
James KimbroughMs. Erin Schubach8th Grade Research22 November 2014Lynyrd SkynyrdWhen music lovers think of rock and roll, Elvis and the Beatles may come to mind, but Lynyrd Skynyrd is definitely the most symbolic rock band of the seventies to now. “Saying Southern Rock Is Like Saying Rock Rock”-Greg Allman. (Elmore) If you do not know what “southern rock” is or are not a fan, then I will explain. Southern rock is a made up category for rockers who came from the south. Rock was started in the southern states long ago and then it spread throughout the country. Then we had the “British Takeover” of The Beatles, who spread the rock and roll art throughout the world. Ronnie Van Zant in particular hated the name the press came up with. “Lynyrd Skynyrd is not southern rock; [the press] came up with that tag. We are from the south, and we rock.” said Ronnie Van Zant. (Elmore)Skynyrd has a very interesting beginning. The members met at a little league baseball game. (Elmore) Bob Burns and Gary Rossington attended the same high school as Ronnie but did not know him very well. One day at a Robert E. Lee High School game Young Ronnie Van Zant steps up to the plate, getting ready to hit it over the fence. The ball toward him and Ronnie hits a foul ball right into the side of Bob Burns’ head, knocking him unconscious. Ronnie was very upset thinking he had hurt Burns, but he eventually came to, and the three boys became friends. The friends found out about Ronnie’s singing voice just a few months later, and this started My Backyard. The band had several names after My Backyard, like The Noble Five, Conqueror Worm, Sons of Satan, the Wildcats and finally The One Percent. The band went by The One Percent for several years until 1970. When Playing at a bar called Forest Inn, Ronnie says “We are Leonard Skinner and we are gonna play for y’all tonight.” Which was the start of Lynyrd Skynyrd. They changed the letters around to “Protect the Guilty”, claims Gary Rossington. Leonard Skinner was a Robert E. Lee High School P.E. teacher, bar owner, and realtor from Jacksonville, Florida. Skinner suspended the boys several times for their long hair. People have always talked about how Skinner was mean, and was inappropriate to the boys. (Stimeling)Lynyrd Skynyrd started very poor and never had money to buy anything extra. When the band moved to Atlanta and played local gigs for weeks, record labels started taking notice. The band recorded Free Bird in the Muscle Shoals Sessions, which was the real start of the career. The band gained many fans and was inspired by Free Bird to make their second album, “Second Helping”. The “Long Haired Rebels” were in their beginning years and already had millions of fans. Skynyrd went through many troubling times and eventually, like most rockers of the seventies, got into drugs. Ronnie Van Zant, the lead singer wrote “That Smell”. This talks about drug usage, of the band members, and how it affected them. The band gave up on the drugs and turned to alcohol. Ronnie was once arrested for being drunk and throwing a table out of a two story window.(Walker) All of the band members got into fights with each other, but Ronnie was the best “drunk fighter”, Says Steve Gaines, and would always win. When Skynyrd had a fight after a performance they would wake up not remembering it but would have cuts and bruises on them, all except Ronnie. The boys loved Ronnie and loved each other like they were brothers, so the scars were usually forgotten. Ronnie eventually gave up drinking and fighting after his daughter melody was born. That was when the band started to calm down. The songs got slower and the members got older. Then came the breakup. The band had their ups and downs, mostly ups but every band has their “downs”. For Lynyrd Skynyrd it was the plane crash. It was a Convair CV-300 that was converted into a plane for the legends of Lynyrd Skynyrd. None of the boys wanted to get onto the plane because it had some problems. The crew was also untrustworthy because “Aerosmith’s assistant chief of flight told stories of seeing pilots trading a bottle of Jack Daniel’s back and forth while he was inspecting the plane.” Ronnie did not want to spend the money to get a new plane, so the members had agreed they would get a better plane after this last flight. The Plane had four couches, a kitchen area, and some plane seats in the back. All the bands instruments were stored in the back as the plane also. The plane had a smooth ride until the left engine started to shoot flames out of the back. The members brought it up to the captain who thought nothing about it and told the boys to get into the plane seats and buckle up. Most of them kept playing poker and talking while Billy Powell straps himself in. This part of the story is controversial and there are two stories to what happens when the plane starts to lose altitude. Gene Odom has the most believed story of what goes on because Artimus Pyle makes the story sound like he pulled Billy Powell out of the wreckage and saved him and made himself the hero of the crash. Powell said that it was true Artimus, Odom, and he walked several miles to a farmer’s house down the road and was greeted with a gun until he explained what had happened. The boys were sent to the hospital, and first responders started to come to the crash site. They found the leader of the band, and lead singer sitting against a tree outside of the plane. He had suffered a head trauma that had killed him. All of the instruments from the back of the plane had fallen to the nose and both of the pilots were killed immediately. This was very tragic. Artimus and Odom were in the hospital for a while but Billy Powell was standing and telling the whole story to the reporters. On all of the reports there was Billy Powell with a large stitched up cut from his forehead to his chin. Odom was in very bad shape, he was in a coma for several days. It was said that Billy would be beside Odom’s hospital bed saying “We need more vocals Gene”, because he was the sound tech. Odom woke up from his coma and was greeted with all of the Skynyrd fans that thought of these people as their family. (The Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash by Survivor Gene Odom)The boys took a break for a couple of months but got back together with The Charlie Daniels Band, and played Free Bird, which did not sound as good as it did before the crash because everyone was still recovering from their injuries. The crowd cheered as loud as they ever have, but they were still grieving Ronnie’s death. On the stage they had the microphone sitting there with a spotlight on it in remembrance of Ronnie’s death. The band went on to still be together but never made any more songs after 'L?h-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd album. The band members were not in good shape, and never got better. There were many problems with the band but they all came out on top because they were the most popular band of the 60s and 70s. (Life of Lynyrd Skynyrd)The Charlie Daniels Band wrote a poem about Ronnie Van Zant. “A brief candle; both ends burning An endless mile; a bus wheel turning A friend to share the lonesome times A handshake and a sip of wine So say it loud and let it ring We are all a part of everything The future, preset and the past Fly on proud bird You're free at last.” This is a poem that is on a bench right beside Ronnie Van Zant’s grave. There are many poems written for Ronnie, but there were also many written for the Rossingtons. Cassie was the background singer, and Gary Rossington was the lead guitarist. These three are some of the most known people of the band. (Life of Lynyrd Skynyrd) Gene Odom later talks about all of the things he goes through with all of his “Brothers,” in an interview about his whole life. He talks about the tough first years of the band and all of the fishing they did at the “Hell house” or the “Doghouse” as some others would call it. Gene still talked about Ronnie’s record breaking bass and his old pickup truck. Ronnie’s personal life was very interesting. Ronnie had two other brothers named Johnny, and Donnie. Ronnie was the oldest of the brothers, and started both brothers into rock. Donny played in the original band 38. Special and was the leader of the band until his doctor said he could no longer tour with the band and had to retire due to inner ear nerve damage. The band 38. Special still plays and Donnie has toured with Johnny from time to time. Johnny is the current lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd. When the band needed a singer they did not have to look far. Johnny did not necessarily want to be a singer for his brother’s band but wanted to keep his brother’s legacy. Johnny was a great singer just like his brother. Johnny sang all of the classic Lynyrd Skynyrd songs and has written many more. The band was happy to welcome the legend’s brother, because Ronnie had done everything for his band. Ronnie loved to shoot guns and to fish. When the band was not touring, which was very rare, Ronnie would hunt with his parents, and brothers. The boys of Lynyrd Skynyrd loved to write songs while they fished. In a video with Ronnie talking about his inspirations, he talks about himself about a year before sitting out on the same dock that is still there today. He says that he sat out on the dock fishing while he could hear Gary “rocking out,” while he was writing the words for Free Bird. He says ducks were sitting beside him on a perfect June day. There was a crow flying above him and he immediately thought of himself looking over the whole world like the crow did (Life of Lynyrd Skynyrd).The Van Zant parents were much known to the fans of Lynyrd Skynyrd. Mama and Papa V were their names and Papa V was almost always present at the concerts. Ronnie’s father’s name was actually Lacy Van Zant. Lacy was the father of rock for many people. The band members had drug problems and alcohol problems. Gary Rossington is the only original member of Lynyrd Skynyrd. In the plane crash of 1977 Gary ended up breaking both arms, both legs, both wrists, both ankles and his pelvis. Gary was addicted to pain pills due to his hospitalization. He stayed on his medication for a while. This is not the only time the band had drugs. Rossington was involved in an auto crash on Labor Day weekend in his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. Allen Collins was involved in car crash on the same day as Rossington. Both were heavily influenced by alcohol and drugs. Allen Collins was paralyzed from the waist down, because of this accident. Allen Collins would always give a speech to the crowds and would talk to them about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. Because of his accident Allen started the “Roll for Rock” program that is for the handicapped to have a race and all the proceeds went to various paralysis study societies and hospitals. He talked about the dangers of driving under the influence and was not afraid to tell everyone about the accident that cost him his ability to walk. Allen Collins died on January 23, 1990. He was 37. He died from a chronic pneumonia as a result of his paralysis. Gary Rossington immediately gave up his drug use and joined the band again. The other members did not like what Gary had done, but welcomed him back.The song “That smell” was written for the two that had crashed cars because of drugs and alcohol. The song’s lyrics say "Whiskey bottles and brand new cars, oak tree you're in my way. There's too much coke and too much smoke." This is written for Gary and Allen. “That Smell” was a song that immediately gained fame. The fans loved that Gary Rossington quickly recovered from his bad habits, and became a sole band member again. Billy Powell was the keyboard and piano player of the band and plays the piano riff in “Free Bird”. Billy Powell was a sole member of the band. Billy Powell was born in 1952 in the town of Corpus Christi, Texas. Billy moved to Skynyrd’s home of Jacksonville, Florida, after his father died. Powell took many piano lessons and was a natural. He is said to have been working for the band before his piano skills were discovered. They immediately asked him to join the band just in time for the 1973 debut album. Powell died during a break from the busy touring schedule of Lynyrd Skynyrd. He died on Jan 28, 2009, at the age of 56. He died in his home in Orange Park, Florida. Billy Powell’s large spot in the band was filled by Peter Keys, who is currently playing for the band. (Life of Lynyrd Skynyrd)Artimus Pyle is the drummer, and last remaining original member of Lynyrd Skynyrd. Artimus Pyle tells his story of the plane crash of Lynyrd Skynyrd in an interview in 2000. Artimus says that before the plane’s engines started to spit fire the boys were all sitting in the living room area. He says that Ronnie was lying on the floor with a pillow under his head sleeping, feeling sick from the party the night before. Artimus says that when the plane went down the copilot came in and warned the boys, and Artimus rushes Ronny to the plane seats and straps him in. Many people do not believe Artimus’s story of the plane crash because he cannot recall every detail like Gene Odom can. Artimus is still in the band, but many people claim he is lying and do not respect him for that. Some people do believe Artimus is telling the truth, but no one will ever know the truth of the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash. There is a video of the band right before the plane crash, but that is the last thing the millions of fans of Lynyrd Skynyrd would ever see of the boys, All but Pyle, Powell, Wilkeson, Rossington, Collins, Hawkins, and members of the Lynyrd Skynyrd road crew. Artimus Pyle was known as the hero because he walked almost three miles to a nearby farmhouse to get help, with four ribs poking through his chest. Even Gene Odom says that Artimus walked that far with his injuries. At the farmhouse the boys were greeted with a shotgun, and questioned. The farmer knew who they were and immediately got help. (Exclusive: Jamarcus interviews former Skynyrd Drummer Artimus Pyle)When the ambulances got to the scene they had a hard time getting to the plane. There was a very small creek from the highway to the plane crash site. Many of the medics had to walk to the dead members. When they got there, it is said there were prescription drugs and alcohol all over the ground. There was also many instruments laying on the ground from the back of the plane. The fans were devastated that Lynyrd Skynyrd was done, because of a mistake made by the band members and the pilots of the plane.( The Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash by Survivor Gene Odom)The Convair aircraft was a chartered plane from L&J Leasing Company of Addison, Texas. The plane was going to be retired the next day at Louisiana, because Ronnie Van Zant wanted to get one more flight out of the very expensive chartered plane. The plane was reviewed by Aerosmith, but according to Aerosmith, “Neither the crew nor the plane was prepared for flight”. Lynyrd Skynyrd today is still very successful. Many people love the classic music that Johnny’s brother the great Ronnie Van Zant has given the world. Some people say they do not like classic rock, but it is a huge part of American history. Rock is starting to become less popular but Lynyrd Skynyrd will always be remembered. The boys of Lynyrd Skynyrd were wild people of the seventies that were into drugs and alcohol but they recovered from their mistakes. Not all of the Skynyrd members got to live a full life and experience everything but as rockers they experienced a lot during their few short years. All of these relationships started because of a baseball pinning someone in the head. Ronnie and the boys made the most of their lives, and even though they were not very big in the beginning, they were very well known during the climax of the Skynyrd days. (J.D., Considine) Works Cited"Custom Cowboy Hats, Texas Hatters, Western Style Hat Maker." Custom Cowboy Hats, Texas Hatters, Western Style Hat Maker. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2014.Elmore, Bartow J. "Growing Roots In Rocky Soil." Southern Cultures 16.3 (2010): 102 128. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Aug. 2014.“Exclusive: Jamarcus interviews former Skynyrd Drummer Artimus Pyle”Youtube. Youtube, October 13, 2010. Web. September 9, 2014J.D., Considine. "Lynyrd Skynyrd." Britannica Online (n.d.): Britannica Online. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.“Life of Lynyrd Skynyrd” YouTube. YouTube, Nov 27, 2012. Web. September 7, 2014.Skynyrd, Lynyrd. "Skynyrd Startin' Out." History Page. Lynyrd Skynyrd, 2014. Web. 02 Sept. 2014.Stimeling, Travis D. "“Stay Out The Way Of The Southern Thing”: The Drive-By Truckers' Southern Gothic Soundscape." Popular Music & Society 36.1 (2013): 19. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 26 Aug. 2014. “The Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash by Survivor Gene Odom” Youtube. Youtube, Apr 30, 2009. Web. September 8, 2014.Walker, Ida. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Broomall: Mason Crest, 2008. Print.Zant, Johnny. " The Van Zants ~ My Kind Of Country." The Van Zants ~ My Kind Of Country. N.p., 2012. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. ................

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