A special board meeting of the Roanoke Village Board was called to order; Mayor Smith presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Smith.

On roll call were Trustee Jerry Hasler, Trustee Bob Gillson, Trustee Wayne Blunier, Trustee Curt Leman and Trustee Jeremy Hilton. Mayor Smith, full-time employees Ben Fehr, Cody Stine, Mark Aeschleman and Boni Oltman were also present. Trustee Bob Knepp was absent.

HEALTH INSURANCE OPTIONS – Mayor Smith thanked Trustee Hilton for staying on top of options for employee health insurance. Trustee Hilton introduced Jonathan Weber and Amy Vermillion of Kuhl Insurance. Amy discussed details of a couple of spreadsheets listing 2 different health insurance companies offered by Kuhl Insurance. Trustee Hilton relayed details of some information he compiled comparing our current insurance company with a similar plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield) offered by Kuhl Insurance. The deductible for the Blue Cross Blue Shield was more than the current deductible, therefore Trustee Hilton suggested offering a one-time pay raise to the employee to compensate for the increase in the maximum out of pocket expense. The point is to maintain the same max out of pocket that the village committed to at the beginning of the year. The plan offered by Kuhl Insurance is about $4,000 more than the current plan, but Trustee Hilton felt this was better than the complications being experienced by the employees on the current plan.

Trustee Hilton asked the board members if they wanted to continue with Hope Trust or switch to a different plan with a different company. Three board members would like to switch to a different company. Trustee Hasler asked what the average increases were for the insurance companies represented by Kuhl Insurance to which Amy Vermillion replied that it depends on the zip code and age being represented, speculated it might be about 1 ½ - 2% per month. Jonathan Weber pointed out the plan being considered offers an extensive network with numerous hospitals and doctors that employees can use.

Boni Oltman asked how much the village saved last year after going with a high deductible plan and offering a health savings account. Trustee Hilton replied the village saved $25,000.

Mayor Smith felt betrayed by the current insurance company since they promised the employees the use of OSF doctors and facilities. Mayor Smith talked about employees possibly having to help contribute to the premium if the increase was more than the village could sustain in the future. Trustee Blunier asked to hear the employees’ opinions. Mark Aeschleman felt the insurance coverage should be bid out every year. Boni Oltman commented that it would be good to have an insurance company that will work for the employees. Ben Fehr is willing to change insurance companies. Mark Aeschleman is concerned about the ongoing service from the current company for the rest of the year if the village decides to terminate the agreement. Jennifer Crumrine stated that she could go either way.

Trustee Gillson wanted to make sure he was clear on the information compiled by Trustee Hilton comparing the 2 companies being Blue Cross Blue Shield and Hope Trust. Trustee Hasler asked the employees if they would be willing to carry some of the load if the increase in premium would be more than the village is willing to pay. Mark Aeschleman commented that everything increases from seal coating the streets to operating supplies and that the village just goes with it.

Trustee Hasler expressed disappointment and surprise with the way the current arrangement is going with HOPE Trust.

Trustee Hilton motioned to select Kuhl Insurance as the village’s new insurance provider; Trustee Gillson seconded.

Motion carried by roll call vote.

Ayes: Hilton, Gillson, Hasler, Blunier, Leman

Nayes: None

Mayor Smith relayed the village is going to send a letter to Hope Trust letting them know the village is going to terminate their agreement with them.

Trustee Hasler motioned to adjourn; Trustee Blunier seconded.

Motioned carried by voice vote.


Jennifer Crumrine


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