
left-52133500Unit 1: Feelings and Opinions/ Lesson 1Name:7th GradeMarch 22nd, 2020Objectives:Describe different feeling and emotions.Identify specific information in a recording.Introduce yourself.Feeling and OpinionsGo to . Choose 2 feelings you may have when you are:e.g. Happy: powerful - creativeBad:Angry:Happy:Fearful:Sad:Surprised:Disgusted:DiscussWhat words do you say when you meet someone? Circle your choices.Goodbye – how are you? – I don’t like you – hello – bye – my name is… -farewellWhat information do you mention when you introduce yourself? Circle your choices.parent?s name – dreams - age- birthday - name – likes and dislikes – fears -Lesson 1: This is me!(01) Listen to three people introducing themselves. Complete the table with the corresponding information. Look at the example 1.NameFavourite activityHow often does he/she do this activity?1 emotion or feeling she/he hasJamieHe likes to play with his dogThey play everydayhappyAmyAntonellaright000Book activity.Student?s book page 6 activity 3c) Activity book page 4 activities 1,2&plete the table when your own informationNameWhat is your favourite activityHow often do you do this activity?1 emotion (you)(1 friend)Transcription Track 1. Page 6. Jaime: Hello, I am Jaime, and this is Buster! He is my best friend. We play every day when I get home from school, and then at night I take him out for a walk. He really likes to walk around the neighbourhood and play with other dogs. Every time I get home, he hears when I take the keys out of my pocket to open the door, and he gets excited to see me, which makes me feel very happy! All of my friends say that he is very friendly, he’s the best.Amy: Hi there! I’m Amy. Do you like playing videogames? It is my favourite thing to do, and I do it every day after school after I finish my homework. Online videogames are my favourite, me and my friends like to play Fortnite. I feel bored when my friends are not online, but I understand because it is important to go out too. My friends want to play a different game this game, so I’m very excited! I hope that it is a fun videogame.Antonella: Hi! I am Antonella. I am 12 years old. I like to go swimming, it’s my favourite thing to do. I swim every Friday and Saturday. When I swim, I feel very happy, but then I feel tired because I like to swim for an hour. When I don’t swim, I feel sad, but then I remember that the weekend is not far away and then I get excited again!Links descarga:Libro del Estudiante: Libro de actividades: ................

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