
Use the diagram to answer questions 1 & 2.

1. What is the best explanation for the changes shown in the picture?

a. Individual insects have made an accommodation to their environment.

b. There has been a change in the genetic make-up of this population of insects.

c. Some of these insects have changed their behavior over time.

d. The genetic make-up of this population has remained the same for 10 generations.

2. Which is the most logical conclusion you could draw when looking at the picture?

a. Spotted insects are more likely than plain insects to survive in this ecosystem.

b. Spotted insects have the ability to change their appearance.

c. Spotted insects are less likely than plain insects to survive in this ecosystem.

d. Spotted insects are likely to become endangered in this ecosystem.

3. Which of the following statement best describes evolution?

a. Competition for resources between different species.

b. Changes in the traits of species over time.

c. Survival of the fittest members of a population.

d. Struggle for survival among individuals.

4. What role do mutations play in evolution?

a. Mutations are one of the main sources of genetic variation in a population.

b. Mutations always produce dominant traits that make populations more fit.

c. Mutations cannot be passed on and they do not affect a population’s gene pool.

d. Mutations are always removed from a gene pool by natural selection.

5. In the example of moths in England during the 1800s, what environmental change led to natural selection for dark-colored moths?

a. Air pollution made it hard for light-colored moths to breathe.

b. A new type of predator moved into the area that preferred light-colored moths.

c. The bark of trees changed from a light color to a dark color.

d. A new type of food became available that only dark-colored moths could eat.

6. Which statement is true about diversity among species and environmental change?

a. Diversity among species increases the chance that some species will survive environmental change.

b. Diversity among species is a major cause of environmental change.

c. Diversity among species can be used to predict environmental change.

d. All of the above.

7. A few birds were separated from their original large flock in a wind storm, and they formed their own small flock. This is an example of

a. Founder effect.

b. Natural selection.

c. Bottleneck effect.

d. Genetic diversity.

8. Which statement is always true about two different species?

a. They are reproductively isolated from each other.

b. They are geographically isolated from each other.

c. They can mate with each other, but their offspring are not fertile.

d. They can breed together if they live in the same geographic area.

9. Birds from two similar species do not mate because they have different mating songs. These birds do not mate due to

a. Temporal isolation.

b. Behavioral isolation.

c. Geographic isolation.

d. Prezygotic isolation.

10. Birds that Charles Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands were ground birds that could not fly from one island to another. Bird populations on the different islands had different gene pools because of

a. Genetic isolation.

b. Temporal isolation.

c. Postzygotic isolation.

d. Geographic isolation.

11. Chicken and rat embryos look very similar. This provides evidence that these two organisms

a. Are related.

b. Look very similar as adults.

c. Belong to the same species.

d. Have not evolved.

12. When lions prey on a herd of antelope, some antelope are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?

a. Acquired characteristics.

b. Reproductive isolation.

c. Survival of the fittest.

d. Descent with modification.

13. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have

a. Characteristics their parents acquired by use and disuse.

b. Characteristics that plant and animal breeders value.

c. The greatest number of offspring.

d. Traits best suited to the environment.

14. The number and location of bones of many fossil vertebrates (animals) are similar to those in living vertebrates. Most biologists would probably explain this fact on the basis of

a. The needs of the organisms.

b. A common ancestor.

c. The struggle for existence.

d. The inheritance of acquired characteristics.

15. Darwin’s theory of evolution is based on the idea(s) of

a. Natural variation and natural selection.

b. Use and disuse.

c. A tendency toward perfect, unchanging species.

d. The transmission of acquired characteristics.

16. Which of the following is NOT needed for natural selection to occur?

a. Time

b. Overproduction of offspring

c. Variation

d. Genetic Drift

17. In 1859, Darwin published his revolutionary scientific ideas in a work entitled

a. On the Origin of Species.

b. Principles of Geology.

c. Essay on the Principles of Populations.

d. Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics.

18. When a farmer breeds only his or her best livestock, the process involved is

a. Natural selection.

b. Artificial selection.

c. Natural variation.

d. Artificial variation.

19. An adaptation is

a. a learned behavior that helps the organism to survive.

b. an inherited characteristic that is helpful for an organism

c. an ability for an organism to survive

d. acquired during the organism’s lifetime

20. Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment

a. Diversity.

b. Adaptation.

c. Fitness.

d. Artificial selection.

21. In humans, the appendix and wisdom teeth are example of a(n)

a. Fossil.

b. Vestigial structure.

c. Acquired trait.

d. Homologous structure.

22. Which of the following ideas proposed by Lamarck was later found to be incorrect?

a. Acquired characteristics can be inherited.

b. All species were descended from other species.

c. Living things change over time.

d. Organisms are adapted to their environment.

23. Differences among individuals are referred to as

a. Variations.

b. Fitness.

c. Natural selection.

d. Adaptations.

24. The French scientist Jean-Baptist Lamarck proposed which of the following theories?

I. All organisms have a common ancestor.

II. Species change over time.

III.A single organism can acquire traits

over its lifetime and these are then

passed to its offspring.

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II only

d. II and III only

25. The large ground finch obtains food by cracking seeds. Its thick, strong beak is an example of

a. The struggle for existence.

b. The tendency towards perfection.

c. The inheritance of acquired characteristics.

d. An adaptation.

26. All the genes of all the members in a particular population is known as a

a. Niche.

b. Phenotype.

c. Gene pool.

d. Population.

27. Traits that are controlled by more than one gene, such as human height, are known as

a. Single-gene traits.

b. Polygenic traits.

c. Recessive traits.

d. Dominant traits.

28. The type of selection in which individuals of average size have a greater fitness than small or large individuals is called

a. Disruptive selection.

b. Stabilizing selection.

c. Directional selection.

d. Genetic drift.

29. The type of selection in which individuals at one end of the curve have the highest fitness is called

a. Disruptive selection.

b. Stabilizing selection.

c. Directional selection.

d. Genetic drift.

30. If coat color in a rabbit population is a polygenic trait, which process might have produced the graph below?

a. Disruptive selection.

b. Stabilizing selection.

c. Directional selection.

d. Genetic drift.

31. A random change in a small population’s allele frequency is known as

a. A gene pool.

b. Genetic drift.

c. Variation.

d. Fitness.

32. A change in frequency that results from the migration of a small subgroup of a population is called

a. Natural selection.

b. The hardy-Weinberg principle.

c. The founder effect.

d. Genetic equilibrium.

33. A group of individuals of the same population that can interbreed make up a

a. Species.

b. Gene pool.

c. Population.

d. Genetic drift.

34. Which of the following is a source of genetic variation?

I. Mutations

II. Polygenic traits

III. Genetic shuffling that results from sexual reproduction

a. I only

b. I and III only

c. II and III only

d. I, II, and III

35. In a population of lizards, the smallest and largest lizards are more easily preyed upon that middle-sized lizards. What kind of natural selection is most likely to occur in this situation?

a. Genetic drift.

b. Sexual selection.

c. Stabilizing selection.

d. Directional selection.

36. A study of beetles on an isolated island found that none of the beetles currently living on the island can fly. Fossils from the island show it once was populated by flying beetles. The graph shows how the beetles on the island changed. The changes in the graph are probably the result of

a. Evolution of predators that ate the wings of beetles.

b. Natural selection acting on phenotypes in the beetle population.

c. Individuals losing their wings because they did not use them.

d. Flying beetles preying on non-flying beetles.

(37-38) Read the following statement.

Darwin’s statement about natural selection was a

a because __________b___________.

37. Which of the following is the best choice for a?

a. Law

b. Theory

c. Hypothesis

d. Standard

38. Which of the following is the best choice for b?

a. it is proven to be true.

b. it is an educated guess that can be tested.

c. it has evidence although not yet proven to

be true.

d. it was once said to be true but no longer


39. What situation might develop in a population

having some plants whose flowers open at midday

and other plants whose flowers open late in the


a. behavioral isolation

b. temporal isolation

c. geographic isolation

d. genetic drift

40. The number of phenotypes produced for a given trait depends upon

a. the number of genes that control the trait.

b. which form of the trait is dominant.

c. the relative frequencies of the various


d. whether or not natural selection is at



Unit 5 Exam

Part I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the choice that best completes the sentence or answers the question. DO NOT write on this exam.


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