

Name: __________________

1. Anaphylaxis is:

a. A life threatening allergy involving all body systems

b. A localized reaction involving one body system

c. A disease

d. A progressive degenerative process

2. The most common life threatening allergies are:

a. Corn, wheat, milk

b. Peanuts, shellfish, bee stings

c. Shellfish, corn, milk

d. Wheat, strawberries, corn

3. How long does the Epi Pen effect last?

a. 5 minutes

b. 10 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 30 minutes

4. Latex allergies are more common in children that:

a. Have had multiple medical interventions and exposure

b. Have another family member with severe allergies to shellfish

c. Have epilepsy

d. None of the above

5. The best prevention of anaphylaxis, in the school setting is:

a. Awareness, avoidance, education

b. Removing child from classroom during meals/exposure potential

c. Keeping Epi pen in locked drawer at school office

d. Anti histamine medication for children before coming to school

6. What is Asthma?

a. A virus

b. A disease

c. A bacteria

7. What are some of the common symptoms of an Asthma attack?

a. Blurry vision

b. Coughing, tightness in chest, shortness of breath

c. Nausea, tiredness, fever

8. Where in our lungs exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen?

a. In the trachea

b. In the mouth and nose

c. In the alveoli and bronchial tubes

9. Which of these is most likely to trigger an Asthma attack?

a. Large cloud of dust

b. Fever

c. Being inactive

10. What environmental factors can affect people with Asthma?

a. Climate, pollution, time of season

b. Full moons

c. Sun exposure

11. What happens to the bronchioles in the lungs during an

Asthma attack?

a. They enlarge

b. They become gray and dry

c. They become irritated, swollen and red

12. What is needed immediately during an Asthma attack?

a. Blood glucose monitoring

b. An inhaler

c. Dietary changes

Which of the following is true about asthma attacks?

2 Asthma attacks are all the same

3 Asthma attacks can decrease in frequency with daily medication

4 Asthma attacks always go away eventually

13. Symptoms of a life threatening bee sting allergic reaction include:

a. Swelling and redness at site

b. Pain, redness, itchiness

c. Fear, difficulty breathing, swelling of tissue

d. Sneezing, runny nose, red eyes

14. Which of the following indicates that asthma is well controlled?

a. Use of reliever inhaler is used three times per week

b. Asthma symptoms only occur at night

c. Asthma symptoms occur only once per week


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