Round 3


Round 3 – Vanilla Dome


1) One level in this game has the main character piloting a giant bee through an urban war zone while another has that character pedaling a lost king’s tricycle through an obstacle filled cavern while pursued by a tidal wave. Among this game’s minor characters include a cat that you must defeat in a game of dodgeball during a winter festival and a young man named Terran who is a descendant of the legendary Blockman. The game’s villains include the three members of the Beastector: Lunar, Taurus and Merco who each pilot a large robotic vehicle which join together Power Rangers style for an epic final battle. The game is entirely set on the Planet Clancer, where the protagonist’s creator Dr. Theo is kidnapped while performing research. Called Yuke Yuke Troublemakers in Japan, FTP, identify this side-scrolling N64 game developed by Enix that stars Intergalactic Cybot-G Marina. Shake, shake!

ANSWER: Mischief Makers (accept “Yuke Yuke Troublemakers” before mentioned)

2) On the title screen for this game, the player can press on different letters in the title to activate such effects as a bomb going off, a wiggly screen with distorted music, and having one of the letters fall to the bottom of the screen. After leaving the title screen, there is a short animation of two men performing sit-ups and in-game by using the rocket command, the player can eliminate everything on the screen. A minigame titled “Coffee Break” was included in this game which features a gloved hand attacking such enemies as winged bombs, tiny gnats and the giant Fly King. One of the more popular aspects of this game was a musical composer that featured swans as violin notes, hearts as bass, Game Boys for synth as well as pigs, dogs and babies to create different sounds. Bundled with the Super Nintendo Mouse, FTP, identify this art game that is named after Nintendo’s mascot.

ANSWER: Mario Paint

3) In one game, an Italian-American man named Furio posed as this character after poisoning a computer programmer named Glen. After the vanishing of Enigmar, this character adopts as a daughter a young girl named Trucy who has a pair of magic panties and like Mr. Garrison, a puppet named Mr. Hat. In his college years, this character studied art and was once tried for the murder of his girlfriend’s former lover, Douglas Swallow, but it was later revealed that the girlfriend herself was the criminal by this character’s now dear friend Mia Fey. When this character was nine-years-old, he was blamed for stealing the lunch money of his friend and current rival, Miles Edgeworth. Once referred to as ‘porcupine head’ by an opponent, FTP, name this spikey-haired poker player and Ace Attorney, the star of his namesake courtroom simulator by Capcom.

ANSWER: Phoenix Wright

4) The most recent incarnation of this series features a glitch in which if the player loses his last life at the same moment he defeats a boss, he will be given 99 lives instead of a game over. One game in this series features the prevention of Colonel Bahamut dominating the world by wolf-human cyborg, Brad Fang and a robot named Browny. In the third game in this series, there are two Mode 7 enabled overhead labels that take place in a ruined city and an alien-insect infested desert. The games’ villains include two alien overlords named Black Viper and Red Falcon who are hunted down and destroyed by the bad-ass Lance Bean and Bill Rizer. With the first game considered extremely difficult, even when using the 30 lives code, FTP, identify this testosterone pumped run-and-gun Konami series that employs the use of the iconic spread gun and once had its named changed to avoid associations with a US-Iran conflict.

ANSWER: Contra or Probotector

5) In one ending of the game this character appears in, he can be seen walking toward a statue located in a cathedral and in another, an old wedding video shows him to be an old relative of one of the other playable characters. This character studied sword-play under one of the Knights of the Square Table who is known for his powerful Nirvana Strike. He is first encountered when he helps the protagonists defeat a group of monstrous snake women called Naga-ettes to save Queen Nadia and in a later scene his uses his trademark weapon to cut a mountain in half. Although he shares his true name, true appearance and the X-Strike attack with Glenn of Chrono Cross fame, it has been confirmed that they are not the same character. Hailing from 600 A.D., FTP, identify this wielder of the legendary sword Masamune and amphibian member of the Chrono Trigger party.

ANSWER: Frog (prompt on Glenn before mentioned)

6) The screams made by defeated enemies in this game are digitized versions of sounds ripped from the movies Rambo: First Blood and Conan the Barbarian. Console ports of this arcade game usually included an extra Duel Mode in which players either fought each other or against preset enemies without healing items or magic. This game was notable for its use of “bizarrians” which were riding creatures such as the Chicken-Leg which attacked using its tail and the more powerful fire-breathing red and blue dragons. Characters in this game include the dwarf, Gilius who has lightning spells and the Amazon warrior, Tyris who utilizes deadly fire magic. Set in the fantasy realm of Yuria, FTP, identify this 1989 side scrolling hack-and-slash game produced by Sega named after a certain gilded weapon.

ANSWER: Golden Axe

7) A revamped version of this game subtitled The Hyperstone Heist appeared on the Sega Genesis but was much shorter and blended elements of this game’s levels together. Additions to the SNES version from the Arcade version of this game include the addition of the Rat King as a boss in the third level and a new fourth level where the players must throw henchmen toward the screen to hit an off-screen boss in a giant robotic tank. The Neon Night Riders stage deviates from the side-scrolling action of the other levels and instead features the characters on futuristic forward-scrolling skateboards in the year 2020. Other levels include a prehistoric themed level, the streets of New York City and a pirate ship themed level in which Tokka and Rahzar are fought in the Arcade version and Bebop and Rocksteady are fought on the SNES. FTP, identify this 1991 Konami beat-em-up game in which Raphael, Leonardo and the other two protagonists travel through the past, present and future.

ANSWER: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (prompt on partial answer)

8) In the unreleased prototype for the first game this character appeared in, he wears a tan trenchcoat and is pictured with a bloodhound. In a non-canon game on the Game Boy Color, this character was sent to eliminate a prototype weapon thought to be found on the luxury liner, the Starlight. In his most recent appearance, he has delivered the hilarious one-liners of “Where is everybody going? Bingo?” in response to villagers leaving after a church bell rings and “Your right hand comes off?” which is said to Ramon Salazar after a threat. In another game, he sneaks through a military quarantine during a police operation and meets up with fellow zombie-apocalypse survivor, Claire Redfield. A Raccoon City police officer, FTP, identify this character that had starring playable roles in both Resident Evil 2 and 4.

ANSWER: Leon Scott Kennedy (accept either underlined part)

9) One character created by this developer is a guardian angel with both male and female forms depending on its dominant attribute named Zohar while another character is a parasitic creature capable of inhabiting both animal and machine, Epsilon-Eagle. In addition to the games Silhouette Mirage and Alien Soldier, this developer was responsible for creating for Nintendo the Gamecube game, WarioWorld. Another game by this company is currently the most expensive game on the Wii’s Virtual Console and is a rail shooter that has Saki attempting to defeat creatures called ‘ruffians’, Sin and Punishment. One game made by this company for the Sega Genesis featured a star-puppet that used his detachable head to defeat enemies while another game was a unique shoot-em-up where players must alternate between black and white colored spaceships. Founded in 1992 by Masato Maegawa, FTP, identify this third-party developer known for creating Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Ikaruga.

ANSWER: Treasure

10) Enemies in this game include the Pluton Fly which in addition to being invincible can steal your weapons on contact forcing you to buy them back on the Black Market and Komayto, an enemy that looks almost identical to the Metroid, but instead attacks by ramming rather than attaching and draining energy. A little known sequel to this game was released on the Game Boy which added a hammer item used to break certain walls in addition to the previous game’s Pegasus Wings which allowed flight and the continuously firing Light Arrows. Each of these items is bestowed on the player by the goddess, Palutena. When the hero is defeated, a screen is displayed with the words “I’m Finished” and then is given the arduously long Sacred Words as a password to continue. Involving a quest to defeat the evil Medusa, FTP, identify this 1986 NES game that features the heroic adventures of Pit in Angel Land.

ANSWER: Kid Icarus

11) A man holding one of these objects in one game is associated with the phrase “Fuzzy Pickles” and in Donkey Kong 64 one of these objects is required to obtain the various banana fairies located around DK Island. Another of these objects is given to you by the clerk of a swamp boat ride center and can be used to net a Heart Piece by using it on the Deku King. In Dark Cloud 2, this item can be used to collect ideas for creating new inventions and in certain missions in Pilotwings 64, one of these is used while riding the hang-glider. In Bioshock, Jack can increase his strength and defenses against different Splicers by using this item to research his enemies and in Super Mario 64, it is revealed that Lakitus control these objects from the end of their fishing hooks and can be controlled using the C-buttons. FTP, identify this type of object used to defeat ghosts in the Fatal Frame series by sealing their souls in film.

ANSWER: cameras

12) A trading card featuring this character has the effect that when it is put into play, the rest of the player’s allies are exhausted until the next turn. In this character’s most recent inventory, he holds the Libram of Divine Judgement which can grant up to 200 attack power and a ring called Angelista’s Revenge. In one scenario, he and his companions, Spiffy and Forekin were subjected to their predicted 2/3 failure rate after stepping on dragonwhelp eggs in the Rookery of Blackrock Spire. When one of his fellow members of “Pals for Life” refers to this character as “stupid as hell”, he simply replies “At least I have chicken.” Created by Ben Schultz, FTP, identify this human paladin from the World of Warcraft that has become an internet phenomenon for saying “Alright chums, let’s do this!” before shouting his namesake battle cry.

ANSWER: Leeroy Jenkins

13) In response to the protagonist’s questioning of a character named Cynder’s behavior, this character claims that Cynder is ‘Evil, Monstrous, Big and Sexy’. This character has been playable in several minigames including a rail-shooter in A Hero’s Tale and a number of overhead maze-like games in Season of Ice. This character was born from a yellow egg the same time his best friend was hatched from a red egg and they first met when the said friend saved this character from a bird. This character serves as a living health bar for his companion starting as gold and then after subsequent hits turning blue to red and then vanishing. By destroying small creatures called fodder, this character is able to create and eat butterflies in order to regain the player’s health. Voiced in the past by Wayne Brady and David Spade, FTP, identify this comic-relief character, a dragonfly protector and companion of Spyro the Dragon.

ANSWER: Sparx the Dragonfly

14) This character is apparently fluent in the Monkey-style martial arts as well as Hapkido and in one game he has wielded a weapon called the Troll Hammer. In this character’s first appearance, he could be fought by winning 50 straight matches and borrowed his move set from another character. In Deadly Alliance, this character found the inert body of the cybernetic ninja, Smoke while searching the ruins of Shao Khan’s fortress and reprogrammed him in order to create an army of cyber-demons. When this character was first given an original moveset, he had the extremely cheap special attacks of a catatonic blast that made the opponent temporarily disabled and the ability of throwing a shadow duplicate of himself. The original Sub-Zero, FTP, identify this black-outfitted ninja from the Mortal Kombat series whose name is derived from creators’ Ed Boon and John Tobias names backwards.

ANSWER: Noob Saibot

15) [BC] While enemies in the second game can be stunned or killed by running into them with the buggy, in the first game they are defeated by using the namesake blaster. Aside from the changing of the main task between the first and second games in this series, the main character is assisted by Chip in the second game instead of Telly Vision and the enemies change from robotic spiders to Smoglings and Smogglobs. The spoon and the squirter carry over from the first game but the mug and toothbrush do not and are replaced with a host of vehicles, clippers, and a boom box. The boom box is filled with tunes, such as those learned from Kid Kombo, and are used to make flowers dance and sprout seeds. One of the side tasks in the first game is to help Mort win the love of Princess Pitts and to collect all of the hidden Frog Rings. With its main character initially bought by Mr. Sanderson for his daughter Jenny, FTP, identify this game series about the namesake 4-inch high robot who cleans the house and patrols parks.

ANSWER: Chibi-Robo

16) Some minor sites in this location include an automated shop that shoots at the player with a Gatling gun when they enter and a gym staffed by a bunch of squat-loving homosexuals. A major portion of this location contains a number of broken railroads and toppled and wrecked passenger cars; a haunted place known as the Train Graveyard. The working trains in this city spiral around the main support structure and are equipped with sensors designed to scan each passenger’s ID. It is said that each of this place’s eight main towns used to have individual names but now are merely referred to as numbered slums. Sector Five of this city houses a large church and is one of the only places where flowers are able to grow; the said garden being tended by Aeris Gainsborough. The sub-facto capital of Gaia, FTP, identify this dystopian city run by the Shin-ra company, the starting location in Final Fantasy VII that sounds similar to the land of men in Norse myth.

ANSWER: Midgar

17) A recurring joke involving this character involves him seeing a poster on the wall and saying “Circus? I love circus!” In the third game this character appears in, he manages to use a pepper mill, a fallen rope and some oil of flask in order to blow-up the Rollercoaster of Death. In another game, this character attempts to stop the Australian developer Ozzie Mandrill who wishes to transform the character into a well-to-do individual and confuses him with his bizarre slang. This character has competed and won a number of insult swordfights and in the first game used a spray of root beer to save his love interest, Elaine Marley from the evil ghost pirate LeChuck. With the ability to hold his breath for 10 minutes, FTP, identify this lanky blonde hero and protagonist of the Monkey Island series.

ANSWER: Guybrush Threepwood (accept either)

18) In one game, this character is unlocked after defeating 1000 enemies located throughout the game’s courses and rides on a Wheelie. In the minigame, “Quick Draw”, he is the fourth opponent after Chef Kawasaki and is defeated using a blue and white megaphone. He is also the commander of several monsters including the cannon-toting blimp Kaboola and the bomb throwing Poppy Brothers. This character’s fortress is located on his namesake mountain has a fully-equipped boxing area and rooms that resemble areas encountered earlier in the game such as Bubbly Clouds, the Float Islands and Green Greens. In the adventure mode of Smash Bros. Brawl, he places pins on dead characters to revive them after they have fallen and as a playable character, there is an 8% chance that this character will throw a spiked Gordo using his Forward-B attack. The ruler of Dreamland, FTP, identify this hammer-wielding blue penguin, the major villain of the Kirby series.

ANSWER: King Dedede

19) A Japanese spin-off of this series is Waku Waku Animal March!, which involves the mass collecting of animals which are able to be ridden and displayed in a circus. In 2005, a DS game in this series was subtitled “Cute” and allows the game to be played from the perspective of female characters such as the blonde Claire from the previous game “More Friends from Mineral Town”. Despite following essentially the same formula since this series’ inception in 1997, futuristic and fantasy versions of it have been released and are titled Innocent Life and Rune Factory, respectively. In the first game of this series, the protagonist receives a dog named Koro who helps to warn him if a fence needs to be repaired. A common goal found throughout this series is a minigame involving the changing the color of a heart located next to NPC portraits from black to red by giving gifts in order to find a wife. Developed by Natsume, FTP, identify this game series whose genre could best be described as a farming sim.

ANSWER: Harvest Moon

20) [CR] In one appearance, a character voiced by this man denigrates people who wash their cars in leotards and promotes an exercise program aimed at having “total disregard for your body.” That character claims to be responsible for more broken bones than anyone since people had legs while appearing on K-CHAT, and also sells the player Sunshine Autos in Vice City. In addition to voicing B.J. Smith, he inspired the team captain of the Nightmare in another game, which saw such episodes as sending prostitutes to the opposing team's hotel room, inspired by a practice this athlete claimed he championed, and the injury of your starting quarterback at the beginning of Blitz: The League, based on an injury he inflicted on Joe Theisman. FTP, identify this massive cocaine abuser who is more widely known for terrorizing quarterbacks as outside linebacker #56 for the New York Giants

ANSWER: Lawrence Taylor


1) Identify the following about a series of massively single-player role-playing games, FTPE.

[10] Featuring such titles as Morrowind and Oblivion, this series of games is known for its detailed character development system and the extremely large continent of Tamriel to explore.

ANSWER: The Elder Scrolls

[10] The Elder Scrolls was created by this development company named after its original home city in Maryland and is also currently developing the much anticipated Fallout 3.

ANSWER: Bethesda Softworks (do not accept Bethesda Software)

[10] In Oblivion, the game begins with the player’s character broken out of prison by this organization of assassins who then kill Emperor Uriel Septim VII and who have an ultimate goal in reviving the Mehrunes Dragon.

ANSWER: Mythic Dawn

2) Identify the following characters that provide Solid Snake advice via codec, FTPE.

[10] Not to be confused with an obnoxious anime convention, this architect of Metal Gear REX was saved by Snake from Grey Fox and has a bit of a crush on Sniper Wolf.

ANSWER: Hal “Otacon” Emmerich

[10] The inventor of the Codec itself, this woman of Chinese descent is notable for confusing the hell out of Snake with her excessive use of literary quotations and Chinese proverbs.

ANSWER: Mei Ling

[10] Okay, so maybe this person didn’t talk to Snake so much on the Codec, but she is the girlfriend of Raiden and is a spy for the Patriots as well as the character who manages Saved Game Data in MGS2.

ANSWER: Rosemary

3) It has gameplay that involves going after a Condor that has stolen the title character’s vegetables, FTPE.

[10] First, name this classic 1984 Nintendo vertical platformer game in which you play as an Eskimo-like person.

ANSWER: Ice Climber (do not accept Ice Climbers)

[10] All or nothing. Give the names of both the blue and pink Ice Climbers. If you want to guess, just say two different syllables twice in a row.

ANSWER: Popo (blue) and Nana (pink)

[10] In addition to fighting polar bears and clubbing baby seals, Popo and Nana must also deal with this spherical yeti-like creature known for pushing around ice blocks.


4) Identify the following games based on Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings series or more accurately – based on Peter Jackson’s film adaptations of said books, FTPE.

[10] The first game by EA to be released after the trilogy appeared in theatres, this 2004 RTS game allows you to command the armies of Isengard, Rohan, Gondor and Mordor. The 2006 sequel to this game added the Elven, Dwarven and Goblin factions.

ANSWER: Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth

[10] This MMORPG based on the land of Middle Earth was developed by Turbine Inc. and allows you to take the role of such classes as the Burglar and Loremaster and has a name that alludes to the home town of the witch-king. An expansion entitled The Mines of Moria will be released this fall.

ANSWER: The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

[10] Referring to the time period in which the events of The Lord of the Rings take place, this RPG follows Berethor in his quest to search for Boromir and ultimately end up aiding Eowyn defeat that darned Witch-King.

ANSWER: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

5) Because we’ve all heard them over 9000 times before, let’s hope you can identify the following video game related internet memes, FTPE:

[10] This command is usually used on forums as a way to give completely useless advice. However, following the order to perform this highly useful aerial maneuver would make Peppy Hare proud.

ANSWER: “Do a barrel roll!”

[10] The ‘I herd u leik…’ this water-type starting Pokemon of the 3rd generation games apparently originated when an autistic teenager at a party admitted that he would indeed bang one of these adorable Pocket Monsters.

ANSWER: Mudkips

[10] Move zig! Probably the first major video-game internet meme, “All your base are belong to us” was originally spoken by this evil space overlord.


6) Since trilogies are all the rage these days, identify the following about a proposed game trilogy, FTPE.

[10] First, name this Bioware developed action RPG game soon to be a trilogy that is named after the title physical phenomenon that is related to dark energy and was controversial due to some lesbian aliens totally making out.

ANSWER: Mass Effect

[10] Though the protagonist’s backstory, gender, appearance and first name are chosen by the player, the protagonist still retains this surname.

ANSWER: Shepard

[10] The major villain of Mass Effect is this Spectre and member of the Turian race. In the game he uses a mysterious artifact called the Sovereign to control the biomechanical Geth and attempts to unleash Reapers in order to enslave all organic beings of the galaxy.

ANSWER: Saren Arterius

7) Pew! Pew! Pew! Identify the following games the employ the use of a light gun FTPE.

[10] One of Jeremy’s personal favorites, this 1995 game from Mesa Logic involves members of the organization STAAR preventing an alien infestation in the title location.

ANSWER: Area 51

[10] One of the first major shooter games to have an actual plot, this 1987 Taito game features a rotating machine gun fixed to the arcade cabinet and has you attempting to rescue 5 hostages from a concentration camp deep in the jungle.

ANSWER: Operation Wolf

[10] This non-violent and kid friendly light gun game has the player performing a bunch of crazy tasks as popping balloons, knocking down cardboard targets and protecting the games’ mascots Dr. Don and Dr. Dan.

ANSWER: Point Blank

8) Identify the following lesser known games and franchises from Sega, FTPE.

[10] The light gun rail shooter has players entering and exploring the titular building while blasting zombies into oblivion. A “Typing” version of it in which you must quickly input the correct words was released in 2000.

ANSWER: The House of the Dead

[10] Sega was the publisher for the Empire and second Medieval versions of this RTS series that focuses on controlling armies of extremely massive sizes. Other titles in this series include Rome and Shogun.

ANSWER: Total War

[10] This game series stars the two titular aliens from the planet Funkotron who crash land on Earth after their spaceship crashes into an asteroid. In the two player mode, high-fiving is a special ability that will equalize each player’s health.

ANSWER: Toejam and Earl

9) Identify the following things from world mythology or folklore that have made their way in to various video games FTPE. If you need a clue pertaining to the actual myth, you will only receive 5 points.

[10] In Final Fantasy VI, it is an Esper in the form of a giant sword that transforms enemies into items while in Golden Sun it is a Venus Psynergy learned at level 13 that similarly hits the enemy with a giant sword.

[5] You might know it better as an event preceded by Fimbulwinter and the death place of gods like Thor and Loki in Norse mythology.

ANSWER: Ragnarok

[10] The mostly useless Gold and Silver generation Pokemon, Dunsparce is based off of one of these creatures that can also be caught in a mousetrap in Metal Gear Solid 3 where keeping it gives Snake the Infinity Facepaint, an item that bestows infinite ammo.

[5] A short, stumpy snake-like reptile found commonly in Japanese folklore, this creature is said to enjoy alcohol and is said to speak human languages, but has a penchant for lying.

ANSWER: tsuchinoko

[10] It names an old woman in Quest 64 who gladly teleports you to the Isle of Skye to fight Nepty – but it also names the faithful steed of Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.

[5] In Celtic mythology, this goddess was often symbolized with the cornucopia for her association with fertility and is the patron deity of mules and horses.


10) Identify the following prizefighters from Nintendo’s classic Punch-Out series, FTPE:

[10] The star of Punch-Out, this young and upcoming boxing star is often seen running in a pink jumpsuit after his bicycle riding coach, Doc Louis.

ANSWER: Little Mac

[10] This Spanish fighter will taunt Little Mac to go ahead and punch him to which he will counter with a namesake life-bar shattering uppercut. His theme music is the “Theme of the Toreadors” from Carmen.

ANSWER: Don Flamenco

[10] This character is the replacement of Mike Tyson in any re-release of Punch-Out after which Tyson’s contract with Nintendo had ended. He essentially is a palette swap of Tyson himself with a new face, but still retains his moves from the original game.

ANSWER: Mr. Dream

11) Identify the following X-rated video games from the Atari 2600 days, FTPE…you perv.

[10] You play as a naked erection-sporting man as you attempt to cross a desert and avoid flying arrows in order to rape a bound Indian woman tied to cactus. Score!

ANSWER: Custer’s Revenge or Westward Ho or The White Man Came

[10] In this bizarre game, you control two naked women on the street whose object is to catch some sort of liquid dropped from the building above by a large-penised man Every 69 points nets the player an extra life. Hilarious.

ANSWER: Beat ‘Em and Eat ‘Em

[10] Both Custer’s Revenge and Beat ‘Em and Eat ‘Em were created by this company who billed its sexual games as Swedish Erotica. They went out of business during the video game crash of 1983.

ANSWER: Mystique

12) As a quick spoiler to all 14 games in this series – Germany and Japan lose. Identify the following about a WWII FPS, FTPE.

[10] First released on the PSX in 1999, this game from EA launched a series of the same name that featured such fictional World War 2 heroes as Manon Batiste, William Holt, and Joseph Griffin.

ANSWER: Medal of Honor

[10] This protagonist of the original Metal of Honor game and later Metal of Honor: Frontline excelled in all his advanced physics, math and literature classes at the University of Michigan but hilariously only got a C- in German.

ANSWER: James “Jimmy” Steven Patterson

[10] The fifth game in the series and first to switch over to the Pacific Front was this installment in which Joseph Griffin fights against the Japanese troops and attempts to rescue his brother Donnie who is a POW in the Phillipines.

ANSWER: Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

13) [SH] Capcom sure has battled against a number of different franchises. Name some of them FTPE.

[10] In this fighter, players have the option of interweaving Hadoken fireballs with web shots or buster shots with adamantium claws among many others.

ANSWER: Marvel vs. Capcom

[10] The idea for this game was supposedly construed after a 1998 issue of Arcadia magazine read “King of Fighters vs. Street Fighter” on its cover. Other games made by Capcom’s opponents in this game include Samurai Showdown and Art of Fighting.

ANSWER: SNK vs. Capcom

[10] Slated for release in December 2008, this game combines the characters and styles from Street Fighter IV with characters from the titular anime company such as Yatterman, The Raven and Hurricane Polymar.

ANSWER: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes

14) Because all kids like collecting hundreds of deformed animals, try to catch all of these games that rip-off the concept of Pokemon, FTPE.

[10] A ripoff draws near! Allowing each player to control up to three monsters such as Dracky and Slime at once, this game is a spin-off of an extremely popular role-playing game series from Enix.

ANSWER: Dragon Warrior Monsters (or Dragon Quest Monsters)

[10] The first game by Disney not to be based off of their other franchises, this game follows the young Planetary Patrol officer, Rallen as he collects the titular creatures that can harness light energy to do battle with their enemies, the Krawl.

ANSWER: Spectrobes

[10] This game by Konami was released on the PSX and then later the Game Boy Color and has a plot that features Koh hatching and training ‘familiars’ as he comes of age and ascends the giant and originally named Monster Tower.

ANSWER: Azure Dreams

15) AUDIO BONUS! Sometimes you just want to relax – well, video game music might be your remedy. Identify the following series from relaxing tunes, FTPE. You will hear each clip once after which you will have 5 seconds to answer.

[10] [Play the file named “RelaxBonus1.wav” in the Audio Bonus folder once.]

ANSWER: Pilotwings (Birdman from Pilotwings 64)

[10] [Play the file named “RelaxBonus2.wav” in the Audio Bonus folder once.]

ANSWER: Donkey Kong Country (‘Stickerbrush Symphony’ from Donkey Kong Country 2)

[10] [Play the file named “RelaxBonus3.wav” in the Audio Bonus folder once.]

ANSWER: Final Fantasy (‘Awakening’ from Final Fantasy VI)

16) Released in September 2008, this game allows you to say nuts to natural selection and make any sort of ridiculous creature you could imagine, FTPE.

[10] First, name this god-game that includes Cell, Creature, Tribal, Civilization and Space stages.


[10] Spore was created by this subdivision of Electronic Arts that is also known for The Sims and a wide variety of simulation games from cities to ants.

ANSWER: Maxis Software

[10] Upon reaching the Space Phase of the game, the player will eventually obtain the ability to use this ultimate development in terraforming tools. It instantly makes a planet habitable though it only has a limit of 42 uses.

ANSWER: Staff of Life

17) Identify the following related to the Devil May Cry series, FTPE.

[10] The protagonist of the first three Devil May Cry games, this character is the son of a powerful demon and has an identical twin brother named Vergil who acts as his main antagonist.


[10] This weapon that originally belonged to Dante’s father is the game’s default sword, but after defeating Vergil it transforms into its true form, the destructive blade Sparda.

ANSWER: Force Edge

[10] Bearing a strange resemblance to Eva, Dante’s mother, this woman was created by the evil demon, Mundus to lure Dante into opening a gate to the demon world on Mallet Island.


18) Identify the following boss enemies from the classic side-scrolling Metroid games, FTPE.

[10] The final boss of both Metroid and Super Metroid, this massive brain in a jar waits for Samus Aran in her lair in Tourian on Planet Zebes

ANSWER: Mother Brain

[10] This bright orange, eight-eyed reptilian beast was encountered in Norfair in Super Metroid. He was defeated by pushing him backwards into a pool of acid; after which his skeleton gives one final attack.

ANSWER: Crocomire

[10] The towering lord of Brinstar, this green reptilian creature has three bony growths protruding from its stomach which can be fired at Samus. He made a cameo appearance in the background of the Brinstar Depths stage in Smash Bros. Melee.


19) Back in the 90s, products found it useful to sell video games in order to promote their products. Name some of these games, FTPE.

[10] Developed by Virgin Interactive, this game stars the title red dot that shoots bubbles of 7-Up soda as he adventures to free his friends from cages at the end of each stage.

ANSWER: Cool Spot

[10] A remake of the Japanese game Masked Ninja Hanamaru, this game featured the title long-eared, red-costumed character battling his rival Mr. Green in New York City. The best thing about this game was that the instruction manual included a $1 coupon for Domino’s Pizza.

ANSWER: Yo! Noid

[10] In two games for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo, Too Cool to Fool and Wild, Wild Quest this mascot must collect paw-shaped versions and entire bags of the orange snack he endorses.

ANSWER: Chester Cheetah

20) Identify the following about a turn-based-strategy game developed by Nintendo, FTPE.

[10] This series was first released in America in 2001 and features 10 year olds going off to war and building tanks because war is fun! This series has produced such sequels as Black Hole Rising and Days of Ruin.

ANSWER: Advance Wars

[10] In the original game, this faction of the Wars World is the first army encountered by the Orange Star faction. A notable CO from this group is Olaf who has the ability to create a blizzard to slow down enemy troops.

ANSWER: Blue Moon

[10] This long range expert and CO for Blue Moon has the powerful ability of Snipe Attack which allows all units to gain +65% ranged attack power and +2 to the distance of ranged attacks



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