Español II

Español III

Sr. Arroz

Mi país: ______________________

Throughout the semester you will be assigned small research projects on a country where Spanish is a primary language. Your first assignment is to choose a country, draw a map, and do a presentation about it. Your last assignment will be to take a virtual trip to this country. The assignments between now and your last one will get you ready to take that trip.

So, your assignment is to create a map and presentation about your country. Your map can be hand-drawn or it can be made on a computer. However, you must make it: you cannot just copy and paste it. Your presentation can be made on Google Docs, Microsoft Powerpoint, or other similar software. If you would like to do a different form of presentation, I encourage your creativity. However, please discuss it with me so we can figure out how to grade it.

Not everyone will present this project to class, but everyone will present one of our projects to class.

Part A

On your map, be sure to include

• Three (3) major cities

• Five (5) geographical characteristics (mountains, rivers, big lakes, etc.)

• Five (5) major transportation routes (airports, highways, ports, railroads, bus routes, etc.)

• All boundaries (including bodies of water and other countries)

Your map should:

• Use color meaningfully to show different aspects of your country (i.e., blue for water, brown mountains, green for parks)

• Use at least 3 Spanish words to describe things in your country (i.e., mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.). You may want to use these words in your Key.

• Be labeled in Spanish: use the Spanish names for mountains, rivers, highways, cities, etc.

• Be free of English

Part B

Prepare a presentation (i.e., powerpoint; other ideas are encouraged but please see me!) that discusses your

• major cities AND what makes them major (i.e., population, economy, culture)

• geographical characteristics AND what makes them noteworthy, and

• transportation routes AND why you chose them (i.e., links city 1 & city 2, or city 1 and national park A)

• boundaries.

The WHY parts of your presentations will be graded based on how much information you give.

Your presentation should

• Include at least 6 slides (which includes 1 map slide)

• Include four (4) relevant photos

• Be free of English language errors (i.e., spelling, punctuation, grammar)

• Make use of Spanish place names

• Give a bibliography of sources (use MLA style to document sources)

Please choose a Spanish-speaking country from South America.

Rubric for Country Project #1 Map

(26 points available)

The following is a list of points that you can earn for your MAP project:

|Visual Presentation |Major Cities |Geography |Transportation |Boundaries |Connections |

|(5 points) |(3 points) |(5 points) |(5 points) |(3 points) |(5 points) |

|Uses color to show important |Includes 1st major city: |Includes 1st geographical characteristic:|Includes 1st transportation route: |Includes all boundaries |Student connects all elements |

|aspects of the country |_________ |________ |________ |(3 points) |(i.e., cities, geography, |

|(1 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |transportation, boundaries) plus |

| | | | | |an unrequired element |

| | | | | |(5 points) |

|Uses 1 Spanish word: _________|Includes 2nd major city: |Includes 2nd geographical characteristic:|Includes 2nd transportation route: |Misses 1 boundary |Student connects all the cities, |

|(1 point) |_________ |________ |________ |(2 points) |geography, transportation, and |

| |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |boundaries. |

| | | | | |(4 points) |

|Uses 1 Spanish word: _________|Includes 3rd major city: |Includes 3rd geographical characteristic:|Includes 3rd transportation route: |Misses 2 boundaries |Student connects most of the |

|(1 point) |_________ |________ |________ |(1 point) |cities, geography, etc. |

| |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |(2 points) |

|Uses 1 Spanish word: _________|1st major city labeled in |Includes 4th geographical characteristic:|Includes 4th transportation route: |Misses 3 or more |Student connects some of the |

|(1 point) |Spanish |________ |________ |boundaries |cities, geography, etc. |

| |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(0 points) |(1 point) |

|Does not use English |2nd major city labeled in |Includes 5th geographical characteristic:|Includes 5th transportation route: | | |

|(1 point) |Spanish |________ |________ | | |

| |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

| |3rd major city labeled in |1st characteristic labeled in Spanish |1st route labeled in Spanish | | |

| |Spanish (1/2 point |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

| | |2nd characteristic labeled in Spanish |2nd route labeled in Spanish | | |

| | |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

| | |3rd characteristic labeled in Spanish |3rd route labeled in Spanish | | |

| | |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

| | |4th characteristic labeled in Spanish |4th route labeled in Spanish | | |

| | |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

| | |5th characteristic labeled in Spanish |5th route labeled in Spanish | | |

| | |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

Rubric for Country Presentation #1

(33 points possible)

The following is a list of points you can earn for your PRESENTATION:

|Visual Presentation |Major Cities |Geography |Transportation |Boundaries |Connections |

|(9 points) |(6 points) |(5 points) |(5 points) |(3 points) |(5 points) |

|Has a colored background |Includes 1st major city: |Includes 1st geographical characteristic:|Includes 1st transportation route: |Includes all boundaries |Student connects all cities, |

|(1/2 point) |_________ |________ |________ |(3 points) |geography, transportation, |

| |(1 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |boundaries plus an unrequired |

| | | | | |element |

| | | | | |(5 points) |

|Includes 1st relevant photo |Includes 2nd major city: |Includes 2nd geographical characteristic:|Includes 2nd transportation route: |Misses 1 boundary |Student connects all the cities, |

|(1/2 point) |_________ |________ |________ |(2 points) |geography, transportation, and |

| |(1 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |boundaries. |

| | | | | |(4 points) |

|Includes 2nd relevant photo |Includes 3rd major city: |Includes 3rd geographical characteristic:|Includes 3rd transportation route: |Misses 2 boundaries |Student connects most of the |

|(1/2 point) |_________ |________ |________ |(1 point) |cities, geography, etc. |

| |(1 point) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | |(2 points) |

|Includes 3rd relevant photo |Reason for choosing 1st major |Includes 4th geographical characteristic:|Includes 4th transportation route: |Misses 3 or more |Student connects some of the |

|(1/2 point) |city |________ |________ |boundaries |cities, geography, etc. |

| |(2 points) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) |(0 points) |(1 point) |

|Includes 4th relevant photo |Reason for choosing 2nd major |Includes 5th geographical characteristic:|Includes 5th transportation route: | | |

|(1/2 point) |city |________ |________ | | |

| |(2 points) |(1/2 point) |(1/2 point) | | |

|Includes map slide |Reason for choosing 3rd major |Reason for choosing 1st characteristic |Reason for choosing 1st route | | |

|(1/2 point) |city |(1 point) |(1point) | | |

| |(2 points) | | | | |

|Includes Major Cities slide | |Reason for choosing 2nd characteristic |Reason for choosing 2nd route | | |

|(1/2 point) | |(1 point) |(1 point) | | |

|Includes Geography slide | |Reason for choosing 3rd characteristic |Reason for choosing 3rd route | | |

|(1/2 point) | |(1 point) |(1 point) | | |

|Includes Transportation slide | |Reason for choosing 4th characteristic |Reason for choosing 4th route | | |

|(1/2 point) | |(1 point) |(1 point) | | |

|Includes Boundaries slide | |Reason for choosing 5th characteristic |Reason for choosing 5th route | | |

|(1/2 point) | |(1 point) |(1 point) | | |

|Includes Bibliography slide |Is free of English language | | | | |

|corrrectly formatted |errors | | | | |

|(2 points) |(2 points) | | | | |


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