3.1 Manage the


|Cleveland State University Standard 3.1 Elements|Indicators |

| |Proficient |Accomplished |Distinguished |

ADM 615 ADM 614 ADM 676

|3.1 Manage the Organization |a). The candidate will interview or survey |b) The candidate will complete at least one |c). The candidate will develop an action plan on one|

| |personnel to develop a conceptual framework that|level I (observation) and one level II |of the following topics. He/she will assume that |

| |relates to Instructional Leadership and |(interview) experience in each of the five major|he/she is a first year business manager in a |

| |Management. The Interview/Survey sessions |administrative areas (10 experiences). |district of 5000 students and this will be his/her |

| |should reflect the following format: |Experiences are to be reported in log form. |plan for the second year in the school district. |

| |1. The goal and objective(s) for the | |Revise the school transportation system. |

| |Interview/Survey sessions must be clearly and | |Revise the school lunchroom program so it is not a |

| |concisely written, 2. The questions will need to| |yearly deficit status. |

| |be structured in such a way so that the goal and| |Organize a plan to start negotiations with the |

| |objective(s) can be achieved, and there must be | |support staff union. The contract expires January |

| |an evaluation as to whether the goal and | |1st of the next school year. |

| |objective(s) were attained. Below are the | |Revise the district’s risk management and insurance |

| |personnel to be interviewed or surveyed: | |program. |

| |School Principal | |Revise the maintenance and cleaning program for the |

| |District Director of Pupil Services | |district. |

| |Guidance Counselor [any level] | |Determine the district’s enrollment projections for |

| |School Nurse, Custodian, or Food Service | |the next 10 years |

| |Supervisor | | |

| |Psychologist | | |

| |School Social Worker | | |

| |Gifted Education Teacher | | |

| |Special Education Teacher | | |

| |Alternative Education Program Administrator | | |

| |School Crisis Prevention, Intervention, and | | |

| |Management [Principal] | | |

|Number of Students who are: | | | |

Suggested Courses to place Rubric:

Courses ADM 615, 614 and 676

Superintendent license candidates must have a principal license; therefore, superintendent candidates are required to have taken the above courses to complete their principal license requisites and superintendent license requisites.


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