Berries, Ropes, The Poetry Bus, Sonder Magazine and Quarryman. ?She coordinates ‘A Flow of Words’ literary show International on Scariff Bay Community Radio. ?She was the winner of Strokestown Percy French prize for Witty Verse and runner up in the Padraig Colum Gathering competition both, 2019.Patrick Chapman’s most recent poetry collection is?Open Season on the Moon?(Salmon Poetry, 2019). His non-fiction book,?David Cronenberg?(Sonicbond Publishing) is due in 2021. He co-founded and edits?The Pickled Body.Susan Connolly has published three poetry collections.?Bridge of the Ford?(Shearsman, 2016), a tribute to her hometown of Drogheda (droichead átha?/ bridge of the ford),?is?a collection of thirty-three visual poems. Her poems were published recently in Otoliths? in Experiment-O 13 (AngelHousePress, 2020)?? M. Crate's works have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies. She is the author of seven poetry chapbooks, the latest of which is:?the samurai?(Yellow Arrow Publishing, October 2020). She has also authored two micro-collections, and three full length poetry collections.Michael Cullen is a young poet living in North Dublin, currently teaching and acting while awaiting the commencement of a Master’s degree. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity College, having studied history. Michael has previously been published on Pendemic and is releasing more works throughout the year so keep a keen eye peeled for new material. twitter @mikeycD9.Anne Daly is an Irish writer who lives in Bettystown, Co. Meath. She is the short fiction editor of Crossways magazine. Her short fiction and poems have appeared in a number of online and print journals. Dolores De Bie lives in rural Sligo, Ireland. She is passionate about capturing natures invisibility to the naked eye through?the lens of a camera. Dolores posts actively on Instagram. Her photos can be found?@doldebiePatrick Deeley is from Loughrea.? His collections with Dedalus Press include Decoding Samara, The Bones of Creation, Groundswell: New and Selected Poems, and The End of the World.? He is the recipient of many awards for his writing, most recently the 2019 Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Award.RC deWinter’s poetry is anthologized, notably in?New York City Haiku?(NY Times/2017),?Coffin Bell Two?(Coffin Bell/2020)?in print:?2River, Adelaide, Event, Genre Urban Arts, Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, The Minnesota Review, Night Picnic Journal, Prairie Schooner, Southword, among many others and appears in numerous online publications.Anamaria Julia Dragomir came from Romania to find a home away from home here in Ireland. She has studied Philology, Literature and Philosophy. She started to write verse in a moment of overwhelming sensitivity and is hoping to touch the borders of literature.Billy Fenton writes poetry and short stories. His work has been published in the?Irish Times, Poetry Ireland Review,?Crannóg,?Honest Ulsterman,?Galway Review?and others. He was shortlisted for a Hennessy Award in 2018, and was chosen as a mentee for the Words Ireland National Mentoring Programme in 2019.Ella Sadie Guthrie is a journalist, poet and screenwriter. Alongside fellow poet Ruth Boon, she co-founded WRIOT, a poetry collective for womxn and non-binary poets that facilitates workshops and events, but mostly she spends her time walking along Brighton seafront and writing about the ocean.Jeremy Haworth is a Dublin-born poet. He won the Cuirt New Writing Prize 2019 and is working towards the publication of his first collection of poetry. A market gardener by day, he lives in rural Co. Laois with his wife and two young children.Nicola Heaney is a Northern Irish poet based in the South West of England and has had work published in The North, Poetry Birmingham, Honest Ulsterman and Crannóg amongst others and was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize in 2019 and 2020. She has just had a book of fairytales and legends for children co-authored with her father published by O Brien Press.Sacha Hutchinson is living in Galway, Ireland. She recently started writing poetry, attends a weekly poetry class and has read at the Over The Edge open reading. Her poetry appeared in Ropes 2018 and in the 2018 spring edition of Skylight 47 and the 2019 autumn edition of The Curlew. She was shortlisted for Poetry for Patients 2018 and 2019. She was longlisted for Over the Edge New Writer of the Year 2018 and shortlisted in 2019. She received a Bachelor of Arts in art and design in 2010. She has an interest in exploring the environmental message through illustration, paint and poetry. Sometimes her drawing will be combined with the written word.Camillus John?was bored and braised in Dublin. He has had work published in The Stinging Fly, RT? Ten, The Lonely Crowd and other such organs. He would also like to mention that Pats won the FAI cup in 2014 after 62 miserable years of not winning it.Rhea Johnson is a young poet from Mumbai, India. Her poems are inspired by the quotidian and fleeting rite of life. She is a student of Poetry at the California Institute of Arts.Janina Aza Karpinska won 1st?prize in The Cannon's Mouth Poetry Competition shortly after achieving an M.A. in Creative Writing & Personal Development, with Merit, at Sussex University. Her work has appeared in many publications. She makes writing a daily practice, and reading poetry, a regular treat.?John D. Kelly lives in Co. Fermanagh. He won the Listowel. Poetry Collection Award, 2020 and Desmond O’Grady International Poetry Competition, 2020. His manuscript was highly commended in the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award 2016. His first collection ?The Loss Of Yellowhammers was published by Summer Palace Press in 2020.Taidgh Lynch is a poet from Co. Kerry who lives in Saskatoon, Canada with his partner and their new baby. His poetry has appeared?in?Prairie Fire,?FreeFall,?ROPES,?The Poetry Bus,?Boyne?Berries, and elsewhere. His poetry chapbook,?First Lift Here, was?published with?Jack Pine Press,?September 2019.?DS Maolalai?has been nominated eight times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections,?Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden (Encircle Press, 2016) and Sad Havoc Among the Birds (Turas Press, 2019)Aine MacAodha published three volumes of poetry. Where the Three rivers Meet and Mus?ilt were recently published by Argotist online. Her poems have been translated into several languages. Her latest collection Landscape of Self was published by Lapwing Press, Belfast. Recently she was invited by the Irish embassy in Warsaw to use her poem ‘Distractions’ as part of their yearly festival."wiersze w mie?cie" - Poems in the City. McCarthy is a poet and translator living in Clones, Ireland. His work has appeared in magazines in Ireland, the UK, Germany, the USA, Canada and Australia. He has had two collections published, November Wedding, and Beverly Downs.His work can be found on?tedmccarthyspoetry.Paul McDonald taught at the University of Wolverhampton for twenty-five years, where he ran the Creative Writing Programme. He took early retirement in 2019 to write full time. He is the author of twenty books, which cover fiction, poetry, and scholarship. Maeve McKenna lives in Sligo, Ireland. Her writing has been placed in several international poetry competitions and published widely in print and online. Maeve is working towards her first collection of poetry.K. S. Moore’s poetry has recently appeared in The Stony Thursday book, New Welsh Review and Skylight 47. She placed 3rd in the Waterford Poetry Prize and has been shortlisted for Ink, Sweat and Tears 'Pick of the 'Month'. Samples of poetry and other thoughts can be found at?.?Roisin Ní Neachtain is an emerging Irish-Scottish poet and artist currently based in County Kildare, Ireland. Her artwork features in international private collections and she is currently working on her first collection of poetry.Mary O’Brien from Co. Wexford, Ireland, writes in both English and Irish. She has been a recipient of grants and bursaries from the Arts Department of Wexford Co. Council and has published six poetry collections. (). She was the winner of Duais Fhoras na Gaeilge 2017 at Listowel Writers’ Week and has been a reader for Duais de h?de at Strokestown Poetry Festival in 2019 and 2020. Her recent collection, Ré na n?ll, was published by Coiscéim, Dublin, in 2019. Stephanie Powell is a poet based in London. She grew up in Melbourne, Australia. Her poems have been published previously in literary journals, anthologies and online.Ceri Savage is a Brit-born writer with an BA in English Literature from the University of Exeter. She has been published in?The FU Review?as well as in the short story collection?A Flash of Silver-Green: Stories of The Nature of Cities. She is the founder of?Savage Edits, an editing business for indie authors.K.T. Slattery was born in Memphis and now lives in Ireland. Her writing has been published in Ropes Literary Journal, Nightingale and Sparrow, The Blue Nib, Impspired, The Wellington Street Review, Analogies and Allegories, and Streetcake. Most recently she received a special mention in the 2020 Desmond O’Grady Poetry Competition. Ana Spehar is from Croatia, living in Cork for last 4 years. Her work was published in A New Ulster, Boyne Berries, Solstice Sounds, Good Day News, and poetry anthologies A Journey Called Home and Cork Words. Her poetry is themed around love, and her love of Ireland, her endless inspirations.? Studer was a winner in the Trocáire Poetry Ireland Competition 2020, Holding it Together Apart 2020, Bangor Literary Halloween Ekphrastic Challenge 2019 and shortlisted in the North West Words Poetry Competition 2020. Her work has appeared in?The Stony Thursday Book,?The Waxed Lemon,?local anthologies?and online.Anthony Wade, Irish, an England-trained lawyer, lives now by the sea in East Cork, Ireland, an active Midleton Writers’ Group member with work featured or forthcoming in Ariel Chart, Boyne Berries, Causeway, Dreich, Lakeview Literary Journal, Scrittura, Setu Bilingual, Strands Lit Sphere and Tiny Seed. See Twitter at @anthonywadepoet.Mark Ward?is the author of the chapbooks,?Circumference?(Finishing Line Press, 2018) and?Carcass?(Seven Kitchens Press, 2020) and a full-length collection,?Nightlight?(Salmon Poetry, 2022). He was Highly Commended in the 2019 Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award and in 2020 he was shortlisted for the Cúirt New Writing Prize and selected for Poetry Ireland’s Introductions series. He has read his poetry on RT? Radio 1, Lyric FM and the Words Lightly Spoken podcast. He is the founding editor of?Impossible Archetype, an international journal of LGBTQ+ poetry, now in its fourth year.Glen Wilson is a poet from Portadown. He won the Seamus Heaney Award for New Writing?in 2017, the Jonathan Swift Creative Writing Award in 2018 and The Trim Poetry competition in 2019. His poetry collection?An Experience on the Tongue?is out now with Doire Press. Lynne Wycherley is a nature-loving poet living on a coastal farm in Devon. Her?Listening to Light, New & Selected Poems was published in 2014; her new collection?Brooksong & Shadows?is due in early summer from Shoestring Press. Twitter: @DrawnPressDrawn to the Light Press is edited, designed and produced by Orla Fay.Cover design Come Spring by Janina Aza Karpinska.The works included in this issue are copyright of the poets ?2021 and may not be reproduced or changed in any way without the permission of the individual author.Drawn to the Light Press is ?2021 of the editor. All rights reserved. ................

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