
Name _______________________________________ Date ___________

Storm Internet Scavenger Hunt

Use the listed website and the tabs found on it to answer the questions below.

Naming Hurricanes –

1. In what year did the National Weather Service start naming storms after women?


2. What was the first United States named hurricane?_____________________

3. Why are some storm names retired? ______________________________________

4. If the alphabetical list of names gets used, what will they use to name storms?



1. What symbol is used to indicate a hurricane on a weather map? _______________

2. Which alphabet letters are not used when naming storms? _____________________

3. Storms are named as soon as winds are _________ mph or more.

4. How do they decide when to use a male or female name? _____________________

5. How large can the eye of a hurricane actually be? _________________________

6. What do you call the wall of thunderclouds that surrounds the eye? ______________

7. What is the weather map symbol used for a tropical storm? _______________

8. A hurricane watch means that a hurricane is possible within ____ hours, in that area.

Naming Hurricanes-

1. Who decides the names that are used for storms each year?


Weather Internet Scavenger Hunt Name(s) ____________________________

Visit the weather sites at the Kid Zone to find the answers to these weather questions.

The Science Spot -

Site: Storm Spotters

1. DEFINE: supercell.

2. Complete: Wall clouds can range from a fraction of a _________ up to nearly ________ miles in diameter. Rotating wall clouds usually develop before strong or violent_______________.

3. Describe a F-4 tornado.

Wind speed = ____ to ____ mph Damage: __________________

General Description:

Site: Snow Science

1. Name and sketch 3 types of snowflakes.

2. Who wrote the poem Snow Storm? ___________ ____________ ______________

Site: PSC Clouds

1. What do we call high altitude clouds? ______________

2. What shape is associated with lenticular clouds?

3. What are contrails? How do they form?

Site: Tornado Project

1. What states were damaged during the worst tornado ever recorded? _____ _____ _____

2. What percent of all tornadoes earn a violent ranking on the Fujiti Scale? ____ %

3. What three areas can be explored in the Storm Cellar?

Site: Weather Stats

1. Where was the highest temperature recorded in North America? What was it?

___________ _____________ _______oF _______ oC

2. Where was the coldest temperature recorded in Illinois? What was it?

___________________ _______oF _______ oC

3. What location holds the record for the highest average annual rainfall? How much

rain does it receive? ____________________________ ________ in __________ mm

Site: Weather Gone Wild

1. Complete: A thunderstorm is a ______________ pattern that includes ______________,

_________________, and usually ___________ or ____________. It can lead to _____________.

2. What are 4 types of lightning? ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

3. Complete: Winds are named for the ________________ from which they __________, not

the direction they ___________.

Site: Optical Illusions

1. What is a sundog?

2. What causes a mirage? Give an example of a mirage.

3. What is the green flash?

Site: Weather Dude

1. What is the Weather Dude’s name? __________ _____________

2. What can be found on the Musical Meteorology page?

3. Complete the Test Your Weather Knowledge Quiz. Have your teacher check your


Weather Scavenger Hunt

Name ________________

Click on the “blue” words in each question to find the answers!!

1. How do clouds form?

2. Where are hurricanes born?

3. What are the two main parts of a hurricane ?

4. What is humidity?

5. How does lightning help nature?

6. What is dry lightning?

7. Check out some pictures of lightning.

8. How many sides does each snowflake have?

9. What 3 ingredients are needed to for a snowflake to form?

10. From what kind of cloud can a tornado be formed?

11. What is the weather like in London, England today?

12. Name five kinds of  Precipitation.

13. How many times a day does lightning hit Earth?

14. How fast does the wind blow in a hurricane?

15. Which country has the most tornadoes?

16. What is the difference between sleet and freezing rain?

17. What happens if “nimbo” appears at the beginning of a cloud name or “nimbus” appears at the end?

18. What is the difference between climate and weather?

19. What is the blanket of air that surrounds the earth called?

20. Which instrument is used to measure

    air pressure ________________________

    temperature _______________________

    wind speed _________________________

21. What is the major influence governing the climate of a region?

22. What does the word "Cirrus" mean?

23. Are cirrus clouds low or high?

24. What are the large clouds that sometimes look like huge puffs of cotton?

25. What root word tells us that a cloud brings rain?

26. Which type of cloud usually covers the whole sky and brings gray days?

27. What is fog?

28. When does fog form?

29. What are the basic ingredients of weather (there are 4) AND where does our weather originate?

30. What causes temperature changes?

31. What is the jet stream and is it faster or slower in the winter?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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