AGENDACITY OF LAKE WORTH BEACHREGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETINGCITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERTUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2019 - 6:00 PMROLL CALL:INVOCATION OR MOMENT OF SILENCE: on behalf of Vice Mayor Andy AmorosoPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Commissioner Herman RobinsonAGENDA - Additions/Deletions/Reordering:PRESENTATIONS: (there is no public comment on Presentation items)Post Legislative update by Representative Al JacquetPresentation of check from Mark ParillaMayor's US Conf of Mayor's presentationCOMMISSION LIAISON REPORTS AND COMMENTS:PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF NON-AGENDAED ITEMS AND CONSENT AGENDA:APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Budget Work Session #2 - June 20, 2019Work Session - June 25, 2019Regular Meeting - July 16, 2019Work Session - July 23, 2019CONSENT AGENDA: (public comment allowed during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed items)Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements between the City of Lake Worth Beach and the Lake Worth Public Employee Union ("PEU") and the Lake Worth Professional Managers and Supervisors Association ("PMSA")Standard Insurance Policies for FY 2019/20 Employee Health and Welfare BenefitsResolution No. 37-2019 - Declare the City's intent to issue a Revocable Permit for the property located at 701 South N Street and set a public hearing date for August 20, 2019Agreement with Marquez Landscaping, Inc. for the City-Wide Mowing and Landscape Maintenance ServicesAgreement with Honor Cleaning, Inc. for the interim City-wide janitorial services workThird Amendment with Anchors Emergency Board-Up Service, Inc. to perform board and secure services for the CityRatification of appointments and reappointments to the various city advisory boardsRatification of CRA designation of Chair and Vice ChairApproval of settlement in the Case of City of Lake Worth vs. 1511 Lucerne, LLC.Agreement with David Mancini & Sons, Inc. for construction of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvements PH ITask Order No. 5 with Craig A. Smith & Associates, Inc. for construction phase engineering services of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvements PH IUtility Easement and Bill of Sale by and between Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. and the City of Lake Worth BeachAgreement with Hinterland Group, Inc. for construction of the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements ProjectTask Order No. 10 with Holtz Consulting, Inc. for construction phase engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements ProjectUtility Easement and Bill of Sale by and between BDG Banyan Court, LP. and the City of Lake Worth BeachPUBLIC HEARINGS:Ordinance No. 2019-06 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Amending Chapter 5 "Alcoholic Beverages"Ordinance No. 2019-08 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Amending Chapter 19 "Streets and Sidewalks" Section 19-13 "Shopping Carts on Public Ways" UNFINISHED BUSINESS:NEW BUSINESS:Designation of voting delegate during the Florida League of Cities 93rd Annual Conference on August 15-17, 2019 in Orlando, FL Snook Island Dock Management brought forward by Commissioner RobinsonLAKE WORTH ELECTRIC UTILITY:PRESENTATION: (there is no public comment on Presentation items)CONSENT AGENDA: (public comment allowed during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed items)PUBLIC HEARING:NEW BUSINESS:CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT:CITY MANAGER'S REPORT:Draft Agenda - August 20, 2019ADJOURNMENT:If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105)AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Human ResourcesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements between the City of Lake Worth Beach and the Lake Worth Public Employee Union ("PEU") and the Lake Worth Professional Managers and Supervisors Association ("PMSA")SUMMARY:After engaging in collective bargaining, members of PEU and PMSA ratified the terms included in the collective bargaining agreements proposed to be effective October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2021.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The most recent PEU and PMSA Collective Bargaining Agreements expired on September 20, 2018. Following those agreements, all parties have been operating under one-year contract extensions of the prior agreements. The parties engaged in active negotiations, and reached an agreement to continue with the same contracts reflecting the City Name Change, minor changes to the Benefits Articles, and revised Pension and Wage Articles. The changes are reflected in the TA’d versions attached.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements between the City of Lake Worth Beach and the Lake Worth Public Employee Union ("PEU") and the Lake Worth Professional Managers and Supervisors Association ("PMSA")ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisCollective Bargaining Agreement with PEU (“Clean” final)Collective Bargaining Agreement with PEU (“TA’d version)Collective Bargaining Agreement with PMSA (“Clean” final)Collective Bargaining Agreement with PMSA (“TA’d version)FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures$313,2320000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact00000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:PEU & PMSAFund Salary Cost Benefit Cost Total Cost General $93,863 $18,288 $112,151 Building 7,9941,4699,463Beach 20,9704,34525,315Utility Conservation 2,87310313,904Electric 54,97911,23766,216Water 6,4951,4567,951Local Sewer 4,1756284,803Golf 3,4976444,141Storm Water 5,3952,8498,244Sanitation 36,16411,51347,677IT 9,9431,74711,690Garage 8,5943,08311,677Total $254,942 $58,290 $313,232Department Fiscal Review:_________Corinne Elliott, Assistant Finance Director AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Human ResourcesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE:Standard Insurance Policies for FY 2019/20 Employee Health and Welfare BenefitsSUMMARY:The Policies authorize the following:CIGNA to provide Health, Dental, Life and AD&D InsuranceEyeMed to provide Vision InsuranceCIGNA to provide EAP ServicesBenefits Workshop to provide COBRA Administrative ServicesCIGNA to provide voluntary supplemental InsuranceBACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:Our Benefits Broker of Record, The Gehring Group, conducts the bidding of the City’s standard insurance policies. Based on its bidding process for FY 2019/20, the Gehring Group negotiated a 14.8% increase in premium for the continuation of our current benefits programs with CIGNA. After several years reflecting a high claims experience and risk of exposing the City to potentially much higher premium increases, continuation of the current programs with CIGNA for the coming fiscal year is the most prudent course of action for the City.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the insurance policies:CIGNA to provide Health, Dental, Life and AD&D InsuranceEyeMed to provide Vision InsuranceCIGNA to provide EAP ServicesBenefits Workshop to provide COBRA Administrative ServicesCIGNA to provide voluntary supplemental InsuranceATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisEmployee Benefits Executive Cost SummaryFISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures0$3,908,206000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact00000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:BenefitsBenefitsAccount Number (s)Account DescriptionProposed FY 2020 BudgetCigna Health540-1320-513.23-30Employee Benefits/$3,780,507Health InsuranceVision540-1320-513.23-70Employee Benefits/$21,888Health InsuranceEAP540-1320-513.34-50Employee Benefits/$548Contractual ServicesLife AD&D540-1320-513.23-90Employee Benefits/Supplemental Insurance$25,083Dental540-1320-513.23-60Employee Benefits/DMO$77,300Cobra540-1320-513-23-50Employee Benefits/Other$2,8803,908,206Department Fiscal Review:_________Corinne Elliott, Assistant Finance Director AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Public WorksEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Resolution No. 37-2019 - Declare the City's intent to issue a Revocable Permit for the property located at 701 South N Street and set a public hearing date for August 20, 2019SUMMARY:The resolution sets the date for a public hearing to consider a request for a Revocable Permit at the property located at 701 South N Street.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The City allows for the issuance of a Revocable Permit to residents meeting certain criteria as identified in the Ordinance. City staff has reviewed the Revocable Permit application and issued comments in order for the application to be accepted. The owner has accepted the comments and agreed to the permit terms. The terms will be formalized in a written agreement with the owner, which shall be recorded in official records (if approved). The Revocable Permit will be for the south ? of the unimproved right of way on 7th Ave South adjacent to 701 South N Street. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove Resolution No. 37-2019 and schedule the public hearing date for August 20, 2019.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis – N/ARevocable Permit ApplicationResolution 37-2019AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Public WorksEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Agreement with Marquez Landscaping, Inc. for the City-Wide Mowing and Landscape Maintenance ServicesSUMMARY:The Agreement authorizes Marquez Landscape, Inc. to perform lawn and landscape maintenance services for all City owned parks, properties, medians and green spaces.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The City’s Grounds Division is actively engaged in the upkeep and maintenance of all of the City’s parks, properties, medians and green spaces. The current contractor for City-wide Lawn Maintenance Services was terminated on May 22, 2019. The City issued an Invitation for Bid (IFB No. 19-119) and received six (6) bids on June 26, 2019. Marquez Landscape, Inc. was the lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder. The total cost of the overall contract is not to exceed $300,060 per year and the contract term is for an initial three (3) years, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, for a total possible contract of five (5) years. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the Agreement with Marquez Landscape, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $300,060.00 per fiscal year. ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisAgreement – Marquez Landscape, Inc. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures25,005300,060300,060300,060300,060External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact25,055300,060300,060300,060300,060No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:Account NumberAccount FY 2019 Current BalanceAgendaDescriptionBudgetExpenditure001-5040-519-34-50Contractual Serv.$297,260$47,569(-25,055)**001-5050-519-46-90Repair /Maint. Services$35,000$914.00408-5090-538-34-50Contr. Serv.$219,325$9,405140-8074-575-34-50Contr. Serv.$298,307$4,165**The contract will begin September 1, 2019 for Fiscal Year 2019 and a Purchase Order will be issued for 1 month. A new Purchase Order will be issued in the full contract amount for FY2020.Department Fiscal Review:_________Corinne Elliott, Assistant Finance Director AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Public Works EXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Agreement with Honor Cleaning, Inc. for the interim City-wide janitorial services workSUMMARY:The Agreement with Honor Cleaning, Inc. authorizes the vendor to perform the interim janitorial services for the City for a period of three (3) months at a cost not to exceed $26,406.00. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The Public Works Department and the Division of Building Maintenance actively manages the janitorial duties of all City owned facilities. The current vendor, Kelly Janitorial, Inc., has been terminated. As a result of this termination, the City is in the process of re-bidding the janitorial service contract and will be bringing forth the annual services agreement in October 2019 for commission approval. In the interim period, Honor Cleaning, Inc. provided the lowest and most responsive bid to a Request for Proposal for temporary services until such time the City can re-bid and award a new contract. The Agreement with Honor Cleaning will be for a term of 3 months at a cost not to exceed $26,406.00. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the Agreement with Honor Cleaning, Inc. for a cost not to exceed $26,406.00.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisAgreement – Honor Cleaning, Inc.FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures17,6048,802000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact17,6048,802000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:Account NumberAccountFY 2019Current AgendaDescriptionBudgetBalanceExpenditure001-5061-519-34-50Contractual Serv.$127,562$1,613**(-26,406.00)**The Purchase Order will be funded once the current open PO with Kelly Janitorial is closed out and the funds are unencumbered. Department Fiscal Review:_________Corinne Elliott, Assistant Finance Director AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Community SustainabilityEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Third Amendment with Anchors Emergency Board-Up Service, Inc. to perform board and secure services for the CitySUMMARY:The proposed amendment will authorize Anchors Emergency Board-Up Service, Inc., to continue to perform board and secure services for the City on an as-needed basis through December 31, 2019. Costs for such services are charged to the property owner and secured as a lien.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:Boarding and securing of vacant structures within the City is a priority for the City’s Code Compliance and Building Divisions as well as the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (PBSO). Many abandoned, foreclosed structures present a life safely hazard and attract community nuisances. When standard Code Compliance efforts do not result in the private undertaking of boarding and securing properties, the City then exercises it authority to undertake this action.Following a competitive selection process by the City of West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach awarded a board and secure contract (Contract No. 14221) to Anchors Emergency Board-Up Service, Inc., The Contract is valid through December 31, 2019. The proposed amendment to the agreement with Anchors Emergency Board-Up Service is authorized under the City’s Procurement Code, section 2-112(h), other government contracts.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the third amendment to the agreement with Anchors Board-Up Service, Inc. for board and secure services through December 31, 2019.SUPPORTING DOCUMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisAnchors Emergency Board-Up Service, Inc. Master Services Agreement FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures75,000.0025,000.00000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact75,000.0025,000.00000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact: $75,000 was budgeted for board and secure services during Fiscal Year 2019 and additionally budget $50,000 for Fiscal Year 2020. Because this contract only runs through December 31, 2019, the amount for FY 2019-20 was adjusted to $25,000. YTD expenditures are $3,105 under Account No. 160-2040-515.31-86.Department Fiscal Review:_________AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: City CommissionEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ratification of appointments and reappointments to the various city advisory boardsSUMMARY:On February 5, 2013, the Commission adopted an ordinance amending the board member appointment process to allow for the selection of board members by individual elected officials. In accordance with the ordinance, the board appointments would be effective upon ratification by the Commission as a whole.The following appointments and reappointments are requested to be ratified:Planning and Zoning BoardMayor Triolo’s appointment of Laura Starr and reappointment of Anthony Marotta to the Planning and Zoning Board both for a term ending on July 31, 2022. Vice Mayor Pro Tem Maxwell’s reappointment of Greg Rice to the Planning and Zoning Board for a term ending on July 31, munity Redevelopment BoardMayor Triolo’s reappointment of Brendan Lynch to the Community Redevelopment Board for a term ending on August 21, 2023. Library Advisory BoardMayor Triolo’s reappointment of Dave Wilson to the Library Advisory Board for a term ending on July 31, 2023. Vice Mayor Amoroso’s reappointment of Sam Goodstein to the Library Advisory Board for a term ending on July 31, 2024. Recreation Advisory BoardVice Mayor Amoroso’s reappointments of Deborah Null and Tiffany Kapner to the Recreation Advisory Board both for a term ending on July 31, 2022.City Tree BoardVice Mayor Amoroso’s appointment of Andrew Gottlieb to the City Tree Board to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2022.Electric Utility Advisory BoardVice Mayor Pro Tem Maxwell’s appointment of Matthew Portilla to the Electric Utility Advisory Board to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2021. Historic Resources Preservation BoardVice Mayor Pro Tem Maxwell’s reappointment of Judith Just to the Historic Resources Preservation Board for a term ending on July 31, missioner Hardy’s reappointment of William Feldkamp to the Historic Resources Preservation Board for a term ending on July 31, 2022.MOTION:Motion to approve/disapprove the appointments and reappointments above.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis: N/AMembership board logs Board applicationsAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: City CommissionEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ratification of CRA designation of Chair and Vice ChairSUMMARY:In accordance with Florida Statutes 163.356 (c), the governing body of the CRA shall designate a Chair and Vice Chair from among the Commissioners. The current CRA By-Laws, Article 2, Officers and Employees, reads as follows: 2.1 Officers and Terms. The officers of the CRA shall be a Chair and a Vice-Chair, of which the term of office shall be two (2) years. If a vacancy occurs, the individual fulfilling the prior Chair’s term shall serve for the remainder of the prior member’s term until August 1 of the current year. Nominations shall be held on or before August 1, unless otherwise approved by the CRA. 2.2 Chair. The Chair shall be nominated by a majority vote of the members, and a recommendation for appointment shall be sent to the Lake Worth Beach City Commission. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the CRA and shall execute instruments in the name of the CRA as may be required, appoint such committees from time to time as may be deemed appropriate, and shall have general supervision, direction and control over the business and operations of the CRA. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:During the July 16, 2019, Community Redevelopment Agency regular meeting the Board nominated Brendan Lynch to serve as the Chair and Mark Rickards to serve as the Vice Chair.MOTION:Move to ratify the Community Redevelopment Agency Board appointment of Brendan Lynch as Chair of the Board and Mark Rickards as Vice Chair of the Board. ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis: NA Letter from CRACRA membership logAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: LegalEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: Approval of settlement agreement in the Case of City of Lake Worth v. 1511 Lucerne, LLC. SUMMARY: The Agreement authorizes the settlement of a foreclosure case filed by the City against the property located at 1511 Lucerne Avenue. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION: In 2018, the City filed a lawsuit to foreclose its code enforcement liens on property located at 1511 Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth Beach, Florida (hereafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). The defendant, 1511 Lucerne, LLC (“1511 Lucerne”), acquired the Subject Property, on August 11, 2006, and remains the current owner. Since 2006, the City has acquired two (2) code enforcement liens against the Subject Property: (1) a 2006 lien which has accrued to approximately $50,200.00; and, (2) 2008 lien which has accrued to accrued to $13,020. All violations under these liens are in compliance and no fines are continuing to accrue.On May 16, 2019, the City attended court ordered mediation with 1511 Lucerne. At mediation, the City also addressed its interest in the properties located at 1108 1st Avenue South, and 7 North B Street. The property located at 1108 1st Avenue South is owned by Railroad Station Enterprises, Inc., and the property located at 7 North B Street is owned by Wenjo Partner. These properties were addressed during this mediation because John Romano has an ownership interest in all of the properties including the Subject Property. After several rounds of negotiations, the parties agreed to a Settlement Agreement, subject to City Commission consideration. The Settlement Agreement is attached for review and addresses all of the foregoing properties including the Subject Property. The City initiated this foreclosure in order to address the old code enforcement liens on the Subject Property and ideally, spur redevelopment of the Subject Property and surrounding properties. Staff feels that this Settlement Agreement assists the City in facilitating new ownership and redevelopment of the Subject Property and surrounding properties (along with the City receiving funds towards the code fines and recovering its attorney’s fees in the case). MOTION: Move to approve / not approve the settlement agreement in the Case of City of Lake Worth v. 1511 Lucerne, LLC. ATTACHMENT(S):Mediation Settlement Agreement FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures00000Operating Expenditures00000External Revenues0$32,220$7,50000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact0$0$000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact: The collection of the funds as outlined in the agreement are $32,220 for code fines, which will be deposited into account 001-0000-354.20-00 Code, $7,500 for code fees, which will be deposited into account 001-0000-341.30-87 Code. At this time there are no associated expenditures associated with this agreement.AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Agreement with David Mancini & Sons, Inc. for construction of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvements PH ISUMMARY:This Agreement authorizes David Mancini & Sons, Inc. to construct the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project in the amount of $2,618,649.00.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project design was completed and advertised soliciting bids under IFB 19-114. Sixteen bids were received. The lowest bid for the sum of $2,618,649.00 was from David Mancini & Sons, Inc. Craig A Smith & Associates Inc. is recommending award of the Bid to David Mancini & Sons, Inc. as the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the construction agreement of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project to David Mancini & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $2,618,649.00.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisEngineer’s Recommendation LetterAgreementBondCertificate of InsuranceFISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures$583,597$2,035,052000Operating Expenditures00000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact$583,597$2,035,052000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:Account NumberAccount ProjectFY19CurrentAgendaBalanceDescriptionNumberBudgetBalanceExpenditure402-7034-533.63-15Water WT 1803$8,994,667$868,197$583,597$284,600Distribution Improve Other Than BuildDepartment Fiscal Review:_________Brian Shields –DirectorCorinne Elliott – FinanceChristy Goddeau – City AttorneyMichael Bornstein – City ManagerAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Task Order No. 5 with Craig A. Smith & Associates, Inc. for construction phase engineering services of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvements PH ISUMMARY:Task Order No. 5 authorizes Craig A. Smith & Associates, Inc to provide construction phase engineering services for the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project in the amount of $284,600.00.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project design was completed and construction work is ready to begin. The City of Lake Worth Beach solicited bids from contractors under IFB 19-114. Sixteen bids were received. David Mancini & Sons, Inc is the recommended contractor to construct this project and is included as a separate agenda item.Task Order No. 5 provides for construction management and administration services during the construction phase of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement Ph I project, including onsite inspections, review of pay requests and certification by the Engineer of Record. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove Task Order No. 5 with Craig A Smith & Associates, Inc. for construction phase engineering service of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project in the amount of $284,600ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisTask Order No. 5 ProposalFISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures$284,6000000Operating Expenditures00000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact$284,6000000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:Account NumberAccount ProjectFY19CurrentAgendaBalanceDescriptionNumberBudgetBalanceExpenditure402-7034-533.63-15Water WT 1803$8,994,667$284,600$284,600$0Distribution Improve Other Than BuildDepartment Fiscal Review:_________Brian Shields –DirectorCorinne Elliott – FinanceChristy Goddeau – City AttorneyMichael Bornstein – City ManagerAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Utility Easement and Bill of Sale by and between Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. and the City of Lake Worth BeachSUMMARY:Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. will dedicate a Utility Easement and Bill of Sale to the City of Lake Worth Beach in accordance with the conditions of approval of the Lake Cove Building Department PermitBACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. recently constructed the Lake Cove residential development project located between I-95 and N A St from 19th to 20th Avenues North. By the Bill of Sale, the City of Lake Worth Beach will own and maintain water and sewer utilities that are located in the subdivisions rights of way, and is requiring a fifteen-foot wide Water Utility Easement be dedicated to provide unrestricted access to the City of Lake Worth Beach for all associated utility maintenance, repair and new installations. This item provides for both legal ownership and access to the water and sewer systems.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the Utility Easement and Bill of Sale between Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. and the City of Lake Worth Beach.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis – not applicableUtility EasementBill of SaleAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Agreement with Hinterland Group, Inc. for construction of the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements ProjectSUMMARY:This Agreement authorizes Hinterland Group, Inc. to construct the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project in the amount of $352,000.00.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project has been in the design phase and construction work is ready to begin. The project is necessary to provide continuous electrical service to both the lime softening and reverse osmosis water plants. Each plant has its own generator, but they are not connected such that one generator could provide service to both plants if power is lost. The City’s Emergency Operations Center is housed in the lime softening building of the water treatment plant, deeming it imperative that power is not lost. Other electrical improvements in the project include safety in extending the fire alarm system throughout the lime plant rooms and floors, connecting well 8 to the lime softening plant generator and relocating wiring to high service pumps 1 and 2. The City of Lake Worth Utilities department solicited bids from contractors for project construction under Bid IFB-19-113. Three contractors submitted bids. Holtz Consulting, Inc. is recommending award of the bid to Hinterland Group, Inc. as the lowest responsible, responsive bidder.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the construction Agreement of the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project to Hinterland Group, Inc., in the amount of $352,000.00.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisBid TabulationEngineer’s Recommendation LetterAgreementFISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures$352,0000000Operating Expenditures00000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact$352,0000000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact:Account NumberAccount ProjectFY19CurrentAgendaBalanceDescriptionNumberBudgetBalanceExpenditure402-7022-533.Water UtilityWT 1904$1,170,315$405, 308.31$352,000$53,308.8163-00Services/ImproveOther Than BuildDepartment Fiscal Review:_________AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Task Order No. 10 with Holtz Consulting, Inc. for construction phase engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements ProjectSUMMARY:Task Order No. 10 authorizes Holtz Consulting, Inc. to provide Construction Phase Engineering Services for the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project in the amount of $67,096.50.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project has been in the design phase and construction work is ready to begin. The project is necessary to provide continuous electrical service to both the lime softening and reverse osmosis water plants. Each plant has its own generator, but they are not connected such that one generator could provide service to both plants if power is lost. The City’s Emergency Operations Center is housed in the lime softening building of the water treatment plant, deeming it imperative that power is not lost. Other electrical improvements in the project include safety in extending the fire alarm system throughout the lime plant rooms and floors, connecting well 8 to the lime softening plant generator and relocating wiring to high service pumps 1 and 2. The City of Lake Worth Utilities department solicited bids from contractors for project construction under Bid IFB-19-113. Three contractors submitted bids. Hinterland Group, Inc. is the recommended contractor to construct this project and is included as a separate agenda item.Task Order No. 10 provides for construction management and administration services during the construction phase of the generator interconnect and miscellaneous electrical improvements Project, including onsite inspections, review of pay requests and approval by the Engineer of Record. MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove Task Order No. 10 of the Agreement (RFQ-18-303) with Holtz Consulting, Inc. for construction phase engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant Generator Interconnect and Miscellaneous Electrical Improvements Project in the amount of $67,096.50.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact AnalysisTask Order No. 10Budget TransferFISCAL IMPACT ANALYSISFive Year Summary of Fiscal Impact:Fiscal Years20192020202120222023Capital Expenditures$67,096.500000Operating Expenditures00000External Revenues00000Program Income00000In-kind Match 00000Net Fiscal Impact$67,096.500000No. of Addn’l Full-TimeEmployee Positions00000Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact with attached budget transfer:Account NumberAccount ProjectFY19CurrentAgendaBalanceDescriptionNumberBudgetBalanceExpenditure402-7022-.Water UtilityWT 1904$1,170,315$67,096.50$67,096.50$0533.63-00Services/ImproveOther Than BuildDepartment Fiscal Review:_________Brian Shields –DirectorCorinne Elliott – FinanceChristy Goddeau – City AttorneyMichael Bornstein – City ManagerAGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Water UtilitiesEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Utility Easement and Bill of Sale by and between BDG Banyan Court, LP. and the City of Lake Worth BeachSUMMARY:BDG Banyan Court, LP, will dedicate a Utility Easement and Bill of Sale to the City of Lake Worth Beach in accordance with the conditions of approval of the Banyan Court Building Department PermitBACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:BDG Banyan Court, LP, recently constructed the Banyan Court residential development project located between I-95 and North A Street from 3rd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North. The City of Lake Worth Beach will own and maintain water and sewer utilities that are located in the subdivision roadways, and is requiring a fifteen to twenty-foot wide Water and/or Sewer Utility Easement be dedicated to provide unrestricted access to the City of Lake Worth Beach for all associated utility maintenance, repair and new installations. This item provides for both legal ownership and access to the water and sewer systems.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove the Utility Easement and Bill of Sale between BDG Banyan Court, LP, and the City of Lake Worth Beach.ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis – not applicableUtility EasementBill of SaleAGENDA DATE: August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: City AttorneyEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ordinance 2019-06 - Second Reading and Public Hearing amending the prohibition on open containers of alcoholic beverages in public placesSUMMARY:Ordinance 2019-06 amends the prohibition on the possession of open alcoholic beverage containers in public places to include commercial establishment parking lots and removes violations involving vehicles which are currently addressed in Florida Statutes.BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The City wishes to preserve the peace, security, and economic success of the City by reducing the negative effects caused by open alcoholic beverage container violations currently taking place in commercial establishment parking lots that are open to the public. The existing ordinance, section 5-9 of the City’s code of ordinances, prohibits open containers in public places but does not include commercial establishment parking lots that are open to the public. The proposed ordinance will amend the existing ordinance to include a prohibition on open containers in these parking lots. Additionally, Section 316.1936, Florida Statutes, addresses the possession of open containers in vehicles and treats these violations as a nonmoving traffic violation (noncriminal). The City’s current penalties for a violation of the ordinance include the possibility of up to $500.00 in fines and 60 days in jail. Therefore, to avoid any conflicts with state law, all references to open containers in vehicles found in the current ordinance will be removed.MOTION:Move to approve / not approve Ordinance No. 2019-06, amending the prohibition on open containers of alcoholic beverages in public places. ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Analysis – Not ApplicableOrdinance No. 2019-06AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: Community Sustainability EXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Ordinance No. 2019-08 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Amending Chapter 19 "Streets and Sidewalks" Section 19-13 "Shopping Carts on Public Ways" SUMMARY:Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2019-08 deleting Section 19-13 “Shopping Carts on Public Ways” and replacing it with a new Section 19-13 “Shopping Cart Requirements for Public Rights-of-Way and for Shopping Cart Owners”BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:The proposed amendments to Chapter 19 “Streets and Sidewalks” addresses nuisances created by the removal of shopping carts from business establishments and the abandonment of them on other properties and in the public right-of-way. The amendments will require shopping cart identification, notice of penalties for removal of shopping carts, and require business establishments to establish an on-site shopping cart retention system. The amendments also require businesses to establish a containment plan, which must be submitted to the City.MOTION:Move to approve/disapprove Ordinance No. 2019-08 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Amending Chapter 19 "Streets and Sidewalks" Section 19-13 "Shopping Carts on Public Ways"SUPPORTING DOCUMENT(S): (available in the Clerk’s office)Ordinance 2019-08AGENDA DATE: DOCVARIABLE <F_AgendaDate> \* MERGEFORMAT August 6, 2019 – Regular MeetingDEPARTMENT: City CommissionEXECUTIVE BRIEFTITLE: DOCVARIABLE <F_ItemTitle> \* MERGEFORMAT Designation of voting delegate during the Florida League of Cities 93rd Annual Conference on August 15-17, 2019 in Orlando, FL SUMMARY:This item is to select a voting delegate for the Florida League of Cities’ Annual Business Meeting held during their annual conference in Orlando, Florida on August 15-17, 2019. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION:Annually, the Florida League of Cities holds a conference to provide opportunities for networking among officials from across the state as well as conducting the annual business meeting. Numerous presentations and panel discussions help officials stay current on important issues affecting local government. Especially important is staying familiar with activities and actions of the Florida State government. Attendees engage in discussing specific problems with their peers, identifying solutions and sharing ideas. This conference provides valuable educational opportunities to help Florida’s municipal officials serve their citizenry more effectively. A voting delegate needs to be appointed to represent the City during the business meeting. On July 17, 2017, the City Commission appointed Vice Mayor Andy Amoroso to serve as the voting delegate. MOTION:Move to appoint ___________________ as the voting delegate for the Florida League of Cities Annual Business Meeting at the Florida League of Cities annual conference on August 15-17, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. ATTACHMENT(S):Fiscal Impact Analysis: NA2019 FLC Annual Conference Announcement brochure ................

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