Coventry University Students' Union | Coventry University ...
















Appendix 1 : Specification 23

Appendix 2 : Response Document 32

Appendix 3 : Certificates 45

Appendix 4 : Contractual Undertaking 47

Appendix 5 : Tender Response Checklist 48


1. In this ITT, the following definitions shall apply:

| |

| | |

|CUSU |Means Coventry University Students’ Union or its duly authorised officers; |

|Key Subcontractor |Means a subcontractor that (a) provides in terms of value of the goods and/or services |

| |that it provides to the Tenderer in order for the Tenderer to provide the goods and/or |

| |services for this requirement, more than twenty percent (20%) of the estimated minimum |

| |annual contract value; and/or (b) processes personal data. |

|Tender Response |Means the written proposals submitted by a Tenderer as part of this Procurement Process |

| |at any stage of the Procurement Process; |

|Tenderer(s) |Means individuals and/or Organisations who are interested in submitting a Tender |

| |Response for the Procurement; |

|Confidential Information |Means all information marked as confidential. Does not apply to any information not |

| |marked in this way; |

|Contract: |Means the agreement between the CUSU and the successful Tenderer for the provision of |

| |goods and services the subject of this Procurement Process, including all documents to |

| |which reference may properly be made in order to ascertain the rights and obligations of|

| |the parties; |

|ITT |Means this Invitation to Tender; |

|Organisation |Means a sole trader, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, |

| |co-operative or company and any analogous entity established inside or outside the UK; |

|Procurement |Means the supply and delivery of sportswear and sports accessories; |

|Procurement Documents |Means any document issued by the CUSU as part of this Procurement Process; |

|Procurement Process |Means the procedure set out in this ITT by which the Procurement will be procured; |


2. Welcome to this Procurement which is being managed by Coventry University Students’ Union (CUSU). Further information on CUSU can be found at tenders

3. CUSU is seeking to appoint a supplier to supply and deliver sportswear and/or sports (and societies accessories) (the “Procurement”) as described in Appendix 1 (Specification).

4. CUSU also welcomes innovation to source branded clothing for other non sports student groups and societies although this is not exclusive.

5. The Contract is required to commence on 1st July 2020 and will be for an initial term of three (3) years and may be extended for a further period of up to three years for a potential total Contract term of six (6) years.

6. Tenderers are invited to submit a proposal setting out a detailed methodology for delivering the provision of Sportswear and Sports Accessories on behalf of the CUSU objectives. The Tender Response should fully address all of the requirements set out in Appendix 1 (Specification) of this ITT.


7. Set-out in the table below is the proposed timetable for this Procurement. This is intended as a guide and while CUSU does not currently intend to depart from this timetable, it reserves the right to do so at any stage. Any update will be provided as and when appropriate.

|Date |Stage |

|Friday 17th April |Procurement Documents made available via the CUSU Website |

|Midday Friday 22nd May 2020 |Deadline for return of Tender Responses. |

|as above |Deadline for submission of product samples. |

|22nd May - 5th June 2019 |Evaluation of Tender Responses. |

|As above |Product sample testing period. |

|week commencing 8th June 2020 |Clarification presentations (if required). |

|Monday 15th June 2020 |Completion of CUSU approval and award decision processes. |

|by Wednesday 17th June 2020 |Notify Tenderers of award decision. |

|01 July 2020 |Contract commencement. |


8. Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these instructions including any ITT amendments issued by CUSU during the Procurement Process. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the Tender Response being rejected.

9. The Tender Response shall comprise a written qualitative submission, to include product samples and a price submission. Only the price submission is to contain any pricing information. No reference should be made within the qualitative submission to prices, costs, unit rates or any other information of a commercial nature.

10. This ITT has been prepared by CUSU and is for use by those interested in tendering for the Procurement, their professional advisors, and other parties essential to preparing a Tender Response for the Procurement and for no other purpose.

11. Tenderers' attention is drawn to the terms of this Procurement in section 8 (Conditions of Tender) of this ITT, which form part of the conditions of participation in this Procurement Process.

Communications and contact

12. All communications, including the submission of Tender Responses, must take place via the email. Tenderers should not approach any member of CUSU in relation to the Procurement or the Procurement Process, other than by using the messaging facility on the Procurement Portal.

13. Any tender technical questions relating should be addressed to the email address.

Tender procedure

14. All aspects of this ITT must be completed in full and submitted as part of a Tender Response (see Appendix 5 (Tender Response Checklist) for further information).

15. The Procurement Process and subsequent Contract will be subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

16. Details of the overall timetable and submission deadlines and other key dates are outlined in section 3 (Procurement Timetable).

17. The questions that Tenderers are required to answer in the ITT are set out in section 6 (Evaluation Sub-criteria and Weighting) to this document.

18. Tender Responses should be final and complete in meeting CUSU's requirements. Please refer to the submission instructions in paragraph 4.22 and the checklist contained in Appendix 5 (Tender Response Checklist).

19. CUSU may request Tenderers to clarify aspects of their Tender Responses where CUSU considers it appropriate to do so.

20. Following the submission of Tender Responses, CUSU expects to undertake an evaluation process to identify the Tenderer to be put forward for consideration to be awarded the Contract section 6 (Evaluation Sub-criteria and Weighting).

21. The CUSU reserves the right to vary the procedure as described in any of the Procurement Documents including this ITT. Reasons for this may include, but are not limited to, supporting continued competition, avoiding unnecessary bidding costs and adhering to subsequent technical or legal guidance.

22. The Contract will be on the on the terms set out at throughout this ITT. It is important that Tenderers carefully review the terms and the information contained in section 6.2 (Conditions of Tender) regarding acceptance of Tender Responses.

Pre Tender Response clarifications

23. Any queries arising from the Procurement Documents should be raised as soon as possible and in any event by no later than the date stated in the timetable at section 3 (Procurement timetable).

24. Upon commencement of the Procurement Process, Tenderers must not approach any member or officer of CUSU with any queries, other than using the email address provided.

25. Clarifications and queries relating to this Procurement should be raised by the email address provided above. When submitting a question or a request for clarification or further information, the Tenderer must indicate whether or not they believe the question or request for clarification or further information is commercially confidential to them and should not therefore be shared with other Tenderers. This should be done through marking the question or request for clarification or further information ‘Confidential – not to be circulated to other Tenderers’. At its absolute discretion, CUSU will respond to that specific request privately, providing that in doing so the principle of equal availability of information to all Tenderers is not breached.

26. If CUSU considers that, in the interests of open and fair competition, it is unable to respond to a question or request for clarification or further information on a confidential basis, it will inform the Tenderer who has submitted it. The Tenderer must as soon as practicable thereafter respond in writing requesting that either the query be withdrawn or treated as non-confidential. CUSU will deem that the question or request for clarification or further information has been withdrawn if the Tenderer does not respond to CUSU in writing within three (3) working days after being notified by CUSU.

27. Subject to 4.18, any information that CUSU provides in response to requests for clarification or further information will be distributed to all of the Tenderers.

28. On submitting a Tender Response in response to the ITT, it is the Tenderer's responsibility to ensure that it fully understands the requirements and obligations of the ITT. CUSU cannot guarantee to respond to all clarification questions and cannot warrant the accuracy of clarification responses posted.

Tender Response submissions

29. CUSU will reject any Tender Response delivered after the date and time specified as the deadline.

30. All Tender Responses must be sent by both post and E-mail, 4 hard copies are required.

Send tender responses to:

Post –

Natalie Goulder, 28 Lowfield Road, Coventry. CV3 1LA

Email -

31. Appendix 5 (Tender Response checklist) contains a checklist for use by Tenderers in checking that they have completed and returned the necessary documentation in response to this ITT.

32. The full Tender Response must be completed and returned in a published format (i.e. Microsoft Word or pdf). Failure to comply with this written instruction may result in the Tender Response being discounted.

33. Where appendices to this ITT and/or forms submitted by the Tenderer during the Procurement Process require signing by the Tenderer or a third party (e.g. a bank authority or insurance certificate); electronically completed versions are acceptable for bidding purposes. Therefore, CUSU will accept scanned copies of original signed forms, or copies of the appendices with electronic signatures. Fully signed hard copies of any forms, where applicable, will be required from Tenderer(s) prior to the award of the Contract.

34. All Tender Responses must be in English, text submitted in A4, with font size of no less than 10 and any financial references must be in Pounds Sterling.

35. Where additional information has been requested (e.g. company structure chart), this information should be clearly named so as to identify the file’s contents and should be uploaded with the Tender Response.

36. Additional information or attachments that have not been requested as part of the ITT will be ignored and will not be taken into consideration as part of the evaluation process.

37. Tenderers' answers to each of the ITT questions must be self-contained without referring to additional documents, answers to other ITT questions or other supporting statements (unless specifically requested). Tenderers should respond to each point in the question when providing its answer. CUSU reserves the right to mark the answer solely on the response to each question and have different evaluation panel teams evaluate different parts of each Tender Response. Evaluators may only read the response to each individual question they are evaluating; evaluators may not follow any cross-referencing to other parts of the Tender Response.

38. Answers should contain information to evidence and demonstrate what and how the Tenderer intends to deliver the goods and services subject of this ITT.

39. Tenderers' answers to the questions are limited to the number of words specified against the question in Appendix 2 (Response Document) (where applicable). Where a word limit is specified, each word within the answer will be counted towards the word count limit. For example:

• Forename Surname = two words;

• “102” = one word;

• All wording within or linked to diagrams, pictures, charts or tables (including their labels) will count towards the word limit;

• All text within diagrams, pictures, charts or tables and any diagrams, charts or tables “embedded” within text as a picture or an image will count towards the word limit.

40. Answers that exceed this word count will be cropped at the word count for the question (excess words over the word count will not be assessed or evaluated). The only exception to this is where words have been specifically stated not to be included within the word count; for example, if CUSU requests a document in support of a Tender Response and specifically advises that this document is excluded from the word count limit.

Post Tender Response clarifications

41. Upon receipt of a Tender Response CUSU reserves the right to require a Tenderer to clarify their Tender Response in writing and/or provide additional information. Failure to respond adequately may result in a Tenderer being rejected.

Sample Testing

42. The Tender shall be required to provide product samples of the sportswear they intend to supply under this Contract. The product samples shall be provided at the Tender’s cost and shall not be returned to the Tender after testing.

43. The product samples must be submitted to, and received by CUSU by Friday 22nd May 2020. Please bear in mind extended delivery times due to Covid-19.

44. The product samples must be sent for the attention of Natalie Goulder, 28 Lowfield Road, Coventry. CV3 1LA. The Tenderer should notify CUSU via the email when product samples have been sent for delivery. The Tenderer should also ensure they have a proof of delivery receipt.

45. The product samples to be provided are:

1. Rugby shirt size L qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

2. Football shorts size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing and 1 sealed sample);

3. Netball Dress Size 12 qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

4. Tracksuit / Tech Pants Size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

5. American football shirt size L qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

6. Basketball vest size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

7. Hockey / tennis shorts size 12 qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

8. Hoodie size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample); to include sample of equivalent sublimated design);

9. ¾ Zip Hoodie Size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

10. a base layer size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

11. Hoodie size 12 qty 1 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

12. Sports Kitbag n/a qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

13. Societies Hoodie size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing + 1 sealed sample);

14. Societies T shirt size M qty 2 (1 sample for testing and 1 sealed sample)

46. The Tenderer must only submit the samples requested above. Samples shall be provided in the materials proposed for each item of clothing together with a label confirming the fabric composition and size and dimensions. CUSU and the University’s pantones and designs will not be evaluated as part of the sampling process.

47. Quality of sublimation on the hoodie at 4.38.8 shall be assessed in terms of clarity of logos/printing as part of the sampling process

48. Embroidery on the hoodie at 4.39.9 shall be assessed in terms of quality, depth of colour, and durability of stitching as part of the sampling process.

49. The product samples shall be evaluated by approximately six (6) students. Testing will take place during the period between 22nd May - 5th June 2020 and shall consist of a visual test for the construction/quality, physical test for fit, durability and chemical test (washing machine and washing detergent) for fabric quality.

50. The evaluation criteria and sub-criteria for the product samples is provided in section 6 (Evaluation Sub-criteria and Weighting).

Evaluation process

51. The contract award decision will be made based on the application of the detailed qualitative and price evaluation criteria (and sub-criteria) shown in section 6 (Evaluation Sub-criteria and Weighting).

52. Prior to carrying out the detailed scoring of Tender Responses, CUSU will conduct a compliance check. Tender Responses which are substantially incomplete or which are non-compliant with the requirements set out in this ITT may be rejected.

53. Following compliance checks each Tender Response will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and weightings and Tenderers will be ranked in line with their scores.

54. CUSU reserves the right to shortlist up to four (4) of the highest scoring Tenderers and carry out clarification presentations or request a conference call, if required.

55. Should a clarification presentation be required, the shortlisted Tenderers will be required to give a brief presentation, no longer than 60 minutes, of their proposal for clarification to the evaluation panel prior to answering clarification questions.

56. The clarification presentation will not be scored and must not contain information that is additional to that which was contained within the Tender Response, except to the extent that it provides the required clarification. Clarification questions will be provided prior to the presentation date. Answers to the clarification questions will inform the overall score.


57. A moderation process will then be undertaken with the evaluation panel to discuss and agree an overall single consensus score for each response where individual evaluator scores differed in relation to a Tenderer’s response to a question.

58. Each question will be awarded a consensus score in accordance with the scoring methodology at 7.1 (i.e. 0-5). This consensus score will be divided by the highest score available for that question (i.e. 5) to give a percentage score. The percentage score will then be multiplied by the question weighting to provide a weighted score for each question.

59. All weighted scores from each award criterion will then be added together to give a final quality score total for each Tender Response.

60. At each stage of the process all mathematical results will be rounded to two decimal places.

61. For illustration purposes, a worked example to demonstrate the scoring process is provided below. Please note that the weightings and marks available in the example relate only to the example and not to this Procurement Process.


Figure 1, below, shows the overall quality and price weightings for this example procurement process:

Figure 1: Example evaluation criteria and weightings

|Criteria |Criteria weighting |

|Quality |60% |

|Price |40% |

|TOTAL |100% |

Figure 2, below, shows the detailed criteria and weightings for this example procurement process:

Figure 2 Example detailed criteria and weightings

|Criteria |Criteria weighting |Level 1 - |

| | |sub-criteria |

For each question, the consensus score awarded (which will range from 0-5) will be divided by 5 and then multiplied by the Level 2 sub-criteria weighting to arrive at the score awarded. Each of the scores awarded is then added together to calculate the Tenderer’s total weighted quality score.

For example, for question 1, Tenderer 1’s consensus score awarded was ‘3’. 3 is divided by 5 (3/5) and then multiplied by the Level 2 sub-criteria weighting for question 1, which is 20, to arrive at the score awarded for question 1. (3/5) x 20 = 12.

This process is repeated for questions 2 through 5 and then the five scores awarded to Tenderer 1 are added together to produce Tenderer 1’s total quality score. In this example, Tenderer 1 has achieved a total weighted quality score of 44 out of a maximum possible score of 60.

Price evaluation

62. The price evaluation will be based on the most economically advantageous tender submitted against the pricing supplied by yourselves.

63. Price will be evaluated by applying the methodology set out.

64. The lowest price will score 100 marks. The other offers will then receive scores expressed as an inverse proportion of the lowest price. All results will be rounded to two decimal places. The formula used will be:

(Lowest price/Tenderer’s price) x 100 = Tenderer’s price score

Example: Lowest Tender price = £1000. Tenderer 1’s price submission = £1300. Tenderer 1’s price submission would attract a score of 76.92 calculated as follows: 1000/1300 = 0.7692 x 100 = 76.92.

65. Price scores will then be multiplied by the price weighting to give a final price score.

Example: In this example the price score of 76.92 is then multiplied by the overall price weighting of 40%, to give a final price score for evaluation purposes of 30.77 calculated as follows: 76.92 x 0.40 = 30.77.

Final Evaluation Score

66. The final overall quality + price score for each Tenderer is obtained by adding the final weighted quality score for that Tenderer to the final weighted price score for that Tenderer to give an overall combined quality + price score out of 100.

Example: For Tenderer 1 the final weighted quality score is 44 and the final weighted price score is 30.77. This gives an overall quality + price score of 74.77.

67. Each Tenderer’s overall quality + price score will be compared with the other Tenderers’ overall quality + price scores to identify the successful Tenderer. The Tenderer that offer the most economically advantageous tender will be awarded the Contract.

Completion of Tender Response

68. The evaluation of a Tender Response does not imply acceptance by CUSU of the Tenderer’s financial stability, technical competence or ability in any way to provide the goods or carry out the services. CUSU has the right to return to these matters as part of the formal Tender Response evaluation process.

69. The information Tenderers provide will be relied upon for evaluation purposes and will be taken to be true and accurate. If subsequently CUSU decides that a Tender Response contains inaccurate information, CUSU may exclude that Tender Response (if still under evaluation) and/or terminate a Contract entered into as a result of that Tender Response.

Return of Certificates / Contractual Undertaking

70. CUSU requires Tenderers to give certain undertakings. These undertakings include signing the following documents, which must be completed and submitted in accordance with Appendix 3 (Certificates) as part of a Tender Response. Copies of the certificates are provided in Appendix 3 (Certificates).

• Certificate of Non-Collusion; and

• Certificate of Non-Canvassing.

71. In addition, Tenderers are required to complete and sign the Contractual Undertaking contained at Appendix 4 (Contractual Undertaking) in order to submit a Tender Response. Failure to complete this may result in a Tender Response being deemed non-compliant and not being evaluated.

Due diligence

72. Prior to reaching a contract award decision, CUSU will undertake due diligence on the highest scoring Tenderer. CUSU's contract award decision will be subject to the satisfactory completion of this due diligence.

Contract Award

73. Contract award is subject to the formal approval process of CUSU. Until all necessary approvals are obtained, no Contract will be entered into.

74. CUSU reserves the right at any time to determine whether or not to continue with this Procurement and whether or not to enter into any Contract with a Tenderer.


75. The information that will be evaluated at the Tender Response stage will be the information provided in the Tender Response alone with any information gather during any subsequent clarification carried out at the CUSU’s discretion.

76. The information provided in the Tender Response will be scored as detailed in this paragraph and a weighting applied to the scores as per the table below and the sub-criteria weightings shown in section 6. The Contract will be awarded to the Tenderer with the highest overall weighted score.

77. The level 1 award criteria in the table below will be used to evaluate the Tender Responses.


|Section |Level 1 award criteria |Weighting |

|A |General information |Information only (not scored) |

|B1 |Mandatory requirements |pass/fail |

|B2 |Conflict of interest |pass/fail |

|B3 |Sports Coverage |pass/fail |

|B4 |Pantone/Design options |pass/fail |

|C |Commercial |20% |

|D |Qualitative (including sample testing) |50% |

|E |Price |30% |

| |Total |100% |

78. The level 2 evaluation sub-criteria and weighting are set out in section 6.


79. Section A below indicates what information is to be provided to CUSU for information purposes only and will not be scored

|Level 1 criteria |No. |Level 2 sub-criteria | |


| |A1 |A sample copy of the suppliers catalogue (in either hardcopy or an online digital|Provided for |

| | |version) |information purpose|

| | | |only (not scored) |

80. Section B below indicates what information is critical to this requirement and will be scored against a pass/fail criteria. If the Tenderer receives a ‘fail’ for any of the sub-criteria set-out below the Tender Response will be rejected.

|Level 1 criteria |No. |Level 2 sub-criteria | |

|SECTION B Mandatory Requirements |  |

|Question B1 is a Yes/No question, therefore if a Tenderer cannot or is unwilling to answer ‘Yes’, their Tender Response will be |

|deemed non-compliant and they will be unable to be considered for this requirement. |

|Terms and Conditions |B1 |The Tenderer agrees without caveats or limitations, that in the event of being |Pass/fail |

| | |successful in this Procurement, the Tenderer shall sign the terms and conditions of| |

| | |Contract upon award of the Contract. | |

|Question B2 (a) is a Yes / No question and will dictate whether or not question B2 (b) needs to be answered. |

| |

|Question B2(b) is a pass / fail question, therefore if a Tenderer cannot or is unwilling to suitably demonstrate that they have |

|suitable safeguards to mitigate any risk then their Tender Response will be deemed non-compliant and they will be unable to be |

|considered for this requirement. |

|Conflict of interest |B2(a) |Please confirm whether you have any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of |Pass/fail |

| | |interest that may be relevant to this requirement. | |

| |B2(b) |CUSU requires that any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest in |Pass/fail |

| | |respect of this requirement are identified in writing and the Tenderer outlines | |

| | |what safeguards would be put in place to mitigate the risk of actual or perceived | |

| | |conflicts arising during the delivery of this requirement. | |

|Question B3 is a pass / fail question, therefore if a Tenderer cannot or is unwilling to answer ‘Yes’, their Tender Response will be |

|deemed non-compliant and they will be unable to be considered for this requirement. |

|Mandatory requirement |B3 |Please confirm that you are able to provide sportswear for all primary and |Pass/fail |

| | |secondary sports as identified in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.6 of the Specification | |

|Question B4 is a pass / fail question, therefore if a Tenderer cannot or is unwilling to answer ‘Yes’, their Tender Response will be |

|deemed non-compliant and they will be unable to be considered for this requirement. |

|Mandatory requirement |B4 |Please confirm that you are able to provide all primary and secondary sportswear in|Pass/fail |

| | |both sublimated and embroidery options to match CUSU and University colours. | |

81. Section C provides the breakdown of the level 1 and level 2 criteria that all Tender Responses will be evaluated against.

|Level 1 criteria |No. |Level 2 sub-criteria |% |


|Qualitative requirement (50%) |  |

|Experience and |C1 |Details of the tenderer’s existing contracts that are relevant to CUSU’s requirement |50% |

|Capability (10%) | | | |

| |C2 |Information regarding sizing and dimensions of clothing ranges offered by the |50% |

| | |supplier in relation to the CUSU’s requirement (including samples provided for | |

| | |testing) | |

|Mobilisation (20%) |C3 |Provision of a mobilisation plan that clearly identifies activities and milestone |20% |

| | |deadline dates to ensure set-up is complete by and ready to start on the 1 September | |

| | |2020. | |

| |C4 |Provision of a process for testing the online order websites suitability and |20% |

| | |readiness for the 01 September 2020 | |

| |C5 |Detail of management of online order website and turnaround times for |20% |

| | |planned/unplanned downtime | |

| |C6 |Turnaround will be minimal to ensure it meets student expectations |40% |

|Process for acceptance|C6 |Detail of process to be carried out by the Tenderer when an order is raised up to the|35% |

|of order, delivery, | |point of delivery and acceptance (for both bulk order placement, and online order | |

|returns process (15%) | |placement). The response should include details of any minimum item/order | |

| | |requirements. | |

| |C7 |Detail of returns process and the Tenderer’s terms for returns. |35% |

| |C8 |Detail of management of online order website and turnaround times for |30% |

| | |planned/unplanned downtime | |

|Quality control (15%) |C9 |Detail of the Tenderer’s quality control process to ensure faulty goods are not |66% |

| | |delivered and to demonstrate how each garment shall meet the requirement. | |

| | | | |

| |C10 |Detail of Tenderer’s certification of quality standards (ISO9000 or equivalent) |34% |

|After Sales Service |C11 |Detail of the Tenderer’s after sales services and complaints procedure. |100% |

|and Complaints | | | |

|procedure (12%) | | | |

|Ethical and |C12 |Detail of the Tenderer’s supply chain and audit checks carried on its supply chain to|25% |

|sustainable trading | |ensure compliance with ethical and sustainable trading. | |

|(Tenderer and | | | |

|Tenderer’s supply | | | |

|chain) 4%) | | | |

| |C13 |Detail and certification of sustainable standards (or equivalents). |25% |

| |C14 |Detail and certification of ethical standards (or equivalents). |25% |

| |C15 |Detail of the Tenderer’s Modern Slavery Act statement or approach to modern slavery |25% |

| | |if company does not fall under the Act | |

|Sample product testing|C16 Samples will be tested over a period of three (3) days over three (3) weeks including a wash between each |

|(8%) |wear and will be covered under four criteria: 1) Fabrics, 2) Construction, 3) Design and 4) Fit. |

| | |Fabrics will be subject to a physical test 1 x either practice session of a minimum |25% |

| | |duration of 20 minutes per week during the period between 22nd May – 5th June). | |

| | |Between each session, samples will be washed in accordance with the care label on the| |

| | |individual item, using a reputable brand of biological liquid detergent throughout | |

| | |and then compared with the unopened sample at the end of the period. | |

| | |Each fabric will be tested on its: | |

| | |tear resistance, | |

| | |strength and extensibility of fabric; | |

| | |air permeability, | |

| | |abrasion and piling resistance, | |

| | |crease resistance, | |

| | |machine washable (based on label guidance), | |

| | |quick dry, | |

| | |shrinkage resistance, | |

| | |colour fastness to: washing detergent, heat (where tumble drying applicable), | |

| | |perspiration. | |

| |C17 |Construction of sample product will be subject to a visual test on the quality of |30% |

| | |the: | |

| | |stitching of the seams, | |

| | |stitching, positioning and sliding ability of zippers (where applicable; | |

| | |depths and ease of use for pockets (where applicable). | |

| | |light weight/thickness | |

| |C18 |Design will be subject to quality of sublimation of colour on sample item(s) provided|25% |

| | |and embroidery on a Hoodie | |

| |C19 |Fit will be tested on garment dimension, elasticity and match to the appropriate |20% |

| | |measurements against the Tenderer sizing guide. | |

| | |Appropriate fit of hoods (where applicable) | |

|Management information |C20 |Detail of the Tenderer’s sample quarterly management information report in standard |100% |

|(8%) | |format, to reflect the requirements of the contract | |

|Gift of Kit/Sponsorship |C21 |Detail of the Tenderer’s proposals in regards to Gift of Kit/sponsorship packages |100% |

|Proposals (8%) | |offered, to reflect the requirements of the contract | |


82. In relation to the quality criteria and sub-criteria as indicated in section 6 (Evaluation Sub-Criteria and Weighting) each question will be scored in application of the following scoring scale:


|Risk Assessment |Score |Commentary |

|Low/no risk |5 |Excellent submission that sets out a robust solution that fully addresses and |

| | |meets all the requirements. Submission provides full confidence as to the |

| | |relevant ability, understanding, expertise, skills and/or resources to deliver |

| | |the requirements, whilst adding value above and beyond the project brief. |

|Very low risk |4 |Very good submission that sets out a very good solution that fully addresses |

| | |and meets all the requirement. |

| | |Submission provides full confidence, as to the relevant ability, skills and/or |

| | |resources to deliver the requirement. |

|Low, acceptable risk |3 |Acceptable and satisfactory submission that sets out a solution that addresses |

| | |and meets all the requirement but lacks sufficient detail to warrant a higher |

| | |mark. |

| | |Submission provides some lack of clarity or detail in how the proposed solution|

| | |will be achieved providing a low, but acceptable risk solution. |

|Medium risk |2 |Some concerns submission gives a limited response in several significant areas |

| | |to set out a solution that addresses and meets the requirement. |

| | |Submission provides some concern as to the understanding of the requirement |

| | |and/or evidence of the relevant ability, expertise, skills and/or resource to |

| | |deliver the requirement. |

|High risk |1 |Major concerns submission demonstrates major weaknesses and/or significant gaps|

| | |in the information provided. |

| | |Submission provides a poor understanding of the requirement and/or little to no|

| | |evidence in most areas of the relevant ability, expertise, skills and/or |

| | |resource to deliver the requirement. |

|N/A |0 |Non-compliant Submission provides no response at all, or insufficient |

| | |information provided in the submission is such that the solution is totally |

| | |un-assessable and/or incomprehensible. |

83. In applying the scoring methodology, each Tender Response will be evaluated according to its quality and deliverability. The term ‘quality’ in this context refers to performance and fitness for purpose of the proposal and therefore covers any aspect of a submission that affects the performance of the contract. ‘Deliverability’ refers to the likelihood that all aspects of a particular submission could in fact be delivered by the Tenderer concerned.

84. Only the score corresponding to the commentary detailed in the scoring matrix may be awarded to a response (i.e.: 0 - 5). No other scores may be used and decimal scores are not permitted (e.g. 3.6).



85. Subject to the exceptions referred to below, the information in this ITT and information provided thereafter in connection with this Procurement is being made available by CUSU on condition that:

86. the Tenderer shall at all times treat this ITT and any information disclosed during this Procurement Process as confidential;

87. the Tenderer shall not disclose, copy, reproduce, distribute or pass the information to any third party outside the Tenderer’s Organisation save for professional advisors;

88. the Tenderer shall not use the information for any purpose other than for the purposes of making and/or deciding whether to submit a Tender Response;

89. the Tenderer shall procure that its directors, officers, employees, agents and advisors who receive this information are made aware of and comply with the provisions of paragraph 8.1 and such persons shall be required to comply with such provisions as if they were a Tenderer; and

90. the Tenderer shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 8.21 which contains restrictions on publicity activity within any paragraph of the media or similar.


91. CUSU requires all actual or potential conflicts of interest to be declared by a Tenderer and resolved to CUSU's satisfaction prior to the delivery of a Tender Response. Failure to declare such conflicts (including new conflicts which may arise during the Procurement Process) and/or failure to address such conflicts to the reasonable satisfaction of the CUSU could result in a Tenderer being disqualified at the sole discretion of the CUSU.

Canvassing and non-collusion

92. CUSU reserves the right to disqualify (without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to CUSU and without prejudice to any criminal liability which such conduct by a Tenderer may attract) any Tenderer who (or its directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the Tenderer), in connection with this ITT:

93. offers any inducement, fee or reward to any member or officer of CUSU or any person acting as an Advisor for CUSU in connection with this ITT;

94. does anything which would constitute an offence within the meaning of section 1(2) of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906, where the offence relates to active corruption;

95. does anything which would constitute the offence of bribery, where the offence relates to active corruption;

96. does anything which would constitute bribery within the meaning of section 1 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010;

97. canvasses any member or officer of CUSU or any person acting as an Advisor for CUSU in connection with this ITT;

98. contacts any officer of CUSU prior to the Contract being entered into about any aspect of the ITT in a manner not permitted by this ITT (including without limitation contact for the purposes of discussing the possible transfer to the employment of the Tenderer of such officer);

99. fixes or adjusts the amount of its Tender Response by or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other Tenderer (other than its own supply chain);

100. enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other Tenderer to the effect that it shall refrain from making a Bid or as to the amount of any Tender Response to be submitted;

101. causes or induces any person to enter such agreement as is mentioned in either paragraph 8.15 or 8.16 or to inform the Tenderer of the amount or approximate amount of any rival Tender Response;

1. canvasses any person connected with this ITT who is not one of its own team;

102. offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum of money, inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other Tender Response (or proposed Tender Response any act or omission;

103. communicates to any person other than CUSU the amount or approximate amount of his proposed Tender Response (except where such disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of a Tender Response);

104. enters into any agreement with any other Tenderer aimed at distorting the outcome of the competition;

1. undertakes to unduly influence the decision-making process of CUSU; or

2. undertakes to obtain confidential information that could confer upon an undue advantage in the award of the Contract.


105. Tenderers shall not undertake (or permit to be undertaken) at any time, whether during the Procurement Process or after the Contract has been entered into, any publicity activity with any section of the media in relation to the Procurement other than with the prior written agreement of CUSU. Such agreement shall extend to the content of any publicity. In this paragraph the word "media" includes (but without limitation) radio, television, newspapers, trade and specialist press, the internet and email accessible by the public at large and the representatives of such media.

Liability of CUSU and its advisors

106. In the Procurement Documents, CUSU includes all or any of the Students’ Union and its members, officers and advisors, and the directors, officers, members, partners, employees, other staff, agents or advisors of any such body or person.

107. The Procurement Documents have been prepared by and on behalf of CUSU for the purposes of:

1. providing an application procedure for individuals or Organisations interested in submitting a Tender Response for the Procurement; and

2. to assist persons interested in submitting a Tender Response for the Procurement in making their own evaluation of the potential opportunity.

108. The Procurement Documents are intended only to provide a background explanation of the Procurement and are not intended to form the basis of any decision on whether to enter into any contractual relationship with CUSU. The Procurement Documents do not purport to have been independently verified. The Procurement Documents should not be relied on as an investment recommendation of the Procurement made by CUSU to Tenderers.

109. CUSU and its Advisors:

1. do not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the Procurement Documents provided. Any persons considering entering into a contractual relationship with CUSU should make their own investigations and independent assessment of CUS and its requirements for this Procurement and should seek their own professional technical, financial and legal advice; and

2. exclude all liability for any loss or damage whether caused by contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation or otherwise (other than in respect of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or personal injury or death) in relation to the Procurement Documents and/or arising as a result of reliance on the information in the Procurement Documents or any subsequent information made available to Tenderers. Any and all liability is expressly excluded to the maximum extent permissible by law.

110. Only the express terms of any written contract relating to the Procurement (as and when it is entered into) shall have any contractual effect in connection with this Procurement Process.

111. The publication of the Procurement Documents in no way commits CUSU to award any contract to deliver the Procurement. CUSU reserves the right to vary or change all or any part of the procedures for the Procurement Process at any time or not to proceed with the Procurement for any reason.

112. For the purposes of the Procurement and the Procurement Process, all advisors referred to in this document are acting exclusively as the advisors to CUSU and will not be responsible or owe any duty of care to anyone other than CUSU.

Provision of further information from Tenderers prior to making a Tender Response

113. CUSU is relying on the information provided by Tenderers during the Procurement Process (including but not limited to Tender Responses). If, at any time during this Procurement Process there are any material changes to that information, the Tenderer must advise CUSU as soon as practicable (even if this is prior to the submission of a Tender Response). Upon receipt of such information CUSU shall be entitled to revisit the selection and/or evaluation of the Tenderer and exclude the Tenderer if necessary, as a result of that process.

Procurement Process and costs

114. CUSU reserves the right at any time:

1. to require a Tenderer to clarify their Tender Response(s) in writing and/or provide additional information (failure to respond adequately may result in a Tenderer not being successful); and/or

2. to amend the terms and conditions of the Procurement Process;

3. not to consider Tender Responses other than those specified;

4. to issue amendments or modifications to the ITT;

5. to alter the timetable to contract award;

6. to cancel or withdraw from the Procurement Process at any stage; and

7. not to award a contract.

115. All Tenderers are solely responsible for their costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation and submission of Tender Responses and participation in this and all future stages of this Procurement Process. Under no circumstances will CUSU be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by Tenderers or any of a Tenderer's supply chain, partners or Advisors in this Procurement Process. This is the case even where CUSU abandons the Procurement Process for any reason.

Rejection of Tender Responses

116. CUSU will reject or disqualify a Tenderer at any time during the Procurement Process where a Tender Response is submitted late.

117. CUSU reserves the right to reject or disqualify a Tenderer at any time during the Procurement Process where:

1. a Tender Response is completed incorrectly, is materially incomplete or fails to meet CUSU's submission requirements which have been notified to the relevant Tenderer;

2. a Tenderer provides inaccurate information regarding a subcontractor who is to play a significant role in delivering key requirements;

3. the Tenderer are guilty of material misrepresentation in relation to its Tender Response and/or the Procurement Process;

4. the Tenderer contravenes any of the terms and conditions of this ITT;

5. there is a change in identity, control, financial standing or other factor impacting on the selection and/or evaluation process affecting the Tenderer; or

6. Tender Responses or offers by Tenderers are made subject to additional or alternative conditions.

118. All information conveyed within a Tender Response will be relied upon as being true and accurate and will form part of the Contract. If any of the information given within a Tender Response is subsequently identified as being inaccurate, CUSU may exclude that Tenderer from further consideration pre contract award. In the event of such an eventuality post contract award, CUSU reserves the right to terminate the Contract.

119. The disqualification of a Tenderer will not prejudice any other civil remedy available to CUSU and will not prejudice any criminal liability that such conduct by a Tenderer may attract.

120. CUSU reserves the right to require Tenderers at any moment during the Procurement Process to submit all or any of the supporting documents (or to supplement or clarify certificates received) where it is necessary to ensure the proper conduct of the Procurement Process.

121. Furthermore, before awarding the Contract, CUSU reserves the right to require the successful Tenderer to submit up-to-date supporting documents (or to supplement or clarify certificates received) for the purposes of establishing the continued fulfilment of the suitability criteria and requirements (including where relevant the continued possession or attainment of quality assurance standards and environmental management standards (or evidence of their equivalents)).

Key Sub-Contracting arrangements

122. Where the Tenderer proposes to use one or more Key Subcontractors to deliver some or all of the contract requirements, the Tenderer must provide details of the proposed bidding model that includes members of the supply chain, the percentage of work being delivered by each Key Subcontractor and the key contract deliverables each Key Subcontractor will be responsible for.

123. CUSU recognises that arrangements in relation to Key Subcontracting may be subject to future change, and may not be finalised until a later date. However, Tenderers should be aware that where information provided to CUSU indicates that Key Subcontractors are to play a significant role in delivering key contract requirements, any changes to those Key Sub-Contracting arrangements may affect the ability of the Tenderer to proceed with the Procurement Process or to provide the supplies and/or services required. Tenderers should therefore notify CUSU immediately of any change in the proposed Key Subcontractor arrangements. CUSU reserves the right to deselect the Tenderer prior to any award of contract, based on an assessment of the updated information.

Acceptance of Tender Responses

124. Tenderers are reminded that no Contract is entered into until the relevant contractual documents have been duly signed on behalf of CUSU, the successful Tenderer and all other relevant parties and declared unconditional. No dialogue or communication with CUSU, shall imply acceptance of any offer or constitute an indication that the Tenderer will be awarded the Contract.

125. Prior to the Contract being entered into Tenderers will be required to hold firm the prices submitted in their Tender Response for the contracted period. No increase will be accepted prior to the Contract being entered into or after the contract has started.

126. Contract terms will not be subject to negotiation.

Intellectual Property

127. This ITT (and all Procurement Documents) may not be reproduced, copied or stored in any medium without the prior written consent of CUSU except in relation to the preparation of a Tender Response.

128. All documentation supplied by CUSU in relation to this ITT (including all Procurement Documents) is and shall remain the property of CUSU and must be returned on demand, without any copies being retained. Tenderers are not authorised to copy, reproduce, or distribute the information in the Procurement Documents at any time except as is necessary to produce a Tender Response.

: Specification


1. The Goods and Services are described in this Appendix 1 Specification

2. Through their responses Tenderers shall demonstrate how they intend to deliver the Goods and Services subject of this Specification.

3. Flexibility to meet changing demands and customer needs is a key priority. The successful Tenderer will affirm willingness, through the life of the Contract, to vary the service provision according to CUSU's needs and reasonable requests. Changes may either be variations to the original service provision agreed or by performing additional services, whatever they may be, provided they are “reasonable” and fall within the overall scope of what the Tenderer would reasonably be expected to be capable of delivering.


1. About Coventry University Students’ Union 

1. Coventry University Students’ Union (CUSU), is one of the largest Students’ Unions in the country – we have over 30,000 members. CUSU is independent from the University and a Company Limited by Guarantee (No. 07366779) and registered charity (No. 7366779) however the University and Students’ Union work closely together to deliver a first-rate service to students. When a student joins Coventry University, they automatically become a member of the Union. CUSU is integral to the provision of the modern, top class service provided to the student membership. Gone are the days of sticky, grungy floors and students being second-rate citizens! With most students borrowing large sums of money to fund their higher education, the emphasis is firmly on providing a top-class customer service and an excellent user and volunteer experience.

2. The Students’ Union has over 45 sports clubs who represent Coventry University in a large variety of different sports. These range from recreational level to competitive. The sports centre works closely with the Students’ Union sports clubs but is separate to CUSU sports teams. CUSU manages the initial bulk sportswear ordering and delivery process at the start of each academic year (in September) with the supplier.

3. It is the aim of both CUSU and the University that through this contract all staff and students have a facility to purchase the appropriate sportswear and sport accessories products to enjoy the sports offered.

2. Scope

1. The Supplier will be required to provide sportswear and sports accessories to the CUSU over a 3 year period, with the option to extend for a further 3 x 12 month periods. The Call-Off Contract shall commence on the 1 July 2020 and shall expire on 30 June 2024. If the options to extend are taken the final expiry date shall be 30 June 2027.

2. During the Contract Term the Supplier will be required to provide various sportswear and/or sports accessories for the sports outlined in paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 below.

3. In the event that the Supplier is unable to meet CUSU’s requirements for one or more sportswear and/or sports accessories under this Contract and the agreed Delivery Date cannot be met, CUSU reserves the right to source its sportswear and/or sports accessories from an alternative source.

4. As an indication of volume only, the teamwear, sportswear and sports accessory type and quantity purchased on an annual basis is approximately £40,000 to £100,000. CUSU however, does not guarantee any volume of purchases for sportswear and/or sports accessories under this Contract.

3. The Requirement

1. The product requirement for this contract includes 2 elements, branded playing kit / sportswear (referred to in paragraph 3.4 primary sports and paragraph 3.6 secondary sports) for on the pitch wear and “team wear” (referred to in 3.8 as per paragraph 3.7 and branded accessories for off the pitch use.

2. In addition, the Supplier will be required to offer the option to add personalisation to items of team wear.

3. The Supplier will be required to provide CUSU with a mobilisation plan to include clear identification of activities and milestone dates and where the Supplier is reliant on the CUSU to enable set-up.

Sportswear Products

Sports Clubs

4. The Supplier will be required to provide playing kit or sportswear and/or sports accessories for the CUSU’s core sports clubs. The core sports clubs/items are:

| |No. Teams |Players Per team |specialised/ Current |Members |

|American Football |1 |90 |Yes |100 |

|Archery |0 |Members |T shirts/ Polo shirts |80 |

|Athletics |0 |Members |Athletics Kit |40 |

|Badminton |4 |4 |Male and Female |75 |

|Baseball |1 |15 |Yes |15 |

|Boxing |0 |Members |Specialised |60 |

|Breakdancing |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Cheerleading |2 |varies |yes |50 |

|Cricket |2 |15 |Yes |40 |

|Cycling |0 |0 |yes |20 |

|Dodgeball |2 |15 |T shirts/ Polo shirts |35 |

|Equestrian |1 |25 |Yes |25 |

|Fencing |0 |15 |Yes |15 |

|Gaelic Football |1 |25 |Shirt, shorts and socks |25 |

|Golf |1 |15 |Gold Shirt/ Jumper |15 |

|Gymnastics |1 |25 |Leotard |25 |

|Hockey |4 |16 |Shirt, shorts and socks |75 |

|Ice Hockey |1 |15 |Jersey |25 |

|Ice Skating |1 |0 |Shirt and Dance leotard |25 |

|Jiu Jitsu |0 |0 |Specialised |15 |

|Karate |0 |0 |Specialised |30 |

|Karting |0 |0 |Specialised |10 |

|Lacrosse |2 |15 |Shirt, shorts and socks |20 |

|Men's Basketball |2 |15 |Shirt, shorts and socks |30 |

|Men's Football |6 |15 |Shirt, shorts and socks |100 |

|Men's Futsal |1 |10 |Shirt, shorts and socks |20 |

|Men's Rugby Union |2 |22 |Shirt, shorts and socks |86 |

|Mountaineering |0 |0 |Shirt, jumper |50 |

|Netball |4 |12 |Netball dress. Training top |60 |

|Pool and Snooker |0 |0 |Waistcoat |15 |

|Rugby League |1 |22 |Shirt, shorts and socks |40 |

|Sky Diving |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Snowsports |0 |0 |Jumpers |40 |

|Squash |2 |4 |Shirt, shorts and socks |20 |

|Streetdance |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Swimming and Waterpolo |0 |0 |Swimming hats | |

|Table Tennis |2 |4 |Tops, shorts |30 |

|Taekwondo |0 |Members |Specialised |25 |

|Tennis |4 |4 |Tops, skorts or shorts |45 |

|Trampolining |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Ultimate Frisbee |1 |15 |Tops |25 |

|Volleyball |2 |12 |Tops, shorts |20 |

|Watersports |0 |0 |Tops |25 |

|Weightlifting |0 |0 |Tops |40 |

|Women's Cricket |1 |12 |specialised |12 |

|Women's Football |1 |15 |Shirt, shorts and socks |25 |

|Women's Futsal |1 |10 |Shirt, shorts and socks |20 |

|Women's Rugby Union |1 |22 |Shirt, shorts and socks |35 |

|Women's Volleyball |1 |12 |Tops, shorts |20 |

|Wutan Kung Fu |0 |0 |Specialised |0 |

|Women's Basketball |1 |15 |Shirt, shorts and socks |20 |

|Darts |0 |members |Tops |20 |

5. The items listed in 3.4 are not exhaustive and may change throughout the duration of the Contract Term.

TEAMWEAR Products and Accessories for Sports

6. The Supplier will be required to supply an additional range of teamwear and sports accessories which shall include but not be limited to:

- T-shirts

- Base layer top

- Base layer bottom

- Polos

- Hoodies

- Tracksuit bottoms

- Matchday bag

- Branded backpack

Sportswear Design

7. All primary and secondary sportswear must be provided in a sublimated design to match the core colours.

8. The Supplier shall ensure that each garment is subject to a quality control system to ensure the overall look, quality and design of the product meets the requirement.

Sportswear Sizing

9. All sportswear should be available in the following UK sizes:

Men’s: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, XXL

Women’s: 6, 8, 10,12,14,16, 18, 20, 22

Unisex: Extra small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra large

Sportswear Logo

10. The logo shall be applied by sublimation (preferred method) or by embroidery. The Supplier must be able to provide both options.

11. The Supplier will be required to provide artwork in accordance with the Branding guidelines. If the format of the logos are not suitable it will be the responsibility of the Supplier to re-draw them and to have them approved by CUSU prior to use. The Supplier will absorb any costs associated with the drawing of logos to meet their needs.

12. There will be two or three logos on each garment (see Annex B for logo and positioning). It will be CUSU’s responsibility to confirm logo type and volume at the time of order.

13. Where numbers or text is required for any sportswear (primary, secondary or teamwear), this text must be in a brand specific font.

Sportswear Fabrics

14. The fabrics used for the sportswear shall be suitable for each specific sport and shall demonstrate its quality parameters and high performance for:

- strength and extensibility of fabric;

- tear resistance;

- light weight/thickness;

- air permeability;

- elasticity;

- abrasion resistance;

- pilling resistance;

- crease resistance;

- machine washable;

- quick dry;

- shrinkage resistance;

- colour fastness to washing;

- colour fastness to heat (where garment allows for tumble drying); and

- colour fastness to perspiration.

4. Teamwear Webpage

1. Over the Contract Term the Supplier will be required to provide a webpage facility in order to receive orders and take payment directly from staff and students for teamwear items only (as detailed in paragraph 3.8 above). The required range of teamwear and sports accessories will be offered to staff and students directly through the e-commerce webpage. The webpage must be set-up and ready for use by 1 September 2020.

2. The webpage shall be branded in accordance with CUSU’s Sports Brand Guidelines.

3. The webpage must accept all major credit/debit cards and have the ability to interface with our CUSU website.

4. The Supplier will be required to ship all teamwear ordered on line directly to the student or member of staff placing the order.

5. Gift of Kit

1. The Supplier will be required to act as a sponsor and provide CUSU with a ‘gift of sports kit’ on an annual basis. The ‘gift of sports kit’ shall be used to subsidise items of sportswear for staff and for giveaways and prizes. The items shall cover those required for teamwear only.

2. The value of ‘gift of sports kit’ items shall be supplied as a credit to CUSU ’s account based on the quantity of orders raised to the Supplier throughout the previous Contract year. This will be repeated for each year of the Contract Term and any underspend will be carried over to the following year.

6. Lead-times

1. The Supplier will provide a range of lead-times under this contract, but will ensure that all orders are delivered no later than the following from the order placement date:

- Off Field clothing 4 weeks

- On Field clothing 6 weeks

2. The Supplier will be required to include the option of an express service. The express service shall be a maximum of 14 days from order placement.

7. Ordering, Delivery and Returns Processes

1. The Supplier will be required to only accept orders for primary and secondary sportswear (playing kit) that have come through the CUSU Staff. Sportswear deliveries shall be dispatched to our CUSU offices. The Supplier will be required to collect and accept returns of primary and secondary sportswear in the event of faulty items, including those that are customized, from the same delivery address.

2. The Supplier will be required to deliver orders placed online for teamwear directly to the address provided by the student or staff member at the time of order. The Supplier will be required to operate an online returns policy in accordance with the UK government’s guidelines in relation to Online and distance selling ().

8. Minimum Order Numbers Requirements

1. The Supplier will be required to offer a minimum order requirement that is acceptable to CUSU and that avoids inefficient levels of stockholding, and results in increased costs. CUSU’s current minimum order requirements are five (5) pieces per item across a gender specific size.

9. Pricing

1. The pricing for this Contract shall be fixed and firm for year one (1) to year three (3) of the Contract Period. The Supplier may request a review of pricing in writing as part of the final quarterly review ahead of any potential contract extension period variation.

2. CUSU request a minimum of 20% commission on all retail offerings. This should have a transparent pricing and reporting system for CUSU to monitor effectively.

10. Guarantee

1. As a standard the Supplier will be required to provide a guarantee on all sportswear and sports accessory products. As a minimum the guarantee shall cover a 6 month period for on field clothing and 9 months for off field clothing (from receipt of delivery).

11. Service Delivery and Complaints Handling

1. The Supplier will provide a facility where CUSU staff and students purchasing from this Contract are able to make contact to chase orders or discuss issues with orders. This can be by telephone, email, or live chat.

2. The Supplier will have a complaint procedure for CUSU personnel managing this Contract and for CUSU staff and students purchasing from this Contract.

12. Account Management and Reporting

1. The Supplier will provide a key account manager for CUSU. The key account manager will hold a review meeting with the key personnel from CUSU four (4) times per year at CUSU premises. Ahead of each review meeting, the Supplier will provide a management information report to CUSU Key Personnel covering the previous three months of the contract, and including:

1. Identification of the % physical sales versus % online sales, and separate information for bulk orders and online orders identifying total numbers, scheduled vs actual lead times met

2. Online ordering availability (% of time where the online website is available versus scheduled and unscheduled downtime)

3. Identification by %/number of any returns, including turnaround of process, reasons for return, and highlight of any particular issues

4. Detailed breakdown of items provided during the previous period by sport, and item to allow identification of popular items for potential buffer stocking/trends/peaks in demand

13. Key Performance Indicators

1. CUSU will measure the quality of the Supplier’s delivery by:

|KPI/SLA |Service Area |KPI/SLA description |Target |

|1 |Order (Bulk Placement) |Bulk orders processed and |100% |

| | |delivered within eight (8) weeks | |

|2 |Ordering Availability (Online) |24/7/265 day online product |>95% website availability |

| | |portal availability (aside from | |

| | |scheduled periods of maintenance,| |

| | |notified in advance) | |

|3 |Lead Times |Scheduled lead times met |>95% deliveries received within |

| | | |scheduled lead times |

|4 |Product Quality |To ensure that the quality of the|>5% product returns within a |

| | |product including sublimation and|guarantee period |

| | |any customisation meets the | |

| | |requirements of the tender | |

|5 |Returns Handling |To ensure that all |Returns requests handled within 24 |

| | |(non-personalised) team wear |hours/alternative product supplied |

| | |returns are handled in accordance|within 14 days |

| | |with stated | |

| | |timescales/requirements of the | |

| | |tender | |

|6 |Management Information and |To supply the Active lifestyle |4 reports per annum |

| |Reporting |team with quarterly reports on | |

| | |product quantities ordered/key | |

| | |performance indicator statistics | |

|7 |Customer Relationship Management |Attendance at quarterly contract |4 meetings per annum |

| | |meeting | |

14. Sustainability

1. The Supplier will ensure that it and/or its supply chain providing goods under this Contract operate to a sustainable policy to include sourcing sustainable fabrics in line with [1]WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) and SCAP 2020 (Sustainable Clothing Action Plan) or equivalents.

15. Standards

1. The Supplier will ensure that it and/or its supply chain providing goods under this Contract operate to the following standards or equivalent standards.

1. supply chains or owned manufacturers regularly audited to Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code standards (or equivalent)

2. supply chains or owned manufacturers regularly audited to SA 8000 (Social Accountability International) standards or equivalent, designed to protect human rights in the workplace through social accountability. Ideal standard for apparel and textile manufacturing.

3. ISO 9001;

4. ISO 14000 or ISO 14001;

2. The Supplier will, at all times ensure that it and/or its supply chain:

1. promotes decent working conditions and human rights through its supply chain; and

2. complies with statutory requirements (e.g. Modern Slavery Act 2015).


Kit Specifications for kit design

Off field kit


Tops: Sport Coventry logo on right chest & and logo on the back at the bottom of the garment

Bottoms Sport Coventry Logo on the left leg upper thigh position


Name, sport, committee position on the front under the logo and on the back the club name.

Socks: Outside sports (football style) with Sport Coventry logo

Socks: indoor sports white ankle with Sport Coventry logo around the top

On field

Home and away kits

Blue home / white away

Tops: Sport Coventry logo on right chest, club name, on the back the numbers associated to the sport.

Shorts: Sport Coventry Logo on the left leg upper thigh position

Socks: Outside sports (football style) with Sport Coventry logo

Socks: indoor sports white ankle with Sport Coventry logo around the top

: Response Document


1. Part 1 of this Response Document asks for general information from Tenderers so that CUSU can identify the structure of the Tenderer’s Organisation and the use of Key Subcontractors (where applicable). The information allows CUSU to be satisfied that Tenderers have adequate resources and will be in a position to continue to deliver the services throughout the contract period.

2. Part 2 of this Response Document asks for the qualitative information allows CUSU to assess whether Tenderers have the relevant skills and experience to be capable of performing the proposed contract to meet CUSU’s needs.

3. CUSU intends to review the responses provided by Tenderers and evaluate those responses using the criteria and weightings provided in section 6 of the ITT.

4. Please ensure that all questions are completed in full, and in the format requested. If the question does not apply to you, please state ‘N/A’. Should you need to provide additional information in response to the questions, please submit a clearly identified annex.


Part 1: Tenderer Information

Part 1 is for information purpose only and will not be scored. Please answer the following questions in full.

|Section A |Tenderer information |

|Question number |Question |Response |

|1.1(a) |Full name of the Tenderer submitting the information | |

|1.1(b) – (i) |Registered office address (if applicable) | |

|1.1(b) – (ii) |Registered website address (if applicable) | |

|1.1(c) |Trading status | |

| |public limited company | |

| |limited company | |

| |limited liability partnership | |

| |other partnership | |

| |sole trader | |

| |third sector | |

| |other (please specify your trading status) | |

|1.1(d) |Date of registration in country of origin | |

|1.1(e) |Company registration number (if applicable) | |

|1.1(f) |Charity registration number (if applicable) | |

|1.1(g) |Head office DUNS number (if applicable) | |

|1.1(h) |Registered VAT number | |

|1.1(k) |Trading name(s) that will be used if successful in this procurement | |

|1.1(m) |Are you a Small, Medium or Micro Enterprise (SME)[2]? |Yes |

| | |No |

|1.1(N) |Details of immediate parent company: | |

| | | |

| |- Full name of the immediate parent company | |

| |- Registered office address (if applicable) | |

| |- Registration number (if applicable) | |

| |- Head office DUNS number (if applicable) | |

| |- Head office VAT number (if applicable) | |

| | | |

| |(Please enter N/A if not applicable) | |

It is important that the Tender Response conveys a complete and accurate picture of how the Requirement will be satisfied. The Tenderer should provide clarify on how it is structured in terms of Organisations contributing to the supply of the Requirement.

The Tenderer must clearly identify when it is relying on a Key Subcontractor or partner giving the name of the Key Subcontractor or partner and explaining their role, capability and experience as the context of the question requires.

|Section A |Tendering model |

|Question number |Question |Response |

|1.2(b) - (i) |Are you or proposing to use Key Subcontractors[3]? |Yes |

| | |No |

|1.2(b) - (ii) |If you responded yes to 1.2(b)-(i) please provide additional details for each Key Subcontractor in the following table: we |

| |may ask them to complete this form as well. |

|Key Subcontractor 1 |

|Name | |

|Registered address | |

|Trading status | |

|Company registration number | |

|Head Office DUNS number (if applicable) | |

|Registered VAT number | |

|Type of Organisation | |

|SME (Yes/No) | |

|The role each Key Subcontractor will take in | |

|providing the works and /or supplies e.g. key | |

|deliverables | |

|The approximate % of contractual obligations | |

|assigned to each Key Subcontractor | |

|1.3 |

|Please provide a sample copy of your product catalogue (in either hard copy, delivered with your product samples, or access to an online digital |

|version) and confirm that you have done so below: |

|Yes ☐ No ☐ |

Part 2: Mandatory Requirement and Conflict of Interest

|Section B |Mandatory Requirements |Pass/Fail |

|Please Note: The following questions are pass / fail questions, therefore if a Tenderer cannot or is unwilling to answer ‘Yes’, their Tender |

|Response will be deemed non-compliant and they will be unable to be considered for this requirement. |

|B1 |Please confirm your agreement, without caveats or limitations, that in the event of being successful in this Procurement, you |

| |shall sign the terms and conditions of Contract as set out in Appendix 2 upon award of the Contract. |

| |Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|B2(a) |Please confirm whether you have any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest that may be relevant to this |

| |requirement. |

| |Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|B2(b) |If you believe that any potential, actual or perceived conflict of interest exists in respect of this requirement, please |

| |identify them in a separate annex and outline what safeguards would be put in place to mitigate the risk of actual or |

| |perceived conflicts arising during the delivery of this requirement, and then confirm that you have done so |

| |Yes ☐ Not applicable ☐ |

|B3 |Please confirm that you are able to provide sportswear for all sports as identified in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.6 of the |

| |Specification |

| |Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|B4 |Please confirm that you are able to provide all sportswear in both sublimated and embroidery options to match the Annex B and |

| |designs and pantone numbering/coding in Annex C to the Specification. |

| |Yes ☐ No ☐ |

Part 3: Qualitative Response

Please answer the following questions in full.

|Section C |

|Question C.1: |Please provide details of your company’s existing contracts that are relevant to the CUSU’s requirement |

| |in terms of scale, context and scope. Information supplied should include; the name of the client, a |

| |brief overview of the scope of the goods and services you provide to them, how long you have been |

| |servicing the requirement, and the overall contract value (up to a maximum of five contract examples) |

|Answer C.1 . |

|[To complete: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Section C |

|Question C.2: |Please provide information regarding sizing and dimensions of clothing ranges you offer in relation to |

| |CUSU’s requirement, including for the sample items you have provided as part of your submission |

|Answer C.2. |

|[To complete: please ensure that any attachments that are uploaded in response to a particular question are clearly referenced to the relevant |

|question] |

|Section C |

|Question C.3: |Provide a draft mobilisation plan that clearly identifies activities and milestone deadline dates to |

| |ensure set-up is complete by and ready to start on the 1 September 2020. This should include clear |

| |identification of where responsibility lies with CUSU to ensure the Tenderer meets its milestone |

| |deadlines. |

|Answer C.3. |

|[To complete: please ensure that any attachments that are uploaded in response to a particular question are clearly referenced to the question]|

|Section C |

|Question C.4: |Provide details of your company’s process for testing the online order websites suitability and readiness|

| |for the 01 September start date of the contract |

|Answer C.4. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.5: |Provide details of how you manage your customer online order website and turnaround times for |

| |planned/unplanned downtime |

|Answer C.5. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.6: |Provide details of your process when an order is raised up to the point of delivery and acceptance (for |

| |both bulk purchase order placement, and online ordering). Your response should include; details of any |

| |minimum item/order requirements your company operates, how you ensure delivery to deadline, and how you |

| |reduce the likelihood of error during the order and delivery process. |

|Answer C.6. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.7: |Provide details of your returns process and your organisation’s terms for returns for the different types|

| |of products we require, to include; faulty goods returns, poor quality returns, where the incorrect sizes|

| |may have accidentally been ordered etc. |

|Answer C.7. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.8: |Provide details of your proposed management of the online order website and turnaround times for |

| |planned/unplanned downtime |

|Answer C.8. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.9: |Provide details of your quality control process to ensure faulty goods are not delivered and to |

| |demonstrate how the garments you propose shall meet the requirement. |

|Answer C.9. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.10: |Provide details of your organisation’s certification of quality standards (ISO9000 or equivalent) |

|Answer C.10. |

|[To complete: please note that copies of any certification referenced will be requested from the successful tenderer only prior to contract |

|award] |

|Section C |

|Question C.11: |Provide details of any after sales services your company provides, including your complaints and |

| |escalation procedures in the event these are required |

|Answer C.11. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.12: |Provide details of your proposed supply chain for this contract and audit checks you carry out on your |

| |supply chain to ensure compliance with ethical and sustainable trading. |

|Answer C.12. |

|[To complete] |

|Section C |

|Question C.13: |Provide details of your organisation’s certification of sustainable standards (or equivalent) |

|Answer C.13. |

|[To complete: please note that copies of any certification referenced will be requested from the successful tenderer only prior to contract |

|award] |

|Section C |

|Question C.14: |Provide details of your organisation’s certification of ethical standards (or equivalent) |

|Answer C.14. |

|[To complete: please note that copies of any certification referenced will be requested from the successful tenderer only prior to contract |

|award] |

|Section C |

|Question C.15: |Provide details of your organisation’s Modern Slavery Act statement or your company’s policy in regards |

| |to modern slavery if you fall outside of its requirements |

|Answer C.15. |

|[To complete:] |

|Section C |

|Question C.16-19: |Confirm that you have provided the samples requested in section 4.40 of the Specification section of the |

| |ITT, and that they have been sent ahead of the deadline for submissions. Please provide individual |

| |contact details at your company for any queries in direct relation to the samples provided |

|Answer C.16-19. |

|[To complete] |

| |

|Section C |

|Question C.20: |Provide a sample quarterly management information report in your standard report format, to reflect the |

| |requirements of the contract |

|Answer C.20. |

|[To complete: please ensure that any attachments that are uploaded in response to a particular question are clearly referenced to the question]|

|Section C |

|Question C.21: |Provide details of the gift of kit/sponsorship package you would propose to offer CUSU as part of this |

| |contract, based on the requirement |

|Answer C.21. |

|[To complete] |

: Certificates



In the case of a Consortium, each Consortium Member must complete and return this Certificate.

To Coventry University Students’ Union (“CUSU”)

The essence of the public procurement process is that CUSU shall receive bona fide competitive Tender Responses from all Tenderers. In recognition of this principle I/We certify that this is a bona fide Tender Response, intended to be competitive and that I/we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender Response or the rates and prices quoted by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other party.

I/We also certify that I/we have not done and undertake that I/we will not do at any time any of the following acts:

a) communicate to a party other than the CUSU the amount or approximate amount of my/our proposed Tender Response (other than in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of the Tender Response);

b) enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other party that he shall refrain from submitting a Tender Response or as to the amount of any Tender Response to be submitted;

c) offer or agree to pay or give or pay or give any sum of money inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused any act or omission to be done in relation to any other Tender Response or the proposed Tender Response; or

d) enters into any type of agreement or arrangement with any other party aimed at distorting the outcome of the competition

In this Certificate:

• the word “person” includes any person, body or association, corporate or incorporate

• the phrase “any agreement or arrangement” includes any transaction, formal or informal whether legally binding or not.

• the word “Tender Response” includes all ITT submissions

1 SIGNED ......................................................................................

POSITION ......................................................................................

2 SIGNED ......................................................................................

POSITION ......................................................................................

On behalf of ..............................................................................................

Date ........................................................................................................



In the case of a Consortium, each Consortium Member must complete and return this Certificate.

To Coventry University Students’ Union (“CUSU”)

I/We hereby certify that I/we have not in connection with the award of the contract for the Procurement or any other proposed contract for the provision of sportswear and sports accessories.

• canvassed any member, employee, agent of the CUSU

• undertaken to unduly influence the decision-making process of the CUSU

• undertaken to obtain confidential information that could confer upon me/us an undue advantage in the award of the contract

and that no person employed by me/us or acting on my/our behalf has done any such act.

I/We further hereby undertake that I/we will not in the future do or seek to do the prohibited acts referred to above and that no person employed by me/us or acting on my/our behalf will do any such act.

1 SIGNED ......................................................................................

POSITION ......................................................................................

2 SIGNED ......................................................................................

POSITION ......................................................................................

On behalf of ..............................................................................................

Date ........................................................................................................

: Contractual Undertaking



To Coventry University Students’ Union ("CUSU")

I / We the undersigned DO HEREBY UNDERTAKE on the acceptance by CUSU of my / our Tender Response either in whole or in part, to supply (or perform the services), on such terms and conditions and in accordance with such Specifications (if any), as are contained or incorporated in CUSU's ITT. I / We agree and declare that the acceptance of this Tender Response by letter on behalf of the CUSU, whether for the whole or part of the items included therein, will constitute a contract for the supply of such items, and, I / We, if requested by the CUSU, will enter into a further agreement for the due performance of the contract.

*Signed: ...................................................………............ Date: ..............................................

Name: (in block capitals): .......................………….................................................................................................

In the capacity of: ................................................. on behalf of: ...............…………................

(State official position, i.e. Director, Manager, Secretary etc.).

Company Name and postal address:............................ …………................................


Telephone No: ....................................…......……........

Fax No:.............................…..............................

E-mail: ............................….............................

*Company Registration Number and legal form:……………………………………….

*(It must be clearly shown whether the Tenderer is a limited company, statutory corporation, partnership or single individual, trading under his own or another name, and also if the signatory is not the actual Tenderer, the capacity in which he/she signs or is employed).

: Tender Response Checklist

1.1 Tender should ensure that they have fully read this ITT and each of the Appendices to the ITT (including the Specification Appendix 1 (Specification) and the Contract Error! Reference source not found. (Contract) before commencing the completion of their Tender Responses.

1.2 The checklist below should be used by Tenderers to check that they have considered all necessary Procurement Documents and that they have completed and returned all Appendices which will form part of their Tender Responses.

| |Document title |Document location (if not |Action |Complete |

| | |contained in this ITT) | | |

| |ITT Response document | |Complete and return | |

| |Either a hard copy of your current | |If hard copy send with samples to address within| |

| |product catalogue or access to an | |ITT ahead of tender deadline and confirm you | |

| |online digital version | |have done so within this table | |

| |Sports/Teamwear samples | |Send samples to address within ITT ahead of | |

| | | |tender deadline and confirm you have done so | |

| | | |within this table and via Delta e-procurement | |

| | | |portal | |

| |Pricing submission | |Complete and return | |

| |Certificate of Non-collusion | |Sign, date and return | |

| |Certificate of Non-canvassing | |Sign, date and return | |

| |Contractual Undertaking | |Sign, date and return | |


[1] WRAP is an independent, objective, non-profit team of global social compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world through certification and education.

[2] See EU definition of SME .

[3] Key Subcontractor means a Sub- Contractor that (a) provides in terms of value of the goods and/or services that it provides to the Tenderer in order for the Tenderer to provide the goods and/or services for this requirement, more than twenty percent (20%) of the estimated minimum annual contract value; and/or (b) processes personal data.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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