COUNCIL MEETING - Oregon, Illinois


Tuesday November 10, 2015

City Hall Council Chambers

The Council of the City of Oregon met Tuesday November 10, 2015, 5:30 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers.

Present: Mayor Ken Williams

Commissioner Terry Schuster

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer

Commissioner Kurt Wilson

Commissioner Jim Barnes

Chief Darin DeHaan

City Clerk/Treasurer Charlene Ruthe

City Attorney Paul Chadwick

Commissioner Terry Schuster started the pledge of allegiance.

Public Comment

No Public Comment

Mayor Ken Williams read a letter of commendation for Sgt. Joseph Brooks, to recognize his recent drug investigation efforts that lead to the discovery and arrests of several individuals dealing drugs in town.

Mayor Ken Williams read a letter of commendation for Officer Tad Dominski, to recognize his efforts that lead to the resolution of several burglaries for the city of Amboy as well as any from occurring in Oregon.

Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to approve the October 27, 2015 minutes, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve the payroll in the amount of

$40,185.34 and warrants as listed:

AC Pavement Striping Co., $65,996.62

Advanced Automation & Controls, $3,655.42

Assurant Employee Benefits, $175.75

AT&T, $321.65

Blue Cross Blue Shield, $20,851.53

Bonnell Industries, $65.00

Budget Blinds of Rockford, $2,858.00

Butitta Bros., $43.00

City of Oregon, $886.93

City of Oregon, $5,0000.00

City of Oregon, $48,900.00

Comcast, $239.51

Constellation New Energy, Inc., $11,041.56

Digital Ally, $10,000.00

Digital Ally, $2,000.00

Envision Healthcare, Inc., $112.00

Fearer, Nye & Chadwick, $333.33

Ferguson Waterworks, $2,224.70

Fidelity Security Life Insurance, $215.32

First National Bank & Trust, $661.79

First National Bank & Trust, $738.70

Fischer’s, $129.47

Frontier, $981.41

Gall’s, $164.84

Grainger, $13.06

Hometown Auto Repair, Inc., $137.20

Hub Printing, Inc., $2,118.95

Illinois Public Safety Agency Network, $2,184.00

James Taylor, $120.00

Ken Williams, $61.41

Lacal Equipment, Inc., $5,001.95

Login/IACP Net, $275.00

Martin & Co., $343.20

Mid-West Truckers Assoc., $413.75

Mobile Electronics, $1,042.59

Moring Disposal, $57.30

Moring Disposal, $14,320.60

Motion Industries, Inc., $5.76

Northern Illinois Concrete Lifting, $500.00

Ogle County Clerk & recorder, $30.50

Ogle County Highway Department, $1,850.00

Oregon Chamber of Commerce, $150.00

P.F. Pettibone & Co., $164.15

Petty Cash, $138.34

Physicians Immediate care, $62.00

Planters Unlimited, $4,265.04

Quill, $249.97

Rock River Center, $50.00

Staff Toll Systems, Inc., $45.00

Terry Schuster, $328.83

Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $10,688.10

Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster introduced Tax Levy #2015-107, along with a pie chart showing the different funds and percentage that are levied.

At this time nothing new to report on Settler’s Ridge Subdivision.

Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to ratify the Raffle Licenses for Oregon American Legion Post#97 and Oregon Lions Club, Seconded by Jim Barnes.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer moved to go into executive session to discuss FOP Contract Negations, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to reconvene to regular session, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays

Commissioner Terry Schuster received a letter from Illinois Municipal League Risk Management on options as to how the City can pay the tort insurance. He feels option two would be the best and the savings would be a thousand dollars. Two payments, with one in November of this year and the second in May of next year. This is an approved expenditure; however just wanted to inform the rest of the Council.

Snow removal for City Hall and Coliseum will need to be bid out the current person doing it is no longer able to.

Mayor Ken Williams reminded everyone of the War Memorial Statue presentation tomorrow at 10:00 AM Courthouse Lawn.

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays

Adjourn: 6:10 P.M.

ATTEST: ____________________ Ken Williams, Mayor


Charlene Ruthe, City Clerk[pic]


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