
Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________ Class Period: ________

A Thirst for More Land-Lesson Two

Each time the Native Americans ceded land to the state, Georgia officials faced the question of how to distribute it.

State leaders decided to favor

__________ ___________

and decided to give away the land.

Louisiana Purchase

How did the Louisianna Purchase Affact the United States?

Land Lottery

Applicants for the land lottery:

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

Land Lottery Map

|Land Lottery Number Page |

|Directions: Copy two sets of the numbered pages and place each set of numbers into separate bags. |

1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 | |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 | |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 | |31 |32 |33 |34 |35 |36 |37 |38 |39 |40 | |41 |42 |43 |44 |45 |46 |47 |48 |49 |50 | |51 |52 |53 |54 |55 |56 |57 |58 |59 |60 | |61 |62 |63 |64 |65 |66 |67 |68 |69 |70 | |71 |72 |73 |74 |75 |76 |77 |78 |79 |80 | |81 |82 |83 |84 |85 |86 |87 |88 |89 |90 | |91 |92 |93 |94 |95 |96 |97 |98 |99 |100 | |101 |102 |103 |104 |105 |106 |107 |108 |109 |110 | |111 |112 |113 |114 |115 |116 |117 |118 |119 |120 | |121 |122 |123 |124 |125 |126 |127 |128 |129 |130 | |131 |132 |133 |134 |135 |136 |137 |138 |139 |140 | |141 |142 |143 |144 |145 | | | | | | |


Essential Questions

1. Explain how the Chattahoochee River came to be Georgia’s western boundary and which native groups ceded land to Georgia.

2. Evaluate the impact of land policies pursued by Georgia; by comparing the headright and lottery systems of land distribution. How did the state’s land lottery system solve the problem of land speculation and corruption?

3. Describe the reaction of Georgia citizens when they learned of the Yazoo Land Fraud and what Georgia lost in this fraudulent transaction?

Georgia AKS

A. Explain the establishment of the University of Georgia, Louisville, and the spread of Baptist and Methodist churches.

b. Evaluate the impact of land policies pursued by Georgia; include the headright system, land lotteries, and the Yazoo land fraud.

c. Explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth.

d. Analyze the events that led to the removal of Creeks and Cherokees; include the roles of Alexander McGillivray, William McIntosh, Sequoyah, John Ross, Dahlonega Gold Rush, Worcester v. Georgia, Andrew Jackson, John Marshall, and the Trail of Tears.

← After 1802, state lawmakers in Louisville wanted to gain control over all territory belonging to Georgia.

← This meant getting the Indians to cede their lands. Slowly but surely, the Indians moved out.

Give the Land Away

On the other hand, giving the land away would encourage more people to come to Georgia.

Sell the Land for Profit

Selling the land would bring in money needed for roads, schools, and other public services.

The Headright System

Surveyors were paid $2.75 a mile to map out the available land and divide the land into tracts. Each tract of land was numbered and staked and those who were entitled to land could then choose which tract of land they wanted to claim. They would remove the stake from the ground, return it to the surveyor’s office and the land would then be registered to the owner of that land.

Who was Eligible to Own Land According to the Headright System of land distribution?

1. The male head of a family was entitled to 200 acres of unclaimed land for himself, plus 50 acres for each member of his family.

2. There was a limit of 1,000 acres per family.

3. Veterans of the Revolutionary War were entitled to additional acres—ranging from 288 acres for privates to 1,955 acres for generals.

Q. What was the purpose of the headright system in Georgia?

a. It established a method of counting population.

b. It provided an organized system of collecting taxes.

c. It distributed Indian lands to new settlers.

d. It administered voting and election districts.

Let’s Review

Under Georgia’s Headright System, each white male was given the "right" to own ________ acres of land for himself and ________ acres of land for each member of his family, up to __________ acres.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Free navigation of the Mississippi would be assured and land in the west becomes popular.

Yazoo Land Fraud

➢ Governor ____________ granted a million and a half acres to a _________________________.

➢ Under the ________________________ system one man could only own _____________ acres but Georgia governors accepted money as a bribe to allow some settlers to own more than 1,000 acres of land.

The Federal Government required that the

_________ _____________ be __________ and the land rights be returned to Georgia for distribution for settlers.

Because of this corruption, Georgia had to:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yazoo Land


by Georgia after the French and Indian War

Corruption in Georgia

• In 1794 four land companies bribed the governor to pass a bill through the General Assembly that sold them land west of the Chattahoochee River.

• 35,000,000 acres of land was sold for $500,000, about 1 ½ cent per acre.

• Now, instead of being given the land through the Headright System, settlers would have to buy the land from the land companies.

This created Georgia's final natural boundary and set the Chattahoochee River as Georgia’s western boundary line.

Q. What scandal took place when Georgia’s governor and some legislators were bribed to sell public land to private developers at below-market prices?

a. Trail of Tears fraud b. Yazoo land fraud c. Mississippi land fraud

Q. What was the “Holy Fire from Heaven?

a. A brush fire that burned the capital of Louisville.

b. The name given when all Yazoo land sales were collected and burned in front of the capital.

c. A fire that was started by Creek revolts that devastated a large part of Georgia’s crops.

Describe the reaction of Georgia citizens when they learned of the Yazoo Land Fraud and what Georgia lost in this fraudulent transaction?


Seven times between 1805 and 1832 Georgia used a lottery system to distribute the land.

← These lotteries were unique to the state; no other state used a lottery system to distribute land.

← Lot size varied widely, even in the individual lotteries.

← Almost 3/4 of the land in present-day Georgia was distributed under this lottery system.

← During the 27 years that land was distributed under the system the rules and the methods of the lottery remained virtually unchanged.

Q. Which was NOT a provision of the land lottery

a. A person had to pay a fee to participate.

b. A person had to be over 21 to participate.

c. War veterans were given extra chances.

d. Only men could participate.

Let’s go back in time to a Land Lottery…

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 1-10

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 11-20

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 61-70

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 41-50

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 21-30

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 71-80

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 51-60

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 31-40

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 81-90

Rich White Male

You can afford to buy more chances at winning. Be Sure to bribe the actioner for the good land lots with the money you were given.

On the sly, just hand the actioner the money but do not say anything.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 91-100

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

111, 112

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

103, 104

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

107, 108

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

105, 106

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

109, 110

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

101, 102

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

127, 128

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

125, 126

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

121, 122

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

123, 124

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

119, 120

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

117, 118

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

115, 116

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

113, 114

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

142, 143

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

139, 140

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

140, 141

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

137, 138

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

135, 136

Revolutionary War Hero

Because you fought in the Revolutionary War you are allowed to own and settle land in Georgia

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

133, 134

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

129, 130

Poor White Male

You must use every penny that you have saved from hard labor to buy a chance at winning the lottery.

Your Lottery Numbers Are:

131, 132

Poor Widow

Although you are a women, because you are a widow you can also purchase a chance at winning. You have little money that your sons have provided for you.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 144

Poor Widow

Although you are a women, because you are a widow you can also purchase a chance at winning. You have little money that your sons have provided for you.

Your Lottery Numbers Are: 145

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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