John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

? 2016 by Baker Publishing Group

Published by Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Beck, John A., 1956? Title: The Baker Book of Bible charts, maps, and time lines / John A.

Beck. Description: Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 2016. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015045545 | ISBN 9780801017124 (pbk.) Subjects: LCSH: Bible--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Bible--Charts,

diagrams, etc. | Bible--Geography--Maps. | Bible--Chronology-- Charts, diagrams, etc. Classification: LCC BS417 .B43 2016 | DDC 220.9/1022--dc23 LC record available at

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Unless otherwise indicated, photos are copyright ? Baker Publishing Group and Dr. James C. Martin. Unless otherwise indicated, illustrations and maps are copyright ? Baker Publishing Group.

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John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)


Part One General Bible

General Time Line 9

General Bible Maps

Ancient Near East and Its Road Systems 11 Modern Mediterranean World 12 Old and New Testament Cities in the Promised Land 13


The Bible's Human Side 16 The Bible's Divine Side 16 Bible Book Overview 17 Bible Translation 29 Ancient Texts of the Bible 30 Fifty-Two-Week Bible Reading Plan 31 I Need God to Speak to Me 32 Literary Genres of the Bible 33 Fifty Key People of the Bible 34 Fifty Key Places of the Bible 36 Archaeology and the Bible 40 Archaeological Periods 40

Part Two Old Testament

Old Testament Time Line 59

Old Testament Maps

Abraham and His Family in the Promised Land 61 Journeys of Abraham 62 Exodus and Desert Wanderings 63 Conquest 64 Tribal Divisions 65 Judges 66 United Kingdom 67

Geographical Zones of the Promised Land 14 Rainfall in the Promised Land 14 Road Systems in the Promised Land 15

Glossary of Archaeological Terms 42 Geographical Zones of the Promised Land 43 Seasons and Culture 43 Winds of the Promised Land 44 Water in the Promised Land 44 Plants and Trees of the Bible 45 Wild Animals of the Bible 47 The Agricultural Year in Israel 51 Agriculture 52 Weights and Measures 54 Prophets of the Bible (Nonwriting) 56

Divided Kingdom 68 Exile and Return 69 Assyrian Empire 70 Babylonian Empire 71 Persian Empire 72 Jerusalem during the Time of the Old Testament 73

John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.


(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

Content s


Canon Division and Organization of the Old Testament 74

Ancient Additional Sources 75 Holidays and Celebrations 77 Covenants 79 Ancient Near Eastern Deities and the Bible 80 Old Testament Expectations Fulfilled by Jesus 81 Old Testament Weapons 84 Creation Week Cycle in Genesis 1:1?2:4 86 Abraham's Descendants 87 Key Theophanies in Genesis 88 Plagues, Deities, and the Egyptian Economy 89 Date of the Exodus 90 Animals, Insects, and the Israelite Diet 91 Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Worldviews 92 Old Testament Sacrifices 93 Israelite March and Camp 94 The Numbers in Numbers 95 Conquest in Joshua 96 Holy War 98 Literary Cycle in Judges 99 Judges 100

Archaeology of the Old Testament 126

Illustrations or Reconstructions

Noah's Ark 136 Tabernacle 137 Dress of the High Priest 138 Solomon's Temple 139 Worship Furniture 140 Four-Room Israelite House 141 Bedouin Tent 142

Part Three New Testament

New Testament Time Line 153

New Testament Maps

New Testament Israel 155 Galilee in the Time of Jesus 156 Galilee and Surrounding Regions in the Time of Jesus 157 New Testament Jerusalem 158 Early Travels of Philip, Peter, and Paul 159 Paul's First Missionary Journey 160

Ark of the Covenant on the Move 101 Kingship 102 King Saul, Successes and Failures 103 David's Family 104 King David, Successes and Failures 105 Parallel Presentation of Saul and David 106 King Solomon, Successes and Failures 107 Israel's Neighbors 108 Dynasties of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) 110 Rulers of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) 112 Kings of Israel and Judah 114 Kings of Syria 115 Kings of Assyria 116 Assyria, Israel, and Judah 117 Kings of Neo-Babylonia 118 Kings of Persia 119 Old Testament Prophets 120 Types of Psalms 121 Reading Old Testament Poetry 122 Wisdom Literature 123 Exiles and Returns 124 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Daniel's Visions 125

Burial Practices 143 City Defensive Systems 144 Ancient Ships: Merchant and Military 145 Musical Instruments 146 Jerusalem of David 147 Jerusalem of Solomon 148 Jerusalem of Hezekiah 149

Paul's Second Missionary Journey 161 Paul's Third Missionary Journey 162 Paul Travels to Rome 163 Seven Churches of Revelation 164 Jewish Population Centers in the Roman World 165

The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines


John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

Content s


Key Quotations of the Old Testament in the New Testament 166

Key Old Testament Figures in the New Testament 171 Promises of Jesus Fulfilled prior to AD 100 174 Jewish Sects and Jesus 176 Monetary System of the New Testament 178 Greco-Roman Religious World 179 Rome and Its Provinces 180 Roman Emperors and the New Testament 181 Roman Prefects and the New Testament 182 Herodian Kings and the New Testament 184 Genealogies of Jesus 185

Archaeology of the New Testament 208

Illustrations or Reconstructions

Judean Home (Cave) 220 Insula Home Complex 221 Capernaum 222 Synagogue 223 Fishing Techniques 224 Mikveh 226 Triclinium Table 226 Crucifixion Methods 227

Index to Maps 235

Gospel Harmony 186 The Apostles 191 Sermons and Discourses of Jesus 193 Jesus's "I Am" Declarations 195 Miracles of Jesus 196 Parables and Extended Illustrations of Jesus 198 Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday 200 The Location of Jesus's Death and Resurrection 202 Key Sermons and Speeches in Acts 203 Paul's Ministry and Letters 205 Spiritual Gifts 206 Reading the Book of Revelation 207

Kochim Tomb 228 Herod's Temple Complex 229 New Testament Temple Design 230 Jerusalem at the Time of the New Testament 231 Jesus in Jerusalem 232 Caesarea Maritima Palace and Harbor 233 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 234

The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines

John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.


(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)



John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)



John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

2600 BC

2500 BC

2400 BC

2300 BC

2200 BC

Genesis Origin?1805 BC

General Time Line

2100 BC

2000 BC

1900 BC

1800 BC

1700 BC

Job 1900 BC?

1600 BC 1500 BC

1400 BC 1300 BC

1200 BC

Exodus 1570?1446 BC Leviticus 1446?1445 BC Numbers 1445?1406 BC Deuteronomy 1406 BC Joshua 1406?1380 BC Judges 1356?1050 BC Ruth 1370 BC

Jacob's family to Egypt 1876 BC Covenant with Abraham 2091 BC

Exodus from Egypt 1446 BC Years in the wilderness 1446?1406 BC Conquest of Canaan 1406 BC?1399 BC Judges rule Israel 1356?1050 BC


2600 BC

Pyramid building at Giza 2589?2504 BC

Xia Dynasty begins in China 2070 BC

Law code of Hammurabi 1775 BC

Akkadian Empire begins under Sargon 2334 BC Stonehenge in England 2000 BC?

Shang Dynasty begins in China 1600 BC Start of the New Kingdom in Egypt 1570 BC

2500 BC

2400 BC

2300 BC

2200 BC

2100 BC

2000 BC

1900 BC

1800 BC

1700 BC

1600 BC

The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines ? 2016 Baker Publishing Group. May be reproduced for classroom use only, not for resale.

1500 BC

1400 BC 1300 BC

Philistines arrive in SW Canaan 1200 BC

1200 BC



General Time Line



John A. Beck, The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, ? 2016. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscript--copyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

1100 BC

1000 BC

900 BC

800 BC

700 BC

600 BC

500 BC

400 BC

300 BC

200 BC

100 BC

AD 100

AD 200

AD 300

Psalms 1020?500 BC

Proverbs 971?931 BC

Ecclesiastes 971?931 BC

Ezekiel 593?573 BC

Song of Songs 971?931 BC

Daniel 605?536 BC

Hosea 760?722 BC

Joel 830 BC

Judges 1356?1050 BC

Amos 760?750 BC

Obadiah 586?550 BC

Jonah 770 BC

Micah 750?705 BC

Ezra 538?440 BC

Nahum 663?612 BC

Nehemiah 445?410 BC

Habakkuk 615 BC Esther 483?474 BC

1?2 Samuel 1100?971 BC

Zephaniah 630 BC

1?2 Kings 971?560 BC

Haggai 520?516 BC

1?2 Chronicles 971?586 BC

Zechariah 520?516 BC

Isaiah 740?701 BC

Jeremiah 628?580 BC

Lamentations 586 BC

Malachi 433 BC

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John 4 BC?AD 30

Acts AD 30?62

Paul's Letters Hebrews AD 60s James AD 40?60 1 Peter Early 60s 2 Peter Late 60s

1?3 John AD 85?95 Jude AD 65

Revelation AD 95

Galatians AD 49 1 Thessalonians AD 51 2 Thessalonians AD 51 1 Corinthians AD 55 2 Corinthians AD 55 Romans AD 57 Ephesians AD 60 Philippians AD 60?62 Colossians AD 60?62 Philemon AD 60?62 1 Timothy AD 63?65 Titus AD 63?65 2 Timothy AD 66?67

Judges rule Israel 1356?1050 BC

Samaria falls to Assyria 722 BC

United kingdom 1050?931 BC

Destruction of Jerusalem and the temple 586 BC

Divided kingdom begins 931 BC

First return from Babylon 538 BC

Temple dedication 516 BC

Esther becomes queen in Persia 478 BC

Second return from Babylon 458 BC

Third return from Babylon 445 BC

Jesus's birth 6/4 BC Jesus's earthly ministry AD 26?30 Jesus's death and resurrection AD 30 Conversion of Saul (Paul) AD 34 Paul's missionary journeys AD 47?57 Council at Jerusalem AD 49/50 Paul in Rome AD 60?61 Paul and Peter executed by Nero AD 64?68 John's death AD 100

Zhou Dynasty in China 1046 BC

Maccabean revolt leads to temple purification 167?164 BC

Rise of Neo-Babylonian Empire 625 BC

John Hyrcanus destroys Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim 109/108 BC

Founding of Rome 753 BC

Roman republic established 509 BC

Octavian becomes Caesar Augustus and rules as first Roman emperor 27 BC?AD 14

Battle of Marathon 490 BC Herodotus 485?425 BC

Jewish independence from Syria 142 BC

Jews expelled from Rome by Claudius AD 49 Rome burns; Christians blamed AD 64?65

Rise of Neo-Assyrian Empire 744 BC

Socrates 470?399 BC Plato 428?348 BC

Pompey defeats First Jewish Revolt AD 66?70 Jerusalem 63 BC Titus destroys Jerusalem AD 70

Assyria falls to Babylon at Carchemish 605 BC

Babylon falls to Persia 539 BC

Aristotle 384?322 BC

Conquests of Alexander the Great 336?323 BC

Julius Caesar assassinated 44 BC

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius; destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum AD 79

Second Jewish Revolt AD 132?35

Gauls attack Rome 390 BC

Hasmoneans 164?63 BC

Temple restoration begins 20 BC

Jews expelled from Jerusalem; city renamed Aelia Capitolina AD 135


1100 BC

1000 BC

900 BC

800 BC

700 BC

600 BC

500 BC

400 BC

300 BC

200 BC

100 BC

The Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines ? 2016 Baker Publishing Group. May be reproduced for classroom use only, not for resale.

AD 100

AD 200

AD 300


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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