
COUNTRY CHILD CARE’S EMERGENCY PLANS UPDATED: Tuesday, October 28, 2014Transportation for Evacuation: Providers should put the children in a vehicle and transport if being told to evacuate. Providers do not have to fill out transportation paperwork because it would be an emergency situation. It is okay to transport children that you do not normally transport. Center Responsibility: The staff will assume all responsibility of children on/off premises until they are released to a parent/guardian or to an official evacuation center, in which case selected staff will remain with the children until all have been reunited with their families. Employee Responsibility: All employees will remain on the premises as service workers, as designated by law. Such employees will be subject to whatever tasks are assigned by the person or persons in charge, and may not leave the premises until the same person or persons give them official permission to do so. Shelter In Place: In the event that it is safer for the provider and children to remain inside rather than evacuate, the provider will keep all children in the main building’s hallway. If the situation is one that requires the provider and the children to be away from windows, the provider and children will move into the main building’s bathrooms. Parents and guardians will be notified to pick up when the situation is in place. -717550773430Emergency Evacuation Procedure: The director and staff will take all the children’s files with us in the event of an evacuation so that parents and guardians can be contacted. If evacuation is necessary, the center will take children will all available vehicles to the Maize Fire Station 33 located at 10625 W 53rd St. North, Maize, Ks. 67101. The following route is the route we will take to get to the fire station so that parents and guardians can follow our “footsteps.”Emergency: Lost ChildEmergency: Chemical Weapons or ReleaseEmergency: Water Utility Failure Emergency: Power Utility FailureEmergency: Lock Down Emergency: Lock Down for a Threat of a Violent PersonEmergency: Violent Person in the CenterEmergency: FloodEmergency: Tornado or Severe Storms\Emergency: FireEmergency: Allergic Reaction:Emergency: Bomb Threat/ Terrorist Threat/ Acts of Violence ThreatsEmergency: Emergency Medical Injury or Workmen’s Compensation Emergency: Exposure to Blood or Other Potentially Infectious Material.Emergency: Lost ChildSummary: In the event that a child seems to be missing, a thorough search of the grounds would be made after making sure that the remaining children were safe. Parents/Guardians and police would be notified immediately if the child were not found. Police procedures would then be followed after the police arrived. Plan of Action: Call 9111 if needed immediately.Step 1) Immediately call for assistance when a child is unaccounted for in your care.Methods of calling for assistance:Protect the children under your care at all times. If needed remove the children from the building use the same process as the fire drill. Remember to take a class list with you for student attendance. Using the intercom system, #00 and stating: “I need help and a director, I am looking for (John, Smith), and I need help now.” By using #00 intercom system the staff inside and outside of the building can hear your request. Do not leave your class unattended to go look for the child.If unable to use intercom system call out for other employee’s assistance and give information to assist in recovery of child. Do not leave your class unattended to go look for the child.Step 2) Director, office staff, and float staff members will assist in looking for the child.Step 3) Follow up:Child is located: If the child is located, return to classroom where lead teacher will do a full room count. The director will be informed of the entire situation. Further actions will be deemed by the director at that time. Child is still missing: If the child is not located, the director, office staff, or float staff will call:911: Staff will provide the following information: Country Child Care, 404 W. Irma, Maize, Ks 67101, (316) 722-4500, Specific information regarding the nature of the emergency. Child’s Family: Staff will inform the family that the child is missing and the police have been notified. Staff will also answer any questions and give specific information regarding the occurrence.Step 4) Director will call KDHE to notify of incident and that a critical incident report was made as well as the result of the incident.Emergency: Chemical Weapons or ReleaseSummary: First and foremost, follow First Responders directions. If unable to contact, follow the plan of action. In the event of a chemical weapon or chemical release, the center would follow a “shelter-in” procedure. The children would be immediately moved into rooms where the windows, doors, and ventilation will all be sealed with tape. Police will be called, and they would give further instructions. Plan of Action:Step 1) Immediately move all children and staff inside the building. Step 2) Close and lock all windows and doors.Step 3) Enter and seal a room (approved rooms: Jill’s office, employee bathroom, children’s bathrooms) to prevent air from entering by sealing doors/windows with towels, tape, and trash bags. Step 4) Wait for further police instruction. Step 5) Stay off the phone lines, as emergency responders will need the phone lines. Cell phones may be used. If parents call the main phone line, inform them that parents will not be allowed to remove the children from the center as it would cause a break in the sealing of the room, allowing for possible exposure. Center will remain on lock down until appropriate aid arrives to remove the children and staff. Staff may not leave any child unless a parent/guardian assumes responsibility for them. This includes if relocated to another site. Note: See Emergency Evacuation Procedure. If an immediate evacuation is required, the police will give further instructions. All the children’s files will be taken with us in the event of an evacuation so that we can contact parents/guardians. Emergency: Water Utility FailureSummary: In the event of water failure, the center will remain open for 2 hours. In the event that the water failure is still continuing after 2 hours the center will inform parents to pick up their children, and close early. Plan of Action:Step 1) Conserve all water.Hand washing: Children may use antibacterial gel or wet ones to clean hands. Bottles: Use the water coolers for making bottles.Drinking Water: Children may have access to the water coolers for drinking water.Dishes: Boil conserved tap water on the stove, use as hot water for dish sanitization.Step 2) Director will contact the company or city hall to see how long until the service is back up and running. If the expected time of water return is under 2 hours, parents will be informed on their daily sheets. They will not be contacted by telephone as the center will resume normal business practices in under the time that it would take to contact parents and have the children picked up. If the expected time of water return is longer than 2 hours, director, office staff, and float staff members will assist in calling parents to pick up the children due to closing. Emergency: Power Utility FailureSummary: In the event of power failure, the center will remain open for 2 hours. In the event that the power failure is still continuing after 2 hours the center will inform parents to pick up their children, and close early. Plan of Action:Step 1) Staff will have the children remain calm, reassure the children, and do a child count. Step 2) Have all the children “Freeze” where they are until emergency lighting comes on.Step 3) Open all curtains to let natural light inside the building. Step 4) The classroom can either go outside until the lights come back on (if weather permitting) or do an activity close to the room’s windows. Children may use the restroom with the assistance of a staff member and a flash light. Step 5) Director will contact the company or city hall to see how long until the service is back up and running. If the expected time of power return is under 2 hours, parents will be informed on their daily sheets. They will not be contacted by telephone as the center will resume normal business practices in under the time that it would take to contact parents and have the children picked up. If the expected time of power return is longer than 2 hours, director, office staff, and float staff members will assist in calling parents to pick up the children due to closing. Emergency: Lock Down Summary: In the event of a necessary lock down all doors will be locked, window curtains closed, and staff/children kept away from the glass and window doors. The staff will protect the children under their care at all times. If there is a need to remove the children from the building use the same procedure as the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.Plan of Action:Director/Office Staff Responsibility:Step 1) Director or office staff will go over the intercom stating that the center is under a “lockdown.”Step 2) Director, office staff, and available float staff will assist in locking all of the center’s doors as quickly as possible.Step 3) Call the police: 911: Staff will provide the following information: Country Child Care, 404 W. Irma, Maize, Ks 67101, (316) 722-4500, Specific information regarding the nature of the emergency. Step 5) The director/office staff will protect the children under their care at all times. A staff member is to do everything in their power to ensure that a child is not hurt or removed from their protection. Step 6) Director and office staff will remain in the lobby to unlock the doors as parents pick up or drop off their children for the day. Directors and office staff will inform the parents of the situation and parents will decide if they wish to leave their child in the center’s care at that time.Teacher Responsibility:Step 1) If outside: line up to return to room, do a child count, return to room, do another child count.Step 2) Staff will have the children remain calm, reassure the children.Step 3) Close your window curtains and continue on with your daily schedule. Step 4) Stay out of the hallways and continue lock down until given further instruction from director.Step 5) The staff will protect the children under their care at all times. A teacher is to do everything in their power to ensure that a child is not hurt or removed from their protection. Emergency: Lock Down for a Threat of a Violent PersonSummary: In the event of a necessary lock down all doors will be locked, window curtains closed, lights turned off, and staff/children kept away from the glass and window doors. The staff will protect the children under their care at all times. If there is a need to remove the children from the building use the same procedure as the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.Plan of Action:Director/Office Staff Responsibility:Step 1) Director or office staff will go over the intercom stating that the center is under a “violent person lockdown.”Step 2) Director, office staff, and available float staff will assist in locking all of the center’s doors as quickly as possible.Step 3) Shut off all lights in the entire facility. Step 4) Call the police: 911: Staff will provide the following information: Country Child Care, 404 W. Irma, Maize, Ks 67101, (316) 722-4500, Specific information regarding the nature of the emergency. Step 5) For the safety of the center, no child or staff is to remain in the lobby or offices. Step 6 ) The director/office staff will protect the children under their care at all times. A staff member is to do everything in their power to ensure that a child is not hurt or removed from their protection. Step 7) Director will call KDHE to notify of incident and that a critical incident report was made as well as the result of the incident.Step 8) Director and office staff will inform parents at pick up unless otherwise decided by the director and the severity of the incident. Teacher Responsibility:Step 1) If outside: line up to return to room, do a child count, return to room, do another child count.Step 2) Staff will have the children remain calm, reassure the children.Step 3) Close your window curtains.Step 4) Shut off light to your room if it hasn’t already been done. Step 5) Have your children sit quietly away from exterior walls, windows, and glass doors. Step 6) Turn on music to cover any yelling or banging that might be going on outside. Step 7) Stay out of the hallways and continue lock down until given further instruction from director or police. Step 8 ) The staff will protect the children under their care at all times. A teacher is to do everything in their power to ensure that a child is not hurt or removed from their protection. Emergency: Violent Person in the CenterSummary: In the event of violent person or potentially violent person within the center, staff members will alert other staff over the speaker phone. The children will be protected at all times. If there is a need to remove the children from the building use the same procedure as the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.Plan of Action:Step 1) Immediately call for assistance or call for your neighboring teacher:Using the intercom system, #00 and state: “I need immediate assistance with a RED STAPLER in the (give room).” Call a director. If unable to use the intercom system call out for other employee’s assistance.Director will immediately drop what they are doing to assist teacher.Step 2) Notify the police.Office staff will immediately call 911: Staff will provide the following information: Country Child Care, 404 W. Irma, Maize, Ks 67101, (316) 722-4500, Specific information regarding the nature of the emergency.Step 3) Ensure the safety of the children.a. Remain calm, appear understanding, and calm your children.Protect yourself and the children at all times.Other classrooms need to start moving children to the other building and remain there until further instruction is given. Do this quietly and without drawing attention. Do a child count and take your classroom roster. Director will take over the situation while staff takes their children to the other building. Step 4) Wait for police to arrive.Step 5) When the situation has ended.Notify parents and guardians of the situation.Director will call KDHE to notify of incident and that a Critical Incident Report was made and filed.Emergency: FloodSummary: In the event of flood, children will remain in the center until parents pick up or emergency evacuation. See Emergency Evacuation Procedure. Plan of Action:Step 1) Remain in the building. Unplug all electrical items and turn off all lights.Children will be moved to sit on the tables, or the cubbies, depending on how high the water rises.Make sure the children are calm. Step 2) Director and office staff will contact all parents and guardians that the center is closing and that the children need to be picked up immediately due to flooding. Emergency: Tornado or Severe StormsSummary: In the event of tornado, children will remain in the center until parents pick up or emergency evacuation. See Emergency Evacuation Procedure. Staff will take all children into the designated hallway in the main hallway. The children will sit down in their room’s designated spots, tuck their heads, and the staff will place sleeping mats on top of them to protect from debris. Plan of Action:Step 1) Pick up your classroom roster/child count. Step 2) Evacuate classroom to the main building’s hallway and sit down, tuck heads, and place sleeping mats on top of the children.Infant Room: boy’s bathroomBug Room: boy’s bathroomJungle Room: white hallway wall in front of boy’s bathroom40386078105Pony Room: girl’s bathroomLily Pad Room: girl’s bathroomCastle Room: white hallway wall in front of girl’s bathroomSchool Age: brown hallway wallIf parent or guardians arrive to take children, they are permitted to remove their child from the premises.In the event of necessary Emergency Evacuation, please see Emergency Evacuation Procedure. Emergency: FireSummary: In the event of fire, staff will evacuate children from the building and await further instructions from the fire department. Plan of Action:Step 1) At the sound of the fire alarm, staff will evacuate the classes from the building. Pick up your classroom roster/child count.Step 2) Office staff will grab children’s files in case parents or guardians need to be called for pick up. Step 3) Fire exit pathways and safe spots are posted within the rooms. Each staff member will follow the exit plan and meet at the safe spots designated by the fire department. Step 4) Staff will do roll call once outside in the designated area until told further instructions.Step 5) The fire alarm is connected to the security system and the alarm will notify the fire department to come and address the situation. Step 6) At no time will any staff investigate if it was a false alarm or if there was a real fire.374650132715Step 7) If the fire department does not declare it a false alarm, and parents/guardians need to be notified. All free staff available will start calling parents and guardians using the children’s files. Director will call KDHE to notify of incident and that a critical incident report was made.If parent or guardians arrive to take children, they are permitted to remove their child from the premises.In the event of necessary Emergency Evacuation, please see Emergency Evacuation Procedure. Symptoms of an Allergic ReactionMost allergic reactions can be treated at the child care center without hospital help. It is very important for child care providers to know the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction so that they can respond as quickly as possible. As soon as a child care provider notices symptoms of an allergic reaction, he or she should follow through with the action plan previously agreed on by the child's parents and doctor. The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction are:?Stomach: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea.Breathing: wheezing; difficulty breathing; cough; throat or chest tightness.Skin rashes: hives, itchy rashes, or red patches on the skin.Other: difficulty swallowing; runny nose; itchy, watery, or bloodshot eyes; sneezing; anxiety; headache; feeling faint; fatigue.Anaphylaxis: signs of shock (low blood pressure; skin that is pale or red, sweaty, or dry; confusion, anxiety, or unconsciousness); difficult or noisy breathing.Emergency: Treating a Severe Allergic ReactionSummary: Most severe allergic reactions happen within seconds or minutes after exposure to the allergen. An allergic reaction should be considered severe if an individual experiences sudden or rapidly worsening symptoms; swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat; widespread rash or severe hives; vomiting; or unconsciousness. Call an ambulance if any of these symptoms occur. Plan of Action if a child has an EpiPen:Alert the front office that you are in need of the child’s EpiPen if the child has an EpiPen.Inject epinephrine (using an auto-injector) into the muscle of the outer thigh. To administer epinephrine to a child, it may be easier to place the child on your lap so that you can easily access the child's outer thigh. Follow the instructions on the auto-injector packaging.???.? .? Thi.? For admiistering? .? When administe Call 911 and explain that the child is having a severe allergic reaction. The emergency dispatcher may ask you to describe the child's symptoms.Lay the child down unless he or she is vomiting or having difficulty breathing.If symptoms do not improve or another severe reaction occurs, the child care provider may administer a second dose of epinephrine.Contact the child's parents or other emergency contacts and let them know about the reaction, the steps the child care staff have taken, and the next steps required.Make sure an ambulance is on its way, or take the child to the hospital.Be sure to bring the child's medical information and release form to the hospital.Emergency: If a child is displaying signs of an allergic reaction:Plan of ActionAll teachers are trained to identify and treat if a child has an allergic reaction through Signs and Symptoms of Illness Training as well as CPR and First Aid training we receive from LifeSaver’s Learning Center. Symptoms typically appear within minutes to several hours after eating the food to which you are allergic. Keep in mind that children may communicate their symptoms in a different manner than adults. Mild symptoms may include one or more of the following:Hives (reddish, swollen, itchy areas on the skin)Eczema (a persistent dry, itchy rash)Redness of the skin or around the eyesItchy mouth or ear canalNausea or vomitingDiarrheaStomach painNasal congestion or a runny noseSneezingSlight, dry coughOdd taste in mouthSevere symptoms may include one or more of the following:Obstructive swelling of the lips, tongue, and/or throatTrouble swallowingShortness of breath or wheezingTurning blueDrop in blood pressure (feeling faint, confused, weak, passing out)Loss of consciousnessChest painA weak or “thread” pulseSense of “impending doom”Plan of Action:In the event a child is displaying any of these SEVERE symptoms the child needs to be immediately taken to the front where the child can be monitored while the parent’s are notified. In the event of a severe reaction, 911 would be called before the parents/contacts.Emergency: Bomb Threat/ Terrorist Threat/ Acts of Violence ThreatsSummary: In the event of a bomb threat, terrorist threat, or act of violence threat everything will be done according to what the police instruct the center to do in the situation. Plan of Action:Step 1) When a telephone threat is received, you should ask the following:When will this happen? Where is it right now? What does it look like? What kind of bomb/threat is it? What will cause it to explode/happen? Did you place the treat? Why? What is your name?Step 2) Inform the director immediately and then write down the exact wording of the treat, believed sex of caller, race, age, time, and date it was received.Step 3) Lock all the doors and close all curtains.Step 4) Gather all children into the main building’s hallway in sitting position, located away from windows and doors.Step 5) The director will call 911 and follow their instructions. Step 6) Contact parents to advise them of the situation. If parent or guardians arrive to take children, they are permitted to remove their child from the premises.In the event of necessary Emergency Evacuation, please see Emergency Evacuation Procedure. Emergency: Emergency Medical Injury or Workmen’s Compensation Summary: Medical care, such as first aid and C.P.R. will be provided for all injured children, parent/guardian, and/or staff. Plan of Action:Step 1) Immediately yell out for help. Yell your location, type on injury, and any other details important to the medical emergency. Yell for a float to cover your classroom responsibilities and supervise/calm the children. 911 will be called by office staff. First Aid Needed: Apply first aid necessary to stabilize injury. If the injured is able to be moved (use gloves if bodily fluids are present) bring them to the front office. If the injured is not able to be moved, remain where you are until director or emergency medical professionals take over. C.P.R. Needed: Call out for help. Begin C.P.R. until emergency medical professionals arrive. Neck/Head/Possible Broken Bone: DON’T move the injured, allow them to remain where they fell and remove all surrounding hazards that may bump them or need to be moved in order for medical professionals to bring in a stretcher. Remain where you are until a director or emergency medical professional take over. Transportation to medical facility: Family members will be informed of the incident and notified as to which medical facility they will be transported to for care. A critical incident report will be filed. Workmen’s Compensation: If employee is injured severely they must be seen by an approved emergency room or hospital, as not all facilities are covered under the center’s insurance. Notify the approved emergency room or hospital that it is a workmen’s compensation claim, providing our information for billing. Once you are released, you must have a doctor give you a written release.Emergency: Exposure to Blood or Other Potentially Infectious Material. Summary: If exposed to blood or other potentially infectious material, staff member will need to contain the contamination and receive testing for blood born pathogens. Needle sticks, cuts, and scrapes should be immediately washed with soap and water. Splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin should be flushed with water. Eyes should be irrigated with water for 15 minutes. If clothing is contaminated, remove the clothing as soon as feasible.Report the incident to the director plete a critical incident reportPlan of Action:Testing/Evaluation/Treatment: You will be required to see an approved health care professional for evaluation, testing, and treatment if indicated. You will not be permitted to return back to work until you have been cleared by testing. Send all testing bills to the center, as it is a workmen’s compensation claim. Once you are released, you must have a doctor give you a written release.COUNTRY CHILD CARE’S POLICIESUPDATED: Tuesday, October 28, 20141 Policy: Safety Practices2 Policy: Infection Control Practices3 Policy: Staff and Parent/Guardian Dating AND Public Displays of Affection with Significant Others on Site4 Policy: Sexual Harassment 5 Policy: Code of Conduct6 Policy: Center’s Non-discrimination Statement7 Policy: C.A.C.F.P. USDA Nondiscrimination Statement 8 Policy: Nap Mat Sheets and Crib Sheet Sanitization9 Policy: Time Clock10 Policy: Male Teachers 11 Policy: Weather 12 Policy: Discipline 13 Policy: Sick Children and Staff14 Policy: Reporting Abuse/Neglect15 Policy: Bottle Cleaning16 Policy: Sippy Cup Cleaning17 Policy: Breast milk and Feeding/Storage18 Policy: Formula and Feeding/Storage19 Policy: Serving Food20 Policy: Mouthed/Contaminated Items21 Policy: Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Children Hand Washing22 Policy: Staff Hand Washing23 Policy: Staff Food Storage24 Policy: Classroom Plate, Cup, Napkins, and Utensil Storage1. Policy: Safety Practices:?Country Child Care is sincere in its desires to conduct all of its operations in the safest manner possible. Compliance with the general safety rules listed below will assist us in achieving this objective. ?These rules are minimum guidelines for working safely. Your continued awareness and cooperation is vital to your job. It is your responsibility to apply these and all accepted standard.?Clean any spills immediately?Put wet floor signs out when mopping?Mop and wax when during off-hours whenever possible?Maintain your room to ensure safety in walking; you director has the right to tell you to organize your room more efficiently. ?Lift properly: When lifting keep your back straight as possible when raising a child.?Bend your knees.?Hold the child close to yourself.?Move your feet. Don’t twist to transfer the child.?During naps the room should be light enough to monitor your children.?Do not stand on chairs, tables, etc. Step stools must be used.2. Policy: Infection Control Practices:?Wash your hands and the children’s hands after restroom, outside time, and mealtime.?Clean floors, bathrooms, sinks, walls, and toilets daily.?Clean furniture and equipment daily.?Wear gloves when wiping body fluid or excrement off or from child.?Wear gloves when changing a child’s diaper; throw away the gloves after each child’s changing and put on a new clean pair.?Wear gloves when handling or assisting a child who is bleeding in any manner.?Fill out a Critical Incident Report and give to a director.?All staff must follow proper handing or disposal of soiled diapers, garments, etc. Staff must use all local health department information requiring infectious or communicable diseases as instructed by director.3. Policy: Staff and Parent/Guardian Dating AND Public Displays of Affection with Significant Others on Site? There is a no tolerance policy to Country Child Care staff (full and part time) and center parents and guardians being romantically involved. ?Exceptions: a) If the person you are involved with enrolls their children after your hire date. b) Marriagec) If the person you are involved with has their children enrolled previous to your hire date. ?Public displays of affection other than hugging will be prohibited on site. This means if you are off the clock, and you and your significant other are on site, you may only hug as a way of showing affection. Handholding is not permitted at anytime. Significant others may not remain (lounge) in your classroom or linger in the hallway longer than 30 minutes.4. Policy: Sexual Harassment ?All employees of the center are entitled to a work place free from sexual harassment and intimidation. ?Sexual harassment is a violation of the Title of VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it is against the policies of this center for any employee, male or female, to sexually harass another employee OR parent. ?Sexual harassment is both prohibited and illegal.?Sexual harassment refers to behavior that is unwelcome, that is personally offensive, and fails to respect the rights of others salary, or job of an individual in exchange for sexual favors. It also includes the creation of an individual exchange for sexual favors.?Sexually related conduct such as the display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, etc., in a work area will NOT be permitted. Sexual slurs, jokes, demeaning remarks, sexually suggestive or profane language, offensive sexual flirtations, and innuendo should be avoided.?Every charge of sexual harassment will be investigated by the center. Once the charge has been confirmed, the director should report it to the owner. All information disclosed during an investigation will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be disclosed on a need-to-know basis in order to investigate and resolve the complaint.Under no circumstance should employees sexually harass the parents of the center.?Sexually related conduct such as the display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, etc., in a work area will NOT be permitted. Sexual slurs, jokes, demeaning remarks, sexually suggestive or profane language, offensive sexual flirtations, and innuendo should be avoided. If a parent makes an advance at you are to immediately go to the director and inform her of this situation. We value our employees as well as t heir their safety and job comfort. The director will handle the situation from that point.5. Policy: Code of ConductReasons for termination of employment but are not limited to:?Abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) of a child or any reason. This includes use of foul or abusive language.?Neglect of a child.?Inappropriately disciplining a child.?Permitting a child to leave the center without an authorized person.?Being under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs or alcohol during working hours. The center performs random drug testing.?Conviction of any felony.?Engaging in activities that create a public scandal or damaging the reputation of the company. ?Possession of firearms or knives on the centers premises.?Use of the company telephone to make personal long distance calls.?Having knowledge of infractions of company policy and not reporting the violations’ to the appropriate supervisors. ?Misappropriation, mismanagement, or theft of money/property from the center, employees, or customers.?Unauthorized use of company property.?Falsification of documents, for example actual time worked and recorded on time sheets, weekly reports, delinquency reports, employment applications, stated educational qualifications.?Cashing personal checks from C.C.C. funds, you will be prosecuted.?Not paying enrollment on a timely manner for your children.6. Policy: Center’s Non-discrimination Statement Country Child Care does not discriminate against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. 7. Policy: C.A.C.F.P. USDA Nondiscrimination Statement The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.)If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at , or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 8. Policy: Nap Mat Sheets and Crib Sheet Sanitization?The teachers will remove all sheets once a week for laundry and returned that night for the next day.?Mats and cribs will be wiped down and sanitized. ?If a sheet becomes soiled, it will be cleaned that day and returned that night for the next day 9. Policy: Time Clock?Children Enrolled: Parents and Guardians are required to check their child in upon arrival and out upon departure using the Time Terminal Pad located in the lobby of the main building. ?Staff: Staff are required to document their hours worked daily for payroll purposes. They are required to clock in and out on the time terminal and the clipboard, both located in the main lobby. Continual failure to document your hours worked on the clock as well as your breaks will result in a write up. Continual failure to document after a write up can result in a job termination. ?Altering the time clock or clipboard documentation: This will result in immediate termination and is considered a violation of code of conduct. 10. Policy: Male Teachers ?In an age where so many children don't have male role models in their lives it was important for them to have bonding time with men. All individuals who work with children are required by law to have child abuse and KBI background checks. ?A male teacher is no more likely to do anything bad to the students than a female is. Men can be great teachers and sometimes even better than females because they have to work harder to prove that they are capable of being a teacher at that level.?Country Child Care is an equal opportunity employer, however male employees will have a policy protecting them from accusations or possible complaints against them as a teacher. This policy is also to prevent potentially harmful incidents.?When taking children to the restroom, male staff or volunteers will not enter to assist the child. He will call for a float or another female staff or volunteer to assist the child. The male staff or volunteer is never to change a child’s diaper or assist with a child’s bathroom needs unless the child is their own. ?The door to any room in which activities for children or youth are taking place shall remain open, the after school room is the exception because in doing so it would be opening the outside doors, and leave the kitchen door and laundry room unsecured. There are not any doors on the bathroom, so this is not an issue. If there is an observation window the door may be closed but the activities must be visible from outside the room through an observation window. ?In the event that any member of the male staff is alone with a child or youth, they shall be in a location where others can see them or on the camera recording system. This system is continually monitored at the desk of the directors.10. Policy: Weather -75311054610?Teachers should not keep their children out on the playground past 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. 11. Policy: Discipline Policy Summary: Undesired behavior is easily avoided by having highly trained and observant staff, capable of redirecting the negative behavior, to positive behavior. Discipline is carried out of the belief that children are individuals with unique backgrounds and needs that require support, compassion, and firmness. Children have great days and they also have not-so-great days. Our staff is trained to detect whether or not the behavior problem results from being tired or bored or something more complex. The center cherishes every child, and understands that growing up can be difficult when you’re small and the world is still new. Reinforcing positive behavior by complimenting or bringing attention to him/her encourages the child to continue with their good behavior. Prevention of Undesired Behavior: The center provides numerous ways of redirecting children displaying undesired or harmful behavior. The following are implemented to ensure stability:a)????? Duplicates of toys placed in the room prevent s the children from fighting. This way each child will have the chance to play with their desired toy without conflict from another child. b)????? Recognizing positive behavior and praising children allows them to take pride in behaving well (as well as understanding what is appropriate and expected behavior)c)????? A monthly toy rotation is implemented to keep the room interesting and new for children. With new toys to explore they will keep their focus on them rather than acting out in boredom. d)???? We provide rooms that provide suitable stimuli that are not overwhelming or confusing to the children. e)????? Redirection is also used when there is a conflict between children or in a child’s behavior. This is when children should be taught to resolve conflicts, not redirected to another activity.? Redirecting the child to another toy to explore or to help the teacher is one of the many useful and effective ways of focusing the attention of a child from unwanted behavior to positive behavior. f)?????? We practice a predictable routine on a daily basis to ensure the mental and emotional stability of our children. (So children feel secure and know what to expect)Continuation of ActionIf a child exhibits undesired behavior they will be given a warning by their classroom teacher. The teacher has the authority to correct the behavior in a productive and positive manner. If a child hurts another person, an accident report will be filled out and be distributed to the parents of all children involved. Two teacher warnings are permitted before the parent is called to have a corrective behavior meeting with the teacher, director, and the child (if parents desire). In this meeting all parties will formulate a plan to help improve e the child’s behavior by determining the root of the problem and possible solutions. The center is willing to work with all children and their undesired behavior, however if they are found to be a continual disruption or danger in the classroom (regardless of the efforts put forth) the center will choose to cancel the enrollment of that child.K.A.R. 18-4-123: Rules that are required and practiced by the state of Kansas. The following methods are against KDHE regulations and what the center believes thus they will not be tolerated in the center:a)????????? Corporal punishment such as spanking with the hand or any implement, slapping, swatting, pulling hair, yanking the arm, or any similar activity.b)???????? Verbal abuse, threats, or derogatory remarks about the child or the child’s family.c)???????? Binding or trying to restrict movements, or enclosing in a confined space such as a closet, locked room, box, or similar cubicle.d)???????? Withholding or forcing foods, ande) Placing substances which sting or burn on the child’s mouth or tongue or other parts of the body12. Policy: Smoking ? Smoking on grounds: The center holds a strictly “no smoking” policy. Staff members are not allowed to smoke in the buildings, and as we ask that responsible adults do not smoke in the building or in front of the building when picking up their child. Teachers are to leave the grounds to smoke on their break time. Mr. Chad’s property is off limits forever for smoking and if you are seen on his property partaking of cigarettes you are by law trespassing and can/will be prosecuted. ? Smelling like smoke: If teachers or staff smell like smoke, even after you have coated your body with perfume or freshener, you will be asked to change. Smoke smell is one of the many, and more talked about SIDS risks. If your hair, clothes, and breath smell like smoke, you are considered a liability and unsafe to the children. You can be sent home to change and/or shower, off the clock, for smelling too much like cigarette smoke.13. Policy: Sick Children and Staff Summary:??The staff of our center is highly trained for signs and symptoms of illness. All teachers are instructed to observe the children both developmentally and physically. Children that develop symptoms of illness during theday are evaluated and separated from other children to prevent further spreading of the illness. ??Parents will be notified if their child needs to be removed from the center due to an illness. Please do not bring your child to our center if they have the following symptoms:??If your child currently has a fever when arriving at the center or has had one in the last twenty-four hours.??A fever of 100* F or higher when taken underneath the child’s arm, or 101* F taken within the child’s mouth. ??Symptoms or signs of severe illness (such as lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or any other unusual signs).??Uncontrolled diarrhea. This is defined as two or more runny stools within a twenty-four hour period. ??Vomiting illness (two or more episodes of vomiting in the previous twenty-four hours).??Symptoms of communicable disease such as heavy naval discharge that is not clear, sore throat, reddened eyes, pink eyes with discharge, rash, complaints of a headache, complaints of abdominal pain, yellow skin or eyes, fever, and/or behavior change. Also if your child is not feeling well enough to participate in center activities. ??If your child has not been on an antibiotic treatment for more than twenty-four hours.??Untreated scabies, head lice, or other infestations such as parasites. ??Mouth sores with drooling unless doctor determines the condition is non-infectious.??Communicable diseases such as chicken pox need to be reported to the center as soon as possible so we can take the necessary precautions for the other students enrolled.??All children who are observed with any of the following signs or symptoms will need to be picked up from the center as soon as possible14. Policy: Reporting Abuse/Neglect Summary:The staff has been trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse. Neglect and abuse can occur in all walks of life and can be either physical or emotional. We understand that both parents and children are the victims and need our understanding and help. The law requires us to report suspected abuse and neglect to the Child Protective Agency. Steps Used If Abuse Or Neglect Is Suspected. ?Staff member will confidentially discuss the suspected case with the director.?The director will observe and speak with the child in question. To gather information to help determine if abuse and neglect has possibly happened.?Staff members and directors will determine if there is a need to notify the Child Protective Agency.?Staff members are entitled to make an individual report concerning the possibility of abuse or neglect. Additional protection and care of children involves the following?KBI screening of all staff members, which includes criminal background checks. Observation of classrooms, staff members, activities by supervision, and closed circuit monitoring will be the tools used to help ensure the safety of your child. Country Child Care is available at all times for conferences and possible suggestions of resources for outside referral and prevention in dealing with this confidential and sensitive subject.15. Policy: Bottle Cleaning Summary:?Only the lead teachers and select office staff are permitted to administer bottles. ?The bottles will be made using the water from the sink in the kitchen, not the diapering sink (due to cross contamination with excrement).?Dirty bottles will be placed in the dirty bottle container for the cook or float to sanitize and wash.?All bottles will be washed after use.?Children will only use their bottles and bottle accessories to prevent any cross contamination.16. Policy: Sippy Cup CleaningSummary:?The sippy cups will be made using the water from the sink in the kitchen or the water jug, not the diapering sink (due to cross contamination with excrement).?Dirty sippy cups will be placed in the dirty sippy cup container for the cook or float to sanitize and wash.?All sippy cups will be washed after use.?Sippy cups are permitted in the infant room, as long as they do NOT have a stopper. This only applies to this classroom due to C.A.C.F.P.?Sippy cups are only permitted for infants of appropriate age through the Pony Room. Sippy cup alternatives are individually accessed and approved/denied by Ms. Jill.17. Policy: Breastmilk and Feeding/Storage?Only the lead teachers and select office staff are permitted to administer bottles. ?NEVER ADD CEREAL, JUICE, OR OTHER SWEETENED DRINKS IN A BOTTLE. ?Wash your hands and the child’s hands before preparing bottle and after serving bottle. ?Make sure that each bottle of breast milk is clearly labeled with the baby’s name and date of collection. NEVER accept an unlabeled bottle from a parent.? Refrigerate bottles immediately when they arrive and until ready to use. Do not allow bottles of breast milk to stand at room temperature.? Use refrigerated bottles, kept at 40 degrees or below, within 48 hours from the time the milk was expressed. ? Breast milk can be stored in a freezer (with a separate door from the refrigerator) for up to 3 months from when it was expressed. Freezer temperature should be maintained at or below 0 degrees. ? Breast milk should be thawed in the refrigerator or under cool running water. Once it has been thawed, store in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours. Do not refreeze breast milk. ?For those babies who prefer a warm bottle, hold the bottle under warm running water immediately before feeding the baby. Ask the kitchen for a warm cup of water to set the bottle in to warm. DO NOT ever microwave bottles or sippy cups. ? Gently shake the bottle of breast milk before feeding the baby because the breast milk separates into two layers when stored.? Discard any unused breast milk left in a bottle after feeding. This is because bacteria can be passed to the bottle from the infant’s mouth and breed in the bottle until the next feeding.18. Policy: Formula and Feeding/Storage?Only the lead teachers and select office staff are permitted to administer bottles. ?Wash your hands and the child’s hands before preparing bottle and after serving bottle. ?NEVER ADD CEREAL, JUICE, OR OTHER SWEETENED DRINKS IN A BOTTLE. ?Before opening formula cans, wash the top with soap and water to remove dirt.?Refrigerate prepared bottles until feeding time. ? Use bottles within 48 hours?Do not allow prepared bottles to stand at room temperature.? For those babies who prefer a warm bottle, hold the bottle under warm running water immediately before feeding the baby. Ask the kitchen for a warm cup of water to set the bottle in to warm. DO NOT ever microwave bottles or sippy cups.?Discard any unused formula left in a bottle after feeding. This is because bacteria can be passed to the bottle from the infant’s mouth and breed in the bottle until the next feeding. 19. Policy: Serving Food?Tables must be sanitized and wiped down immediately BEFORE children sit down for a meal or snack.?Call the kitchen and alert the cook that you are ready for your meal or snack. ?Children may NOT sit idle while they wait for the food. One adult supervisor must sit at a table and either sing a song, talk with the children, or read a book. There are no exceptions for this. ?The children and adult supervisors must wash their hands before the meal or snack is served.?Food is never to be placed on a bare table without a barrier such as a napkin or a plate. ?Each table must have their own set of serving containers. If your class does not, immediately call the kitchen. ?There must be a no bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food. Appropriate serving utensils should be provided to serve the food. ?Participants must pass the serving containers without putting their fingers into the containers or touching the food within the containers. ?Food that has been on tables cannot be offered to children at other tables or at other meal or snack times. Call for more food from the kitchen. ? Teachers must sit at the table and “eat” the food being served as model appropriate table behavior and manners. ? Children 1 year and older must serve themselves or do “hand over hand.”? No child is to ever eat at a table by themselves, as it is considered abusive. ? Children must have at least a tiny bit of each food being served on their plate, it is called a “no thank you bite.” Even if the child becomes upset, the food item must physically touch their plate. ?If a child throws away their plate they are not to be offered another during the meal/snack. This teaches the children natural consequences for their actions. If they throw or discard food they could have filled their stomach with, the natural consequence will be to be hungry later. ?Teachers may not have fast food cups, soda cans, etc. at the table during meal time. 20. Policy: Mouthed/Contaminated Items? All mouthed or contaminated items will either be placed in a “mouthed toy bin” or on top of the cubbies for sanitization before closing that night. 21. Policy: Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Children Hand Washing?Infants will be held while soap and water will be ran/rubbed on their hands.?Infants, toddlers, and preschool children need to wash their hands before and after diapering, using toilets, outside time, any meal or snack time, and any transitions that require sanitization of hands. ?Hand gel and wetwipes are not an acceptable sanitization procedure for hands with infants or caregivers.22. Policy: Staff Hand WashingHand washing is the single most important practice of a bacteria free environment. Individuals can improve the safety of their room by washing their hands frequently, correctly, and at the appropriate times.Wash hands with warm water and soap. Rub soapy hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Rinse well. Use a towel to turn off the faucet. Dry hands with a single-use disposable towel. Hand sanitizers and plastic gloves NEVER replace good hand-washing practices. When to wash hands:?Before starting work?Before and after touching food or eating?After blowing nose or coughing?After touching mouth or hair?After going to the restroom?After smoking?After touching raw meat, poultry, or eggs?After handling soiled dishes, cups, binkies, bottles, toys? As hands become soiled when working23. Policy: Staff Food StorageFridge Storage: ?Your food must be in a sealed container, Ziploc, or air tight package. ?It must be labeled with: Your name, date of opening, and date of expiration (7 days from open date if one is not listed on the food item) ?All meat products must be stored on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Class Room Storage: ?Your food must be in a sealed container, Ziploc, or air tight package. ?It must be labeled with: Your name, date of opening, and date of expiration (7 days from open date if one is not listed on the food item) ?All food must be kept 5 ft. above ground or in a locked cabinet or purse. 24. Policy: Classroom Plate, Cup, Napkins, and Utensil Storage?All of these items must be in a sealed container, Ziploc, or air tight package and kept out of the reach of children until meal and snack times. 25. Policy: Late Pick Up PolicyNormal Days that we close at 6:30 p.m. : ?Parents/Guardians will be charged $1 per minute for every child at the center past 6:30 p.m.?Continual late pickups will result in termination of care.?Calling ahead to let the center know you will be late picking up your children is appreciated, but it does not mean that you will not be charged a late pickup fee.Holidays that we are open but close at 6:30 p.m. : ?Parents/Guardians will be charged $5 per minute for every child at the center past 6:30 p.m.?Continual late pickups will result in termination of care.?Calling ahead to let the center know you will be late picking up your children is appreciated, but it does not mean that you will not be charged a late pickup fee.Holidays or Days that we close early: ? Days that the center closes early will be posted in advance.?Parents/Guardians will be charged $5 per minute for every child at the center past the scheduled closing time.?Continual late pickups will result in termination of care.?Calling ahead to let the center know you will be late picking up your children is appreciated, but it does not mean that you will not be charged a late pickup fee. ................

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