
USER FLOW?SIGN UP (only first time – second time he is automatically logged in). An sms verification code is sent to user to enter as part of signup process. 2. THERE ARE NO CATEGORIES. OURS IS A SIMPLE MAID/CLEANING SERVICE. Providers are companies not individuals. Rating is also for providers not individual workers doing the cleaning.3. NO OPTION OF BIDDING. ONLY THE FIRST PROVIDER TO ACCEPT THE JOB WILL BE ASSIGNED. The first time the customer enters an order, he will be prompted to select Favorite providers. He has to select at least one. He can also select All (there will be a button that he can click to ‘Select All’). He can select All then deselect some.We need the capability to browse providers (in summary screen should show name, logo, brief description, price per hour, star rating, and ‘heart’ for selecting provider as Favorite; and in detailed description should show the same thing but longer description).We will have a standard price per hour (so the price preference feature in the design is not required).All inputs shown in the screen shots I sent you should be captured from the user, including the address and map location pointer (which should default to the location the user is at). Second time user uses the system he can select one of the earlier addresses, or add a new address.The sequence should be similar to the screen shots sequence.5. NOTIFICATION – WHEN THE FIRST PROVIDER ACCEPTS THE ORDER, THEN THE CUSTOMER IS NOTFIED.6. MAKE PAYMENTS – lets assume paypal for now – but we may use 2checkout or others. The payment is initiated automatically by the provider when he indicates that the job is completed.7. RATE THE SERVICE PROVIDER.? No need to review the provider.? Only to rate by 5 stars. Rating screen comes up when the user enters the app anytime after the job is completed – if more than one job is pending to be rated, they will appear consecutively, showing the date and time of the task.8. USER CAN CHANGE THE BOOKING ANY TIME BY CANCELING THE BOOKING, OR CHANGING THE DATE AND TIME.Requests can be once, or repeated weekly, or repeated every two weeks, as per the screen shots.User can see the requests he made and the status of each. Each request may generate one booking or multiple bookings, based on user selection (if he selects Repeat Every Week, then every time a booking is cancelled or completed, or modified by the customer, then a new booking is generated for the next booking). If customer cancels the request, then no more bookings are generated in the future for that request.User can see the next booking related to each request.SERVICE PROVIDER FLOW1. SIGNS UP, UPLOADS LOGO AND TRADE LICENSE IMAGES. (this can be performed also by admin on behalf of the provider) IN ADDITION TO OTHER DETAILS LIKE COMPANY NAME, MAIN PHONE, MOBILE PHONE, ALTERNATIVE PHONE, MANAGER NAME, ADDRESS, COVERAGE AREA (CENTER POINT FOR COVERAGE AREA AND DISTANCE FROM CENTER).2. GET APPROVED BY THE ADMIN3. SEE OPEN REQUESTS4. SEE BOOKINGS STATUS – CAN BE VIEWED BY COMPLETED, CANCELLED, OR UPCOMING, OR ALL. PROVIDER CAN ALSO SEE BOOKINGS FOR A CERTAIN REQUEST ALSO BY STATUS.5.? THE FIRST PROVIDER TO ACCEPT TAKES THE JOB.8. UPDATE THE COMPLETED STATUS & AND THIS SHOULD TRIGGER THE PAYMENT CHARGE TO THE CUSTOMER9. PROVIDERS WILL PAY COMMISSION FOR EACH JOB ( A %) WHICH IS DEFINED IN THE ADMIN PANEL FOR ALL PROVIDERS. Payment to providers will be a manual process – when we pay, we will indicate that it has been paid through the admin panel. Pricing per hour is standard for all providers.12. REVENUE MODEL IS BASED ?ON THE % OF REVENUE COLLECTEDProvider can see how much revenue he made at any time, and how much he was paid and how much is outstanding to be paid to him.ADMIN FLOW1. MANAGE CUSTOMERS2. MANAGE SERVICE PROVIDERS3. EDIT ?/ DELETE REQUEST and BOOKING?4. MANAGE PAYMENT S FROM CUSTOMERS AND TO PROVIDERS. CUSTOMER PAYMENTS IS THROUGH PAYMENT SYSTEM, WHILE PAYMENT TO PROVIDER IS MANUAL OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM, WITH ADMIN INDICATING STATUS AFTER PAYMENT IS DONE5. CREATE COUPON CODES/PROMOTION6. WE ARE NOT SET WHICH PAYMENT GATEWAY WE WILL USE, MAYBE PAYPAL OR 2CHECKOUT OR OTHER. ................

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