Alturas City Council

Alturas City Council

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

September 19, 2017 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Dederick at 2:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Bobby G. Ray, Cheryl Nelson, Jim Irvin, Mark Steffek. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Clerk Cary L. Baker, City Treasurer Sara Peet, City Attorney Jeff Hedlund, DPW Joe Picotte, Police Chief Sid Cullins, Fire Chief Keith Jacques, City Planning Commissioner Bill Hall. Public attending: 6. An opening prayer was given by Clarence McCarty, from Christian Life Assembly, and all present joined together in the pledge of allegiance.

Under public forum, Clarence McCarty informs the City that he has noticed several stop signs in town that are obscured by over grown trees; this could be a potential traffic hazard.

Public Hearing: The Alturas City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the first reading of an ordinance to repeal Ordinance #508, an uncodified ordinance adopted by the Alturas City Council on January 17, 2017, amending the Zoning Maps under Section 28.63.020 of the City of Alturas Zoning Ordinance. Assessor’s Parcel #0030186-03-11 is comprised of Lots 4b and 2b of the Estes Addition in the City of Alturas.

Amendments to the Zoning Maps under Section 28.63.020 should be approved by resolution of the Alturas City Council as stated in the Staff Procedures Manual. A resolution will be brought before the City Council at their October 17, 2017 meeting to approve the correct zone change by the appropriate methods. This matter will now be considered.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve the first reading of Ordinance #510 repealing Ordinance #508, an uncodified ordinance adopted by the Alturas City Council on January 17, 2017, amending the Zoning Maps under Section 28.63.020 of the Alturas Zoning Ordinance. ALL AYES.

Pastor Jon Dabill, representing New Life Christian Center, requests consideration to waive/reduce permit fees for a non-profit organization with respect to a new sign permit at 1040 N. Main St.

DPW Picotte states the fees for a building sign are $300 plus $75 per hour for staff time; Council could consider the request based on the non-profit status.

Councilmember Ray states he is not in favor of waiving or reducing fees due to the City’s cost for staff time, including Planning Commissioners.

Mayor Dederick states he would be in favor of reducing the fee by half, but retain the $75 per hour for staff time.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to reduce the fees for the New Life Christian Center’s sign permit by half, and retain the $75 per hour staff time. AYES: Councilmembers Dederick, Steffek, Irvin, Nelson. NOES: Councilmember Ray. Motion carries.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve a Storage Lease Agreement between the City of Alturas and Modoc Performing Arts Theater (MPAT) for a portion of the old Citizen’s Utilities building located at 113 W. 1st Street, with the correction to Section 1. “Term of Lease and Automatic Renewal” changing the expiration date to September 30, 2018. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to approve the two-year Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Modoc and the City of Alturas for Building Inspector Services from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019, with the deletion of Section 6 which charges the City an additional 10% administrative fee. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cedarville Rancheria and the City of Alturas to incorporate identified City routes into the BIA Road Inventory Field Data System (RIFDS) for the benefit of the Tribe, the City and the Public. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Ray to adopt Resolution #2017-28 incorporating a list of projects in the 2017-2018 City of Alturas budget to be funded by SB1 the Road Repair & Accountability Act. ALL AYES.

DPW Picotte requests approval to enter into an agreement with Gibson & Associates to develop a master plan for the area from Warner St. to West C. St., and 8th St. to 4th St. which is the Youth Park area. This will allow the City to be eligible for more grant opportunities.

Steve Gibson is present and comments that a master plan will remove the redundancy between the areas and allow the agencies to collaborate and broaden their opportunities for funding; the more groups involved the better.

Councilmember Ray responds that the pool project, skate park, disc golf, and maybe even an event center already have designated areas. What would we get for the money spent on a master plan that we don’t already have; there are no projects in the works for the unused areas. He is not in favor of doing anything until there is a dollar amount determined and a detail of what the City would receive in the master plan.

Councilmember Steffek comments he is in favor of a written document to show all other agencies. This will also help with determining long term use of the property.

Mayor Dederick comments that there isn’t a plan for the undeveloped area until someone brings an idea to the City; the need for the mapping is important.

DPW Picotte responds that we don’t have a map or drawing to scale showing where everything fits and where the future projects could go.

Karen Shimamoto is present and states that Rotary would be interested in sharing the cost of the master plan with the City.

Mayor Dederick requests that DPW Picotte work with Steve Gibson to determine the cost for the master plan and report back to Council.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve the consent agenda as follows: a) Approve minutes of August 15, 2017 meeting; b) Approve City warrants for August 2017 in the amount of $187,159.97; c) Adopt Resolution #2017-27 removing inactive water & sewer accounts in the amount of $515.68. ALL AYES.

COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: Fire Chief Jacques reports the Fire Barn project is nearing completion; also, will have a meeting with the ISO representatives tomorrow to review our Department’s fire rating.

Police Chief Cullins reports the two new Ford Explorers have been ordered for the Police Department; reviewed stats from the past two years with the following to report: to date for 2017 his department has had 168 arrests with 340 criminal charges, as compared to 2016 with 145 arrests with 264 criminal charges.

City Treasurer Peet reports all the department budgets are in, and can start budget sessions any time; also, had a meeting with Golden State Risk Management Authority yesterday to review health insurance rates.

DPW Picotte reports his crews have been doing road repair work and have been struggling with aging equipment – in the future may look at renting equipment versus owning; a pump went out at the wwtp that was installed in 1966 and can’t find parts for it; is looking at a solar opportunity for the City and the community; working on the next round of projects to be funded through MCTC; also, emailed a template to Chester Robertson at the County regarding garbage service – this will start the discussion on the RFP.

Councilmember Steffek reports the Swimming Pool Committee met August 29th and discussed using the pool for physical therapy and other aquatic therapy; the goal of the Swimming Pool Committee is to break ground on a new pool in 2018; also, are still looking for additional funding for the project.

At this time, 3:44 p.m., the Mayor announced the Council would be meeting in closed session under: (1) G.C. Section 54957 Public Employment – Appointment of the Public Works Foreman position; (2) G.C. Section 54956.95 – Claim for Damages (1) Steven Hewett.

Reconvened back to open session at 3:59 p.m. with the following action taken on the claim for damages: MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to deny the claim for Steven Hewett in the amount of $75.00 for a towing fee, with the condition that Police Chief Cullins hand deliver the letter of denial from the City Attorney. Also, Police Chief Cullins will inform Mr. Hewett he is not permitted to come to City Hall again and address this issue except through proper legal channels or he will be escorted from the building due to his prior behavior. He is permitted to come back to City Hall on all other matters but not this claim. ALL AYES.

At 4:01 p.m., the Council went back into closed session. Reconvened back to open session at 4:10 p.m. with the following action taken on the appointment of the Public Works Foreman position: On the recommendation of DPW Picotte, MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to appoint Kim Dodds to the position of Public Works Foreman, Salary Range 39, Step I, $49,742 annually, starting September 25, 2017. ALL AYES.

With no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m. to return in regular session on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall.


Cary L. Baker

City Clerk


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