
WordDefinitionE/SP/NAnalysisAlliancea formal agreement between two or more nations to cooperate (work together) for specific purposes, including war.What alliances were formed during WW1?IsolationismGovernment policy of not taking part in economic and political alliances with other countries. (no trade)Neutrality - foreign policy of not taking sides in any international argument, controversy, dispute, or war (trade is okay) Why did America try ‘isolationism’ during WW1?Fourteen Points-47625433705End of WWI, a 14-point plan for peace presented by Woodrow WilsonLeague of Nations-The only one of Wilson’s 14 points that was not used. international organization by the Allied powers at the end of WWI to promote international peace and securityWhy did congress not approve the ‘League of Nations’?Allied PowersWWI coalition (group) of France, Britain, and Russia (later including Portugal, Japan, and Italy)What year did the US join the ‘’allied powers”?Central PowersWWI coalition (group) of Germany and Austria-Hungary (later including Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria)Which of the M.A.I.N causes of the war does this show?Treaty of Versailles-38100181610Peace treaty (1919) that assigned Germany responsibility for the war. (War Guilt Clause) Germany had to pay money to Allies (Reparations)reduce territoryThis treaty ended what war?Trench warfareNew form of warfare in which armies attack each other from fortified trenchesWhat is one downside to trench warfare?Unrestricted submarine warfareGerman military policy of staging submarine attacks (U-boats) on Allied and neutral nation’s unarmed ocean liners without advanced warning.Sunk the Lusitania - where 128 Americans killed out of 1,198. (British ship), Arabic (British) and Sussex (French) ocean liner sunk Sussex PledgeWhat was the American reaction to the unrestricted submarine warfare?Selective Service Actlaw passed by Congress in 1917 to create a national draftCan we still draft today?American Expeditionary ForcesLed by General John Pershing- First US soldiers to be deployed to France in WWI.What was Pershing involved in during 1910 (prior to WW1—think back to unit 4)?Battle of the Argonne Forest-4762580645Battle in 1918 that took place in very rugged terrain that lasted a month and a half. 1.2 million Americans were involved; 117,000 were killed or wounded. Turning point of the war on the Western front.Why is this battle so important?Espionage Act of 1917Federal law passed d on June 15, 1917, shortly after the U.S. entry into World War I.It was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of U.S. enemies during wartimeWhat amendment does this limit? How?Schenck v. United States21907582551919 Supreme Court case that declared Charles Schenck’s propaganda efforts against the military draft were illegal under the Espionage Act and is not protected under first amendment.What does this mean about his first amendment rights?-47625280670Zimmermann Telegrama coded telegram that German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent to German minister in Mexico proposing that if the US entered war, Mexico and Germany should become allies and Mexico would get land back—Led to US declaring warWhat would Mexico gain if they agreed to help Germany?Propaganda-information or rumors spread by a group or government to promote its cause or ideas or to damage an opposing cause or ideaDuring WW1 how was propaganda used?Armisticea cessation (end) of hostilitiesWhy was November 11th known as ‘armistice day’ (may need to GOOGLE it)?Rationinga system for limiting the distribution of food, gasoline, and other goods, so that the military can have the weapons, equipment, and supplies it needsWhy was rationing used during WW1?Reparations-a payment demanded of a nation defeated in war by a victorious nationHow were reparations used at the end of WW1?Russian Revolution- (white revolution)In March 1917 a revolution toppled the aristocratic Czar Nicholas II of Russia and replaced him with a communist governmentWho led the new government? (Google)Nationalisma strong feeling of pride in and loyalty to one’s nationHow does nationalism affect WW1?Liberty Bondsa government issued bond sold during WWI to raise money for the Allied war effortWho pays the bonds—how are they used by the government?369th regimentIn WWI , an African American regiment of the U.S ArmyWhy should we learn about this? ................

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