
INDEX of RIGHT WAY “Light”, Issues 1-68

For easier reference, each page is divided up into six segments, laid out like this: 1 4

2 5

Examples of a reference: 13-4-2 means Volume 13, Page 4, left column, middle 1/3 of page. 3 6

13-3-6 means Volume 13, Page 3, right column, bottom 1/3 of page.

Starting with Issue 29, each page is divided up into nine segments, laid out like this: 1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

$1,000,000 recovery from IRS by damaged citizen 22-11-5

$1,088,639.77 judgment against IRS 30-2-2

$145 million damage award from fraud suit 36-4-9

$50,000 per day in damages for an illegal arrest and subsequent illegal incarceration, per T42, sec 1983 15-8-6

(12)(b)(6), plea in abatement, are dispositive motions 14-4-1

1040 form, proper name is “Treatment of a Gain from certain Natural Resource Recapture Property” 21-9-1

1040 forms, signature revoked from 28-1-5

1040 is a Virgin Island tax form 40-15-4

1040 is a voluntary contract 48-7-6

1040 NR return 21-9-4

1040 tax return equivalent to confession of judgment 51-11-8

1040 type of tax 44-15-5

1099’s report only what type of income? 31-3-4

12(b) Motion to Dismiss 3-11-4

12(b)(6) dismissal of Title 42 27-16-1

12(b)(6) is fraud 30-7-5

12(b)(6) motions 30-1-1

12(b)(6) procedurally admits all the facts 16-3-4

12(b)(6) viewed as presentment by contract 30-4-1

12(b)(6), granted, is ruling outside judge’s judicial capacity 30-7-6

12(B)(6), PROCEDURE IN COURT TO NOT TRAVERSE TO 12(B)(6), detailed at length for study 30-4-3

1391(c), 28 USC 4-16-2

13th Amendment, involuntary servitude 27-7-2

13th Amendment, original, banning titles of nobility 62-2-6

14th Amendment “person” 1-8-1

14th amendment citizen can’t file common law case 3-13-3

14th Amendment citizen was never paramount over his creator 27-6-3

14th Amendment citizen 2-18-2

14th Amendment citizens ineligible to challenge debt 22-19-3

14th Amendment citizens, alien residents 54-3-4

14th Amendment citizens, fed. govt. came up with democracy through its creation of 4-4-3

14th Amendment Citizens, reference to being rightful subjects of legislation 55-5-1

14th Amendment citizens, suit brought by people, such as, who bring suit pursuand to a statute 39-5-9

14th Amendment denial, related to admiralty law 10-2-3

14th Amendment persons do not have unalienable rights, only privileges 57-2-2

14th Amendment persons, government of 56-3-2

14th Amendment persons, subjects and beneficiaries of Trust B are the 14th Amendment persons 57-2-2

14th Amendment serfs and slaves 22-3-2

14th amendment 18-15-1

14th Amendment, 4th clause, constructive fraud 13-5-4

14th Amendment, answers to trick questions taken as admissions and confessions of status 22-3-5

14th Amendment, Congress votes for you 2-7-2

14th Amendment, explained 21-8-2

14th Amendment, martial law 20-17-6

15 USC, section 1692, debt collection 7-3-2

1692, section, 15 USC, debt collection 7-3-2

16th Amendment, meaning 11-11-6

1746(1), 28 USC, penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the United States of America 41-2-5

1st Amendment rights violated by county holding closed hearings about public official grievances 41-12-8

2039 summons pertains only to what Tax Treaty? 31-3-2

23(c) Assessment, reference 51-11-5

2nd Amendment, list of legal reasons 18-15-2

3002 (15), 28 USC, US is federal corporation 49-22-1

31 CFR, defines shadow states for Buck Act 5-7-1

3402(b), Voluntary Withholding Agreements are just that, agreements, that is to say, voluntary contracts 6-7-5

3797, Title 26, defining “person” is OMITTED, not repealed, Buck Act “person” cannot be discovered 5-8-5

4 USC, section 105 - 110, the Buck Act 5-6-1

400 recusals of judges and lawyers due to David Miller’s Title 42 suits 29-11-9

42 USC 1983, necessary elements that must be shown 60-6-7

45 STAT 1059, the Buck Act 5-6-1

4th Amendment test, only regulations 5-12-5

4th amendment violation 11-17-5

4th Amendment, is it overridden by H.R. 666 22-8-1

5 stages of pleadings, chart 58-12-5

5th Amendment, appeals court says you do not have to answer the IRS 55-9-7

6212 IRC, without Notice of Deficiency, no seizure 28-1-5

7701(a)(26), 26 USC, Trade or Business 6-5-2

7701(a)(31) Foreign estate or trust 14-7-4

7701(a)(31), 26 USC, Foreign Estate or Trust 6-4-3

7th Amendment, jury trial of facts cannot be re-examined 28-14-2

800 numbers in Ohio 3-18-4

990, Form 990 Tax Return of so-called charitable institutions 62-6-6

a fortiori, defined, Whites Law Dictionary 3-18-1

ab initio, defined, Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-4

abatement filed, story 31-14-1

abatement is demurrer 28-4-4

abatement must be filed in common law court 32-12-7

abatement proceeding 30-7-9

abatement proceeding, flowing from misnomer 28-4-4

abatement proceeding, removed jurisdiction 30-16-7

abatement proceedings 31-14-8

Abatement Update Includes Remedies at Common Law 32-12-1

abatement 29-13-2

Abatement, Common Law 32-6-6

abatement, defined, Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-5

abatement, discussion 59-8-5

abatement, first steps in court 31-9-6

abatement, if court proceeds 32-9-1

abatement, service of process 28-4-1

abatement, two parts 32-12-2

abatements are procedures that change the venue 32-12-2

Abatements 30-14-5

abatements, all about, seminar, video available 28-13-2

abbreviation, periods required in rules of grammar 28-3-4

abduction by federal agents 9-16-4

above the law, judicial actors 27-17-3

Abraham, Covenant of Abraham, reference 65-3-3

absent exigent circumstances, unannounced entry, is illegal 33-5-4

absolute conveyances 13-13-3

absolute immunity, of judges, why it fails 13-7-3

absolute law, an administrative definition 50-5-5

absolute, fee simple absolute, absolute missing in deeds 41-16-6

absolute, fee simple absolute, reference in claim to private land 41-15-2

absolute, fee simple, legal definition 41-16-8

absolutely void vs. null vs. void 14-16-1

abuse of citizens and families 27-17-3

abuse of discretion for lack of hearing 33-8-6

abuse of discretion, failure to allow time 27-11-6

abuse of discretion, fines imposed without consideration of ability to pay is 28-12-2

abuse of power by police in Arizona, story 37-6-4

abuse of power seen by employees within all govt agencies 37-9-7

abusive debt collection practices 7-3-3

accept, defined 8-4-4

acceptance equivalent to answer 22-15-6

acceptance is plea of guilty or no contest 22-15-6

acceptance under reservation of rights, qualified acceptance, UCC 1-207 43-3-1

acceptance, defined, Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-5

acceptance, UCC, admissions thereof 36-3-5

access to courts, denied, is due process violation 22-12-2

access to the courts, right to 50-2-5

accounting, cities, counties and states keep two sets of books, one “budget” projecting (guessing) forward, one CAFR which is the actual accounting of the past year 63-1-2

accused becomes defendant upon making plea 38-6-2

accused, instead of Defendant, discussion 38-6-1

acquiescence, agreement by, dishonor, and default 11-5-3

acquittal, Motion for Acquittal, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-7

acronyms, could mean anything, article 36-6-4

act, legal definition 21-11-2

action of debt, reference 62-12-5

action of debt, reference 62-13-1

action, no performance on either side can give the unlawful contract any validity, or be the foundation of any right of action upon it 65-7-3

actions are cases in which there is a controversy between legal titles 59-6-3

Active Litigants in Federal Court 3-3-5

activity tax, income tax is an, on use of debt credit instruments 48-1-1

activity, what was govt official trying to regulate 13-7-4

actual possession of land, claim to rights 41-15-2

ad damnum, defined, Whites Law Dictionary 3-17-6

Adam and Eve, common law, first show cause action 40-6-5

address incorrect on court paperwork 33-6-3

address incorrect, refused 22-19-2

address not in federal zone 21-12-2

address, related to federal area and Buck Act 61-10-9

adequate consideration is not a keyboard entry in a loan contract 39-19-3

adequate consideration, absent or exists with only one party, contract is void from the beginning 39-12-6

adequate consideration, legal definition 39-12-5

adhesion contracts allegedly makes you liable 15-11-1

adhesion contracts, involuntarily pledging all public and personal assets against the national debt 46-6-9

adhesion contracts, retraction affidavit example 17-19-1

administrative action, don’t barge in yelling Constitutional Rights, beat them at procedure 4-9-3

administrative agencies considered courts, discussion 50-4-3

administrative agencies which send out messages 1-2-1

administrative code that’s needed to implement authority 46-3-2

administrative courts, off street remedies in war, see article 56-2-6

administrative hearing, show cause, why request for information not answered 44-3-1

administrative Judge, nature of 2-7-4

administrative judges 2-6-5

administrative jurisdiction 4-6-6

administrative law, elements of 66-5-9

administrative or judicial capacity of Judge, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

administrative order, an administrative definition 50-4-3

Administrative Procedure Act Requests or Bill of Particulars, IRS duty to respond to 48-9-2

Administrative Procedure Act 42-4-4

administrative procedure to have criminal charges thrown out of court before you get there 14-17-1

Administrative Procedures Act in 1946, reference 48-12-4

Administrative Procedures Act, double talk, article 67-2-4

administrative process, basis voluntary compliance 11-10-4

administrative process, lacking due process of law 11-9-3

Administrative Regulations, Federal, researching 6-8-2

administrative remedies, exhausting all administrative remedies, discussion 65-1-9

administrative remedies, exhausting 2-2-4

administrative remedy for contract violation, notices, then UCC 1 lien 9-11-1

administrative settlement before suit 4-16-3

Admiralty claim, valid to NOT be identified as such 29-7-2

admiralty court procedures, power of life and death 10-2-2

Admiralty courts, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

admiralty distinguished from maritime 45-2-9

admiralty forum in courts 24-11-1

Admiralty is destroyed through counterclaim 59-8-3

admiralty is the King’s commerce of the sea 45-2-9

Admiralty jurisdiction and procedures 29-7-1

admiralty jurisdiction only operates on juristic person that is bankrupt 10-2-4

admiralty jurisdiction, arises when a case involves commerce 45-2-9

admiralty jurisdiction, article 20-11-4

admiralty jurisdiction, IRS 32-9-6

admiralty jurisdiction, only if default on international contract 10-2-4

admiralty jurisdiction, requires valid international contract that has been breached 20-11-5

admiralty jurisdiction, you CANNOT be convicted without a valid international contract in evidence 10-2-5

admiralty law can only be under state of martial law 10-2-3

admiralty law defense, denial to be under martial law 10-2-3

Admiralty law in effect since 1861 by executive order 28-17-3

admiralty law is criminal jurisdiction 10-2-4

Admiralty law offenders fill the prisons 48-14-3

Admiralty law only applies to those in insurrection 28-17-3

admiralty punishment after equity trial 10-2-4

admiralty versus common law, discussion 59-13-7

admiralty, a parallel fiction world where claim of ownership exists, complaints filed in admiralty, discussion 59-6-7

admiralty, bringing a case from admiralty through international pleadings to common law 61-5-4

admiralty, common law, equity, distinguishing them 66-2-9

Admiralty, debt actions fall under Admiralty/Maritime and waive the common law 55-2-6

Admiralty, in, presumption is guilt, not innocence 29-7-2

admiralty, martial law courts, as opposed to military, admiralty 39-4-1

admiralty, remedy in admiralty, equity in admiralty to reclaim common law unalienable rights, reference 59-15-6

admiralty, statutory jurisdiction discussed, combination of admiralty, equity and common law 45-2-8

admiralty, the path to common law is by equity through counter claim to admiralty in international law 59-8-3

Admiralty, traffic case, looked at by King’s court as combination of Admiralty, Equity, and Common Law proceeding 45-4-8

admiralty/maritime gold fringe flag, jurisdiction 30-4-3

admiralty/maritime jurisdiction, entering into 30-1-2

admiralty/maritime law, compelled performance plus criminal penalties for not adhering to contract 20-12-3

admissibility of evidence, search and seizure 22-8-2

admission witnessed before court is same as written contract 43-2-5

admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

admissions, arraignment,hearing to obtain admissions and confessions 43-2-4

admit that case brought was fraud, sanctions say 25-2-3

admitting all averments by failure to properly deny 15-2-5

adverse interest between attorney and client when lawyer make big mistake, reference 62-5-9

advertisement by Ohio Bar Title Insurance Co. 9-18-4

advocate, that is lawyer, compared with witness 56-13-5

affidavit attached to warrant 2-10-4

affidavit check sheet/template 19-19-1

affidavit defective in support of search warrant 39-7-5

affidavit demand under penalty of perjury estops Hospital from unreasonable billing 39-2-8

affidavit failed to show first hand knowledge 39-7-6

affidavit from notary responds to commercial process 39-4-9

affidavit in support of search warrant is defective 33-1-8

affidavit is REQUIRED for arrest, according to supreme court 56-12-6

Affidavit not attached to warrant 33-8-5

affidavit not with complaint, fraud 33-17-1

affidavit of Attorney in Fact, form 67-17-3

affidavit of criminal activity by judge and attorney 64-9-8

Affidavit of Declaration, Retraction, example 17-19-1

Affidavit of Default 11-2-2

Affidavit of Lost Note, never heard of 37-8-5

affidavit of person with first hand knowledge not attached to complaint 32-7-7

Affidavit of Truth, Notice of Non Bona Fide Tax Lien 11-4-1

affidavit of truth, see procedure table 58-12-5

Affidavit of Truth, step 3 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

Affidavit of Verification 4-19-1

affidavit to IRS, you don’t have books and records 21-2-2

affidavit, appelation not on paperwork, form 39-18-1

affidavit, commercial 9-11-1

affidavit, County Recordation must be in form of 1-2-5

affidavit, defined, Whites Law Dictionary 3-17-6

affidavit, example of writing one up 11-4-4

affidavit, example, regarding tax lien 64-3-1

affidavit, land claim in form of, instead of deed 41-2-4

affidavit, seven point affidavit is most important instrument in commercial process 58-7-8

affidavit, seven point affidavit is on street equivalent to off street complaint 58-7-8

affidavit, seven point affidavits, faults and defaults 64-1-2

affidavit, seven point, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

affidavit, state Republic being outside of corporate State, affidavit of truth never controverted by US 12-10-3

affidavits and motions, writing 26-4-1

affidavits in support, information about 18-2-6

affidavits may not contain hearsay 40-5-1

affidavits of appearance, filing with court 2-2-3

affidavits of appearance, filing with court 2-2-6

Affidavits of Probable Cause used against IRS 29-3-1

affidavits of truth in real world to create title 59-8-3

affidavits of truth, on street remedies, discussion 61-5-5

affidavits swearing to presence in court 32-2-8

affidavits, arrest warrant without 21-7-5

affidavits, criminal, filed against IRS 11-4-3

affidavits, technical requirements of 40-5-2

affidavits, understanding sufficiency of, discussion 40-4-6

affirmation, legal definition 35-7-7

affirmative defense have no facts to support them 12-12-2

affirmative defense, defined, Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-5

affirmative defense, reference 68-6-5

affirmative defenses refused for fraud in David Miller Title 42 suits 29-12-3

affirmative defenses, none in Declaratory Judgments 31-1-6

affirmative, legal definition 39-5-8

agencies actions performed outside of statutes and administrative codes are not enforceable 66-5-3

Agencies View of Freedom of Speech, article 58-14-9

agencies within the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 54-8-8

agencies, article, Understanding Agencies 67-2-4

agencies, created by legislatures, promulgate freedom-stealing regulations with the force of law 54-12-9

agencies, federal, regulations like statutes, decisions like case law 6-8-2

agencies, state agencies are actually federal agencies 67-2-8

agency action not prescribed by law is unenforceable 67-3-3

agency of state, how can it also be a corporation or a charity 62-6-7

agency regs must be published in Federal Register 6-8-3

agency to speak for someone else must be public record 1-9-4

Agency, article, Agency Bans Freedom of Speech 55-12-2

agency, FBI, administrative agency created under the Presidential directive of a feudal, military, democratic style Greek government, not created by an act of Congress 56-16-2

agency, if an agency receives money from state, it is an administrative agency 67-2-8

agency, if an agency receives money from the federal government, it is a federal agency 67-2-8

agency, must be sealed and made public record 1-9-3

agency, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

agency, rule in disguise, agency action not prescribed by law is unenforceable 67-3-3

agency, statute passage, agency creation, then regulations 46-4-1

agent for a nom de guerre corporation, you 56-4-2

agent made personally responsible 1-2-3

agent must respond to affidavit, or no cause of action 1-2-6

agent never paramount over principle 27-6-2

agent of corporation, name with all capital letters 13-15-6

agent of the nom de guerre, you 56-5-3

agent personally liable for acts not authorized by principle 3-19-2

agent, Judge is, under county, municipality, state, D.C. and international banks 2-7-2

agents for others 2-6-4

agents of govt may be unaware of their limited authority 13-11-1

agents of international robber barons, US Secretary of State, US Attorney General, US Secretary of Treasury 11-13-4

agents of state gone mad in quest for power 20-17-5

agents of the state propagandize the people 20-16-4

agents, if they have authority, certainly principles do too 27-7-1

agents, IRS, act beyond scope of authority 5-13-5

agreement by acquiescence, dishonor, and default 11-5-3

agreement contains terms impossible to fulfill 33-6-4

agreement, fictitious, to make payments to court 25-5-5

agreement, implied agreement, discussion 62-12-7

agreement, presumptions of court, you signed an agreement 46-6-2

Agreements, Treaties, commercial contracts, Charters, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

aiding and abetting escape of an arrested police officer by other police officers, discussion 68-12-8

AIDS may have been caused by vaccinations 8-17-2

AIDS 7-13-5

Akron, Ohio ordinance brought to class 2-8-3

Al Chapman 7-5-3

Alaska and Hawaii didn’t have standing to join the bankrupt US 30-19-3

Alcohol Beverage Commission, run autonomously by Attorneys in many states 62-6-6

alcohol or tobacco purchasse could possibly deny you health or life insurance 39-17-4

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, most regulations for 5-13-1

Alex, case of, telephone “tax” waived 26-2-1

Alfred Adask 30-5-1

alias, discussed 29-13-4

alien resident, discussion 21-9-3

alien residents, 14th Amendment citizens 54-3-4

alien, explained 21-8-2

all rights reserved, phrase used with signature 33-3-7

allegation, defined, Whites Law Dictionary 3-18-1

allegations and presumptions are nothing 1-2-5

allegations, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

alleged offender compared with defendant 2-3-2

allegiance, definition 50-6-5

allegiance, oath of, have judge sign before trial 2-6-5

Allegiance, Pledge of, created by socialist 40-1-5

allegiance, pledge of, discussion 50-12-5

allegiance, pledging to the flag, history 40-1-1

allegiance, showing that you are a feudal liege serf 22-4-4

allies, three positions for people in a war 16-4-3

allocution, complaint not signed by prosecutor 29-14-1

allocution, defined, reason why judgment should not be pronounced against defendant 29-14-1

allocution, failure to provide opportunity for, grounds for immediate reversal on appeal 29-14-2

allocution, last chance remedy 29-14-8

allodial land patents, article 18-4-4

allodial ownership, jail if claimed and not qualified 18-7-1

allodial ownership, problem in that there is no gold or silver available for purchasing the property 18-7-3

allodial ownership, three requirements 18-7-2

allodial ownership, warning, not everyone qualified 18-7-1

allodial property, destroyed 26-10-3

allodial title and bankruptcy in 1933, discussion 51-6-1

allodial title not allowed to speculators, corporations 18-5-2

allodial title requires possession, right of possession and legal title 11-14-5

allodial title to the 13 colonies 18-5-5

allodial title, can file Quiet Title action 4-9-3

allodial title, notice Treasurer and Appraiser, failure to heed results in damages 9-13-5

allodial title, people in America can never have 42-3-1

Allodial, reference related to resident 61-10-9

allodium, US citizen/resident has no rights to an allodium on the land (see discussion) 51-6-5

allowing one thing does not disallow another 1-3-5

Aloe Vera products 8-12-5

altering buying habits in grocery stores 39-16-8

alternative medicine and nutrition 7-13-4

alternative medicine, discussion 45-8-5

Am Jur Pleadings and Practice Forms 9-11-5

Amazons of Right Way 2-17-2

ambassador represents sovereign nation 28-4-4

ambassadors, consuls and public ministers, Constitution list three immune entities 28-4-4

Amen, defined as a term 25-15-2

amended complaint 11-6-1

Amendment, Articles in Amendment to the Constitution, related to on street remedies 58-5-8

America 2000 and Goals 2000 8-5-2

America enslaved to England by debt since the time of the Constitution 67-8-4

America, military government in America ruling by might, not by legal authority 46-9-7

American Amnesty International, advocates Covenant 7-9-5

American Bar Association from England 11-11-6

American Bar Association is licensed in Illinois 42-3-8

American Bar Association, advocates Covenant 7-9-6

American Bar Association, Code of Judicial Conduct 30-12-3

American Bar Association, meaning of 11-11-6

American Bar is offshoot of London Lawyer’s Guild 17-9-1

American Christian School of Law 29-7-1

American Civil Liberties Union, advocates Covenant 7-10-1

American colonies established as constructive trust 45-5-7

American Flag of Peace suit against zoning officials 41-16-1

American Flag of Peace suit and summary judgment 40-4-2

American Flag of Peace suit, reference 41-12-5

American Flag of Peace suit, summary judgment in, refused for fraud 40-4-2

American Flag of Peace suits 39-4-9

American Flag of Peace suits 39-5-2

American Flag of Peace suits, discussion of results 41-7-2

American flag of peace, cases based upon 38-1-3

American Folklore and Legend, book 5-14-4

American Folklore and Legend, Reader’s Digest 7-14-1

American History of Military Law, tape replaces issue 34 34-1-1

American Jurisprudence, researching it 9-11-3

American Legion, influence Pledge of Allegiance content 40-8-5

American’s Bulletin, changes discussed 28-19-2

American’s Bulletin, reference 41-12-1

Americanism Commission 40-8-5

Americanism, reference 40-8-5

Americans fear their own government 22-10-4

Americans for a Constitutional Republic 29-7-1

amiability, defined 2-15-2

amiable profligate is dangerous 2-15-6

amicus curie brief 28-2-2

amortize, research defining 13-14-5

An Act to Terminate the National Emergency 8-8-4

analysis of Judge’s Memorandum and Opinion 43-7-7

anarchy, described by John Locke 26-10-2

anatomy of federal civil trial 12-14-1

Anderson 2-9-6

Andra family, case of 31-13-7

anesthesiology, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

Angelica’s case 17-4-6

annexation of Republic of Texas as the State of Texas without the requisite number of votes 30-8-1

answer a civil complaint by admitting, denying, and denying for want of knowledge 14-4-1

answer a criminal case by pleading guilty, not guilty, or no contest 14-4-1

answer a sham proceeding and breath substance of life into the form of their complaint 25-9-3

answer can be traverse or demurrer 9-15-2

answer equivalent to acceptance 22-15-6

answer is traverse, admitting major premise of law 9-14-2

answer is traverse, discussion 60-2-5

answer, failure to, is dishonor 13-10-2

answer, if defendant fails to answer complaint, defendant has admitted to all the facts in the complaint 60-5-1

answer, refusal is not an 20-2-4

answer, second step in a civil law suit, discussion 60-2-4

answers to trick 14th Amendment questions taken as admissions and confessions of status 22-3-5

answers, always ask questions and demand answers 39-17-5

Ant and the Grasshopper, story 44-3-6

Anti Bill of Rights Bill, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

Anti-Car Theft Committee, Law Enforcement Investigators, Prosecutors, Vehicle Identification Agencies, all get federal funds 46-16-8

AntiShyster magazine 30-5-1

AntiShyster magazine, address and phone number 30-6-9

Anti-Terrorism Bill, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

anti-trust laws, insurance not subject to 41-9-7

any contract since New Deal under law of nations brings nation under International law 10-2-2

appeal can be fatal if record in case is not correct 7-5-4

appeal de nova 32-8-9

appeal grants jurisdiction 2-11-2

appeal is a traverse 2-14-2

appeal is absolute trap, grants jurisdiction 32-5-2

appeal is continuation of lower court case 2-11-4

appeal is extension of lower court ruling 2-14-6

appeal is trap 2-11-2

appeal is traverse 13-3-4

appeal is traverse, doesn’t raise question of law 1-9-5

appeal stipulates there was bona fide lower court case 26-5-5

appeal versus certiorari 13-3-4

appeal versus Certiorari 7-5-4

appeal versus Writ of Error 2-11-4

appeal without granting jurisdiction 19-4-1

appeal written before complaint to define issues 17-2-6

appeal, agreeing with lies from lower court judge 2-14-6

appeal, continuation of lower court case, not new case 26-5-5

appeal, court can only look at what is on its record 17-2-6

Appeal, court flow chart 10-6-2

appeal, definition of purpose 2-11-4

appeal, don’t 2-10-6

appeal, how can you appeal if you are not a party 50-13-2

appeal, may be proper from a civil suit 17-2-4

appeal, not encouraged if challenging jurisdiction 26-5-3

appeal, not recommended 3-14-5

appeal, proper remedy is Writ of Certiorari 2-15-1

appeal, setting a proper record for 26-4-2

appeal, you don’t appeal a criminal case 17-2-4

appeals court can only hear what is in the record, if record in error, appeal cannot win 7-5-4

appear, invitation to, in court 19-2-3

appear, legal definition 39-5-7

appear, system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-3-5

appear, system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-4-2

appearance admits jurisdiction, implying contract 11-3-1

appearance admits valid claim 11-3-1

appearance at contempt hearing would be prima facie evidence you did a contemptuous act 9-6-3

Appearance made by signing traffic ticket 8-2-2

appearance versus visitation 28-4-4

appearance without an appearance 13-2-5

Appearance Without Appearance combined with Bill of Particulars 46-1-6

appearance without appearance 14-12-2

appearance without appearance 2-1-3

appearance without appearance 2-2-5

appearance without appearance 22-5-3

appearance without appearance 2-3-2

appearance without appearance, it’s back, article 43-1-1

appearance without appearance, reference 46-13-3

appearance without appearance, traffic, story of 32-1-6

appearance, defined 8-4-4

appearance, is on the merits of the case 28-4-4

appearance, meaning 68-3-4

appearance, more than just walking is presumed by court 38-5-8

appearance, not, by use of common law notary 32-8-6

appearance, not, for alleged trial 9-5-5

appearance, other than by force, grants subject matter jurisdiction 28-3-5

appearance, presumption of general appearance, speaking to the court 43-2-6

appearance, presumption under rules of court that everyone who “appears” is property of govt and a slave 16-4-2

appearing in court is acting like a slave 16-4-2

appearing means entering jurisdiction and agreeing to all presumptions that court is recognizing 38-5-9

appelation not on paperwork, example in Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, form 50-19-2

appelation not on paperwork, form, affidavit 39-18-1

appelation, Christian 44-2-8

appellate case, the mechanics of 5-4-1

appellate cases, how to locate in a library 5-4-1

appellation versus nom de guerre 50-13-2

appellation, Christian appellation in Bouvier Dictionary of Law, 1856 51-13-2

appellation, Christian, two parts 43-1-4

appellation, notice of damage for “use” of appellation as nom de guerre 65-4-2

Appointment, Power of, release of 15-5-4

apportioned, are income taxes 14-5-6

apportionment of direct tax 14-11-2

apportionment, substantive matters of 14-9-3

apportionment, time a controlling factor of 14-9-2

approaching the bench, story of 31-14-2

arbitrator, defined, Whites Law Dictionary 3-18-1

Arbroath, Declaration of Arbroath, reference 65-3-3

archive research, reference 66-7-1

argue what you know and make a fatal mistake 65-14-7

argue, court will mis-state facts to get the litigant to argue 43-6-9

arguing merits of case, don’t do it, discussion 39-6-4

argument, traverse is a joinder of the issue by argument 60-1-5

Arguments are Still for Fools, article 65-14-5

armed forces to be eliminated, per USC 15-15-3

Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, United States, Blueprint for the Peace Race, booklet published by 15-16-1

arms, freedom of, reference 58-6-5

army, raising and maintaining, Constitutional provisions for 29-15-1

arraignment stage, moving past without hearing 2-3-2

arraignment,hearing to obtain admissions and confessions 43-2-4

arrest for failure to give social security number 3-5-3

arrest of a police officer, discussion 68-12-3

arrest of child without warrant 31-14-2

Arrest of Judgment Motion 12-10-3

arrest of judgment, motion for 29-14-8

arrest of State Supreme Court Judge, story 32-11-1

arrest REQUIRES an affidavit, according to supreme court 56-12-6

arrest threatened against Church officials by State is signatures no forthcoming (under duress) 29-16-8

arrest warrants, information about 46-14-3

arrest was illegal, so are all subsequent proceedings 22-7-1

arrest with Writ of Attachment (body attachment) 15-8-2

arrest without a warrant 13-1-2

arrest without a warrant 2-4-6

arrest without stating so, or on what charge 11-18-3

arrest without warrant or consent 12-4-1

arrest without warrant or consent 27-16-1

arrest without warrant, officer says don’t need 2-3-3

arrest, citizen’s arrest, discussion 68-11-4

arrest, Fourth Amendment prevents intrusion 3908-2

arrest, illegal, law allows resistance by force 33-12-5

Arrest, Law of, article 32-18-1

arrest, public official under arrest cannot perform any official acts 68-12-1

arrest, resisting unlawful, laws relating to 33-12-4

arrest, taken away govt’s good faith arguments for 4-15-6

arrest, unlawful arrest is lawful, discussion 68-12-4

arrest, unlawful arrest without a warrant, without exigent circumstances and without due process, example 60-5-7

arrest, unless you are under, you don’t have to answer questions, even for identification 11-17-1

arrest, unreasonable, without a warrant 6-10-2

arrest, when a Judge is arrested, the Bailiff is in charge of the court 68-12-3

arrested for destroying and interfering with government property by removing govt sign from your own yard 41-1-5

arrests, guess that over 75% of all arrests are illegal 32-18-2

Art Szafranski’s case 21-11-6

Art Szafranski’s case 5-11-1

Art Szafranski’s case 6-1-3

Art’s case 9-5-6

Art’s case, WINS! 10-1-1

Arthur Szafranski refusal wins again 21-1-2

Article 1, Section 10, Constitution, bank violates by loaning anything but gold and silver 54-2-9

article by Charlie Parker, We Found It! 32-15-1

article by Eddie Kahn 29-3-1

article by Howard Freeman 20-11-4

article by Marc Andra 17-12-5

article by Richard Standring 17-15-1

article by Roger Yates 15-9-3

article by Roger Yates 18-7-4

article by Roger Yates 19-11-5

article by Roger Yates 20-16-4

Article III court, not available, discussion 66-3-4

Article III suit filed 44-8-8

Article III, Clause 2 Judges, none left in America 62-3-2

Article III, filing a suit directly under 42-10-8

article III, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

Article Three court, District Court of Claims, D.C. 3-13-1

article, - Matthew 7:15 - 20 - 28-8-3

article, $1 Win Costs County $200,000 41-12-1

article, . . .of Cabbages and Kings 29-12-1

article, “Deadbeat” Law Enforcement Officers 16-6-6

article, “How To” from Frontline Masters on Habeas Wins 50-1-1

article, “In Other Words” 26-4-4

article, “Termites” 25-9-1

article, “Test Your Knowledge” 30-3-1

article, “Tidbit” 25-10-1

article, “Tidbit” 28-19-1

article, “Tidbits” 21-10-6

article, 20/20 Vision 22-13-3

article, 42 And Status 8-8-2

article, 42 And Status 9-10-1

article, 42 Suit Update 3-11-3

article, A Bad Ending to a Good Prayer! 25-15-2

article, A Closer Look at Taxpayer Status 21-8-1

article, A Dream of an American Patriot Poem 17-12-1

article, A Flea Fable 4-17-5

article, A Fresh Face for Title 42 29-1-1

article, A Hard Time for Churches in Colorado 29-16-1

article, A Kinder, Gentler IRS 19-3-1

article, A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous (For The Government) 31-14-7

article, A New Look at Expatriation 50-6-2

article, A Real Case Example 16-10-5

article, A Remedy Better Than Balancing the Budget! 48-1-1

article, A Republic Reborn Thanks To Texas 30-8-1

article, A Southern Yankee Doodle Mix-Up! 30-2-4

article, A Tangled Web 9-6-3

article, A True Story 42-13-1

article, Abatement Update Includes Remedies at Common Law 32-12-1

article, About the Tutor Program 57-7-4

article, Account Of The Unlawful Taking Of Jim Spychalski’s House 11-16-2

article, Admiralty Jurisdiction 10-2-1

article, Agencies View of Freedom of Speech 58-14-9

article, Agency Bans Freedom of Speech 55-12-2

article, All One Court System 49-12-3

article, All Residents Welcome to the Federal Government 61-10-5

article, Allodial Land Patents 18-4-4

article, Am I My Brother’s Keeper? 40-6-5

article, Americans for a Constitutional Republic present The American Christian School of Law 29-7-1

article, Amiability 2-15-1

article, An Attorney’s Idea Of Good Faith 5-10-4

article, An Old Dog Learns a New Trick 28-1-2

article, Analysis of Szafranski’s Case 21-11-5

article, Another Texas Storm! 19-1-3

article, AntiShyster Busts Shyster with Ezekiel 33:6 30-5-1

article, Are Title 42’s Effective, newspaper articles 13-9-1

article, Are We Crazy? 7-1-3

article, Are We Having Fun Yet? 49-20-7

article, Are We Looking In A Mirror? 5-6-1

article, Are You a Betting Man? 41-9-1

article, Are You Mundalized? 2-8-3

article, Arguments are Still for Fools 65-14-5

article, Asking Questions - Compelling Answers 44-9-8

article, Attorney fed-up takes on the Bar Association 50-3-1

article, Attorney License Fraud 17-8-3

article, Attorney License Fraud, more on 19-4-4

article, Attorney of the Month 25-7-3

article, Attorney of the Month 41-6-1

article, Attorneys and Their Clients 45-6-3

article, Attorneys And Their DR’s 4-10-2

article, Back to Basics Important Definitions 56-8-1

article, Bank Snitches 63-13-8

article, Bankruptcy is Part of Strategy To Fight the Outlaw Tax Collector 35-12-1

article, Bankruptcy is Part of Strategy to Fight the Outlaw Tax Collector, continued 37-2-4

article, Banks Admit Fraud 37-7-8

article, Barry Lynn, Smyth Singer, Story Teller, and Litigant! 51-3-2

article, Barry Smyth, Movin’ Out on the Front Line 27-12-3

article, Be all that you can Be! 55-1-4

article, Been to Court Lately?

article, Bench Warrant or Bench Complaint? 13-8-2

article, Beware of this phone scam 63-12-3

article, Big Claims In Small Court 9-10-2

article, Bill Shifts Burden of Proof to the IRS 22-9-4

article, Black Box Disaster 25-16-2

article, Black’s Law Dictionary 6th 5-13-6

article, Breaking the Language Barrier 58-13-1

article, Briefing A Case 7-5-3

article, Building A Federal Case 4-1-3

article, Building A Federal Case 6-13-4

article, Building A Membership Team With Right Way ... l.a.w. 3-1-3

article, by Clyde Hyde 15-5-4

article, CAFR Scams Tax dollars 63-1-1

article, Can The IRS Levy Your Old Age Social Security Benefits? 64-11-7

article, Can You Hear This? 36-6-4

article, Can’t You See It’s A Win? 17-3-1

article, CAPITALIZATION is capitalization 46-6-7

article, Carroll County Investigation 6-17-1

article, Case Caption: What Does It Do? 54-16-1

article, Case Law Answer 17-10-1

article, Case Law Clinchers and Other Bits of Great Information 29-4-1

article, Case Update 9-5-6

article, Cause of Action Wanted! 17-16-6

article, Certiorari Win! 14-1-1

article, Change of Office Hours 39-12-7

article, Cheating the Bank 25-4-4

article, Children On The “Right Way” 2-16-2

article, Children On The Right Way 11-16-1

article, Children On The Right Way 12-16-1

article, Children On The Right Way 13-17-1

article, Children On The Right Way 3-15-6

article, Children On The Right Way 4-16-4

article, Children On The Right Way 5-14-4

article, Children On The Right Way 6-15-5

article, Children On The Right Way 7-14-1

article, Children On The Right Way 8-16-1

article, Children On The Right Way 9-17-1

article, Chris asks … Did I Win? … This is indeed a win 54-7-3

article, City Loses Money on Garbage! or The Garbage Caper Win! 22-1-1

article, Clarity of the Second Amendment 18-7-4

article, Clarity of the Second Amendment 19-11-5

article, Clarity of the Second Amendment 20-16-4

article, Classified, More Than Ads, It’s an Opportunity 37-19-1

article, Close Encounters of the Citizens Kind 68-11-4

article, CMO Victory 26-5-1

article, Commerce Cops 20-15-2

article, Common Law ... or Not to Common Law 27-5-5

article, Common Law Character 29-6-7

article, Communication Gap - or - Phone Tax Win! 26-1-2

article, CON-CON or CON-JOB 19-17-1

article, Confidence in Procedure 53-7-3

article, Congressional Chit Chat 29-15-1

article, Consensual Liens v. Mixed War 11-7-5

article, Constitutional Panic! Taking Away Rights 21-4-4

article, continuation, Rick Shramm Tells Federal Court, “I Can’t Hear You” 2-9-5

article, Controlling Belief Are Not The Law Of The Land 3-7-1

article, Corporations in Toon Town 58-1-4

article, Count the Cost 24-17-5

article, Count The Cost 9-12-4

article, Counterclaim, Answering by Demurrer 61-5-4

article, County Sheriff Gets Rebuked by Front Line Master 59-8-7

article, Courts are all at Common Law!??! 51-11-3

article, CPA Sues Banks and Wins! 26-3-3

article, Curious George 12-8-3

article, Dan On Agency 1-9-2

article, Dangerous Expansion of Forfeiture Laws 63-7-7

article, Dead People Named In Suits 17-10-6

article, Dealing with Fear 44-13-2

article, Dealing With Fear 45-16-8

article, Definitions From Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-4

article, Definitions From White’s Law Dictionary 3-17-6

article, Demurrer Puts IRS On The Spot 6-1-3

article, Demurrer To The End! 10-1-2

article, Demurrersville Court Talk .. 3 50-17-1

article, Demurrersville Court Talk 46-1-1

article, Demurresville Court Talk .. 2 48-13-1

article, Demurresville Court Talk 2, answer 50-17-4

article, Demurresville Court Talk, Answers to last month’s Edition 48-13-4

article, Depositum Declaration – Apriori Notice to All Members 65-1-1

article, Did You Know? 8-12-5

article, Digestive Aid 5-16-1

article, Do You Really Understand the Second Amendment 43-13-5

article, Do You Want To Know Why Public Officials Are Voting To Take Away Your Firearms 15-15-1

article, Does the I.R.S. Practice Paper Terrorism? 56-12-2

article, Doing Business with the IRS 27-7-4

article, Doing It The Right Way From The Start 13-1-1

article, Don’t Laugh It’s Paid For! 21-5-2

article, Double “Person” alities 22-5-3

article, Double Parked Tractor Trailer 1-3-2

article, Double Talk in Court Caption 40-18-4

article, Dr. Eva Lee Snead 7-13-2

article, Dr. Eva Lee Snead 8-1-2

article, Due Process Of Law 11-15-1

article, Elyria Must Pay $10,000 For Winning Case 2-6-1

article, Email Info - a great way to research! 46-14-1

article, Enforcing Your Common Law Court Money Judgment through Established Courts 44-4-4

article, English Americans 46-8-8

article, Events from the Kingdom of Heaven 14-16-4

article, Excerpts From The Privacy Act 10-4-1

article, Exciting Times 67-1-1

article, Excusable Neglect 27-11-1

article, Expandable Money, Myth or Fact 30-8-7

article, Experts Joining Together 23-2-5

article, Exposition of the Parables 39-11-4

article, F.B.I. Jurisdiction 35-10-1

article, Father Holds Judge Accountable! 27-2-1

article, Fax On Demand! Right Way Welcomes New Technology 37-13-8

article, FDIC TriFecta 49-7-4

article, Federal Court Judges Hold Town Hall Meeting 3-2-5

article, FEDERAL STATES 46-16-4

article, Fictions of Law 62-1-4

article, Fight Smart 12-8-1

article, First Do No Harm 45-8-5

article, Florida, I Love These Guys 2-1-3

article, Flying the not so Friendly 49-3-5

article, Food for Thought 50-12-3

article, Forcible Entry And Detainer 4-8-4

article, Fraudulent Misrepresentation 28-7-1

article, Free yourself From Legal Tyranny 20-11-4

article, Freedom Now and Forever! 35-1-2

article, From the Desk of Montana Rick 45-12-4

article, Front Line Master’s Symposium 23-2-2

article, Frontline Master Alumnists in Line With Right Way’s Goal 31-1-5

article, Frontline Master Engineers Habeas Corpus Win! 49-12-9

article, Frontline Master or Tutor Calls, instructions 50-16-3

article, Frontline Masters Take Habeas Corpus Seriously 51-6-7

article, Frontline Masters 26-14-1

article, Frozen Assets 17-13-1

article, Fun at the D.M.V. 22-16-3

article, Furry’s Rules For Survival 12-3-4

article, Geared Up ... Frontline ‘96, and Welcome to the New Frontliners!! 31-1-1

article, General Cold Remedy 1-11-2

article, General Delivery 53-13-8

article, Get Serious! 26-4-1

article, God Supplies Witty Inventions And You Can Learn And Win 6-13-2

article, Godly Dominion 41-3-1

article, Government Employment - Disloyal Persons - Prohibition 35-11-4

article, Government is almost always right 48-6-6

article, Government Or Not 1-8-5

article, Governor of the Month! 48-16-1

article, Gulf War Syndrome 38-16-8

article, Guns: Facts & Fallacies 15-12-2

article, H. R. 666 and your Rights 22-8-1

article, Habeas Corpus Developments 52-3-4

article, Habeas Procedure in State Court 51-8-1

article, Happy Anniversary, Right Way 1 year old 12-1-1

article, Happy Birthday Jesus 39-11-9

article, Haremann Report 28-12-1

article, Having Done All ... Stand! 44-7-2

article, Head Start For HJR 485 8-7-4

article, Health Care that Makes Sense 54-17-5

article, Herbal Mineral Drink 3-18-2

article, Herbal Remedies, Apple Cider Vinegar 18-17-1

article, Herbal Remedy - for asthma, eucalyptus, hyssop, frankincense 44-10-7

article, Herbal Remedy - Ginger root 50-15-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Beets 20-18-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Black Mustard 30-15-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Blackberry 12-4-3

article, Herbal Remedy, Blood Cleaners 27-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Bull Thistle 63-9-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Carrots 21-17-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Cat’s Claw 53-19-2

article, Herbal Remedy, Chickweed 16-18-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Cleavers (“bedstraw”) 24-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Coltsfoot 8-15-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Cow Parsnip 58-9-7

article, herbal remedy, Digestive Aid 5-16-2

article, Herbal Remedy, Downy Woodmint 37-18-9

article, Herbal Remedy, Echinacea 13-18-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Feverfew 43-19-2

article, Herbal Remedy, Food Storage 22-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, for burns 45-11-6

article, Herbal Remedy, For Nerves 6-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Gill-over-the-ground; Ground Ivy 15-17-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Ginseng Root 17-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, goldenrod 61-9-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Grapes 19-16-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Groundnut 36-11-3

article, Herbal Remedy, hanging? 68-16-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Jerusalem Artichoke 26-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Lamb’s Quarters 59-9-7

article, Herbal Remedy, leeks 56-19-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Lemon Juice 67-16-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Liver Massage 48-19-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Lysene 66-16-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Marigold 38-15-8

article, Herbal Remedy, moneywort 64-16-8

article, Herbal Remedy, MSM cream 52-19-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Mullein 32-16-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Nettles 7-14-5

article, herbal remedy, Onion Poultice 4-18-2

article, Herbal Remedy, Orpine 62-9-7

article, Herbal Remedy, phosphate of potash, cell salt 55-19-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Pineapple-Weed 25-16-4

article, Herbal Remedy, prevention 51-19-2

article, Herbal Remedy, Purslane 33-11-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Purslane 60-9-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Saint John’s Wort 42-17-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Sarsaparilla 28-17-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Saxifrange 46-19-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Sicklepod 31-16-4

article, Herbal Remedy, Sunflower 35-18-3

article, Herbal Remedy, Sweet Flag 39-15-7

article, Herbal Remedy, Trout Lily 9-18-1

article, Herbal Remedy, Violets 11-15-4

article, Herbal Sauve 2-16-1

article, herbal tip, Garlic 14-19-6

article, Heroes 2-17-1

article, Hide and Go Seek Strategies 50-12-8

article, Hire an Attorney Hire the State 62-1-1

article, History Repeats Itself 66-1-1

article, Hold Them to their Policies 27-17-6

article, Home, song 24-11-4

article, Hope 8-9-3

article, Hot New Benefit Plan for Right Way Members!! 31-10-1

article, How Hero’s are Born 14-12-1

article, How much Government do we need? 45-6-6

article, How to Read an Indictment 19-8-5

article, How to Take Over Government in Four Easy Steps 26-10-1

article, Hung Jury on Marsh Case 17-9-4

article, I Can Name That Title 42 In Six Hours 9-1-1

article, I.R.S. Applies Back Door Tactics to fight Commercial Liens 56-13-9

article, I.R.S. Tips on Life 55-9-5

article, I’m Sooo Confused! 26-3-1

article, Idaho Siege Spurs Probe Of FBI Unit 5-16-3

article, Ideas for IRS Bills of Particular 48-12-1

article, If You Can’t Beat Em’ Join Em’ 3-6-2

article, Imagine if . . . . 32-13-4

article, In High Places, poem 36-19-3

article, In Memory of Frontline Master William Glenn, Egner 65-18-4

article, In The Beginning ... or The Rich Schramm Win! 24-1-2

article, In This Stage Of The War 3-15-2

article, Indictment Win! 44-8-7

article, Information Available at the Drop of a Credit Card 39-17-8

article, Information Please 63-16-8

article, Informed Jury Dashes Prosecutor’s Hopes 32-13-1

article, Internet Tips 53-13-2

article, Intro to the Private Bill of Particulars 42-4-1

article, Introducing - IRM 42-100 36-16-1

article, Introducing - IRM 42-100 37-16-1

article, Introduction to Commercial Process 58-3-1

article, Introduction to Injunctions 59-9-4

article, Introduction to the Common Law 26-13-1

article, Is IRS a Paper Tiger? 33-2-4

article, Is It An Emergency? 8-8-4

article, Is the Constitution Dead? 54-12-9

article, It Is Not Fair 7-3-2

article, It Worked in Ohio 33-1-4

article, It’s Back -- Appearance Without Appearance 43-1-1

article, It’s Not Reasonable 2-9-5

article, Jack and the Zoning Giant 55-6-1

article, Jack Says . . . 25-9-3

article, Jack=John Doe #Won! 14-4-5

article, Jokes by George & Dave 33-4-2

article, Jokes by George & Dave 50-10-5

article, Jokes by George & Dave 55-19-3

article, Jokes by George & Dave 56-19-3

article, Jokes by George & Dave 58-19-2

article, Jokes by George & Dave 59-18-1

article, Jokes by George & Dave 60-18-1

article, Jokes by George & Dave 61-19-7

article, Jokes by George & Dave 62-19-7

article, Jokes by George & Dave 63-19-7

article, Jokes by George & Dave 66-18-2

article, Jokes by George & Dave 67-18-1

article, Jokes by George & Dave 68-18-1

article, Jokes By George And Dave 10-4-3

article, Jokes By George And Dave 11-18-6

article, Jokes By George And Dave 13-19-2

article, Jokes By George And Dave 14-19-4

article, Jokes by George and Dave 15-17-5

article, Jokes by George and Dave 17-17-4

article, Jokes by George and Dave 18-6-4

article, Jokes by George and Dave 19-16-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 20-18-2

article, Jokes by George and Dave 21-18-1

article, Jokes By George And Dave 2-16-5

article, Jokes by George and Dave 22-17-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 24-17-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 25-16-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 26-17-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 27-17-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 28-17-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 30-16-3

article, Jokes by George and Dave 31-16-6

article, Jokes By George And Dave 3-18-3

article, Jokes by George and Dave 32-16-5

article, Jokes by George and Dave 35-18-9

article, Jokes by George and Dave 36-11-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 38-11-9

article, Jokes by George and Dave 39-11-3

article, Jokes By George And Dave 4-18-3

article, Jokes by George and Dave 42-17-7

article, Jokes by George and Dave 43-19-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 44-10-3

article, Jokes by George and Dave 46-19-2

article, Jokes by George and Dave 48-19-2

article, Jokes by George and Dave 49-23-2

article, Jokes by George and Dave 51-18-7

article, Jokes By George And Dave 5-16-2

article, Jokes by George and Dave 52-18-1

article, Jokes by George and Dave 53-19-7

article, Jokes By George And Dave 6-17-5

article, Jokes by George and Dave 64-19-7

article, Jokes By George And Dave 7-15-1

article, Jokes By George And Dave 8-15-4

article, Jokes By George And Dave 9-18-2

article, Judge Has Big Mac Attack 49-7-3

article, Judge Of The Month 11-9-4

article, Judge of the Month 14-12-2

article, Judge of the Month 15-7-1

article, Judge of the Month 18-11-1

article, Judge of the Month 20-13-1

article, Judge of the Month 25-7-2

article, Judge of the Month 32-11-1

article, Judge of the Month 42-12-1

article, Judge of the Month 50-13-4

article, Judge of the Month! 48-16-1

article, Judge Of The Month! 9-6-4

article, Judge Quits 8-2-1

article, Judge Reveals Inside Information 50-11-1

article, Judge’s Training 60-17-6

article, Judges Teach the Law 43-4-8

article, Judicial Notice of Military Flag and Challenge of Jurisdiction 24-10-2

article, Jurisdiction Combo 45-2-4

article, Keep Going! 31-16-1

article, Keeping Good Company 12-3-6

article, Law Books That Give You Staying Power 24-9-1

article, Law Terms 50-4-3

article, Legal Research 20-9-5

article, Legal Research 4-12-3

article, Legal Research 5-3-5

article, Legal Research 6-8-2

article, Legal Research 9-11-3

article, Legal Tongue Twisters 42-18-1

article, Legalized Fraud 24-4-2

article, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

article, Let’s Look at Status 16-16-6

article, Letter for Foreclosure Victims 30-16-1

article, Letter From The Editor 1-11-4

article, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! 37-1-1

article, Living A Demurrer 9-2-1

article, Living a Remedy 48-5-2

article, Looking at Litigation Through a Mirror 30-7-1

article, Looking For Attorneys 31-15-2

article, Love And War 4-10-6

article, Love Works 66-17-5

article, Main Street 36-4-9

article, Main Street 37-4-9

article, Main Street 38-7-8

article, Mainstreet 39-15-1

article, Make a Bank a Loan 60-13-1

article, Man on the Soil or Artificial Person? 56-1-4

article, Many Uses for Trusts - Simple Domestic Business 31-7-1

article, Married By Whom? 6-16-4

article, Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, North Carolina, member inquires about 33-17-9

article, Member J Writes 33-9-7

article, Members Benefit through Long Distance Program 21-9-5

article, Members Benefit through Long Distance Program 22-11-6

article, Members Holding Meetings and Classes 23-2-4

article, Michigan Mania 17-4-6

article, Midnight Madness Sees the Light 14-17-4

article, Midnight Madness 11-9-2

article, Mike The Mover Moves To 6 Wins! 18-1-1

article, Military Involvement in State Court Cases 64-13-4

article, Militia 15-9-3

article, Mispractice on a Malpractice 17-2-4

article, Mission Of The IRS 6-3-2

article, Money And The UCC 11-11-4

article, Money And The UCC 12-13-3

article, Monsters Do Exist! 54-8-4

article, More on Certiorari 14-15-4

article, More On Dakota Nuclear 4-10-3

article, More On Demurrer 14-4-1

article, Motion to Vacate v. Certiorari 19-3-4

article, Motions to Dismiss 21-2-4

article, Movin’ Into the Frontline Fall ‘97 51-1-1

article, Movin’ Out On The Frontline ‘96 Tour of the West 39-1-1

article, Moving Out on the Front Line Seminars 23-2-3

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 54-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 55-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 56-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 58-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 59-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies 65-15-2

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, Ant_Z 63-17-9

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, Deep Impact 64-17-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, Matrix 68-14-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, Saving Private Ryan 62-17-5

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, Small Soldiers 60-1-1

article, Mr. Smith Goes to the Movies, The Borrowers 61-17-5

article, My Address Is “Howard” 15-3-2

article, My Evidence Beats Up Your Evidence 1-2-1

article, Networking in Action! 41-7-1

article, Never Left Home 9-5-2

article, Never Miss a Good Chance to Shut Up! 52-1-1

article, New Concordance Style Index Available for Right Way “Light” Readers 40-12-1

article, New Math Calculates Great News 30-1-1

article, New Search and Seizure Ruling 66-8-1

article, News Flash from the Republic of Texas 37-10-8

article, News From The National Archives 17-6-1

article, Newsflash! IRS Stopped From Sale 31-3-4

article, No Evidence = Win 45-1-1

article, No One Home 9-4-3

article, Not Another State 7-7-2

article, Not the Rem, Not the Res! 59-6-2

article, Notice of Levy Not good Enough 61-1-1

article, Notice: These Oaths are Required! 35-6-7

article, Now That’s an Order! 16-2-1

article, Ohio Courts Allocution 29-14-1

article, One tutor, one letter, $36,000 bill disappears 39-1-5

article, One Way Of Dealing With The IRS 11-3-2

article, Onion Poultice 4-18-2

article, Out Foxed 3-6-2

article, Outstanding Bill!??! 20-1-4

article, Pacer 29-8-1

article, Paper terrorism by IRS 55-10-1

article, Patriots Have A Campout That Is Romantic 2-12-1

article, Paul Revere Rides Again 16-15-1

article, Paying Taxes Is Voluntary 13-8-5

article, Paying Taxes is Voluntary, Frank Kowalik 14-5-5

article, Peeling Onions 46-2-4

article, Pen Pals 8-4-3

article, Peter Pan Cannot Fly 4-3-6

article, Petition to Free Political Exiles 31-13-7

article, Phone Scam Warning! 68-13-2

article, Pizza Violation 52-14-8

article, Plea for Help 27-14-1

article, Please Remember Right Way 45-11-1

article, Pledge to that Flag 40-1-1

article, Points Of Interest 4-16-1

article, Points Of Interest 5-15-1

article, Policy Not to Violate Rights 21-16-1

article, Positive Thinking And You 1-10-6

article, Possible New World Order Dissent? 37-9-8

article, Powers of Attorney, Appointment for Patriots 15-5-4

article, Practicing Law Without a License 54-12-2

article, Price Change Notice 29-2-6

article, Prison Ministry 53-8-5

article, Prison News magazine helps prisoners maintain their rights 50-2-4

article, Procedure Perspective 58-11-4

article, Procedure Update – A New Look At Dispositive Motions 60-1-4

article, Prohibition The Right Action 1-2-6

article, Project Terra Libra 10-7-1

article, Promissory Note Case ends up in Court 64-1-4

article, Prosecutors Commit Contempt and Get Caught 39-8-9

article, Protest Bifurcated Government 67-11-3

article, Proving Clearly Established Law in Section 1983 28-5-3

article, Public Notice Form 4-14-1

article, Public Servant Questionnaire 18-18-1

article, Public Servant Questionnaire 31-18-1

article, Pycnogenol 8-12-4

article, Raising Up Dragon Slayers 32-3-1

article, Read and Weep, Then Pray 18-14-1

article, Read Me FIRST!! 28-19-2

article, Real People 4-16-4

article, Recovery from Government Takeover 27-3-1

article, Refusal and Return of Judgment Entry, form 11-19-1

article, Refusal for Fraud the Right Way 42-16-1

article, Refusal for Fraud Win 33-1-2

article, Refusals And The Rules Of Evidence 12-11-3

article, Refusals Don’t Work? 23-1-1

article, Refusals In A Title 42 Action 12-2-1

article, Refusals in History 63-11-8

article, Remember the Man You Should Be 19-17-2

article, Research Teams Making Strides Towards Freedom! 63-9-2

article, Review Of John Nelson Tapes 2-6-3

article, Review of John Nelson’s Tapes 1-6-1

article, Review Of The John Nelson Tapes 3-12-4

article, Revocation 2-18-1

article, Richard-Terrance: Lee 68-13-7

article, Rick Shramm Tells Federal Court, “I Can’t Hear You” 2-4-2

article, Rick’s Corner 4-15-5

article, Ricks Corner 2-14-5

article, Right Way Assists Colorado Internal Affairs Officer 38-17-8

article, Right Way Begins Fifth Year! 49-1-1

article, Right Way Campout 24-2-1

article, Right Way Club Policies & Procedures 57-3-9

article, Right Way Distributors 23-6-1

article, Right Way Lowers Price on Legal Research Video 40-5-8

article, Right Way Members Win Cases! 23-2-1

article, Rule 12(b)(6) And Refusals 9-13-3

article, Rules in Disguise 66-5-1

article, School Children Learn Young 6-9-4

article, Science Project 3-16-5

article, Science Project, magnetic puzzle box 4-17-4

article, Search and Seizure Win on Appeal 39-7-5

article, Set Your Cites on Effectiveness 36-18-4

article, SGM Corporation & Learn America 16-1-3

article, Shadow Charges 12-9-5

article, Sheriff Boots Feds from his County 50-13-4

article, Sheriff of the Month 17-16-1

article, Should Attorney’s Get Paid? 19-7-2

article, Show Cause Not Records 5-11-1

article, Showdown at High Noon or Your Right to Due Process 22-12-4

article, Sign Here It’s The Law 24-8-1

article, Silver Dime Jail Threat 64-2-4

article, Slavery 61-7-2

article, So … You Want to See a Win! 56-12-6

article, So What About that Gold Fringed Flag? 39-5-4

article, So You Have a Judgment . . . 28-14-2

article, So You Think You Know How To Sue Government 16-2-6

article, So You Thought Set-Off Had Something To Do With A Bomb. Maybe It Does 43-9-2

article, So you thought you won the Revolutionary War. or The Red Coats Are Still Here! 42-1-1

article, So You Want To Be a Judge? 35-1-1

article, So... Ya’ Wanna Be a Patriot do Ya’ Dearie? 24-13-1

article, Solutions to Giving Notice 67-5-8

article, Sorry Charlie 41-13-8

article, Speak Out America, promoting gathering 28-11-1

article, SSN Voluntary or Mandatory? 55-14-8

article, Start Your Successful Research Here! and Reap the Rewards of Simple Procedure 30-12-1

article, Stay Where You Are! 60-8-4

article, Steps of Procedure 53-1-1

article, Still Home 9-3-1

article, Stop! . . . Let’s Review UCC Remedies 36-2-4

article, Strategies 5-9-6

article, Strategy Tip - Bothered by Threats of Sanctions? 46-8-1

article, Substance Exchange Policy for Members 23-7-1

article, Supervisory Control 46-13-8

article, Support Sheriff Richard Mack! 51-15-1

article, Tailor Made Law Suits 31-1-6

article, Tall Reality 28-2-5

article, Tar Baby Trust 29-6-1

article, Tennessee Judge Shows Southern Hospitality 38-19-4

article, Test Your Knowledge . . . 003 32-9-5

article, Test Your Knowledge . . . 005 35-5-1

article, Test Your Knowledge . . . 006 36-16-1

article, Test Your Knowledge . . . 011 48-14-1

article, Test Your Knowledge . . . 300 33-3-1

article, Test Your Knowledge .. 002 Plus Study Tips 31-3-1

article, Test Your Knowledge ... 007 38-16-1

article, Texas Title 42 Update 15-1-1

article, Textbook the Forgotten Resource, Writing Injunctions 62-7-5

article, That’s the Power of Prayer 31-14-1

article, The “Not Guilty” Plea Trap 19-8-1

article, The “Yes” Company 59-1-4

article, The Ant and the Grasshopper 44-3-6

article, The Burden of Clear and Convincing Evidence 54-6-5

article, The Case Is Garbage 3-5-1

article, The Check Was in the Mail 64-1-1

article, The Civil Rights Task Force In Action 14-13-2

article, The Confidence To Win 53-5-5

article, The Cowardly Lion Finds Courage 44-1-1

article, The Disappearing Constable 37-6-4

article, The Endeavor 28-13-6

article, The Factual Index to the Constitution for the United States of America 29-14-6

article, The Fifteen Minute Win 33-1-10

article, The Game Ain’t Over Till I Say it’s Over 38-1-1

article, The Goose and the Golden Egg 30-18-4

article, The Guardians of Civilization, and their Expendable Pawns, The Police and Military 16-13-2

article, The High Cost of Education 28-15-1

article, The IRS Backs Down to Criminal Charges 29-3-1

article, The Issue of Separate Counsel ... or, Confusing Counsel Quarrel! 27-1-2

article, The Land, A Place or a Thing? 51-5-9

article, The Law of Arrest 32-18-1

article, The Law of Arrest, continued 33-2-5

article, The Love Program 66-10-4

article, The Master Plan 22-2-2

article, The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (1775) 35-10-4

article, The Military Flag 20-16-2

article, The Myth of Limited Liability 15-11-2

article, The Narrow Path 4-14-4

article, The New Right Way Catalog is Here and Full of Info! 30-14-1

article, The Odd Couple 28-8-1

article, The Odd Couple 42-6-2

article, The Order of Things 68-1-1

article, The Post Card Caper 25-5-3

article, The Real Conspiracy 25-14-1

article, The Red Coats Are Still Here! or So you thought you won the Revolutionary War. 42-1-1

article, The Red Coats Are Still Here! or So you thought you won the Revolutionary War. 42-1-1

article, The Refusal Remedy 11-2-2

article, The Rest of the Story 65-10-2

article, The Right Way Bounty-Hunter 40-2-4

article, The Rule 11 Connection 11-1-2

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve System in America 35-16-7

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve System in America, continued 36-10-4

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve System in America, continued 37-12-6

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve System in America, continued 38-11-3

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve 39-12-5

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve 40-13-8

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve 41-18-1

article, The Scandal of the Federal Reserve 42-18-3

article, The Schiffer Berger Report, on the radio 4-18-4

article, The Secret To Winning 66-12-3

article, The Story Of A Good Lawyer 9-15-4

article, The Summary Judgment Trap 40-4-2

article, The Time for Freedom is Now! 54-2-8

article, The Title (poem) 33-17-7

article, The Wachtler Briefs 13-7-1

article, The Way Back ... to a De Jure Government 40-8-9

article, The Way Back 41-16-9

article, The Way Back 42-5-5

article, The Winning Touch! 15-8-1

article, The Wrong Way 2-10-1

article, There is a Place of Rest 53-18-1

article, This Is your Lawyer 1-4-3

article, This Land Is My Land 41-1-1

article, This Right Way Stuff Really Works! 52-1-5

article, Tid Bits 42-17-4

article, Tidbit - Money 49-16-1

article, Tidbit (IRS and Social Security) 44-7-5

article, Tidbit from Member Jim, How Specs Live Forever 63-9-4

article, Tidbit from the United States Government Printing Office Style Manual 51-12-3

article, Tidbit 29-7-8

article, Tidbit 44-3-5

article, Title 42 check sheet 27-16-1

article, Title 42 checklist 12-14-1

article, Title 42 Update 36-12-1

article, Title 42 Win or Loss? 20-14-4

article, To Kill a Bond Agreement 33-6-1

article, To Pay or Not 30-2-1

article, To Recuse or Not to Recuse 52-13-9

article, Touching the Tar Baby or Joinders 31-2-4

article, Traffic-Ganza! 32-1-1

article, Traverse And Demurrer 1-9-5

article, Traverse And Demurrer 6-10-1

article, Triple Win! 45-13-5

article, Trust “B” – Lose it or Use it 57-1-1

article, Trust “Smart Talk” 27-13-1

article, Truth Or Consequences 3-10-1

article, TRUTH, Sentenced and Suspended in the Twilight Zone 5-9-1

article, Tutor Program News 37-18-2

article, Two Birth Certificates 66-13-1

article, U.S. Constitution On Death Row! 8-13-3

article, UCC 1-207 v. Non Assumpsit 25-6-4

article, Understanding Agencies 67-2-4

article, Uniform Commercial Code 14-2-2

article, Updates 6-9-5

article, US GenWeb Census Project Needs Volunteers50-11-9

article, V.I.P.L. Test Your Knowledge ... 009 40-15-1

article, Victory 27-10-3

article, Voters Drafted into the Republicrat Army 36-4-1

article, War Games 11-10-4

article, We Found It! 32-15-1

article, We’re Not In Kansas Anymore, Toto! 30-19-1

article, Web Tip 50-7-1

article, Weird Tales 8-12-2

article, Welcome to Commercial Land 16-3-5

article, Welcome to the Lawful Path 31-15-1

article, West Texas Inventors Association Inventor’s New Invention 52-18-3

article, What About All These Flags 42-9-4

article, What Constitutes a Crime? 68-1-4

article, What Did You Buy? 7-12-4

article, What Does Going Postal Really Mean? 40-7-8

article, What Happened In A Year? 12-7-2

article, What Happened In My Lawyer’s Office 4-1-3

article, What is Defense? Never heard of it! 46-7-5

article, What Is It All About? 27-18-2

article, What Makes You Think the IRS Will Answer? 48-8-5

article, What’s a Nice Guy Like You Doing In Jail? 33-14-4

article, What’s All the Panic About? 21-5-5

article, What’s Behind the Census? 66-17-2

article, What’s in a Name? 51-13-2

article, What’s in the Bag? 21-1-2

article, What’s New in Common Law Proceedings? -- duplicate of article on previous page 32-10-1

article, What’s Really Wrong With Public Schools 3-17-1

article, WhAt’s yOur NaMe? 28-3-2

article, While You Were Away 52-5-1

article, White’s Law Dictionary 5-14-2

article, Who Am I, Where Am I? 41-4-8

article, Who Do The Children Belong To? 8-5-2

article, Who Do You Think You Are? 38-5-3

article, Who Says Title 42 Suits Aren’t Effective 2-5-6

article, Who’s Complaining? Not the Prosecutor! 20-2-4

article, Who’s in Charge? 16-2-3

article, Whoevers Be Ware! 18-4-1

article, Why did Shakespeare want to kill all the lawyers? 61-11-5

article, Will You Be Next? 17-12-5

article, Win at the 11th Hour 24-16-1

article, Winning Cases 40-17-5

article, Winning Cases!!! 5-1-3

article, Winning Stories 46-1-4

article, Words Can Hurt You 13-13-1

article, Writ Of Error Or Certiorari 2-10-6

article, Write Em’ Up And Send Em’ In!! 17-9-2

article, Wrong Department 28-14-5

article, You Call This A Win?!!? 25-1-2

article, You Got What You Deserved 49-1-4

article, You’re Outta Here 14-14-1

article, Your Greatest Pressing Question 3-14-3

article, Zoning - Who are They Protecting 52-5-8

article, Zoning Financiers 53-10-2

Articles in Amendment to the Constitution, related to on street remedies 58-5-8

Articles in Amendment, discussed one by one 58-6-4

Articles of Confederation, contract, in full force and effect today 28-16-2

Articles of Confederation, no provision for commerce 42-1-4

artifice, words of artifice, reference 62-6-3

artificial person with no rights, all capital letter name on process 43-2-4

artificial persons 29-13-3

assembly, freedom of, reference 58-6-5

assent, definition and discussion 56-8-7

assenting to a contract, discussion 56-9-8

assessment authority, IRS has none for lack of implementing regulations 33-8-1

assessment of tax deficiency required before tax lien 28-2-1

asset forfeiture laws, over 100 on the books 58-15-3

asset holding trust 31-7-1

asset, money is an 11-13-6

assets, promissory notes are assets used by banks 64-6-7

assets, protecting them 35-12-5

assigned document must meet conditions of contract 39-2-9

assigned, look it up in law dictionary 39-1-3

assignment, judges to freely associated compact states 8-9-2

assignments of error 2-14-6

assistance of counsel, defined, Blacks Law Dictionary 3-17-5

association, voluntary unincorporated, not person 18-4-2

assumpsit, can be contract with signature or without 25-6-5

assumpsit, legal definition 21-11-4

assumpsit, legal definition, undertake a promise 25-6-4

assumpsit, reference 62-12-5

assumption of law, fiction discussion 58-13-2

assumption, fiction of law, discussion 62-13-1

at law venue, must have either damage or contract with court 30-7-7

at law versus in law 26-16-6

at law, not admiralty 30-1-6

at law, traffic ticket contract is, supersedes everything 24-5-5

Atlas Shrugged, book by Ayn Rand 5-9-6

attachment of funds, exemptions, at pre-judgment and post-judgment 43-10-5

attachment, lien, levy, and garnishment 44-4-6

attachment, social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

attack of judgment, collateral 9-10-5

attack of judgment, direct 9-10-5

Attainder, Bill of, is a felony 7-6-4

attestation, legal definition 35-6-9

attitudes, belief, morals taught in school may be contrary to yours 8-5-4

attorney belief controls court proceedings 3-9-4

attorney blackmail, case of 5-10-1

attorney cannot represent collection process if he has not informed you that he is unlicensed, or registered as a foreign agency 29-4-1

attorney disappears in tax case 26-2-1

attorney doesn’t believe UCC applies to traffic 25-7-3

Attorney fed-up takes on the Bar Association, article 50-3-1

attorney fees not paid because attorneys not licensed by state in Wisconsin 19-7-6

attorney fees, see cases cited here in article 29-4-4

Attorney General opinion about judges and income tax 5-6-2

Attorney General writes opinion favoring citizens 41-12-7

Attorney General, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury all have to ex-patriate from US to UN to hold office 27-4-3

Attorney General, start at top, let them delegate 5-11-5

Attorney General, US, agent of intl. robber barons 11-13-4

Attorney in Fact, form of affidavit 67-17-3

Attorney License Fraud, more on 19-4-4

attorney makes mistake, client goes to prison 9-7-2

Attorney Misconduct, affidavit, reference, late or refusal to answer FOIA 50-17-5

attorney must manditorily withdraw from employment if purpose of litigation is harassment or maliciously injuring any person 30-13-4

attorney not party to case 41-7-4

attorney or barrister for the King 42-3-5

attorney promises probation for guilty plea 5-11-1

attorney slanders party 43-6-5

attorney who defended the Devil, legend 9-15-5

attorney, “acting as” your own, a trap in legal pleadings 50-12-9

attorney, accepting one, grants jurisdiction 6-1-6

attorney, anyone with an attorney is presumed by court to be incompetent, insane, or a ward of the court 45-6-3

Attorney, article, Judge’s Training, learning how a Judge, Attorney or Police Officer is trained can help you 60-17-6

attorney, article, Why did Shakespeare want to kill all the lawyers? 61-11-5

attorney, courts take silent judicial notice that anyone in front of it is a corporation and must be represented by an attorney 45-6-3

attorney, first duty is to court, not client 45-6-5

Attorney, first duty not to client 62-3-3

attorney, hire one and you are placed in a secret trust as a legal lunatic, a mental case 62-3-4

attorney, hire one and you are presumed to be a ward of the court 62-3-4

attorney, hire one and you are presumed to be legally incompetent 62-3-4

attorney, is an officer of the court 45-6-5

attorney, is an officer of the state 45-6-5

attorney, Judges required to file Foreign Agents Registration Statement 19-7-2

attorney, pro-se, pro-per, representing yourself, represented by an attorney 45-8-2

attorney, see lawyer

attorney, the damage they’ve caused to freedom in America 62-1-1

attorney’s license, no such thing 17-8-3

attorneys and their bar associations, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

attorneys and their clients, article 45-6-3

attorneys cannot represent clients in Constitutional Court created by suit of the sovereign 39-6-1

attorneys forbidden from court of the people, shunned by common man, reviled by the clergy 62-2-1

attorneys have no standing in a law court 41-7-2

attorneys not licensed by state in Wisconsin 19-7-4

attorneys noticed to produce credentials 31-15-2

Attorneys set rules, laws, statutes requiring you to place your children, your property, etc. in their hands 62-6-2

attorneys, debt collections, private, carried on by attorneys, IRS, and others outside the courts 56-2-6

attorneys, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

attorneys, non-, can be Judges in Washington 35-1-1

attorneys, predecessors were scribes of Temple Bar 13-13-4

attornment, refer to legal definition 62-6-5

audit, Federal Reserve never been since creation 40-16-2

Audita Querela, reference 64-9-8

auditor, notice to the county auditor, discussion 54-5-8

authenticating a writing, signature 26-7-5

authentication of evidence for admissibility, reference 68-7-4

authentication of legislative acts by seal 44-6-2

authority and policies of agencies, get them 27-17-6

authority of IRS to seize property, is under marque of reprisal against citizen of Washington D.C. 16-9-1

authority of public officials to break the law, what 42-5-7

authority to even prosecute a tax case 44-15-5

authority to sell any property, IRS lack legal 31-3-7

authority, any govt contact that does not state regulation is insufficient and cause to refuse acceptance of it 13-11-2

authority, defined 4-4-1

authority, delegation of, clear definition 16-2-3

authority, demand for 44-15-2

authority, demand for, is challenge to jurisdiction 26-13-1

authority, four authorities for the form of court procedure 68-6-3

authority, if judge operates outside of, is he entitled to immunity 13-7-2

authority, IRS refuses to state their delegation of 31-3-7

authority, lawful, order of 5-1-6

authority, legal, how to find legal citations for your own state 27-11-1

authority, military government in America ruling by might, not by legal authority 46-9-7

authority, nexus of, venue, jurisdiction, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

authority, supreme, is the people 35-2-6

automatic stay, suspension of collections in bankruptcy 35-14-2

automobile emissions testing law, confiscate your car 38-8-2

automobile, register and license, why its in place 11-12-3

automobiles, allegedly owned by citizens 11-12-2

Babylon, buffer yourself from, with trusts 31-12-1

backdate, doctrine of relation, backdating events, discussion 62-14-8

backdate, doctrine of relation, backdating events, reference 62-14-4

bad faith offer, reference regarding liens and offer of performance 58-8-2

bad faith 12-7-6

bad faith 14-17-2

bad faith 22-19-2

bad faith, defined 49-9-7

bad faith, defined 5-13-6

bad faith, defined 8-4-4

bad faith, example of use 11-5-6

bad faith, example of 26-2-5

bad faith, lawyers cannot present a claim in 30-13-3

bad faith, passing off responsibility for a bad presentment to someone who is presumed innocent of what’s going on 8-4-6

bad faith, reference to 7-5-2

Bad Judge, what to do about a Bad Judge 50-4-2

bad procedure 2-11-2

bail money returned even though failure to appear 8-3-5

bail not set, 5th Amendment due process violation 22-12-6

bail, pledge of property in lieu of cash bail, reference 59-7-8

Bailiff, when a Judge is arrested, the Bailiff is in charge of the court 68-12-3

bailment, demand for return 65-4-3

bailment, depositum declaration for bailment, discussion 65-1-8

Bailment, Depositum for Bailment, reference 65-4-3

bailout, FDIC, three ways of bank salvage, “payoff”, “sell off”, “bailout” 49-11-5

Baily v. Drexel Furniture Company, Congressional control of manufacturing in states in unconstitutional 12-11-1

bait and switch of terms 25-15-2

balanced budget amendment, deception 19-17-4

Balanced Budget Amendment, the trap 8-13-5

Balkans, letter from citizen and quote from Congressional Record 29-15-7

ban on guns owned by citizens 15-15-3

bank account, operate so that you don’t need one 12-8-3

bank account, under international law 3-14-3

bank accounts extremely vulnerable to seizure 14-14-1

bank accounts, utility bills, drivers license, voting registration, all “uses” of assets of government with correlative duties 56-10-6

bank assets of officials frozen by convict 17-13-1

bank fraud and conspiracy 49-8-8

bank fraud case, example for use of Declaratory Judgment 31-4-7

bank fraud scandal, Federal Reserve 41-18-1

bank fraud 40-17-3

bank fraud, reference to 7-5-2

bank has no interest in substance 10-2-6

bank lends credit and not money 49-16-1

bank lends you your own money 25-5-2

bank loan based on fraud and is void 31-6-8

bank loan or credit, applying for, makes you part of the government 54-2-9

bank makes fraudulent representations to court 9-3-4

bank not damaged party with standing to bring a foreclosure case 31-5-8

bank note use challenge, discussion 65-1-8

bank notes, use of, reference 65-5-2

bank notes, USER of, 38 Stat. 265, Ch. 6 p266-267 49-22-2

Bank of America may be CIA front 9-8-3

Bank of America notices $60 billion gone 9-7-4

bank operation, diagrammed 30-9-1

bank paper money ruinous, from Jefferson writings 37-12-8

bank salvage, FDIC, three ways of bank salvage, “payoff”, “sell off”, “bailout” 49-11-5

bank seeks double payments on discharged debt 25-7-2

Bank Snitches, article 63-13-8

bank statutes requiring identification 63-14-8

bank takes commercial lien assignment, not dishonored 25-7-2

bank tries to collect double, no dishonor, no return, tender made, paid in full, bank loses 25-7-5

bank, Article 1, Section 10, Constitution, bank violates by loaning anything but gold and silver 54-2-9

bank, article about bank taking money out of one account to satisfy a third party co-signer’s debt 43-9-5

bank, article, Make a Bank a Loan 60-13-1

bank, bill of particulars to 52-2-9

bank, cancelling bank loans without going to court, two volumes, advertisement 54-8-3

Bank, Cheating the, article 25-4-4

bank, IMF World Bankers, reference 58-18-3

bank, letter to, requesting return of note (property) 37-9-1

bank, only, is post office 36-12-2

bank, promissory notes, accessible to the people as much as they are to the bank 60-14-5

Bank, what damages had it suffered 44-9-2

bank, write the banks and demand all of your promissory notes back, discussion 60-14-7

bankers did not loan substance, no substance due 13-5-3

bankers, international, discharge of D.C. debt 21-9-2

Bankers, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

banking cartel, one world foreign 36-15-2

banking fraud 29-7-5

banking scam is an exercise in usury 12-15-6

banking transactions, having one makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

banking treaties, Republic of Texas seeks recognition, trade, mutual protection, no UN membership 37-12-3

banking, miscellaneous cases cited here 29-4-5

bankrupt nation, creditors own Congress, Executive and judiciary 20-11-5

bankrupt people are disabled, no standing to sue 42-3-6

bankrupt people are slaves 11-13-2

bankrupt people, bank, no duty to deal in property 11-14-1

bankrupt person can’t bring a suit 2-6-3

bankrupt UNITED STATES, discussion 65-10-3

bankrupt, both US and States, too 36-2-8

bankrupt, defined 5-14-1

bankrupt, presumption that you are a bankrupt, discussion 65-2-4

bankrupt, U.S., cannot have control over its financial affairs 37-11-1

bankrupt, United States is, on authority of Perry v. United States, 295 US 330-381, (1935) 65-5-2

bankrupt, US is, Perry v. United States, 294 US 330-381, (1935); 79 L.Ed 9212 49-22-1

bankruptcy discharge of tax, as it relates to fraud 37-2-9

bankruptcy in 1933 and allodial title, discussion 51-5-9

bankruptcy not part of Right Way strategy, but some people help with it 35-12-1

bankruptcy of District of Columbia, Constitution has no provision for remedy of, by 50 states 11-13-1

bankruptcy of nation related to impeachment of Clinton, see article 67-9-8

bankruptcy of the federal government, discussion 66-13-5

bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and the Federal Reserve Bank, discussion 65-10-3

bankruptcy of United States 30-19-2

bankruptcy of US 16-4-5

bankruptcy process, steps 37-5-2

bankruptcy should be planned two years before acting 37-6-2

bankruptcy suspends Constitution 11-13-3

bankruptcy, Bill Blannon, Frontline Master, assists people handle bankruptcy 35-12-2

bankruptcy, categories preventing tax discharge 37-2-6

bankruptcy, conclusions of article about 37-6-2

bankruptcy, courts functioning under a 32-5-5

bankruptcy, federal, discussed in Nebraska Seminar 36-2-6

bankruptcy, federal, UCC is law that governs 36-2-6

bankruptcy, first bankruptcy of UNITED STATES to the Crown of England in 1788 65-12-2

bankruptcy, five types of 35-12-5

bankruptcy, from beginning of country, see historical account 67-8-1

bankruptcy, government claims tax priority in 37-2-5

bankruptcy, how they relate to loans 8-12-3

Bankruptcy, part of strategy to fight the IRS 37-2-4

bankruptcy, paycheck taken & foreclosure threatened 37-2-6

bankruptcy, pig farm example 19-8-3

bankruptcy, process described 35-12-5

bankruptcy, reasons for 37-4-2

bankruptcy, release of federal tax lien 37-3-2

bankruptcy, social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

bankruptcy, statement of 21-12-1

bankruptcy, taxes that are non-dischargable in, a list 37-2-8

bankruptcy, three primary advantages 35-14-2

bankruptcy, US, under, federal reserve notes, checks, money orders are all debt credit instruments 36-12-1

Banks Admit Fraud, article 37-7-8

banks and social security numbers, discussion 63-14-9

banks are publicly regulated entities that must comply with federal laws, including snitching on customers 63-14-5

banks are sham and con job 11-14-4

banks commit fraud, reasons 39-19-3

banks create trust and become fiduciary when they open an account for you 61-1-2

banks do not loan money or credit 11-14-2

banks do not use their assets when making loans 25-5-1

banks engaged in fraudulent conversion, promissory fraud, concealment, etc. 26-3-4

banks have nothing to lend 12-17-3

Banks in America, what they are allowed to do 40-13-8

banks merely deal in commercial paper 11-14-2

banks paid three times for note! 64-6-8

banks paid twice for promissory notes, plus interest 64-6-7

banks risk NOTHING in a “loan” 38-19-2

banks under subject matter jurisdiction of commerce 12-9-5

banks, attorney must registered as a foreign agency or informed you that he is unlicensed before he can represent collection process 29-4-1

banks, federal reserve, you deal directly with D.C. 16-5-3

banks, how they operate 25-5-2

banks, insurance companies, judicial system, links between 41-11-1

banks, loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

banks, promissory notes are assets used by banks 64-6-7

baptismal name, reference 43-1-4

Bar Association attacks lawyer, story 50-3-1

bar association in Wisconsin not filed as corporation 19-7-2

Bar Association, American, Code of Judicial Conduct 30-12-3

Bar Association, Attorney fed-up takes on the Bar Association, article 50-3-1

Bar Associations in America, even before the Revolution 62-2-6

bar associations, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

Bar Associations, research topics, reference 62-6-6

bar card is a union dues card, not a license 17-8-4

bar credentials, attorneys must produce 31-15-2

Bar Rules for the Government of the Bar 30-12-8

Bar, American, offshoot of London Lawyer’s Guild 17-9-1

bar, crossing the, story of 31-14-2

bar, entering the bar voluntarily would be a trespass on the bifurcated system of law 68-4-5

bar, only association that issues their own “licenses” 17-8-5

barrister or attorney for the King 42-3-5

Barristers, reference 62-1-2

Barry Smyth 27-11-6

barter and exchange, discussion of system before money 48-1-3

Bates v. United States, reference 41-18-2

BATF and IRS relationship 25-10-1

BATF and IRS words of art 25-10-1

BATF, Department of the Treasury doesn’t include IRS or the BATF, according to Title 31 USC organization 25-10-2

BATF, the term Director, replaced with term IRS 25-10-2

battleship versus lighthouse story 22-13-4

beguiling subtility, parable 39-12-2

behavior, attorneys involved in unethical and illegal behavior 61-11-8

behavioral conditioning should not be goal of schools 8-6-4

belief and natural law, discussion 58-2-4

belief, is your life, liberty, and property controlled by 3-7-1

belief, Rule 11 of Fed. Rules of Civil Procedure 3-9-5

bench, approaching the, story of 31-14-2

beneficial interest, equitable title 41-16-8

beneficiaries and subjects of Trust B are the 14th Amendment persons 57-2-2

beneficiary has no equitable interest in UBO 29-6-2

benefit flow chart for Right Way membership 31-11-1

benefit or privilege, no minimal contact 35-9-4

benefit plan for Right Way membership 31-10-1

benefit, defined 5-14-1

benefit, privilege, title of nobility, opportunity from federal government, without, no federal jurisdiction 35-10-3

benefits exercised equate to implied contract to meet the obligations associated with the benefits 33-3-4

benefits, receiving, becoming part of the government 54-2-9

Benjamin Franklin writing about paper currency 36-10-5

Bernadine Smith, article 15-16-5

bias of magistrate against plaintiffs 17-14-4

Bible, a book of law 41-4-9

bifurcated corporate government has standing to protect itself 65-1-5

Bifurcated Government, article, Protest Bifurcated Government 67-11-3

bifurcated government, presumptions in a 68-2-9

bifurcated securities create a new venue 56-8-3

bifurcated states, reference 68-2-7

bifurcated, entering the bar voluntarily would be a trespass on the bifurcated system of law 68-4-5

bifurcated, reference in protest 65-4-2

bifurcation bifurcated upon bifurcation, discussed 55-5-7

bifurcation occurs when subsequent contracts are joined to original documents making them into a statute staple 55-4-2

bifurcation of government, one more example 66-14-4

bifurcation of state and federal governments, discussion 63-10-1

bifurcation research, a list of items to get 63-10-7

bifurcation, evidence package showing bifurcation of government 66-5-1

bifurcation, Legislative Counsels admit bifurcation, discussion 65-12-6

bifurcation, timeline guide for bifurcation research 63-12-1

Big Mac, article, Judge Has Big Mac Attack 49-7-3

Bill Blannon, Frontline Master, assists people handle bankruptcy 35-12-2

Bill of Attainder is a felony 7-6-4

Bill of Attainder, traffic ticket 32-6-2

Bill of Exceptions must be timely 1-10-1

Bill of Exceptions 1-4-2

Bill of Exceptions 1-9-6

Bill of Exceptions 2-11-4

Bill of Pains and Penalties, trial and conviction in violation of proper jurisdictional challenge 7-6-3

bill of particular, in story of win 54-7-3

Bill of Particulars combined with Appearance Without Appearance 46-1-6

bill of particulars for contempt or failure to appear 46-13-4

Bill of Particulars for IRS, ideas for 48-12-1

Bill of Particulars for IRS, questions for a 44-15-1

bill of particulars in case of suit to collect a debt 52-1-6

Bill of Particulars or Administrative Procedure Act Requests, IRS duty to respond to 48-9-2

Bill of Particulars or Privacy Act Request, instructions to include 46-3-5

Bill of Particulars or Privacy Act Request, questions for, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

bill of particulars served on the prosecutor 43-3-6

bill of particulars to bank 52-2-9

Bill of Particulars versus Demand for Bill of Particulars 48-13-7

Bill of Particulars 44-2-6

Bill of Particulars 44-9-8

Bill of Particulars, along with Offer to Pay 53-3-2

Bill of Particulars, article 42-4-1

Bill of Particulars, bonds and insurance policies, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

Bill of Particulars, cause of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Bill of Particulars, court scenario contest 46-1-1

bill of particulars, declaratory judgment arising from prosecutor failing to answer 44-3-2

Bill of Particulars, Demand for, win described 49-20-7

bill of particulars, demand to know the nature and cause 58-11-8

Bill of Particulars, doesn’t it have to be answered 45-1-2

bill of particulars, facts you are looking for, list 42-5-2

Bill of Particulars, fault and default on a Demand for a Bill of Particulars in a traffic case 49-21-1

Bill of Particulars, files 45-1-2

Bill of Particulars, issues to address in, Venue, Jurisdiction, Parties, Right of Action, Cause of Action 48-9-1

Bill of Particulars, judicial or administrative capacity of Judge, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Bill of Particulars, jurisdiction, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

bill of particulars, needed to overcome the presumption that the accused is a nom de guerre 46-13-1

Bill of Particulars, oaths of office, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

bill of particulars, on street remedies, discussion 61-5-5

Bill of Particulars, parties, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Bill of Particulars, Privacy Act Request in the Nature of a 48-8-8

bill of particulars, proper response to civil or criminal case 46-11-4

bill of particulars, reference related to sanctions 46-8-1

Bill of Particulars, right of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

bill of particulars, see procedure table 58-12-5

bill of particulars, step 2 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

Bill of Particulars, story includes 53-6-1

Bill of Particulars, story includes 53-7-4

Bill of Particulars, there are none in Trust B 58-14-2

Bill of Particulars, Trust B failure to respond is evidence of who they are and what they are doing 58-14-2

bill of particulars, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

Bill of Redemption, reference 65-9-3

Bill of Rights does not apply to states, discussion 48-17-2

Bill of Rights does not grant rights, it limits govt 20-2-3

Bill of Rights said by deputy prosecutor to not extend to the residents of the States 64-13-5

Bill of Rights, International version 7-8-2

Bill of Rights, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

Bill of Rights, new, from United Nations 7-8-2

Bill of Sale shows evidence of conveyance of legal and equitable title 68-4-1

bill to make IRS accountable 22-9-4

bill, hospital, unaffordable/unreasonable 39-2-5

bill, requiring affidavits from Hospital verifying expenses under penalty of perjury 39-2-6

Bill’s case 17-3-1

Bill’s case 20-1-4

Bill’s case 20-14-4

Bill’s case 52-1-2

billing objection, escrow account in support of 39-2-8

billion, New Jersey has $188 billion in cash! 63-2-6

billion, state charging $87 billion to provide $17 billion in public services 63-2-8

bills of credit, no state or fed. govt shall issue 3-14-1

Bills of Particulars, do they work? stories 46-1-4

bills, no payment/objection gets Common Law Lien 9-13-6

biological, chemical and biological warfare program, Congress authorized testing on American Citizens 67-13-1

Birth Certificate Application has the signature of the mother who is the trustee of little Johnny 46-11-5

Birth Certificate Application, rights to the rewads of your labor reduced to 46-11-5

birth certificate can be monetized to the benefit of the Department of Commerce 59-6-8

birth certificate consents to private law court 3-13-1

birth certificate documents arrival of baby like product is documented on a packing slip 16-4-1

Birth Certificate is a security instrument, State is holder in due course 46-12-1

birth certificate names two agencies, State of Ohio, Department of Commerce 5-15-4

birth certificate, a security comes in many forms, deeds, birth certificates, licenses, titles, etc. 45-3-4

birth certificate, application, grants title to body to Depart-ment of Commerce who becomes holder in due course 54-4-4

birth certificate, back side contains revealing info 5-15-3

birth certificate, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

birth certificate, creates a security in commerce giving legal title of the baby to government 59-6-8

birth certificate, first contract to revoke 16-4-1

birth certificate, govt uses fictitious name 22-7-5

birth certificate, having one makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

Birth Certificate, hospital forgets to ask 39-2-8

birth certificate, reference 46-7-2

birth certificate, reference 50-9-1

birth certificate, reference 57-2-3

birth certificate, reference 59-15-9

birth certificate, reference, acquisition of legal title to the child by the state, a corporation 59-14-5

birth certificate, retracted by affidavit, example 17-19-2

birth certificate, revoking the trust, discussion 54-5-2

birth certificate, story of getting a passport without 48-5-8

birth certificate, trust created using all capital letters 13-15-6

birth certificate, why its in place 11-12-3

birth certificates secure lien in equitable interest, securities then sold in equity’s markets 66-13-4

birth certificates, article 66-13-1

birth certificates, conveyed to Department of Commerce and registered as a United Nations Human Resource 16-4-1

birth certificates, reference relative to citizenship 50-8-2

birth date, date a corporation comes into existence 16-4-1

birth registration process, discussion 55-15-4

Birth, Certificates of Live 29-13-2

Black Box Disaster 25-16-2

black helicopters 2-9-4

blackmail by attorney, case of 5-10-1

Blackstone’s Commentaries, discussion 44-10-1

Blackstone’s Commentaries, discussion 45-6-6

Blueprint for the Peace Race, booklet published by United States Arms Control & Disarmament Agency 15-16-1

Bo Gritz not indicted because training alone is not illegal 43-16-4

Bob’s case 5-3-2

bodies licensed by birth certificates 57-2-3

body and person, quiet title over, declaratory order of sovereignty 27-7-4

body attachment (arrest) with Writ of Attachment 15-8-2

body is vessel, in commerce 16-3-5

body politic without election, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

body, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

body-politic, corporate 2-18-2

boilerplate, defined 5-14-2

Bolshevik Revolution 36-19-4

bona fide, defined 5-14-2

bond hearing, discussion 51-4-1

bond issues 2-3-4

bond issues 2-3-5

bond not attached 15-8-2

bond of 21 silver dollars, related to depositum declaration 65-2-5

bond or insurance, demand for, pursuant to Privacy Act 48-18-3

bond reduction hearing 2-3-5

bond required with writ of attachment 15-8-6

bond, attacking it through commercial process, reference and discussion 58-12-3

bond, bringing a claim under a bond, discussion 61-6-9

bond, claim against, story 52-5-7

bond, do not post a, jurisdiction 35-7-2

bond, not required of officials in Trust B, discussion 58-14-2

bond, performance, send me a copy of 14-17-2

bond, required to be posted related to a distress 58-7-6

bond, security bond posted to get an injunction granted, discussion 62-10-9

bond, without it an injunction is not operative 59-12-1

bondage and captivity, the law dealing with 65-11-4

bondage on a national level as a result of debt 67-1-2

bondage, always results from debt, discussion 55-2-4

bondage, strategies to inflict slavery on free people 66-1-1

bonding company and insurance company sought 3-6-5

Bonding for Return of Depositum 65-9-2

bonding of an instrument 53-5-2

bonds and insurance policies, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

bonds are required 35-6-7

bonds of attorneys, attorneys must produce 31-15-3

bonds of officials 40-16-2

bonds, purpose of 2-3-3

books and records to IRS, contempt for failure to give 5-11-1

books and records, any requirement to keep 44-15-5

books and records, IRS can’t compel production 21-1-2

books and records, no implementing regulations 21-2-2

books, cities, counties and states keep two sets of books, one “budget” projecting (guessing) forward, one CAFR which is the actual accounting of the past year 63-1-2

borrower damaged if they don’t know they won’t get legal title after debt is discharged 11-14-6

borrower doesn’t get loan of credit 12-13-6

borrower doesn’t get loan of lawful money 12-13-6

borrower received no loan of any money as consideration for the alleged mortgage note 26-3-5

Borrowers, the movie, a movie review by Mr. Smith 61-17-5

borrowing creates FRNs, only way to get into circulation 38-18-7

borrowing your own money through a bank 60-13-4

Bosnia, letter from citizen and quote from Congressional Record 29-15-7

bottomry liens against Confederacy ships for collection 28-16-6

Bottomry, legal definition 28-16-6

Boulder Township Court, case confirms many principles taught by Right Way 61-1-1

Bounty Hunters, reference to article 46-16-4

Bounty-Hunter, Right Way L.A.W. 40-2-4

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary web site 58-2-9

Brady Bill, how it was passed 16-5-3

brain death, defined 5-14-3

breach of fiduciary, both government and Sweitzer, discussion 59-8-6

breach of fiduciary, example 59-8-4

break in without warrant 14-12-1

brief for complaint fails to state a claim 13-7-3

brief for lack of personal jurisdiction 13-7-3

brief for probable cause, in good faith 13-7-3

brief for qualified immunity 13-7-3

brief, defined 5-14-3

brief, description of requirement of 7-6-5

brief, process for creating a court brief 7-6-6

brief, text of, to overcome motion to dismiss Title 42 21-3-1

briefcase, defined 5-14-3

British West Indies plates, license, and registration 49-20-8

Brookfield Construction Co., Inc. v. Stuart 8-18-2

Brown Act, hearings to be held in private if a public official is involved 41-12-5

Brown Act, violation of, meeting closed to public 14-13-3

Bruce, case of 33-1-2

Bruce’s case 17-3-5

Bruces’s case, speeding ticket 46-1-5

Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. 14-9-1

Buck Act created 50 shadow States, or Federal States 4-4-3

Buck Act intends to make all people liable, income tax 5-6-5

Buck Act solves federal venue problem 5-6-4

Buck Act States are outside the protection of the law and the militia 18-15-2

Buck Act States governed by UCC 36-2-6

Buck Act States, claim no authority over anything 18-15-2

Buck Act 18-15-1

Buck Act 4-6-4

Buck Act 5-6-1

Buck Act, 31 CFR, Chapter 1, part 51, 52 31-9-5

Buck Act, purpose interpreted in court cases 5-6-5

Buck Act, reference 56-4-4

Buck Act, reference 56-6-5

Buck Act, related to address and federal area 61-10-9

Buck Act, States to function in bankruptcy 36-2-8

budget, cities, counties and states keep two sets of books, one “budget” projecting (guessing) forward, one CAFR which is the actual accounting of the past year 63-1-2

buffer yourself from Babylon with trusts 31-12-1

buffer, notary, common law, used as buffer for protest of statutory court system 32-8-6

building inspector, citation from 1-2-1

building inspector, story about 45-13-6

building permit, reference 59-15-9

building permit, under international law 3-14-3

building permit, without, arrested 14-16-4

bulletin board 7-2-4

Bullock v. General Dynamics Corp. 5-6-6

burden of clear and convinicing evidence, article 54-6-5

burden of proof on IRS 22-10-5

burden of proof on IRS, statutory language 22-11-3

burden of proof, additional burden for government 54-7-1

burden of proof, article 54-6-5

burden of proof, if allocated to wrong party, is reversible error 54-8-2

burden of proof, shift it to “them” through refusals 4-15-6

burden shifted to Admiralty court to prove venue 32-8-8

Bureau of Justice Assistance, judicial department 46-16-8

Bureau of Justice Statistics, judicial department 46-16-8

Bureau of Land Management, origin and purpose 18-5-2

business trust, discussed 31-12-7

business trusts created pursuant to common law 31-12-8

businesses licensed by permits, certificates of competency 57-2-3

buyer at property sale not unsuspecting victim 25-4-6

buying habits, alteration of 39-16-8

by-laws of municipal corporations 62-1-5

by-laws, Constitution is now only “by-laws” to government of District of Columbia 56-3-3

Cabbages and Kings, . . . of, a newsletter 29-12-1

CAFR mandated by 1982 federal law for every state, county and city 63-6-2

CAFR Scams Tax dollars, article 63-1-1

CAFR web sites 63-6-5

CAFR, cities, counties and states keep two sets of books, one “budget” projecting (guessing) forward, one CAFR which is the actual accounting of the past year 63-1-2

Cain and Abel, show cause 40-6-6

calculation of substance, exchange w/ Wisdom Group 18-3-3

Caleb Law 14-16-4

California Bankers Ass’n v. Shultz 13-11-2

California Bankers Association v. Shelf 5-12-4

cameras, video surveilance, on highways 38-12-7

cancellation of instruments held by government 45-2-4

cancellation, how to re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

Cancellation, Revocation, Rescission 14-17-1

Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, what is it? 6-9-6

Canons of American Bar Association Judicial Code 30-12-3

capacity, discussion of personal capacity versus official capacity, article 63-11-8

capacity, nature and character of party established through public declaration 65-1-5

capacity, no private capacity while in the military 62-17-8

capacity, personal or official, of Title 42 defendants 16-3-1

capeas 1-4-5

capias, legal definition, already guilty 24-5-2

capias, response form 15-19-1

capital and small letters, reference related to bifurcation 63-10-9

capital letter name in court paperwork, reference 61-14-8

capital letter name, corporation 24-6-3

capital letter name, not you 41-1-3

capital letter names on licenses, presumptions and implications not explained 39-2-9

capital letter names or with initials are fictitious or nom de guerre 39-3-2

capital letter spellings of names, significance of 22-5-3

capital letters in name 27-10-5

capital letters in name 4-6-4

capital letters in name, a corporate fiction 35-8-1

capital letters in name, not 31-14-8

capital letters in name, results in no controversy and no judicial capacity to act 35-6-5

capital letters in names, imply dead “person” 28-3-2

capital letters is abbreviation for a corporation 22-7-5

capital letters presumes the accused is franchised with Washington D.C. as a commercial entity 19-9-5

capital letters used to spell your name 13-15-6

capital letters, all, in names 29-13-4

capital letters, all, INTERNAL REVENUE, what does it mean? 31-3-2

capital letters, name in all capital letters 33-6-3

capital letters, name in all, presumed to be you 38-5-5

capital letters, name spelled in all 17-10-6

capital, discussed 46-7-3

CAPITALIZATION is capitalization, article 46-6-7

capitalization, according to US govt style manual 51-11-3

capitalization, research regarding 17-11-1

capitalized, monetary obligation and/or connotation 46-6-8

captivity and bondage, the law dealing with 65-11-4

car ownership, discussed, state interest 38-8-8

car registration, reference 59-15-9

car taken by state without compensation 38-8-4

carelessness and negligence not included as excusable neglect 27-11-3

carrier, defined as commerce 20-15-3

cartoon versus reality, discussion 58-2-5

cartoon 5-14-6

case can’t be lost, only in your court 44-8-5

case captions in legal paperwork, discussion 54-16-1

case cites to frivolous claims 21-12-4

case dismissed for failure to cooperate (volunteer) 9-2-5

case law, searching for, a computer on line system of checking court dockets, Pacer 26-8-1

Case Management Program of District Court, Judges 3-2-5

case not over until you voluntarily give up 38-1-1

case of Alex, telephone “tax” waived 26-2-1

case of Andra family 31-13-7

case of Angelica 17-4-6

case of Art Szafranski 21-11-6

case of Bill 17-3-1

case of Bill 20-1-4

case of Bill 20-14-4

case of Bill 52-1-2

case of Bruce 17-3-5

case of Bruce 33-1-2

case of Bruce, speeding ticket 46-1-5

case of Charlie 41-13-8

case of Chris 54-7-3

case of Chuck 15-8-1

case of CJ 46-2-8

case of Dale 15-8-1

case of Dale 41-13-5

case of Dan 44-1-1

case of Dan 50-12-8

case of Dave 48-13-4

case of Doctor Ives 41-12-2

case of Donald 68-5-1

case of Duane 49-12-9

case of Ed 39-7-5

case of Emmett 41-1-1

case of Fran 45-13-5

case of Frank Triola 53-5-7

case of James 21-7-4

case of James 44-7-2

case of Jay 52-1-6

case of Joe Karl 39-3-5

case of John 31-14-7

case of Karen 28-1-2

case of Keith 22-5-3

case of Ken 42-16-1

case of Kenneth Wayne 52-5-1

case of Kevin 15-2-1

case of Lane Oake 31-14-1

case of Lon 17-2-4

case of Mary Schipke 27-14-1

case of Max 32-13-1

case of McWhorter 27-1-2

case of Mike 18-1-1

case of Mitch 38-1-2

case of Nick Driever 17-15-1

case of Pasquale 32-5-8

case of Rajee 44-8-7

case of Randy Hammit 52-13-9

case of Randy 45-1-1

case of Red 41-6-1

case of Robert, arrested for stealing his own car 33-1-10

case of Roger 43-7-1

case of Roger 59-7-3

case of Ron Pickering 53-7-3

case of Ronald, IRS garnishment 64-1-1

case of Roy, divorce 43-4-9

case of Ruby 27-11-4

case of Sam 16-2-1

case of Sam 17-2-1

case of Sam 26-5-5

case of Tom 22-1-1

case of Tom 26-3-3

case or controversy, no judicial capacity without one 35-6-5

case, Art Szafranski’s 5-11-1

case, Art Szafranski’s 6-1-3

case, Art’s 9-5-6

case, Art’s, WINS! 10-1-1

case, Bob of California 14-14-1

case, Bob’s 5-3-2

case, Dan’s 9-5-2

case, Dana N. 1-2-1

case, Dave’s 5-2-4

case, Dean Shramm’s 2-5-6

case, defined in Constitutional law case notes 35-6-2

case, Ed Collins 11-19-2

case, Ed Collins 1-4-3

case, Elvin Hanson 9-6-3

case, Frank Kowalik 8-4-3

case, Freeman 12-9-5

case, Gail’s 9-2-1

case, George’s 12-8-3

case, George’s, never broke a law 4-10-6

case, Greg’s 11-3-3

case, Greg’s 9-1-1

case, Hank Rearden 5-9-6

case, James Sine’s 3-10-1

case, James 3-10-1

case, James’ 6-10-1

case, James’s 5-2-2

case, Jeff’s 6-9-5

case, Jeff’s 8-9-4

case, Jim’s 11-16-2

case, Jim’s 2-1-3

case, Jim’s 7-13-1

case, Jim’s 9-3-1

case, Jim’s 9-4-3

case, John’s 11-2-2

case, Larry of Pacheo 13-3-3

case, Larry’s 5-9-2

case, Larry’s 7-12-5

case, Ralph’s 14-1-2

case, Randy’s 12-13-1

case, Randy’s 12-2-1

case, Randy’s 5-10-4

case, Robert Fox’s 5-3-2

case, Robert Lee Norris 3-14-3

case, Robert Lee Norris 4-14-4

case, Tim’s 5-1-3

case, Tom and Gene of Arizona 14-12-2

case, Tom’s, of garbage 3-5-1

case, Tony’s 12-3-6

cash, New Jersey has $188 billion in cash! 63-2-6

Catholic children required to attend public schools 40-8-7

cause and nature, officials fail to identify, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

cause of action missing, other processes defective 11-10-2

cause of action, complaint must set forth 26-7-2

cause of action, failure to state, versus failure to state a claim 28-14-4

cause of action, none, misnomer, venue, no damaged party, Refusals and Abatements are challenges based on 32-12-6

cause of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

cause of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Cause of Action, Venue, Jurisdiction, Parties, Right of Action, issues to address in Bill of Particulars 48-9-1

cause, law consists of nature and cause, discussion 66-2-7

causes of action in federal tax case 13-4-4

causes of action, statement of 13-3-4

Caveat Against Injustice, book by Roger Sherman, who signed the Constitution 8-4-2

caveat emptor 58-8-1

caveat, example of 26-2-6

census appears to apply to federal people 66-17-3

Census Project, US GenWeb, Needs Volunteers50-11-9

census, article, What’s Behind the Census? 66-17-2

certificate has no rights attached to it, it is only evidence that a title exists in someone’s hands 46-12-1

certificate of service 29-2-4

certificate of service, example 60-6-2

Certificate of Title v. Manufacturers Statement of Origin 38-8-8

certificate of title, not title, you hold only, presumptions of court 46-6-2

certificates of beneficial interest, trusts 31-7-2

Certificates of Live Birth 29-13-2

certification by notarial officer, example text of 65-3-3

certification by signature impossible without disclosure 39-3-3

certification, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

certification, signature is a legal definition that implies 39-3-3

certified copy, record a certified copy, not the original, discussion 65-2-5

certified mail designated to a location 28-4-1

certified mail different from registered mail 28-4-1

certified mail, method of process service 15-3-4

Certified Money Order to discharge mortgage 11-9-2

Certified Money Order, discharging debt with 44-8-7

certified money orders can cause problems 9-4-3

Certified Money Orders to discharge debts 17-2-1

Certified Money Orders 25-4-4

certify, self-certifying documents?, not likely 63-10-4

Certiorari applicable to equity, admiralty, Maritime 2-14-3

certiorari challenges major premise of law, not facts 13-3-5

Certiorari is a demurrer 2-14-2

Certiorari is discretionary until you prove there is a question of law 2-14-2

certiorari is new action 13-3-4

Certiorari must precede Quiet Title claim 4-10-2

certiorari requires two things to prevail 13-3-5

Certiorari v. Motion to Vacate 19-3-4

certiorari versus appeal 13-3-4

Certiorari versus appeal 7-5-4

Certiorari works when they are overcoming law 2-14-2

Certiorari works when they violate procedures 2-14-2

Certiorari works when they violate rules 2-14-2

Certiorari 14-15-4

certiorari 3-14-5

certiorari, can correct lower court record 13-3-5

certiorari, can correct procedural errors 13-3-5

Certiorari, checklist for Writ of 13-6-4

certiorari, correct jurisdictional challenge error 13-3-5

Certiorari, court has to answer for their errors 2-14-3

certiorari, requires judgment reversal, error correction 13-5-1

certiorari, some remedy that looks, smells, feel like 19-3-5

cestui que trust must be appraisal of facts and law, ignorance of the law, does not apply in the case of trusts 65-7-2

cestui que trust must know the law and their rights 65-7-1

cestui que Trust, protest of cestui que Trust of de facto government, reference 65-4-2

CFR discussion relative to banking and social security numbers 63-14-9

CFR not named in complaint 21-11-6

CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reference 55-12-3

CFTC agency attacks small publisher, article 58-14-9

chains, brought to arraignment in 31-14-8

challenging jurisdiction, appeal grants jurisdiction 2-11-2

chancery court, another name for equity jurisdiction 45-2-9

change of techniques with knowledge over time 26-3-2

Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharges unsecured taxes 37-3-2

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, about and considerations 37-3-1

chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy, tax claim survives 37-2-7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t discharges unsecured taxes 37-3-2

character, discussion of personal capacity versus official capacity, article 63-11-8

character, nature and capacity of party established through public declaration 65-1-5

character, yours, as it relates to sovereignty and contractual obligations 29-6-7

charge of hindering a secured creditor 33-1-11

charge, undefined, how do you defend against? 19-11-2

charged in two states with the same charges 3-14-6

charged with adjectives that are not defined in law 19-11-2

charging instrument is incomplete instrument starting with an assumption and presumption, rather than proof 58-13-9

charging instrument security, see procedure table 58-12-5

charging instrument, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

charitable foundation, related to trusts 31-7-3

charitable, Form 990 Tax Return of so-called charitable institutions 62-6-6

charity, agency of state, how can it also be a corporation or a charity 62-6-7

Charles Weisman, Arrest and False Imprisonment 21-5-5

Charles White 8-2-1

Charles White, On Point II tapes 8-10-3

Charles White, tapes of Right Way class available 2-4-3

Charlie Parker, article by 32-15-1

Charlie’s case 41-13-8

chart of God, man, 50 states, fed. govt., U.S. citizen 4-5-1

charter, constitutional violation by chartered government renders charter null and void 41-17-6

charters, county and municipal 42-5-6

Charters, Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

Cheating the Bank, article 25-4-4

check issued established duties, contracts and obligation 58-7-2

check not a check, only an advertisement 13-4-2

check, debt tendered (by check, draft, money order, promissory note), party has no rights, only obligations 55-2-5

Check, Money Order, Federal Reserve Note, no substance in 49-2-4

checklist for Title 42 12-14-1

checklist for Writ of Certiorari 13-6-4

checks accepted as payment for labor, presumption of being a taxpayer in situation of employment 49-1-5

checks and balance system not in place 46-13-7

checks, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

checks, federal reserve notes, money orders are all debt credit instruments under US bankruptcy 36-12-1

Checks, IRS in relation to Checks, Money Orders, Federal Reserve Notes 49-2-8

chemical and biological warfare program, Congress authorized testing on American Citizens 67-13-1

child and family “At-Risk” designation list 8-6-2

child attitudes and “feelings” judged by bureaucrat 8-5-6

child custody cases are commercial in nature, discussion 58-3-6

child is “found” to be an “issue” of the marriage 43-5-9

child kidnapped by state children’s services 31-14-1

Child Protective Service, agent of Department of Commerce, the owner of the baby 59-6-9

Child Protective Services kidnaps child 27-14-2

Child Protective Services, fraudulent removal of children 40-2-6

Child Protective Services, horror stories 27-17-6

Child Support Bureau has no jurisdiction after revocation of marriage license 17-8-1

child theft by State 27-14-4

child, questions asked of your child in school 8-5-3

child, story of psychologist breaking up family 8-9-6

child, your assertion could be labeled child abuse and a federal crime 8-6-1

child-parent relationship, evidence standard 54-7-7

children held as hostages 28-14-1

children of marriage belong to State under marriage license 39-2-9

children put at risk by fraudulent insurance practices 41-11-5

children versus offspring, reference 55-10-3

children, care, custody, management, evidence standard 54-7-7

children, CPS makes money from federal government by taking children away from parents 40-2-8

children, example of man deprived of visitation with children 62-10-2

children, fraudulent removal of, by Child Protective Services 40-2-6

children, illegally obtaining private family information from school children 14-13-2

children, license to take away your 8-5-2

children, parents and rights newsletter 16-1-3

children, police attacking today’s youth, discussion 53-5-8

children, save the, from movie script 56-16-3

children, testing results kept by social security number 8-5-4

Children’s Rights group, reference 60-19-7

choses in action, reference 49-2-4

Chris, case of 54-7-3

Christian appellation in Bouvier Dictionary of Law, 1856 51-13-2

Christian appellation, discussion 56-2-4

Christian appellation, two parts 43-1-4

Christian education as ‘Biblical Fortunetelling’ 3-17-3

Christian Life Workshop, Gregg Harris 7-2-2

Christian male, females can use term as it is gender neutral 41-16-5

Christian name can’t be used under laws of Admiralty 28-5-1

Christian name on contract (like driver’s license) 39-3-1

Christian name, example of use in court 39-3-7

Christian name, legal definition 39-3-2

Christian name, received at baptism 28-3-2

Christian name, without security in it, court has no authority 46-13-4

Christian nation, Supreme Court declare America a 21-16-4

Christian nation, USA is a, Supreme Court says so 22-6-1

Christian, no Christian had made a claim to the land 41-1-5

Christopher Columbus, quotation 1-11-1

chronic fatigue 7-13-5

Chuck’s case 15-8-1

church, corporate, licensing is problem 12-10-4

Churches attacked by dietitians in Colorado 29-16-4

Churches trodden down by the system 29-16-1

circumstances, enemy has no standing in courts during war or exigent circumstances 56-1-6

citation from administrative agency 1-2-1

citation from building inspector 1-2-1

citation neither sworn to nor dated 19-2-3

citation not a complaint 14-16-4

citation not signed 14-16-4

citation only signed by police officer, not by prosecutor, story 52-1-3

citation or complaint, step 1 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

citation presumes “person” who “owns and operates” a “vehicle”, all commercial terms 22-16-5

citation response 32-5-8

citation, after signing, court cannot institute criminal action, for failure to appear, due to separation of powers 19-2-2

citation, case law says it is an invitation to appear 24-5-1

citation, explanation of legal references 4-12-5

citation, not formal complaint because not signed by prosecutor, no affidavit 24-5-2

Citation, Refusal is demurrer for 19-6-2

citations in Federal Register explained 6-9-3

citations, legal, how to find for your own state 27-11-1

citations, traffic, refused for cause 16-19-1

cites to start research on professional duties and responsibility 30-12-1

citizen of the state thing, (refer to things and places) 51-6-5

citizen of the state, where is documentation of 41-17-3

citizen of the United States, am I one? 35-5-1

citizen or resident, i.e. a member of government 54-3-1

citizen or resident, the terms apply only to corporations 64-14-2

citizen, de jure state versus federal citizen 4-8-3

citizen, explained 21-8-2

citizen, person, subject, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

Citizen, private state, is there any law in IRC that says US Government can tax a 31-3-2

citizen, today being a citizen makes you a subject 58-1-3

citizen’s arrest of a police officer, discussion 68-12-3

citizen’s arrest, discussion 68-11-4

citizen’s arrest, procedure 68-11-7

citizen-owned buns will be banned 15-15-3

citizens and families abused 27-17-3

citizens are serfs and slaves on plantation 21-9-2

citizens are war criminals, must license occupations, marriages, etc 27-6-1

citizens arrest, private persons rights to make arrests nearly equal to sheriffs and constables 32-18-9

citizens declared enemies by US in 1933 27-3-4

Citizens of the United States residing in a state, terminology 22-3-3

Citizens of the United States, terminology 22-3-3

citizens of Washington D.C., none before 14th Amendment 16-8-4

citizens, as enemies, have no standing in court 16-4-2

citizens, US, are not de jure citizens 11-13-5

citizenship not subject to general powers of govt. 13-10-4

citizenship versus residency, discussion 50-7-5

citizenship versus residency, discussion 50-8-4

citizenship, can be proven with birth certificate 5-15-4

citizenship, two separate classes of 22-4-5

citizenship, United States citizenship, reference with fiction of law 62-13-8

city attorney not authorized to bring case for state 19-2-4

city or county, what is required to have a charter 41-17-5

city, CAFR mandated by 1982 federal law for every state, county and city 63-6-2

city, D.O.T.s, difference between federal, state, municipal, city 36-6-6

city, federal, state, county ownership of publicly traded stock exceeds $32 Trillion, 53% of all listed stock! 63-3-3

city, how to start one, information 50-7-2

city, incorporated, claiming state powers 36-7-5

Civil Actions Against State and Local Government 24-9-1

Civil Actions Against the United States 24-9-1

civil and criminal procedures the same 14-4-1

civil contempt versus criminal contempt 39-10-2

civil court order grants immunity 2-11-3

civil cover sheet of Title 42, suggested alteration 36-12-5

civil damage suits against police officers 33-13-5

Civil Death, defined, all rights, privileges, including right to contract and sue are forfeited 17-11-1

civil death, defined, preferable to physical death 17-12-4

civil death, discussion 41-5-5

civil death, example by metaphor 41-5-2

civil foreclosure, turning it into a criminal case 41-1-5

civil government lost during the Civil War 46-9-4

civil government replaced by military law 46-10-8

civil government, three ways to re-establishing it 46-13-5

civil rights actions in criminal cases 22-8-1

civil rights are privileges extended by the Legislative body 56-2-4

civil rights involving family life 27-2-3

Civil Rights Task Force 14-13-3

Civil Rights Task Force, reference 42-2-4

civil rights training for Sheriff’s staff 21-16-1

Civil Rights versus Constitutional Rights, reference 48-16-5

civil rights versus imprescriptable rights, reference 66-14-4

civil rights violations 28-6-1

civil rights, an administrative definition 50-5-9

civil rights, granted to (US) citizens of D.C. 16-8-5

Civil Rule 11, complaint not in good faith under rule 11-2-1

Civil Rule 11, no grounds to support a claim 11-2-1

Civil Rule 11, purpose, hold somebody liable for filing a sham or false pleading 11-2-2

Civil Rule 12(b)(6), case “fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted” 11-2-4

Civil Rule 12(b)(6), Refusal for Cause, UCC 3-501 is 9-13-3

Civil Rule 12(b)(6), refusal is like, without grant of jurisdiction 11-2-4

Civil Rule 56, in Ohio 6-10-3

civil side versus criminal end of your case 41-7-8

civil trial, anatomy of federal 12-14-1

civil war was not a war, was police action 28-16-2

CJ’s case 46-2-8

claim for relief, fails, non assumpsit 2-14-5

Claim to Private Labor Exchange, form 49-22-1

Claim to Private Land Rights, form 41-15-1

claim upon which relief can be granted 2-5-1

claim, every complaint has necessary elements in order to fully state a claim 60-6-7

claim, for labor, imperitive, and must be worded properly 49-3-3

claim, for relief, is there one in complaint 13-7-2

claim, stating a claim in commercial or contract law 58-3-6

classified ads in “Light”, suggestions 37-19-1

classified ads 9-18-3

Clean Air Act of 1990 38-10-4

clear and convincing evidence is stronger than mere preponderance of evidence 54-7-8

clear and convincing evidence, discussion 54-6-5

Clearfield Doctrine 21-2-3

clearly established law 28-5-3

clerk makes jurisdictional error, according to Judge 33-9-7

clerk of court rude and unreasonable 12-6-4

clerk won’t sign summons, was served Notice that case was fraud, didn’t want to be liable 11-2-3

client, Attorney’s first duty not to client 62-3-3

client, defined as “ward of court”, child, incompetent 19-4-5

client, legal definition 22-16-3

Clinton impeachment, discussion 65-10-2

Clinton Impeachment, true nature, discussion 67-11-5

closing argument, discussion in trial procedure 68-8-5

club activities and benefits of Right Way ... L.A.W., article describing 49-1-1

Club Policies & Procedures for Right Way 57-3-9

club, Right Way ... L.A.W., article about the club 45-11-1

Clyde Hyde, article by 15-5-4

CMO alleged “fake, non cashable, money order” 11-9-2

CMO alleged to be illegal, fraudulent instrument 11-9-2

CMO, how can you tell it is non-cashable if it has not been presented for payment 11-10-1

Code of Federal Regulation goi.ycio.edy/search/cfr.html 52-17-7

Code of Federal Regulations show mandatory regs 5-12-3

Code of Federal Regulations, where are they 6-1-6

Code of Judicial Conduct, American Bar Association 30-12-3

Code of Professional Responsibility 30-12-8

code pleading 51-3-2

codes, State codes not duly enacted, reference 65-5-2

coercion permitted by tax collector because 14-9-6

coercion to get you to volunteer to pay a tax 14-9-6

coercion, threat, duress, then no contract 43-2-4

coercion, where there is, there cannot be consent 33-8-4

coin money, Congress has authority to 19-17-1

Coinage Act of 1792, lawful money 37-13-3

coinage, paper not asserted to be 41-18-2

coins, using dead president symbols instead of eagle, etc. makes coins federal and not lawful 11-13-2

cold remedy 1-11-2

collateral attack of foreign judgment, proper grounds for 44-5-9

collateral estoppel for failure to rebut refusal, results in failure to state a claim 12-11-6

collateral estoppel from commercial paper into common law venue 32-9-2

collateral estoppel 12-2-6

collateral estoppel 17-3-1

collateral estoppel, notice causes 1-2-3

collateral estoppel, results from participating 14-14-4

collaterally attacked, judgment from court cannot be, in new judgment in different court 9-10-5

collection agencies hired to collect credit card debt 20-1-5

collection authority, IRS has none for lack of implementing regulations 33-8-1

collection of fine becomes brand new case, discussion 58-14-8

collection process, attorney cannot represent, if he has not informed you that he is unlicensed, or registered as a foreign agency 29-4-1

collection summons only for contract for privilege 5-12-4

collection summons, IRS form 6638, administrative 5-11-2

collection, UCC procedure for collecting on an instrument, discussion 53-4-8

Colleen Walters, Learning to Live With The Natural Law, excerpt from article by Colleen Walters 58-1-5

collusion, conspiracy, fraud, non-disclosure of hospital and insurance company 41-10-8

colonial America established as constructive trust 45-5-7

colonies, original thirteen, were unincorporated 57-1-2

color of law 24-8-1

color of law 4-2-4

color of law, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-6

colorable enforcement, laws with words of 2 meanings 6-3-6

colorable enforcement, utility of vague laws 6-3-6

colorable, defined 20-14-1

Combined Annual Financial Report, from the State Auditor 62-6-9

COMES NOW, implies general appearance, you should not use this language 18-2-2

Commander in Chief, what authority to commit troops 29-15-1

commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

commerce does not include men laboring 42-2-5

commerce, admiralty jurisdiction arises when a case involves commerce 45-2-9

commerce, affidavit of no 35-9-4

commerce, Congressional regulation of, discussion 66-5-8

commerce, everything is, traffic, zoning, tax, code enforcement 24-10-1

commerce, federal Department of Transportation limited to 36-6-6

commerce, fiction that person is dealing in 25-5-5

commerce, government only authorized to regulate 35-9-5

commerce, how it is controlled 11-11-6

commerce, implied by definition of traffic 32-1-5

commerce, in commerce with the federal government, the census, reference 66-17-5

commerce, jurisdiction is only over 15-4-2

commerce, local, municipal corporations not authorized by State to assume jurisdiction over local commerce 36-8-2

commerce, no provision for in Articles of Confederation 42-1-4

commerce, not involved in 21-12-2

commerce, police power based on 35-9-5

commerce, practicing, presumption 46-2-7

commerce, private, joining into under government of District of Columbia, discussion 56-3-2

commerce, reference 57-1-2

commerce, rules of war, Common Law of England and rules of commerce 56-2-6

commerce, what material facts lead to belief of 32-5-1

commerce, when it causes bondage it becomes a problem 55-2-4

commercial activity consists of transactions and not actions 59-6-3

commercial activity deals with equity and not law 59-6-3

commercial activity on public roads 14-4-6

commercial activity, are you participating in 22-16-2

commercial activity, conveyance not vehicle without 6-10-6

commercial address, addressed to 25-5-5

commercial affidavit 9-11-1

Commercial and Social Automated Computer, IRS 11-11-1

commercial aspect to driver’s license 22-16-5

commercial claim, no Christian had ever made one 41-2-4

commercial contracts obtained by fraud 32-15-4

commercial contracts, Treaties, Agreements, Charters, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

commercial enterprise, attempted solicitation into, without consent 21-12-6

commercial fraud, Notice of Tax Lien is 11-8-5

commercial instrument always a prerequisite for Trust B to initiate litigation 57-3-5

commercial instruments providing private remedy for public purposes, discussion 58-3-4

commercial instruments, example, coins and paper 16-10-1

commercial instruments, use is privilege and taxable 16-11-6

commercial instruments, use of comes under scope and purview of Trading with the Enemy Act 16-11-5

commercial law founded in law Merchant of England 14-2-2

commercial law operates as a constructive trust 24-8-3

commercial law proceedings, you are not doing the right thing to stop them 24-5-6

commercial law, protest comes from 39-4-8

commercial lien assignment to bank, not dishonored 25-7-2

commercial lien 9-11-1

Commercial Liens, article, I.R.S. Applies Back Door Tactics to fight Commercial Liens 56-13-9

commercial liens, some prevail, other do not 30-14-1

commercial nexus claimed 22-19-3

commercial paper loans cannot be in de jure states 12-13-3

commercial paper regulates only claims for interest in things, not the things themselves 42-2-5

commercial paper tendered doesn’t buy legal title 11-14-5

commercial paper tendered only buys equitable title 11-14-5

commercial paper within venue of U.S., federal 12-13-3

commercial paper, a substitute for money 11-11-4

commercial paper, banks merely deal in 11-14-2

commercial paper, collateral estoppel from, into common law venue 32-9-2

commercial paper, not liable for, traffic ticket 32-8-7

commercial paper, not money 27-19-2

commercial process used by IRS every day, reference 58-10-2

commercial process, affidavit from notary responds to 39-4-9

Commercial Process, article, Introduction to Commercial Process 58-3-1

commercial process, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

commercial process, four types of instruments 58-3-6

commercial process, seven points to stating a claim 58-3-6

commercial rights and remedies of abuse by IRS 11-11-1

commercial terms, lots of, in DMV codes 22-16-5

commercial terms, traffic, transportation, carrier 20-15-3

commercial, stating a claim in commercial or contract law 58-3-6

commissioner or pro tem judge, you can have an elected judge instead 29-5-3

commitment pending examination 14-5-3

Commodity, CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reference 55-12-3

Common Law Abatement Proceedings 32-12-1

Common Law Abatement 32-6-6

Common Law and Statutory jurisdiction, felonies are tried under both, How can it be both? 10-2-4

common law and statutory law, difference between 26-16-2

common law and UCC, one difference 33-3-2

common law can be re-established with John Locke Doctrine also 27-3-1

common law claims, no response by bankruptcy court-13-3

common law court declares statutory instruments void for fraud 32-8-9

Common Law Court Remedies 30-14-4

Common Law Court Remedies 32-12-1

Common Law Court, example of policy on sovereignty and military service 29-6-7

common law court, jurisdiction of a foreign court 44-5-2

Common Law Court, jurisdiction only over sovereigns 27-7-3

common law court, there are none, you must create 39-5-2

Common Law Courts 26-12-3

common law courts 44-6-9

Common Law Courts, being opened up, are they legal and lawful 27-5-6

Common Law Courts, how they interact with statutory courts 26-12-6

common law courts, jurisdiction of 44-7-1

Common Law Courts, reference to, authority question 8-9-3

common law courts, related discussion 44-4-4

common law does not compel performance 10-2-2

common law done away with because Congress cannot pass Public Law 10-2-3

common law excluded, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

common law grand jury, reference 65-2-6

common law is criminal jurisdiction 10-2-4

common law jurisdiction 2-7-5

common law jurisdiction, writ of supervisory control, petition for 46-13-8

common law lien against one’s own property 9-3-5

common law lien procedures, related discussion 44-4-4

common law lien, recorder’s office sometimes objects 9-4-1

common law lien, suggest you ask for a certified copy, forcing recorder to make a decision on the spot 9-4-2

common law notary, reference 39-4-5

common law pleading principle, protest 39-4-4

common law proceeding, statutory court refuses to review 28-14-2

Common Law Proceedings, what’s new 32-8-5

Common Law remedies 32-15-4

common law remedy can be filed in Article 3 court 3-13-2

common law stolen in 1938 48-14-2

common law suit, intricacies of 40-4-2

common law suits, Constitutional Courts created by suit of sovereign are 39-6-1

Common Law understanding, not enough, must understand Statutory Courts also 26-13-4

common law venue, collateral estoppel from commercial paper into 32-9-2

common law virtually does not exist 10-2-5

Common Law, Abatement Update Includes Remedies at 32-12-1

Common Law, an introduction, article 26-13-1

common law, basis in England, reference 66-2-5

common law, bringing a case from admiralty through international pleadings to common law 61-5-4

common law, business trusts created pursuant to 31-12-8

common law, charges require a damaged party 20-12-2

common law, debt actions fall under Admiralty/Maritime and waive the common law 55-2-6

common law, equity, admiralty, distinguishing them 66-2-9

common law, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

common law, remedy in admiralty, equity in admiralty to reclaim common law unalienable rights, reference 59-15-6

Common Law, rules of war, Common Law of England and rules of commerce 56-2-6

common law, statutory jurisdiction discussed, combination of admiralty, equity and common law 45-2-8

common law, the path to common law is by equity through counter claim to admiralty in international law 59-8-3

common law, there are no common law criminal cases 38-3-4

Common Law, traffic case, looked at by King’s court as combination of Admiralty, Equity, and Common Law proceeding 45-4-8

common law, under, Judge has no immunity 2-7-5

common law, using 4-15-6

common law, what it is, what it is not 26-14-2

common law, when we start practicing law, then we’ll have a remedy 49-3-3

communicate with court, public defender needed to 2-4-1

communication, failure between you and court 46-2-8

communications, connected with debt collection 7-4-1

communications, prison communications, handled by Barry Lynn, Smyth 51-3-3

communism is (see) private law for public purposes 55-8-8

communism, democracy just another name for communism 55-8-8

compelled “voluntary” acceptance 11-8-1

competence to testify, requirement in affidavit 40-5-3

complainant bears no danger of damages by complaining 38-4-5

Complaint and Summons, court flow chart 10-6-2

complaint based on affidavit showing probable cause 4-6-6

complaint did not state a charge, i.e. no jurisdiction 19-2-3

complaint fails to state a claim, brief for 13-7-3

complaint is a scam 9-14-6

complaint language for violation of rights, trespass, illegal searches, attempted seizures, filing false charges 11-6-4

complaint language for warrants without probable cause, stealing without due process, misleading US attorney 11-6-4

complaint need form and substance 9-14-4

complaint not attached to summons 37-7-6

complaint not signed by injured party 17-5-2

complaint not signed by prosecutor 13-4-1

complaint not signed by prosecutor 14-16-4

complaint not signed by prosecutor 1-5-1

complaint not signed by prosecutor 32-7-7

complaint not signed by prosecutor 9-5-4

complaint not signed by prosecutor, allocution 29-14-1

complaint not signed 14-17-2

complaint or citation, step 1 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

complaint raises set of facts 9-15-2

complaint signed by arresting agent 13-2-1

complaint sworn based on hearsay by prosecutor 19-2-3

complaint to be construed in favor of pleader, cite 60-7-5

complaint, affidavit of person with first hand knowledge not attached to 32-7-7

complaint, counter complaint defendant becomes the movant 51-12-7

complaint, court is bound to construe complaint favorable to pleader 60-3-6

complaint, criminal, in form of affidavit 11-4-4

complaint, every complaint has necessary elements in order to fully state a claim 60-6-7

complaint, first step in a civil law suit, discussion 60-2-4

complaint, holder in due course is the court 58-10-1

complaint, if defendant fails to answer complaint, defendant has admitted to all the facts in the complaint 60-5-1

complaint, is it signed by the prosecutor 45-1-3

complaint, lacking factual specificity, opportunity to cure defect, cite 60-7-6

Complaint, Motion to Dismiss is demurrer for 19-6-2

complaint, must set forth, right of action, cause of action, and material facts to support cause 26-7-2

complaint, no affidavit, fraud 33-17-1

complaint, none charging crime 14-16-4

complaint, not bona fide 12-7-4

complaint, prima facie 28-5-3

complaint, prosecutor did not sign 43-1-2

complaint, sufficient, writing 26-4-2

complaints and warrants with flaws are invalid 13-2-1

complaints filed by private individuals without district attorney’s authorization were nullities 19-2-6

complaints, private, Am Jur says see Quo Warranto 38-4-8

complaints, properly served, must be “answered or otherwise defended” 9-14-2

complaints, words and phrases for 12-14-4

complex trust 31-7-3

compliance, substantial, doctrine of 27-11-5

comply, legal term to be rebutted with demurrer 6-11-2

compromise, legal definition 43-3-2

compromise, offer and compromise, an offer to pay the whole amount upon the Plaintiff’s proof of claim 51-2-7

compromise, tendering the debt by an offer in compromise 51-2-7

compuserve e-mail address for Right Way 39-15-1

compuserve, e-mail address on 40-7-1

computer on line system of checking court dockets and searching for case law, Pacer 26-8-1

comspiracy among militia organizations instigated by government agents 43-15-2

con job, banks are sham and 11-14-4

concealment by banks 26-3-4

conclusion (related to law and fact) 6-12-6

conclusion and presumption cannot determine question of fact or liability 40-4-8

conclusion unsupported by evidence 43-6-6

conclusions accepted as findings if both parties agree to accept them as such 43-6-6

conclusions and presumptions must be supported or stricken from the record 6-12-4

conclusions and presumptions, due process violated if Summary Judgment granted based only on 40-5-6

conclusions and presumptions, what leads to 46-2-5

conclusions of law are presumption 19-10-5

conclusions of law, don’t make them, reference 65-15-2

conclusions, affidavits cannot be based on 40-5-2

conclusions, thinking in presumptions whereby you draw wrong conclusions 46-9-1

CON-CON or CON-JOB 19-17-1

Con-Con 8-13-4

condemnation of property and eviction results from county ordered repairs that owner cannot afford 17-16-6

condition precedent on offer of performance, discussion 58-8-2

confession and inquisition, manner of adjudication under Trust B 58-13-8

confessions, arraignment,hearing to obtain admissions and confessions 43-2-4

confidence game used by government 11-7-6

confidence to win, article 53-5-5

confidence, in money 37-13-6

confirmation of sale didn’t convey old owner’s rights, only rights, title and interests of US 17-3-5

Confirmation of Sale, does not convey your interest 7-12-5

confirmatory writing, requirements for 24-6-2

confirmatory writing, with no objection, same as signed contract 24-4-6

confirmatory writings, post cards sent by traffic court 25-6-2

confiscate your car, automobile emissions testing law 38-8-2

Congress are Trustees of Trust B 57-2-2

Congress does not control Federal Reserve Bank 19-17-1

Congress has authority to coin and regulate currency 19-17-1

Congress to reconvene 3rd day of January, per Constitution, 20th Amendment 28-14-6

Congress to reconvene first Monday in December, per Constitution, Art 1, sec 4 28-14-6

Congress, military, we have a 46-9-5

congress, web sites for congress 64-19-4

Congressional archive 7-7-6

Congressional Record 7-7-6

Congressman, letter to, from citizen 29-15-1

consent required to go before present day courts 3-12-6

consent to income tax expressed by execution of IRS forms W-4 and 1040 14-11-2

consent to sell the house, in foreclosure 25-5-1

consent, definition and discussion 56-8-8

consent, judgment on street is in the form of consent of the parties 58-10-1

consent, rule by consent, how do they do it 46 -11-5

consent, voluntary consent, discussion 56-10-4

consentual, rape held, due to request for condom 14-10-1

consideration not given to contract 45-5-4

consideration or value between borrower and lender 11-14-3

consideration, there is nothing wrong with giving consideration for consideration by way of contract 58-3-2

consideration, valuable, from both parties before contract is binding 39-3-2

consideration, valuable, not given for security in title 45-3-5

conspiracy by officials, reference 65-6-2

conspiracy concerning Trading With the Enemies Act 13-5-2

conspiracy nuts, discussion 49-7-6

conspiracy to violate rights 32-8-4

conspiracy within CPS to get federal money 40-3-2

conspiracy, an agreement to do an illegal act 43-15-3

conspiracy, collusion, fraud, non-disclosure of hospital and insurance company 41-10-8

conspiracy, discussed 43-15-4

conspiracy, neglect to prevent, 42 USC 1986 30-7-2

conspiracy, reference in affidavit 64-5-4

Constitution as a by-law of the corporate government of the District of Columbia 55-5-4

Constitution deals with commercial powers of government 28-16-3

Constitution does not apply in District of Columbia, known as United States, (not state) 27-3-1

Constitution for united States of America does not apply in Washington D.C. (i.e. United States) 16-8-6

Constitution gets overturned or becomes moot 11-11-5

Constitution is addendum to previous documents 28-16-3

Constitution is alive and well 30-14-1

Constitution is now only “by-laws” to government of District of Columbia 56-3-3

Constitution is strictly a commercial contract 20-17-4

Constitution is superior paramount law of the land, per Marbury v. Madison 35-2-8

constitution lists inherent rights of the people 41-17-1

Constitution lists three immune entities, ambassadors, consuls and public ministers 28-4-4

Constitution mentions three jurisdictions 20-12-2

Constitution requires gold or silver, payment of debt 11-11-5

Constitution signers, facts about some of them 4-16-5

Constitution suspended as a civil document because of state of emergency, reference 46-9-2

Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, bank violates by loaning anything but gold and silver 54-2-9

constitution, article 1, you should become familiar with 41-17-1

Constitution, Articles characterized in discussion 58-5-1

Constitution, Articles in Amendment to the Constitution, related to on street remedies 58-5-8

Constitution, one document of our land 28-16-3

Constitution, treaties supercede the 54-3-1

Constitution, which one, there are (at least) two 55-5-4

Constitutional Convention 8-13-4

constitutional convention, pretense, balanced budget 19-17-1

Constitutional Courts created by suit of sovereign are common law suits 39-6-1

Constitutional governments of states and America have been dissolved 27-3-1

Constitutional govt overthrown without a shot fired 11-12-1

Constitutional Kids, new in the Light 16-1-6

Constitutional law versus treaty law 2-6-3

constitutional liberty deprivation versus preponderance of evidence 54-7-2

Constitutional requirements declared not binding on agency 55-13-7

Constitutional Right, violation of, claimed in Writ of Habeas Corpus 50-12-1

Constitutional Rights, don’t barge into administrative action yelling, beat them at procedure 4-9-3

Constitutional rights, none, rights are already established and merely protected by Constitution against government interference 55-3-5

constitutional violation by chartered government renders charter null and void 41-17-6

Constitutional violation flows from presumptuous law 29-11-2

Constitutional violation, you are witness against yourself when forced to identify yourself in criminal case 43-1-1

constitutions, new ones being pushed into place 15-16-3

constitutions, two for Ohio, 1802 and 1851 14-16-3

constructive fraud, example 13-5-3

constructive fraud, reference 65-4-3

Constructive Knowledge, judges have about tax 5-6-2

constructive notice and demand, examples 38-19-5

constructive notice to (lots of ) parties that rights are being violated 29-19-1

constructive notice 4-9-6

constructive notice, example of 3-6-2

constructive notice, legal definition 41-6-5

constructive notice, reference 62-5-3

constructive or quasi contract, discussion 62-12-7

constructive trust, American colonies established as 45-5-7

constructive trust, cannot be created by deception to enrich one party at the detriment of the other party 45-5-5

constructive trust, commercial law operates as a 24-8-3

constructive trust, most people walk right into a 45-3-3

constructive trust, not irrevocable, can be terminated 45-3-6

constructive trust, one that is implied in law without a written agreement 45-3-6

consul represents commercial power of sovereign 28-4-4

consuls, public ministers, ambassadors, Constitution list three immune entities 28-4-4

Consumer Finance lenders, debt collection used by 3-19-2

Consumer Protection Act – Deceptive Trade Practices, in reference to IRS 55-10-1

contempt for failure to give books and records to IRS 5-11-1

contempt hearing, “appearance” would be prima facie evidence you did a contemptuous act 9-6-3

contempt of court fine for phone call to clerk 12-6-5

contempt of court, claimed sometimes, if you don’t give your name 43-1-2

contempt of court, elements of, list 39-9-8

contempt of court, examples of acts constituting 39-10-8

contempt of court, when prosecutors call you names in court papers 39-8-9

contempt out of presence of court 39-10-2

contempt, answer to enforcing Common Law Court order 46-10-2

contempt, bill of particulars for contempt or failure to appear 46-13-4

contempt, locked up for, with no trial and no due process 48-14-1

contest, Bill of Particulars, court scenario contest 46-1-1

contract and fiduciary duty of bank to depositor 61-2-4

contract and license is a voluntary system, luring you by offer of benefits 7-6-3

contract between govt and itself, on FRN 1-8-5

contract between States and Federal Government 57-1-2

contract broken by state when rights deprived 20-17-2

contract broken the moment any right is infringed 19-12-6

contract calls for justice for all plaintiffs 9-8-6

contract conditions must be known by parties to be binding 39-3-3

contract does not equate to slavery, example 29-6-4

contract existing by fiction of law, reference 62-12-5

contract fraud by banks 26-3-4

contract has to be signed, but if not, and not objected to timely, signature not required!! 24-4-3

contract invalid due to duress, misnomer, mistake, fraud, and unconscionable contract 33-6-6

contract is impossible without disclosure 39-3-3

contract is void from the beginning if adequate consideration is absent or exists with only one party 39-12-6

contract law, UCC is 36-2-9

contract made public record 1-9-3

contract must be beneficial to both parties to be binding 39-3-2

contract not under seal 1-9-2

contract or damage, at law venue, must have either damage or contract with court 30-7-7

contract or treaty, in most cases the courts today presume there is one 45-3-2

contract related to law action and equity action 49-2-7

contract terms can require payment in gold or silver 12-13-4

contract to pay fine and costs already signed 24-5-2

contract to the court, signature granting a general contract to the court, discussion 61-5-7

contract under seal 1-9-2

contract with court to maintain Plaintiff’s remedy at law 30-4-1

contract with court 43-1-5

contract with court, identifying yourself becomes 43-1-2

contract with hidden clauses, driver’s license 22-16-4

contract with the court, by entering bar 31-14-8

contract, adhesion, allegedly makes you liable 15-10-5

contract, admission witnessed before court is same as written contract 43-2-5

contract, assigned or issued documents must meet conditions of contract 39-2-9

contract, at law 1-9-3

contract, benefits exercised equate to implied contract to meet the obligations associated with the benefits 33-3-4

contract, between plaintiff and court to hear case 31-2-5

contract, binding, requires valuable consideration from both parties 39-3-2

contract, breach of by demanding social security numbers and driver’s licenses, subject to suit 55-3-1

contract, commercial contract, accidentally converted to, discussion 49-3-4

contract, components on “contract” from traffic court 25-5-6

contract, court power by, and treaty or martial law 21-12-2

contract, definition and discussion 56-9-2

contract, discharging the underlying contract 51-2-6

contract, disclosure of conditions of contract, not given by government 45-3-5

contract, elements to have a binding, list 39-3-1

contract, equitable 1-9-3

contract, estoppel by, definition and discussion 56-10-8

contract, failure to perform plus three notices permits a UCC 1 lien for damages 9-11-2

contract, federal employee guidelines not incorporated in contract 55-3-2

contract, foundation axiom, He who creates, controls 18-15-1

contract, full disclosure, on contract, reference 54-3-2

contract, highest form of law 53-1-1

contract, how to break it according to U.C.C. 14-11-3

contract, if it lacks specificity, parties are out of luck 49-2-7

contract, implied, not without notice 24-6-4

contract, international, taxing authority under 13-4-5

contract, international, terms of debt created by bank and therefore has no substance 10-2-6

contract, international, you are a party to by an act of Congress without your knowledge 10-2-5

contract, IRS operating on basis of contract with you 51-2-5

contract, joinder in issue, legal definition, a 31-9-7

contract, judges, lawyers, other officials voluntarily agreed to uphold Constitutions voided by bankruptcy 31-2-4

contract, judgment equivalent to a contract 51-11-9

contract, legal definition 21-11-2

contract, no performance on either side can give the unlawful contract any validity, or be the foundation of any right of action upon it 65-7-3

contract, non exists, non assumpsit 2-14-5

contract, not capable, without disclosure 39-3-4

Contract, Notice of, binds Judge to his oath 29-11-3

contract, presumptions of court, you signed an agreement 46-6-2

contract, rem jurisdiction, jurisdiction by contract 43-5-9

contract, right to (not) contract with court 44-3-3

contract, right to contract with the IRS, discussion 48-7-6

contract, right to contract, discussion 58-3-2

contract, right to, Article 1, Section 10, Constitution, is lawful commerce, i.e., Public Law for Private Purposes55-2-6

contract, signing it makes you liable 4-6-6

contract, special contract, definition and discussion 56-10-7

contract, stating a claim in commercial or contract law 58-3-6

contract, statute staple is a double contract 51-12-1

contract, the highest form of law 45-3-2

contract, threat, duress, coercion, then no contract 43-2-4

contract, to be enforceable, elements, understanding, full disclosure and agreement 19-14-4

contract, tricked into forming a contract with court 44-2-8

contract, underlying, ask to see, that makes you liable 4-7-1

contract, you have, with the Small Claims Court 9-10-3

contract, your first is with judges, lawyers, other officials, who agree to uphold and support the constitutions 31-2-5

contracting into a different status, from free to serf 22-4-6

contracting into the federal jurisdiction 1-7-6

contracting party not damaged if owner acts himself 15-9-6

contracts in which parties tender substance in exchange for substance, discussion 55-2-5

contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally by both parties or they are void 20-12-5

contracts, adhesion, retraction affidavit example 17-19-1

contracts, Art I, section 10 of Constitution 31-7-2

contracts, double, based on one transaction 51-2-5

contracts, even fraudulent ones, dangerous weapons 15-9-5

contracts, laws cannot impair obligations of 6-6-5

contracts, laying the foundation 24-8-1

contracts, man does not have to set aside any pre-existing rights to enter contracts with other people 58-3-2

contracts, private employment, cannot be impaired by federal government in the name of tax 3-9-2

contracts, simple, based on one transaction 51-2-5

contracts, Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Charters, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

contracts, underlying, ended with offer in compromise, discussion 53-2-8

contracts, vaguely written, principle of Quantum Meruit 49-1-4

contractual nature of courts 24-11-1

contractual nature of tax not disclosed to jury 13-5-3

contractual use of the term “United States” 6-5-1

controlling human race through its economy 11-11-2

controversy before Judge can make judicial determination 48-13-5

controversy created by joining of issue, in a normal suit, 31-4-1

controversy created BY US when we object, protest, or enter a plea, don’t do it 35-7-3

controversy makes Judge act judicially instead of administratively 44-9-4

controversy or case, no judicial capacity without one 35-6-5

controversy, creating a proper, reference 58-11-5

controversy, creating one before a court in new case 44-9-4

controversy, Declaratory Judgment in traffic case with citation and Offer to Pay forming actual controversy 53-4-2

controversy, getting the information via Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars to create a real controversy 46-6-1

controversy, litigants are always in court over a controversy concerning a security 46-12-8

controversy, must define your 46-2-4

controversy, required in a suit under the American Flag of Peace 40-4-4

controversy, required to have a judicial proceeding 53-3-3

controversy, see procedure table 58-12-5

controversy, setting up a, with the IRS 48-8-7

controversy, without, everything is summary and administrative process 53-3-3

controversy, without, no case 53-3-3

controversy, without, plaintiff has no standing to sue 35-7-2

conversion (white collar theft) by bank 25-7-5

conversion of property to your own use 11-5-4

conversion of Republic into democracy, reference 65-4-3

conversion to use qualified evidence in the wrong venue 43-4-7

conversion, attempted, reference to 7-5-2

conversion, legal definition 21-11-1

conversion, legal definition 43-12-7

converting a fraudulent party into a trustee, reference 65-6-2

converting a law remedy to an admiralty pleading 43-7-5

converting judgments into commercial paper 9-10-4

conveyance not vehicle without commercial use 6-10-6

conveyance stolen by tow company 6-10-2

conveyances licensed by registration and plates 57-2-5

conveyed, property, in 3 ways, selling, gift, exchange 24-4-5

conveying property, who’s got title, discussion 54-4-5

conviction, post, remedies 19-3-5

cooperative federalism, reference 66-14-1

copying Right Way materials 45-11-1

corporate body formed under a constructive trust, presumption of the court 45-4-2

corporate body-politic 2-18-2

corporate limiting of liability uses force and fraud 15-11-4

corporate name, reference 51-13-8

corporate officers, how to find 4-16-2

corporate state and the suppression it produces 16-13-5

corporate state repression planning demands malice, intent and forethought 16-14-2

corporate State transfers liability to backs of people 15-11-4

corporate States, Constitution does not apply in 27-3-1

corporation name in all capital letters 13-15-6

corporation named on paperwork 43-1-4

corporation names, all capitals 29-13-3

corporation, a fictional person not endowed with inalienable rights, reference 62-17-2

corporation, agency of state, how can it also be a corporation or a charity 62-6-7

corporation, courts take silent judicial notice that anyone in front of it is a corporation and must be represented by an attorney 45-6-3

corporation, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

corporation, fictitious person, U.S. Citizen, Resident, all artificial person with no rights 43-2-4

corporation, foreign, no business presence, cannot be served with process 15-3-3

corporation, government is a political 5-15-2

corporation, limited liability, is deadly 15-11-3

corporation, municipal corporations by-laws 62-1-5

corporation, nom de guerre represents a 56-3-6

corporation, United States defined as a federal corporation 65-5-2

corporation, US is federal, 28 USC 3002 (15) 49-22-1

corporation, whoever, defined as a corporation 53-2-2

corporation, you are a, presumption of court 38-6-3

corporation, you are a, presumption 46-2-7

corporations as cartoon, discussion 58-2-6

corporations can be sued in Fed. District Court without going to State Court 4-16-2

corporations cannot have both legal and equitable title 41-2-6

corporations formed to provide limited liability 15-11-2

corporations have no rights, only statutory privilege that can be revoked 64-14-4

Corporations in Toon Town, article 58-1-4

corporations, created ONLY for the convenient transaction of business 62-17-2

corporations, only, can be prosecuted 14-3-5

corporations, only, liable under statutes 14-4-2

corporations, principles dealing with mort main 28-3-2

corpus, property of trust, defined, examples 31-12-4

correct record is only way you can win 6-12-5

correcting or preventing a wrong, failure to 32-8-4

corrupt court, story of 3-10-1

corrupting and prejudicing without provable grounds39-9-4

Corum non judice, case specific, plea in special appearance to challenge the jurisdiction 56-6-3

costs, count the 24-17-5

Costs, Motion for, can be struck per Rule 12(f) 19-7-2

Council of Conciliation Court, research topics, reference 62-6-6

Council of State Governors, reference 65-4-3

counsel excluded, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

counsel of choice denied 1-5-1

counsel of choice 31-14-5

counsel of defendants disqualified because of conflict of interest between defendants divergent interests 27-10-2

Counsel on Domestic Relations, phone number 7-15-5

counsel, assistance of 2-3-5

counsel, imprisonment for misdemeanor not allowed unless accused represented by counsel 18-5-6

Counsel, Legislative Counsels admit bifurcation, discussion 65-12-6

counsel, motion to compel separate counsel, in Title 42 suits 61-17-1

counsel, separate 27-1-2

count the costs 24-17-5

count the costs 25-4-4

counter claim, the path to common law is by equity through counter claim to admiralty in international law 59-8-3

counter complaint defendant becomes the movant 51-12-7

counter demand to Janet Reno, Attorney General 5-13-5

counter offer, refusal to answer FOIA is actually counter offer 50-17-8

counter security relied on in court 53-3-2

counter security, see procedure table 58-12-5

Counter Subversive Activities Committee 40-8-5

counterclaim destroys Admiralty 59-8-3

counterclaim versus defense, illustration 61-6-8

Counterclaim, Answering by Demurrer, article 61-5-4

Counterclaim, court flow chart 10-6-2

counterclaim, litigant must not just raise a defense 68-6-5

counterclaim, mandatory, challenging the presumptions of rem and res 59-6-6

counterclaim, must be responded to 61-6-1

counterclaims and rem and res, reference 61-5-5

counterclaims cannot be brought in Declaratory Judgment 31-4-2

counterfeit documents 5-3-2

counterfeit securities 21-11-6

counterfeit securities, liens on aggrieved’s property 22-19-2

counterfeit securities, Notice of Garnishment 11-5-1

counterfeit security because statute and regulation not shown as required by law 5-12-2

counterfeit security, a traffic ticket 32-7-3

counterfeit security, federal crime, IRS form 6638 5-11-6

counterfeited security, reference 65-4-3

counter-offer and offer by and with prosecutor 50-18-4

counter-security, an affidavit, reference 50-13-3

counting the cost 9-4-3

county court is statutory court, certiorari lies 14-15-6

county or city, what is required to have a charter 41-17-5

county orders repairs that owner cannot afford, results in condemnation of property and eviction 17-16-6

county prosecutor attempts to dissuade grand jury from hearing complaint from citizen 20-2-5

county recorder, object so recorder is liable for damage 24-19-1

county, CAFR mandated by 1982 federal law for every state, county and city 63-6-2

county, federal, state, city ownership of publicly traded stock exceeds $32 Trillion, 53% of all listed stock! 63-3-3

coupons automatically dispensed are electronically determined for competitive manufacturers 39-16-8

court argument based on constitutional law, statutes, codes, rules, regulations, ordinances and policies 7-5-6

court cannot institute criminal action, for failure to appear after signing citation, due to separation of powers 19-2-2

court captions, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT denotes a territorial court, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc 36,12-4

court clerk cannot charge criminal offense, must be district attorney 19-2-2

court clerk, judicial branch, can’t file charges, must be district attorney, executive, separation of powers 13-8-4

Court Colloquim, research topics, reference 62-6-6

court costs are always voluntary 28-13-5

court costs are civil liability, not subject to jail 28-13-5

court costs, fines, indigency in Ohio 28-12-1

court denied access to law library 1-5-1

court dockets, a computer on line system for checking, and searching for case law, Pacer 26-8-1

court doesn’t its own rules 3-14-5

court flow chart 10-6-2

court is bound to construe complaint favorable to pleader 60-3-6

court judgment pursuant to statute of frauds 24-6-1

court of law, courts are not, is court to handle the King of England’s property 46-13-4

court officers will sidetrack you 1-5-6

court order citing no authority, containing no findings of fact or conclusions of law 9-6-2

court order of dismissal based upon refusal 23-1-1

court order, none, only writ of possession 11-16-6

Court Order, Warrant or Judgment, if IRS does not have one of these, NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY for lack of 29-3-4

court power by contract and treaty or martial law 21-12-2

court proceeds when aggrieved party doesn’t understand 1-5-1

court rule, an administrative definition 50-4-5

court scenarios, skill in actual, discussion 53-5-5

court system unfair, story of 29-5-1

court system, diagram of a “combined” federal-state court system, appears to be all one system 49-12-1

court system, how it works 5-1-6

court to handle the King of England’s property 46-13-4

court violates own rules and regulations 2-11-4

court violation of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 12-9-2

court wouldn’t recognize speakers 2-1-6

court, litigants are always in court over a controversy concerning a security 46-12-8

court, one world foreign 36-15-2

court, refuse acces to, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-6

court, saying it’s incompetent to uphold Constitution 8-4-2

court, territorial, court captions of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT denotes, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc 36,12-4

court, what to say in court 68-4-3

court, what to say in court 68-4-5

court, what to say in court 68-4-7

courtroom, what goes on in it, discussion 61-13-8

courts absolutely functioning under UCC 22-15-2

courts discouraging pro-ses from filing suits 3-15-2

courts functioning under a bankruptcy 32-5-5

courts misused in misrepresenting debt collection 7-4-2

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction in Washington state 11-7-6

courts presume that everyone before the court is incorporated or licensed 45-8-2

courts stack on extra charges to coerce plea bargain 3-15-4

courts take silent judicial notice that anyone in front of it is a corporation and must be represented by an attorney 45-6-3

courts, all, are federal, discussion, due to federal funding 50-18-3

courts, denying access to, is due process violation 22-12-2

Covenant of Abraham, reference 65-3-3

covenants and contracts supersede any other contract 30-2-4

CPA Sues Banks and Wins!, article 26-3-3

CPS makes money from federal government by taking children away from parents 40-2-8

CPS submitting false claims to get federal money 40-2-8

CPS, conspiracy to get federal money 40-3-2

craft and subtilty where force won’t work, parable 39-11-5

Creature from Jekyll Island 35-19-1

Creature from Jekyll Island 36-15-9

Creature from Jekyll Island, book reference 40-16-4

credentials required from attorneys involved in case 31-15-2

credit card, article, Information Available at the Drop of a Credit Card 39-17-8

credit card, reference in table 57-2-1

credit cards accepted by post office 40-10-2

credit cards, under international law 3-14-3

credit cards, unsecured loans, reference 60-14-2

credit is postponement of payment of money 49-16-1

credit or bank loan, applying for, makes you part of the government 54-2-9

credit, banks do not loan money or 11-14-2

credit, private international financial debt and credit, battle field in UNITED STATES 56-2-5

creditor removes creditee from records in response to demand for affidavit in support of charges 39-2-8

creditor, defined as one who extends credit, but not an assignee, such as a debt collector 7-3-4

Crime Bill, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-5

crime to conceal a crime, reference 65-5-3

crime versus tort 21-11-3

crime, when committed by public officials, report it to a judge, then a public official, and then to proper military official 64-13-8

criminal action, can court institute one, separation of powers says no 13-8-2

criminal action, court cannot institute, for failure to appear after signing citation, due to separation of powers 19-2-2

criminal affidavits filed against IRS 11-4-3

criminal affidavits served on prosecutor with a demand to prosecute 11-4-3

criminal and civil procedures the same 14-4-1

criminal arrest, Judge’s training tapes available 60-17-4

criminal cases, every step involves Federal Funds 46-18-1

criminal cases, there are no common law criminal cases 38-3-4

criminal charges must have signed affidavit support 11-9-3

criminal charges thrown out of court before you get there, administrative procedure to have 14-17-1

criminal charges, at law, without US Attorney 38-3-4

criminal charges, no signature, no responsibility in case of false charges, not due process 11-9-3

criminal charges, no summons or complaint, instrument only a notice founded in fraud 11-10-4

criminal citation from administrative agency 1-2-1

criminal complaint in form of affidavit 11-4-4

criminal complaint, cannot be brought in private person’s name 38-3-5

criminal complaint, is application for arrest warrant 38-3-6

criminal complaint, yes there is provision for bringing private criminal complaint in Fed. District Courts 38-3-8

criminal contempt versus civil contempt 39-10-2

criminal end versus civil side of your case 41-7-8

criminal jurisdiction, municipal corporations, as private, not vested with plenary powers, no criminal jurisdiction 36-8-2

criminal jurisdiction, only 2, common and admiralty 10-2-4

criminal oath administration hearing converted to a hearing on the attorney’s dispositive motions 41-8-1

criminal oath, request to get it administered 41-7-6

criminal oath, story 41-7-9

criminal proceedings, not without DA authority 19-2-6

Criminal Rule 3, research done 38-3-6

Criminal Rule Handbook, reference 68-1-4

criminal, authority to charge, IRS has none for lack of implementing regulations 33-8-1

criminally impersonating yourself 33-6-1

criminals control course of criminal actions in court 32-8-3

Crips and Bloods of Los Angeles, reference 41-18-5

cross examination versus direct testimony 68-7-5

cross examination, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-5

Cross-Claim, court flow chart 10-6-2

crossing the bar, don’t do it 41-8-4

crossing the bar, story of 31-14-2

Crown of England, first bankruptcy of UNITED STATES to the Crown of England in 1788 65-12-2

cure the default, failure to results in UCC 1 lien 9-11-1

currency, its only purpose is to give written notice that a product debt has been created 48-4-1

currency, paper, writings from Benjamin Franklin 36-10-5

currency, what was used by the original thirteen colonies 57-1-2

Curriculum Vitae, dispositive motions, reference 40-5-1

curtilage of property included in area protected from search 33-5-1

custody cases, successful representation of father by an Arizona attorney, story 50-3-2

custody, child custody cases are commercial in nature, discussion 58-3-6

custom of the feuds, a compilation of feudal laws and customs from the twelfth century 13-13-2

customer service from IRS 27-7-5

D.C. does not have a defined venue 42-2-4

D.C. jurisdiction wherever citizens are located 42-2-4

D.O.T., Division of Transportation instead of Department of Transportation, within State, for deceit purposes 36-7-9

D.O.T.s, difference between federal, state, municipal, city 36-6-6

Dakota Nuclear provides free energy from “waste” 4-10-3

Dale Morris wins, Frontline Master 33-1-4

Dale’s case 15-8-1

Dale’s case 41-13-5

damage caused by recorder refusal to file, due process violation 22-12-6

damage from service of process 28-7-2

damage on private land by Soil and Water Conservation District 46-2-8

damage or contract, at law venue, must have either damage or contract with court 30-7-7

damage suits, civil, against police officers 33-13-5

damage, if none, no standing to bring suit 22-12-4

damage, law jurisdiction is when there is a real damage to some party 45-3-2

damage, liability, and corporations 15-11-3

damage, notice of damage for “use” of appellation as nom de guerre 65-4-2

damaged citizen may recover $1,000,000 from IRS 22-11-5

damaged party gets sanctioned, in addition 25-2-2

damaged party required to prove case under due process of law, discussion 58-13-8

damaged party, bank not, with standing to bring a foreclosure case 31-5-8

damaged party, none, misnomer, venue, no cause of action, Refusals and Abatements are challenges based on 32-12-6

damaged, borrower is, if they don’t know they won’t get legal title after debt is discharged 11-14-6

damaged, by cop who doesn’t know his job, not by court, until sentence carried out 19-6-4

damaged, you are not damaged by court until sentence is put into effect 19-6-4

damages, amount of, only issue court can hear 9-10-5

damages, is there a damaged party or a stutory violation 42-5-4

damages, language from case brief 11-7-1

Dan Cruz Garcia creating problems among members 28-8-3

Dan Cruz 30-5-1

Dan’s case 44-1-1

Dan’s case 50-12-8

Dan’s case 9-5-2

Dana N. case 1-2-1

danger of damages by complaining, complainant bears no 38-4-5

dangers of Con-Con 8-14-5

Dark City, movie title reviewed (and recommended) by Jack Smith 55-1-1

data cross reference, school child test data, DMV, marriage, IRS, criminal, credit, employment, medical 8-5-5

Date of Birth, defined 17-19-2

date, doctrine of relation, backdating events, discussion 62-14-8

date, doctrine of relation, backdating events, reference 62-14-4

Dave Miller on dispositive motions, fraud 31-9-7

Dave Miller seminar available from Right Way 32-16-1

Dave Miller, venue he chooses 31-9-5

Dave Miller’s seminars 32-6-6

Dave’s case 48-13-4

Dave’s case 5-2-4

David Miller sees court rules like this, a list 29-11-6

David Miller Title 42 suits, like a judicial pac man that eats up judges and lawyers along the way! 30-4-9

David Miller 30-1-6

David Miller, interviewed about Title 42 suits 29-1-2

David Miller’s Title 42 suits result in 400 recusals of judges and lawyers 29-11-9

Davis v. Howard 5-6-6

de facto and de jure governments 7-6-1

de facto states and their effects 22-19-3

de facto system, status of Right Way members, of the soil within Original Jurisdiction and within the de facto system 65-1-4

de facto venue presumption in pleading 19-9-5

de jure jurisdiction 2-7-5

de jure Ohio, de jure Indiana, etc., non resident aliens 22-4-5

de jure state and general laws 13-5-2

de jure state citizen versus federal citizen 4-8-3

de jure state citizen, being, not enough to “get out of system” 16-12-2

de jure state citizen, not US citizen or resident 16-7-6

de jure state 2-7-1

de jure states NOT under a federal emergency, maybe 8-8-4

de jure states released from emergency in 1976 8-8-5

de jure states, corporations cannot operate in 15-4-2

de jure states, freely associated compact states, referred to as Countries in federal legislation 8-9-2

de jure township received deed to allodial property 4-9-4

de tax, not just status, but actions too 16-11-2

dead presidents, brand on coins, makes them federal 11-13-2

dead presidents, images on coins instead of eagle, etc. makes coins federal and not lawful 11-13-2

dead thing or person 12-11-3

Dean Shramm’s case 2-5-6

debitatus assumpsit, are all court actions, municipal, county, State, federal, are they actions in debitatus assumpsit, reference 65-7-1

debt actions fall under Admiralty/Maritime and waive the common law 55-2-6

debt always results in bondage, discussion 55-2-4

debt collecting guidelines, consumer protection 7-3-2

debt collection cases are commercial in nature, discussion 58-3-6

debt collection processes, remedy is Refusal for Cause Without Dishonor 36-3-8

debt collection used by Consumer Finance lenders 3-19-2

debt collection used by IRS 3-19-2

debt collection, banks and courts must not read Code 7-3-2

debt collection, fraud, violence or criminal means 7-4-1

debt collections, private, carried on by attorneys, IRS, and others outside the courts 56-2-6

debt collector, defined 7-3-5

debt collector, not a creditor as defined, but an assignee 7-3-4

debt credit instruments, income tax an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 51-11-4

debt credit instruments, income tax is an activity tax on use of 48-1-1

debt discharged is distinguished from debt paid 41-18-2

debt discharged, bank seeks double payments 25-7-2

debt discharged, foreclosure attempt follows 11-16-3

debt instruments, labor defined in terms of gold or silver coin, not debt instruments 65-6-1

debt is obligation, whether or not reduced to judgment 7-3-5

debt itself is merely passed on after discharge 12-15-1

debt no longer required to be paid, only discharged 12-13-5

debt not extinguished unless “paid”, only discharged 12-13-4

debt payment can’t be compelled by gold or silver 12-13-4

debt release program offered to foreign countries by Republic of Texas 37-12-3

debt tendered (by check, draft, money order, promissory note), party has no rights, only obligations 55-2-5

debt, cannot exist where one product or service is exchanged for another product or service 48-2-6

debt, Constitution requires gold or silver, to pay 11-11-5

debt, currency, its only purpose is to give written notice that a product debt has been created 48-4-1

debt, discharging a debt instead of paying a debt 11-11-5

debt, discharging with note, lawyer won’t handle 8-13-1

debt, example of collection attempt 7-4-5

debt, example of response to collection attempt 7-4-6

debt, extinguishing via Notice and Offer to Perform 54-5-1

debt, is product, not a note, discussion 48-2-5

debt, law of 56-6-9

debt, monetized, creates money 37-13-3

debt, private international financial debt and credit, battle field in UNITED STATES 56-2-5

debt, public policy not to “pay” a debt 12-13-3

debt, securities and commercial paper, evidence of 11-13-6

debt, State defined as federal area for debt collection 7-3-6

debt, tendering the debt by an offer in compromise 51-2-7

debt, traffic ticket, might be considered a 7-3-4

debt, UCC procedure for collecting on an instrument, discussion 53-4-8

debt, World Bankers coerced country into contract to pay debts in gold and silver, then took all the gold and silver so the people could not pay its debts 16-7-5

debt/credit, not a good thing, discussion 64-6-5

debtor’s examination, discussion 64-9-3

deceit, Dolus, discussion 62-6-4

deceive, intent to, use of fictitious names 29-13-7

deceptive steps used by government 11-8-1

Deceptive Trade Practices – Consumer Protection Act, in reference to IRS 55-10-1

declarant/damaged party 11-6-1

Declaration of Arbroath, reference 65-3-3

Declaration of Independence 22-2-4

Declaration of Independence, make your Writ look like 50-9-5

Declaration of Independence, Mecklenburg (1775) 35-10-4

Declaration of Independence, one document of our land 28-16-3

Declaration of Truth, affidavit 5-9-2

declaration, public, nature, capacity and character of party established through public declaration 65-1-5

declaration, see procedure table 58-12-5

declaratory judgment arising from prosecutor failing to answer bill of particulars 44-3-2

Declaratory Judgment in traffic case with citation and Offer to Pay forming actual controversy 53-4-2

Declaratory Judgment to determine who you are 45-5-2

declaratory judgment 13-5-6

Declaratory Judgment 32-7-8

declaratory judgment, demand for 11-7-1

Declaratory Judgment, discussed, paperwork 32-7-9

Declaratory Judgment, discussion of required elements 59-12-4

Declaratory Judgment, discussion 60-6-5

Declaratory Judgment, Howard Griswold on 31-4-7

Declaratory Judgment, injunction restraining cancellation of driver’s license until Declaratory Judgment is heard 59-12-2

declaratory judgment, place in procedure, discussion 58-12-3

Declaratory Judgment, reference 45-2-4

Declaratory Judgments, Howard Griswold’s 30-14-2

Declaratory Judgments, no affirmative defenses 31-1-6

Declaratory Judgments, pleading is controversy setting forth both sides 31-4-1

declaratory order of sovereignty, quiet title over body and person 27-7-4

declaring statutory instruments void for fraud in common law court 32-8-9

deed for land in county records, reference 59-15-9

Deed of Release and Reconveyance isn’t adequate 37-8-2

deed, discussion of who title is conveyed to 41-2-6

deed, filing one with the County Recorder who becomes holder in due course of title to land 54-4-4

deed, history of conveying legal title 41-2-5

deed, Private Land Claim, actually an affidavit instead of a deed 41-2-4

deeds of constitutions 13-13-3

deeds, a security comes in many forms, deeds, birth certificates, licenses, titles, etc. 45-3-4

deeds, reference 57-2-3

deeds, titles to land, recorders, origin of 18-5-4

defacto State, venue presumed to be 31-9-5

default judgment against defendant with no notice of hearing 11-8-3

default judgment results in frozen bank accounts of defendants 17-13-3

default judgments, how to collect on them 44-4-5

default served, story 52-1-3

default, agreement by, acquiescence, dishonor, and 11-5-3

default, fault and default on a Demand for a Bill of Particulars in a traffic case 49-21-1

default, isn’t prosecutor in, for failure to answer Bill of Particulars 45-1-3

default, notice of, example of 26-2-3

default, reference 65-8-2

default, seven point affidavits, faults and defaults 64-1-2

Defendant Answers, court flow chart 10-6-2

defendant compared with alleged offender 2-3-2

Defendant v. Defendant, court flow chart 10-6-2

Defendant v. Plaintiff, court flow chart 10-6-2

Defendant v. Third Party, court flow chart 10-6-2

defendant, accused becomes, upon making plea 38-6-2

Defendant, correct word should be “accused”, “alleged accused”, or “aggrieved party” 18-2-2

defendant, counter complaint defendant becomes the movant 51-12-7

defendant, Judge may call the accused “defendant” prior to determining that status 43-6-8

defendants have no standing to bring objections in Declaratory Judgment 31-4-2

defending against federal officials is a conspiracy 43-16-1

defending against insanity 11-10-1

defending yourself against a federal official who is acting within the scope of his job is illegal 43-15-7

defense in tax collection is traverse, don’t do it 13-9-3

defense versus counterclaim, illustration 61-6-8

defense where no defense is possible, argument for 5-10-3

defense, of outrageous conduct by government 33-5-5

defenses, immunity, in a Title 42 suit 40-4-3

Deficiency, Notice of, required, before seizure 28-1-5

definitions of words, controlling, controls case 29-1-2

definitions of words, how they have been changed, discussion 58-13-1

definitions, interpretation levels of judges and lawyers, procedural, points of law 46-2-6

definitions, legal, of selected terms 21-10-6

defrauded by international banking system 12-15-5

delegate of a statutory agent for a nom de guerre corporation, you 56-4-2

delegate, defined 4-4-1

delegation of authority demanded 16-19-2

delegation of authority demanded 21-11-6

delegation of authority for IRS 36-17-5

delegation of authority for Soil and Water Conservation District to enter private land 46-3-3

delegation of authority in Texas 37-10-8

delegation of authority must be published in Federal Register. If not, only apply to government agency 16-2-3

delegation of authority must have clear expression 42-7-7

delegation of authority of Department of Revenue must be filed with state Secretary of State’s Office 16-2-3

delegation of authority of IRS 40-15-2

delegation of authority, ask IRS agents for it 17-10-1

delegation of authority, clear definition 16-2-3

delegation of authority, demand for production of 5-13-5

delegation of authority, demand for 44-15-2

delegation of authority, demand IRS show it 11-5-4

delegation of authority, demanded from IRS 37-16-4

delegation of authority, from Attorney General to district attorney 13-4-6

delegation of authority, IRS refuses to state their 31-3-7

delegation of authority, law requires production 13-5-1

delegation of authority, per Marbury v. Madison 35-2-4

delegation of authority, without, tax collector no authority to collect tax 13-5-6

Delegation Order to issue summons, does IRS have one 31-3-2

delegation orders not published 38-16-2

Delinquency, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, judicial department 46-16-8

deliver, word discussed 46-7-2

Demand for a More Definite Statement, discussion 50-18-5

Demand for Bill of Particulars versus just Bill of Particulars 48-13-7

Demand for Bill of Particulars, win described 49-20-7

Demand for More definite Statement 49-1-2

demand for trial by jury, language 11-7-2

demand to see charging instruments 12-12-1

Demand 3-19-1

Democracy and Republic not the same 4-2-4

democracy is a military establishment 62-17-8

democracy is continuation of the feudal system 36-5-7

democracy is simply military law 36-5-2

democracy just another name for communism 55-8-8

democracy put into effect in 1933, not republic 27-3-4

democracy versus republic 27-3-4

Democracy versus Republic, comparison chart 36-4-4

Democracy versus Republic, discussion 62-17-9

democracy, conversion of Republic into democracy, reference 65-4-3

democracy, fed. govt. came up with, through its creation of 14th Amendment citizens 4-4-3

democracy, remaining a, or returning to a republic, discussion 67-11-7

democracy, several events leading up to opening the door for democracy in this country 55-8-7

democracy, United States of America becomes United States, a democracy instead of a republic 46-9-5

demurer and traverse, a study 40-6-5

demurrable, for unincorporated groups, charges are 14-4-2

demurrer and traverse relative to appeal 7-5-4

demurrer and traverse thinking of summary judgment 40-4-3

demurrer and traverse 2-11-3

demurrer and traverse 41-4-9

Demurrer and Traverse 6-10-1

demurrer and traverse, discussion 48-13-9

demurrer and traverse, discussion 60-1-5

Demurrer and Traverse, two methods of responding to the same set of facts 9-2-1

demurrer can eliminate case immediately 14-4-1

demurrer does NOT address minor premise (merits of case), it challenges major premise (the law) 14-4-1

demurrer does raise question of law 1-9-5

demurrer in a criminal case 18-2-2

demurrer in civil and criminal actions 1-9-6

demurrer in civil case uses Rule 12(b)(6) 14-4-1

demurrer in criminal case, plea in abatement or at bar 14-4-1

demurrer is abatement 28-4-4

demurrer is not joining an issue by chinging the subject 60-1-5

demurrer or traverse, answer can be 9-15-2

Demurrer Puts IRS On The Spot 6-1-3

demurrer to order to produce books and records 16-2-1

demurrer to Request for Sanctions, Motion to Strike 25-3-1

demurrer versus traverse 6-12-6

demurrer 12-2-6

demurrer 14-3-4

demurrer 14-5-5

demurrer, a Motion to Dismiss is, for Complaint 19-6-2

demurrer, a Motion to Quash is, for Indictment 19-6-2

demurrer, a perfect one 16-9-1

demurrer, a Refusal is, for Citation 19-6-2

demurrer, answering questions a certain way 9-16-4

demurrer, can be ignored in military venue 41-5-5

demurrer, challenge to major premise of law 11-2-2

demurrer, defined 1-10-2

demurrer, defined, what its effect is 13-10-1

demurrer, dilatory plea 42-4-5

demurrer, example is to rebut the presumption by refusal of presentment for cause without dishonor 13-10-1

demurrer, example of 11-10-3

demurrer, example 48-13-5

demurrer, explained by way of example 6-10-6

demurrer, general, defined 1-10-4

demurrer, material issues of fact, none in dispute 14-4-4

demurrer, motion to dismiss is a demurrer, discussion 60-2-6

demurrer, motion to strike is 16-3-3

demurrer, non assumpsit 2-14-5

demurrer, not responded to, so all parties agree 11-3-2

demurrer, not traverse 48-13-7

demurrer, perfect 19-2-6

demurrer, see procedure table 58-12-5

demurrer, special, defined 1-10-4

demurrer, step 3 of 5 step procedure 43-7-3

demurrer, that says “apply the law to me” 9-13-4

demurrer, traverse, reference 61-5-8

Demurrer/ Traverse, reference 46-1-3

demurrers must be made prior to pleading for the purpose of challenging jurisdiction 19-6-4

Demurrersville Court Talk, article 46-1-1

demurring versus traversing 2-7-2

denial of averments in pleading, general 15-2-3

denial of averments, blanket, no such thing 15-2-3

denial, blanket, same as no defense 15-2-4

Denver seminar discussion 39-4-4

Department of Justice, flow chart of money in 46-18-1

Department of the Treasury does not include the IRS or the BATF, according to Title 31 USC organization 25-10-2

Department of the Treasury, organization of 25-10-1

Department of Transportation, federal, limited to commerce 36-6-6

departments are entities of government that operate 28-14-5

departments of government are de jure, branches are de facto 28-16-1

departments of government, there are no independent, all are advisory branches to president 46-9-5

departments versus branches of government 28-16-1

depositions or hearings, IRS would not show up for 28-2-4

Depositum Declaration – Apriori Notice to All Members, article 65-1-1

depositum declaration for bailment, discussion 65-1-8

depositum declaration, copy of is evidence of your venue 68-3-6

Depositum Declaration, instructions for filing 65-2-8

Depositum declaration, reference 66-7-2

Depositum Declaration, text of 65-3-1

Depositum for Bailment, reference 65-4-3

depositum of the res, placing your property under bailment in a trust, reference 62-6-3

depression, presidents guide country into depression, war and loss of national sovereignty 37-13-2

derivative evidence and fruits therefrom 39-7-6

derivative evidence, defined 33-4-8

detainees, pre-trial, punishment of 28-6-2

Detainer, Forcible Entry and, or Unlawful 25-4-6

detainer, unlawful 5-17-2

Detinue, common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

development, department of, in Ohio, zoning reference 54-8-5

Devil, legend about, 9-15-5

devil, reference in parable 39-11-5

dietitians attach Churches in Colorado 29-16-4

dilatory plea, see procedure table 58-12-5

dilatory plea, step 3 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

Dilatory Pleas in Abatement 28-3-2

dilatory pleas, list 42-4-5

diligence, lack of 14-16-2

direct attack of judgment 9-10-5

direct examination, discussion in trial procedure 68-6-7

direct examination, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-8

direct tax, mandatory tax on income would be 6-6-5

direct taxation only authorized by apportionment 6-4-6

direct taxes must be apportioned 13-11-4

direct taxes, defined 3-8-4

direct testimony versus cross examination 68-7-5

directive regulations are voluntary, may be ignored 5-12-3

director of legislative service commission, in chain of approval of administrative procedures, reference 67-3-2

disability, imputed, reference 65-9-3

disability, legal, parens patriae, defined, state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability 15-5-5

disarmament, defined by government in USC 15-15-3

disarmament, treaties which do not bind the people 18-12-5

discharge mortgage by 2nd note, having no interest 12-17-1

discharge occurs if tender of payment is refused, UCC 3-603 12-15-3

discharge of a mortgage with a promissory note 9-3-1

discharge of debt by using promissory notes, discussion 64-6-5

discharge of debt procedure 17-3-1

discharge of debt, foreclosure attempt follows 11-16-3

discharge of note 7-12-5

discharge of promissory note that is coupled with statute staple discharges attached conditions as well 60-14-1

discharge of taxes through bankruptcy, difficulties 37-2-6

discharge, defined 12-15-4

discharged debt still exists, though divested of its legal obligation 41-18-2

discharged, debt not extinguished unless “paid”, just 12-13-4

discharged, debt was, bank seeks double payments 25-7-2

discharging a debt instead of paying a debt 11-11-5

discharging a debt with a CMO 17-2-1

discharging an obligation, discussion 58-12-2

discharging debt with note, lawyer won’t handle 8-13-1

discharging the underlying contract 51-2-6

Disciplinary Rule 7-102(b), attorney must notice client and court of fraud 4-10-2

Disciplinary Rules are mandatory 30-12-9

Disciplinary Rules, lawyers with knowledge of violation must report them 30-13-1

disclaimer, need for, we are not practicing law 54-12-5

disclaimer, suggestion for content 43-17-3

disclosure of conditions of contract, not given by government 45-3-5

disclosure, contract, not capable, without disclosure 39-3-4

disclosure, full, on contract, reference 54-3-2

disclosure, lack of proper by grocery store 39-17-2

disclosure, none at time of signing security 45-5-4

disclosure, regarding oath 2-7-5

disclosure, without, contract is impossible 39-3-3

discounting, insurance, in hospital field, increases total bill paid by insured 41-10-5

discovery as to nature and cause, see procedure table 58-12-5

discovery, being careful to avoid in Bill of Particulars 48-8-8

Discovery, court flow chart 10-6-2

discovery, pre-plea 42-4-4

discretion of judges 3-4-2

discretion of officers executing warrant is limited 39-8-4

discretion, abuse of, fines imposed without consideration of ability to pay is 28-12-2

discretionary authority of government officials 28-5-3

discretionary functions qualified for immunity 22-8-2

discretionary functions, did govt officials perform 13-7-3

Discretionary Review petition to Court of Criminal Appeals 39-7-8

discrimination, not being a “preferred customer” 39-16-7

disease from Gulf War Syndrome communicable 38-16-8

dishonor (failure to answer) discredits presumption 13-10-2

dishonor equivalent to plea 22-15-6

dishonor, agreement by, acquiescence, and default 11-5-3

dishonor, example of 13-4-3

dishonor, imperative to understand dishonor 36-3-3

dishonor, plea of not guilty is a 22-15-6

dishonor, UCC, admissions thereof 36-3-5

dismiss on failure to state a claim 5-3-3

dismiss or quash, motion to, equivalent to refusal 22-15-6

dismiss, motion to dismiss is a demurrer, discussion 60-2-6

dismiss, motion to dismiss, prosecution failed to meet burden of proof, discussion 68-9-8

dismissal based upon refusal, court order of 23-1-1

dismissal of case refused for fraud 38-2-9

dismissal of case, discussion 60-3-5

dismissal, moved for by government 16-2-1

dismissed, case was, for lack of oaths of office 24-16-5

dismissed, cases using Szafranski paperwork 21-13-6

dismissed, suit that cannot be 39-5-2

dismissing your Constitutional Court case, cannot happen 39-6-2

dispositive motion is invitation for Plaintiff to volunteer into another jurisdiction 39-6-2

dispositive motion is separate suit from Constitutional Court 39-6-1

dispositive motion, step in a civil law suit, discussion 60-2-4

dispositive motions cannot be brought in Constitutional Court created by suit of the sovereign 39-6-1

dispositive motions refused for fraud 38-2-8

dispositive motions, (12)(b)(6), plea in abatement 14-4-1

dispositive motions, article 60-1-4

Dispositive Motions, faced with 49-1-2

dispositive motions, fraud, Dave Miller style 31-9-7

dispositive motions, not allowed by government in a pleading to a Notice of Lien, because you are not the plaintiff, you are the defendant 51-12-5

dispositive motions, overcoming 26-4-2

dispositive motions, striking them 16-3-3

dispositive motions, to dispose of case, like Summary Judgment 40-4-3

disseisee, right of, reference 41-16-7

dissension inevitable from corporate limited liability 15-11-5

dissolution of society v. dissolution of government 26-11-1

dissolved, Constitutional governments of states and America have been dissolved 27-3-1

dissolved, government is when legislature acts contrary to trust 27-3-4

distraint warrant execution, tax levy requires 31-3-8

Distraint Warrant 3-19-2

distraint, reference 62-12-4

distraint, warrant for distraint is necessary to constitute a levy 61-2-8

distraint, warrant of, from the IRS, discussion 58-10-2

distress, instrument to cause seizure of property or assets 58-7-3

distress, is a legal claim reduced to writing ordering the seizure of property for enforcement of some specific performance 58-7-6

distress, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

distributions to CBI holders 31-7-2

distributors of Right Way 39-2-4

district attorney must charge criminal offense, not court clerk 19-2-2

District Court of Claims, D.C., Article Three court. 3-13-1

district court of the United States versus United States District Court, caption 40-18-3

district court of the United States versus United States District Court, discussion 40-18-3

district court of the United States, caption 40-18-1

district court of the United States, discussion 40-18-4

district court of United States describes an Article III, Sec. I court 36-12-4

district courts, reference 66-17-9

District of Columbia is on private property 55-8-8

District of Columbia passes Driver’s License law 4-7-3

District of Columbia, a separate sovereign with no authority over the sovereigns of the states 22-4-5

District of Columbia, documents under a treaty with 5-3-3

District of Columbia, federal, presumption you are part of 39-4-8

District of Columbia, incorporated, creation of government for, discussion 55-4-5

District of Columbia, jurisdiction of, presumed disability 27-6-5

District of Columbia, known as United States, Constitution does not apply (not state) 27-3-1

District of Columbia, new government created for 57-1-3

District of Columbia, new government established for 56-3-1

District of Columbia, no rights to property in 27-6-5

District of Columbia, presumption that you are subject of District of Columbia 58-13-9

District of Columbia, venue of the plantation, discussion 57-2-8

District of Columbia, ward of, liege serf in feudal law 21-9-1

diversity of citizenship 4-10-1

diversity of citizenship, failed to raise 28-14-4

diversity of citizenship, remove case to federal court 5-15-1

DMV refuses to register vehicle titled to trust 27-13-1

Doctor Ives, case of 41-12-2

doctor, Americans are four times as likely to die from a doctor as from a gun 15-12-3

doctrine of relation, backdating events, discussion 62-14-8

doctrine of relation, backdating events, reference 62-14-4

doctrine of remitter, reference 62-14-4

doctrine of substantial compliance 27-11-5

documents filed without support constitute fraud, misrepresentation and libel 3-6-3

documents of our land, Magna Carta, two Virginia Resolves, Declaration of Independence, Constitution 28-16-3

documents, production of, demanded from IRS 37-16-2

dollar is just a piece of paper 37-13-3

dollars, every American dollar in the entire world is earning daily interest for the banks that created them 39-13-2

Dolly Madison in the White House 7-14-2

Dolus Bonus, “justifiable deceit”, definition 62-6-4

Dolus Malus, definition 62-6-4

Dolus, definition, deceit 62-6-4

domestic enemies have ruined our courts with judges that make laws by the seat of their pants 48-14-3

domestic trust, on disk in package 31-7-1

dominion over land, scriptural mandate 41-3-2

dominion, renounced, transfers to state 41-3-5

Donald’s case 68-5-1

double contracts, based on one transaction 51-2-5

double contracts, two transactions 53-1-2

DR 7 - 102 violation, attorney using misrepresentation to collect debt on behalf of principle 7-4-2

DR 7 - 102, fraud, not fixed, makes attorney liable 5-2-5

Dr. Eva Lee Snead 7-13-2

Dr. Eva Lee Snead 8-14-3

draft, debt tendered (by check, draft, money order, promissory note), party has no rights, only obligations 55-2-5

drafts, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

driver’s license application is acting like a slave 16-4-2

driver’s license belongs to State, not you 39-3-2

driver’s license claimed revoked when none exists 8-5-1

Driver’s License is state, SSN is federal 10-4-3

Driver’s License law passed by District of Columbia 4-7-3

driver’s license, “traffic” means commerce 39-3-1

driver’s license, case of “client ID” 22-16-3

driver’s license, contract, breach of by demanding social security numbers and driver’s licenses, subject to suit 55-3-1

driver’s license, creates presumption you are “driver” 3-8-1

Driver’s License, evidence to be brought forth by statutory court that accused is in court’s venue 32-8-8

driver’s license, handling a demand for, discussion 55-2-8

driver’s license, injunction restraining cancellation until Declaratory Judgment is heard 59-12-2

driver’s license, no 5-2-2

driver’s license, none, license plates, none 12-11-5

driver’s license, none, tickets, story 32-13-1

driver’s license, reference 57-2-3

driver’s license, why its in place 11-12-3

driver’s license, you’ve never had one 39-1-3

drivers license and social security number 50-9-2

drivers license consents to private law court 3-12-6

drivers license contract, state is holder in due course 58-10-1

drivers license, bank accounts, utility bills, voting registration, all “uses” of assets of government with correlative duties 56-10-6

drivers license, nonresidents exempt from drivers license in Ohio 42-18-2

driving is a commercial term 6-11-3

driving under a suspended license 14-12-2

driving without a license 25-5-3

driving without a license 5-3-2

driving your car, in violation of the King’s interest under a constructive trust 45-4-1

driving, statute staple, discussion 53-1-3

DRs, fraud notice, counsel corrects or loses immunity 11-5-1

Drug Control, State office on 46-16-8

drug officers named in Title 42 suits 13-9-1

Duane’s case 49-12-9

due process administrative hearing from IRS 37-16-1

due process administrative hearing with IRS 40-15-1

due process and equal protection requirements 27-11-2

due process denial 27-17-3

due process denial 27-2-5

due process denied in ex parte hearing 52-14-4

due process is bar to deprivation of rights 19-2-5

due process of law lacking in administrative process 11-9-3

due process of law required to set aside a covenant or a contract 30-2-4

due process of law, denied 3-14-4

due process of law, freedom from process without, reference 58-6-6

due process right violated by county recorder filing liens and levys 24-19-1

due process rights violation 22-12-4

due process violated if Summary Judgment granted based only on conclusions and presumptions 40-5-6

due process violation by agencies, article 58-15-2

due process violation when court enters plea for you 22-12-2

due process violation 33-8-6

due process violation, denial of procedure in which to accomplish a remedy 22-12-6

due process violation, example is damage caused by recorder refusal to file instrument 22-12-6

due process violation, example is denying access to courts 22-12-2

due process violation, example is search, without warrant, and finding something 22-13-1

due process violation, example, traffic stop, asking for ID without probable cause 22-13-1

due process 32-13-8

due process, case sites 21-17-1

due process, damaged party required to prove case under due process of law, discussion 58-13-8

due process, denied under color of law 5-18-1

due process, denied, violates oath of office, grounds for Title 42 suit 29-11-1

due process, deprivation of rights without 18-2-6

due process, discussion 54-7-2

due process, example of 52 traffic citations 21-5-6

due process, families destroyed by terrorists without 28-13-6

due process, has it been denied to me? 35-5-2

due process, in England, different standard for the King (the sovereign) than for the subjects 51-11-8

due process, in jail without 17-5-4

due process, Judge declares not to be violated 15-7-2

due process, lack of, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-6

due process, most powerful right 22-12-5

due process, not clearly defined in Constitution, but it is clearly defined in the laws of England 51-11-8

due process, presumption is not 40-4-8

due process, the only right you have 21-5-5

due process, unlawful arrest without a warrant, without exigent circumstances and without due process, example 60-5-7

dueling, one form of “on street” remedy 58-3-4

dur process violation, discussion of serving notice regarding 50-17-5

duress and threat, discussion 56-8-9

duress, agreement signed under 33-6-5

duress, misnomer, mistake, fraud, and unconscionable contract, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

duress, misnomer, mistake, fraud, and unconscionable contract, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

duress, then no contract 43-1-5

duress, threat, coercion, then no contract 43-2-4

duties of all of the state public officials, researching 42-5-5

duties of states as things, no duties of states as places 51-6-2

East India Company holding title to land in North Carolina 42-2-9

easy nature, contrasted with amiability 2-15-2

eats up judges and lawyers along the way! David Miller Title 42 suits, like a judicial pac man that 30-4-9

ecclesiastical courts ought to use grand jury 20-3-1

economic policies of nations, subversion of by IRS 11-11-2

economy, controlling human race through its 11-11-2

economy, converted from public substance money to private debt based “money” 11-12-1

Ed Collins case 11-19-2

Ed Collins case 1-4-3

Ed Wagner 11-7-5

Ed’s case 39-7-5

Eddie Kahn, article 29-3-1

Eddie Kahn, IRS has no implementing regulations 33-2-7

Eddie Kahn, phone number for him in Florida 29-4-2

editors, relationship between government, editors and reporters 63-5-5

education system, public, breaking up families 8-9-6

Education, The High Cost of, article 28-15-1

effectively connect with trade or business, IRS 40-15-3

effectively connected income 21-9-4

effectively connected transactions, a list of 16-12-4

effectively connected with trade or business in US 44-15-3

effectively connected with trade or business in US 44-15-4

effectively connected, anything that includes IMF debt/credit, i.e. FRNs, checks, money orders, even if you are a non-resident alien 16-11-3

effectively connected, income, with U.S. trade/business 6-4-3

egg in glass of tap water 2-16-5

Egypt, Israel subjected to slavery in Egypt, illustration of process of slavery from biblical references 61-7-4

ejectment necessary to obtain possession rights 7-13-1

Ejectment, common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

ejectment, law action determining who has the best title 51-2-7

ejectment, see procedure table 58-12-5

elected judge, you can have, instead of a pro tem judge or commissioner 29-5-3

elements, necessary, every complaint has necessary elements in order to fully state a claim 60-6-7

Elvin Hanson case 9-6-3

Elvin wins $25 billion judgment against Bank of America, Federal Judges, States, Federal prison, etc. 9-8-3

e-mail address for Right Way 41-7-1

e-mail address on compuserve 40-7-1

e-mail address, compuserve, for Right Way 39-15-1

email address, Right Way Members Only 49-18-3

email discussion group for Right Way members only 46-11-4

e-mail discussion group for Right Way 50-7-1

email for Right Way members ONLY! 48-11-2

e-mail for Right Way 45-7-1

Email Info - a great way to research!, article 46-14-1

Emancipation Proclamation, freed only slaves of rebels 28-17-3

emergencies are Municipal law, totally voluntary 8-9-1

emergencies, federal, only apply to D.C., shadow states 8-8-6

emergency legislation, report in 1973 16-6-6

emergency, after, then Republic restored 2-6-5

emergency, Constitution suspended as a civil document because of state of emergency, reference 46-9-2

emergency, is political decision, not judicial 16-10-2

emergency, United Nations claims jurisdiction under 2-7-1

emergency, who has authority, agents and principles 27-7-1

emission testing is multi-million dollar business 38-9-7

emission testing of cars, confiscation 38-8-2

emission testing violate Ohio constitution 38-12-5

emission testing, is it a scam? 38-9-5

Emmett’s case 41-1-1

employed, hospital bills, grants available for unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

employee explained for Title 26, works for U.S. govt 6-7-1

employee guidelines, federal, not incorporated in contract 55-3-2

employee/employer misinformation 14-7-2

employer explained for Title 26 as U.S. govt 6-7-1

employment agreement with federal government 3-9-2

employment terms, U.S. govt sets, like any employer 6-6-5

employment, government, law prohibiting government employment of disloyal persons 35-11-4

employment, presumption of being a taxpayer in situation of employment 49-1-5

enabling acts of State Constitution 40-8-9

enact, State codes not duly enacted, reference 65-5-2

End Vision, a magazine 6-15-5

Endeavor, The, an educational tool, monthly publication 28-14-1

enemies of US, citizens declared by govt, in 1933 27-3-4

enemies, three positions for people in a war 16-4-3

enemy of the foreign entity at war with the UNITED STATES, the man on the land 56-2-5

enforceable, voluntary consent required for statutes to be enforceable if there are no implementing regulations 46-4-2

enforcement authority of IRS, only pertains to ATF 5-13-3

enforcement of security interest 7-3-6

enforcement of unconstitutional statute is illegal and without immunity for official 65-6-3

English Americans, article 46-8-8

enrichment, unjust, discussion related to quasi contract 56-10-5

entering the bar voluntarily would be a trespass on the bifurcated system of law 68-4-5

entry, unannounced, absent exigent circumstances is illegal 33-5-4

environmental protection agency, in Ohio, discussion related to zoning 54-8-5

environmental protection agency, in Ohio, zoning reference 54-8-5

environmental protection agency, relation to health department and zoning department 55-6-2

environmental protection agency, state, may be linked to the health department and the zoning department 52-6-8

Envirotest, Arizona company making emission test equipment 38-9-7

EPA ratings questioned by main stream media 38-10-8

EPA, getting out from under 30-8-1

epidemics in Europe ended without vaccine 8-17-1

Equal Access to Justice Act 24-9-3

equal protection and due process requirements 27-11-2

equal protection denial 27-17-3

equal protection denial 27-2-5

equal protection of law for felony and misdemeanor 19-4-2

equal protection of law violated by county recorder filing liens and levys 24-19-1

equal protection of the law 32-13-8

equal protection, denied, violates oath of office, grounds for Title 42 suit 29-11-1

equitable interest and possessory interest 25-4-6

equitable title only, holder of lawful money has legal and equitable title to substance, not equitable possession 11-13-3

equitable title, Bill of Sale shows evidence of conveyance of legal and equitable title 68-4-1

equitable title, legal definition 41-16-8

equity jurisdiction, another name for chancery court 45-2-9

equity law compels performance 10-2-2

equity law has no criminal penalty 10-2-2

equity trial, but face admiralty punishment 10-2-4

Equity, all laws by Congress are under 10-2-3

equity, common law, admiralty, distinguishing them 66-2-9

equity, contract related to law action and equity action 49-2-7

equity, evidence of is in the procedure 45-3-1

equity, if anyone wants equity, they must first wash their hands “in law”, reference 58-14-4

equity, law action converted by court to equity action, example 49-2-8

equity, statutory jurisdiction discussed, combination of admiralty, equity and common law 45-2-8

equity, the path to common law is by equity through counter claim to admiralty in international law 59-8-3

Equity, traffic case, looked at by King’s court as combination of Admiralty, Equity, and Common Law proceeding 45-4-8

equity, writ of statutory equity versus writ of right 50-9-7

Erie Railroad case 4-6-5

Erie Railroad v. Thompkins 10-2-3

error and misunderstanding commonplace in law 30-5-8

error by court for failure to determine ability to pay 28-13-1

errors, Judgment Entries usually contain three elements, deliberate errors, out-and-out lies, and truth 43-6-7

escaping custody, leaving when under arrest, discussion 68-12-7

escheat to the state, reference 62-18-1

escheat, reference 54-2-1

escrow account in support of billing objection 39-2-8

esquire, George Washington refusing letters addressed to him as esquire 63-11-8

establishment, legal definition, in relation to US Post Office 40-12-8

estate accretions not includible in gross income 6-6-5

estate and trust synonymous with property 6-4-6

estate determined the status of the owner in England, discussion 66-2-4

estate, foreign, in income tax laws 6-4-5

estoppel by contract, definition and discussion 56-10-8

Estoppel by Silence, reference 65-8-3

estoppel of action upon fraudulent tax lien 4-19-2

estoppel 14-4-6

estoppel, collateral, from commercial paper into common law venue 32-9-2

estoppel, collateral, notice causes 1-2-3

estoppels distinguished from fictions, discussion 58-13-5

ethical obligations of lawyers when they make a big mistake 62-5-5

ethics commission, example of agency research described 67-5-3

ethics violations on part of insurers and the insured 41-9-1

ethics, attorneys involved in unethical and illegal behavior 61-11-8

eviction and condemnation of property results from county ordered repairs that owner cannot afford 17-16-6

eviction by force 9-4-5

Eviction notice, refused for cause 9-4-5

eviction of wrong and un-named person, case of 27-11-5

eviction papers for a trespasser? 17-5-2

Eviction, refusal of Notice of 7-13-1

eviction, stopping one with a land claim 44-8-2

evictions, improperly used upon foreclosure 25-4-6

evidence and fruits therefrom derivative 39-7-6

evidence brought outside of pleadings, strike it 16-3-3

evidence must be suppressed as matter of law when officers exceed scope of search warrant 33-8-6

evidence of recorded statements 12-12-4

evidence of your venue, copy of depositum declaration is evidence of your venue 68-3-6

evidence package showing bifurcation of government 66-5-1

evidence resulting from tainted evidence, also tainted 33-5-2

evidence to support a claim, cite 60-7-5

evidence, admissibility of, search and seizure 22-8-2

evidence, clear and convincing standard versus preponderance standard 54-7-5

evidence, is plaintiff entitled to offer evidence 60-3-6

evidence, prosecutor objects to jury seeing 32-13-2

evidence, purpose of 68-3-3

evidence, relevant evidence, discussion 68-7-2

evidence, Rules of Evidence, discussion 68-3-3

evidence, study of, article 54-6-5

evidence, suppression of exculpatory 38-17-8

evidence, validation of non existant or unvalidatable evidence via arraignment 43-2-4

evidentiary rules 12-12-4

ex parte communications 30-12-6

ex parte in denial of due process 52-14-4

ex parte, hearing 4-9-1

ex parte, no service necessary or appropriate 50-9-4

ex rel, meaning and discussion 50-9-8

examination, cross examination versus direct testimony 68-7-5

examination, debtor’s examination, discussion 64-9-3

example form, refusal for cause 14-17-2

example of constructive fraud 13-5-3

example of dishonor 13-4-3

example of fraud in the factum 13-5-3

example of international law, fraud under 13-5-4

example, demurrer, example is to rebut the presumption by refusal of presentment for cause without dishonor 13-10-1

example, fraud, material 13-5-3

example, letters of marque and reprisal, fraud under 13-5-4

exception, discussion in trial procedure 68-6-9

excessive force 28-6-2

exchange and barter, discussion of system before money 48-1-3

exchange, one way to convey property 24-4-5

Exchecquer of the Crown of England, payments required by treaty, reference 62-5-2

Exchequer, Court of, English common law court 51-11-8

excise tax refused, now no longer has to pay it 19-14-6

exclusionary rule reform, H.R. 666 22-8-1

exculpatory evidence, suppression of 38-17-8

excusable neglect, carelessness and negligence not included 27-11-3

excusable neglect, factors to consider 27-11-2

excusable neglect, timeliness of response may be extended for, legal citations 27-11-1

execution of judgment on Motion for Default 38-2-4

execution of judgment, remedy for, Small Claims Court 9-10-2

execution on a judgment 9-10-4

execution, social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

executioner, prosecutor, judge and jury at same time 48-14-2

executive court is martial law 1-6-6

executive Judge 2-7-6

executive offices are federal agencies, see discussion 67-2-9

executive order, 1st one by Lincoln, based on emergency 28-16-1

executive orders now in effect, a list 18-14-1

executive orders, how they take over country, in the name of national defense 18-14-2

exempt, nonresidents exempt from drivers license in Ohio 42-18-2

exemptions to attachment of funds at pre-judgment and post-judgment 43-10-5

exhaust administrative remedies 2-2-4

exhausting all administrative remedies, discussion 65-1-9

exhausting all state remedies 19-4-2

exhausting remedies, language in Writ of Habeas Corpus 49-13-3

exhausting remedies, reference 58-12-2

exhibits, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

exhibits, discussion in trial procedure 68-8-2

exigent circumstances 22-8-5

exigent circumstances, absent, unannounced entry, is illegal 33-5-4

exigent circumstances, enemy has no standing in courts during war or exigent circumstances 56-1-6

exigent circumstances, unlawful arrest without a warrant, without exigent circumstances and without due process, example 60-5-7

expansion of time for filing, as excusable neglect 27-11-1

ex-patriate from US to UN, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Attorney General, all have to hold office 27-4-3

expatriation and Immigration and Naturalization Act 50-6-7

Expatriation, A New Look at, article 50-6-2

expert witness testimony, reference 68-7-3

experts contributing materials to Right Way 23-2-5

expressly, legal definition 25-8-1

extortion, connected to traffic ticket 33-9-9

extortion, in traffic ticket 32-6-2

extortion, reference in affidavit 64-5-5

extrajudicial authority has no coercive power 7-5-6

extrinsic, fraud, extrinsic and intrinsic, discussed 44-6-3

F.D.R. invites governers to D.C. in 1933 42-2-6

FACE case, Federal Abortion Clinic decision 35-10-1

fact and law, discussion 50-11-2

facts depend upon presumptions 6-12-3

facts, arguing these automatically agrees to law 6-13-1

facts, brought by rules, brought by Codes 29-11-3

facts, do not argue, instead demurrer 9-13-4

facts, none, to support affirmative defense 12-12-2

facts, testifying about facts is the function of a witness, not of a lawyer 56-13-7

factual specificity, cure the defect, discussion 60-5-1

failed to state a claim 12-2-4

failed, legal term to be rebutted with demurrer 6-11-2

fails to state a claim, defined 15-2-2

fails to state claim upon which relief can be granted 9-13-4

failure to appear, bill of particulars for contempt or failure to appear 46-13-4

failure to comply, none if no requirement to comply 6-11-2

failure to display validation sticker, traffic case, reference 68-1-5

failure to file or pay taxes 9-2-2

failure to file state taxes 13-3-3

failure to object timely, often within 10 days, waives rights to appeal facts or law 27-11-5

failure to prosecute, case dismissed 11-8-2

failure to state a claim 12-11-6

failure to state a claim 28-5-3

failure to state a claim 9-15-1

failure to state a claim, dismissed for 30-1-2

failure to state a claim, does prosecution failure to answer Bill of Particulars constitute a 48-13-6

Fair Credit Billing Act 43-12-5

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 11-2-6

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, court violation 12-9-2

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act 7-3-2

Fair Debt Credit Collections Act, IRS 40-15-5

fairness is the only basis for a change of venue 60-12-4

faith, defined and discussed 50-1-7

false advertising by lawyers 30-13-2

false arrest 27-2-1

false arrest 33-12-4

false arrest 33-13-2

false arrest, sued for 33-13-6

false belief based upon presumption 14-11-5

false belief scheme of income tax 14-7-3

false claims act, fraud actionable under 46-17-8

false claims of money from government, actionable 40-2-5

false claims submitting by CPS to get federal money 40-2-8

false representation regarding debt, list of kinds 7-4-2

false statements into a public record, reference in affidavit 64-5-4

false statements violate professional conduct rules 39-9-4

families and citizens abused 27-17-3

families destroyed by terrorists without due process 28-13-6

families licensed by State marriage license 57-2-5

families, students asked many intimate and revealing questions regarding practices and customs of 14-13-3

Family Court Services, research topics, reference 62-6-6

family fights against Child Protective Services 27-14-1

Family Involvement Act of 1993 8-6-6

family life, civil rights involving 27-2-3

family name, reference 43-1-4

family needs assessed by federal government 8-7-6

family, rights infringed by govt agencies 27-17-6

father custody cases, successful representation by an Arizona attorney, story 50-3-2

father’s rights as to their family 27-2-3

fathers’ rights activists, reference 60-19-7

fault and default on a Demand for a Bill of Particulars in a traffic case 49-21-1

fault, reference 65-8-2

fault, seven point affidavits, faults and defaults 64-1-2

fax number at Right Way 64-4-2

fax number for Right Way fax on demand service 37-13-9

fax on demand at Right Way, phone number 45-3-1

fax on demand number for Right Way 41-3-1

fax on demand phone number for Right Way 38-3-1

fax on demand service from Right Way 37-13-9

fax on demand, Right Way phone number 42-3-1

fax on demand, Right Way phone number 43-3-1

fax on demand, Right Way, number, info 39-3-1

fax phone number for Right Way 61-5-3

fax phone number for Right Way, new 63-4-2

fax telephone number for Right Way 62-5-3

fax, filings acceptable by, in some cases 29-2-4

FBI, administrative agency created under the Presidential directive of a feudal, military, democratic style Greek government, not created by an act of Congress 56-16-2

FDIC foreclosing on paid-up home mortgages 49-7-9

FDIC working in secret 49-20-5

FDIC, conspiracy, nature of described 49-11-1

FDIC, pays bank during foreclosure if mortgage payments stop 39-12-8

FDIC, three ways of bank salvage, “payoff”, “sell off”, “bailout” 49-11-5

fear makes people susceptible to fraud and deception 41-9-2

Fear, Dealing with, article 44-13-2

fearful, as defined in New Testament 44-13-4

fed. govt. came up with democracy through its creation of 14th Amendment citizens 4-4-3

Federal Administrative Regulations, researching 6-8-2

federal agencies, state agencies are actually federal agencies 67-2-8

federal agents make use of city jail 9-16-3

federal agents storm construction site 9-1-2

federal area, related to address and Buck Act 61-10-9

federal bankruptcy, UCC is law that governs 36-2-6

federal citizen versus de jure state citizen 4-8-3

federal civil trial, anatomy of 12-14-1

federal corporation, US is, 28 USC 3002 (15) 49-22-1

federal court has no right to interfere in a state’s decision, discussion 48-17-4

federal court not common law court 2-11-4

federal crimes only apply to federal citizens and federal government employees 5-8-2

Federal Crop Insurance Corp. v. Merrill 13-11-1

federal Department of Transportation, limited to commerce 36-6-6

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, story 49-7-9

Federal Depository 7-7-6

Federal District Courts do not rule on subject matter, they rule on procedure 32-13-4

Federal Express sues US Post Office for false advertising and unfair competition 40-11-1

federal funds flowing into States, flow chart 46-16-5

federal funds, what are they? 54-19-2

Federal Government and States, contract between 57-1-2

federal government, research defining 13-16-1

federal govt, its citizens and residents, bankrupt 11-12-2

Federal Income Tax Act, first, at Civil War 5-6-1

Federal Judges first tax protesters 14-5-6

federal jurisdiction, only over federal zone 35-10-1

Federal Lien Registration Act 11-4-2

Federal Register Act in 1935, reference 48-12-4

Federal Register must contain publication of delegation of authority. If not, only apply to government agency 16-2-3

Federal Register 38-16-1

Federal Register, laws applying to public must be published here 13-10-3

Federal Register, laws not published here only apply to federal government employees 13-10-3

Federal Register, was Title 26 or its Implementing Regulations ever put in Federal Register 16-6-1

Federal Reserve Act approved on Christmas eve 16-4-5

Federal Reserve Act 36-12-9

Federal Reserve Act, meaning of 11-11-6

Federal Reserve Act, passes Christmas Eve 11-11-5

Federal Reserve Act, reference in story of cunning plan to enslave America 61-8-7

Federal Reserve Bank notes, IRS merely has a collection as a “USER” fee for the USE of Federal Reserve Bank notes 49-22-2

Federal Reserve Bank notes, SPECIALLY OBJECTING to the use of, in Claim to Private Labor 49-22-2

Federal Reserve Bank publishes book titled Modern Money Mechanics 30-8-7

Federal Reserve Bank, Congress does not control 19-17-1

Federal Reserve Bank, corrupt institution 42-18-4

Federal Reserve Bank, not subject to Federal, State or local taxes 40-12-7

Federal Reserve Bank, reference to circumstances under which it came into being 65-11-8

Federal Reserve Bank, taxes deposited into 13-4-4

Federal Reserve Bank, United States is obligor/grantor to the Federal Reserve Bank 65-5-2

Federal Reserve Banks, privately controlled 11-12-4

Federal Reserve is not a US government institution 42-18-5

Federal Reserve is privately owned, US does not hold a single share of stock 38-11-3

Federal Reserve Note, Check, Money Order, no substance in 49-2-4

Federal Reserve Note, signatures on 1-8-5

Federal Reserve Notes versus United States Notes 40-16-9

federal reserve notes, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

federal reserve notes, checks, money orders are all debt credit instruments under US bankruptcy 36-12-1

Federal Reserve Notes, fiat notes 37-13-3

Federal Reserve Notes, gold, silver, reference to use of 65-6-1

Federal Reserve Notes, IRS in relation to Checks, Money Orders, Federal Reserve Notes 49-2-8

Federal Reserve Notes, not enough are printed to cover interest on Federal Reserve loan 25-16-3

Federal Reserve Notes, objection to use of 65-6-1

Federal Reserve System description 16-6-2

Federal Reserve 30-3-2

Federal Reserve, an act of terror 41-18-5

Federal Reserve, bank fraud scandal 41-18-1

Federal Reserve, enters picture and changes economic equation 48-2-9

federal reserve, scandal of the 40-13-8

Federal Reserve, since all FRNs are borrowed, every FRN in the world is earning interest for the Fed Res 38-18-9

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 25-18-3

Federal Rules Decisions, on Rules of Court 21-2-5

Federal Rules of Evidence 106 invoked 6-10-6

Federal Rules of Evidence 106 invoked 6-11-2

federal state that claims venue, reference 68-2-5

Federal State versus state, discussion 38-6-6

federal states (like the State of Ohio) 11-11-4

Federal States created by D.C. through Buck Act 4-4-3

FEDERAL STATES, article 46-16-4

federal subject status presumption incorrect 21-12-1

federal territory, not residing in 21-11-6

Federal Tort Claims Act 24-9-2

Federal Trade Commission, reference in relation to US Post Office 40-11-2

federal zone address negates land claim instrument, people in federal zone not qualified to own land 41-16-5

federal zone interpretation of capital “S” State 44-6-2

federal zone, address not in 21-12-2

federal zone, mail addressed into 24-6-3

federal zone, process served into a 15-3-4

federal zone, where person being sued lives 44-3-5

federal, all courts are, discussion, due to federal funding 50-18-3

federal, CAFR mandated by 1982 federal law for every state, county and city 63-6-2

federal, D.O.T.s, difference between federal, state, municipal, city 36-6-6

federal, gold and silver, if a state was a state and not federal, they’d be using 50-18-4

federal, research defining 13-15-5

federal, state, county, city ownership of publicly traded stock exceeds $32 Trillion, 53% of all listed stock! 63-3-3

federal, state, local developmental department interaction 52-7-3

federalism, cooperative federalism, reference 66-14-1

federated state, research defining 13-16-1

fee simple absolute, absolute missing in deeds 41-16-6

fee simple absolute, legal definition 41-16-8

fee simple absolute, reference in claim to private land 41-15-2

fee simple without “absolute” is equitable 41-16-6

fee, Habeas Corpus, writ sought without fee 50-1-5

felon, fleeing, may be shot by police 33-12-3

felonies and misdemeanors, allocution 29-14-4

felonies, tried under both Statutory and Common Law jurisdiction, How can it be both? 10-2-4

felony and misdemeanor, equal protection of law for 19-4-2

felony is a Bill of Attainder 7-6-4

felony, failure to expose is guilty of same felony 30-7-3

felony, knowledge of and not reporting, in affidavit 64-3-3

female, Christian male, females can use term as it is gender neutral 41-16-5

feudal era, dawn of 17-11-6

feudal land laws, our country under 13-13-2

feudal law in England, reference 66-2-7

feudal law, liege serf in, ward of District of Columbia 21-9-1

feudal law, person under, name all caps 15-3-4

feudal parcel, foreigners rights under law of maritime 18-7-3

feudal serf under feudal law 21-8-3

feudal system controlling America today 36-6-2

feudal system, liege men to their liege lord, the US 22-4-4

feudal tenures 26-10-2

feudalism, solution for anarchy 26-10-5

feudalistic system of land records today, origin of 18-5-4

Feudorum Constuetudines 13-13-2

fiat money, defined 37-13-3

fiction of law, contract existing by fiction of law, reference 62-12-5

fiction of law, discussion from Bouvier’s law dictionary 62-13-1

fiction of law, discussion from CJS 62-13-1

fiction of law, nom de guerre is, see article 56-1-6

fiction, a corporation is a fictional person not endowed with inalienable rights, reference 62-17-2

fiction, a legal fiction designed to circumvent the doctrine of sovereign immunity 62-16-8

fiction, a parallel world where claim of ownership exists, complaints filed in admiralty, discussion 59-6-7

fiction, court presumes you are a fiction and that you volunteered to be of that status 58-13-9

fiction, legal definition and discussion 58-13-2

fiction, United States citizenship, reference with fiction of law 62-13-8

fictional international organizations without consent 2-7-2

fictions distinguished from estoppels, discussion 58-13-5

fictions distinguished from presumptions of law, discussion 58-13-5

fictions of law owe their origin to the legislative usurpations of the bench 62-14-2

Fictions of Law, article 62-1-4

fictions under Trust A and Trust B, discussion 58-13-8

fictions, bringing affirmative defenses to attack fictions 58-13-9

fictions, legislature has authority to modify or abolish fictions 62-15-4

fictions, three kinds, positive fictions, negative fictions, and fictions by relation 58-13-8

fictitious name, all capital letters 14-17-2

fictitious name, one in all capital letters or initials 38-5-6

fictitious names distinguished from real names 29-13-5

fictitious names or nom de guerres, capital letters or initials 39-3-2

fictitious names used by all states 29-13-3

fictitious names, legal definition is for the purpose of fraud 29-13-5

fictitious person, corporation, U.S. Citizen, Resident, all artificial person with no rights 43-2-4

fictitious process, reference 41-16-4

fictitious security instrument, reference in affidavit 64-5-3

fiduciaries of Trust B registered and licensed their 14th Amendment subjects 57-2-3

fiduciary duty and contract of bank to depositor 61-2-4

fiduciary of the nom de guerre, you 56-5-3

fiduciary, banks create trust and become fiduciary when they open an account for you 61-1-2

fiduciary, you, the man on the land, are not the fiduciary for the nom de guerre corporation 56-5-1

fiduciary/trustees of public officials, reference 65-5-3

fifth amendment violation compelling you to give evidence to be used against yourself 43-4-6

Fifth Amendment, appeals court says you do not have to answer the IRS 55-9-7

filing a deed with the County Recorder who becomes holder in due course of title to land 54-4-4

filing a tax return, requirement not in Federal Register 33-2-8

Filing of Various Motions, court flow chart 10-6-2

filing originals with the court, never do it, discussion 58-12-2

filing paperwork, anybody can do it 32-4-1

filing requirements, amended 29-2-4

filing, instructions for filing Depositum Declaration 65-2-8

filings, form of court 29-2-4

Final Notice of Amount Due 3-19-2

financial help, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

FINCEN activities violate 4th Amendment rights 3-12-3

FINCEN working with each state, each state has coordinator 2-9-4

FINCEN, address and phone numbers 2-9-4

FINCEN, financial crime enforcement network 3-12-1

FINCEN, over 100 data bases on bank records, criminal suspects, driving records, census data 3-12-2

FINCEN, trial run for world system of control 3-12-3

finding contrasted with conclusion 43-6-6

finding, of fact, legal definition 43-5-9

findings are by evidence 43-6-5

findings without evidence, Judge makes, then lies, hoping litigant would traverse 43-7-9

findings, venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action in a Judgment Entry 43-4-9

fines beyond ability to pay is reversible error 28-12-3

fines imposed without consideration of ability to pay is abuse of discretion 28-12-2

fines, before imposing, ability to pay must be determined 28-12-4

fines, court costs, indigency in Ohio 28-12-1

fines, mandatory required, are suspendable or reducible where indigence or inability to pay exists 28-12-3

fingerprint, web page reference 63-16-8

fingerprints, officers demand, without court order 12-4-1

firearms outlawed on public streets 22-12-4

first amendment, petition for grievances 17-10-5

first class mail, presumptions of law on service by 24-6-3

first hand knowledge, affidavit failed to show 39-7-6

fishing licenses, are there other types 13-7-4

fitness for duty exams in Library of Congress 37-4-9

flag arguments subject to sanction, case list 42-10-2

flag designates a venue 46-9-5

flag does not invoke jurisdiction, merely signifies it 42-9-8

flag does not signify admiralty jurisdiction 42-9-7

flag does signify military jurisdiction 42-9-7

flag has jurisdictional implications 24-10-4

flag in court, is it evidence of a pledge? 50-12-7

flag is evidence of venue the court is sitting in 39-5-5

Flag of Peace, entering bar under 45-1-3

flag of United States, described in Title 4 USC (1 39-5-3

flag rarely seen in schools 100 years ago 40-1-6

flag representing venue, discussion 50-12-4

flag shows venue, not jurisdiction 42-11-4

flag, gold fringed, discussed 50-11-2

flag, jurisdiction comes to the court, not by a flag, but by a pleading 39-5-7

flag, military, flying in court 38-5-8

flag, Pledge of Allegiance spawned by campaign to sell American flags to 26,000 schools 40-8-1

Flag, Pledge to that, article 40-1-1

flag, president’s, in all public buildings 46-9-5

flag, symbol of authority and power 24-11-1

flag, U.S. Attorney General opinion 42-10-2

flags, article, What About All These Flags 42-9-4

flammy-doowah, reference 41-6-4

fleeing or resisting arrest, right of police officer to shoot and kill, when suspect is 33-12-3

flow chart of money in Department of Justice 46-18-1

fluoridation of water supplies 7-13-4

flying without identification, article 49-3-5

FOIA and Open Records Act of state 50-17-4

FOIA and Privacy Act, reference 48-12-7

FOIA governs federal open records requirements 67-4-7

FOIA request, example 26-19-1

FOIA the IRS 15-17-6

FOIA to hospital about grant programs available for unemployed people without insurance 54-19-1

FOIA, discussion 67-4-8

FOIA, nature of questions is important, discussion 50-17-9

FOIA, place where it fits into story 46-4-8

FOIA, point by point from statutes 46-17-8

FOIA, refusals of government to produce documents 54-14-9

FOIA, steps to take if the answer is late 50-17-6

FOIA, steps to take if they refuse to answer 50-17-5

FOIA, substance of, discussion 50-17-8

FOIA, used to see federal money flow 46-17-3

FOIA, using it to investigate attorneys, reference 62-6-6

FOIA/PA, reference regarding agencies 58-17-5

fool has a lawyer to do his bidding 4-2-2

force and fraud use by corporate limiting of liability 15-11-4

force, appearance, other than by force, grants subject matter jurisdiction 28-3-5

force, if you were forcibly removed from your house, you still have possession rights to the property 51-2-8

Forcible Entry and Detainer predicated only on possession rights, not title 4-9-2

Forcible Entry And Detainer statutes 4-8-6

forcible entry and detainer suits 42-3-4

Forcible Entry and Detainer 25-4-6

Forcible Entry and Detainer, Small Claims Court has jurisdiction 9-10-3

foreclosure action, refusal for cause in 7-4-4

foreclosure buyer only becomes new lienholder 7-12-6

foreclosure in spite of debt being discharged by CMO 11-9-2

foreclosure is Admiralty procedure 29-7-2

foreclosure letter 30-16-2

foreclosure on a debt that had been discharged 17-2-1

foreclosure on a mortgage 12-17-4

foreclosure sale, sheriff not selling legal title 12-17-5

foreclosure threatened, bankruptcy may be option 37-2-6

foreclosure 2-2-3

foreclosure, asking for the note back after 37-7-9

foreclosure, bank not damaged party with standing to bring a foreclosure case 31-5-8

foreclosure, case story 44-8-7

foreclosure, improper evictions 25-4-6

foreclosure, instrument documenting cause of action is forgery 26-3-6

foreclosure, notifying everyone of your land claim 41-16-3

foreclosure, on mortgage with no signature 26-5-6

foreclosure, only US sold its rights, not owner 17-3-6

foreclosure, pig farm example 19-8-3

foreclosure, reference in table 57-2-1

foreclosure, story of case of 41-1-1

foreclosure, what rights are you purchasing when you buy property in a foreclosure sale, caveat emptor 58-8-1

forefathers, their vision has been clouded, pushed back 7-2-1

foreign agent registration, does tax collector have 13-4-4

foreign agent under Title 22 USC 13-5-5

foreign agent, to have status to bring suit, must be registered with Secretary of state and the U.S. 13-5-5

Foreign Agents Registration Statement required for all attorneys, Judges 19-7-2

Foreign Agents Registration, IRS 40-15-5

foreign authority, municipal court judge sits under 3-12-4

foreign corporation, no business presence, cannot be served with process 15-3-3

foreign country, defined in Title 26 regulations 6-5-3

foreign courts 6-3-1

Foreign estate or trust, 7701(a)(31) 14-7-4

foreign estate, in income tax laws 6-4-5

foreign income 14-7-6

foreign investment opposed in India 37-10-4

foreign judgment, collateral attack of, proper grounds for 44-5-9

foreign judgment, enforcing one 44-4-5

Foreign Judgments Act, Uniform Enforcement of 44-4-8

foreign judgments, principles limiting relief, fraud, void, satisfaction 44-6-3

foreign law, silent judicial notice 2-6-6

foreign power, people delivered over to, by leaders 27-3-3

foreign registration statement, tax collector must have on hand 13-6-1

foreign sovereign immunities act, place in procedure, discussion 58-12-3

foreign State, W2 form indicates residence in 13-3-3

foreign takeover, one method of dissolving govt 27-6-1

foreign trust, in income tax laws 6-4-5

forfeiture laws are like letting burglars write the laws on breaking-and-entering 63-8-7

Forfeiture Laws, article, Dangerous Expansion of Forfeiture Laws 63-7-7

forfeiture of office by Judge 8-18-2

forfeiture, a forfeiture proceeding is in rem 62-15-9

forfeiture, federal agents can confiscate private property with no court order and no proof of legal violations 63-7-8

forfeiture, nature of proceedings is in rem 42-14-2

forged license plate, felony charge 12-7-3

Form 4029, Medicade/Medicare 39-2-5

Form 990 Tax Return of so-called charitable institutions 62-6-6

form and substance, sham proceedings 25-9-3

form of court filings 29-2-4

form v. substance, gold v. paper entry 16-6-3

Form vs. Substance 14-9-1

form, affidavit check sheet, definition of signature 21-18-1

form, affidavit of Attorney in Fact 67-17-3

form, Affidavit of Notorious Declaration, Retraction 17-19-1

form, affidavit, appelation not on paperwork 39-18-1

form, Black’s Law Dictionary definition 14-9-1

form, but no substance, warrant has 22-7-1

form, Claim to Private Labor Exchange 49-22-1

form, Claim to Private Land Rights 41-15-1

form, Constructive Notice and Demand 29-19-1

form, letter to attorney who dishonored discharge 27-19-1

form, Letter to County Recorder 24-19-1

form, Motion for Instant Hearing 50-19-7

form, Motion to Compel, separate counsel, in Title 42 suits 61-17-1

form, Motion to Dismiss Defendants Motion to Dismiss 60-6-1

form, Order for Issuance of Writ of Habeas 50-19-8

form, Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus 50-19-1

form, private administrative notice and request for hearing 44-18-1

form, Private Request for Information from insurance policy officials 48-18-1

form, private request for information, from an agency 67-7-1

form, proper court caption for case in law 40-18-1

form, Refusal For Cause Without Dishonor 16-19-1

form, refusal for cause without dishonor, example 22-19-1

form, refusal letter of telephone tax 26-2-4

form, Request for Information 45-14-4

form, request for surety bonds and surety agents 20-19-1

form, Return of Service 46-14-4

form, summons 40-18-2

Forma Pauperis affidavit 15-8-5

forma pauperous, costs nothing to file 2-5-6

Fort Knox, reference 40-16-6

forty day time limit for Writ of Certiorari 2-14-4

foundational documents forming and controlling our government, reference 68-1-3

four categories of learning (science projects) 2-16-2

four corners agreement, discussion 55-3-1

fourteenth Amendment, reference in story of cunning plan to enslave America 61-8-7

Fourth Amendment describes valid warrant 17-13-4

Fourth Amendment requires particularity of description of search warrant to prevent rummaging 33-7-4

Fourth Amendment, reference, arrest, investigation 39-8-2

fractional reserve banking, a diagram 30-9-1

Fran’s case 45-13-5

franchise and monopoly, cross reference to license 46-7-1

Francis Bellamy, socialist that created Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, purpose was to sell flags! 40-1-5

Frank Kowalik article 14-5-5

Frank Kowalik case 8-4-3

Frank Kowalik 13-8-5

Frank Kowalik 3-7-1

Frank Kowalik 6-3-2

Frank Triola, case of 53-5-7

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal 10-2-2

fraud … by judgment of a court … does not remove the taint of illegality, reference 65-7-1

fraud accepted by bank, which forecloses 11-8-5

fraud and constructive fraud 22-19-2

fraud and deception, fear makes people susceptible to 41-9-2

fraud and force use by corporate limiting of liability 15-11-4

fraud and usurpation by devil, reference in parable 39-11-5

fraud breaks Rules of Professional Conduct 19-9-2

fraud by attorney, license to practice law non-existent 17-8-3

fraud by bank case, example for use of Declaratory Judgment 31-4-7

fraud by bank 30-16-2

fraud by banks 38-19-4

fraud by banks, a book on 26-3-4

fraud by client, attorney shall not be involved with 30-13-7

fraud by signature being above sworn and subscribed 12-9-3

fraud called Corporate State 15-11-6

fraud committed by banks, reasons 39-19-3

fraud compounded by County Recorder 11-8-5

fraud in deed recordation with county 41-2-9

fraud in documents served by process servers 28-7-2

fraud in infringement of 2nd amendment rights 18-15-5

fraud in the factum, example 13-5-3

fraud is a major crime 36-5-9

fraud is now statutized, shows how to carry it out 24-4-3

fraud is presumed to not be in pleadings 19-9-2

fraud must be challenged pre plea 19-9-2

fraud of tax violates UCC principle of full disclosure 13-5-3

fraud of wrong case numbers on suit paperwork 14-5-4

fraud on part of insurers and the insured 41-9-1

fraud perpetrated by court and its agents 12-2-1

fraud settlement, $129M against Volvo Car Corp 36-5-6

fraud settlement, $145M against State Farm Insurance 36-4-9

fraud suit, pre-prepared, keep one handy 28-7-6

fraud suits, no statute of limitations 28-7-4

fraud to conceal a fraud, reference 65-5-3

fraud upon fraud upon fraud by government 4-9-5

fraud with respect to the “Post Office” 40-13-5

fraud, against government, financial incentive to expose 40-2-5

fraud, as it relates to bankruptcy discharge of tax 37-2-9

fraud, attorney cannot defend client by perpetrating 4-10-2

fraud, attorney liable just like principle 4-10-3

Fraud, Attorney License, more on 19-4-4

Fraud, Banks Admit, article 37-7-8

fraud, case was, clerk wouldn’t sign summons, was served Notice that case was fraud, didn’t want to be liable 11-2-3

fraud, charge of, not “true, correct and certain” 11-9-2

fraud, choosing to ignore makes you a party 38-12-3

fraud, collusion, conspiracy, non-disclosure of hospital and insurance company 41-10-8

fraud, commercial contracts obtained by 32-15-4

fraud, commercial, Notice of Tax Lien is 11-8-5

fraud, constructive and “in the factum”, example 13-5-3

fraud, contracting for a thing impossible to do 18-12-1

fraud, discussion 59-8-7

fraud, dispositive motions, Dave Miller style 31-9-7

fraud, Dolus, discussion 62-6-4

fraud, driver’s license, contract w/ hidden clauses 22-16-4

fraud, duress, misnomer, mistake, and unconscionable contract, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

fraud, engaged in by lawyers, violation of DRs 30-13-1

fraud, example of 26-2-5

fraud, extrinsic and intrinsic, discussed 44-6-3

fraud, foreign judgments, principles limiting relief, fraud, void, satisfaction 44-6-3

fraud, fraudulent presumptions in indictment 19-9-1

fraud, infringement of right is always unlawful 19-12-6

fraud, is in the presumptions, make them produce it 35-9-5

fraud, issue of fraud was not raised in the pleadings 19-8-5

fraud, issue of, relative to filings 36-4-9

fraud, jurisdiction is contractual, often stems from mere implied contracts based on 11-7-6

fraud, material, example 13-5-3

fraud, no affidavit with complaint 33-17-1

fraud, no right, by ratification or other means, can arise out of fraud 65-7-2

fraud, notice to prosecutor, sets up prosecutor for suit 5-2-5

fraud, of adhesion contracts 15-11-1

fraud, plea made by other party 31-14-9

fraud, pleading is, in frivolous case 25-2-3

fraud, presuming federal power to disarm people 18-12-5

fraud, properly done, has become legal 24-4-3

fraud, proposed that burden of proof be on IRS 12-18-5

fraud, public notice, affidavit of truth was recorded 9-4-5

fraud, reference in article 39-12-5

fraud, refusal for 30-14-9

fraud, refused for, affirmative defenses are, in David Miller Title 42 suits 29-12-3

fraud, results from evidence brought forth by statutory court 32-8-8

fraud, revocation of signature is remedy for, no longer best remedy 26-5-5

fraud, RICO violation based upon fraud 36-5-6

fraud, silence can only be equated with . . ., quote from cited court case 48-10-4

fraud, summary judgment in American Flag of Peace suit, refused for fraud 40-4-2

fraud, void for, common law court declares statutory instruments 32-8-9

frauds do not like Common Law 26-13-2

fraudulent charging instrument, no defense against 19-9-4

fraudulent conversion by banks 26-3-4

Fraudulent Misrepresentation, suit for 28-7-1

fraudulent power of attorney basis of suit 4-11-6

fraudulent removal of children by Child Protective Services 40-2-6

Fraudulent Transactions, Law of, book 28-7-1

fraudulent, converting a fraudulent party into a trustee, reference 65-6-2

fraudulently acquiring property, Federal Reserve 40-16-5

FRCP 56(e), summary judgment, motion for 40-4-8

FRCP Rule 5 amended 29-2-4

Frederick Ingols, reference 55-8-8

free filing with court, forma pauperous 2-5-6

free radicals, vitamin C, vitamin E, pycnogenol 8-12-5

free speech, discussion in article 54-13-4

free speech, rights violation 27-2-1

Freedom of Information Act in 1974, reference 48-12-4

Freedom of Information Act request, example 26-19-1

Freedom of Information Act requests 44-9-8

Freedom of Information Act requests, reference 54-14-8

Freedom Of Information Act, using it to investigate attorneys, reference 62-6-6

Freedom of Speech, article, Agencies View of Freedom of Speech 58-14-9

Freedom of Speech, article, Agency Bans Freedom of Speech 55-12-2

freedom technology 10-7-3

freedom, sovereignty, rights to privacy 36-13-2

freedom, the damage that attorney’s have caused to freedom in America 62-1-1

freeholders, nobles, knights and slaves in England, discussion 66-2-5

Freeman case 12-9-5

Freemen emulate Federal Reserve banking 41-18-4

Friend of the Court agents 27-2-4

Friends of the Court, federally paid law enforcement officers that seize property without a warrant 16-6-6

frivolous civil suit, definition of, sanctions 25-2-1

frivolous claims, case cites, subject to sanctions 21-12-4

frivolous, further defined 25-2-2

FRNs created out of thin air 38-11-3

FRNs, all are borrowed, so every FRN in the world is earning interest for the Federal Reserve 38-18-9

FRNs, how do they get into circulation, by borrowing 38-18-6

FRNs, none received, judgment uncollectible 15-3-3

Front Line Master’s Symposium 23-2-2

Frontline Master or Tutor Calls, instructions 50-16-3

frontline master, requirements list 43-18-4

Frontline Master’s Symposium 30-14-1

Frontline Masters symposium report 31-1-1

frontline masters 26-14-1

Frontline Masters, letter to, and questionaire 45-11

Frontline Masters, referrals available 36-18-5

full disclosure, on contract, reference 54-3-2

full faith and credit clause of constitution 44-6-1

full faith and credit clause of constitution 44-6-3

Full Faith and Credit, Constitution 32-12-8

funding allows substantial control over recipients 35-16-1

funding from state and federal sources to development of local communities 52-7-9

funds, federal, flowing into States, flow chart 46-16-5

gag orders on settlements paid with public funds are a public record 50-7-3

gage, research defining 13-14-2

Gail’s case 9-2-1

gain and income in U.S. govt employee wages 6-6-5

gain in federal wages subject to “being returned” 3-9-1

gain portion of gross income is kickback 14-7-1

garbage statute, can’t put garbage out 24 hours early 3-5-1

garnishment, lien, levy, and attachment 44-4-6

garnishment, notice of, discussion in article 64-1-2

garnishment, social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

Gatston Purchase treaty 18-6-3

GATT, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-2

Gematia, reference 59-14-1

genealogical project on internet, reference 50-11-9

general delivery available to transients 53-13-8

general delivery 39-4-5

general delivery, administrative remedy letter 53-14-4

General Delivery, article 53-13-8

general delivery, not just for 30 days 53-14-4

general laws versus municipal law 13-5-2

Genuine Material Issues of Fact, defined 46-2-4

GenWeb, US, Census Project Needs Volunteers50-11-9

geographical use of the term “United States” 6-5-1

George Washington, discussion 63-11-8

George’s case 12-8-3

George’s case, never broke a law 4-10-6

gift, one way to convey property 24-4-5

girl gets ticketed for no insurance, no probable cause 12-6-2

Gladstone, Judge, fines newspaper boy $1,100 for mistake of delivering paper to home that didn’t request it 18-11-1

Global Positioning System (GPS) 38-12-7

Goals 2000 and America 2000 8-5-2

God Meant it for Good, book, reference 59-1-4

God’s timing, discussion 59-2-4

God’s World Today, publication 3-17-2

gold and silver depleted, causing bankruptcy 11-12-2

gold and silver limitation does not apply internally to the District of Columbia or territories or federal states 54-2-9

gold and silver substance, education materials 49-2-4

gold and silver, discussion of its purpose in currency system 48-2-7

gold and silver, if a state was a state and not federal, they’d be using 50-18-4

gold and silver, lawful money, Coinage Act of 1792 37-13-3

gold and silver, only payment of debt, soas not to compete with England’s commercial system 42-2-4

gold and silver, original thirteen states limited to gold and silver as currency 57-1-2

gold and silver, state not dealing in, reference 46-9-2

gold fringe flag, admiralty/maritime jurisdiction 30-4-3

gold fringe flag, problem with use of nom de guerre in such court 56-2-8

gold fringed flag 39-5-3

gold fringed flag 39-5-4

gold fringed flag, discussed 50-11-2

gold gone 2-8-2

gold or silver as official currency 8-2-2

gold or silver, legal title to 16-5-4

gold, Article 1, Section 10, Constitution, bank violates by loaning anything but gold and silver 54-2-9

gold, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

gold, debt payment can’t be compelled by, or silver 12-13-4

gold, if you don’t ask for it, you get what you deserve, story 49-3-2

gold, labor defined in terms of gold or silver coin, not debt instruments 65-6-1

gold, lawful money in the usA is, and silver coin 11-11-4

gold, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, titles to property, insurance policies, all bullets of war 56-2-5

gold, silver, Federal Reserve Notes, reference to use of 65-6-1

gold, states, like US govt, can only use gold and silver as money, but gold and silver has all been taken 11-13-1

Gomez v. Toledo, heightened pleading standards 12-12-2

good faith belief that a warrant was valid 21-4-6

good faith offer, reference regarding liens and offer of performance 58-8-2

good faith, example by IRS 16-12-6

good faith, once you tell someone they are violating law, that person cannot appear in the case in good faith 8-4-6

Good Science, textbook on science 3-16-6

Goose and the Golden Egg, article 30-18-4

governer, does he have an oath on file 41-17-4

government agents instigating comspiracy among militia organizations 43-15-2

government agents operate outside the law 19-11-5

government bodies, liability of local 13-7-2

government changed with a shot or a whimper 27-3-5

government created for District of Columbia, incorporation, discussion 55-4-5

government does not know how to do it right either 5-2-1

government employees, income tax levied upon 5-6-1

government employment of disloyal persons, law prohibiting 35-11-4

government in trouble since the year 1860 28-14-5

government is a political corporation 5-15-2

government is dissolved when legislature acts contrary to trust 27-3-4

Government Officials (Public), Notice to 4-14-1

government officials, qualified immunity of 28-5-3

government only authorized to regulate commerce 35-9-5

government property, arrested for destroying and interfering with, by removing govt sign from your own yard 41-1-5

government secretly declared war on people 11-7-5

government speaks for people, not to people 18-10-5

government, a member of, i.e. a resident or citizen 54-3-1

government, becoming part of, by treaty (contract) or by receiving benefits 54-2-9

government, dissolution of v. dissolution of society 26-11-1

government, how it works, research steps to educating yourself 40-8-9

government, how to re-establish in proper form 46-13-5

government, how to take over in four easy steps 26-10-1

government, how to take over in four easy steps 26-10-4

government, leaders have put themselves into a state of war with the people. People are thereby dissolved from further obedience to that government 27-3-6

government, one world foreign 36-15-2

government, one world 2-6-5

government, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

government, relationship between government, editors and reporters 63-5-5

government, restore Lawful government, discussion 65-1-6

government, the beast of fables 29-12-6

governments, devil and demons manifesting themselves 44-17-1

governments, two from beginning 42-2-6

Governor upholds Oath of Office, article 48-16-1

governor wears two hats 42-2-8

govt is usually following the law, presumption 9-12-6

govt no authority to create negotiable instruments 12-13-5

GPS, Global Positioning System 38-12-7

grace, principles of and how it comes into play in commercial process 58-7-5

Grammar, Rules of, relative to misnomer in law and abbreviating names of people 28-3-3

grammar, statutes construed according to rules of 38-5-5

Grand Jury misused by perpetrators 17-13-6

grand jury, abusive use as tool of prosecutor 20-3-5

grand jury, access by application to Judge 20-7-3

Grand Jury, access to by anyone, case cite, discussion 20-2-4

Grand Jury, access to by anyone, partial case cite 19-15-1

grand jury, barrier against despotism and prosecution 20-3-3

grand jury, common law grand jury, reference 65-2-6

grand jury, corrupted by abuse of prosecutor 20-4-2

grand jury, history of 20-2-5

Grand Jury, if they fail to do their job, can be held liable personally 11-7-4

grand jury, open to citizens seeking to redress wrongs 20-7-2

grand jury, sword and shield 20-3-6

granting jurisdiction in other ways, a list of DON’Ts 6-1-6

grantor trust, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

Grants, Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Charters, Patents all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

Great Registry, record of names in de jure county 5-8-6

Great Writ 11-19-2

Greek war City States, democracy, current system like 27-3-4

Greg’s case 11-3-3

Greg’s case 9-1-1

Gregg Manual of English Grammar, fictitious name 38-5-6

Gregory Allen, article by 31-15-1

grievances , redress of, denial 27-17-5

grievances from Declaration of Independence, revisited today 36-13-6

grievances, redress of, private citizen has right to complain of criminal activity 38-4-7

grocery store scandal charged suppliers fees of thousands of dollars for shelf space 39-15-5

grocery store, preferred customer card at 39-15-1

grocery store, preferred customer card at, surveying and tracking customers 39-16-6

gross income comprised of two parts, gain and income 6-3-4

gross income includes gain and income 14-5-6

Guam, Puerto Rico, etc, court caption of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT denotes a territorial court 36-12-4

guarantor for a transaction, no need, discussion 55-2-5

Guatalupe Hildalgo treaty 18-6-3

guilt, presumption of, show cause is a 40-6-7

guilty or no contest, plea of, is acceptance 22-15-6

guilty until proven innocent in tax cases 22-10-4

guilty, allegedly, without defendant participation 12-8-4

guilty, not guilty, no contest to traffic ticket 24-5-2

guilty, not, plea of, is a dishonor 22-15-6

Gulf War Syndrome, disease highly communicable 38-16-8

gun articles, additional 15-13-6

gun control researchers fabricate and sculpt data to bolster their biased and foregone conclusions 15-12-2

gun research statistical fallacies 15-12-5

gun rights arrest, detainment, or confiscation, due process 22-12-4

guns, Americans are four times as likely to die from a doctor as from a gun 15-12-3

guns, open letter to sheriffs 16-4-6

Guns: Facts & Fallacies, article 15-12-2

gunshot deaths exaggerated 35 times by AMA 15-12-4

H.A.V.E.N., Inc., another Child Protective Services 27-17-6

H.R. 1710, Legislative Update!, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

H.R. 666, does it override 4th Amendment 22-8-1

H.U.D., involved in foreclosure story 41-1-1

Habeas Corpus Developments, article 52-3-4

Habeas Corpus MUST be filed by Sheriff/Deputy 5-17-1

Habeas Corpus required attachments 15-9-2

Habeas Corpus sent to Chief Justice Rehnquist, not supreme court, supreme court will not hear it 50-1-2

Habeas Corpus suspended by lower courts, affidavit, discussion 50-1-4

Habeas Corpus win 15-8-1

Habeas Corpus wins, reference 50-1-1

habeas corpus would prevail if court failed to hear petition 19-6-5

habeas corpus 33-14-5

Habeas Corpus, 100% wins! 50-1-2

Habeas Corpus, article on “How To” 50-1-1

Habeas Corpus, article 51-6-7

Habeas Corpus, article 51-8-1

habeas corpus, correction to previous article 53-15-7

habeas corpus, discussion 43-8-1

Habeas Corpus, example of 49-13-1

Habeas Corpus, in traffic case with citation and Offer to Pay forming actual controversy 53-4-2

habeas corpus, judge can be sued in small claims action for $1,000 for refusing to grant the writ 51-11-2

habeas corpus, list of ways the privilege can be suspended 51-8-7

Habeas Corpus, only exception to requirement that attorney file paperwork, anyone can file Habeas 54-12-6

Habeas Corpus, Petition for Writ of, form 50-19-1

habeas corpus, place in procedure, discussion 58-12-3

Habeas Corpus, Post Conviction Writ of 39-7-8

habeas corpus, see procedure table 58-12-5

habeas corpus, Sheriff must return service on habeas or he can be put in jail until he complies 53-15-8

Habeas Corpus, Statutory, form, compel captors to bring you before a neutral magistrate 5-17-1

Habeas Corpus, writ never issued, prisoner merely ejected 50-1-3

Habeas Corpus, Writ of, “suspended”, story 49-12-9

Habeas Corpus, Writ of, components in a package 50-9-7

Habeas Corpus, writ sought without fee 50-1-5

Habeas, form, Order for Issuance of Writ of Habeas 50-19-8

habeas, procedure to follow 52-3-5

Hague, International Court of the, Republic of Texas completes process of regaining its sovereignty 37-11-4

Haines v. Herner 5-18-1

Hale v. Henkel 10-7-2

handwriting completely different from signature 39-3-3

Hank Rearden case 5-9-6

harassing or maliciously injuring any party, lawyers cannot work to this end 30-13-2

harassment, attorney must manditorily withdraw from employment if purpose of litigation is harassment or maliciously injuring any person 30-13-4

Harbrace College Handbook, authority for grammar 28-3-3

hardship from court fines, not allowed 28-12-1

Harlow v. Fitzgerald 2-10-1

Hartford Van Dyke, commercial liens 11-9-1

Hartford Van Dyke, manual “Top Secret Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” 11-10-5

Hartmann, Bruce, article by 14-15-4

Head Start program “in the best interest of children” 8-7-4

headlines, Judges don’t want to be in headlines 60-19-3

health care ID card, national, Smart Card 45-10-2

Health Care that Makes Sense, article 54-17-5

health care, managed, discussion 45-9-8

health department, relation to zoning department and environmental protection agency 55-6-2

Health Department, role in government, article 53-10-2

health department, state, may be linked to the zoning department and the environmental protection agency 52-6-8

health freedom and awareness 7-13-3

health insurance, alcohol or tobacco purchasse could possibly deny you health or life insurance 39-17-4

health, department of, in Ohio, zoning reference 54-8-5

hearing date, rules require to complete a motion 3-6-1

Hearing, Motion for Instant Hearing, form 50-19-7

Hearing, Motion for, Title 42, call clerk, get name 28-19-1

hearings held without inviting defendants 11-8-4

hearings or depositions, IRS would not show up for 28-2-4

hearings, submission docket is for non-oral hearings 28,19-1

hearsay by prosecutor not basis for sworn complaint 19-2-3

hearsay evidence, reference 68-7-3

hearsay testimony rebuts presumption you are part of federal District of Columbia 39-4-9

hearsay, affidavits may not contain 40-5-1

hearsay, probable cause may be based on if . . . 33-4-2

Heaven license plates 2-4-6

herbal remedy, Yucca or Soapweed 41-18-9

Herbal Sauve, article 2-16-1

Hero, a song title 2-17-2

herpes 7-13-5

highways and bridges funded from where? 30-3-8

highways and Railroads in Ireland all owned by England 42-1-2

hindering a secured creditor, charge of 33-1-11

History, American, of Military Law, tape replaces issue 34 34-1-1

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 11-15-1

HJR 192 4-6-5

Hodge’s Harbrace College Handbook, grammar 38-5-5

holder in due course of complaint is the court 58-10-1

holder in due course of the security is looked upon in Law as the actual holder of the property 57-3-6

holder in due course, birth certificate, application, grants title to body to Depart-ment of Commerce who becomes holder in due course 54-4-4

holder in due course, coins federally owned, not holder 11-13-2

holder in due course, filing a deed with the County Recorder who becomes holder in due course of title to land 54-4-4

holder in due course, relative to IRS 44-15-3

holder in due course, state is, in drivers license contract 58-10-1

holder in due course, state is, in marriage license contract 58-10-1

holder of lawful money has legal and equitable title to substance, not just equitable possession of debt 11-13-3

holder, IRS must substantiate it is a 40-15-2

home rule, what is it 41-17-6

home, a tax write off 41-3-1

home, creating equity in a property 41-3-1

home, defined in 26 USC as “taxpayer’s principal place of business” 61-10-6

home, why anyone wants to buy one 41-3-1

hospital and insurance company, collusion, conspiracy, fraud, non-disclosure of 41-10-8

hospital bills, grants available for unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

house, dwelling, (presumably as opposed to home) 22-5-6

Houston Right Way Office opens 37-1-2

Houston Right Way office, phone number 37-1-3

Houston seminar discussion 39-6-9

How To, re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

Howard Freeman, article 20-11-4

Howard Griswold on Declaratory Judgment 31-4-7

Howard Griswold 16-3-5

Howard Griswold, article 15-3-2

Howard Griswold’s Declaratory Judgments 30-14-2

Howard Grizwold 14-16-6

Hudson Bay Company 42-2-9

hue and cry, historical, tracking a criminal 32-18-8

human being, in statute, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

human resource, the people, as defined in UN treaty 11-12-2

human rights monitoring 7-9-3

human rights versus unalienable rights 7-7-4

humans are just human resources 2-8-3

humility and pride 44-16-5

hundred men, a political subdivision of the shire 20-3-1

hung jury in Phil Marsh trial 17-9-4

hydra, organizational hydra, Environmental Protection Agency is State, Local and Federal 54-8-5

hypothecated, legal title to everything, bankruptcy 11-12-2

I Was Wrong, book, reference 59-1-4

ID card, national health care, Smart Card 45-10-2

ID, “client ID” on driver’s license 22-16-3

ID, asking for, without probable cause is example of due process violation 22-13-1

identification for air travel, no federal regulations or statutes requiring identification 49-4-1

identification in court waives right to challenge jurisdiction 43-1-2

identification of accused, essential element to case 32-13-7

identification, bank statutes requiring identification 63-14-8

identification, demand for 2-2-1

identification, flying without, article 49-3-5

identifying yourself becomes contract with court 43-1-2

identity, yours, could be used by someone else 39-17-8

idol languages 25-14-3

ignorance of the law, 14th Amendment is no excuse 22-3-6

ignorance of the law, does not apply in the case of trusts, cestui que trust must be appraisal of facts and law 65-7-2

illegal behavior, attorneys involved in unethical and illegal behavior 61-11-8

illegal seizure of automobiles in Sonoma county 14-13-2

illegally obtaining private family information from school children 14-13-2

illuminators, scribes of the Temple Bar 13-13-4

illusion created by use of legal “terms” 19-10-2

IMF bank really has title 25-4-6

IMF debt credit, merchants use 24-4-5

IMF World Bankers, reference 58-18-3

IMF 1-7-1

IMF 2-7-4

IMF, asking for your, from the IRS 48-10-5

IMF, Individual Master File 40-15-1

Immigration and Naturalization Act, and expatriation 50-6-7

Immigration Reform, Ohio Coalition for 44-3-5

immunities and privileges, expectation of 18-2-6

immunities waived by attorneys if they do not produce required credentials 31-15-3

immunities 1-6-1

immunities, defendant failed to prove immunities, discussion 60-3-5

immunities, look in Constitution 41-17-3

immunity defense cut through by David Miller Title 42 suits 29-11-9

immunity defenses in a Title 42 suit 40-4-3

immunity denied, reference 65-8-1

immunity established by U.N. treaty 1-6-5

immunity for judge only when he operates within law 8-3-1

immunity for municipalities 28-6-2

immunity for officials does not reach to criminal conduct 65-6-2

immunity from Title 42, not intent of legislators 12-5-6

immunity gone under proper circumstances 2-7-5

immunity lost if attorney violates ECs or DRs 4-10-2

immunity never recognized by Michigan for trespass on private property 58-6-2

immunity of Judge, absolute under UN 2-7-2

immunity ONLY under U.N. treaty 1-6-5

immunity to fourth amendment violation 2-11-4

immunity under the guise of admiralty court 10-3-1

immunity, a legal fiction designed to circumvent the doctrine of sovereign immunity 62-16-8

immunity, absolute distinguished from qualified, reference 56-12-9

immunity, absolute, Judges have, after breaking law 29-5-8

immunity, absolute, of judges, why it fails 13-7-3

immunity, admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

immunity, bank has none when it turns your money over to the IRS 61-2-5

immunity, brief for qualified 13-7-3

immunity, common law, for anyone, none exists 1-6-2

immunity, defeating immunities, discussion 58-6-1

immunity, District of Columbia corporation has none 55-4-8

immunity, doctrine of absolute prosecutorial immunity does not protect from mis-conduct of making falst statements of fact in an affidavit in support of arrest warrant 56-12-9

immunity, enforcement of unconstitutional statute is illegal and without immunity for official 65-6-3

immunity, judicial, unconstitutional 27-17-3

immunity, Motion to Strike it 12-8-1

immunity, no immunity for knowingly violating rights 60-7-8

immunity, none when misrepresentation involved 7-4-2

immunity, none without an oath of office 3-6-4

immunity, not likely for tow truck drivers and bosses 3-11-5

immunity, prosecutorial, why it fails 13-7-3

immunity, public ministers have 28-4-4

immunity, qualified for, discretionary functions 22-8-2

immunity, qualified, of government officials 28-5-3

immunity, reference 60-7-4

immunity, sovereign, has never permitted govt agents to commit trespass in violation of property rights 58-6-3

immunization against disease, legislation to make it mandatory 7-13-6

immunization vaccines may be dangerous 8-17-2

impairing rights and remedies 39-9-8

impeachment of Clinton related to bankruptcy of nation, see article 67-9-8

impeachment, a list of proceedings, only 14 in history 58-17-6

impeachment, Clinton impeachment, discussion 65-10-2

Impeachment, Clinton, true nature, discussion 67-11-5

impeachment, suggestion that Citizens be provided a means of initiating impeachment proceedings against public officials 58-17-6

impersonating yourself, is criminal activity 33-6-1

impersonation of an officer 8-18-3

implementing a state law, who is empowered, as opposed to an administrative agency 41-17-5

Implementing Regulations or Title 26, was it ever put in Federal Register 16-6-1

implementing regulations, 1,000 people have demanded them from IRS, not one has received them 33-8-2

implementing regulations, discussion 45-2-3

implied agreement, discussion 62-12-7

implied contract, benefits exercised equate to contract to meet the obligations associated with the benefits 33-3-4

implied contract, not without notice 24-6-4

implied contracts, jurisdiction is contractual, often stems from mere implied contracts based on fraud 11-7-6

implied Power of Attorney 2-18-2

impossibilities, law does not require 33-6-5

imprescriptable rights versus civil rights, reference 66-14-4

imprescriptible rights, reference 65-4-1

imprisonment for misdemeanor not allowed unless accused represented by counsel 18-5-6

improper purposes of legal paperwork, sanctionable 25-18-4

imputed disability, reference 65-9-3

imputed promise, by fiction of law 62-12-7

in law versus at law 26-16-6

in law, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

in personam jurisdiction, reference 22-19-1

in rem jurisdiction, reference 22-19-1

in rem proceedings 42-14-2

inalienable, a corporation is a fictional person not endowed with inalienable rights, reference 62-17-2

inalienable, research defining 13-18-2

incarceration prohibited of indigents who fail to pay 28-13-1

including, is a limiting, restrictive clause 19-9-6

income from any source other than U.S. govt is not subject to Title 26 6-6-1

income from sources “within” US 44-15-4

income from sources in territories (Guam, etc.) 6-6-2

income tax an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 51-11-4

income tax case, discussion 64-1-2

income tax forms, evidence to be brought forth by statutory court that accused is in court’s venue 32-8-8

income tax is an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 48-1-1

income tax is excise [indirect tax] 14-9-1

income tax is legal kickback scheme between U.S. govt. and its employees 14-11-1

income tax laws only extend to “wages” paid by U.S. to its employees 6-3-4

income tax never put in Federal Reg. 16-6-3

income tax not tax, but kickback of govt. salary 3-8-6

income tax regarding non resident aliens 16-8-1

income tax, does it apply outside D.C. or territories 44-15-7

income tax, Frank Kowalik article about 14-5-5

income tax, more people must file than owe 9-10-1

income tax, nature of, from Congressional hearing 48-1-2

income tax, why its in place 11-12-3

income taxes are a U.S. govt employment agreement with its own employees, which includes a legal kickback 6-6-5

income taxes levied pursuant to statute of frauds 24-6-1

income taxes, city, willful failure to file 5-1-3

income taxes, levies and withholding apply to federal employees (only), reference 62-14-9

income taxes, not direct or indirect, but tribute involving letters of marque and reprisal 16-7-4

income taxes, not direct or indirect, but tribute 16-7-4

income taxes, reference in story 60-3-2

income, as defined, have I ever received any? 35-5-1

incompetent court cannot issue orders 8-4-2

incompetent, court presumes anyone with an attorney is 45-6-3

incompetent, legally, are most persons? 15-5-5

incorporated case 31-2-5

incorporated case, no contract to talk with defendants about Dispositive Motions 38-2-6

incorporated case, venue whatever litigant chooses 31-9-5

incorporated cases, first learning about 38-1-3

incorporated person, you are an, presumptions of court 46-6-2

incorporated, courts presume that everyone before the court is incorporated or licensed 45-8-2

incorporated, original thirteen colonies were unincorporated 57-1-2

incorporated, statutes do not apply unless you are incorporated, discussion 45-8-1

incorporation of District of Columbia, creation of government for, discussion 55-4-5

incorporation of one agreement into another, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

independent, legal definition, in relation to US Post Office 40-12-8

index for Right Way “Light” 40-12-1

index to Constitution 29-14-6

indexes to Federal Register 6-9-3

India, foreign investment opposed in 37-10-4

indictment doesn’t attach to human being, but shadow 12-9-5

indictment with major premise of law that whole event is pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act 19-10-1

indictment, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

indictment, freedom from process without, reference 58-6-6

Indictment, Motion to Quash is demurrer for 19-6-2

indictments, presentments under UCC 36-3-1

indigency, fines, court costs in Ohio 28-12-1

indirect marketing, reference 48-3-6

indirect taxes must be uniform 13-11-4

indirect taxes, defined 3-8-4

individual capacity, since outside discretion 24-19-3

individual master file, IRS 31-3-1

individual, defined, not purviewed under statutes 15-5-2

individual, definition, discussed 45-7-8

individual, examination of definition and meaning 66-17-3

individual, in statute, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

inflation, defined and discussed by example 39-19-2

informants, techniques for catching them 43-16-7

Information Available at the Drop of a Credit Card, article 39-17-8

Informed Jury Dashes Prosecutor’s Hopes, article 32-13-1

Ingols, Frederick Ingols, reference 55-8-8

inhabitant, related to resident, discussion 61-10-8

injunction against parties attempting to collect along with Declaratory Judgment action 53-4-4

injunction, four elements necessary for granting 59-12-2

injunction, security bond posted to get an injunction granted, discussion 62-10-9

injunction, steps required 59-11-8

injunction, temporary 2-2-4

injunctions, article 59-9-4

injunctions, preventative and mandatory, discussion 62-7-8

injunctions, Textbook the Forgotten Resource, Writing Injunctions, article 62-7-5

injury, ministerial officer liable for injury done 65-6-2

Inner Temple, reference 62-1-2

innocense not presumed until proven, scenario in traffic case 45-5-1

innocent misrepresentation, one of three levels 31-6-2

innocent until found guilty, presumption is reversed in Trust B 58-13-9

Inns of Court, research topics, reference 62-6-6

Inns of the Court, reference 62-1-2

inquisition and confession, manner of adjudication under Trust B 58-13-8

inquisition, Star Chamber courts of inquisition, reference 62-1-2

insane, court presumes anyone with an attorney is 45-6-3

inspectors without search warrant barred from property 58-6-2

Instant Hearing, Motion for, form 50-19-7

instructions for filing Depositum Declaration 65-2-8

instruments, non commercial, passed as valid liens 11-11-3

insurance companies, banks, judicial system, links between 41-11-1

insurance companies, much influence over our lives 41-10-1

insurance company and bonding company sought 3-6-5

insurance company and hospital, collusion, conspiracy, fraud, non-disclosure of 41-10-8

insurance company for govt entity might settle 22-2-1

insurance of attorneys, attorneys must produce 31-15-3

insurance or bond, demand for, pursuant to Privacy Act 48-18-3

insurance policies, titles to property, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, all bullets of war 56-2-5

insurance policy, doesn’t pay bills, Rick attacked it from both sides requesting double relief 24-3-1

insurance policy, Private Request for Information 48-18-1

insurance you are completely unaware of 41-9-5

insurance, alcohol or tobacco purchasse could possibly deny you health or life insurance 39-17-4

insurance, article about 41-9-1

insurance, discounting, in hospital field, increases total bill paid by insured 41-10-5

insurance, hospital bills, grants available for unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

insurance, Judge selling with a license 33-9-9

insurance, malpractice insurance for lawyers, reference 62-6-1

insurance, not regulated like other financial industries 41-9-7

insurance, registration and license 24-8-2

insurance, spreading the risk 41-9-7

insurance, types 41-10-4

insurance, what it is supposed to accomplish 41-9-2

insurers, fraud on part of 41-9-1

insurrection, as related to oaths 35-8-8

insurrection, defined 19-12-1

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), hundreds of video camera on streets and highways 38-12-7

intent in a criminal case discussed by example 53-5-2

intent to deceive, use of fictitious names 29-13-7

intent, if contract intent not lawful, unenforceable 18-15-5

interest for the Federal Reserve, since all FRNs are borrowed, every FRN in the world is earning 38-18-9

interest on loan can only be paid when more borrowing occurs 40-16-6

interest on loan stopped by offer in compromise, discussion 53-2-8

interest paid back on a loan is NOT “created” along with principle, it must be created by someone else’s loan 39-13-5

interest, a notice of interest is a written claim of interest in a property reduced to writing 58-7-7

interest, built in penalty for privilege of using debt product (FRNs) 48-3-1

interest, Federal Reserve Notes, not enough are printed to cover interest on Federal Reserve loan 25-16-3

interest, is actually a forced loan on the people 48-3-1

interest, notice of, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

interest, Offer in Compromise stops the running of interest on an obligation 51-12-9

interfering with arrest, not, story 38-17-8

interlocutory (not final) in nature, judgment was 9-5-3

interlocutory appeal 39-8-5

internal affairs at Police, letting them know that one of their Police officers is doing things not authorized 51-5-7

internal affairs at Police, one place to present bill of particulars 51-5-5

Internal Revenue Manual 42-100, available from Right Way 36-16-1

Internal Revenue Manual 42-100, offered for sale 37-16-1

Internal Revenue Service and Bureau of Internal Revenue never created by Congress 42-6-5

Internal Revenue Services, how many are there? 31-3-1

INTERNAL REVENUE, in all caps, what does it mean? 31-3-2

internal, research defining 13-15-1

International Bankers cannot have both legal and equitable title, even under constructive trust due to bankruptcy 41-2-6

international bankers, discharge of D.C. debt 21-9-2

International Bankers, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

International Banks 30-3-5

International Banks, administrative judges under 2-6-5

International Bill of Rights 7-8-2

international contract, taxing authority under 13-4-5

International Court of the Hague, Republic of Texas completes process of regaining its sovereignty 37-11-4

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 7-7-3

international law and municipal law, discussed 50-11-5

international law contract violation for traffic citation 3-12-5

international law versus law of nations 2-7-2

international law 2-6-3

International law, any contract since New Deal under law of nations brings nation under 10-2-2

international law, fraud under, example 13-5-4

International Law, must be followed when two different systems of law are represented in the same case 68-3-5

International Law, the Law of Nations, pre-dating our system of laws 68-1-3

international law, the path to common law is by equity through counter claim to admiralty in international law 59-8-3

international law, used between the original thirteen colonies 57-1-2

international lines, protest is across 39-4-8

International Monetary Fund 1-8-6

International Monetary Fund, agent of 13-5-5

International Monetary Fund, in connection with the Federal Reserve 40-16-2

International Monetary Fund, privately controlled 11-12-4

International Monetary Fund, taxes go to 13-4-4

international pleadings, bringing a case from admiralty through international pleadings to common law 61-5-4

international settlements court, a UN court 3-12-4

internet site of interest, liibulletin @listserv.law.cornell.edu, free broadcast of all supreme court decisions 56-12-6

internet site references, regarding legal research 53-15-2

internet tips and site references 51-18-1

Internet Tips 48-11-1

internet tips 66-12-9

internet tips 66-14-2

internet tips 68-17-4

Internet Tips, article 53-13-2

Internet web cite information 62-3-9

Internet Web page, The Lawful Path 31-15-7

internet web sites of interest 61-3-9

internet, genealogical project on internet, reference 50-11-9

Internet, Right Way Web Site address 43-7-1

Interpol immune from law suit 1-7-5

Interpol 1-7-3

INTERPOL, police, marshals, highway patrol under 27-4-3

interpretation levels of judges and lawyers, procedural, definitions, points of law 46-2-6

Interrogatories, court flow chart 10-6-2

intimidation against clergy by State 29-16-5

intimidation by court agents 14-13-4

intrinsic, fraud, extrinsic and intrinsic, discussed 44-6-3

Introduction to Legal Research, a book 5-3-5

Introduction to Legal Research, a book 6-8-2

Introduction to Legal Research, book title 4-12-3

invalid IRS tax liens, are all invalid, improper procedure 37-3-2

inventors, story 52-18-3

investigation, Fourth Amendment prevents intrusion 3908-2

investment, foreign, opposed in India 37-10-4

invitation to appear in court 19-2-3

invitation to Right Way ... l.a.w. 3-2-1

invoke court’s jurisdiction and venue, language 11-6-5

involuntary servitude and peonage, reference in depositum declaration 65-8-1

involuntary servitude prohibited by 13th Amend. 14-10-2

involuntary servitude 14-9-5

involuntary servitude, 13th Amendment 27-7-2

involuntary servitude, exists only after consent no longer on record 14-10-1

involuntary servitude, is enforcement after tax collector’s service has been refused on record 14-11-3

Ireland, Railroad workers given houses for 99 years 42-1-2

irreparable harm, defined, discussed, is synonymous with “no adequate remedy at law” 59-12-5

irreparable injury, defined 59-17-1

IRS activity looks like KGB intimidation 17-9-5

IRS admits they have no jurisdiction within state 30-2-3

IRS agent barred from making status determination 21-11-6

IRS agents penalized for violating rights 22-10-6

IRS and accounting work together 9-7-1

IRS and BATF excluded from search and seizure legislation 22-9-2

IRS and BATF relationship 25-10-1

IRS and BATF words of art 25-10-1

IRS and Social Security numbers 31-3-1

IRS as collection agency 1-9-1

IRS attempting to collect debt on mere notice 11-4-1

IRS Backs Down to Criminal Charges, article 29-3-1

IRS banned from using deceptive practices in three states 55-10-1

IRS Bill of Particulars, ideas for 48-12-1

IRS charges notaries with conspiracy for notarizing signatures on papers filed against IRS agents 56-13-9

IRS circumventing law by not following procedure 11-4-1

IRS collection case, discussion 64-1-2

IRS definition of individual 45-7-8

IRS definition of trust, not same as UBO where beneficiary has no equitable interest 29-6-2

IRS dupes local authorities into stealing for them 29-3-5

IRS duty to respond to a Bill of Particulars or Administrative Procedure Act Requests 48-9-2

IRS fails to follow state law in seizure 31-3-7

IRS has NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY for lack of Court Order, Warrant or Judgment 29-3-4

IRS HUMBUG, book by Frank Kowalik 14-11-6

IRS in relation to Checks, Money Orders, Federal Reserve Notes 49-2-8

IRS is private corporation 27-7-4

IRS is private corporation, discussion 48-7-2

IRS lack legal authority to sell any property 31-3-7

IRS letters, remedy is Refusal for Cause Without Dishonor 36-3-8

IRS levy and lien doesn’t fit any known policy, legislative enactment, or statutory construction 42-5-9

IRS liens, discussion 55-10-1

IRS merely has a collection as a “USER” fee for the USE of Federal Reserve Bank notes 49-22-2

IRS never created by Congress 42-7-9

IRS Notice of Deficiency, am I subject to? 35-5-1

IRS operating on basis of contract with you 51-2-5

IRS plans to sell stolen property 11-5-2

IRS presentment, dishonoring, example 22-15-3

IRS refuses to state their delegation of authority 31-3-7

IRS required to identify implementing regulations 22-11-4

IRS responds with case cites to Szafranski 21-12-4

IRS seized property, notice to potential buyers of 31-3-5

IRS seizure results in quiet title case 28-1-2

IRS seizure, valid, required events 37-3-6

IRS sold Dan’s house, but Dan still lives there 9-5-2

IRS Stopped From Sale 31-3-4

IRS super computer 11-11-1

IRS tax liens, are all invalid, improper procedure 37-3-2

IRS trading cards 9-3-3

IRS using ATF laws, not applicable to income tax 31-3-8

IRS, 1,000 people have demanded implementing regulations from, not one has received them 33-8-2

IRS, 1040 is a double contract 51-12-2

IRS, 5th Amendment, appeals court says you do not have to answer the IRS 55-9-7

IRS, agency never properly created 42-6-3

IRS, analysis of an IRS correspondence 48-6-7

IRS, are they using Admiralty process 42-14-1

IRS, article, Can The IRS Levy Your Old Age Social Security Benefits? 64-11-7

IRS, article, Does the I.R.S. Practice Paper Terrorism? 56-12-2

IRS, article, I.R.S. Applies Back Door Tactics to fight Commercial Liens 56-13-9

IRS, article, I.R.S. Tips on Life 55-9-5

IRS, article, Paper terrorism by IRS 55-10-1

IRS, as an agency does not exist 38-16-1

IRS, Bankruptcy, part of strategy to fight the IRS 37-2-4

IRS, bill to make IRS accountable 22-9-4

IRS, cannot seize bank account without court order 61-1-3

IRS, Congressional act identified as organic act was repealed in 1873! 42-6-8

IRS, contempt for failure to give books and records to 5-11-1

IRS, criminal affidavits filed against 11-4-3

IRS, damaged citizen may recover $1,000,000 from 22-11-5

IRS, debt collection used by 3-19-2

IRS, debt collections, private, carried on by attorneys, IRS, and others outside the courts 56-2-6

IRS, Deceptive Trade Practices – Consumer Protection Act, in reference to IRS 55-10-1

IRS, demand for materials from 36-17-2

IRS, Department of the Treasury does not include the IRS or the BATF, according to Title 31 USC organization 25-10-2

IRS, doing business with, article 27-7-4

IRS, due process administrative hearing with 40-15-1

IRS, even they have not attempted to seize any citizen’s real property, bank account or any other privat-owned possessions since Sheriff ran Feds out of county 50-13-8

IRS, how it interprets its own acts 20-14-5

IRS, how it operates, places bottomry liens without probable cause and seizes property with police power 28-17-2

IRS, how to sue them, reference 58-11-3

IRS, is it a paper tiger?, article, no regulations 33-2-4

IRS, is it part of the Department of Treasury? 35-5-2

IRS, letter between property seizure victim and purchaser of that property 28-8-1

IRS, letter from, worded for 12 year old 19-3-1

IRS, levy of social security, things you can do 64-12-9

IRS, list of Right Way products related to 26-5-4

IRS, looking at questions the IRS asks helps us see what activities tie us into being classified as a taxpayer 55-9-7

IRS, many times overturned even after “Judicial Decision” because title to property not clear or clouded, caveat emptor 58-8-1

IRS, Mission Of The 6-3-2

IRS, One Way Of Dealing With The 11-3-2

IRS, penalty for agents disregarding taxpayer rights 12-18-6

IRS, production of documents, demanded from IRS 37-16-2

IRS, proposed damage liability up to $1,000,000 12-18-4

IRS, proposed legislation to make IRS employees personally liable for litigation they cause 12-18-2

IRS, protection from, through bankruptcy 35-15-2

IRS, questions for a Bill of Particulars 44-15-1

IRS, Replevin against, case 30-2-1

IRS, subversion of economic policies of nations by 11-11-2

IRS, used as example in discussion of liens, offer of performance, tender of payment, etc. 58-8-3

IRS, uses commercial process every day, reference 58-10-2

IRS, where does money it collects go to 30-3-1

Israel subjected to slavery in Egypt, illustration of process of slavery from biblical references 61-7-4

Israelites, reference 54-3-3

issue of law, raise by Writ of Error, not appeal 1-9-6

issue, look it up in law dictionary 39-1-3

issued document must meet conditions of contract 39-2-9

its sovereignty 37-11-4

ITS, Intelligent Transportation System, hundreds of video camera on streets and highways 38-12-7

Ivanna Frey 8-12-4

ize, research defining 13-14-5

J. A. James 2-15-1

J. Hackett, article author 5-9-1

jail without commitment papers is due process violation 22-13-2

jail, how to file paperwork with signature 6-13-2

jail, notice to jailer for violating rights of prisoner 66-14-9

jail, put public servants into 1-2-4

jail, story about being in 66-14-5

jailhouse law practiced 33-15-4

jailhouse lawyers cannot be retaliated against for their litigation activities, reference 66-15-5

James C. O’Brian Sr 25-14-1

James case 3-10-1

James Gannon Young, Prosperity and World Peace, workbook by James Gannon Young 58-1-5

James Sine’s case 3-10-1

James Trafficant, proposed legislation to make IRS employees personally liable for litigation they cause 12-18-2

James, case of 21-7-4

James’ case 44-7-2

James’ case 6-10-1

James’s case 5-2-2

Jane Simmons 2-15-1

Janet L. Marshall 8-5-2

Jay’s case 52-1-6

Jeanne Collins 7-1-3

Jeanne Collins 9-1-1

Jeff’s case 6-9-5

Jeff’s case 8-9-4

Jefferson’s writings, dislike for banks 37-12-7

Jekyll Island and Federal Reserve Bank, reference 65-11-8

Jekyll Island, Creature from, book reference 40-16-4

Jekyll Island, reference 54-4-2

Jerry Ritchie 8-8-4

Jesus the Socialist, speech on socialism 40-8-2

Jim Bakker, reference 59-1-4

Jim George, phone number 31-10-7

Jim George, phone number 42-9-1

Jim’s case 11-16-2

Jim’s case 2-1-3

Jim’s case 7-13-1

Jim’s case 9-3-1

Jim’s case 9-4-3

job descriptions of public officials 42-5-7

Joe and Kenny have meetings of Right Way members 38-2-4

Joe Karl, case of 39-3-5

John Ambler 4-1-3

John Ambler 6-13-4

John Doe 14-4-5

John Doe, to be, during trial 14-14-3

John F. Kennedy, reference 40-16-9

John Henry, history from Congressional Record 3-16-1

John Locke, writing by, money and bullion 36-12-8

John Locke’s essay written in the year 1628 26-10-1

John Locke’s teachings and Doctrine, continued 27-3-1

John Nelson tapes 1-6-1

John Nelson tapes 2-6-3

John Nelson tapes 3-12-4

John Nelson tapes, reference to 13-4-5

John, case of 31-14-7

John’s case 11-2-2

Johnny Appleseed 9-17-5

join issue with military court, what if you don’t 40-7-4

join issue, not 14-5-1

joinder in a Judgment Entry 43-5-2

joinder in issue, legal definition, a contract 31-9-7

joinder of issue essential to joinder of parties 31-2-4

joinder of issue, maybe as important as establishment of venue 31-2-4

joinder of issue, without, no joinder of parties 31-9-8

joinder of parties not needed to create controversy in Declaratory Judgment 31-4-2

joinder of parties, discussion 45-4-3

joinder of parties, not without joinder of issue 31-9-8

joinder, has there been joinder to any controversy when prosecution has failed to answer Bill of Particulars 48-13-6

joinder, legal definition 43-5-8

joinder, none because pleading not filed 52-2-4

joinder, prerequisites to understanding 31-2-4

joinder, second prerequisite to is venue 31-9-4

joinder, traverse is a joinder of the issue by argument 60-1-5

joining issue in a case, tricks and traps 43-6-8

joining issue, thus forming contract 32-12-3

joining of issue, in a normal suit, creating a controversy 31-4-1

joint committee on agency rule review, in chain of approval of administrative procedures, reference 67-3-2

Jokes by George and Dave 41-19-9

jokes 1-11-4

judge asks to meet “out of robes” in chambers off the record 49-21-2

judge cannot hear constitutional rights or right to travel 22-16-3

judge converts bankruptcy on his own volition from chapter 13 to chapter 7 9-3-2

judge demands payment in FRNs 8-2-6

judge feels threatened by truth 5-9-3

Judge for 20 years never done a Habeas Corpus 15-8-5

Judge Gallas allows arrest warrants with his signature taken from a rubber stamp 11-9-4

judge had implied contract because of filing fee 9-10-6

judge hangs tablets of Ten Commandments and prays before court sessions 42-12-1

Judge in judicial or administrative capacity, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

judge is administrative agent for commercial agency 22-16-2

Judge is agent under county, municipality, state, D.C. and international banks 2-7-2

Judge makes findings without evidence, then lies, hoping litigant would traverse 43-7-9

Judge not judicial or legislative, but executive 2-7-6

judge of Small Claims Court is liable if he fails to render a judgment 9-10-4

judge responsible for failure to take action 1-5-3

Judge Reveals Inside Information, article 50-11-1

judge reverses sentence two days after conviction, but doesn’t tell party (leaves them in jail) for a full year 9-7-3

Judge takes on role of investigator 11-10-1

judge traverses Motion to Strike immunity 12-8-1

judge traverses refusal by shredding it, sending it back 9-6-4

Judge upholds Oath of Office, article 48-16-1

judge violates oath of office, publicity afterward 8-18-1

judge violates oath, gets publicity 8-3-2

Judge William J. Martin 9-6-4

Judge works for bankers 14-13-2

Judge, Bad, what to do about a Bad Judge 50-4-2

judge, mad, never comes back 2-2-5

Judge, multiple violations of mother’s rights 20-13-1

judge, operating under admiralty, has sworn oath to uphold Constitution, got a problem 10-3-1

judge, prosecutor, jury and executioner at same time 48-14-2

Judge, State Supreme Court, arrested, story 32-11-1

Judge, Superior Court, attends Right Way meeting 38-5-4

Judge, when a Judge is arrested, the Bailiff is in charge of the court 68-12-3

judge, who is a “judgment debtor”, issues his own restraining order for the sale of his property to pay debt 9-9-5

judge’s court, in martial law, it is judge’s court, defendants who volunteer, rules are what judge says they are 11-10-4

Judge’s Memorandum and Opinion, analysis 43-7-7

Judge’s Training, article, learning how a Judge, Attorney or Police Officer is trained can help you 60-17-6

judges and justices, qualifications in judicial article of Constitution 41-17-2

judges and lawyers eaten up along the way! David Miller Title 42 suits, like a judicial pac man that eats up 30-4-9

judges and lawyers recuse themselves 400 times due to David Miller’s Title 42 suits 29-11-9

judges assigned to freely associated compact states 8-9-2

Judges can be non-attorneys in Washington 35-1-1

judges don’t follow their own rules, public cannot know how to proceed 3-4-2

Judges don’t want to be in headlines 60-19-3

judges file suit over income tax in 1918 5-6-3

judges hold office on good behavior 1-6-2

judges hold town meeting 3-2-5

judges question, Art never answered, except with another question, A FORM OF DEMURRER 6-2-2

judges stockholders in bank being sued, dismiss case 9-8-2

judges under bankruptcy, no common law authority 3-13-3

judges use summary hearings to deal with protesters 11-8-1

judges, absolute immunity, why it fails 13-7-3

Judges, Article III, Clause 2 Judges, none left in America 62-3-2

judges, federal, object to first income tax 5-6-2

judges, suing them, Title 42 29-1-1

judgment as a matter of law, summary judgment 6-10-3

judgment debtor, not, damage from filing lien 24-19-2

Judgment Entries usually contain three elements, deliberate errors, out-and-out lies, and truth 43-6-7

judgment equivalent to a contract 51-11-9

judgment execution 2-11-2

judgment from court cannot be collaterally attacked in new judgment in different court 9-10-5

judgment from Small Claims Court can be presentment for UCC 1 lien 9-10-4

judgment never signed by judge, therefore void 9-8-1

judgment not appealable because no ruling on facts 9-5-3

judgment on the pleadings, discussion 60-2-9

judgment proof, becoming 35-12-5

judgment reduced to commercial lien 9-9-3

judgment uncollectible 15-3-3

Judgment, Court Order or Warrant, if IRS does not have one of these, NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY for lack of 29-3-4

judgment, court, pursuant to statute of frauds 24-6-1

judgment, debt is obligation, whether or not reduced to 7-3-5

judgment, on street, is in the form of consent of the parties 58-10-1

judgment, unauthorized, reference in affidavit 64-5-1

judgments, any, granting authority 46-3-3

judgments, exemptions to attachment of funds at pre-judgment and post-judgment 43-10-5

judgments, legislation intended to eliminate “anti-government groups” use of judgments and liens to harass state and federal officials, also affects IRS use of same 56-12-2

judicial article, lays out process style for issuance of all process 41-17-2

judicial branch functioning under martial law 3-13-4

judicial college for judges, reference 50-11-2

Judicial Conduct, Code of, American Bar Association 30-12-3

judicial control over monetary policy in usA 11-11-6

Judicial duty, essence of, is to determine controversy 35-3-2

judicial function, administering oath is not a 38-4-2

judicial immunity, unconstitutional 27-17-3

judicial Judge, not 2-7-6

judicial misconduct, example of 4-15-2

judicial misconduct, public notice printed in 1983 8-18-1

judicial misconduct, publicized, causes Judge to quit 8-2-1

judicial notice of adjudicative facts 12-12-5

Judicial Notice of Adjudicative Facts 17-18-1

judicial notice, silent judicial notice, presumptions taken in every case, discussion 68-3-3

judicial officers misconduct chronicled 17-15-1

judicial offices are federal agencies, see discussion 67-2-9

judicial or administrative capacity of Judge, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Judicial Pension Plans, reference 62-6-8

judicial power exercised by non judicial officers, unconstitutionally 27-17-2

Judicial power vested in the courts, one authority for the form of court procedure 68-6-3

judicial proceeding requires an actual controversy; without a controversy its all summary and administrative process 53-3-3

Judicial Review, in traffic case with citation and Offer to Pay forming actual controversy 53-4-2

judicial review, place in procedure, discussion 58-12-3

judicial review, see procedure table 58-12-5

judicial system, insurance companies, banks, links between 41-11-1

judicial versus administrative, reference 48-8-8

jural society 36-6-2

jural society, lawful 27-7-2

jural society, meeting attended in Portland, Oregon 39-1-2

jurat stating “under protest” on tax return 17-10-3

jurisdiction (and law) within the family 3-7-1

jurisdiction and sovereignty made simple 3-7-3

jurisdiction and venue not arguments in traffic case 45-5-1

jurisdiction and venue, can you argue the spelling of your name and still maintain a challenge to 56-1-6

jurisdiction and venue, courts try to get it by legal or illegal means 56-5-5

jurisdiction and venue, discussion 56-3-4

jurisdiction brought, not by statute, but directly under Constitution 39-5-8

jurisdiction can be changed by any pleading, motion, or other new issue filed 45-2-8

jurisdiction can depend on character of the cause 42-10-8

jurisdiction can depend on character of the parties 42-10-8

jurisdiction can only be granted by you 4-6-2

jurisdiction challenge error, correct with certiorari 13-3-5

jurisdiction challenged based upon bias and prejudice 2-7-4

jurisdiction challenged in front of a judge, story 5-10-1

jurisdiction comes to the court, not by a flag, but by a pleading 39-5-7

jurisdiction court was sitting in during action 44-9-2

jurisdiction defined 42-11-4

jurisdiction granted if case appealed 26-5-3

jurisdiction granted if party joins issue such as erroneous title of pro-se or pro-per 43-6-7

jurisdiction in court set by pleadings, not flag 42-10-4

jurisdiction in the instant case, government has none56-8-6

jurisdiction is contractual, often stems from mere implied contracts based on fraud 11-7-6

jurisdiction is only over commerce 15-4-2

jurisdiction is set by the pleadings 41-8-2

jurisdiction lost by court if it fails to show cause 32-12-2

jurisdiction not granted without voluntary compliance 4-6-2

jurisdiction of a foreign court (common law court) 44-5-2

jurisdiction of a public servant must be challenged from first contact 7-6-4

jurisdiction of common law courts 44-7-1

jurisdiction of court challenged after tender of payment is ignored by court 53-4-1

jurisdiction of court not invoked by probable cause 4-6-6

jurisdiction of court should be affirmatively shown by the record 39-5-6

jurisdiction of Covenant of Civil and Political Rights 7-8-6

jurisdiction of Covenant, only federal Citizens 7-9-1

jurisdiction of Covenant, questions about 7-9-2

jurisdiction of D.C. wherever citizens are located 42-2-4

jurisdiction of traffic cases is tax court of state capital 32-15-5

jurisdiction over subject matter of Forcible Entry and Detainer, which court has 4-9-2

jurisdiction to hear only certain facts 2-5-5

jurisdiction 2-7-1

jurisdiction, admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

jurisdiction, any defect must be settled prior to plea 68-4-2

jurisdiction, appeal without granting 19-4-1

jurisdiction, appearance admits, implying contract 11-3-1

jurisdiction, asking higher court to render decision regarding jurisdiction of the lower court, supervisory control 46-13-9

jurisdiction, at what point is it clearly lacking 13-7-2

jurisdiction, challenge is demand for authority 26-13-1

jurisdiction, challenge it before preliminary hearing, before arraignment 35-7-2

jurisdiction, challenge it 2-7-4

jurisdiction, challenge 12-8-3

jurisdiction, challenge 13-3-3

jurisdiction, challenged, don’t understand charges 1-3-2

jurisdiction, challenging to stay our of “their” court 4-15-6

jurisdiction, challenging, appeal grants jurisdiction 2-11-2

jurisdiction, Common Law Court, only over sovereigns 27-7-3

jurisdiction, Constitution requires trial in local 3-12-5

jurisdiction, court has jurisdiction to determine 19-6-1

jurisdiction, court has none until statute grants 6-2-2

jurisdiction, court has none 8-3-5

jurisdiction, Court has, if residential property (government property) is being sold 19-10-1

jurisdiction, criminal, municipal corporations, as private, not vested with plenary powers, no criminal jurisdiction 36-8-2

jurisdiction, criminal, only 2, common and admiralty 10-2-4

jurisdiction, de jure, common law, UCC, UN 2-7-5

jurisdiction, District of Columbia, presumed disability 27-6-5

jurisdiction, do not allow a plea to be entered 35-7-2

jurisdiction, do not post a bond 35-7-2

jurisdiction, federal court is without, until record affirmatively shows it 39-5-6

jurisdiction, federal, determined by statute, according to court 42-10-5

jurisdiction, federal, only on federal land 12-9-5

jurisdiction, federal, only over federal zone 35-10-1

jurisdiction, findings, venue, parties, right of action in a Judgment Entry 43-4-9

jurisdiction, Forcible Entry and Detainer, Small Claims Court has 9-10-3

jurisdiction, foreign, authenticity in, Notary Public 4-19-3

jurisdiction, foreign, the United States 22-5-6

jurisdiction, give your name and you acknowledge 13-2-5

jurisdiction, granting by appearance 6-6-3

jurisdiction, granting in other ways, a list of DON’Ts 6-1-6

jurisdiction, granting statute also requires CFR 6-2-2

jurisdiction, if challenged in court of limited jurisdiction, the court’s jurisdiction must affirmatively appear in record 53-4-2

jurisdiction, if there is no service, there is no jurisdiction 58-11-7

jurisdiction, illustrative example of fraudulent 2-7-3

jurisdiction, invocation of 2-4-3

jurisdiction, invocation to hear a specific issue 2-5-3

jurisdiction, lack of, Lopez decision, prisoners freed 35-10-3

jurisdiction, lack of, spelled out in Writ of Habeas Corpus 50-12-1

jurisdiction, lacking, action is dismissed 39-5-6

jurisdiction, legal definition 43-5-5

jurisdiction, maritime, ecclesiastical, common law, equity, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-8

jurisdiction, municipal corporations not authorized by State to assume jurisdiction over local commerce 36-8-2

jurisdiction, no burden to prove that there is none 21-12-2

jurisdiction, none if prosecutor didn’t sign complaint 5-2-5

jurisdiction, none without prosecutor signature 1-4-2

jurisdiction, none without signature on complaint 15-19-2

jurisdiction, once challenged, must be proved 24-11-3

jurisdiction, Original Jurisdiction, reference and discussion 68-2-5

Jurisdiction, Original Jurisdiction, spoken example 68-4-3

jurisdiction, over the person, lack of, discussion 56-5-8

jurisdiction, personal, brief discussion 44-6-6

jurisdiction, personal, lack of, brief for 13-7-3

jurisdiction, personum 12-8-1

jurisdiction, primary element is person 35-8-1

jurisdiction, primary element is thing 35-9-4

jurisdiction, primary element is venue 35-8-2

jurisdiction, proof of federal, is demonstrated 12-10-5

jurisdiction, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

jurisdiction, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

jurisdiction, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

jurisdiction, refusal attacks first presumption of court’s jurisdiction 58-11-7

jurisdiction, refusal without entering jurisdiction 15-5-1

jurisdiction, remedy without granting 9-13-4

jurisdiction, Small Claims Court, has dual 9-10-2

jurisdiction, state Republic being outside of corporate State, affidavit of truth never controverted by US 12-10-3

jurisdiction, statutory, discussed, combination of admiralty, equity and common law 45-2-8

jurisdiction, subject matter 12-7-6

jurisdiction, subject matter 32-15-4

jurisdiction, subject matter, invoked, case by case basis 6-2-2

jurisdiction, subject matter, lack of, discussion 56-5-8

jurisdiction, subject matter, requires both statute and regulation 5-13-5

jurisdiction, territorial, without, no charge authority 12-10-2

jurisdiction, there are three jurisdictions and five stages of procedure 45-3-2

jurisdiction, two methods of bringing suit 39-5-9

jurisdiction, venue jurisdiction versus subject matter jurisdiction 28-3-5

jurisdiction, venue, or nexus of authority, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

Jurisdiction, Venue, Parties, Right of Action, Cause of Action, issues to address in Bill of Particulars 48-9-1

jurisdiction, volunteering into 12-8-2

jurisdiction, when proper complaint and properly raised issues 22-7-6

jurisdiction, which Judge is sitting in 2-7-2

jurisdiction, which one is judge taking cognizance of 42-5-3

jurisdiction, which you are operating in 2-7-2

jurisdiction, without grant of, refusal is like Civil Rule 12(b)(6) 11-2-4

jurisdiction, without, a fraudulent judgment 19-3-4

jurisdiction, writ of supervisory control, petition for 46-13-8

jurisdictional challenge brings attacks, list of 26-13-1

jurisdictional challenge versus mere initial hearing, Writ of Habeas Corpus 50-12-3

jurisdictional challenge, Bill of Pains and Penalties, trial and conviction in violation of proper 7-6-3

jurisdictional challenge, conviction over violates this Constitutional section 7-6-3

jurisdictional error made by clerk, according to Judge 33-9-7

jurisdictional issues 13-6-4

jurisdictions, three that courts sit under 45-2-8

juror’s own ignorance is only power Judge has over jury 48-14-6

jury didn’t question lack of participation by defendant 1-4-6

jury not disclosed who is collecting tax 13-5-3

jury not informed of contractual nature of tax 13-5-3

jury nullification 10-7-2

jury of his peers, no, because of various frauds 13-5-3

jury prejudiced by court statements 1-5-1

Jury Rights, discussion 48-14-1

jury tampering by Judge 48-14-1

jury to judge facts, law and all evidence 48-14-3

jury trial denied, story of 29-5-2

jury, prosecutor objects to jury seeing evidence 32-13-2

jury, prosecutor, judge and executioner at same time 48-14-2

jury, purpose is to control the government 48-14-6

jury, will be composed of 14th Amendment citizens 22-3-5

jus naturale, an administrative definition 50-5-7

justice department heads appointed by President, military government 46-16-5

Justice League, reference 48-16-5

Justice Programs, Office of, judicial department 46-16-5

Justice Statistics, Bureau of, judicial department 46-16-8

justice system is unjust 33-3-1

Justice, National Institute of, judicial department 46-16-7

justice, not available in administrative tribunals, because they have no judicial power, only administrative 26-13-4

justice, obstruction of justice, discussion 68-12-3

justices and judges, qualifications in judicial article of Constitution 41-17-2

Juvenile, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, judicial department 46-16-8

Kaire International, company referred to 8-12-4

Karen’s case 28-1-2

Karl Marx, reference 55-8-8

Keith, case of 22-5-3

Keller v. U.S., Congress, no police power in states 12-11-1

Ken, case of 42-16-1

Kenneth Wayne’s case 52-5-1

Kenny and Joe have meetings of Right Way members 38-2-4

Kevin, case of 15-2-1

Keycite, caselaw research, cautionary note 53-15-1

Keys and Conditions to Master Case 25-14-2

Keys and Conditions to Master Case 25-15-1

kickback scheme on federal government “wages” 6-3-5

kickback, income tax is scheme 14-7-1

King has interest in land, presumptions of court 46-6-2

King never surrendered mineral rights in America 42-3-1

King of England never relinquished interest in American property or the minerals from the land 46-12-5

King of England, govt agents are agents for, presumptions of court 46-6-2

King’s highway, commercial traffin in instruments 42-2-6

Kingdom of Heaven license plates 5-3-4

Kingdom of Heaven 14-16-4

kit, book of forms 58-12-1

Knight’s Criminal Trespass Win! 30-14-3

Knights of Columbus, influence Pledge of Allegiance content 40-8-5

knights, nobles, freeholders and slaves in England, discussion 66-2-5

Knock and Announce Rule 39-8-5

knowingly acts, discussed 68-10-5

knowledge, over time, brings change of techniques 26-3-2

knowledge, personal knowledge of witness, discussion 68-7-3

knowledge, standard of knowledge of the law that public officials are held to, reference 62-8-5

knowledge, the answer to any case 32-1-1

Kol Nidre, annulment of oaths, reference 62-7-2

Ku Klux Klan adopted Americanism 40-8-6

La Jolla seminar discussion 39-4-1

labor deemed in law to be property 14-9-2

labor defined in terms of gold or silver coin, not debt instruments 65-6-1

Labor Exchange, Claim to Private, form 49-22-1

labor not included in commerce 42-2-5

labor, making a claim on, for substance 49-1-5

labor, remuneration for, no right to in D.C. 27-6-5

laches 14-16-2

land as a place and land as a thing, the difference 51-6-1

land claim, file copy with recorder, not original 41-16-2

land claim, original altered by recorder, converting it into a certificate 41-16-3

land claim, other holder becomes trustee of equitable interest 41-16-2

land claim, private 42-3-8

land claim, private, file one 44-8-1

land claim, whoever holds original is holder in due course 41-16-2

land claims made in townships under common law, rather than municipalities 41-16-5

land licensed by recorded deeds 57-2-3

land owned by State in America, discussion 66-2-5

land patent is actually a treaty between a sovereign and an individual 18-4-5

land patent rights, reference in claim to private land 41-15-2

land patent, being attacked 4-9-3

land patents 13-10-A4

land patents, allodial, article 18-4-4

land patents, who issued them? 42-3-2

land recorded in county records, why its in place 11-12-3

Land Rights, Claim to Private Land Rights, form 41-15-1

land trust, discussed 31-12-4

land, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

land, place or thing, which is land? 51-5-9

landlord tenant agreement, and possession rights 25-4-6

Lane Oake’s case 31-14-1

language of control 25-15-1

Larry Beacraft, attorney, letter to Internal Revenue Commissioner on creation, or lack of, IRS agency 42-6-3

Larry of Pacheo, reference 14-15-4

Larry of Pacheo’s case 13-3-3

Larry’s case 5-9-2

Larry’s case 7-12-5

Las Vegas seminar discussion 39-6-3

law does not protect police who risk their lives to maintain it 33-13-7

law action converted by court to equity action, example 49-2-8

law action supercedes equitable action 51-2-8

law action, to get a law action the controversy has to be over legal titles only, not equitable titles 59-6-3

law and fact, discussion 50-11-2

law and fact, example of distinction 6-12-1

law book elements identified 4-13-1

law books, acquiring used ones 6-13-4

law books, how to get used ones 4-2-5

law books, list of needed ones 4-3-2

law books, shelving for 6-14-1

law consists of nature and cause, discussion 66-2-7

law does not require impossibilities 33-6-5

Law Enforcement Investigators, Anti-Car Theft Committee, Prosecutors, Vehicle Identification Agencies, all get federal funds 46-16-8

law enforcement officers seize property w/o warrant 16-6-6

law enforcement officials violate law 33-14-6

Law Enforcement Training Course, advertisement 60-17-7

Law Enforcement Training Course, reference 60-17-7

law in making arrests violated by police regularly in probably all cities in America 32-18-2

law issues must be addressed before fact issues 6-11-6

law jurisdiction 4-6-6

law jurisdiction, when there is a real damage to some party 45-3-2

law library, researching 40-5-8

Law Merchant adopted as statutes in 1980 14-2-2

Law Merchant 20-14-2

law of arrest believed by officials to be antiquated 32-18-2

Law of Arrest, article 32-18-1

Law of Bank Deposits, Collections and Credit Cards 24-9-5

law of contract supersedes everything 24-5-5

Law of Fraudulent Transactions, book 28-7-1

law of nations versus international law 2-7-2

law of nations, any contract since New Deal under, brings nation under International law 10-2-2

Law of Nations, pre-dating our system of laws 68-1-3

law of nations, under, support made democracy legal 27-3-5

law of nature, law and nature’s God, reference 58-3-1

law of presumption, amounts to Constitutional violation 29-11-2

Law of Redeemable Instruments 20-14-2

Law of Reification, getting your to place your signature on paperwork creating duties on you 62-6-3

law of the flag 24-10-5

law permits tax collector coercion because 14-9-6

law practiced from jail 33-15-4

law profession, what goes on in it, discussion 61-13-8

law prohibiting government employment of disloyal persons 35-11-4

Law School Admissions Test, LSAT, reference 61-13-9

law school, what goes on in them, discussion 61-13-8

law schools train officials and attorneys to trick litigants 32-1-2

law terms, article 50-4-3

Law, as describe by Blackstone, his discussion 44-10-2

law, bad, not a problem until someone is damaged 22-12-5

law, cestui que trust must know the law and their rights 65-7-1

law, contract related to law action and equity action 49-2-7

law, court of law, courts are not, is court to handle the King of England’s property 46-13-4

law, if you argue facts, you have already agreed to 6-13-1

law, ignorance of the 14th Amendment is no excuse 22-3-6

law, knowledge of, is best weapon 7-2-2

law, law of nature and nature’s God, reference 58-3-1

Law, Learning to Live With The Natural Law, excerpt from article by Colleen Walters 58-1-5

law, one administrative definition 50-4-5

law, people stopped practicing the law, discussion 49-3-3

law, perfect knowledge non-existent 30-5-8

law, practice of, can not be licensed by any state 17-8-3

Law, Practicing Law Without a License, article 54-12-2

law, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

Law, School of, American Christian 29-7-1

law, system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-3-5

law, system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-4-2

law, we just do not understand what the law is 46-10-5

lawful authority, order of 5-1-6

lawful government, story 54-2-6

lawful money demanded by court contract 33-6-3

lawful money in the usA is gold and silver coin 11-11-4

Lawful Path 31-1-5

Lawful Path, Internet Web page 31-15-7

lawful recourse limited by corporate limited liability 15-11-4

lawful warrant, not 3-15-5

Lawful, restore Lawful government, discussion 65-1-6

laws of a thing, but not laws of a place 51-6-2

laws of nations, fraud under, example 13-5-4

laws passed, since bankruptcy in 1933, is fraud and have no force or effect 30-19-7

laws, chart showing big picture of statutes/case law 4-12-4

laws, federal, generally applicable, must be published in Federal Register 6-8-4

laws, private and public 5-4-4

lawyer attacked by Bar Association, story 50-3-1

lawyer turns white learning of note to discharge debt 8-12-6

lawyer won’t prosecute another lawyer 4-11-6

lawyer, ethical obligations of lawyers when they make a big mistake 62-5-5

lawyer, see attorney

lawyer, testifying about facts is the function of a witness, not of a lawyer 56-13-7

lawyer, the damage they’ve caused to freedom in America 62-1-1

lawyers and judges trained in leading litigants down “slippery slope” to frivolous arguments 26-4-2

lawyers forbidden from court of the people, shunned by common man, reviled by the clergy 62-2-1

lawyers have created a monopoly over legal system 33-3-2

lawyers not licensed by state in Wisconsin 19-7-4

lawyers produce nothing 48-14-6

lawyers take thumb print in hospital as P.O.A. 4-11-2

lawyers trained to never put a material fact in dispute 40-4-5

lawyers, article, Why did Shakespeare want to kill all the lawyers? 61-11-5

lawyers, slick, set up colorable law system 33-3-2

leaders have put themselves into a state of war with the people. People are thereby dissolved from further obedience to that government 27-3-6

leading questions, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-6

League of Nations, reference 46-10-8

Learning to Live With The Natural Law, excerpt from article by Colleen Walters 58-1-5

ledgering, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

ledgering, ties factual allegations to issues of law 58-7-9

legal and equitable title, holder of lawful money has, to substance, not just equitable possession of debt 11-13-3

legal character resulting from use of nom de guerre 56-2-6

legal consequences, can they happen when no injury 3-7-5

legal definitions of selected terms 21-10-6

legal disability, parens patriae, defined, state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability 15-5-5

legal documents always are written very specifically and according to rules of English grammar 42-18-1

legal lunatic, attorney, hire one and you are placed in a secret trust as a legal lunatic, a mental case 62-3-4

legal lunatic, discussion 58-14-1

legal lunatic, discussion 65-1-8

legal mail, definition of legal materials to prisoners 50-2-4

legal notice published in paper 67-6-1

legal notice regarding sheriff sale of property 13-19-1

legal process, public is ignorant of 11-8-5

Legal Prodicall Group, article by 46-6-7

legal profession, parasites, reference 62-6-4

legal profession’s job security, making everything illegal, discussion 61-12-1

legal quotes and research, Title 42, on diskette 27-12-3

legal research instructional video tape 28-6-3

legal research video tape 40-5-8

Legal Research 5-3-5

legal research 6-8-2

legal research, article on how to do 4-12-3

legal research, necessary, reference 62-7-6

legal research, reference 58-11-2

legal research, reference 59-7-1

legal research, steps to find equivalent case in your state 20-9-5

legal strategy of procedure v. legal research of subject matter, discussion 42-6-2

legal system converted from civil to martial law 11-7-6

legal system formed over centuries by scribes 13-13-5

legal tender acts, reference in court opinion quote 41-18-2

legal tender, fiat money 37-13-3

legal title issue between two parties, discussion 61-7-1

legal title to everything in the hands of government 57-2-5

legal title to gold or silver 16-5-4

legal title, a parallel fiction world where claim of ownership exists, complaints filed in admiralty, discussion 59-6-7

legal title, be careful, signature could evidence legal title 61-5-7

legal title, best legal title is possession 51-2-8

legal title, Bill of Sale shows evidence of conveyance of legal and equitable title 68-4-1

legal title, legal definition 41-16-8

legal title, the agency that it is registered with has legal title to the property 16-4-1

legal titles, actions are cases in which there is a controversy between legal titles 59-6-3

legal tyranny, free yourself from, article 20-11-4

legally incompetent, are most persons? 15-5-5

legally incompetent, hire an attorney and you are presumed to be legally incompetent 62-3-4

legally reasonable 2-10-1

legislative article of Constitution, gives qualifications and oath for members of the legislature 41-17-3

Legislative Counsels admit bifurcation, discussion 65-12-6

legislative department never reconvened since 1860 28-16-1

legislative Judge, not 2-7-6

legislative offices are federal agencies, see discussion 67-2-9

legislative rule, an administrative definition 50-4-7

legislative service commission, director of, in chain of approval of administrative procedures, reference 67-3-2

Legislative tribunal equals statutory court 14-15-6

Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

legislature is paramount body of govt, not courts 27-4-2

Leroy Michael Swietzer, discussion of his possible challenge to the government 59-8-2

Leroy Michael Swietzer, discussion of 59-7-4

Leroy Michael Swietzer, failed to properly monitize property 59-7-2

letter of marque and reprisal 16-6-5

Letter Rogatory, example of use 68-4-3

letter to Congressman from citizen 29-15-1

letters of marque and reprisal, fraud under, example 13-5-4

letters of marquis 2-6-3

Letters to Jessica, book by Robert Bissett 11-16-1

levies and notices, IRS banned from filing bogus 55-10-2

levy of social security, things you can do 64-12-9

levy, article, Can The IRS Levy Your Old Age Social Security Benefits? 64-11-7

levy, from IRS, against 3rd party property 37-3-7

levy, lien, attachment, and garnishment 44-4-6

levy, Notice of Levy is not a levy, reference 61-1-2

levy, Notice of Levy is not a levy, reference 61-2-5

levy, social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

levy, stuff not subject to levy (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-3

levy, warrant for distraint is necessary to constitute a levy 61-2-8

Lexis database called P-Trax, personal data available to anyone 39-17-8

liability of attorney to client if attorney makes big mistake, reference 62-6-2

liability of local government bodies 13-7-2

liability of municipality for conduct of employees 24-9-5

liability release sought by doctors over test results 37-4-9

liability, damage, and corporations 15-11-3

liability, limited, of trusts 31-7-1

liability, none under instrument without signature 4-6-2

liability, related to trusts, examples 31-12-5

liability, requirements for criminal liability, discussed 68-10-1

liable, not, for commercial paper, traffic ticket 32-8-7

liberty to use the public right of way, story 49-20-7

liberty, life or property, did breaking of law deprive 48-14-5

liberty, reference, evidence standard 54-7-7

librarian is a keeper of the record, citation 63-10-4

Library of Congress, fitness for duty exams 37-4-9

licence, driver’s, case of “client ID” 22-16-3

licenced, everything, land by deed, peoples bodies by birth certificates, etc., etc. see text of article 57-2-3

licensable activity, discussion and examples in traffic case 45-4-8

license converts enemy to an ally 16-4-3

license for using streets not authorized 20-15-5

License Fraud, Attorney, more on 19-4-4

license is contract of allegiance to government 16-4-4

license occupations, marriages, etc, citizens as war criminals must 27-6-1

license or register, lose your sovereignty 15-7-3

license plate, creates presumption car in commerce 3-8-1

license plate, small claims offensive against license plate issue, traffic 46-7-5

license plates, no 5-2-2

license plates, none 5-3-2

license plates, none, driver’s license, none 12-11-5

license tax for individuals, no legal compulsion to pay 3-8-3

license tax is indirect tax, passed on in commerce 3-8-2

license to practice law, attorneys must produce 31-15-2

license to practice law, non-existent 17-8-3

license to take away your children 8-5-2

license, British West Indies, plates, and registration 49-20-8

license, franchise and monopoly, cross reference to license 46-7-1

license, nonresidents exempt from drivers license in Ohio 42-18-2

license, paying for “protection”? 22-16-4

license, police officer practicing law without a license 68-6-6

License, Practicing Law Without a License, article 54-12-2

license, registration and insurance 24-8-2

license, state marriage 14-13-5

license, story about modifying a contractor’s license 48-6-4

licensed friendly, and not an enemy, discussion 56-2-7

licensed, courts presume that everyone before the court is incorporated or licensed 45-8-2

licenses only required for commerce 3-8-2

licenses propogated by executive branch of government, except attorney’s licenses by Supreme Court 62-4-7

licenses, a security comes in many forms, deeds, birth certificates, licenses, titles, etc. 45-3-4

licenses, basic premise is War Powers Act of 1917 46-7-1

licenses, having one makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

licenses, in story of win 54-7-3

licenses, lawyers not licensed by state in Wisconsin 19-7-4

licensing authority in Ohio, citizens using the roads is not on that list 53-2-2

licensing of corporate churches is problem 12-10-4

licensing speech, discussion 54-13-8

liege master 21-9-2

liege men to the US, their liege lord, feudal system 22-4-4

liege serf in feudal law, ward of District of Columbia 21-9-1

liege subject of a liege lord, reference in article 59-13-7

lien authority, IRS has none for lack of implementing regulations 33-8-1

lien claim, discussion 58-7-5

lien discussion in case of Leroy Michael Swietzer 59-7-5

lien notice, requirement for recording found in state statutes 42-5-8

lien procedures, common law, related discussion 44-4-4

lien process used by IRS, steps described 3-6-6

lien resulting from equitable interest 25-4-6

lien, a ninety day letter from the IRS, discussion 58-10-2

lien, can purchaser produce court order authorizing sale 42-14-3

lien, common law, against one’s own property 9-3-5

lien, legal, on assets of all creditor nations 2-8-3

lien, levy, attachment, and garnishment 44-4-6

lien, makes a claim of interest in property or assets 58-7-3

lien, none, IRS attempting to collect debt on mere notice 11-4-1

lien, notice of lien, equivalent to a “proffer” in English common law 51-11-4

lien, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

lien, permanently replaces a notice of interest 58-7-8

lien, pre-existing, on property, clouds any foreclosure sale 58-8-1

lien, requires either a judicial act or a contractual act 42-5-9

lien, selling the lien and not the property 58-8-3

lien, tax lien affidavit, example 64-3-1

lien, tax lien, notice of, discussion in article 64-1-2

Lien, Tax, Notice of Non-Bona Fide 4-19-1

lien, when matured, becomes a bill collectible 58-7-6

lienholder not entitled to possession rights 7-12-6

liens “to harass state and federal officials”, reference 55-10-1

liens placed to secure interest resulting from injuries 17-13-5

liens placed upon police officer’s property 3-6-2

liens, administrative procedure doesn’t need court 3-6-6

liens, administrative process used by IRS 3-6-2

Liens, Commercial, article, I.R.S. Applies Back Door Tactics to fight Commercial Liens 56-13-9

liens, consensual 11-7-5

liens, follow bill and three notices, not responded to 3-6-2

liens, legislation intended to eliminate “anti-government groups” use of judgments and liens to harass state and federal officials, also affects IRS use of same 56-12-2

liens, non commercial instruments passed as valid 11-11-3

liens, priority of, discussion 58-8-2

liens, reference, failure to properly monitize 59-7-2

liens, tax, IRS, are all invalid, improper procedure 37-3-2

liens, utilize to protect your rights 14-17-3

lies, Judge makes findings without evidence, then lies, hoping litigant would traverse 43-7-9

lies, Judgment Entries usually contain three elements, deliberate errors, out-and-out lies, and truth 43-6-7

Life Insurance Trust, benefits of policy held NOT in your name 31-13-2

Life Insurance Trusts, concepts behind 31-12-3

life insurance, alcohol or tobacco purchasse could possibly deny you health or life insurance 39-17-4

life, liberty or property, did breaking of law deprive 48-14-5

Light, index for Right Way “Light” 40-12-1

lighthouse versus battleship story 22-13-4

limitations on government, per Marbury v. Madison 35-2-7

limited liability of trusts 31-12-8

limited liability of trusts 31-7-1

limited liability, a trait of all admiralty ventures, reverence 59-13-8

limited liability, article continued 16-13-4

limited liability, article 15-11-2

limited liability, as corporation, is deadly 15-11-3

limited liability, fraudulent plan of corporation, discussion 58-2-8

limited liability, reference to international debt due to the bankruptcy of Trust B 58-13-9

limited liability, reference 58-11-4

limited liability, the consideration you received by submitting to the D.C. government 56-9-8

Lincoln, Southern states, did they follow correct procedure to secede from union 30-2-4

Lincoln’s Temple, reference 62-1-2

Linder v. U.S., no federal control of medicine 12-11-1

lis pendens in lieu of discovery of assets 38-3-3

lis pendens, similar to a notice of interest 58-7-8

litigant is not a “person” 43-1-2

litigant not the person named on the complaint 46-13-3

litigants are always in court over a controversy concerning a security 46-12-8

loan, a closer look at what it is 39-13-5

loan, defined in UCC, not money, debt instrument 11-14-1

loan, full facts not disclosed 12-15-5

loan, income tax is a forced loan, not a tax on wages 48-1-2

loan, interest is actually a forced loan on the people 48-3-1

loan, legal definition 31-6-3

loaning yourself your own money through a bank 60-13-4

loans of commercial paper cannot be in de jure states 12-13-3

loans, FRNs printed to cover loan, but not interest 8-12-3

loans, how they relate to bankruptcy 8-12-3

local court drops case, too expensive to litigate 5-15-1

local government bodies, liability of 13-7-2

Local rules, one authority for the form of court procedure 68- 6-3

location improper, mail being returned 14-17-2

location on a place, but not membership of the thing! 51-6-3

Lon’s case 17-2-4

London Lawyer’s Guild, American Bar is offshoot of 17-9-1

long distance telephone discount plan 21-9-5

long distance telephone service program 23-4-1

long distance telephone service, membership benefit 20-5-1

Lopez decision, prisoners freed, lack of jurisdiction 35-10-3

lose a case by filing an answer 9-13-5

losing or winning cases, how it sometimes happens 66-12-6

Lost Note, Affidavit of, never heard of 37-8-5

Louisiana Purchase and allodial land patents 18-6-1

love, all the commandments reduced to one word 26-4-5

lower court record, certiorari, can correct 13-3-5

LSAT, Law School Admissions Test, reference 61-13-9

lunatic, attorney, hire one and you are placed in a secret trust as a legal lunatic, a mental case 62-3-4

lunatic, legal lunatic, discussion 65-1-8

lunatic, legal, discussion 58-14-1

Macaroni, Yankee Doodle, defined 46-6-6

Magna Carta says free men don’t pay taxes 54-2-8

Magna Carta, jury nullification since the time of 48-14-5

Magna Carta, one document of our land 28-16-3

mail fraud, by sending CMO through mail 44-8-8

mail fraud, reference to 7-5-2

mail going to wrong place because of zip code in parenthesis 29-7-8

mail, registered mail different from certified mail 28-4-1

mails, phone, telegraph, used in debt collection 7-3-5

major premise of law challenged by refusal 22-15-5

major premise of law 13-4-1

major premise of law 6-2-2

major premise of law 6-3-2

major premise of law, demurrer 14-4-1

major premise of law, explanation 12-3-2

major premise of law, minor premise of facts 22-15-2

major premise 14-4-6

major premise 2-11-3

major premise, issues of law 6-12-6

male, Christian male, females can use term as it is gender neutral 41-16-5

Malfeasance of Office, affidavit, reference, late or refusal to answer FOIA 50-17-5

malice 22-19-2

malicious injury, attorney must manditorily withdraw from employment if purpose of litigation is harassment or maliciously injuring any person 30-13-4

malicious prosecution 39-8-6

malicious prosecution, protecting court from 26-13-1

malpractice (by lawyer) suit 17-2-4

malpractice by attorney, reference 62-5-6

man created states, states created federal govt 4-4-2

man on the land, discussion 56-2-4

man on the soil, unassociated with government was a state in fact 58-5-5

managed health care, discussion 45-9-8

mandamus to appeals court 41-7-8

mandamus would lie if court failed to hear petition 19-6-5

mandamus 33-14-5

mandamus 42-4-2

mandamus 9-10-3

mandamus, to correct bad court procedure 32-7-9

Mandatory Judicial Notice of facts by demurrer 17-18-1

Mandatory Judicial Notice 12-2-5

mandatory regulations versus voluntary regulations 5-12-3

mandatory tax on income would be direct tax 6-6-5

mandatory withdrawal, attorney must withdraw from employment if purpose of litigation is harassment or maliciously injuring any person 30-13-4

man-hunts where citizens participate, modern equivalent of historical hue and cry 32-18-8

manor courts in England, discussion 66-2-5

manoral system of law in America, discussion 66-3-2

Manual for Criminal Tax Trials 36-16-1

manual found inside copy machine at Boeing Co 11-10-5

Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin 5-3-2

Manufacturers Statement of Origin v. Certificate of Title 38-8-8

Maranda rights not given 13-2-1

Marbury v. Madison, case discussion 35-2-4

Marc Andra, article by 17-12-5

March 4, 1933, bank holiday, Trading w/ Enemy Act 16-5-6

maritime distinguished from admiralty 45-2-9

Maritime flag behind bar, millions of American’s with potential suits against the government 32-13-4

maritime is private commerce of the sea 45-2-9

Maritime, debt actions fall under Admiralty/Maritime and waive the common law 55-2-6

Marketing Associate for Right Way 31-10-2

marque and reprisal, letter of 16-6-5

marque of reprisal, defined 16-9-1

marriage license application contract between the State, the man and the woman, reference and discussion 46-12-2

marriage license contract, state is holder in due course 58-10-1

marriage license is contract that gives court authority to proceed 43-5-9

marriage license revocation, Child Support Bureau has no jurisdiction 17-8-1

marriage license, children of marriage belong to State under 39-2-9

Marriage License, evidence to be brought forth by statutory court that accused is in court’s venue 32-8-8

marriage license, reference 57-2-5

marriage license, reference 59-15-9

marriage license, state 14-13-5

marriage, three of us getting married 39-1-6

marriages, occupations, etc, citizens as war criminals must license 27-6-1

married, you’ve never been 39-1-3

Marshals, US, not required to execute Oath of Office 55-13-4

martial law authority comes from emergency 1-6-6

Martial Law Court, court is a, presumption of court 38-5-8

martial law courts, as opposed to military, admiralty 39-4-1

Martial Law in Georgia 11-9-2

martial law legislative branch of government 28-16-1

martial law requires to show delegation of authority 13-6-1

martial law 1-6-5

martial law 2-7-6

martial law, 14th Amendment 20-17-6

martial law, but 100% of people don’t know 3-13-5

martial law, court power by contract and treaty or 21-12-2

martial law, example of how it works 11-8-2

martial law, example 11-10-3

martial law, it is judge’s court, defendants who volunteer, rules are what judge says they are 11-10-4

martial law, Judge admits defendant right, then rules against him 11-10-4

martial law, Judge ordered Clerk to refuse filings 11-10-4

martial law, judicial branch functioning under 3-13-4

martial law, result of acts in 1933 16-4-3

Marx, Karl Marx, reference 55-8-8

Mary Keane 8-7-4

Mary’s case 27-14-1

Masons, reference regarding annulment of oaths and justification of perjury 62-7-3

Master Case 25-14-2

master/slave relationship 19-14-5

material evidence, what given, none 19-10-2

material fact, genuine issues as to, none 6-10-3

material fact, lawyers trained to never put one in dispute 40-4-5

material facts to support cause, complaint must set forth 26-7-2

material facts, appear in complaint 40-4-3

material facts, examples of traps involving 40-4-5

material facts, none given 19-10-4

material facts, what given, none 19-10-2

material issues of fact, none in dispute 1-2-5

material issues of fact, none in dispute, demurrer 14-4-4

Max, case of 32-13-1

maxims, concepts so well settled there can be no argument about them 68-3-2

mayors court is statutory court, certiorari lies 14-15-6

McWhorter case 27-1-2

mechanics lien, priority over all other claims, including government 58-8-2

mechanics lien, reference to foreclosure sale, caveat emptor 58-8-1

Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (1775) 35-10-4

Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, North Carolina, member inquires about 33-17-9

media bias 8-9-6

media blackout on disclosing CAFR reports 63-5-3

media not covering Constitutional Convention 8-13-4

media, in lock step with Federal Reserve 41-18-7

media, relationship between government, editors and reporters 63-5-5

Medicade or Medicare, “public insurance” 39-2-5

Medicaid, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance such as Medicaid 54-17-5

medical abuse and conspiracy 7-13-5

medical, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

Medicare, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance such as Medicare 54-17-5

medicine, alternative, and legal issues, discussion 45-8-5

meek, discussed 41-3-7

members benefit of telephone long distance service 22-11-6

members of Right Way meet in various states 23-2-4

membership benefit, long distance telephone service 20-5-1

membership benefits of Right Way 31-10-1

membership drive 3-1-3

membership of a thing, not membership of a place 51-6-3

Memorandum and Opinion, Judge’s, analysis 43-7-7

memorandum of law regarding IRS 61-2-6

memorandum supporting motion to dismiss 18-2-3

mental case, attorney, hire one and you are placed in a secret trust as a legal lunatic, a mental case 62-3-4

mental hospital, result from traffic arrest 31-14-7

merchant, who is a merchant, anyone using negotiable instruments, such as Federal Reserve Notes 24-4-5

merchants buy and sell using negotiable instruments 24-4-5

Mercury Rising, movie title reviewed by Jack Smith 56-1-1

mercury, dictionary definition 56-16-3

merits of case, get involved, grants jurisdiction 6-1-6

Middle Temple, reference 62-1-2

midnight, couple released from jail at 14-17-4

Mike’s case 18-1-1

Miles v. Graham 3-8-6

Military and Government salaries funded from where? 30-3-9

military and police, their place 16-13-4

military Congress, we have a 46-9-5

military court, what if you don’t join issue with 40-7-4

military flag 24-10-3

military government in America ruling by might, not by legal authority 46-9-7

military government, only authority is consent of people 36-6-2

military law only recognizes municipal law, reference 50-11-1

Military Law, American History of, tape replaces issue 34 34-1-1

military service and sovereignty 29-6-7

military to intervene if inhabitant not released from jail 64-14-9

military venue of the one world government 41-5-4

military, martial law courts, as opposed to military, admiralty 39-4-1

military, no private capacity while in the military 62-17-8

militia called forth against lawless government 19-11-5

Militia, article 15-9-3

militia, power to regulate denied to federal govt 19-12-3

militia, recent conduct having serious consequences 43-15-1

militia, the second amendment 43-13-5

militia, what it was in colonial days 19-12-1

militia, who will regulate it, clearly people will 20-16-4

Miller, David, interviewed about Title 42 suits 29-1-2

millions of American’s with potential suits against the government, Maritime flag behind bar 32-13-4

mineral rights in America, King never surrendered 42-3-1

minimal contact, legal definition, without, no federal jurisdiction 35-10-3

minimal contact, with benefit or privilege 35-9-4

ministerial duty of public officials, reference 65-5-3

ministerial duty, official not doing 42-4-2

ministerial function, administering oath is a 38-4-2

ministerial officer liable for injury done 65-6-2

ministers, public, have immunity 28-4-4

minor premise of facts, major premise of law 22-15-2

minor premise of law, demurrer 14-4-1

minor premise of law, explanation 12-3-2

minor premise 14-4-5

minor premise, issues of fact 6-12-6

Miracle on Main Street, book by Tupper Sausy 8-4-2

Miranda warnings at traffic stops 33-14-4

Miranda, Judge’s training tapes available 60-17-4

misconduct of judicial officers chronicled 17-15-1

misdemeanant, fleeing, may not be shot by police 33-12-3

misdemeanor and felony, equal protection of law for 19-4-2

misdemeanor or felony, right to arrest for 33-2-6

misdemeanor, imprisonment for, not allowed unless accused represented by counsel 18-5-6

misdemeanors and felonies, allocution 29-14-4

misnomer is an affirmative defense in any proceeding 28-3-2

misnomer is an issue of venue, waived if not challenged up front 28-3-4

misnomer, dilatory plea 42-4-5

misnomer, duress, mistake, fraud, and unconscionable contract, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

misnomer, see procedure table 58-12-5

misnomer, venue, no damaged party, no cause of action, Refusals and Abatements are challenges based on 32-12-6

misrepresentation in debt collection practice 7-3-3

misrepresentation, three levels, innocent, reckless, negligent 31-6-2

Mission Of The IRS 6-3-2

Mission of the IRS, as published in Fed. Register 13-10-3

mistake, a UCC term 22-7-5

mistake, duress, misnomer, fraud, and unconscionable contract, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

mistaken identity, plaintiff has no standing to sue 35-8-2

Mitch, case of 38-1-2

Mitchel v. Forsyth 13-2-2

mobilia sequuntur personam, a variety of legal fiction 62-15-6

Modern Money Mechanics, book published by Federal Reserve Bank 30-8-7

monetary obligation and/or connotation of capitalization 46-6-8

monetary policy, judicial control over, in usA 11-11-6

monetizing property, table 57-2-1

money (gold and silver) shifted to commercial paper 11-13-3

money as consideration, borrower received no loan of any, for the alleged mortgage note 26-3-5

money funneled to Exchecquer of the Crown of England by treaty, reference 62-5-2

money is an asset 11-13-6

money is property 11-13-2

Money Judgments Recognition Act, Uniform Foreign Country 44-4-8

Money Order, Check, Federal Reserve Note, no substance in 49-2-4

money order, debt tendered (by check, draft, money order, promissory note), party has no rights, only obligations 55-2-5

money order, postal, is not negotiable paper of bank 36-12-3

money orders, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

money orders, federal reserve notes, checks are all debt credit instruments under US bankruptcy 36-12-1

Money Orders, IRS in relation to Checks, Money Orders, Federal Reserve Notes 49-2-8

money system has been lost 11-12-1

money versus what it will buy, now reversed 2-8-2

money, “use” of private Trust B money makes you subject to Trust B 58-14-1

money, all money is borrowed into existence 39-13-1

Money, article 49-16-1

money, banks do not loan, or credit 11-14-2

money, control of, described 49-16-2

money, federal, conspiracy within CPS to get 40-3-2

money, federal, false claims submitting by CPS to get 40-2-8

money, flow chart of, in Department of Justice 46-18-1

money, flow of, FOIA to see 46-17-3

money, flowing into States from federal agencies 46-16-4

money, follow the money, reference to Attorneys 62-6-5

money, how is judicial system funded 62-6-8

money, its the giving up of a product or service that allows us to acquire another product or service, not money 48-2-5

money, lawful, in the usA is gold and silver coin 11-11-4

money, lawful, not used by institutions in usA 11-11-4

money, lawful, The Coinage Act of 1792 37-13-3

money, motivation in government, discussed 53-10-8

money, not, commercial paper 27-19-2

money, people with actual money could establish banks, from Jefferson’s writings 37-12-8

money, presently is con job 2-8-2

money, printing your own 30-8-9

money, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, titles to property, insurance policies, all bullets of war 56-2-5

money, something used “as money” under UCC 11-11-4

money, substance, must be used to buy legal and equitable title to property, not just equitable possession 11-14-5

money, the food that feeds the monster called bureaucracy 55-6-3

money, understanding of proper role of 48-1-5

money, uses for 36-10-4

money, value of, described 49-16-2

money, value of, paper not a regulation of 41-18-2

money, War Powers and Trading with the Enemy Act pertain to only 19-10-1

money, we have no permanent money system 38-18-8

money, what is it 35-16-8

money, what makes it valuable, answered by Federal Reserve 30-8-7

money, what substance court requires for fine payment 8-2-2

monitization of property, reference 59-7-2

monitoring of human rights 7-9-3

monitoring whether you are a “good” parent 8-5-6

monopolies, various state bar associations are absolute monopolies 62-4-4

monopoly and franchise, cross reference to license 46-7-1

monopoly between judges and lawyers in court 3-2-5

moral law, an administrative definition 50-5-7

More Definite Statement, Demand for a, discussion 50-18-5

More definite Statement, Demand for 49-1-2

mort main, principles deal with corporations 28-3-2

mortgage cannot be had for 21 years without consent 7-13-2

mortgage discharged by discharging attendant promissory note 53-2-6

mortgage discharged with a promissory note 9-3-1

mortgage note is a forgery/counterfeit 26-3-5

mortgage, cancelling bank loans without going to court, two volumes, advertisement 54-8-3

mortgage, reference in table 57-2-1

mortgage, research defining 13-14-2

mortgage, special contracts, discussion 56-10-8

mortmain acts, prevented land from getting into the possession of religious corporations 13-13-5

mortmain, alienation of land to corporation 13-13-6

mortuum vadium, a dead pledge or mortgage 13-14-1

mortuus, research defining 13-14-2

mother fights Child Protective Services over her child 27-14-1

motion flawed for failure to state a good cause 3-11-5

Motion for Costs can be struck per Rule 12(f) 19-7-2

Motion for Hearing, Title 42, call clerk, get name 28-19-1

Motion for Instant Hearing, form 50-19-7

Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 15-2-1

Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 3-11-4

Motion for Reconsideration, administrative remedy 12-4-4

motion for sanctions, like commercial instrument, must be refused 25-2-3

Motion for Sanctions, reference 50-17-1

Motion for Summary Judgment 3-11-4

motion for summary judgment, discussion 60-2-7

Motion for Summary Judgment, overcoming, Wachtler Briefs 13-7-1

motion for time, under Rule 6(b)(2) 16-3-3

Motion format, described and illustrated 60-6-1

Motion to Compel, separate counsel, form, in Title 42 suits 61-17-1

motion to discharge 1-5-2

Motion to Dismiss a Title 42 is inappropriate if you have these five points in your complaint 21-4-2

motion to dismiss is a demurrer, discussion 60-2-6

Motion to Dismiss is demurrer for Complaint 19-6-2

Motion to Dismiss is demurrer in misdemeanor case 18-2-2

Motion to Dismiss struck 20-1-6

Motion to Dismiss the Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 60-3-5

Motion to Dismiss wins 18-1-1

motion to dismiss, content discussed 41-6-2

motion to dismiss, failure to state a claim 35-7-2

Motion to Dismiss, overcoming, Wachtler Briefs 13-7-1

motion to dismiss, pre-plea 27-10-3

motion to dismiss, prosecution failed to meet burden of proof, discussion 68-9-8

motion to dismiss, Rule 12(b)(6) 21-2-4

motion to dismiss, with exhibits, is in essence a motion for summary judgment 12-12-3

Motion to Nolle Prosequi (no prosecution) 33-17-2

Motion to Quash is demurrer for Indictment 19-6-2

Motion to Quash is demurrer in felony case 18-2-2

motion to quash, dilatory plea 42-4-5

Motion to Quash, discussion 49-21-2

Motion to Quash, refusal was 14-4-6

Motion to Strike by demurrer without traverse 12-12-6

motion to strike Defendant’s 12(b)(6) 30-1-2

Motion to Strike Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 38-1-3

Motion to Strike is demurrer to Request for Sanctions 25-3-1

motion to strike is demurrer 16-3-3

Motion to Strike Motion for Costs per Rule 12(f) 19-7-2

Motion to Strike 15-2-1

Motion to Strike 20-1-6

motion to strike 2-11-3

Motion To Strike 6-12-5

Motion to Strike, a powerful tool to set the record 13-8-1

motion to strike, discussion 60-3-2

Motion to Strike, example form 12-19-1

Motion to Strike, form of refusal 22-16-1

motion to strike, how to use it 12-12-4

Motion to Vacate mandated, not Court’s discretion 19-6-4

Motion to Vacate not continuation of lower court case, but a brand new action 19-6-1

Motion to Vacate v. Certiorari 19-3-4

motion type hearings 2-11-3

motion, private service converted by Judge to motion, example 48-13-6

motion, rules require a hearing date to be complete 3-6-1

motions and affidavits, writing 26-4-1

motions for temporary restraining orders, discussion 62-8-1

Motions to Dismiss, overcome at time of complaint 13-2-2

motions to strike, missing 13-4-1

Motions to Strike, utilize lower court record 12-11-4

Motor Vehicle Codes punished by Municipal courts 50-11-1

movant, counter complaint defendant becomes the movant 51-12-7

movant, getting to the position of, discussion 58-11-5

movie review by Jack Smith 54-1-1

movie review by Jack Smith 55-1-1

moving the court to action 2-3-1

Moving the court versus Requesting the court 25-2-5

moving the court, can you if you are not a party 45-1-6

mundalization of City of Akron, Ohio 2-8-4

municipal corporations are private in nature 36-8-2

municipal corporations by-laws 62-1-5

municipal corporations not authorized by State to assume jurisdiction over local commerce 36-8-2

municipal corporations, as private, not vested with plenary powers, no criminal jurisdiction 36-8-2

municipal court is statutory court, certiorari lies 14-15-6

municipal court judge sits under foreign authority 3-12-4

municipal law and international law, discussed 50-11-5

municipal law, as discussed by Blackstone 45-7-3

municipal ordinances, traffic tickets written on, not state statutes 36-7-4

municipal regulations, ordinances, talking about is evidence of military rule 63-11-4

municipal, D.O.T.s, difference between federal, state, municipal, city 36-6-6

N.Y. v. U.S., no federal commandeering of state 12-11-2

NAFTA, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-2

naif, defined as a female serf 22-3-5

name , Christian, without security in it, court has no authority 46-13-4

name change and social security number 50-9-2

name in all capital letters is yours, on summons and complaint, presumption of court 38-5-5

name may be sold without your permission 39-17-1

name not on complaint, only issue 35-7-1

name not on the complaint 46-13-3

name on complaint, its not mine, discussion 39-6-4

name on contract (like driver’s license), is it yours? 39-3-1

name spelled in all capital letters 13-15-6

name spelled in all capital letters 17-10-6

name, can I participate if my name isn’t on paperwork 45-1-3

name, Christian, not on on court paperwork, story 38-19-5

name, Christian, two parts 43-1-4

name, discussion of nom de guerre in case caption 54-16-1

name, first thing Court requires from accused 29-11-2

name, legal definition (re: Christian appellation) 51-13-2

name, not my name on legal paperwork 56-1-4

name, not my 44-8-2

name, research defining 13-16-4

name, some Greek and Roman history of 51-13-4

name, spelling it, verbally, in upper and lower case, for the court record 28-4-2

name, that’s not my, on your paperwork 22-5-3

name, you can’t be arrested for not giving your name 45-1-5

names in all capital letters on licenses, presumptions and implications not explained 39-2-9

National Advertising Review Board, reference in relation to US Post Office 40-11-2

National Archives request if Title 26 or its Implementing Regulations ever put in Federal Register 16-6-1

National Assessment of Educational Progress 8-5-5

National Commercial Lien and Distress Recording and Reporting Services 11-9-1

national debt, 14th Amendment citizen liable for 27-6-4

national debt, Federal Reserve has cheated America out of enough money to pay, several times over 42-18-5

national debt, offer to pay it off, will it be accepted 37-12-6

national debt, pledging all public and personal assets involuntarily 46-6-9

national debt, pledging an entity against 46-6-9

National Education Association, reference 40-8-3

National Futures Association, NFA, reference 55-12-3

national health care ID card, Smart Card 45-10-2

National Institute of Justice, judicial department 46-16-7

Nationalism, name of socialist movement 40-8-2

nations destroyed by internal subversion, not foreign invasion 20-16-6

nations, original thirteen colonies were 57-1-2

natural born man 2-18-2

natural law and belief, discussion 58-2-4

natural law, an administrative definition 50-5-2

Natural Law, Learning to Live With The Natural Law, excerpt from article by Colleen Walters 58-1-5

natural resources are people in D.C. 21-9-2

natural rights, an administrative definition 50-5-8

Naturalization, Immigration and Naturalization Act, and expatriation 50-6-7

nature and cause of action, a right to receive reply to FOIA request 50-17-5

nature and cause of allegations, bill of particulars 42-4-1

nature and cause of citation, bill of particulars 52-1-2

nature and cause, Judge rendered powerless 43-4-1

nature and cause, must learn before participation 48-13-6

nature and cause, officials fail to identify, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

nature and cause, see procedure table 58-12-5

nature, a bill of particulars is a demand to know the nature and cause 58-11-8

nature, capacity and character of party established through public declaration 65-1-5

nature, civil, criminal, administrative, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-7

nature, law consists of nature and cause, discussion 66-2-7

Nazi procedure of “your papers, please” 49-3-6

NEA influence in public school courses 40-8-6

Nebraska series, study on court system/lawful authority 5-1-6

negative fictions, one of three kinds of fictions 58-13-8

negligence and carelessness not included as excusable neglect 27-11-3

negligent misrepresentation, one of three levels 31-6-2

negligently acts, discussed 68-10-5

negotiable instruments do not pay, they discharge 36-2-9

negotiable instruments under UCC 27-19-2

negotiable instruments, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

negotiable instruments, govt no authority to create 12-13-5

negotiable instruments, IRS must produce 40-15-3

negotiable instruments, none received, judgment uncollectible 15-3-3

negotiable instruments, only people can create 12-13-5

negotiable instruments, use of is benefit 33-3-5

negotiable paper of bank, postal money order is not 36-12-3

neutrals, three positions for people in a war 16-4-3

New Deal related to law of nations, somehow 10-2-2

New Deal, any contract under law of nations brings nation under International law 10-2-2

New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt 10-2-2

New Jersey charging $87 billion to provide $17 billion in public services 63-2-8

New Jersey has $188 billion in cash! 63-2-6

New Jersey Law Journal, Judge’s training on domestic violence law 60-17-7

New World Order and its agendas 16-15-1

New World Order becoming meaner 3-14-5

New World Order in the saddle NOW 17-9-1

New World Order of the 13th Century 13-13-4

New World Order, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-2

New World Order, Welcome 11-12-3

newsletter called Pretty Good Newsletter 2-16-2

newsletter on parents, children and rights 16-1-3

nexus of authority, venue, jurisdiction, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

nexus, declaration of no nexus to any institutional, bifurcated, public, Trust 65-4-2

nexus, none, plaintiff has no standing to sue 35-9-4

nexus, reference 45-3-4

NFA (National Futures Association) reference 55-12-3

NFA agency attacks small publisher, article 58-14-9

Nick Driever, case of 17-15-1

no contest or guilty, plea of, is acceptance 22-15-6

no, learn to say 2-15-4

nobles, freeholders, knights and slaves in England, discussion 66-2-5

nolle prosequi dismissal with prejudice, by prosecutor 9-5-5

Nolle Prosequi, Motion to (no prosecution) 33-17-2

nom de guere, a fiction, who must volunteer to be prosecuted 46-12-8

nom de guerre argument used in court 39-3-5

nom de guerre called in the case, offer to a living man to accept a contract to be sued 43-2-8

nom de guerre is a “subject” of District of Columbia 56-3-6

nom de guerre represents a corporation, a fiction 56-3-6

nom de guerre versus appellation 50-13-2

nom de guerre 46-13-4

nom de guerre, a creation of the state 56-1-6

nom de guerre, a pseudonym and valid presumption 46-6-8

nom de guerre, a war name, or fictitious name 50-12-8

nom de guerre, analysis of term 39-4-1

nom de guerre, deed filed in the name of 41-2-4

nom de guerre, discussion of name in case caption 54-16-1

nom de guerre, discussion 39-4-4

nom de guerre, discussion 61-6-5

nom de guerre, enemies have no standing in court, court attempts to use local nom de guerre 28-5-1

nom de guerre, issue is dispositive of any legal case in a civil or criminal proceeding in any of the UNITED STATES courts 56-2-8

nom de guerre, Judge minimizes to harmless error 43-8-8

nom de guerre, not the ones being accused 46-13-1

nom de guerre, notice of damage for “use” of appellation as nom de guerre 65-4-2

nom de guerre, one in all capital letters or initials 38-5-6

nom de guerre, reference in story 51-4-3

nom de guerre, reference in story 53-8-1

nom de guerre, reference to concept 62-5-3

Nom De Guerre, reference 58-2-9

nom de guerre, staying on point 39-3-8

nom de guerre, that’s not my name 22-5-3

nom de guerre, use of, what it acknowledges 56-2-6

nom de guerres or fictitious names, capital letters or initials 39-3-2

Non Assumpsit versus UCC 1-207 25-6-4

Non Assumpsit versus UCC 1-207 25-8-2

non assumpsit will reserve your rights 25-9-1

non assumpsit, common law pleading other than guilty, not guilty, or no contest 2-14-5

non assumpsit, example in story 52-1-3

non assumpsit, fails to state claim for relief 2-14-5

non assumpsit, is a demurrer 2-14-5

non assumpsit, legal definition 21-11-4

non assumpsit, legal definition, not undertake a promise 25-6-6

non assumpsit, no contract exists 2-14-5

non assumpsit, not entered into a contract 21-11-4

non assumpsit, what does it mean 2-14-5

Non Bona Fide Tax Lien, Notice of 11-4-1

non commercial instruments passed as valid liens 11-11-3

non resident alien 16-7-6

non resident alien, perverse definition, includes state citizens 22-4-3

non resident aliens, de jure Ohio, de jure Indiana, etc. 22-4-5

non responsive memorandum is default and dismissal 21-12-6

non-disclosure, collusion, conspiracy, fraud, of hospital and insurance company 41-10-8

non-regulated activity, protection from IRS taxing of 5-12-2

non-resident alien may still owe tax 21-8-1

non-resident alien, previously declared 44-15-2

non-resident exemption remedies 32-5-3

nonresidents exempt from drivers license in Ohio 42-18-2

non-residents, statute exempting, from license requirements 32-2-4

North Carolina, East India Company holding title to land in 42-2-9

North West Ordinance and allodial land patents 18-6-1

not guilty plea traverses to pleading presumptions 19-10-2

not guilty, plea of, is a dishonor 22-15-6

notarial officer appointed by the common law grand jury, reference 65-2-6

notarial officer certification, example text of 65-3-3

notarial officer different from notary public 63-10-3

notarial officer, is appointed by a common law court 63-10-3

Notarial, Uniform Foreign Notarial Act, reference 65-2-7

notaries have been charged with conspiracy for notarizing signatures on papers filed against IRS agents 56-13-9

notary certifies copy of land claim 41-16-1

notary public different from notarial officer 63-10-3

Notary Public, defined 4-19-3

notary, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

notary, common law, used as buffer for protest of statutory court system 32-8-6

notary, do not use a state notary, find a common law notarial officer 65-2-6

notary, going to, telling story, notary makes affidavit 39-4-9

Notary, use of 2-18-3

notary, using one places your document in the venue of the United States 41-2-5

notary’s affidavit responds to commercial process 39-4-9

note becomes property of maker upon payoff, and should be returned 37-8-5

note, a written acknowledgement of debt 48-2-5

Note, Affidavit of Lost, never heard of 37-8-5

note, asking for it back after foreclosure 37-7-9

note, copy of letter sent to bank requesting return 37-9-1

note, not required to be backed by account or credit 19-10-4

notes, do not eliminate a product debt, only verify that a product debt exists 48-2-6

notes, getting them back after paid in full 37-8-1

notes, getting your original note back from bank 30-16-1

notes, what they are, a medium (or means) of exchange only, they do not actually purchase anything 48-2-4

notice and acceptance of laws 3-7-5

Notice and Demand for Exhibition 3-19-1

Notice and Demand 11-4-2

notice and offer of performance, see procedure table 58-12-5

notice and offer of performance, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

Notice and Offer to Pay extinguishes obligation to court, discussion 53-4-2

Notice and Offer to Pay, reference 53-1-1

Notice and Offer to Pay, service of 53-3-5

Notice and Offer to Perform, extinguishing obligations 54-5-1

notice and opportunity, discussion 58-7-5

notice by service 4-9-1

notice causes collateral estoppel 1-2-3

Notice is a UCC term 25-5-5

notice not served, summary judgment occurs 11-16-3

Notice of Amount Due 3-19-2

notice of claim 3-6-4

Notice of Contract, binds Judge to his oath 29-11-3

notice of damage for “use” of appellation as nom de guerre 65-4-2

Notice of Default 3-19-2

notice of default, example of 26-2-3

Notice of Default, using 39-2-8

Notice of Deficiency, from IRS, am I subject to? 35-5-1

Notice of Deficiency, from IRS, am I subject to? 35-5-1

Notice of Deficiency, how to deal with it 35-12-4

Notice of Deficiency, required, before seizure 28-1-5

Notice of Eviction 7-12-4

Notice of Eviction, refusal of 7-13-1

Notice of fraud to attorney makes him liable if not corrected 4-10-3

Notice of Garnishment 11-4-6

notice of hearing date, example 60-6-3

notice of interest, a written claim of interest in a property reduced to writing 58-7-7

notice of interest, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

Notice of Levy is not a levy, reference 61-1-2

Notice of Levy is not a levy, reference 61-2-5

Notice of Lien, because it has not been before a court, it is a “lesser judgment” and can be pled 51-12-5

Notice of Lien, equivalent to a “proffer” in English common law 51-11-4

Notice of Lien, you have been presented with a judgment 51-12-5

Notice of Non Bona Fide Tax Lien, Affidavit of Truth 11-4-1

Notice of Non-Bona Fide Tax Lien 4-19-1

Notice of Non-Election and Revocation of Power of Attorney 16-19-2

notice of non-election for court to hear the case 5-2-5

Notice of Non-Election 14-14-2

notice of revocation of signature, power of attorney 2-18-1

Notice of Sanctionable Activity 21-4-3

Notice of Sanctionable Activity 25-2-4

notice of service of Habeas Corpus 50-1-3

notice of status given to statutory court 32-12-3

Notice of Tax Lien is commercial fraud 11-8-5

Notice of Void Judgment 9-4-5

notice revoking title, discussion 54-5-7

notice the court 1-4-5

notice to everyone in foreclosure of your land claim 41-16-3

notice to governor, whenever you write a letter about a problem with government 41-17-5

notice to jailer for violating rights of prisoner 66-14-9

notice to judges and attorneys of rights violations 30-7-3

notice to lawyers of fraud 9-4-5

notice to potential buyers of IRS seized property 31-3-5

notice to prosecutor that client, the State, was perpetrating a fraud 5-2-5

Notice to Public Government Officials 4-14-1

notice to public officials who are close to violating your rights 58-6-1

Notice to Quit the Land, landlord/tenant relationship 4-8-5

Notice to Quit was not by statute 4-9-2

Notice to Quit, must be Refused For Cause (fraud) 4-9-6

Notice to Respond example 16-19-3

notice to sheriff of fraud 9-4-5

notice to the county auditor, discussion 54-5-8

notice, article, Solutions to Giving Notice 67-5-8

notice, constructive, legal definition 41-6-5

notice, legal, regarding sheriff sale of property 13-19-1

notice, presumptions of court, you have been given notice 46-6-2

notice, public notice, posting documents on the bulletin board at the County Courthouse, discussion 67-6-1

notice, silent judicial notice, presumptions taken in every case, discussion 68-3-3

Notice, the word, indicates commercial activity 25-5-5

notice, without, no due process 21-5-5

notices and levies, IRS banned from filing bogus 55-10-2

notices ignored by police in eviction 11-16-6

Notorious Declaration and Retraction, Affidavit 17-19-1

nuclear waste proven to be free energy 4-10-4

null vs. void vs. absolutely void 14-16-1

numbers, analysis of Biblical time frames regarding time of bondage 65-11-5

numbers, discussion of symbolism 64-17-9

numbers, discussion of their significance in scripture 67-1-2

nutrition and alternative medicine 7-13-4

oath and affirmation not attached 15-8-2

oath of allegiance to another nationality nullifies United States Citizenship 50-8-4

oath of allegiance, have judge sign before trial 2-6-5

oath of attorneys, attorneys must produce 31-15-2

oath of attorneys, where it is filed, attorneys must produce 31-15-2

oath of office for judge makes him liable for specific performance of judicial duty 9-10-6

oath of office not filed by judges 64-15-6

oath of office not signed by traffic officer, win 32-6-7

Oath of Office upheld by Judge and Governor, article 48-16-1

oath of office 30-19-1

Oath of Office, contract between public servant and private Citizen 48-16-8

oath of office, demand for, pursuant to Privacy Act 48-18-3

oath of office, discussion 54-13-9

oath of office, exemption, circumvention by one agency 55-12-7

oath of office, FOIA to see 46-17-5

Oath of Office, perjury as to 32-6-5

oath of office, perjury of, anyone ever damaged in court with Maritime flag has grounds for damage suit due to 32-13-5

oath of office, policeman had none, nor Judge, nor prosecuting attorney 24-16-3

Oath of Office, Reaffirmation of 31-14-8

oath of office, reference regarding agencies 58-17-5

Oath of Office, to bar association or to government? 62-5-2

oath of office, to uphold Constitution, perjury thereon is grounds for Title 42 29-1-6

oath of office, violated 29-5-4

Oath of Office, violating, attorney, if fails to notice client and court of fraud 4-10-2

oath of office, violation of, officer ceases to represent government, court case citation 8-18-2

oath to support Constitution, as discussed in Marbury v. Madison 35-4-4

oath, if Judge violates, results in perjured oath, five years prison $10,000 fine, and mis-trial 29-11-3

oath, legal definition 35-6-8

oath, not required of officials in Trust B, discussion 58-14-2

oath, Notice of Contract, binds Judge to his oath 29-11-3

oath, reaffirmation and contract 30-14-9

oath, undisclosed 2-7-5

oaths are required 35-6-7

oaths of office 30-12-1

oaths of office, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

oaths of office, remedy to court presumptions 38-7-3

oaths, administered by Notary Public 4-19-3

oaths, administered to private citizens for purpose of a criminal complaint, written statement constituting an offense 38-4-2

oaths, administering is ministerial function, not judicial 38-4-2

oaths, contracts by judges, lawyers, other officials to uphold and support the constitutions 31-2-5

obedience to government, leaders have put themselves into a state of war with the people. People are thereby dissolved from further obedience to that government 27-3-6

object timely, failure to, is fatal 24-4-6

object timely, failure to, proves presumptions 19-10-5

object timely, often within 10 days, failure waives rights to appeal facts or law 27-11-5

object, presumptions of court, you failed to object 46-6-2

objection must be filed timely 43-6-2

objection to use of Federal Reserve Notes 65-6-1

objections, defendants have no standing to bring objections in Declaratory Judgment 31-4-2

objections, discussion in trial procedure 68-6-9

objective reasonableness of evidence 32-4-8

objective reasonableness v. subjective reasonableness 22-8-5

objectively legally reasonable 2-10-1

objectively reasonable search and seizure 22-8-2

obligation extinguished by offer of performance with intent to extinguish obligation 53-2-9

obligation is extinguished by offer of performance if that offer is rejected 51-12-9

obligation to court has been extinguished by Notice and Offer to Pay 53-4-2

obligations, contracts in which parties tender substance in exchange for substance, discussion 55-2-5

obligor/grantor, United States is obligor/grantor to the Federal Reserve Bank 65-5-2

obstruction of justice, discussion 68-12-3

obstruction of justice, prosecutor attempt to influence grand jury could rise to the level of obstruction of justice 20-9-4

occupation, from questionnaire by IRS 55-10-3

occupations, marriages, etc, citizens as war criminals must license 27-6-1

off street remedies, in court, discussion 58-3-4

off street remedy, discussion 61-5-6

off street versus on street, discussion 58-12-2

off street, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

offender, alleged, compared with defendant 2-3-2

offense, legal definition 21-11-1

offer and compromise to the Judge, like a counter-offer contractual claim 43-2-7

offer and compromise, an offer to pay the whole amount upon the Plaintiff’s proof of claim 51-2-7

offer and counter-offer by and with prosecutor 50-18-4

Offer in Compromise is a security because it is a written instrument that assures the payment of a debt 51-12-8

Offer in Compromise stops the running of interest on an obligation 51-12-9

Offer in Compromise, discussion 53-2-8

Offer in Compromise, offer to pay everything if they prove their case, equates to a counter complaint 51-12-7

offer of performance and notice, see procedure table 58-12-5

offer of performance and notice, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

offer of performance, discussion of how it works 58-12-2

offer of performance, discussion 58-8-2

offer of performance, reference 60-14-5

offer to a living man to accept a contract to be sued, nom de guerre called in the case 43-2-8

Offer to Pay, along with Bill of Particulars 53-3-2

Offer to Pay, and Notice, reference 53-1-1

Offer to Settle 3-19-2

offer, if not accepted, extinguished debt 53-2-9

offer, obligation extinguished by offer of performance with intent to extinguish obligation 53-2-9

offer, tendering the debt by an offer in compromise 51-2-7

office hours for Right Way, new 39-12-7

office of government must be created by constitution or statute 42-6-9

Office of Justice Programs, judicial department 46-16-5

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, judicial department 46-16-8

office, if office of govt doesn’t exist, neither does officer 42-7-1

officer of the court, attorney, reference 62-3-3

officer, ministerial officer liable for injury done 65-6-2

officer, police officer practicing law without a license 68-6-6

official capacity, discussion of personal capacity versus official capacity, article 63-11-8

Official Oppression, affidavit, reference, late or refusal to answer FOIA 50-17-5

official, public official under arrest cannot perform any official acts 68-12-1

official’s, state, capacity as servants for the people 42-5-5

officials, government, qualified immunity of 28-5-3

officials, public, power to question them 42-5-6

offspring versus children, reference 55-10-3

Ohio admitted into Union in 1953, ex-post facto back to 1803 30-19-6

Ohio Coalition for Immigration Reform 44-3-5

Ohio Constitution (1802) vs. Const. of Ohio (1851) 14-16-3

Ohio toll free hotlines 3-18-4

Ohio, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, 1851 27-4-2

Ohio, the Ohio Constitution of 1802 27-4-2

Ohio, the state, not prosecuting criminal law today, only the State of Ohio, a federal State 5-8-2

OMB form numbers missing 21-11-6

OMB number on 1040 form, what it indicates 21-9-1

OMB numbers, discussion of requirement for 5-12-2

on line computer system of checking court dockets and searching for case law, Pacer 26-8-1

On Point II and On Point III, Title 42 suits 29-1-1

on street remedies, discussion 61-5-5

on street remedies, out of court, discussion 58-3-4

on street versus off street, discussion 58-12-2

on street, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

one world foreign banking cartel 36-15-2

one world foreign court 36-15-2

one world foreign government 36-15-2

one world foreign police force 36-15-2

one world foreign religion 36-15-2

One World Government created military government 40-7-6

One World Government relies on John Locke Doctrine 27-3-1

one world government 2-6-5

Onions, article, Peeling Onions 46-2-4

open meetings by agencies, reference 67-2-9

Open Records Act of state and FOIA 50-17-4

opening statement, discussion in trial procedure 68-6-7

opening statement, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-8

operated is a commercial term 6-11-4

operator having mere equitable interest, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-6

Opinion and Memorandum, Judge’s, analysis 43-7-7

opportunity, benefit, privilege, title of nobility from federal government, without, no federal jurisdiction 35-10-3

Oral and Written Depositions, court flow chart 10-6-2

Order for Issuance of Writ of Habeas, form 50-19-8

order of lawful authority 5-1-6

Order to Dismiss, example in Motion 18-2-2

order, presumptions of court, there was a court order 46-6-2

ordinances, municipal regulations, talking about is evidence of military rule 63-11-4

Oregon Treaty 18-6-2

organic united States of America, how created 68-2-8

organization of Department of the Treasury 25-10-1

Original Jurisdiction government, presumptions in a 68-2-9

Original Jurisdiction, discussion 66-3-4

Original Jurisdiction, reference and discussion 68-2-5

original jurisdiction, reference in protest to Clinton impeachment proceedings 65-10-9

Original Jurisdiction, spoken example 68-4-3

original venue, description of 65-3-1

out of robes, judge asks to meet in chambers off the record 49-21-2

outrageous conduct of government, defense 33-5-5

Owens, Robert Owens, reference 55-8-8

ownership by a thing, but not ownership by a place 51-6-1

ownership of car, discussed, state interest 38-8-8

ownership of each child by some specialist 8-5-3

ownership of property determines who is sovereign 3-7-3

pac man, David Miller Title 42 suits, like a judicial pac man that eats up judges and lawyers along the way! 30-4-9

Pacer, a computer on line system of checking court dockets and searching for case law 26-8-1

Paladan Posse 11-3-6

Pandects 17-11-6

Papal Bull of 1497, reference 62-2-4

paper (money) accepted for goods and services 37-13-5

paper currency, writings from Benjamin Franklin 36-10-5

paper terrorism legislation ends up affecting IRS 56-12-2

paper terrorism, article, Paper terrorism by IRS 55-10-1

paper terrorism, elements of, all used by IRS 56-12-3

paper terrorists, anyone who fights back 49-9-2

paperwork for case, best to do your own 44-7-4

paperwork, court refuses to allow into record 17-3-1

paperwork, legal, see article about Practicing Law without a License 54-12-2

paradigm in law, traverse and demurrer 9-2-1

paradigm, official business or acting out criminal theft 9-1-2

paradigm, two ways of looking at the same thing 9-2-1

parallel table of authorities of CFR show mandatory 5-12-3

para-military discussions often instigated by confidential informants 43-17-7

parasites, legal profession, reference 62-6-4

parens patriae, doctrine of, defined, state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability 15-5-5

parent-child relationship, evidence standard 54-7-7

parents, children and rights newsletter 16-1-3

Paris Treaty of Peace 42-3-1

Parliamentary law governs departments of government 14-14-5

participating, you don’t want to 46-8-5

particularity of description, Fourth Amendment requires, of search warrant to prevent rummaging 33-7-4

parties, admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

parties, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

parties, findings, venue, jurisdiction, right of action in a Judgment Entry 43-4-9

parties, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

parties, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Parties, Venue, Jurisdiction, Right of Action, Cause of Action, issues to address in Bill of Particulars 48-9-1

parties, who does accuser think the accused was 42-5-3

partnership tax diagram 31-7-5

party injured, any, may file a Title 42 suit 8-8-4

party to the case, can I participate before I can determine if I am a party to this case, example 48-13-6

party, if I’m not a party, can I call witnesses 45-1-3

party, no one can participate in an action if they are not a party 46-13-2

party, not, to court action 21-12-2

Pasquale, case of 32-5-8

passport, story of getting a passport without a birth certificate 48-5-8

patent is under law and law requires payment in kind 18-7-3

patent, land patent rights, reference in claim to private land 41-15-2

patent, reference related to resident 61-10-9

patents are executed among sovereigns, deeds between private persons and corporations 18-5-1

patents cannot be attacked directly or collaterally 18-4-6

patents indisputable after statute of limitations 18-5-2

patents, allodial land, article 18-4-4

patents, land 13-10-A4

Patents, Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Charters, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

patriot, origins of the word, article 24-13-1

patriot, what or who is a patriot of America 56-17-4

pay to the order of, magic phrase 25-5-2

paycheck taken by IRS, bankruptcy may be option 37-2-6

paying a debt, not, discharging a debt instead 11-11-5

payment in gold or silver, contract terms can require 12-13-4

payment of debt can’t be compelled by gold or silver 12-13-4

payment, tender of, if refused, there is discharge, UCC 3-603 12-15-3

payoff, FDIC, three ways of bank salvage, “payoff”, “sell off”, “bailout” 49-11-5

peace, breach of, arrest limited to, or felony 32-19-5

peace, breach of, arrest no longer limited to 32-19-9

peace, historically, kept by community as a whole 32-18-7

pedophilia allegations against Archbishop by State 29-16-4

penalties only for violation of regulation, not statute 5-12-4

penalty for IRS agents disregarding taxpayer rights 12-18-6

penalty of perjury, 28 USC 1746(2) 41-16-6

peonage and involuntary servitude, reference in depositum declaration 65-8-1

peonage 14-9-5

Peonage, defined by Supreme Court 14-10-3

peonage, is there a plan to continue 37-12-6

peonage, US citizens reduced to a state of 37-11-2

people are natural resources in D.C. 21-9-2

people are the state if unaligned with government 5-15-2

people at liberty to erect a new legislature 27-3-4

People for Constitutional Government order form 13-10-A1

people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

People v. Hammond, federal territorial jurisdiction 12-10-6

people, leaders have put themselves into a state of war with the people. People are thereby dissolved from further obedience to that government 27-3-6

people, supreme authority is the 35-2-6

People’s Rights Association 3-19-3

People’s Rights Association, phone number 35-9-6

Peoples Rights Association, name and location 56-5-2

PepsiCo trying to open Pizza Hut in India 37-10-4

Perez v. Brownell 13-10-5

performance bond, send me a copy of 14-17-2

performance, compelled, common law v. equity law 10-2-2

performance, no performance on either side can give the unlawful contract any validity, or be the foundation of any right of action upon it 65-7-3

performance, notice and offer of, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

performance, offer of, and notice, see procedure table 58-12-5

performance, offer of, obligation extinguished by offer of performance with intent to extinguish obligation 53-2-9

perjury (of oath of office) is a crime, Judge not immune from suit 30-16-7

perjury as to Oath of Office 32-6-5

perjury of oath of office by agencies, article 58-15-2

perjury of oath of office conspiracy, reference in affidavit 64-5-4

perjury of oath of office, anyone ever damaged in court with Maritime flag has grounds for damage suit due to 32-13-5

perjury of oath of office, discussion in story 55-13-4

perjury of oath of office, discussion 54-14-2

perjury, once convicted, can no longer hold office 33-15-2

perjury, penalty of, government always asks if you are a resident under penalty of perjury 22-3-4

perjury, penalty of, make your declaration under, instead of using a notary 41-2-5

perjury, Title 42 built upon 29-1-6

permission (voluntary compliance) being on record 14-11-6

perpetuity, in your state codes, information about terminating a constructive trust 45-3-7

person described in 26 USC 7343 40-15-2

person in Buck Act is D.C. 14th amendment citizen 5-8-3

person on indictment is not you, convincing Judge 22-5-3

person refers to corporations 22-16-2

person, definition, discussed 45-7-6

person, entity defined in Buck Act, to be liable. Prior to Buck Act only employees in D.C. were liable 5-8-5

person, in statute, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

person, is he dealing in commerce 25-5-5

person, litigant is not a 43-1-2

person, not a, as defined in Title 26 USC 7343 21-11-6

person, required to file, not a 13-3-3

person, research defining 13-16-6

person, subject, citizen, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

person, used in Buck Act, defined in Title 26 tax code, section 3797 5-8-2

person, you are a, presumption 46-2-7

personal capacity, discussion of personal capacity versus official capacity, article 63-11-8

personal data available to anyone on Lexis database called P-Trax 39-17-8

personal information, unwanted disclosure protection 10-4-1

personal jurisdiction of a foreign court 44-5-2

personal jurisdiction over defendants 13-7-2

personal jurisdiction, brief discussion 44-6-6

personal jurisdiction, lack of, brief for 13-7-3

personal knowledge of witness, discussion 68-7-3

personal knowledge, required for affidavit 40-4-9

personal knowledge, strike testimony for lack of 12-12-5

personal property licensed by Counties for personal property tax, etc. 57-2-5

personal rights, an administrative definition 50-6-2

Personal Service, court flow chart 10-6-2

personal service, method of process service 15-3-5

persons (corporations) only, can be prosecuted 14-3-5

persons, be ware, you could be prosecuted 18-4-1

persons, defined by 14th Amendment 13-5-5

persons, defined, corporations, etc 18-4-1

persons, in quotes, not liable as “whoevers” 14-4-2

personum jurisdiction in a Judgment Entry 43-5-2

personum jurisdiction over you only if you operate in the Federal shadow State 4-6-6

personum jurisdiction, none, allocution 29-14-1

personum jurisdiction, none, using protest across international lines 39-4-9

personum jurisdiction, presumption 46-2-7

personum, granting personum only for a limited argument 61-5-7

Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, form 50-19-1

Petition in the nature of a Writ of Error 2-11-4

Petition in the nature of Certiorari 2-14-2

Petition to Vacate 32-7-8

Pharaoh, discussion of slavery in ancient Egyptian times 66-1-2

pharmacy, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-19-2

Phil Marsh and the Pilot Connection 16-10-5

Phil Marsh trial ends in hung jury 17-9-4

phone cards, commercial, post office joint ventures into 49-10-1

phone number for faxes to Right Way 61-5-3

phone numbers and address for removal of your data from P-Trax 39-17-9

Phone Scam Warning!, article 68-13-2

phone scam, article, Beware of this phone scam 63-12-3

phone, telegraph, mails, used in debt collection 7-3-5

Physical and Mental Examination, court flow chart 10-6-2

pig farm example of bank behavior 19-8-1

Pilot Connection and Phil Marsh 16-10-5

Pine Builders, Inc. v. The United States 13-4-3

Pipe Role, from English common law, contained a list of all judgments 51-11-4

Pizza Hut, PepsiCo trying to open one in India 37-10-4

Pizza Violation, article 52-14-8

place or thing, which is land? 51-5-9

plaintiff pro-se, a trap in legal pleadings 50-13-1

Plaintiff v. Defendant, court flow chart 10-6-2

planning, for a bankruptcy 37-4-1

plantation, JOINING IT 21-8-4

plantation, member of the Washington, D.C. 21-8-3

plantation, of Washington, D.C. 22-3-2

plantation, serfs and slaves on, are called citizens 21-9-2

plantation, the legal term reside carries presumption of living or working on the plantation 22-3-4

plates, British West Indies, license, and registration 49-20-8

plea at bar, on the line of a refusal 22-15-6

plea bargain, courts stack on extra charges to coerce 3-15-4

plea entered by court, can’t do that 1-5-1

plea equivalent to dishonor 22-15-6

plea in abatement, (12)(b)(6) are dispositive motions 14-4-1

plea in abatement, dilatory plea 42-4-5

plea in abatement, on the line of a refusal 22-15-6

plea in abatement, step 3 of 5 step procedure 43-7-3

plea in special appearance to challenge the jurisdiction, “Corum non judice, case specific” 56-6-3

plea made by other party was fraud 31-14-9

Plea of Guilty by signing traffic ticket 8-2-2

plea of guilty or no contest is acceptance 22-15-6

plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest admits the presumption of no fraud in pleadings 19-9-2

plea of non assumpsit, not entered into a contract, instead of “guilty” or “not guilty” 21-11-4

plea of not guilty is a dishonor 22-15-6

plea of not guilty, legal definition 21-10-6

plea to suspend pending bill of particulars, dilatory plea 42-4-5

plea, accused becomes defendant upon making plea 38-6-2

plea, any defect in venue or jurisdiction must be settled prior to plea 68-4-2

plea, do not allow one to be entered, jurisdiction 35-7-2

plea, judge attempts to enter for, can’t do that 14-4-2

pleader, court is bound to construe complaint favorable to pleader 60-3-6

pleading gives the court authority to hear a case 43-5-5

pleading in court grants consent to jurisdiction 4-6-3

pleading into an international contract 1-8-2

pleading presumptions described 19-9-4

pleading requirements, Rule 8(a), FRCP 15-2-2

pleading standards, reference 60-7-3

pleading 2-10-2

pleading, code pleading 51-3-2

pleading, court claim, not a proper, is lame excuse 11-1-3

pleading, jurisdiction comes to the court, not by a flag, but by a pleading 39-5-7

pleading, not pleading, pleading not guilty 2-2-2

pleading, outline of components 19-9-4

pleadings and practice forms show acceptable form 12-9-4

Pleadings and Practice Forms, Am Jur 9-11-5

pleadings set jurisdiction in court, not flag 42-10-4

pleadings signed by attorney based upon his belief 3-9-5

pleadings, evidence brought outside of, strike it 16-3-3

pleadings, five steps of, discussion 42-4-2

pleadings, five steps, list of 42-4-4

pleadings, judgment on the pleadings, discussion 60-2-9

pleadings, maxim of law that court must hear pleadings of both parties, reference 68-6-4

pleadings, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

pleas in bar, list 42-4-5

pledge allegiance to the flag, strange history, article 40-1-1

Pledge of Allegiance created by socialist 40-1-5

Pledge of Allegiance violates free speech 40-1-4

pledge of allegiance, discussion 50-12-5

Pledge of Allegiance, original version and revisions 40-8-5

pledge of property in lieu of cash bail, reference 59-7-8

Pledge to that Flag, article 40-1-1

pledge, is flag in court evidence of a pledge? 50-12-7

pledge, legal definition discussed 50-12-5

pledges, law of, replaced by secured transactions in UCC 50-12-7

plunder by the court system 48-14-3

plunder, the apparatus of plunder 16-14-1

points of law, interpretation levels of judges and lawyers, procedural, definitions 46-2-6

police abuse of power in Arizona, story 37-6-4

police action is under Admiralty law, not law of land 28-16-6

police action to control subjects, reference 58-1-3

police and military, their place 16-13-4

police attacking today’s youth, discussion 53-5-8

police can’t just stop cars on a hunch 21-5-2

police chief meets with Right Way members 42-12-1

police departments, historical origins of 32-18-5

police force, down to university guard, under U.N. 1-8-3

police force, enforces “policy”, to correct rebels 28-17-2

police force, one world foreign 36-15-2

police officer practicing law without a license 68-6-6

police officer who signs complaint is practicing law without a license 32-8-2

police officer without subscribed and filed oath of office had no authority to make presentment of citation 32-7-3

Police Officer, article, Judge’s Training, learning how a Judge, Attorney or Police Officer is trained can help you 60-17-6

police officers, civil damage suits against 33-13-5

police power based on commerce 35-9-5

police power, reference in article on agencies 58-15-4

police power, to regulate anything 36-7-5

police power, zoning is a police power! 52-9-5

police regularly violate law in making arrests in probably all cities in America 32-18-2

police salary not from United States, from UN 2-8-1

police threaten citizen 14-13-1

police, arrest of a police officer, discussion 68-12-3

police, how to make them law-abiding 33-13-8

police, law does not protect those who risk their lives to maintain it 33-13-7

policeman, no oath of office 24-16-3

Policies & Procedures for Right Way Club 57-3-9

policies and authority of agencies, get them 27-17-6

policies of Right Way in December 1993 5-1a-1

policing of U.S. by foreign troops 15-16-3

policy not written into legislative authority, no power 7-5-6

policy statement from Right Way 23-3-1

politic, body politic without election, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

political organizations known as government of a State or the UNITED STATES, membership in, discussion 56-2-9

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. 13-11-5

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. 3-8-4

ponzi-tontine insurance scam, banks 12-15-6

Portland seminar discussion 39-1-1

positive fictions, one of three kinds of fictions 58-13-8

positive thinking, discussion 1-10-6

posse comitatus 32-18-7

possession and use versus bare legal title 59-6-3

possession of land, claim to rights 41-15-2

possession rights not transferred to new lienholder 7-13-1

possession rights, to obtain requires quiet title action 7-13-1

possession, adverse 17-4-5

possession, how to demonstrate through use 41-16-7

possession, if you were forcibly removed from your house, you still have possession rights to the property 51-2-8

possession, legal title, best legal title is possession 51-2-8

possession, party in, is not sole owner 25-4-5

possession, right of, legal definition 41-16-7

possession, Sheriff must have property in his, to sell 25-5-1

possessory interest and equitable interest 25-4-6

post bond, grants jurisdiction 6-1-6

post conviction remedies 19-3-5

Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus 39-7-8

post office accepts credit cards 40-10-2

post office is really bank 36-12-2

post office joint ventures into commercial phone cards 49-10-1

postage cite by Inspector, uses all commercial terms 28-16-4

Postal Inspector letter, after use of 3 cent stamps 28-16-4

postal money order is not negotiable paper of bank 36-12-3

postal money orders and social security numbers, discussion 63-16-7

Postal Money Orders 40-10-5

Postal Notes from the Postal Service 40-7-9

Postal Service, 12th largest (private) corporation in U.S. 40-7-9

postal worker found with concealed weapons 42-16-1

Postman, movie title, reference in article 54-1-1

Power of Appointment, release of 15-5-4

Power of Appointment, release of 15-5-6

Power Of Attorney In Fact, form of Legal Notice 9-19-1

power of attorney 1-2-4

Power of Attorney, over you 15-5-6

power of attorney, recordation is statutory requirement 1-2-6

power of attorney, recorder’s office 6-13-3

power to question public officials 42-5-6

practice of law can not be licensed by any state 17-8-3

Practicing Law Without a License, article 54-12-2

practicing law without a license, police officer who signs complaint is 32-8-2

practicing law without a license, reference 62-4-5

practicing, police officer practicing law without a license 68-6-6

Praecipe for Default 38-3-2

preacipe to the clerk, an order 43-7-6

preamble to state Constitutions, basis of people’s rights and all power 41-17-1

precept, foundational documents forming and controlling our government, reference 68-1-3

pre-existing rights protected by Constitution, discussion 58-3-2

pre-existing rights, man does not have to set aside any pre-existing rights to enter contracts with other people 58-3-2

preferred customer card at grocery store 39-15-1

preferred customer card at grocery store, surveying and tracking customers 39-16-6

preferred customer nothing more than scam 39-17-2

prejudice, be sure to get cases dismissed with prejudice 49-21-8

prejudicing and corrupting without provable grounds39-9-4

preliminary injunction, discussion 59-9-4

preparedness, importance of 36-18-4

pre-plea discovery 42-4-4

pre-plea motion to dismiss 27-10-3

pre-plea motion to dismiss, step 4 of 5 step procedure 43-7-3

pre-plea motions, if not heard before plea is made, proceeding is fraud, lack of jurisdiction, and void 32-7-7

pre-plea motions, must be heard before plea is made 32-7-7

preponderance of evidence versus constitutional liberty deprivation 54-7-2

preponderance of evidence, discussion 54-6-5

pre-prepared fraud suit, keep one handy 28-7-6

prerogative writ, abolished, discussion 51-7-1

prerogative, defined as exclusive or peculiar right or privilege 51-6-9

prerogative, the right of the King 51-11-8

prescription, definition and discussion 56-8-2

prescription, how to stop it as it applies to you as an individual 56-8-5

prescription, legal definition and practice, discussion 55-5-7

prescription, sovereignty (over American people) acquired by prescription, discussion 55-8-2

prescriptions, medical, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-19-2

present the instrument 1-4-5

presentment is refused 20-1-5

presentment, accepting, admits law and facts 22-15-3

presentment, contract you signed making you liable may be required of presenter before acceptance 22-15-5

presentment, defined 8-4-4

presentment, delegation of authority may be required of presenter before acceptance 22-15-5

presentment, dishonoring, admits law, disputes facts 22-15-3

presentment, identification of presenter may be required of presenter before acceptance 22-15-5

presentment, IRS must substantiate it is authorized to make a 40-15-2

presentment, looking at response, reference 58-11-5

presentment, maker had no authority, was police officer without subscribed and filed oath of office 32-7-3

presentment, of Citation,, Complaint or Indictment 19-6-2

presentment, predicated on a presumption (fraudulent) 4-9-6

presentment, refusing without dishonor 14-11-3

presentment, refusing, law does not apple, facts are therefore irrelevant 22-15-5

presentment, responding to a UCC, 3 ways 22-15-2

presentments of traffic citations refused for cause 16-19-1

presentments, how they are made 36-3-2

presentments, how to respond to them 32-5-6

presentments, non-court, remedy is Refusal for Cause Without Dishonor 36-3-8

presentments, rights of party to whom presentment made 36-3-2

presentments, three ways to respond 32-5-7

presentments, UCC, traffic tickets are 32-5-5

President appoints justice department heads, military government 46-16-5

President, to deploy troops at his whim, no Constitutional provision 29-15-7

presidents guide country into depression, war and loss of national sovereignty 37-13-2

press, freedom of, reference 58-6-5

presume, court presumes you are a fiction and that you volunteered to be of that status 58-13-9

presumed disability of jurisdiction of District of Columbia, 27-6-5

presumed substantive case, don’t have to prove it 9-15-4

presumed venue to be defacto State 31-9-5

presumed, securities are presumed to be signed voluntarily 45-3-4

presumption (fraudulent) predicates a presentment 4-9-6

presumption and conclusion cannot determine question of fact or liability 40-4-8

presumption in civil case is that claim is correct and that claim is valid 13-9-6

presumption is not due process 40-4-8

presumption must be rebutted by evidence, Rule 301 39-5-6

presumption of accuseds’ fiduciary duty 45-4-5

presumption of administrative agency 1-2-1

presumption of being a taxpayer in situation of employment 49-1-5

presumption of court, calling yourself Defendant, see text for description of term accused instead 38-5-9

presumption of court, court is a Martial Law Court 38-5-8

presumption of court, making an appearance 38-5-8

presumption of court, the court is a Federal Court 38-6-6

presumption of court, you are a corporation 38-6-3

presumption of court, you are an attorney 38-5-6

presumption of court, you are an enemy of the United States 38-7-1

presumption of court, your name is on summons and complaint 38-5-5

presumption of de facto venue in pleading 19-9-5

presumption of guilt, show cause is a 40-6-7

presumption of law that mail is delivered 25-6-3

presumption of law that mail is received and looked at 25-6-3

presumption of status was incorrect 21-12-1

presumption of status 22-19-3

presumption of the court, corporate body formed under a constructive trust 45-4-2

presumption of the right of possession 4-9-1

presumption that court lacks jurisdiction, must be rebutted with evidence of jurisdiction 39-5-7

presumption that form is adequate, challenge 9-14-4

presumption that fraud not in attorney pleadings 19-9-2

presumption that speaker is the one the court called 43-2-6

presumption that the government has legal title to all property 59-6-4

presumption that traffic ticket was true 39-3-6

presumption that Trust B has legal title in all proceedings, discussion 57-3-4

presumption that you are a bankrupt, discussion 65-2-4

presumption that you are subject of District of Columbia 58-13-9

presumption that you have contracted, discussion 56-10-5

presumption under rules of court that everyone who “appears” is property of govt and a slave 16-4-2

presumption(s) by IRS, demand to see 40-15-2

presumption, conclusions of law are presumption 19-10-5

presumption, courts presume that everyone before the court is incorporated or licensed 45-8-2

presumption, false belief based upon 14-11-5

presumption, Judge cannot rule on 31-2-5

presumption, law of, amounts to Constitutional violation 29-11-2

presumption, make govt verify 35-9-5

presumption, nom de guerre, a pseudonym and valid presumption 46-6-8

presumption, only evidence can rebut a presumption, Rule 902 68-3-3

presumption, principle of under U.C.C. 14-10-4

presumption, reference in parable 39-12-2

presumption, reference in parable 39-12-5

presumption, refusal attacks first presumption of court’s jurisdiction 58-11-7

presumptions and admissions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

presumptions and allegations are nothing 1-2-5

presumptions and conclusions must be supported or stricken from the record 6-12-4

presumptions and conclusions, due process violated if Summary Judgment granted based only on 40-5-6

presumptions and conclusions, what leads to 46-2-5

presumptions and implications of names in all capital letters on licenses not explained 39-2-9

presumptions of court, govt agents are agents for King of England 46-6-2

presumptions of court, King has interest in land 46-6-2

presumptions of court, must be dealt with 46-2-5

presumptions of court, the solution 38-7-3

presumptions of court, there was a court order 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you are an incorporated person 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you failed to object 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you have been given notice 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you have only privilege, not right 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you hold only certificate of title, not title 46-6-2

presumptions of court, you signed an agreement 46-6-2

presumptions of law distinguished from fictions, discussion 58-13-5

presumptions of law on service by first class mail 24-6-3

presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

presumptions of Right Way l.a.w. 9-12-6

presumptions regarding subjects and uses 61-6-7

presumptions, and effect of in contract, reference 49-2-7

presumptions, facts depend upon 6-12-3

presumptions, judge asks if you understand and you fail to rebut the presumptions, discussion 58-14-1

presumptions, often used to deceive in court 38-5-3

presumptions, overcome, reference 58-11-5

presumptions, thinking in presumptions whereby you draw wrong conclusions 46-9-1

presumptions, what are they 44-15-3

presumptions, what are they 44-15-4

presumptuous matter of law 2-11-3

pre-trial detainees, punishment of 28-6-2

pre-trial, handled same as arraignment 44-2-9

Pretty Good Newsletter, has science projects 2-16-2

preventing or correcting a wrong, failure to 32-8-4

pride and humility 44-16-5

prima facie complaint 28-5-3

principal agent of corporation, how to find 4-16-2

principle of a loan is “created” out of thin air 39-13-5

principle, agent never paramount over 27-6-2

printing your own money 30-8-9

priority of liens, discussion 58-8-2

prison communications, handled by Barry Lynn, Smyth 51-3-3

Prison Legal News, issues available, reference 50-2-9

Prison Legal News, magazine, reference 50-2-4

Prison Ministry, article 53-8-5

Prison News magazine helps prisoners maintain their rights, article 50-2-4

prisoner without jurisdiction 11-19-2

prisoner, notice to jailer for violating rights of prisoner 66-14-9

prisoner, Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, form 50-19-1

Prisoner’s Self Help Litigation Manual 28-6-1

prisoners contacting Right Way L.A.W. 53-9-4

prisoners, legal mail, definition of legal materials to prisoners 50-2-4

prisons, historically, were business enterprises, fees were charged for everything from beds to release 32-19-2

Privacy Act governs federal open records requirements 67-4-7

Privacy Act in 1974, reference 48-12-4

Privacy Act Request in the Nature of a Bill of Particulars 48-8-8

Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, instructions to include 46-3-5

Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, questions for, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

Privacy Act Request sent to Water Conservation District 46-3-2

Privacy Act Request, bonds and insurance policies, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

Privacy Act Request, cause of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Privacy Act Request, judicial or administrative capacity of Judge, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Privacy Act Request, jurisdiction, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Privacy Act Request, oaths of office, question it on Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-2

Privacy Act Request, parties, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Privacy Act Request, questions in the request 46-3-2

Privacy Act Request, right of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Privacy Act Requests 44-9-8

Privacy Act requires OMB number on 1040 form 21-9-1

Privacy Act, Private Request for Information pursuant to 48-18-2

Privacy Act, protects against disclosure of SSN 10-4-1

Privacy Act, reference 54-14-8

privacy of membership case law, applies to corporations 18-4-3

privacy, example resulting from trust ownership 31-12-7

privacy, right of, and Global Positioning System 38-15-5

private and public law, illustrations of 3-7-4

private capacity, no private capacity while in the military 62-17-8

private commerce, discussion 55-2-4

private complaints, Am Jur says see Quo Warranto 38-4-8

private court, private law, UN courts 3-12-6

private family information, illegally obtaining, from school children 14-13-2

private international financial debt and credit, battle field in UNITED STATES 56-2-5

private international law, reference 57-1-2

Private Labor Exchange, Claim to, form 49-22-1

private land claim 42-3-8

Private Land Claim, actually an affidavit instead of a deed 41-2-4

private land claim, file one 44-8-1

private land claim, notice to H.U.D. 41-16-4

Private Land Rights, Claim to, form 41-15-1

private law, corporate law, requires consent 3-12-6

private laws, affect individual or specific group 5-4-4

private mail boxes, reference from Rick 28-16-5

private mailboxes 26-14-2

private process, when there is no remedy through government 58-6-4

private property, District of Columbia is on private property 55-8-8

private property, federal agents can confiscate private property with no court order and no proof of legal violations 63-7-8

private property, immunity never recognized by Michigan for trespass on private property 58-6-2

private property, you can’t claim unalienable rights to use private property belonging to someone else, discussion 59-6-5

Private Request for Information from insurance policy officials 48-18-1

private request for information in zoning case, story 45-2-5

Private Request for Information 44-18-1

private request for information, from an agency, form 67-7-1

Private Requests for Information 44-9-1

private rights to be protected by public policy, discussion 57-1-2

private rights versus public rights, discussion 56-3-2

private service converted by Judge to motion, example 48-13-6

private trusts 31-7-2

private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, titles to property, insurance policies, all bullets of war 56-2-5

private, municipal corporations are private in nature 36-8-2

privilege of using public property for private gain 3-7-6

privilege or benefit, no minimal contact 35-9-4

privilege, benefit, title of nobility, opportunity from federal government, without, no federal jurisdiction 35-10-3

privilege, of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, discussed 51-7-1

privilege, presumptions of court, you have only privilege, not right 46-6-2

privileges accepted from bankrupt, de facto, fictional entity called the United States, Inc 37-11-2

privileges and immunities, expectation of 18-2-6

privileges are very different from rights 18-7-5

privileges, 14th Amendment persons do not have unalienable rights, only privileges 57-2-2

privileges, civil rights are privileges extended by the Legislative body 56-2-4

privileges, unalienable rights converted into privileges by government fiduciaries 57-1-3

privy council 42-3-4

Privy Councils, reference 62-2-5

pro per, are you, presumption of court 38-5-6

Pro Se Legal Research video tape 40-5-8

Pro Se Legal Research 30-15-2

Pro Se litigants need proper tools 4-2-4

pro se, are you, presumption of court 38-5-6

pro se, legal definition 31-9-2

pro tem judge or commissioner, you can have an elected judge instead 29-5-3

probable cause does not invoke jurisdiction of court 4-6-6

probable cause hearing 2-3-3

probable cause hearing, none 1-5-1

probable cause in a citizen’s arrest, discussion 68-12-5

probable cause, brief for, in good faith 13-7-3

probable cause, did govt official have 13-7-4

probable cause, without 5-17-2

probation violation, previous suspended fines ordered paid 28-12-4

procedural error prejudices you, certiorari 13-3-5

procedural errors, certiorari, can correct 13-3-5

procedural, interpretation levels of judges and lawyers, definitions, points of law 46-2-6

procedure for handling a promissory note being held by a bank 64-9-1

PROCEDURE IN COURT TO NOT TRAVERSE TO 12(B)(6), detailed at length for study 30-4-3

procedure is important in court and administratively 22-15-6

procedure is key to survival in Admiralty courts 26-4-2

procedure not followed, request denied 25-18-3

procedure not followed, request denied 25-18-6

procedure overview, chart 58-10-3

procedure under UCC for collecting on an instrument, discussion 53-4-8

procedure v. subject matter, discussion 42-6-2

procedure when recorder refuses to record 3-19-1

procedure, Administrative Procedures Act, article 67-2-4

procedure, bad 2-11-2

procedure, court rules prevail 13-4-4

procedure, defined 43-7-1

procedure, don’t barge into administrative action yelling Constitutional Rights, beat them at procedure 4-9-3

procedure, Federal District Courts do not rule on subject matter, they rule on procedure 32-13-4

procedure, four authorities for the form of court procedure 68-6-3

procedure, IRS circumventing law by not following 11-4-1

procedure, IRS tax liens, are all invalid, improper 37-3-2

procedure, there are three jurisdictions and five stages of procedure 45-3-2

Procedures & Policies for Right Way Club 57-3-9

procedures and Admiralty jurisdiction 29-7-1

procedures concerning parties and cases, reference 53-4-5

process and service of process, challenging 56-3-5

process insufficient, discussion 56-1-1

process not served, summary judgment occurs 11-16-3

process served into a federal zone 15-3-4

process service, immunity going to and from court 6-2-6

process with fraud in it refused, no suit happens 28-7-2

process, “in house”, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

process, activities giving rise to 15-4-3

process, all, from supreme court in name of President of United States 42-17-4

Process, article, Introduction to Commercial Process 58-3-1

process, cannot be served on foreign corporation with no business presence 15-3-3

process, commercial, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

process, contrived, reference 62-5-3

process, legal, need to be able to write one 13-2-6

process, methods of service 15-3-4

process, no signature on IRS process, process is incomplete, you should initiate process against their bond 58-10-5

process, private, when there is no remedy through government 58-6-4

process, procedure if returned 15-3-4

process, served by certified mail, procedure to follow 15-3-4

process, service by publication 15-4-3

process, service of 15-3-2

process, service of, cannot be accepted by non-party 36-8-7

process, service out-of-State 15-4-1

process, service upon a corporation 15-3-6

process, service upon an individual 15-3-6

process, was it addressed to fiction 44-9-2

production of documents, demand for, from govt. 35-9-5

production of documents, demanded from IRS 37-16-2

productivity increased 25% by focus on priority 42-13-1

products, list of, offered by Right Way related to IRS 26-5-4

professional conduct rules, false statements 39-9-4

Professional Responsibility, Code of 30-12-8

Proffer, notice of lien, equivalent to a “proffer” in English common law 51-11-4

profit, using roads for, is a privilege 14-9-3

profligate 2-15-5

Prohibition, reference 64-9-8

promissory fraud by banks 26-3-4

promissory note facts, discussion 65-14-8

promissory note for discharging debt 14-12-4

promissory note study materials, reference 65-14-6

promissory note, creates commercial paper 11-14-2

promissory note, debt tendered (by check, draft, money order, promissory note), party has no rights, only obligations 55-2-5

promissory note, discharge of promissory note that is coupled with statute staple discharges attached conditions as well 60-14-1

promissory note, discharges a mortgage 9-3-1

promissory note, discussion 53-2-5

promissory note, Federal Reserve keeps 40-16-5

promissory note, it is money, reference 64-9-1

promissory note, money you give to bank for them to loan to you 60-13-2

promissory note, procedure for handling a promissory note being held by a bank 64-9-1

promissory note, the one UCC instrument that is different from the others 60-13-8

promissory note, using one to pay off another 60-13-9

promissory notes and discharging debt, article 64-1-4

promissory notes are assets used by banks 64-6-7

promissory notes, accessible to the people as much as they are to the bank 60-14-5

promissory notes, write the banks and demand all of your promissory notes back, discussion 60-14-7

proof of service form 46-14-4

proof of service, example 12-19-3

proof, amount of, article 54-6-5

proof, burden of, if allocated to wrong party, is reversible error 54-8-2

proof, motion to dismiss, prosecution failed to meet burden of proof, discussion 68-9-8

pro-per, don’t call yourself 41-8-4

pro-per, pro-se, representing yourself, represented by an attorney 45-8-2

property belongs to somebody else, IRS 11-5-4

property cannot be attached, court only attacks shadow 4-7-1

property conveyed 3 ways, selling, gift, exchange 24-4-5

property not for sale, reference caveat emptor article 58-8-3

property purchased with UCC instruments (FRNs) does not qualify as the right of possession under law 18-7-3

property rights superseded under bankruptcy law 11-13-4

property rights under Constitution, when bankrupt 11-13-3

property sale by sheriff illegal 13-19-1

property seized by IRS, notice to potential buyers of 31-3-5

property seized without warrant 16-6-6

property taken without a warrant is stealing 2-10-5

property taken without court decision 4-9-5

property tax, not on land, only on commercial instrument 42-2-5

property tax, take my property off the tax roles 4-8-4

property tax, why its in place 11-12-3

property taxes not paid 17-5-1

property, deemed in law as including labor 14-9-2

property, District of Columbia is on private property 55-8-8

property, federal agents can confiscate private property with no court order and no proof of legal violations 63-7-8

property, holder in due course of the security is looked upon in Law as the actual holder of the property 57-3-6

property, immunity never recognized by Michigan for trespass on private property 58-6-2

property, life or liberty, did breaking of law deprive 48-14-5

property, no rights to, in District of Columbia 27-6-5

property, one aspect of dominion, scriptural 41-4-3

property, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

property, pledge of property in lieu of cash bail, reference 59-7-8

property, substance of 14-9-2

property, titles to property, insurance policies, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, all bullets of war 56-2-5

property, you can’t claim unalienable rights to use private property belonging to someone else, discussion 59-6-5

propria persona, legal definition 31-9-2

proprietorship, sole, from questionnaire by IRS 55-10-2

pro-se means acting as an attorney in the case 43-6-8

pro-se, don’t call yourself 41-8-4

pro-se, plaintiff pro-se, a trap in legal pleadings 50-13-1

pro-se, pro-per, deliberate errors giving the appearance of mistakes in Judgment Entries 43-6-7

pro-se, pro-per, representing yourself, represented by an attorney 45-8-2

prosecute yourself, not 16-19-2

prosecute yourself, you don’t want to 12-7-4

prosecutor acts in private capacity 9-13-6

prosecutor attempt to influence grand jury could rise to the level of obstruction of justice 20-9-4

prosecutor attempt to influence grand jury usurps power of court and grand jury itself 20-9-2

prosecutor bears burden of identification of accused 43-1-1

prosecutor correspondence is fraud 9-14-1

prosecutor declares he “will no further prosecute” 9-5-5

prosecutor did not sign citation, refused, story 52-1-3

prosecutor did not sign complaint 1-5-1

prosecutor did not sign complaint 43-1-2

prosecutor did not sign complaint 5-2-5

prosecutor failed to have defendant identified 1-4-6

prosecutor must sign complaint 12-7-4

prosecutor not signing complaints 32-8-2

prosecutor objects to jury seeing evidence 32-13-2

prosecutor send nolle prosequi dismissal with prejudice 9-5-5

prosecutor signature invokes subject matter jurisdiction 4-6-6

prosecutor signature, if not there, no jurisdiction 13-8-5

prosecutor won’t file complaint, so IRS does 9-5-3

prosecutor, complaint not signed by 32-7-7

prosecutor, did he sign the complaint 45-1-3

prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner at same time 48-14-2

prosecutor, offer and counter-offer by and with prosecutor 50-18-4

prosecutor, shouldn’t he be prosecuting in the name of the state 45-1-3

prosecutor, testifying about facts is the function of a witness, not of a lawyer 56-13-7

prosecutor’s signature 15-19-1

prosecutor’s signature, information about 18-2-6

prosecutorial immunity, why it fails 13-7-3

Prosecutors, Anti-Car Theft Committee, Law Enforcement Investigators, Vehicle Identification Agencies, all get federal funds 46-16-8

prosecutors, are they required to obey the laws 14-1-3

pro-ses learning proper litigation, courts resisting 3-15-2

Prosperity and World Peace, workbook by James Gannon Young 58-1-5

protection from IRS taxing of non-regulated activity 5-12-2

protection, Constitutional framers could not offer 18-12-3

protection, devine 44-16-5

protection, Federal State dependent on people for 18-12-4

protest being a voluntary debtor on the federal debt 65-5-3

Protest Bifurcated Government, article 67-11-3

protest comes from commercial law 39-4-8

protest is about venue 32-9-2

protest is across international lines 39-4-8

protest is demurrer 39-4-8

protest may be made when filing tax return 17-10-2

protest of cestui que Trust of de facto government, reference 65-4-2

protest presented to judiciary committee regarding Clinton impeachment 65-10-3

protest the acts of corporate government, failing to 65-1-8

protest, common law pleading principle 39-4-4

protest, cover letter content 67-11-3

protest, lawful protest to impeachment proceedings, text 67-12-8

protest, legal definition, as an act by a notary 32-8-5

protest, proper, must have in order to stop the IRS 58-10-5

protest, use of U.S. Funds 65-5-2

protest, used to interface with statutory court system, using common law notary as a buffer 32-8-6

psychiatric exams considered unethical 37-5-6

psychiatric exams for employees of Library of Congress 37-4-9

psychiatric exams required by government 37-5-9

psychologists in education system creating problems 8-9-6

PTL, reference 59-3-1

P-Trax, personal data available to anyone on Lexis database 39-17-8

P-Trax, phone numbers and address for removal of your data 39-17-9

public and private law, illustrations of 3-7-4

public commerce, discussion 55-2-4

public conditioned to assume that all D.O.T.s are federal 36-6-8

public declaration, nature, capacity and character of party established through public declaration 65-1-5

public denied access to court system 9-6-6

public disclosure act 40-9-1

public disclosure laws, getting documents and records from any public officials 42-5-8

public document, what constitutes a 40-9-1

Public Government Officials, Notice to 4-14-1

Public Law, Congress can’t pass, only Public Policy 10-2-3

public laws, affects most U.S. citizens 5-4-4

public laws, description of publication 5-4-4

public minister audits the courts 28-4-4

public ministers have immunity 28-4-4

public ministers, ambassadors, consuls, Constitution list three immune entities 28-4-4

public notice, legal notice published in paper 67-6-1

public notice, posting documents on the bulletin board at the County Courthouse, discussion 67-6-1

public official under arrest cannot perform any official acts 68-12-1

public official, if involved, Brown Act says hearings to be held in private 41-12-5

public officials, what authority to break the law 42-5-7

public officials, power to question them 42-5-6

Public Policies, are to relieve international creditors 10-2-3

Public Policy instead of Public Law 10-2-3

public policy intended to protect private rights, discussion 57-1-2

public policy not to “pay” a debt 12-13-3

Public Policy vs. Public Law 20-11-5

public record, judges record objection to income tax 5-6-2

public rights versus private rights, discussion 56-3-2

public schools, Catholic children required to attend 40-8-7

public schools, problem with 3-17-2

Public Servant Questionnaire 18-18-1

Public Servant Questionnaire 31-18-1

public servant’s questionnaire, right to have filled out 21-7-1

public servants misusing the law 13-2-1

public servants, put them in jail 1-2-4

public service announcements for Right Way have been created 42-5-4

Public Service Commission, refusal to pay tax 26-1-2

public testimony, recorded and sent to agency 1-2-2

public, legal definition 21-11-5

Puerto Rico, income from sources within 14-7-6

Puerto Rico, relative to Secretary of Treasury 25-10-6

punishment of pre-trial detainees 28-6-2

purchases, even private ones, can become public 39-17-3

purposely acts, discussed 68-10-4

purview a power of attorney 1-2-4

putting pressure on state to take action against federal government for violating Constitution 8-2-4

pycnogenol, free radicals, vitamin C, vitamin E 8-12-5

pyramid sales scheme, illegal promotion of 13-1-2

qualified acceptance makes evidence inadmissible 43-3-3

qualified acceptance, UCC 1-207, acceptance under reservation of rights 43-3-1

qualified for immunity, discretionary functions 22-8-2

qualified immunity of government officials 28-5-3

Quantum Meruit, principle applies to vaguely written contracts 49-1-4

quash or dismiss, motion to, equivalent to refusal 22-15-6

quash the ticket 4-6-2

Quash, Motion to, discussion 49-21-2

quasi contract, definition and discussion 56-10-1

quasi, constructive or quasi contract, discussion 62-12-7

Quasi-public or quasi-government organizations 40-9-7

question of law, Bill of Exceptions, demurrer 1-10-1

question of law; appeal doesn’t raise 1-10-2

question of law; appeal doesn’t raise, is traverse 1-9-5

question public officials, power to 42-5-6

Questionnaire, Public Servant 31-18-1

questions asked by IRS are instructive, see article 55-9-7

questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

questions, always ask and demand answers 39-17-5

questions, always ask, never answer 39-6-6

Qui Tam, reference 40-3-4

quiet title action in common law court 28-14-3

quiet title action, does state court have jurisdiction to hear 42-14-3

quiet title necessary to obtain possession rights 7-13-1

quiet title over body and person, declaratory order of sovereignty 27-7-4

quiet title resulting from IRS seizure 28-1-2

Quo Warranto 26-13-3

Quo Warranto 33-14-5

Quo Warranto, discussion, writ against person for usurpation of any office, franchise, or liberty 38-4-8

Quo Warranto, possible criminal remedy for private person 38-4-8

quo warranto, reference several times 65-14-1

quo warranto, reference 58-11-1

quod attinet ad jus civile, servi pro nullis habentur, non tamen et jure naturali, quia, quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines quales sunt, an administrative definition 50-5-8

Railroad workers in Ireland given houses for 99 years 42-1-2

Railroads and highways in Ireland all owned by England 42-1-2

railroads, standard gauge is 4 feet, 8.5 inches 63-9-4

Rajee’s case 44-8-7

Ralph’s case 14-1-2

Randy Hammit’s case 52-13-9

Randy Lawver opens Right Way office in Houston 37-1-2

Randy Lawver 10-2-1

Randy Weaver 5-16-4

Randy, case of 45-1-1

Randy’s case 12-13-1

Randy’s case 12-2-1

Randy’s case 5-10-4

rape held consentual due to request for condom 14-10-1

ratify, a transaction originally unlawful cannot be made any better by being ratified, case cite 65-7-2

ratify, no right, by ratification or other means, can arise out of fraud 65-7-2

reading list prior to filing Title 42 14-15-1

reaffirmation of oath of office 32-6-6

real estate (means King’s property in your name) 15-3-3

real estate taxes, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-1

real names distinguished from fictitious names 29-13-5

real people, read Congressional Record, interesting 3-15-6

reasonable expectation of privacy 33-7-8

reasonable search, must “act” reasonable 2-9-5

reasonable, objectively, search and seizure 22-8-2

reasonable, standard, reference 60-7-3

reasonableness, standard used to judge actions of police 60-3-3

rebellion, as related to oaths 35-8-8

rebut the presumption by refusal of presentment for cause without dishonor, this is a demurrer 13-10-1

rebuttal of presumption without becoming party 13-10-1

rebuttal succeeds by plaintiff dishonor by failure to answer 13-10-2

received, but did not accept fraud 19-9-1

received, but did not accept 14-4-5

receiving room, baby is born in, that is where shipments come into a factory or plant 16-4-1

recission of signature, discussion 54-4-8

reckless disregard 39-7-9

reckless misrepresentation, one of three levels 31-6-2

recklessly acts, discussed 68-10-5

recognition of rights vs. respect of rights 15-9-3

record a certified copy, not the original, discussion 65-2-5

record in case, if not correct, appeal can be fatal 7-5-4

record must be set if you are going to appeal 17-2-6

record, court refuses to allow paperwork into record 17-3-1

record, public, judges record objection to income tax 5-6-2

record, setting the record, discussion in trial procedure 68-8-1

recorder refusal to file, causing damage, due process violation 22-12-6

Recorder, County, must record 1-2-4

recorder, filing a deed with the County Recorder who becomes holder in due course of title to land 54-4-4

recorder, procedure when refuses to record 3-19-1

recorders, titles to land, deeds, origin of 18-5-4

records and books, any requirement to keep 44-15-5

recuse, judge recuses himself after Title 42 filed 13-3-1

Red Beckman, house bulldozed, no jury trial 11-15-3

Red Coats still here, article 42-1-1

red herring, silver demonitized years before 11-13-2

Red’s case 41-6-1

redirect examination, discussion in trial procedure 68-7-6

redress of grievances denial 27-17-5

redress of grievances, private citizen has right to complain of criminal activity 38-4-7

redress you grievances in Small Claims Court 9-10-5

Reece Report 35-16-1

refusal attacks first presumption of court’s jurisdiction 58-11-7

refusal by fraud of alleged court order and warning 1-5-2

refusal causes signatures on pleadings to be bad faith 12-13-2

refusal chronology in Art Szafranski’s case 21-11-6

refusal concerning fines sent later to prosecutor 6-9-5

refusal concerning fines sent to Judge 6-9-5

refusal declares that failure to respond is prima facie evidence that parties agree that case is closed 11-2-3

refusal demanding signature 12-9-2

refusal equivalent to Fed.Civ.R. 12(b)(6), instrument fails to state a claim 12-13-2

Refusal For Cause (fraud) of Notice to Quit 4-9-6

refusal for cause example form 14-17-2

Refusal for Cause for all capital letters in name 28-3-4

Refusal for Cause in conjunction with Civil Rule 11 11-1-3

refusal for cause in foreclosure action 7-4-4

refusal for cause of judge’s order 9-6-1

refusal for cause of order, form 6-19-1

refusal for cause of show cause petition 5-11-5

Refusal for Cause of traffic citations 8-4-3

refusal for cause requiring production of instruments 9-14-4

refusal for cause without dishonor 15-5-1

Refusal for Cause Without Dishonor, admits nothing 36-3-5

Refusal For Cause Without Dishonor, example 16-19-1

refusal for cause 14-14-2

refusal for cause 36-2-5

refusal for cause, example 27-10-4

refusal for cause, paperwork for traffic refusal 32-7-5

Refusal for Cause, remedy to administrative process 11-10-4

Refusal for Cause, UCC 3-501 is Civil Rule 12(b)(6) 9-13-3

refusal for cause, where it fits in procedural overview 58-10-3

Refusal for Cause, Without Dishonor, UCC 3-501 11-2-2

refusal for fraud filed in Flag of Peace suit 41-7-2

refusal for fraud filed in zoning case 44-1-3

refusal for fraud misconstrued by court as Motion to Vacate 38-1-6

refusal for fraud of 12(b)(6) 30-4-2

Refusal for Fraud within 72 hours 50-17-4

refusal for fraud works for postal worker with concealed weapons, story 42-16-1

refusal for fraud 36-2-5

refusal for fraud, protest 39-4-9

refusal for fraud, reference 38-1-5

Refusal for Fraud, step 3 of 5 step procedure 43-7-2

refusal for fraud, traffic ticket example 33-9-8

Refusal for Fraud, wins in 15 minutes 33-1-11

refusal form 6-19-1

Refusal In Law, reference to 7-5-2

refusal is an “otherwise defend” in Civil Rules 9-13-4

Refusal is demurrer for Citation 19-6-2

refusal is like Civil Rule 12(b)(6) without grant of jurisdiction 11-2-4

refusal is not an answer 20-2-4

refusal letter of telephone tax 26-2-4

refusal may require Sheriff to present instrument(s) that evidences the presumption that a court order exists 7-13-2

refusal mistaken for counterclaim 11-2-6

refusal of a guilty verdict for cause 5-1-6

refusal of alleged appointment of attorney 12-7-5

refusal of alleged charging instruments for cause 12-2-2

refusal of charging instruments 12-9-2

refusal of contempt judgment 7-12-6

refusal of court judgment 1-5-3

refusal of issues of law 6-11-5

refusal of judgment for cause 1-3-6

refusal of judgment 5-2-6

refusal of mail addressed in all capital letters, “No such person at this address” 24-6-4

refusal of Notice of Eviction 7-13-1

Refusal of Notice of Garnishment, liens are fraudulent 11-5-1

refusal of Notice of Sealed Bid by IRS 11-5-3

refusal of presentments 20-1-5

refusal of presumption and conclusion 6-10-6

refusal of presumption and conclusion 6-11-2

refusal of presumption and conclusion 6-11-3

refusal of service, see procedure table 58-12-5

refusal of summons of books and records by IRS 9-5-6

refusal of tax lien, without dishonor, for cause 4-19-2

refusal of traffic citations for cause 12-11-5

refusal of warrant for arrest must be done timely 8-5-1

refusal of Writ of Possession 7-13-1

refusal results in court order of dismissal 23-1-1

refusal shredded by judge and mailed back in box 6-17-4

refusal to answer FOIA is actually counter offer 50-17-8

refusal to collection agency, always get new agency 19-14-6

refusal to pay “tax” on telephone bill 26-1-2

refusal was Motion to Quash 14-4-6

refusal without dishonor, pursuant to UCC 3-501 22-19-1

refusal, agreed to by default 11-2-4

refusal, example letter 32-5-8

refusal, not responded to, is stipulation to your facts 22-16-1

refusal, to sanctions, example 25-3-5

refusals concerning name being in all capital letters 13-15-6

Refusals for Cause without Dishonor 24-4-2

Refusals for cause 15-8-1

refusals for cause, UCC 3-501 32-5-4

Refusals for Fraud, story of using 41-1-1

Refusals in History, article 63-11-8

refusals in traffic cases 25-5-3

refusals used against police abuse in Arizona 37-7-2

refusals, in story of win 54-7-3

refusals, on street remedies, discussion 61-5-5

refusals, proper, of “their” bogus presentments 4-15-6

refuse service for cause, wrong address in feudal zone 15-3-2

refuse to participate in proceedings 1-4-6

refused for cause, motion, UCC 3-501 6-12-1

refused for cause, without dishonor 14-11-3

refused for fraud, affirmative defenses are, in David Miller Title 42 suits 29-12-3

refused the ticket 1-4-5

refused, tender of payment, if refused, there is discharge, UCC 3-603 12-15-3

refusing all documents for cause without dishonor 13-2-4

register or license, lose your sovereignty 15-7-3

register to vote, become a beneficiary to US govt 27-6-5

registered mail designated to a person 28-4-1

registered mail different from certified mail 28-4-1

registered mail service 39-4-5

registered, the agency that it is registered with has legal title to the property 16-4-1

registered, under UCC anything registered has commercial connotations to it 16-4-1

registering speech 54-13-4

registering to vote, doing so makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

registering to vote, one ramification 56-9-7

registration of attorneys with Attorney General, attorneys must produce 31-15-3

registration, British West Indies plates, license 49-20-8

registration, license and insurance 24-8-2

regulation of an executive department, an administrative definition 50-4-8

regulation that’s needed to implement authority 46-3-2

regulation, an administrative definition 50-4-8

regulations and statutes don’t match 21-11-6

regulations, created by agencies, created by legislatures, promulgate freedom-stealing regulations with the force of law 54-12-9

Regulations, Federal Administrative, researching 6-8-2

regulations, implementing, 1,000 people have demanded them from IRS, not one has received them 33-8-2

regulations, implementing, discussion 45-2-3

regulations, most IRS apply only to Title 27, ATF 5-13-1

regulations, statute passage, agency creation, then regulations 46-4-1

regulations, voluntary consent required for statutes to be enforceable if there are no implementing regulations 46-4-2

regulations, which ones require tax books and records, only in Title 27, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 16-2-2

reif, refer to legal definition 62-6-5

Reification, Law of, getting your to place your signature on paperwork creating duties on you 62-6-3

relation, doctrine of relation, backdating events, discussion 62-14-8

relation, doctrine of relation, backdating events, reference 62-14-4

relation, fictions by, one of three kinds of fictions 58-13-8

relationship between government, editors and reporters 63-5-5

Release from Power of Appointment, true meaning 15-5-4

release of federal tax lien, bankruptcy 37-3-2

relevant evidence, discussion 68-7-2

relief compared to remedy in courts 56-2-9

religion, one world foreign 36-15-2

religious conviction expressed in letter to sheriff 59-8-8

rem and res and counterclaims, reference 61-5-5

rem jurisdiction in a Judgment Entry 43-5-2

rem jurisdiction, jurisdiction by contract 43-5-9

rem jurisdiction, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

rem versus res, challenging, discussion 59-8-1

rem, a forfeiture proceeding is in rem 62-15-9

rem, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

remedies and commercial rights against IRS abuse 11-11-1

remedies and rights, impairing 39-9-8

Remedies at Common Law, Abatement Update Includes 32-12-1

remedies available to judges, not available to others 12-8-1

remedies of Common Law 32-15-4

remedies, administrative, exhausted 2-2-4

remedies, exhausting all administrative remedies, discussion 65-1-9

remedies, post conviction 19-3-5

remedy compared to relief in courts 56-2-9

remedy for execution of judgment, Small Claims Court 9-10-2

remedy in admiralty, equity in admiralty to reclaim common law unalienable rights, reference 59-15-6

remedy in court today must commercially obstruct Judges process under martial law 11-8-4

remedy to get out of jail, indigence 28-13-1

remedy without granting jurisdiction 9-13-4

remedy, common law, when we start practicing law, then we’ll have a remedy 49-3-3

remedy, even if attorneys run off street for a remedy, men can maintain their on street position if they understand commercial process 58-7-3

remedy, has to be one, else due process violation 22-12-6

remedy, total, changing the court system to function properly 44-7-5

remedy, without, on a fraudulent judgment 19-3-4

remedy, you must use the proper 22-16-2

remitter, doctrine of remitter, reference 62-14-4

removal of tenant by court after Notice to Quit 4-9-1

Removal, reference 64-9-8

remuneration for labor, no right to in D.C. 27-6-5

renunciation of United States Citizenship, discussion 50-6-8

replevin action for return of a discharged note 9-4-5

replevin action to get original note back 30-16-3

Replevin against IRS, case 30-2-1

Replevin 9-11-3

Replevin, common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

reporters, relationship between government, editors and reporters 63-5-5

repossessing airplanes, how to do it correctly 9-9-3

representing yourself, a trap in legal pleadings 50-12-9

representing yourself, don’t say you are 41-8-4

representing yourself, pro-se, pro-per, represented by an attorney 45-8-2

representing yourself, you, a person representing YOU, a corporation 38-5-6

representing yourself? trick question from Judge 31-9-2

Republic and Democracy not the same 4-2-4

Republic cloned in the form of a Democracy 36-4-2

Republic of Texas completes lawful process of regaining its sovereignty 37-11-4

Republic of Texas never was lawfully admitted to union of states known as the united states of America 37-11-2

Republic of Texas reborn because State of Texas not properly annexed into union 30-8-1

Republic of Texas seeks recognition, banking treaties, trade, mutual protection, no UN membership 37-12-3

Republic of Texas, contact names and locations 37-12-5

Republic of Texas, list of contacts 30-8-3

Republic of Texas, news from, Republic re-established 37-10-8

republic versus democracy 27-3-4

Republic versus Democracy, comparison chart 36-4-4

Republic versus Democracy, discussion 62-17-9

republic, concept is a trap 5-15-2

Republic, conversion of Republic into democracy, reference 65-4-3

republic, no longer have, here is why 28-16-2

republic, returning to, or remaining a democracy, discussion 67-11-7

republic, United States of America becomes United States, a democracy instead of a republic 46-9-5

Republic, we are not under, since Civil War 2-6-5

Republic, we need a grass roots restoration of a 36-6-2

Request for Admissions, court flow chart 10-6-2

Request for Information, form 45-14-4

request for information, from an agency, form 67-7-1

Request for Information, Private 44-18-1

request for information, same as bill of particulars 44-2-7

request for information, show cause why not answered 44-3-1

Request for Production and Inspection, court flow chart 10-6-2

Request for Sanctions fails to comply with procedural rules 25-2-5

Request for Sanctions is proof the requestor has frivolous case 25-2-6

Request for Sanctions, after Title 42 suit dismissed 25-18-1

Request for Sanctions, after Title 42 suit dismissed 25-2-1

Request for Sanctions, failure to respond same as agreeing you should pay sanctions 25-2-3

request, has two definitions, one relates to contracts, other looking for admissions (like sanctionable activity) 25-2-5

requirements from presenter before accepting a presentment 22-15-5

res and rem and counterclaims, reference 61-5-5

res judicata 17-3-1

Res Judicata, legal definition 32-12-8

res versus rem, challenging, discussion 59-8-1

res, presumptions of rem and res, common law, in law, article III responses are automatically thrown out, discussion 59-6-6

res, reference 62-6-3

res, the thing, reference 62-5-3

rescission and revocation of signatures, not appropriate 45-2-5

Rescission, Cancellation, Revocation 14-17-1

rescissions, how to re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

research and legal quotes, Title 42, on diskette 27-12-3

research and paperwork, need to do your own 36-18-5

research fallacies in gun research 15-12-5

research of subject matter v. legal strategy of procedure, discussion 42-6-2

research of the law library 40-5-8

research outline for tracking down rules promulgated by agencies 67-3-5

research steps to educating yourself as to how government works 40-8-9

research tips for research into bifurcated government 63-10-2

research, archive research, reference 66-7-1

research, article, Email Info - a great way to research! 46-14-1

research, legal research, necessary, reference 62-7-6

research, legal, reference 59-7-1

research, timeline guide for bifurcation research 63-12-1

research, you can’t forget to do it, story 51-5-8

researching the bifurcation, a list of items to get 63-10-7

researching words commonly used in law 13-13-2

reservation of rights, language in court brief 6-12-1

reservation of rights, rights must be reserved explicitly, with particularity, else no rights are successfully reserved 25-8-2

reserve banking, fractional, a diagram 30-9-1

reside, accused does not reside in venue of statutory court 32-8-8

reside, the legal term, carries presumption of living or working on the plantation 22-3-4

residence service, method of process service 15-3-5

residence, as defined in 26 USC Sec. 280 61-10-6

residence, definition, place where commercial activity is conducted 15-3-5

residence, discussion 61-10-5

residency versus citizenship, discussion 50-7-5

residency versus citizenship, discussion 50-8-4

resident and liable, reference 53-1-4

resident is a member of the government, earning livelihood directly from government 21-9-2

resident of the state thing, (refer to things and places) 51-6-5

resident or citizen, i.e. a member of government 54-3-1

resident or citizen, the terms apply only to corporations 64-14-2

resident taxpayer, presumption of 49-2-9

resident, Are you a. first question government officials ask 22-3-4

resident, Bill of Rights said by deputy prosecutor to not extend to the residents of the States 64-13-5

resident, every form you fill out, you admit it 22-3-4

resident, explained 21-8-2

Resident, fictitious person, corporation, U.S. Citizen, all artificial person with no rights 43-2-4

resident, related to inhabitant, discussion 61-10-8

resident, US citizen/resident has no rights to an allodium on the land (see discussion) 51-6-5

resident, what material facts lead to belief 32-4-8

residential property, defined, owned by government 19-10-1

residential property, defined, where a politician lives 19-10-1

residentially owned property, not on, dismissed 1-4-3

residents of the states do not have a bill of rights protecting their rights 64-14-1

residents of the United States, terminology 22-3-3

residents, nonresidents exempt from drivers license in Ohio 42-18-2

resisting or fleeing from arrest, right of police officer to shoot and kill, when suspect is 33-12-3

resisting unlawful arrest, laws relating to 33-12-4

respect of rights vs. recognition of rights 15-9-3

responding to a UCC presentment, 3 ways 22-15-2

response letter to collection agencies 14-13-5

responsibility for your own case 44-7-3

responsibility, avoided by forming corporation 15-11-3

Responsibility, Code of Professional 30-12-8

restore Lawful government, discussion 65-1-6

retirement and Social Security exempt from Writ of Garnishee 25-7-4

Return of Service, form 46-14-4

return of the writ (of habeas corpus) 51-11-1

return of the writ (of habeas corpus) 51-8-8

return, definition of word 3-9-2

return, meaning of word regarding income 6-3-6

return, substitute for, IRS 40-15-5

return, tax return equivalent to confession of judgment 51-11-8

return, tax, is it a Virgin Islands tax return? 31-3-1

return, tax, must be filed to show treatment of gain by natural resource (person) 21-9-2

Revenue Act of 1918 14-5-6

revenue actions are Admiralty 42-14-2

revenue, research defining 13-15-2

Reverend Ike 5-16-1

reversible error, fines beyond ability to pay is 28-12-3

revocation affidavit not responded to by State 6-16-4

revocation and rescission of signatures, not appropriate 45-2-5

revocation of marriage license, Child Support Bureau has no jurisdiction 17-8-1

revocation of plea 5-2-5

Revocation of Power of Attorney and Notice of Non-Election 16-19-2

revocation of power of attorney on mortgage deed 17-4-2

revocation of power of attorney 1-4-5

revocation of signature and power of attorney 2-18-1

revocation of signature on mortgage deed 17-4-2

revocation of signature on note and mortgage 9-3-5

revocation of signature 14-14-2

revocation of signature 1-4-5

revocation of signature, discussion 54-4-8

revocation of signature, judicial notice of 17-18-1

revocation of signature, pre plea, revoking any power of attorney court may presume to have 3-5-3

revocation of signatures and POA 12-2-2

Revocation, Rescission, Cancellation 14-17-1

revocations, how to re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

revocations, if you have done 5-15-1

revoke any power of attorney court might presume 5-2-5

revoked the filings of all deeds in the County Records 4-8-4

revoked the signature, filing in public record 7-12-5

revoking a trust, discussion 54-4-7

revoking powers of attorney not enough to “get out of system” 16-12-2

revoking signature 2-11-2

revoking signatures not enough to “get out of system” 16-12-2

revoking the trust of the birth certificate, discussion 54-5-2

Revolutionary War, not lost by England at all 42-1-3

Revolutionary War, so you thought you won, article 42-1-1

Richard Merritt; Iverson, reference in story 59-3-5

Richard Standring tapes 1-8-5

Richard Standring, article by 17-15-1

Richard Standring, in Cincinnati 28-2-5

Richard, researched the Buck act 5-6-1

RICO violation based upon fraud 36-5-6

RICO, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-5

RICO, tax collector operating in capacity 13-5-6

right of action, complaint must set forth 26-7-2

right of action, does accuser have standing to sue 42-5-4

right of action, findings, venue, jurisdiction, parties in a Judgment Entry 43-4-9

right of action, no performance on either side can give the unlawful contract any validity, or be the foundation of any right of action upon it 65-7-3

right of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

right of action, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars 46-5-9

Right of Action, Venue, Jurisdiction, Parties, Cause of Action, issues to address in Bill of Particulars 48-9-1

right of disseisee, reference 41-16-7

right of people to bear arms for the purpose of controlling the militia 43-13-7

right of police officer to shoot and kill, when suspect is resisting or fleeing from arrest 33-12-3

right of possession, lawful 4-9-2

right of possession, legal definition 41-16-7

right of privacy and Global Positioning System 38-15-5

right of private persons to make arrests nearly equal to sheriffs and constables 32-18-9

right of self protection is absolute 18-12-1

right of self-defense 15-9-4

right of Water Conservation District to come onto private land 46-2-8

right to (not) contract with court 44-3-3

right to a lien, but not possession 25-4-6

right to access to the courts 50-2-5

right to challenge jurisdiction, identification in court waives 43-1-2

right to confrontation denied for lack of hearing 33-8-6

right to contract with the IRS, discussion 48-7-6

right to contract, discussion 58-3-2

Right to Cure Default 3-19-2

right to fish, not for profit, without a license 13-7-4

right to keep quiet 21-7-6

right to property, under Constitution, when bankrupt 11-13-3

right to resist by force an illegal arrest 33-12-7

right to self protection cannot be contracted away 18-12-1

right to travel and identification, discussed 49-3-6

right to travel 12-5-5

right to travel 14-4-5

right to travel, story 49-20-7

right waived if not objected to up front, capital letters and abbreviations in name 28-3-4

Right Way ... L.A.W., article about the club 45-11-1

Right Way ... L.A.W., club activities and benefits, article describing 49-1-1

Right Way “Light”, index for 40-12-1

Right Way Begins Fifth Year!, article 49-1-1

Right Way chief associates, list of 5-1a-3

Right Way Club Policies & Procedures 57-3-9

Right Way compuserve e-mail address 39-15-1

Right Way correspondence school, goal 7-2-6

Right Way Distributors 23-6-1

Right Way e-mail and Web site 45-7-1

Right Way e-mail discussion group 50-7-1

Right Way internet site, 52-3-5

Right Way internet Web Site 42-7-1

Right Way is a voluntary, unincorporated association, not a business, corporation or partnership 18-3-2

Right Way L.A.W. Bounty-Hunter 40-2-4

Right Way l.a.w., “one of the most effective educational associations in the legal reform community” 30-6-6

Right Way members meet in various states 23-2-4

Right Way membership benefits 31-10-1

Right Way membership fee, how it is used 7-2-4

Right Way membership is private, not under Title 26 18-3-2

Right Way office in Houston, phone number 37-1-3

Right Way phone number for fax on demand 42-3-1

Right Way policies in December 1993 5-1a-1

Right Way policy regarding financial transactions 18-3-1

Right Way telephone hours 57-3-1

Right Way Web Site address on Internet 43-7-1

Right Way Web Site 44-7-1

right way, government doesn’t know how to do it the 5-2-1

Right Way, new office hours 39-12-7

Right Way’s purpose, teaching 36-18-5

right, denial of substantive and procedural 11-19-3

right, if you were forcibly removed from your house, you still have possession rights to the property 51-2-8

right, must exist to respond to a lawful demand 18-7-5

right, no one can contract to infringe the right of anyone who is not a party to that contract 18-16-2

right, no performance on either side can give the unlawful contract any validity, or be the foundation of any right of action upon it 65-7-3

right, no right, by ratification or other means, can arise out of fraud 65-7-2

right, notion of power to deny right 18-16-1

right, presumptions of court, you have only privilege, not right 46-6-2

right, to due process 21-5-5

rights and remedies, impairing 39-9-8

rights are universal law 18-7-6

rights are very different from privileges 18-7-5

rights come from God, Constitution limits govt 21-10-5

rights demand does not effect a remedy that commercially obstructed martial law court’s process 11-8-3

rights demanded in court, overruled in martial law 11-8-3

rights deprived without due process 18-2-6

rights established by IRS, not Constitution 22-10-5

rights excluded, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

rights must be protected by those who have rights, not protected by government 18-10-6

rights of aliens not to be violated by foreign courts 28-4-5

rights reserved must be reserved explicitly, with particularity, else no rights are successfully reserved 25-8-2

rights to privacy, freedom, sovereignty 36-13-2

rights to property, none, in District of Columbia 27-6-5

rights violated by agent of the state (such as jailer to prisoner) is “patently unconstitutional”, reference 66-15-4

rights waived in order to receive decent treatment 33-13-2

rights waived, by failure to object timely, often within 10 days, waives rights to appeal facts or law 27-11-5

rights which are not enumerated, reference 58-7-1

rights, an administrative definition 50-5-8

rights, cestui que trust must know the law and their rights 65-7-1

Rights, Claim to Private Land Rights, form 41-15-1

rights, conspiracy to violate 32-8-4

rights, Constitution gives none, limits government 21-5-5

rights, Constitutional, Judge says none in his court 29-5-4

rights, denied substantive, relief from 19-4-1

rights, discussion 28-19-4

rights, failure to recognize is NOT wrongful 15-9-3

rights, failure to respect IS wrongful 15-9-3

rights, give them up and maybe receive a benefit 37-5-6

rights, imprescriptible rights, reference 65-4-1

rights, is Town liable for violation of 13-7-2

rights, know yours as against govt agencies 27-17-6

Rights, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

rights, loss of, research regarding 17-11-5

rights, man does not have to set aside any pre-existing rights to enter contracts with other people 58-3-2

rights, notice to jailer for violating rights of prisoner 66-14-9

rights, penalty for IRS agents disregarding taxpayer 12-18-6

rights, pre-existing rights protected by Constitution, discussion 58-3-2

rights, purchasing rights of another, caveat emptor 58-8-1

rights, remedy in admiralty, equity in admiralty to reclaim common law unalienable rights, reference 59-15-6

rights, Small Claims Court says you have no rights 38-2-4

rights, sovereign immunity has never permitted govt agents to commit trespass in violation of property rights 58-6-3

rights, title and interest not conveyed in confirmation 17-4-1

rights, violated by government, Title 42 suits 29-1-1

rights, waiver of all rights via arraignment 43-2-4

rights, you don’t have any, why and how 32-15-2

Risk, Division of 40-16-2

roads owned by public, govt restricts by belief not law 3--7-6

robber barons 11-11-6

Robert Fox’s case 5-3-2

Robert Lee Norris case 3-14-3

Robert Lee Norris case 4-14-4

Robert Lee Norris, speech made before sentencing 4-14-5

Robert Newcomer 8-13-3

Robert Owens, reference 55-8-8

Robert, case of, arrested for stealing his own car 33-1-10

Robert’s Rules of Procedure govern departments of government 28-14-5

Rogatory Letter, legal definition 32-12-7

Rogatory, Letter Rogatory, example of use 68-4-3

Roger Yates, article 15-9-3

Roger Yates, article 18-7-4

Roger Yates, article 19-11-5

Roger Yates, article 20-16-4

Roger Yates, article 26-13-1

Roger’s case 43-7-1

Roger’s case 59-7-3

Roman war chariots, reference 63-9-5

Ron Pickering, case of 53-7-3

Ronald, case of, IRS garnishment 64-1-1

Roy’s case, divorce 43-4-9

Ruby’s case 27-11-4

Rule 103, reference 68-7-1

Rule 104, reference 68-7-2

Rule 107(c) CRCP 39-10-4

Rule 11, FRCP 25-18-3

Rule 12(b)(6) purpose, throw sham cases out of court 9-15-3

Rule 12(B)(6) 1-9-3

Rule 12(b)(6) 2-5-2

Rule 12(c), FRCP, Motion for Judgment on Pleadings 15-2-5

Rule 19, Joinder of Persons 31-9-8

Rule 2, FRCP, civil action commenced by complaint 15-2-2

Rule 29, reference 68-7-8

Rule 302, reference 68-7-2

Rule 41(B), Criminal, authority for search warrant 33-10-3

Rule 56 2-5-2

Rule 56, Summary Judgment 26-6-3

Rule 57(a), reference 68-6-3

Rule 602, reference 68-7-3

Rule 611, reference 68-7-5

Rule 7 - 102(b) attorney duty bound to notify client when notice of fraud given 4-9-6

Rule 7(a) 2-5-2

Rule 7(a), FRCP, complaint and answer 15-2-2

Rule 701, reference 68-7-3

Rule 8(a)(2) 2-5-1

Rule 8(a), FRCP, requirements for pleading 15-2-2

Rule 8(c), FRCP 15-2-4

Rule 8(d), FRCP 15-2-5

Rule 802, reference 68-7-3

Rule 901, reference 68-7-4

rule in disguise, agency action not prescribed by law is unenforceable 67-3-3

rule making by agencies, discussion of process 67-3-1

rule nisi, reference 51-7-5

rule not codified in the Administrative Code is unenforceable 66-6-5

Rule of Evidence 902, only evidence can rebut a presumption 68-3-3

rules of civil procedure 12-14-1

rules of court and state statutes allegedly don’t apply 32-15-1

Rules of Court, one authority for the form of court procedure 68-6-3

Rules of Evidence 210 (d), Judicial Notice 17-18-1

Rules of Evidence 2-10-4

Rules of Evidence, discussion 68-3-3

rules of evidence, how to apply them 12-2-4

rules of evidence, numerous one discussed 68-7-1

Rules of Evidence, Rule 301, presumption only rebutted by evidence 21-4-3

Rules of Evidence, State and Federal 12-11-3

rules of evidence, uncontroverted fact under 1-2-2

Rules of Grammar for abbreviating names of people 28-3-4

rules of procedure, made by Supreme Court of State 13-4-4

Rules of Professional Conduct 19-9-2

Rules of Professional Conduct, in Canons of Ethics 18-2-4

rules of war, Common Law of England and rules of commerce 56-2-6

rules, as seen by David Miller, a list 29-11-6

rules, court doesn’t its own 3-14-5

rules, discussion in article 66-5-2

rummaging, warrant to general, allowed 39-7-6

Russia, references in article on Federal Reserve 42-18-6

Russian always in charged of merged armed forces 15-16-2

S.P.I.K.E. training alone is not illegal 43-16-4

s102.35, Definition of Whoever 15-5-3

salary of top 100 education employees in Florida, teachers didn’t make the list 28-15-2

Sam’s case 16-2-1

Sam’s case 17-2-1

Sam’s case 26-5-5

sanctionable activities, a list 25-18-4

sanctionable frivolous claims, case cites 21-12-4

sanctions must be supported by material facts 25-2-1

sanctions, all claims for, were denied 25-19-3

sanctions, along with cased allegedly thrown out 38-2-7

sanctions, article, Strategy Tip - Bothered by Threats of Sanctions? 46-8-1

Sanctions, Motion for, reference 50-17-1

Sanctions, Request for, after Title 42 suit dismissed 25-18-1

Sanctions, Request for, after Title 42 suit dismissed 25-2-1

Sanctions, Request for, Motion to Strike is demurrer 25-3-1

Sarjeants, reference 62-1-2

Satan, reference in parable 39-11-5

satisfaction, foreign judgments, principles limiting relief, fraud, void, satisfaction 44-6-3

scam, Phone Scam Warning!, article 68-13-2

scam, preferred customer nothing more than 39-17-2

Scandal of the Federal Reserve, article 41-18-1

scandalous allegations in attempt to prejudice 39-9-4

School Board vote on violating family privacy rights 14-13-3

School of Law, American Christian 29-7-1

schools do not teach concerns about foreign banks 37-12-7

schools, behavioral conditioning should not be goal 8-6-4

Schweitzer lien, reference in table 57-2-1

science projects, in Pretty Good Newsletter 2-16-2

scribes of Temple Bar, predecessors of attorneys 13-13-4

script, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, titles to property, insurance policies, all bullets of war 56-2-5

seal of a State, Territory or Possession 44-6-1

seal, contract under seal, as distinguished from one not under seal, discussion 56-10-7

seal, each time the seal of the state changes, the corporation changes 63-10-9

seal, under 1-9-3

search and seizure unreasonable 27-2-1

search and seizure 39-7-8

search and seizure, a lesson in 33-1-6

search and seizure, article, New Search and Seizure Ruling 66-8-1

search and seizure, unlawful, discussion 60-3-2

search and seizure, unlawful, reference 60-7-2

search warrant is too general in nature 33-1-8

search warrant, affidavit defective in support of 39-7-5

search warrant, affidavit in support of, is defective 33-1-8

search warrant, entered house without 3-5-1

search warrant, Fourth Amendment requires particularity of description in, to prevent rummaging 33-7-4

search warrant, inspectors without search warrant barred from property 58-6-2

search warrant, what constitutes a legal one 17-13-4

search warrants, information about 46-14-2

search, elements constituting a lawful search, tape series 66-9-3

search, even though authorized by state law, violates Constitution’s Fourth Amendment 66-9-2

search, illegal, of house by county sheriff 9-6-5

search, reasonable 2-9-5

search, without warrant, and finding something, is example of due process violation 22-13-1

searches without warrants 21-4-4

seat belt laws, etc under admiralty law. 20-12-3

seat belt unbuckled in stopped auto, ticketed 12-7-1

Seattle seminar discussion 39-3-5

secede from union, Southern states, did they follow correct procedure, proper, to secede from union and was it followed 30-2-4

second amendment is crystal clear 18-12-3

Second Amendment, Clarity of, article 18-7-4

Second Amendment, Clarity of, article 19-11-5

Second Amendment, Clarity of, article 20-16-4

secretary of state, in chain of approval of administrative procedures, reference 67-3-2

Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Attorney General all have to ex-patriate from US to UN to hold office 27-4-3

Secretary of State, UCC 11 form must be filed with, to be a valid lien 24-19-1

Secretary of State, US, agent of intl. robber barons 11-13-4

Secretary of State, where to deliver the instrument of release of appointment 15-5-6

Secretary of the Treasury 1-8-6

Secretary of Treasury in control under bankruptcy 1-7-1

Secretary of Treasury, US, agent of robber barons 11-13-4

Secretary, word of art for Secretary of Treasury of PUERTO RICO 25-10-6

secrets, reference 62-10-1

secrets, trade secrets, reference in article on injunctions 62-8-5

secured creditor, charge of hindering a 33-1-11

secured transactions in UCC replaces law of pledges 50-12-7

securities and commercial paper, evidence of debt 11-13-6

securities and their importance in cases, reference 53-3-4

securities are the thing they represent, discussion 56-8-2

securities have been written on all property in this country by bankers and government agencies 56-8-2

securities, counterfeit 21-11-6

securities, include titles, deeds, affidavits, etc. 51-2-7

securities, judgments, papers and decisions of judicial acts of one state must be accepted by all other states 58-5-4

securities, presumed to be signed voluntarily 45-3-4

security bond posted to get an injunction granted, discussion 62-10-9

security instrument, fictitious, reference in affidavit 64-5-3

security interest, demand for, of IRS 44-15-2

security interest, IRS must prove they maintain a 40-15-2

security relied on in court 53-3-2

security, a written instrument that assures the payment of a debt 51-12-8

security, counter, see procedure table 58-12-5

security, counter-security, an affidavit, reference 50-13-3

security, holder in due course of the security is looked upon in Law as the actual holder of the property 57-3-6

security, litigants are always in court over a controversy concerning a security 46-12-8

security, many forms, deeds, birth certificates, licenses, titles, etc. 45-3-4

security, reducing a statute staple to a security 51-2-6

security, the highest form of a title 45-3-5

seized property, by IRS, notice to potential buyers of 31-3-5

seizing private records, freedom from, reference 58-6-5

seizing property without warrant 16-6-6

seizing records relating to legitimate activities 33-7-7

seizure and search 39-7-8

seizure and search, unlawful, discussion 60-3-2

seizure and search, unlawful, reference 60-7-2

seizure authority, IRS has none for lack of implementing regulations 33-8-1

seizure by IRS, process is insufficient, discussion 58-10-5

seizure first, then argue to get it back, legal under Admiralty 29-7-2

seizure is lawful against enemy in time of war 16-4-5

seizure property not subject to any court order 11-4-5

seizure, a distress is a legal claim reduced to writing ordering the seizure of property for enforcement of some specific performance 58-7-6

seizure, bank accounts extremely vulnerable to 14-14-1

seizure, illegal, of automobiles in Sonoma county 14-13-2

seizure, must be voluntary by taxpayer 37-3-7

seizure, Notice of Deficiency required, before seizure 28-1-5

seizure, Notice of Levy is not a levy, reference 61-1-2

Seizure, Notice of, from IRS 37-3-7

seizure, search and seizure, article, New Search and Seizure Ruling 66-8-1

seizure, valid, by IRS, required events 37-3-6

seizures, all, are Admiralty actions 29-7-3

seizures, unreasonable, title 42 win 56-12-8

self assessment of income tax 3-8-5

self executing constitutional provision, an administrative definition 50-5-1

self protection, unalienable right 15-9-3

self-certifying documents?, not likely 63-10-4

sell off, FDIC, three ways of bank salvage, “payoff”, “sell off”, “bailout” 49-11-5

selling, one way to convey property 24-4-5

seminars for Right Way in various states 23-2-3

sententia facit jus, et legis interpretatio legis vim obtinet, an administrative definition 50-5-2

Separation of Powers violated by city prosecutions 19-2-5

separation of powers, but not for attorneys, reference 62-4-8

separation of powers, due to, court cannot institute criminal action for failure to appear after signing citation 19-2-2

separation of powers, protection against federal state 19-12-2

serfs and slaves on plantation are called citizens 21-9-2

serfs and slaves, 14th Amendment 22-3-2

serfs and slaves, how do you talk to a jury of 22-3-5

serfs/slaves and sovereigns, tax rules different 22-4-2

servants for the people, state official’s capacity as 42-5-5

service by first class mail, presumptions of law 24-6-3

Service by Mail, court flow chart 10-6-2

Service by Publication, court flow chart 10-6-2

service by registered mail 39-4-5

service in personum, example 48-5-5

service not proper 14-17-2

service of Notice and Offer to Pay 53-3-5

service of process and process, challenging 56-3-5

service of process insufficient, discussion 56-1-1

service of process not proper 27-10-5

service of process 15-3-2

service of process, cannot be accepted by non-party 36-8-7

service of process, damage from 28-7-2

service of process, immunity going to and from court 6-2-6

service of process, much is fraudulent transactions 28-7-2

service of process, registered mail 28-4-1

service of process, some discussion 44-6-9

service of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, important 51-9-5

service, commercial, perfecting 15-3-2

service, if there is no service, there is no jurisdiction 58-11-7

service, not challenging, consequences of 56-8-5

service, private, converted by Judge to motion, example 48-13-6

service, proper, discussion 61-6-5

service, PROPER, of complaint 13-7-2

service, return of, form 46-14-4

servitude, involuntary 14-9-5

setoff provides no legal process of any kind including notice 43-12-7

set-off, a banking term 43-9-4

set-off, bank retains right to setoff funds of a debtor’s account for debts owed to it by a party to account 43-12-1

setoff, stayed by bankruptcy 35-14-3

setting the record, discussion in trial procedure 68-8-1

seven point affidavit, most important instrument in commercial process 58-7-8

seven point affidavit, on street equivalent to off street complaint 58-7-8

seven point affidavit, one instrument in commercial process 58-7-3

seven point affidavit, overview chart 58-5-3

seven point affidavits, faults and defaults 64-1-2

seven points to all contracts, reference 59-7-2

shadow attacked by court with presentment, your voluntary consent makes you pay the bill 4-7-1

shadow States created by Buck Act 4-4-3

shadow states defined in Buck Act 5-7-1

shadow States, established in Civil War 13-5-5

shake-downs, how to abolished them 33-13-7

Shakespeare, article, Why did Shakespeare want to kill all the lawyers? 61-11-5

sham cases, Rule 12(b)(6) purpose, throw out of court 9-15-3

sham pleading can be held liable with Civil Rule 11 11-2-2

sham pleading, lacking in substance or truth 11-2-5

sham proceeding, answer one and breath substance of life into the form of their complaint 25-9-3

sham trial 1-5-2

sham, banks are, and con job 11-14-4

sham, meaning good in form only, not substance 25-9-3

sham, meaning of frivolous case 25-2-3

shelving for hundreds of law books 6-14-1

Shepards, caselaw research, cautionary note 53-15-1

Sheppards Federal Reporter, guidance to use 28-6-2

Sheriff aids jobless homeowners facing foreclosure 17-16-1

Sheriff Boots Feds from his County, article 50-13-4

sheriff helps terrorists employed by IRS 17-12-5

Sheriff holds prisoner without warrant or jurisdiction 15-9-1

Sheriff refuses to perform duty, what to do about it 3-19-2

Sheriff sale, alleged 7-12-6

Sheriff’s deed, Sheriff must already have possession 25-5-1

sheriff’s sale, papers warning caveat emptor 5-9-3

shoot and kill, right of police officer to, when suspect is resisting or fleeing from arrest 33-12-3

show cause action 40-6-5

show cause administrative hearing, why request for information not answered 44-3-1

Show Cause Complaint, compel performance of the prosecutor 14-5-4

show cause for its accusations, statutory court must 32-12-3

show cause is a presumption of guilt 40-6-7

show cause is an equity procedure 45-3-1

show cause order 15-8-1

show cause petition by IRS 5-11-3

show cause petition, possible response 5-11-4

show cause, government must in tax case 51-12-8

shut up, article, Never Miss a Good Chance to Shut Up! 52-1-1

sign anything, grants jurisdiction 6-1-6

Sign Here, It’s the Law 24-8-1

signature above sworn and subscribed style is fraud 12-9-3

signature completely different from handwriting 39-3-3

signature granting a general contract to the court, discussion 61-5-7

signature impossible, can’t certify what you don’t know 39-3-3

signature indicates signer has first hand knowledge of conditions of the contract 26-9-1

signature is a legal definition that implies certification 39-3-3

signature not bona fide, so case dismissed 17-2-3

signature not bona-fide on instruments 27-10-5

signature not on instrument, affidavit example 21-18-1

signature not required on contract under UCC 24-4-5

signature not shown 14-4-5

signature obligating me, produce the instrument 44-15-1

signature of defendant not evidenced with complaint 11-2-5

signature of prosecutor must be on complaint 12-7-4

signature of prosecutor 15-19-1

signature on instrument contracts you into court 4-4-6

signature on instruments obligating you to IRS 40-15-1

signature on ticket grants personum jurisdiction 4-4-6

signature on ticket grants subject matter jurisdiction 4-4-6

signature revocation, judicial notice of 17-18-1

signature revoked from 1040 forms 28-1-5

signature under “without prejudice” means nothing 4-5-6

signature under coercion can be revoked later 4-5-3

signature, be careful, signature could evidence legal title 61-5-7

signature, bona fide 13-4-3

signature, bona fide, granting authority 46-3-3

signature, bona fide, required to make liable 13-3-5

signature, difference between revoking and absence from the beginning 26-9-3

signature, don’t sign anything to cause an agreement 5-3-1

signature, how to get when person is in jail 6-13-2

signature, if the handwritten mark on the instrument was made by a person who did not have knowledge, there is no authentication 26-9-1

signature, including “Without Prejudice”, may not be your name, but its your signature 22-18-3

signature, most powerful thing you still own 24-8-2

signature, my signature must be on agreement 36-17-5

signature, no bona fide, making us liable for debt 11-5-3

signature, no signature on IRS process, process is incomplete, you should initiate process against their bond 58-10-5

signature, non-bona fide, is powerful argument 33-6-9 signature, bona fide, without, no liability on contract 33-6-9

signature, none, admitting sanctionable activity, but must be refused or its admitted under statute of frauds 25-2-3

signature, not signing paperwork in court 39-8-8

signature, or not, can have contract by assumpsit 25-6-5

signature, original, demanded 21-11-6

signature, prosecutor, if not there, no jurisdiction 13-8-5

signature, prosecutor’s not on complaint 6-9-5

signature, prosecutor’s, information about 18-2-6

signature, recission or revocation, discussion 54-4-8

signature, revocation is remedy for fraud, no longer best remedy 26-5-5

signature, UCC definition, authenticate a writing 26-7-5

signature, was it on the instrument 17-2-2

signature, without, no one is liable on instrument 17-4-4

signature, yours demanded from IRS 37-16-2

signature, yours, on contract (license) makes you liable 4-6-6

signatures not bona fide nor genuine 26-5-3

signatures on FRN 1-8-5

signatures, genuine, not produced 22-19-2

signatures, UCC 1-207 v. non assumpsit 24-11-3

signatures, USPS receiving party procedures 40-13-7

signed by prosecutor, criminal complaint not 3-15-5

signing court documents, don’t do it 12-12-1

signing under Threat, Duress or Coercion, discussion 54-19-3

signing Without Prejudice, discussion 54-19-3

silence (likely due to ignorance) perfects their venue and jurisdiction 56-6-6

silence can only be equated with fraud . . ., quote from cited court case 48-10-4

silence can only be equated with fraud, reference 65-8-2

silence is acceptance, when Trust B does not answer you are winning, discussion 58-14-5

silent judicial notice of foreign law and treaty 2-6-6

silent judicial notice of international law 1-6-5

silent judicial notice taken by courts that anyone in front of it is a corporation and must be represented by an attorney 45-6-3

silent judicial notice 10-2-6

silent judicial notice 2-7-6

silent judicial notice, harmful nature of 2-7-3

silent judicial notice, presumptions taken in every case, discussion 68-3-3

silent judicial notice, reference 62-5-4

silver and gold substance, education materials 49-2-4

silver and gold, discussion of its purpose in currency system 48-2-7

silver and gold, if a state was a state and not federal, they’d be using 50-18-4

silver and gold, lawful money, Coinage Act of 1792 37-13-3

silver and gold, only payment of debt, soas not to compete with England’s commercial system 42-2-4

silver and gold, original thirteen states limited to gold and silver as currency 57-1-2

silver demonitized years before as backing 11-13-2

silver dime as substance placing action in common law venue, discussion 64-2-4

silver dime, pre 1933, reference to substance 65-2-6

silver dollars, bond of 21 silver dollars, related to depositum declaration 65-2-5

silver gone 2-8-2

silver or gold, legal title to 16-5-4

silver, Article 1, Section 10, Constitution, bank violates by loaning anything but gold and silver 54-2-9

silver, banks loaning federal reserve notes, checks, money orders, drafts, and not gold and silver 54-2-9

silver, debt payment can’t be compelled by gold or 12-13-4

silver, gold, Federal Reserve Notes, reference to use of 65-6-1

silver, if you don’t ask for it, you get what you deserve, story 49-3-2

silver, labor defined in terms of gold or silver coin, not debt instruments 65-6-1

silver, lawful money in the usA is gold and, coin 11-11-4

silver, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, titles to property, insurance policies, all bullets of war 56-2-5

silver, states, like US govt, can only use gold and silver as money, but gold and silver has all been taken 11-13-1

simple contracts, based on one transaction 51-2-5

simple contracts, one transaction 53-1-2

Simple Domestic Business, Many Uses for Trusts - article 31-7-1

simple trust tax diagram 31-7-5

simple trust 31-7-3

sine die, reference in depositum declaration 65-7-3

Sir Walter Raleigh, Grants to, reference 62-2-4

situs, no legal situs for taxation, example 62-15-8

skill in actual court scenarios, discussion 53-5-5

slander and libel against Church by State 29-18-2

slander of title, Common Law Liens called 9-13-6

slander of title, discussion 61-7-1

slave court (statutory), what are you doing here 28-14-5

slave, appearing in court is acting like a slave 16-4-2

slave, being called a slave is not a frivolous argument 19-9-5

slave, driver’s license application is acting like a slave 16-4-2

slave, loss of rights, research regarding 17-11-5

slave, presumption under rules of court that everyone who “appears” is property of govt and a slave 16-4-2

slave, voting officials to D.C. is acting like a slave 16-4-2

slave/master relationship 19-14-5

slavery, article 61-7-2

slavery, Israel subjected to slavery in Egypt, illustration of process of slavery from biblical references 61-7-4

slavery, reference 54-3-3

slavery, strategies to inflict bondage on free people 66-1-1

slaves and serfs on plantation are called citizens 21-9-2

slaves and serfs, 14th Amendment 22-3-2

slaves and serfs, how do you talk to a jury of 22-3-5

slaves to New World Order to raise revenue to discharge debt of federal govt. 11-12-3

slaves, bankrupt people are 11-13-2

slaves, newly freed, D.C. citizens liable for income tax 5-6-1

slaves, nobles, freeholders and knights in England, discussion 66-2-5

slaves, people given to be, by leaders 27-3-3

slaves, ramifications of being 16-8-3

slaves/serfs and sovereigns, tax rules different 22-4-2

small business trust 31-7-1

Small Claims Court decision binding if no appeal within two weeks 9-10-5

Small Claims Court says you have no rights 38-2-4

Small Claims Court, has dual jurisdiction 9-10-2

Small Claims Court, remedy for execution of judgment 9-10-2

Small Claims Court, you have a contract with it 9-10-3

small claims offensive against license plate issue, traffic 46-7-5

small claims, judge can be sued in small claims action for $1,000 for refusing to grant a writ of habeas corpus 51-11-2

Small Soldiers, the movie, a movie review by Mr. Smith 60-17-5

Smart Card, national health care ID card 45-10-2

Social Security Act, reference in story of cunning plan to enslave America 61-8-7

Social Security and IRS 44-7-5

Social Security and retirement exempt from Writ of Garnishee 25-7-4

Social Security established and administered from where? 31-3-3

social security exempt from execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal process (but see 64-12-7) 64-12-1

social security number and drivers license 50-9-2

social security number and name change 50-9-2

social security number at hospital, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-6

social security number consents to private law court 3-13-1

Social Security number, from Northern Mariana Islands 35-5-1

social security number, from questionnaire by IRS 55-9-8

social security number, handling a demand for, discussion 55-2-8

social security number, having one makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

social security number, keeping track of your child 8-5-4

social security number, no requirement for obtaining, article 55-14-8

social security number, why its in place 11-12-3

social security number, without, story of 48-5-2

social security number, you’ve never had one 39-1-3

social security numbers and banks, discussion 63-14-9

social security numbers and postal money orders, discussion 63-16-7

Social Security numbers and the IRS 31-3-1

social security numbers, CFR discussion relative to banking and social security numbers 63-14-9

Social Security Numbers, Privacy Act curtails use of 10-4-1

social security, applying for as part of official birth registration process 55-15-4

Social Security, article, Can The IRS Levy Your Old Age Social Security Benefits? 64-11-7

social security, contract, breach of by demanding social security numbers and driver’s licenses, subject to suit 55-3-1

social security, levy of social security, things you can do 64-12-9

Social Security, put on you by the State, not the Feds 66-14-1

Social Security, reference in insurance article 41-9-4

social security, reference 46-7-4

social security, you get it if you need it or you request it, there is no legal compulsion to do so 55-15-8

Social Ssecurity number belongs to Social Security Department, not you 39-3-2

social workers, get policy manuals 27-17-6

Socialism of the Primitive Church, sermon on 40-8-2

socialist created Pledge of Allegiance 40-1-5

Society of Christian Socialists, auxiliary group of “Nationalism” 40-8-2

society, dissolution of v. dissolution of government 26-11-1

Soil and Water Conservation District on private land 46-2-8

soil, status of Right Way members, of the soil within Original Jurisdiction and within the de facto system 65-1-4

sole proprietorship, from questionnaire by IRS 55-10-2

Solicitors, reference 62-1-2

Sonoma county, illegal seizure of automobiles in 14-13-2

Southern states, did they follow correct procedure to secede from union 30-2-4

sovereign citizen gets quiet title on body, seeks quiet title on real property, court refuses 28-14-3

sovereign immunity has never permitted govt agents to commit trespass in violation of property rights 58-6-3

sovereign immunity, a legal fiction designed to circumvent the doctrine of sovereign immunity 62-16-8

sovereign immunity, reference 66-3-4

sovereign immunity, statutes waiving 24-9-2

sovereign states, usurped by federal govt 13-5-5

sovereign versus statutory citizens, diversity of citizenship not raised in case 28-14-4

sovereign versus US citizen and income tax 48-7-7

sovereign within a family, head of household 3-7-2

sovereign, attorneys cannot represent clients in Constitutional Court created by suit of the sovereign 39-6-1

sovereign, Constitutional Courts created by suit of sovereign are common law suits 39-6-1

sovereign, definition 50-6-5

sovereign, District of Columbia, sovereigns in states 22-4-5

sovereign, reference 61-3-3

sovereign, reference 61-3-5

sovereign, state as, parens patriae, doctrine of, defined, state is guardian of persons under legal disability 15-5-5

sovereign, titles of nobility cannot enter Constitutional Court created by suit of the sovereign 39-6-1

sovereign, whoever heard of one that did not know who he was 22-3-6

sovereigns and serfs/slaves, tax rules different 22-4-2

sovereigns, Common Law Court, jurisdiction only over 27-7-3

sovereigns, people as, not directly involved in contract between States and Federal Government 57-1-2

sovereignty (over American people) acquired by prescription, discussion 55-8-2

sovereignty and contractual obligations 29-6-7

sovereignty and jurisdiction made simple 3-7-3

sovereignty and military service 29-6-7

sovereignty is not subject to law, is source of law 13-10-4

sovereignty lost through elimination of armed forces 15-15-3

sovereignty of America given up after WWII 46-10-5

sovereignty of citizens destroyed 27-6-2

sovereignty of states lost when they ceded their assets to the federal government 66-13-8

sovereignty other than United States 14-8-6

sovereignty receded to state for state tax purposes 5-6-6

sovereignty 12-5-2

sovereignty, declaratory order of, quiet title over body and person 27-7-4

sovereignty, defined, Black’s Law Dictionary 13-10-4

sovereignty, District of Columbia corporation has none 55-4-8

sovereignty, freedom, rights to privacy 36-13-2

sovereignty, individual 10-7-1

sovereignty, power and choice to exercise 14-11-5

sovereignty, presidents guide country into depression, war and loss of national sovereignty 37-13-2

sovereignty, Republic of Texas completes lawful process of regaining its sovereignty 37-11-4

sovereignty, some discussion 41-4-5

sovereignty, Supreme Court statement about 13-10-4

sovereignty, yours, register or license, and lose it 15-7-3

Spanish Letter Patent to Christopher Columbus, reference 62-2-4

speaking, know when to stop 39-8-9

Specht v. Jensen 2-9-6

special and not general jurisdiction 61-5-7

special appearance motion to quash the ticket 4-6-2

special contract, definition and discussion 56-10-7

special visitation instruments 14-4-5

special visitation to court only for purpose of challenging jurisdiction, discussion 53-4-2

special visitation to pre trial hearing 5-2-5

special visitation to trial 5-2-6

special visitation 12-12-1

special visitation 18-2-2

special visitation 5-1-6

special visitation 6-6-3

special visitation 6-9-5

special visitation, example in story 52-1-3

special visitation, reference 22-19-1

specifically plead, phrase used in Mitchell v. Forsyth 13-2-2

speech licensing, reference 55-13-5

speech licensing, reference 55-14-2

speech, freedom of, reference 58-6-5

speech, registering or licensing, article 54-12-9

speed limit signs, under international law 3-14-3

speedy trial violation 1-5-2

speedy trial, dismissal for lack of 3-5-5

speedy trial, reference 49-21-3

spelling is harmless error, wrong name is not 43-8-8

spelling of your name not that of nom de guerre, wrong issue 56-4-5

spelling, proper spelling of your name 56-1-5

SSN used on Driver’s License is unlawful 10-4-3

SSN, reference 57-2-3

stalking of citizens by police via traffic surveillance 51-19-4

standards of conduct in the judiciary 30-12-4

standing army clause violation 11-6-4

standing in court, enemies have none, court attempts to use local nom de guerre 28-5-1

standing in courts of UNITED STATES, man on the land has no standing 56-2-7

standing to begin a judicial case, discussion 53-3-4

standing to bring a suit in original jurisdiction 66-3-5

standing to make a claim in a system of law 66-2-8

standing to proceed, none, due to lack of answer to bill of particulars 52-2-4

standing, court, not proven for US and IRS 21-12-2

standing, enemy has no standing in courts during war or exigent circumstances 56-1-6

Stanek v. White, reference 41-18-2

staple, statute staple, defined and discussed 51-11-9

Star Chamber courts of inquisition, reference 62-1-2

stare Decisis, reference 65-8-2

Starship Troopers, movie review by Jack Smith 58-1-1

State (federal) and de jure state, both jurisdiction must be accessible 5-8-6

state a claim, failure to, versus failure to state cause of action 28-14-4

State actors, violating rights, liable under Title 42 8-8-3

state agencies are actually federal agencies 67-2-8

state agencies are federal because they receive federal funds 67-4-8

State Bar Act 40-9-1

State Bar in Wisconsin never filed as corporation 19-7-2

state charging $87 billion to provide $17 billion in public services 63-2-8

state citizens included in perverse definition of non resident alien 22-4-3

state codes construed according to rules of grammar 38-5-5

State codes not duly enacted, reference 65-5-2

state Constitution, is the empowerment of people 41-16-9

state controlled school system 3-17-3

State Court of Claims, may be common law court 3-13-5

state de jure citizen versus federal citizen 4-8-3

State defined as federal area concerning debt collection 7-3-6

state does not license attorneys in Wisconsin 19-7-4

State Farm Insurance, fraud settlement, $145 million 36-4-9

State governments consented with D.C. to allow violations against people, discussion 56-9-2

state in fact, a man on the soil, unassociated with government, was a state in fact 58-5-5

state in the nation of the world, U.S. is one 7-8-5

state law, what is it, who is empowered to implement 41-17-5

state marriage license 14-13-5

State means Federal State, state means de jure state 5-6-1

State of Ohio, like other States, is a Federal State 5-8-1

State of Texas not properly annexed into union 30-8-1

state official’s capacity as servants for the people 42-5-5

State Registrar of Vital Statistics 29-13-2

state Republic being outside of corporate State, affidavit of truth never controverted by US 12-10-3

state statutes and rules of court allegedly don’t apply 32-15-1

state statutes, traffic tickets written on municipal ordinances, not state statutes 36-7-4

State Supreme Court Judge arrested, story 32-11-1

state tort claim statute 24-9-4

State two letter abbreviation, federal zone 15-3-4

state versus (Federal) State, discussion 38-6-6

state versus State, difference 27-6-2

state, ‘these’, ‘this’ and ‘that’ states are all different states 42-18-1

state, CAFR mandated by 1982 federal law for every state, county and city 63-6-2

State, corporate, includes driver’s licenses, registered vehicles, real estate 15-3-3

state, D.O.T.s, difference between federal, state, municipal, city 36-6-6

State, defined in Buck Act as territory or possession 5-8-3

state, defined various ways in Title 26 6-5-5

state, described and discussed, a man on the soil, unassociated with government was a state in fact 58-5-5

state, federal state that claims venue, reference 68-2-5

state, federal, county, city ownership of publicly traded stock exceeds $32 Trillion, 53% of all listed stock! 63-3-3

state, federal, local developmental department interaction 52-7-3

state, have you appointed state as your “guardian” 22-16-4

State, is corporate State 15-3-3

state, legal meaning of ‘these states,’ ‘this state,’ ‘that state’ 42-18-1

state, of Original Jurisdiction, not a federal state 68-2-5

State, political organizations known as government of a State or the UNITED STATES, membership in, discussion 56-2-9

state, this state and the state are two different states 63-10-9

State, venue presumed to be defacto 31-9-5

state, you can’t be in two states at the same time (for example, de jure and de facto), by way of example 62-15-9

States and Federal Government, contract between 57-1-2

states as things are protected; states as places are not 51-6-2

states, 50, foreign countries with regards to Title 26 6-5-4

States, how many definitions in US Code 31-3-2

states, judges assigned to freely associated compact 8-9-2

states, like US govt, can only use gold and silver as money, but gold and silver has all been taken 11-13-1

States, read Title 4 of USC about 46-17-8

states, small s, not prosecuting criminal law today, only the States, which are federal States under Buck Act 5-8-2

stating a claim in commercial or contract law 58-3-6

statistical fallacies in gun research 15-12-5

status and liability under law must be established 6-12-1

status of Right Way members, of the soil within Original Jurisdiction and within the de facto system 65-1-4

status quo, defined 59-17-2

status versus territorial venue, chart 21-8-5

status within the scope and purview of the Trading with the Enemy Act 18-3-1

status, as a sovereign, and trusts 31-12-1

status, court presumes you are a fiction and that you volunteered to be of that status 58-13-9

status, discussion, see article 56-2-9

status, know who you are 22-16-2

status, loss of, definitions, research regarding 17-11-5

status, of being conquered 56-1-6

status, your affirmation of, Secretary of State required to file 15-5-4

statute of frauds, article 24-4-3

statute of limitations, none for Declaratory Judgment 31-4-4

statute passage, agency creation, then regulations 46-4-1

statute staple is a double contract 51-12-1

statute staple is a security 51-12-1

statute staple, a double contract at common law 53-1-3

statute staple, bifurcation of documents through contract 55-4-2

statute staple, defined and discussed 51-11-9

Statute Staple, double contract at common law 51-2-6

statute staple, must be produced to prove claim, discussion 53-3-5

statute staple, reducing it to a security 51-2-6

statute staple, reference 53-1-1

statute staple, reference 54-5-5

statute staple, reference 60-14-1

statute staples, reference 56-8-2

statutes and regulations don’t match 21-11-6

statutes apply only to corporate entities 14-3-4

statutes are not law without regulations 5-12-5

Statutes at Large (STAT), United States 5-5-1

statutes cannot overcome Constitution 1-6-3

statutes construed according to rules of grammar 38-5-5

statutes do not apply unless you are incorporated, discussion 45-8-1

statutes of corporate State do not apply to natural persons, only corporate persons 4-4-5

statutes only apply to corporations, discussion 53-2-2

statutes set forth which courts will hear certain cases 43-5-5

statutes, one authority for the form of court procedure 68-6-3

statutes, voluntary consent required for statutes to be enforceable if there are no implementing regulations 46-4-2

statutory agent for a nom de guerre corporation, you 56-4-2

Statutory and Common Law jurisdiction, felonies are tried under both, How can it be both? 10-2-4

Statutory Assessment Records, required items not generally completed on private Citizens 48-12-1

statutory court equals Legislative tribunal 14-15-6

statutory court refuses to review a common law proceeding, 28-14-2

Statutory Courts 4-2-5

Statutory Courts, Common Law understanding, not enough, must understand Statutory Courts also 26-13-4

statutory courts, how they interact with Common Law Courts 26-12-6

statutory equity, writ of, versus writ of right 50-9-7

Statutory Habeas Corpus, form, compel captors to bring you before a neutral magistrate 5-17-1

statutory instruments void for fraud, common law court declares 32-8-9

statutory jurisdiction , another word for Admiralty 10-2-5

statutory jurisdiction discussed, combination of admiralty, equity and common law 45-2-8

statutory jurisdiction is just admiralty in hiding 20-12-4

statutory jurisdiction 14-15-5

statutory jurisdiction, National Deficit must be put in evidence to convict you in 10-2-6

statutory law and common law, difference between 26-16-2

statutory law only binding “within” the State 26-16-3

statutory law, what it is 16-10-2

statutory Maritime-Equity schemes replace common law 48-14-2

statutory procedure, consent loses Constitutional rights 1-6-4

statutory trust 31-7-1

stay, in bankruptcy, prevents:, a list 35-14-3

stay, with respect to IRS, a list 35-15-2

stealing, taking property without, is 2-10-5

step by step education, Civil and Criminal Procedure Tapes, and the On Point II series from Right Way l.a.w. 9-13-2

Stephen Jones, author of newsletter, reference 67-11-1

Steve Marshall, article 16-1-3

stipulating to false presumption by failure to object 19-10-5

stipulation, all cases are won by stipulation 21-7-2

strategy of procedure v. legal research of subject matter, discussion 42-6-2

strike evidence from record 6-10-6

strike testimony for lack of personal knowledge 12-12-5

strike testimony for lack of sworn style 12-12-6

strike, motion to strike, discussion 60-3-2

striking dispositive motions 16-3-3

students asked many intimate and revealing questions regarding practices and customs of families 14-13-3

subcontractors, working as, discussion 55-2-7

subcontracts, how to re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

subject matter jurisdiction in a Judgment Entry 43-5-2

subject matter jurisdiction invoked by signature of prosecutor 4-6-6

subject matter jurisdiction is second to venue jurisdiction 28-3-5

subject matter jurisdiction on traffic ordinance 3-12-4

subject matter jurisdiction requires both statute and regulation 5-13-5

subject matter jurisdiction 32-15-4

subject matter jurisdiction, can be done at any time 6-2-1

subject matter jurisdiction, claimed to be lacking 41-6-2

subject matter jurisdiction, none without CFR 6-2-1

subject matter jurisdiction, none, allocution 29-14-1

subject matter jurisdiction, none, no signed complaint 5-2-5

subject matter jurisdiction, reference 22-19-1

subject matter tax has own procedure in Title 26 5-12-4

subject matter v. procedure, discussion 42-6-2

subject matter, Federal District Courts do not rule on, they rule on procedure 32-13-4

subject of the State misusing State’s property, discussion 61-7-1

subject to the conquering power, discussion 56-2-7

subject to US, completely, 14th Amendment citizens 22-4-3

subject, of the State, presumption, discussion 61-6-7

subject, person, citizen, reference related to bifurcation 63-11-4

subject, presumption that you are subject of District of Columbia 58-13-9

subject, today being a citizen makes you a subject 58-1-3

subjectively legally reasonable 2-10-1

subjects and beneficiaries of Trust B are the 14th Amendment persons 57-2-2

subjects being controlled by police action, reference 58-1-3

subjects of Trust B are registered and licensed 57-2-3

subpoena duces tecum 9-14-1

sub-s corporation tax diagram 31-7-5

substance and form, sham proceedings 25-9-3

substance calculation exchanging to Wisdom Group 18-3-3

Substance Exchange Policy for Members 23-7-1

substance for substance transactions are not merchant activities 24-4-5

substance instead of IMF credits 18-3-1

substance money must be used to buy legal and equitable title to property, not just equitable possession 11-14-5

substance not loaned by bankers, no substance due 13-5-3

substance of dollars required to pay court fine 8-2-3

substance v. form, gold v. paper entry 16-6-3

substance versus value, defined 49-2-5

Substance vs. Form 14-9-1

substance, Black’s Law Dictionary definition 14-9-1

substance, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

substance, contracts in which parties tender substance in exchange for substance, discussion 55-2-5

substance, defined 50-1-8

substance, if you don’t ask for it, you get what you deserve, story 49-3-2

substance, matter of, must be proven to convict 10-2-6

substance, silver dime, pre 1933, reference to substance 65-2-6

substance, statutes prevail 13-4-4

substance, warrant has none, but has form 22-7-1

substantial compliance, doctrine of 27-11-5

substitute for return, IRS 40-15-5

subtility beguiling, parable 39-12-2

subtilty and craft where force won’t work, parable 39-11-5

subversion of economic policies of nations by IRS 11-11-2

sue the bank, in Admiralty 29-7-3

sued by a thing, but not sued by a place 51-6-1

sui juris status 17-11-6

suing judges, Title 42 29-1-1

suit brought by character of cause, under Constitution 39-5-9

suit brought by people, such as 14th Amendment citizens, who bring suit pursuand to a statute 39-5-9

suit of the sovereign creates the court 39-5-2

suit that cannot be dismissed 39-5-2

suit, filing after debt discharged, is misrepresentation 7-4-2

suits against the government, Maritime flag behind bar, millions of American’s with potential 32-13-4

Summary Courts in Pennsylvania 11-7-6

summary judgment and American Flag of Peace suit 40-4-2

summary judgment based on judicial immunity 1-6-1

summary judgment in American Flag of Peace suit, refused for fraud 40-4-2

summary judgment motions 30-1-1

summary judgment moved for 17-2-1

summary judgment only allowed because of contract 5-12-4

summary judgment requires no material issues of fact in dispute 6-12-4

summary judgment trap, article 40-4-2

summary judgment 26-5-2

summary judgment, defined and discussed 26-6-3

summary judgment, example 60-5-5

summary judgment, explained 6-10-3

summary judgment, issues that will preclude a 46-2-4

Summary Judgment, Judge’s training tapes available 60-17-4

summary judgment, motion for summary judgment, discussion 60-2-7

summary judgment, motion for, FRCP 56(e) 40-4-8

summary judgment, no notice served on defendant 11-16-3

Summary Judgment, only evidence is sufficient for granting of, not conclusion or presumption 40-4-8

summary judgment, story of use by government 52-13-9

summary judgment, style of writing to get an injunction granted 59-12-2

summary judgment, who has burden of facts 26-7-4

summary proceeding, when, certiorari lies 14-15-5

summons and warrants cannot be executed by US Marshals in a foreign jurisdiction 22-5-6

summons declared fraudulent securities 9-5-6

summons has no complaint attached 37-7-6

summons never served with bona fide complaint 12-7-5

summons not signed by clerk, she was served Notice that case was fraud, didn’t want to be liable 11-2-3

summons, issued by clear 15-3-3

super computer and plan against people by IRS 11-10-5

Superior Court Judge attends Right Way meeting 38-5-4

superior courts vs. inferior courts, writ of supervisory control, petition for 46-13-8

supersedeas bond 33-6-1

supersedeas bond 44-5-7

supervisory control, petition for writ of 46-13-8

suppliers fees scandal charged thousands of dollars for shelf space in grocery stores 39-15-5

Suppress Evidence, Motion to 33-1-6

suppression of exculpatory evidence 38-17-8

supreme authority is the people 35-2-6

Supreme Court declare America a Christian nation 21-16-4

Supreme Court influenced people of states to use 14th Amendment terminology about themselves 22-3-3

Supreme Court responsible for conversion of state Citizens to 14th Amendment citizens 22-3-3

Supreme Court says USA is a Christian nation 22-6-1

Supreme Court, even they don’t “know” what the law is 30-5-8

surety agent request for US officials 20-19-1

surety bond request for US officials 20-19-1

surety for a transaction, no need, discussion 55-2-5

surety pledged to insure a distress 58-7-7

surety, acting as, reference in depositum declaration 65-9-3

surety, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

surgery, grants available for hospital bills of unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

surveilance cameras, video, on highways 38-12-7

surveillance, traffic, citizens concern of stalking 51-19-4

suspension of writ of Habeas Corpus, grounds for complaint to Justices 50-1-5

suspension, conditions of, writ of habeas corpus 52-3-5

swear, defined to call God to witness, an act of religion 51-12-3

swear, legal definition 35-7-8

swearing, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

sworn in, even with no charging affidavit 11-10-1

sworn in, grants jurisdiction 6-1-6

sworn, legal definition 35-7-8

sworn, only thing sworn in an affidavit is material below the sworn and subscribed style 12-9-3

synergism, studying Right Way materials 14-8-1

system of law, common law, equity, admiralty, discussion 66-2-7

system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-3-5

system of law, people in one system of law cannot appear in another system of law 68-4-2

system, de facto, status of Right Way members, of the soil within Original Jurisdiction and within the de facto system 65-1-4

systems, science experiment 3-16-5

Szafranski demands, a list 21-13-1

taking property with a warrant is stealing 2-10-5

tax case, attorney disappears 26-2-1

tax cases different than other prosecutions 22-9-5

tax cases, criminal prosecutions, authority for 36-16-1

tax cases, give court Judicial Notice of this public law releasing de jure states from U.N. Treaty 8-9-1

tax claim, unsecured, is dischargeable, Chapter 13 37-3-2

tax claim, unsecured, what it is 37-3-2

Tax Code, formilab.ch/ustax/ustax.html 52-17-7

tax collection, defense is traverse, don’t do it 13-9-3

tax collector acting in fraud 13-5-6

tax collector is in his private capacity 13-5-5

tax collector misrepresents his status under the Fair Debt Collection practices act 13-5-6

tax collector operates as criminal collection enterprise 13-5-6

tax collector, do they have foreign agent registration 13-4-4

tax collector, do they have standing to bring suit 13-4-6

tax is voluntary on telephone bill 26-2-2

tax laws enforced by belief, not law 3-8-5

tax levies, presentments under UCC 36-3-1

tax lien act, fits federal liens into UCC 13-4-3

tax lien affidavit, example 64-3-1

tax lien, bogus, filed with County Recorder & index of liens 11-8-5

tax lien, bona fide, filed with Secretary of State 11-8-5

Tax Lien, Notice of Non Bona Fide 11-4-1

Tax Lien, Notice of Non-Bona Fide 4-19-1

tax lien, notice of, article 64-1-2

tax lien, sworn by party responsible for 11-8-5

tax liens are Admiralty 42-14-3

tax liens, Attorney General has a list of bona fide 4-19-2

tax liens, if Attorney General does not have a record of a tax lien, then no such tax lien actually exists, it is a fraud 4-19-2

tax liens, IRS, are all invalid, improper procedure 37-3-2

tax of State collected as agent of federal entity 13-5-5

tax on telephone bill waived upon request (demand) 26-1-2

tax on the thing, but no tax on the place 51-6-3

tax protest, analysis of letter from IRS regarding 48-6-7

tax protester, according to the IRS 42-10-5

tax protester, compared to legal definition of protest 32-8-6

tax return equivalent to confession of judgment 51-11-8

tax return must be filed to show treatment of gain by natural resource (person) 21-9-2

Tax Return, Form 990 Tax Return of so-called charitable institutions 62-6-6

tax return, is it a Virgin Islands tax return? 31-3-1

tax return, requirement to file not in Federal Register 33-2-8

tax that cannot be shifted must be voluntary 14-9-5

tax, government claims priority in bankruptcy 37-2-5

tax, income tax an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 51-11-4

tax, income tax is an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 48-1-1

tax, income, nature of, from Congressional hearing 48-1-2

tax, mandatory tax on income would be direct tax 6-6-5

tax, property tax, not on land, only on commercial instrument 42-2-5

tax, refusal to pay, on telephone bill 26-1-2

tax, you become liable by using IMF debt/credit instruments including FRNs, checks, credit cards 16-13-2

taxation of commerce in US, income tax 11-11-6

taxation on serfs based on different circumstances than on free state citizens 22-3-6

taxation, direct, only authorized by apportionment 6-4-6

Taxes and the Bible 30-15-3

taxes made out to collector (private person), not state 13-4-5

taxes on your estate, direct, require apportionment 13-11-5

taxes that are non-dischargable in bankruptcy, a list 37-2-8

taxes 12-5-3

taxes, all are voluntary; if not, unconstitutional 3-8-3

taxes, are direct if payment cannot be avoided 13-11-5

taxes, are indirect if you can shift the burden 13-11-5

taxes, are private tax to a private person 13-4-5

taxes, Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharges unsecured 37-3-2

taxes, Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t discharges unsecured 37-3-2

taxes, direct and indirect 13-11-4

taxes, direct, defined 3-8-4

taxes, discussion of what they really are 48-1-1

taxes, Federal Reserve Bank, not subject to Federal, State or local taxes 40-12-7

taxes, income, not direct or indirect, but tribute involving letters of marque and reprisal 16-7-4

taxes, indirect, defined 3-8-4

taxes, levies and withholding apply to federal employees (only), reference 62-14-9

taxes, Magna Carta says free men don’t pay taxes 54-2-8

taxes, real estate, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-1

taxes, since when do you pay taxes on what belongs to you? 42-3-3

taxes, state, failure to file 13-3-3

taxes, you volunteered to pay it because you paid it 13-13-1

taxing a fiction of law, an example 62-15-5

taxpayer correspondence, IRS duty to respond to 48-9-2

taxpayer is actually the U.S. government 6-3-5

taxpayer, are you one 14-10-4

taxpayer, demurrer 16-2-2

taxpayer, looking at questions the IRS asks helps us see what activities tie us into being classified as a taxpayer 55-9-7

taxpayer, non, declaring one’s self a 5-2-1

taxpayer, presumption of being a taxpayer in situation of employment 49-1-5

taxpayer, resident taxpayer, presumption of 49-2-9

Taxpayer, who determined I am a 44-15-3

taxpayer’s perspective on trusts 31-12-3

taxpayers and nontaxpayers, reference 48-3-4

Teacher’s Helper, newsletter 3-17-2

techniques change with knowledge over time 26-3-2

telegraph, phone, mails, used in debt collection 7-3-5

telephone bill “tax” is voluntary 26-2-2

telephone bill, refusal to pay “tax” on 26-1-2

telephone company agrees to waive “charge” labeled as “tax”, upon request (demand) 26-1-2

telephone hours for Right Way 57-3-1

telephone long distance benefit to members 22-11-6

telephone scam warning, article 68-13-2

Temple Bar, scribes of, predecessors of attorneys 13-13-4

Temple, various references 62-1-2

temporary restraining order, discussion 59-9-4

temporary restraining orders, discussion 62-7-6

temporary restraining orders, filing suits against attorneys that recommend TROs that are found to be meritless 60-19-7

Ten Commandments displayed in courtroom, article 48-16-1

tender of payment, discussion 58-8-2

tender of payment, if refused, there is discharge, UCC 3-603 12-15-3

tender refused, thus forgiven 27-19-3

tendering the debt by an offer in compromise 51-2-7

Territorial Application containing your signature, IRS 40-15-2

territorial court, court captions of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT denotes, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc 36,12-4

territorial jurisdiction versus venue jurisdiction 21-8-4

territorial venue versus status, chart 21-8-5

terrorism, article, Does the I.R.S. Practice Paper Terrorism? 56-12-2

Terrorism, Legislative Update!, H.R. 1710, Anti Bill of Rights Bill, basically Anti-Terrorism Bill 25-8-3

terrorism, paper, article, Paper terrorism by IRS 55-10-1

terrorism, paper, elements of, all used by IRS 56-12-3

terrorism, paper, legislation ends up affecting IRS 56-12-2

terrorist, paper terrorists, anyone who fights back 49-9-2

terrorists employed by IRS, sheriff help them 17-12-5

terrorists, used to destroy families, without due process 28-13-6

testifying about facts is the function of a witness, not of a lawyer 56-13-7

testimony, defined 20-7-6

testimony, direct testimony versus cross examination 68-7-5

testimony, unsworn, vitiates indictment 20-7-5

Texas, because it has no treaty, theoretically Texas could secede from the United States 18-6-2

Texas, federal govt had no treaty to acquire allodial rights to Texas 18-6-2

Texas, Republic of, completes lawful process of regaining

Texas, Republic of, contact names and locations 37-12-5

Texas, Republic of, never was lawfully admitted to union of states known as the united states of America 37-11-2

Texas, Republic of, news from 37-10-8

Texas, State of, not properly annexed into union, results in rebirth of Republic of Texas 30-8-1

Textbook the Forgotten Resource, Writing Injunctions, article 62-7-5

The Creature from Jekyll Island, book, reference 39-13-1

The Devil’s Advocate, book by Taylor Caldwell 9-15-5

The Freedom Fighter magazine 3-10-2

The Miracle On Main Street, book reference 41-18-3

the state and this state are two different states 63-10-9

The Young Man’s Guide to Immortality 2-15-1

theft by deception, to collect non-existent debt 12-9-2

Thermogenesis in Weight Management, WeightKaire 8-12-5

thief, defined as person who steals secretly with the use of force 38-13-2

thing or place, which is land? 51-5-9

third degree, how to abolished it 33-13-7

Third-Party Complaint, court flow chart 10-6-2

Thirteenth Amendment, original, banning titles of nobility 62-2-6

this state and the state are two different states 63-10-9

Thomas Paine, reference 41-4-6

threat and duress, discussion 56-8-9

threat and duress, signature under, is no good 4-5-3

threat is an action that cannot be legally done 48-16-7

threat of arrest, prison for debt is misrepresentation, 7-4-3

threat of penalty not allowed by IRS 17-10-5

threat, duress, coercion, then no contract 43-2-4

threat, greatest, to a free state, that govt agents will defy contract and go into business for themselves 19-11-5

threat, no greater than state actors acting outside law 15-10-3

threatening criminal prosecution 30-13-9

thumb print taken in hospital by lawyers as P.O.A. 4-11-2

ticket 14-4-5

ticket, quash 4-6-2

Tim’s case 5-1-3

time a controlling factor of apportionment 14-9-2

time limit for Certiorari, forty days 2-14-4

time milestones in historical account, see article 67-8-1

time out of mind, length of time needed for rights to be usurped by prescription, discussion 55-5-8

timeline guide for bifurcation research 63-12-1

timeliness of response may be extended for excusable neglect, legal citations 27-11-1

timely objection, failure to, proves presumptions 19-10-5

timely preparation of instrument 14-4-6

timely refusal is critical 8-5-1

Title 26 or its Implementing Regulations, was it ever put in Federal Register 16-6-1

Title 26 30-14-7

Title 26, pertinent parts, never put in Federal Reg. 16-6-3

Title 42 “tip” 13-2-2

Title 42 and status, citizenship of “person” injured 8-8-2

Title 42 check list 27-16-1

Title 42 for damages 9-5-1

Title 42 for immediate punishment when “they” violate our unalienable rights 4-15-6

Title 42 in Tom’s case, defendants settle out of court 22-1-2

title 42 is legal tar-baby from hell 42-16-4

Title 42 is tool we use to fix the courts 29-12-3

Title 42 ought to be used for loan note fraud 37-8-8

Title 42 saves day 13-3-1

Title 42 suit against IRS agents 11-6-1

Title 42 suit names drug officers 13-9-1

Title 42 suit 3-11-3

Title 42 suit, advertisement discussing 52-4-1

Title 42 suit, example of opening statement 11-6-4

Title 42 suits 14-14-1

Title 42 suits 21-2-4

Title 42 suits, David Miller’s, result in 400 recusals of judges and lawyers 29-11-9

Title 42 suits, interview with David Miller 29-1-2

Title 42 suits, not only for slaves 30-14-2

Title 42 tip, in what capacity to sue govt actors 16-2-6

Title 42 under Common Law 30-7-1

Title 42 Update 36-12-1

Title 42 USC 1983, necessary elements that must be shown 60-6-7

Title 42 10-2-1

Title 42 11-18-1

Title 42 11-3-5

Title 42 12-11-4

Title 42 12-12-2

Title 42 12-2-2

Title 42 1-2-3

Title 42 12-9-1

Title 42 1-4-2

Title 42 1-5-4

Title 42 1-9-3

Title 42 2-10-2

Title 42 27-11-4

Title 42 2-7-5

Title 42 3-15-5

Title 42 4-12-2

Title 42 4-2-1

Title 42 5-2-2

Title 42 6-10-1

Title 42 9-1-1

Title 42, A Fresh Face for, article 29-1-1

Title 42, denied access to Courts 21-10-4

Title 42, discovery hard to get, take advantage of trial 5-2-6

Title 42, example of how it can help 3-5-5

Title 42, is it only for civil 14 Amendment Citizens 8-8-2

Title 42, Judges very often lean toward government 25-2-1

Title 42, legal quotes and research on diskette 27-12-3

Title 42, Motion for Hearing, call clerk, get name 28-19-1

Title 42, plaintiffs acting as Attorney General! 13-8-2

Title 42, reading list prior to filing 14-15-1

Title 42, reference in affidavit 38-19-7

Title 42, Request for Sanctions, after suit dismissed 25-18-1

Title 42, Request for Sanctions, after suit dismissed 25-2-1

title 42, see procedure table 58-12-5

Title 42, story of several cases 41-12-2

Title 42, things to know, a list 29-11-8

Title 42, violating 4th Amendment rights 3-5-4

Title 42s are filed in Federal District Court 9-16-4

Title companies surrender deeds or loose business license 11-8-1

title of nobility, benefit, privilege, opportunity from federal government, without, no federal jurisdiction 35-10-3

title of nobility, reference related to bifurcation 63-10-9

title to land, filing a deed with the County Recorder who becomes holder in due course of title to land 54-4-4

title to property, discussion 61-6-8

title versus use and possession 59-6-3

title, a parallel fiction world where claim of ownership exists, complaints filed in admiralty, discussion 59-6-7

title, actions are cases in which there is a controversy between legal titles 59-6-3

title, adverse 17-4-5

title, Bill of Sale shows evidence of conveyance of legal and equitable title 68-4-1

title, birth certificate, application, grants title to body to Department of Commerce who becomes holder in due course 54-4-4

title, both legal and equitable, only flesh and blood people can have both, not foreigners or corporations 41-2-6

title, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

title, conveying property, who’s got title, discussion 54-4-5

title, discussion of who title is conveyed to 41-2-6

title, ejectment, law action determining who has the best title 51-2-7

title, equitable, corporations can only have 41-2-6

title, equitable, legal definition 41-16-8

title, IRS many times overturned even after “Judicial Decision” because title to property not clear or clouded, caveat emptor 58-8-1

title, legal, best legal title is possession 51-2-8

title, legal, legal definition 41-16-8

title, legal, to everything in the hands of government 57-2-5

title, notice revoking title, discussion 54-5-7

title, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

title, proper, only acquired when debt paid with substance money, not just discharged with commercial paper 11-14-5

title, slander of title, discussion 61-7-1

title, the agency that it is registered with has legal title to the property 16-4-1

titles of nobility cannot enter Constitutional Court created by suit of the sovereign 39-6-1

titles of nobility in England based on value of estate 66-2-4

Titles of Nobility, attorneys must produce 31-15-3

titles to land, deeds, recorders, origin of 18-5-4

titles to property, insurance policies, private war script used as money in place of gold or silver, all bullets of war 56-2-5

titles, 50 of them in USC, list of all 50 5-5-2

titles, a security comes in many forms, deeds, birth certificates, licenses, titles, etc. 45-3-4

Toastmasters International, speakers club 17-9-3

tobacco or alcohol purchasse could possibly deny you health or life insurance 39-17-4

tokens, minted, non-silver, non-gold, used as money 11-11-4

Tom, case of 26-3-3

Tom’s case 22-1-2

Tom’s case, of garbage 3-5-1

Tonga, island nation, discussion of case 44-6-5

Tony’s case 12-3-6

Toon Town, article, Corporations in Toon Town 58-1-4

Top Secret Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Hartford Van Dyke, manual 11-10-5

tort versus crime 21-11-3

tort, legal definition 21-11-2

tortious, legal definition 21-11-2

towing a car for exercising a constitutional right 7-5-6

township, description of land in term of township 41-15-2

townships and ranges, surveys of land 18-6-5

townships, land claims made in, under common law, rather than municipalities 41-16-5

trade or business as defined in Title 26 14-7-5

trade or business, is performance of public office 6-5-2

trade secrets, reference in article on injunctions 62-8-5

trade, Republic of Texas seeks recognition, banking treaties, mutual protection, no UN membership 37-12-3

Trading With the Enemies Act 13-5-2

Trading with the Enemies Act, did voters understand 27-4-6

Trading with the Enemies Act, reference 66-13-7

Trading with the Enemy Act declares the War Powers to pertain to only money 19-10-1

Trading with the Enemy Act 27-6-2

Trading with the Enemy Act, 1933 28-17-5

Trading With the Enemy Act, fraudulent extension 13-5-4

Trading with the Enemy Act, reference to the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES 65-11-9

Trading with the Enemy Act, US citizens are enemies 16-4-2

tradition, defined with dual meaning 6-4-1

traffic arrest results in stay at mental hospital 31-14-7

traffic case fully adjudicated upon signing ticket 8-3-4

traffic case jurisdiction is tax court of state capital 32-15-5

traffic case nothing more than a breach of security instrument to the King 45-6-2

traffic case 12-11-4

traffic case, discussion relative to Trust B 58-14-5

traffic case, discussion 66-5-3

traffic case, failure to display validation sticker, reference 68-1-5

traffic case, fault and default on a Demand for a Bill of Particulars in a traffic case 49-21-1

traffic case, licensable activity, discussion and examples in traffic case 45-4-8

traffic case, looked at by King’s court as combination of Admiralty, Equity, and Common Law proceeding 45-4-8

traffic case, no driver’s license, no license plates 8-4-3

traffic case, whole issue is venue 32-9-1

traffic case, witnesses testify no law violated 28-2-5

traffic cases are commercial in nature, discussion 58-3-6

traffic cases are not civil or criminal, are commercial 24-5-3

traffic cases, 175 thousand overturned 13-8-2

traffic cases, handling them, article 32-1-1

traffic cases, use of UCC 21-13-6

traffic citation is evidence of legal coercion 14-9-6

traffic citation is international law contract violation 3-12-5

traffic citations refused for cause 16-19-1

traffic citations, commerce deals with instruments representing land, substance, certificate of title, birth certificate, negotiable instruments, traffic citation, indictment, etc. 42-2-6

traffic court “contract”, all the components 25-5-6

Traffic Court has absolute U.N. immunity 1-8-2

traffic court is commerce court 20-15-5

traffic court, as under UN, complete with immunity 2-7-3

traffic court, buying their product, commercially 25-6-2

traffic is commerce and only applies to “persons” 14-3-6

traffic laws enforced by belief, not law 3-8-3

traffic means commerce, driver’s “license” regulates commercial activity 39-3-1

traffic officer is commerce officer 20-15-5

traffic officer, oath of office not signed by, win 32-6-7

traffic presentment, dishonoring, example 22-15-3

traffic remedies by Charlie Parker 32-15-1

traffic stop, asking for ID without probable cause is example of due process violation 22-13-1

traffic stop, but below the intoxlyzer test twice 24-16-1

traffic stop, certiorari, complaint not filed under oath 14-1-2

traffic stop, detailed story by Frontline Master 33-14-4

traffic stop, seven inapplicable citations 36-7-2

traffic stop, trial takes place at curb with cop 32-8-9

traffic surveillance, citizens concern of stalking 51-19-4

traffic ticket a counterfeit security 32-7-3

traffic ticket contains Appearance, Plea, and Waiver 8-2-2

traffic ticket contract is at law, supersedes everything 24-5-5

traffic ticket, commercial paper, not liable for 32-8-7

traffic ticket, description of process to follow 52-1-2

traffic ticket, might be an obligation to pay a debt 7-3-4

traffic ticket, presumption that it was true 39-3-6

traffic ticket, viewed as a confirmatory writing 24-4-6

traffic tickets are UCC presentments 32-5-5

traffic tickets written on municipal ordinances, not state statutes 36-7-4

traffic tickets, presentments under UCC 36-3-1

traffic, defined as commerce 20-15-3

traffic, defined as commerce; trade 14-3-5

traffic, defined 8-4-4

traffic, definition implies commerce 32-1-5

traffic, innocense not presumed until proven, scenario in traffic case 45-5-1

traffic, jurisdiction and venue not arguments in traffic case 45-5-1

traffic, legal definition 32-1-2

traffic, not cars on streets, commerce on streets 20-15-4

traffic, post cards attempting to collect fines have all the criteria required for a UCC confirmatory writing 25-5-5

traffic, Sign Here It’s the Law 30-14-6

traffic, small claims offensive against license plate issue, traffic 46-7-5

traffic, statute staple, discussion 53-1-3

Trafficant, congressman states U.S. bankruptcy 4-16-3

Traficant, Congressman 22-9-5

Tra-mur, as taught in “Tying It All Together”, reference 48-13-9

transactions involve one or more equitable titles (not legal titles) 59-6-3

transcript of court appearance where capital letter name is challenged 22-5-3

transfer of venue, article 60-8-4

transferee, govt employee is, and is liable for “return of income” 6-3-5

transients, general delivery available to transients 53-13-8

transportation, defined as commerce 20-15-3

trap, appeal is 2-11-2

traps and tricks, joining issue in a case 43-6-8

travel as a right 14-14-1

travel as of right 14-4-5

travel licensed by driver’s license or pilot’s license 57-2-3

travel, right to, and identification, discussed 49-3-6

travel, right to, story 49-20-7

traveler, procedure to follow for refusals 12-11-5

travelers falsely believe they are “drivers” 3-7-5

traveling as a privilege, doing so makes you a subject, a ward, and a slave to the District of Columbia 18-7-2

traveling as of a right 25-5-3

traveling as of a right 6-10-2

traveling of a right in New York state republic different territory than in the corporate State of New York 12-10-2

traveling of a right 12-7-3

traveling of a right 2-10-6

traveling of a right 5-2-1

traverse and demurer, a study 40-6-5

traverse and demurrer relative to appeal 7-5-4

traverse and demurrer thinking of summary judgment 40-4-3

traverse and demurrer 2-11-3

traverse and demurrer 41-4-9

Traverse And Demurrer 6-10-1

traverse and demurrer, discussion 48-13-9

traverse and demurrer, discussion 60-1-5

Traverse and Demurrer, two methods of responding to the same set of facts 9-2-1

traverse as defense to tax collection, don’t do it 13-9-3

traverse by judge of Motion to Strike immunity 12-8-1

traverse is a joinder of the issue by argument 60-1-5

traverse is fatal trap, always demur 11-3-2

traverse or demurrer, answer can be 9-15-2

traverse to a presentment, example 16-9-5

traverse to insanity, you don’t want to do it 11-2-3

traverse versus demurrer 6-12-6

traverse 12-3-1

traverse 30-1-1

traverse, admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

traverse, answer is traverse, discussion 60-2-5

traverse, appeal is 13-3-4

traverse, appeal is, doesn’t raise question of law 1-9-5

traverse, defined 1-10-5

traverse, demurrer, reference 61-5-8

traverse, explained by way of example 6-10-6

traverse, if you don’t, military court can only dismiss 41-5-6

traverse, Judge makes findings without evidence, then lies, hoping litigant would traverse 43-7-9

traverse, not done 12-12-5

traverse, not, attorneys noticed to produce credentials 31-15-2

TRAVERSE, PROCEDURE IN COURT TO NOT TRAVERSE TO 12(B)(6), detailed at length for study 30-4-3

traverse, reference related to bill of particulars and sanctions 46-8-1

traverse, reference 44-17-8

traverse, refusal to 44-1-5

traverse, three of four choices are 39-4-8

traverse, volunteer to prosecute yourself by 11-3-1

Traverse/Demurrer, reference 46-1-3

traversing versus demurring 2-7-2

traversing, getting by without 43-7-8

treason, any infringement of 2nd amendment 19-13-5

treason, discussion 54-14-5

treason, Trading With the Enemy Act, extension 13-5-4

Treasurer of the United States 1-8-6

treaties supercede the Constitution 54-3-1

treaties which do not bind the people, disarmament 18-12-5

treaties with Indians 18-6-3

treaties with Indians, first 3-16-1

Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Charters, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

treaties, only federal govt can negotiate and enforce 18-4-4

treaties, secret, conspiracy, judicial fraud 13-5-2

treaties, US Supreme Court has judicial power over 18-4-5

Treatise on Arrest and False Imprisonment 21-5-5

treaty (contract), becoming part of the government 54-2-9

treaty law versus Constitutional law 2-6-3

Treaty of Ghent 18-6-2

Treaty of Paris, 1783, reference 62-2-4

treaty or contract, in most cases the courts today presume there is one 45-3-2

treaty said to have more authority than Constitution 18-4-6

treaty supersedes constitutional law, Bill of Rights 7-7-4

treaty, court power by contract and, or martial law 21-12-2

trespass and tort under color of law 21-12-2

trespass as a constitutional tort, claim against sovereign immunity 58-6-3

trespass on Flag of Peace suit by attorneys, sanctionable activity 41-7-3

Trespass, common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

trespass, discussed at length 68-8-8

trespass, entering the bar voluntarily would be a trespass on the bifurcated system of law 68-4-5

trespass, immunity never recognized by Michigan for trespass on private property 58-6-2

trespass, officer in house without warrant 3-5-2

trespass, warrant based on prior illegal 39-7-5

trespass, you can’t claim unalienable rights to use private property belonging to someone else, discussion 59-6-5

trespasser in a case 1-9-3

trespassing on posted property by govt officers 27-16-1

trespassing 17-4-6

tresspass, sovereign immunity has never permitted govt agents to commit trespass in violation of property rights 58-6-3

trial by jury denied, story of 29-5-2

trial by jury 10-7-1

trial for traffic stop takes place at curb with cop 32-8-9

Trial Preparation, court flow chart 10-6-2

trial procedure, discussion 68-6-7

trial, anatomy of federal civil 12-14-1

Trial, court flow chart 10-6-2

trial, public, freedom of, reference 58-6-6

tribunal, Legislative, equals statutory court 14-15-6

trick litigants, law schools train officials and attorneys to 32-1-2

tricks and traps, joining issue in a case 43-6-8

trillions of dollars of public money hidden from public 63-5-9

Trover, common law forms of action, Ejectment, Replevin, Trover, Detinue, Trespass, reference 66-2-7

trueness, correctness, or certainty not present to make agents commercially or financially liable 11-8-1

Truman Show (The Movie), article about 59-1-1

Trust A and Trust B, at length discussion 57-1-1

Trust A, no fictions under, discussion 58-13-8

trust and estate synonymous with property 6-4-6

Trust B, fictions invented under, discussion 58-13-8

trust benefits, a list 31-13-4

trust flow chart, side 1 18-8-1

trust flow chart, side 2 18-13-1

trust foreign, in income tax laws 6-4-5

Trust legal proceedings for Trust A based upon legal property rights, discussion 57-3-5

Trust legal proceedings for Trust B based upon presumption that Trust B has legal title, discussion 57-3-5

trust property and police, story 51-4-5

trust relationship with bank for an account 52-3-1

trust with name in all capital letters 13-15-6

trust, banks create trust and become fiduciary when they open an account for you 61-1-2

trust, cestui que trust must know the law and their rights 65-7-1

trust, defined, generally, a legal agreement between parties 31-12-3

trust, grantor, for IRS tax purposes, entity in which there is a split in titles to the property, not same as UBO 29-6-2

trust, grantor, people granted title to their bodies, property, etc. to the government, creating a grantor trust 54-4-4

trust, reference to duties of fiduciary/trustee 65-5-3

trust, revoking by action, example and discussion 54-4-5

trust, use of, to avoid giving social security number 55-2-8

trust, use of, to avoid receiving debt instruments 55-2-7

trustee having mere equitable interest, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-6

trustee, converting a fraudulent party into a trustee, reference 65-6-2

trustee, county becomes trustee to your land, when you record deed 41-2-6

Trustees of Trust B are Congress 57-2-2

trusts and income taxes 48-7-8

trusts can be used to buffer you from Babylon 31-12-1

trusts, how to re-venue out of Babylon 16-10-5

Trusts, Many Uses for, article, - Simple Domestic Business 31-7-1

trusts, property held by one for benefit of another 31-12-9

trusts, refer to article about Practicing Law without a License 54-12-2

trusts, registration of vehicles belonging to 27-13-1

Trusts, Simple Business 30-14-3

truth, Judgment Entries usually contain three elements, deliberate errors, out-and-out lies, and truth 43-6-7

truth, state Republic being outside of corporate State, affidavit of truth never controverted by US 12-10-3

Tupper Saussy, reference 41-18-3

Tupper Saussy, what ever happen to him 20-4-2

Tupper Sausy 8-2-4

Tutor or Frontline Master Calls, instructions 50-16-3

tutor potential benefits 39-1-5

tutor program instructions 48-3-1

Tutor Program News and costs 37-18-2

Tutor series, tapes of Tutor sessions, discussed 45-13-2

Tutor Tapes, tapes of tutor sessions, reference 60-14-9

tutor, article, About the Tutor Program 57-7-4

tutor, discussion of use of Right Way Tutor program 49-3-1

tutor, policies 52-3-1

tutor, procedure 51-2-9

tutor, procedure 51-3-1

tutoring costs, suggested for Right Way tutors 36-19-2

two governments from beginning 42-2-6

two hats of governor 42-2-8

type of tax not reported in complaint 21-11-6

U.C.C. principle of presumption 14-10-4

U.S. citizen, am I one? 35-5-1

U.S. Citizen, fictitious person, corporation, Resident, all artificial person with no rights 43-2-4

U.S. defined as a federal corporation 65-5-2

U.S. domiciled in Washington, D.C. 37-10-8

U.S. Funds, protest the use of 65-5-2

U.S. govt, like any employer, sets employment terms 6-6-5

U.S. Marshals work for FINCEN 1-7-3

U.S. People v. Fisher 12-10-6

U.S. v. Benson, federal territorial jurisdiction 12-10-1

U.S. v. Robert Fox 5-3-4

U.S. v. Townsend, federal territorial jurisdiction 12-10-1

U.S. v. Watson, federal territorial jurisdiction 12-10-1

U.S., as bankrupt, cannot have control over its financial affairs 37-11-1

UBO, beneficiary has no equitable interest, not “trust” by IRS definition 29-6-2

UCC 1 lien, based on court judgment 9-10-2

UCC 1 lien, remedy for contract violation 9-11-1

UCC 1 liens to get redress 4-15-6

UCC 1-207 versus Non Assumpsit 25-6-4

UCC 1-207 versus Non Assumpsit 25-8-2

UCC 1-207, described 25-8-2

UCC 1-207, qualified acceptance, acceptance under reservation of rights 43-3-1

UCC 1-207, use on driver’s license application 22-16-5

UCC 3-501 Refusal, prior to an answer 11-1-3

UCC 3-501, 30 days to reserve rights being attacked 4-9-2

UCC 3-505(b), reference, method of protest 39-4-8

UCC adopted as the law of the land at the time of the US bankruptcy 56-8-2

UCC allows requirement of 3 things from presenter before accepting the presentment 22-15-5

UCC citations must have date of edition of UCC 42-17-5

UCC commercial paper scam 11-14-5

UCC connection to criminal conviction 12-3-5

UCC Counter Demand language, produce instrument 11-4-2

UCC does apply 24-8-1

UCC instruments, reference 60-13-8

UCC is contract law 36-2-9

UCC is source of Admiralty law, case cite 29-7-2

UCC is the law that governs the federal bankruptcy 36-2-6

UCC jurisdiction 2-7-5

UCC presentments, traffic tickets are 32-5-5

UCC principle of full disclosure, fraud of tax violates 13-5-3

UCC procedure for collecting on an instrument, discussion 53-4-8

UCC replaced Negotiable Instruments Law in 1933 4-6-5

UCC supposedly only applies to commercial law 14-3-1

UCC term “mistake” 22-7-5

UCC 22-15-2

UCC 33-3-2

UCC, governs every business transaction, were you told? 33-3-8

UCC, how it applies 21-13-6

UCC, needed to properly read an indictment 19-8-6

UCC, parallel to everything in courts today 24-4-3

UCC, something used “as money” under 11-11-4

UCC, under UCC anything registered has commercial connotations to it 16-4-1

UCC-11 form reveals list of liens filed with State 11-3-6

UN court must have international law contract to get you into that court 3-12-6

UN court, only one is international settlements court 3-12-4

UN is private enforcement arm of robber barons 11-12-4

UN jurisdiction 2-7-5

UN purpose, consolidate control of hypothecation 11-12-4

UN, no war can happen, all countries owned by robber barons 11-12-5

unalienable right of self protection 15-9-3

unalienable rights changed into privileges 11-13-4

unalienable rights converted into privileges by government fiduciaries 57-1-3

unalienable rights excluded, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-5

unalienable rights superseded under bankruptcy law 11-13-4

unalienable rights versus human rights 7-7-4

unalienable rights violations, should you support such a system 48-14-2

unalienable rights, 14th Amendment persons do not have unalienable rights, only privileges 57-2-2

unalienable rights, reference 57-1-2

unalienable rights, remedy in admiralty, equity in admiralty to reclaim common law unalienable rights, reference 59-15-6

unalienable rights, you can’t claim unalienable rights to use private property belonging to someone else, discussion 59-6-5

unalienable, research defining 13-16-6

unannounced entry absent exigent circumstances is illegal 33-5-4

unauthorized practice of law case law, applies to corporations 18-4-3

unauthorized practice of law, article 54-12-2

unconscionable contract, duress, misnomer, mistake, and fraud, all invalidate contract 33-6-6

unconscionable contract, what it is 33-6-5

uncontroverted fact under rules of evidence 1-2-2

underlying instrument making me liable demanded 16-19-2

understand, judge asks if you understand and you fail to rebut the presumptions, discussion 58-14-1

undisclosed oath 2-7-5

unemployed, hospital bills, grants available for unemployed people without insurance 54-17-5

unfair, court system, story of 29-5-1

Uniform Commercial Code 1-6-6

Uniform Commercial Code 20-14-2

Uniform Commercial Code 22-15-2

Uniform Commercial Code, article 14-2-2

Uniform Commercial Code, regarding CMOs 25-4-5

Uniform Commercial Code, taught on tapes, reference 64-6-6

Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act 44-4-8

Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act 44-4-8

Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act, additional requirement of, discussed 44-6-8

Uniform Foreign Notarial Act, reference 65-2-7

unincorporated association, voluntary, not person 18-4-2

Unincorporated Business Organization, if set up right, not a trust by IRS definition 29-6-1

unincorporated groups, charges are demurrable 14-4-2

unincorporated voluntary association held to not be a “whoever” in the statute 38-6-5

unincorporated, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

unincorporated, original thirteen colonies were 57-1-2

United Mine Workers of America v. Coronato Coal Company 12-11-1

United Nations Covenant 7-7-3

United Nations dictatorship 36-1-2

United Nations documents v. United States documents 7-7-6

United Nations established by robber barons 11-12-4

United Nations flag 2-8-6

United Nations special fund 2-8-6

United Nations treaty establishes immunity 1-6-5

United Nations treaty 2-6-6

United Nations, believes it has overlaid all the land masses in the world, pursuant to emergencies 2-7-1

United Nations, civil oversight of America 46-11-1

United Slaves of America, book review by Jack 22-2-2

United Slaves of America, shows that income tax is an activity tax on use of debt credit instruments 48-1-1

United States citizen, member of plantation 21-8-3

United States Citizens are subject to Washington, D.C. 50-6-2

United States Citizenship, nullified by oath of allegiance to another nationality 50-8-4

United States citizenship, reference with fiction of law 62-13-8

United States Citizenship, renunciation of, discussion 50-6-8

United States Code (U.S.C.) authorized in 1962 5-5-1

United States Constitution was the Constitution of the united States of America, as adopted as by-laws of the new U.S. government created for the District of Columbia 57-1-3

United States defined as a federal corporation 65-5-2

United States is a thing, not a place 51-6-2

United States is obligor/grantor to the Federal Reserve Bank 65-5-2

United States Notes versus Federal Reserve Notes 40-16-9

United States of America becomes United States, a democracy instead of a republic 46-9-5

United States of America designated as an agency of the United States, reference 66-13-9

united States of America, organic, how created in 1789 68-2-8

United States Statutes at Large (STAT) 5-5-1

United States v. Lewisburg Area School Dist. 5-6-6

United States v. Tax Com. of Mississippi 5-6-5

United States versus united states, the difference 27-7-2

United States, how created by Congress in 1871 68-2-8

United States, how many definitions in US Code 31-3-2

United States, known as District of Columbia, Constitution does not apply (not state) 27-3-1

UNITED STATES, political organizations known as government of a State or the UNITED STATES, membership in, discussion 56-2-9

United States, term, geographical or contractual sense 6-5-1

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 7-7-3

unjust enrichment, discussion related to quasi contract 56-10-5

unlawful arrest is lawful, discussion 68-12-4

unlawful arrest, resisting, laws relating to 33-12-4

Unlawful Detainer 25-4-6

unprofessional conduct 30-12-7

unreasonable arrest without a warrant 6-10-2

unreasonable search, example 2-9-6

unreasonable, taking of property without warrant is 2-10-5

unsworn testimony vitiates indictment 20-7-5

US Attorney prohibited from proceedings 28-1-3

US bankruptcy, under, federal reserve notes, checks, money orders are all debt credit instruments 36-12-1

US citizen versus sovereign and income tax 48-7-7

US citizen, anywhere, is a member of plantation 21-9-1

US Citizen, from questionnaire by IRS 55-10-2

US citizen, not, not enough to “get out of system” 16-12-2

US citizen/resident has no rights to an allodium on the land (see discussion) 51-6-5

US citizens owe a direct and immediate allegiance 22-4-4

US citizens resident, tremendous disability of 27-6-5

US didn’t have capacity to accept two new states of Alaska and Hawaii 30-19-4

US GenWeb Census Project Needs Volunteers50-11-9

US is bankrupt, Perry v. United States, 294 US 330-381, (1935); 79 L.Ed 9212 49-22-1

US is federal corporation, 28 USC 3002 (15) 49-22-1

US Marshals not required to execute Oath of Office 55-13-4

US Post Office sued by Federal Express for false advertising and unfair competition 40-11-1

US v. Merskey et al 5-12-5

US, feudal liege lord to liege men, US citizens 22-4-4

USA is a Christian nation, Supreme Court says so 22-6-1

USC Titles, law.cornell.edu/uscode/ 52-17-7

use and possession versus bare legal title 59-6-3

use of bank notes, reference 65-5-2

use of Federal Reserve Notes, objection to 65-6-1

use of private Trust B money makes you subject to Trust B 58-14-1

use of U.S. Funds, protest 65-5-2

use, “use” of bifurcated securities creates a presumption that venue is accepted 56-8-5

use, for benefits, privileges or immunities determines venue 68-2-4

use, notice of damage for “use” of appellation as nom de guerre 65-4-2

use, of State property, presumption, discussion 61-6-7

use, of the government’s system of law establishes “contact” or venue 68-2-4

use, refer to legal definition 62-6-5

use, subject of the State misusing State’s property, discussion 61-7-1

user having mere equitable interest, reference relative to private Admiralty courts 59-6-6

user, “user” of benefits, discussion 56-10-5

usurpation and fraud by devil, reference in parable 39-11-5

usury, banking scam is an exercise in 12-15-6

usury, interest on a loan 39-13-5

utility bills, bank accounts, drivers license, voting registration, all “uses” of assets of government with correlative duties 56-10-6

vacate a void judgment 19-3-5

Vacate, Petition to 32-7-8

vaccination, potential dangers of adverse reactions 8-14-3

vaccinations, in Main Street article 45-9-4

vaccine research, truth of 8-1-4

vaccines and chronic degenerative disease 7-13-5

valid IRS tax liens, all are invalid, improper procedure 37-3-2

value of money, paper not a regulation of 41-18-2

value or consideration between borrower and lender 11-14-3

value versus substance, defined 49-2-5

Vatican, Treaties, Agreements, commercial contracts, Charters, Patents, Grants all carefully written to assure flow of money to Vatican 62-2-3

vehicle code, violation of, can court institute criminal action for 13-8-2

Vehicle Identification Agencies, Anti-Car Theft Committee, Law Enforcement Investigators, Prosecutors, all get federal funds 46-16-8

vehicle registration of vehicles owned by trusts 27-13-1

vehicle registration refused for lack of incorporation papers or d/b/a certificate 27-13-1

vehicle, defined as conveyance used for commerce 6-10-6

venue and jurisdiction not arguments in traffic case 45-5-1

venue and jurisdiction, can you argue the spelling of your name and still maintain a challenge to 56-1-6

venue and jurisdiction, courts try to get it by legal or illegal means 56-5-5

venue and jurisdiction, discussion 56-3-4

venue challenge can be waived, don’t want to do that 28-3-4

venue defined 42-11-4

venue improper, discussion 56-6-1

venue in common law, by example 41-5-2

venue in equity attaches by covenant, a contract, a treaty 41-5-2

venue in equity 41-5-2

venue in equity, by example 41-5-2

venue in law 41-5-2

venue issue, within or without United States 41-16-6

venue jurisdiction versus territorial jurisdiction 21-8-4

venue jurisdiction, first argument, before subject matter jurisdiction 28-3-5

venue more important than subject matter, if you waive venue, then they have subject matter 28-3-5

venue of bifurcated government, discussion 56-8-5

venue of commercial paper is U.S., federal 12-13-3

venue of corporations 4-16-2

venue of State is federal, not de jure state 5-8-2

venue of the plantation of District of Columbia, discussion 57-2-8

venue presumed to be defacto State 31-9-5

venue whatever litigant chooses in incorporated case 31-9-5

venue you are in, State or state, is relevant court fact 5-8-5

venue 2-6-6

venue, accused not a citizen of venue of statutory court 32-8-8

venue, admissions and presumptions of a traverse, list, jurisdiction, parties, venue, immunity 60-2-5

venue, any defect must be settled prior to plea 68-4-2

venue, at law, must have either damage or contract with court 30-7-7

venue, can be actual physical location of parties 31-9-4

venue, can be the allegiance of parties where more than one sovereign occupies same physical location 31-9-4

venue, change of, to Common Law Courts 26-12-6

venue, commercial, geographical, contractual, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-7

venue, common law, all must move upon affidavits signed under penalty of perjury 26-13-2

venue, common law, collateral estoppel from commercial paper into 32-9-2

venue, Constitution requires trial in local 3-12-5

venue, Constitution says you must be tried in your 5-9-1

venue, D.C. does not have a defined venue 42-2-4

venue, de facto, presumption in pleading 19-9-5

venue, derived from contact, or “use” 68-2-4

venue, determined by party bringing the action, under UCC 1-105 30-7-8

venue, establishing it 41-8-2

venue, evidence of your venue, copy of depositum declaration is evidence of your venue 68-3-6

venue, fairness is the only basis for a change of venue 60-12-4

venue, federal, is only District of Columbia 5-6-4

venue, findings, jurisdiction, parties, right of action in a Judgment Entry 43-4-9

venue, flag designates a venue 46-9-5

venue, flag is evidence of venue the court is sitting in 39-5-5

venue, flag representing venue, discussion 50-12-4

venue, having cases transferred from one jurisdiction to another with a Motion to Transfer Venue 60-8-4

venue, improper, refuse for cause 15-3-4

venue, information requested on Private Requests for Information 44-9-1

Venue, Judge’s training tapes available 60-17-4

venue, jurisdiction, or nexus of authority, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-5

Venue, Jurisdiction, Parties, Right of Action, Cause of Action, issues to address in Bill of Particulars 48-9-1

venue, misnomer is an issue of venue, waived if not challenged up front 28-3-4

venue, misnomer, no damaged party, no cause of action, Refusals and Abatements are challenges based on 32-12-6

venue, original, description of 65-3-1

venue, people forced into new venue 16-7-5

venue, questions for Privacy Act Request or Bill of Particulars, areas of interest, agency and venue, jurisdiction, parties, right of action, cause of action 46-3-4

venue, second prerequisite to joinder 31-9-4

venue, study of court rules as to where proper venue is located, a list of locations 60-10-6

venue, territorial versus status, chart 21-8-5

venue, understanding it, to decide whether to traverse or demurrer 41-4-9

venue, use, for benefits, privileges or immunities determines venue 68-2-4

venue, what it is, by example 41-5-2

venue, which venue is accuser sitting in 42-5-3

venue, wrong, plaintiff has no standing to sue 35-8-2

venues, many may overlay same place 41-5-3

verify, legal definition 35-7-8

Veritas Newspaper, reference in connection with the Federal Reserve 40-16-7

vessel, your body is, in commerce 16-3-5

vexillogy, reference 42-10-3

victimless crimes, discussion 54-13-2

Victory Tax in 1942, first withholding 14-7-2

video surveilance cameras on highways 38-12-7

Vigorish or Tribute in order to file Habeas 50-1-3

villein, defined as a male serf 22-3-5

Vince Foster involved in Elvin case 9-8-4

violating ECs and DRs, attorney in personal capacity 4-10-2

violating oath of office, judge causes damage, tort 9-10-6

violation of constitution by chartered government renders charter null and void 41-17-6

violation of DRs, if attorney knows, mandatory withdrawal 30-13-4

violation of law, regularly, by police in making arrests in probably all cities in America 32-18-2

violation of Oath of Office, example in Motion 18-2-2

violation of rights, example in Motion 18-2-2

Virgin Islands tax return? Is yours a 31-3-1

Virginia Land Company 42-2-9

Virginia Resolves, documents of our land 28-16-3

visitation versus appearance 28-4-4

visitation, example of man deprived of visitation with children 62-10-2

visitation, special 18-2-2

Vital Statistics, State Registrar of 29-13-2

vitamin C, vitamin E, pycnogenol, free radicals 8-12-5

vitamin E, pycnogenol, free radicals, vitamin C 8-12-5

void case, “You got the wrong guy!” 43-8-7

void for fraud, common law court declares statutory instruments 32-8-9

void judgment v. voidable judgment 19-3-6

void judgment, defined 19-6-2

Void Judgments, reviewed by certiorari 19-3-4

void vs. null vs. absolutely void 14-16-1

void, contract is, from the beginning, if adequate consideration is absent or exists with only one party 39-12-6

void, foreign judgments, principles limiting relief, fraud, void, satisfaction 44-6-3

voidable judgment, defined 19-6-3

voire dire, participation not recommended 53-7-6

voluntarily, securities are presumed to be signed voluntarily 45-3-4

voluntary acceptance is compelled 11-8-1

voluntary classification of yourself as a serf 22-4-5

voluntary compliance (permission) being on record 14-11-6

voluntary compliance coerced by prosecutions 22-9-5

voluntary compliance IS PRESUMED when you obey any presentment that does not state the regulation 13-11-2

voluntary compliance not granted without signature 4-6-2

voluntary compliance of income tax 3-8-5

voluntary compliance to court action 11-2-3

voluntary compliance to income tax 14-5-6

voluntary compliance 14-9-5

voluntary compliance, what it really is 6-7-6

voluntary consent by commercial instrument into Trust B, discussion 57-2-9

voluntary consent makes you pay the bill 4-7-1

voluntary consent required for statutes to be enforceable if there are no implementing regulations 46-4-2

voluntary consent to become 14th Amendment citizens, alien residents 54-3-4

voluntary consent, discussion 56-10-4

voluntary consent, everyone dealing with District of Columbia corporation is subject by voluntary consent 55-5-1

voluntary consent, not, is fraud 14-17-2

voluntary unincorporated association not person 18-4-2

voluntary withholding agreements, defined in Title 26 6-7-4

voluntary, “tax” is, on telephone bill 26-2-2

voluntary, must be knowingly, willingly and intentionally 14-9-5

volunteer to appear 14-5-4

volunteer to prosecute yourself by traverse 11-3-1

volunteer, court presumes you are a fiction and that you volunteered to be of that status 58-13-9

volunteer, in martial law, it is judge’s court, defendants who volunteer, rules are what judge says they are 11-10-4

volunteering into jurisdiction 12-8-2

volunteering to be taxed 22-4-3

Volvo Car Corp, fraud settlement, $129 million 36-5-6

vote, register to, become a beneficiary to US govt 27-6-5

vote, registering to vote, one ramification 56-9-7

vote, set up to not make a difference 27-4-6

voter registration sworn contract to be US citizens 30-19-6

Voter’s Registration, evidence to be brought forth by statutory court that accused is in court’s venue 32-8-8

voters, did they understand the Trading with the Enemies Act 27-4-6

voters, mere advisory supporters of Commander in Chief in a military government 36-5-1

voting officials to D.C. is acting like a slave 16-4-2

voting registration, bank accounts, utility bills, drivers license, all “uses” of assets of government with correlative duties 56-10-6

voting, since bankruptcy in 1933, is fraud 30-19-7

W2 form indicates residence in a foreign State 13-3-3

Waco 2-9-3

wages composed of “gain” and “income”, gain is kicked back, income is not taxed 3-9-1

wages explained 6-6-6

wages, are they what is being taxed 48-1-1

waive all rights, in story of win 54-7-3

Waived right to trial by signing traffic ticket 8-2-2

waiver by failure to protest, discussion 55-8-7

waiver of all rights via arraignment 43-2-4

waiver of tort, elected instead of tort damage 9-10-6

waives right to challenge jurisdiction, identification in court 43-1-2

waiving one right to preserve another cannot be compelled 4-5-6

War Powers Act, no congressional approval needed 16-6-1

war against the people declared in 1933 16-6-4

war court activities like Case Management Conference and Alternative Dispute Resolution all refused for fraud 38-3-1

war criminals, citizens are, must license occupations, marriages, etc 27-6-1

war flag, court order refused for fraud, it was under 38-1-5

war is conflict between sovereigns, civil war not 28-16-2

war name, discussion of name in case caption 54-17-4

War of 1812, in order for the Crown of England to restore its securities, see article 65-12-3

War of 1812, personal account of 7-14-2

War Powers Act of 1917 46-7-1

War Powers Act, and bankruptcy of U.S. 38-7-1

War Powers Act, reference in story of cunning plan to enslave America 61-8-7

War Powers Act, used to perfect remedies 13-3-3

War Powers pertain to only money 19-10-1

war, enemy has no standing in courts during war or exigent circumstances 56-1-6

war, nom de guerre is a name of war 56-1-6

war, presidents guide country into depression, war and loss of national sovereignty 37-13-2

war, rules of, Common Law of England and rules of commerce 56-2-6

ward of District of Columbia, liege serf in feudal law 21-9-1

ward of the court, court presumes anyone with an attorney is 45-6-3

ward of the court, defined, as child or incompetent 19-4-5

ward of the court, defined, infants, unsound mind 17-8-4

ward of the court, hire an attorney and you are presumed to be a ward of the court 62-3-4

ward of the court, only, can be represented by attorney 17-8-4

wards of the state, protection of, justifies zoning 53-13-2

warrant allowed for general exploratory rummaging 33-4-5

warrant based on prior illegal trespass 39-7-5

warrant based upon derivative evidence from a prior illegal trespass by officers 33-1-8

warrant deficient in variety of ways 17-13-5

warrant did not describe person to be seized 11-9-5

warrant failed to show probable cause 39-7-5

warrant for arrest must be refused timely 8-5-1

warrant for distraint is necessary to constitute a levy 61-2-8

warrant for failure to appear, avoid by showing up and handing over refusal and all tickets 36-8-8

warrant for Jeep used to search house illegally 9-6-5

warrant has form, but no substance 22-7-1

warrant invalid, not complaint, no signature 14-12-2

warrant of distraint, from the IRS, discussion 58-10-2

warrant required for “reasonable” search 2-9-5

warrant too general in nature 39-7-5

warrant 2-10-4

warrant, arrest, for failure to appear canceled based on affidavits of appearance filed with court 2-3-1

warrant, arrest, without affidavits 21-7-5

Warrant, Court Order or Judgment, if IRS does not have one of these, NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY for lack of 29-3-4

warrant, discretion of officers executing, is limited 39-8-4

warrant, example of bad one 17-14-1

warrant, inspectors without search warrant barred from property 58-6-2

warrant, lack of, language in Habeas Corpus 49-13-6

warrant, none, search and seizure 11-17-5

warrant, presumption refused, officers will act in bad faith if they attempt to arrest based upon 12-7-6

warrant, property seized without warrant 16-6-6

warrant, search, entered house without 3-5-1

warrant, taking property without, is stealing 2-10-5

warrant, unlawful arrest without a warrant, without exigent circumstances and without due process, example 60-5-7

warrant, unreasonable arrest without 6-10-2

warrant, without, entry looking for Jeep inside house 20-1-6

warrantless arrest of child 31-14-2

warrantless arrest 27-16-1

warrantless arrest, 5th Amendment due process violation 22-12-6

warrantless break in 14-12-1

warrantless search and seizure, reference in story 60-3-2

warrantless searches 21-4-4

warrants and complaints with flaws are invalid 13-2-1

warrants and summons cannot be executed by US Marshals in a foreign jurisdiction 22-5-6

warrants, search and arrest, information about 46-14-2

warrants, today the vast majority of arrests are made without 32-19-5

Wash. D.C. set up outside of the states so the incorporated U.S. could take part in commercial paper activity 42-1-5

Washington, D.C., United States Citizens are subject to 50-6-2

Water Conservation District on private land 46-2-8

water management case on private land 46-2-8

wave sheaf offering, reference 67-11-2

we do not know what we are doing, presumption 9-12-6

wealth and property are not evil, presumption 9-12-6

wealth, substance of 14-9-2

weapons, concealed found on postal worker 42-16-1

weapons, of all kinds, to be eliminated, per USC 15-15-3

web cite information 62-3-9

Web page, Internet, The Lawful Path 31-15-7

Web Site address on Internet for Right Way 43-7-1

Web Site for Right Way on internet 42-7-1

web site for Right Way 41-7-1

Web Site for Right Way 44-7-1

Web site for Right Way 45-7-1

web sites for congress 64-19-4

web sites of interest 58-2-9

web sites of interest 61-3-9

web sites of interest 63-3-9

web sites, CAFR 63-6-5

Web Tip, article 50-7-1

well pleaded facts 2-10-2

well pleaded facts 2-5-1

West Keys, books on Civil Rights 15-3-1

West Keys, West Digests 17-11-4

where do bank reserve come from, answered by Federal Reserve 30-8-9

who creates money, answered by Federal Reserve 30-8-8

whoever, defined as a corporation 53-2-2

Whoever, defined in UCC 14-3-1

whoever, definition, discussed 45-7-7

whoever, in statute, discussion of difference between being incorporated and unincorporated 38-6-5

whoever, is a corporate person that can be prosecuted 14-3-5

Whoevers Be Ware!, article 18-4-1

whoevers, be ware, you could be prosecuted 18-4-1

wife-beating, dangerous for officer to arrest for 33-2-9

willful failure to discharge official duties, reference in affidavit 64-5-4

willful failure to file city income taxes 5-1-3

William Kessler, Judge of the Month 15-7-1

William the Conqueror, discussion of slaver in England 66-1-5

win, article, Chris asks … Did I Win? … This is indeed a win 54-7-3

winning cases every week, now in catalog 23-2-1

winning or losing cases, how it sometimes happens 66-12-6

Wisdom Group exchange substance calculation 18-3-3

Wisdom Group is a trust 18-3-1

Wisdom Group, checks in name of 5-16-3

witch-hunt by State against Church 29-18-3

withdrawal, mandatory, attorney must withdraw from employment if purpose of litigation is harassment or maliciously injuring any person 30-13-4

withholding agent, am I one? 35-5-1

withholding is voluntary for private sector employees 6-7-4

withholding tax explained 6-6-6

within the State, statutory law only binding there 26-16-3

within, as in “within U.S.”, meaning in laws 6-4-3

without dishonor, a third option 36-3-5

without dishonor, per UCC 36-3-3

Without Prejudice on driver’s license 22-16-5

Without Prejudice on driver’s license 22-18-1

without prejudice qualifies signature 4-5-3

without the U.S., using penalty of perjury law properly41-2-5

witness against themselves, discovery could possible be misconstrued as 38-3-3

witness against yourself, no need to identify yourself in a criminal case 32-4-5

witness against yourself, violates Constitution for you to identify yourself in a criminal case 43-1-1

witness, prosecutor acting as a witness when they execute a certification “under penalty of perjury” in support of an arrest warrant 56-13-2

witness, testifying about facts is the function of a witness, not of a lawyer 56-13-7

witnesses in traffic case testify no law violated 28-2-5

witnesses, charted within seven point affidavit 58-5-3

witnesses, discussion in trial procedure 68-6-8

witnesses, freedom from process without, reference 58-6-6

witnesses, two 2-2-2

word connections in definitions affects cases 29-1-3

words and phrases for complaints 12-14-4

words and phrases given meanings pursuant to 14th Amendment, not pursuant to ordinary language 22-3-5

Words and Phrases, research 9-12-2

words of art of IRS and BATF 25-10-1

words of artifice, reference 62-6-3

words, controlling definitions of, controls case 29-1-2

words, definitions of, how they have been changed, discussion 58-13-1

work license, reference 59-15-9

work licensed by SSN and TIN 57-2-3

World Bank, privately controlled 11-12-4

world citizens are foreigners, not under Constitution 2-9-2

world government vision 36-1-2

World is My Country, a book about expatriation 50-6-3

world law dedication by local council 2-8-4

worthless, a conclusion of law, no material facts 19-10-4

worthless, legal definition 19-10-3

Wriggley Community Develand Regulatory Improvement Act, reference 40-17-2

Writ of Assistance, without hearing, turned out to be incomplete, story 52-2-6

writ of attachment results in arrest 15-8-2

writ of certiorari 13-3-3

writ of certiorari 14-15-5

Writ of Certiorari 19-3-4

Writ of Certiorari 7-5-4

Writ of Certiorari, checklist for 13-6-4

Writ of Entry, IRS requires, on private property 37-3-7

Writ of Error Coram Nobis, defined 43-7-4

Writ of Error Corum Nobis, in traffic case with citation and Offer to Pay forming actual controversy 53-4-2

Writ of Error Corum Nobis, reference 45-4-5

Writ of Error is new case with new pleading 2-11-4

Writ of Error versus appeal 2-11-4

writ of error 14-15-5

Writ of Error 1-4-2

Writ of Error 2-11-4

Writ of Error 7-5-4

Writ of Error, compel lower court back into line 1-10-1

Writ of Error, definition of purpose 2-11-4

Writ of Error, is demurrer 1-9-5

Writ of Execution, sell debtors property for payment 3-19-2

Writ of Garnishee exempts Social Security and retirement 25-7-4

Writ of Garnishee obtained by bank 25-7-2

Writ of Garnishment for foreign judgment 44-4-9

Writ of Habeas Corpus “suspended”, story 49-12-9

Writ of Habeas Corpus 1-5-2

writ of habeas corpus, conditions of suspension 52-3-5

Writ of Habeas Corpus, Petition for, form 50-19-1

Writ of Possession 7-12-4

writ of possession, but no court order 11-16-6

writ of possession, on what authority 7-12-6

Writ of Possession, refused for cause 9-4-5

Writ of Praecipe 26-13-3

Writ of Prohibition if judge refuses to recuse self 52-14-4

Writ of Prohibition, stops IRS levy 1-3-1

writ of right versus writ of statutory equity 50-9-7

writ of right, not of statutory equity, need not comply with rules 20.2 and 14 and can not be suspended 50-9-7

writ of statutory equity versus writ of right 50-9-7

writ of supervisory control, petition for 46-13-8

writs of assistance 33-10-5

WTO, in relation to US Post Office 40-13-2

formilab.ch/ustax/ustax.html - US Tax Code 52-17-7

goi.ycio.edy/search/cfr.html - US Code of Federal Regulation 52-17-7

law.cornell.edu/uscode/ - Titles of the USC 52-17-7

, Right Way internet site 52-3-5

, reference 63-12-1

Yankee Doodle Macaroni, defined 46-6-6

yellow stick on car “By Order of the Chief of Police” constitutes vandalism and threat to steal 52-5-2

Yick Wo v. Hopkins 10-7-2

Yick Wo v. Hopkins 13-10-4

youth, police attacking today’s youth, discussion 53-5-8

zealously representing a client 30-13-4

zip code in parenthesis misconstrued by Post Office 29-7-8

zip code, federal zone 15-3-4

Zoning - Who are They Protecting, article 52-5-8

zoning and its enforcement, article continued 54-8-4

zoning case, private request for information in zoning case, story 45-2-5

zoning cases are commercial in nature, discussion 58-3-6

zoning department, relation to health department and environmental protection agency 55-6-2

zoning department, state, may be linked to the health department and the environmental protection agency 52-6-8

zoning inspector making request, reference 67-3-1

zoning is a police power! 52-9-5

zoning protects wards of the state 53-13-2

zoning regulation violation 12-8-3

zoning violation, criminal charge for 44-1-2

zoning violation, jetskis seized, warrants issued 41-13-8

zoning violations, presentments under UCC 36-3-1

zoning, article, Jack and the Zoning Giant 55-6-1

zoning, beginning a study of 52-6-5

zoning, steps to get a remedy when bothered 52-13-5

zoning, whose interests does it protect, a list, land, wards of state, commercial interests of contractors and financiers providing for state wards 53-13-1


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