
St. John’s University

College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions

And Beth Israel Medical Center Dept. of Family Medicine

Pharmacy Resident – Learning Contract

Family Medicine Rotation

Preceptor: Sharon See, Pharm.D.

Office: 844-1955 (BI)

718-990-2474 (STJ)

Pager: 212-844-1519 ext 4911


After completion of the rotation, the resident should be able to:

1. Describe the pathophysiology of selected disease states

2. Extract information from the medical record and construct a data base for each patient:

The data base will consists of:

a. Patient age, sex and race

b. Chief complaint

c. History of present illness

d. Past medical history

e. Significant physical findings

f. Medication history

g. Social history

h. Laboratory data and diagnostic studies

i. Patient progress notes

3. Monitor and review select patient therapy for efficacy, appropriateness of therapy and toxicity.

4. Discuss the objectives of treating patients with various primary diseases based on the patient’s laboratory parameters, physiologic state and concurrent diseases.

5. Evaluate drug therapy of particular patients and recommend alternative therapy when deemed necessary.

6. Recommend appropriate drug therapy for patients with compromised hepatic and/or renal function in select disease states.

7. Recognize a drug-related problem or disease and prepare a pharmaceutical care plan for such problems.

8. Discuss the mechanisms of action, therapeutic advantages and disadvantages of various drugs within the same therapeutic class.

9. Discuss new and/or controversial therapies and medications in internal medicine.

10. Answer drug information questions for patients, medical students, nurses, physicians, pharmacists and other health care professionals.

11. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing to patients and other health care professionals.

12. Discuss patients and their drug therapies on rounds with the medical team.


The resident will be expected to:

A. General

1. Maintain strict confidentiality with respect to sensitive information obtained at any time during the module.

B. Specific

1. Attendance and participation in daily medical rounds with assigned medical teams.

a. Documentation: as per preceptor

2. Monitor and review select patient therapy for efficacy, appropriateness of therapy, and drug related problems. Discuss pharmaceutical care plans with preceptor.

a. Documentation: Patient monitoring sheets and verbal discussions with preceptor.

3. Obtain drug histories and perform discharge counseling.

a. Documentation: Submit drug histories and patient counseling forms as part of patient management

4. Answer patient-specific drug information questions resulting from rounds, patient contacts or assigned readings.

a. Documentation: Submit drug information responses with references to preceptor when applicable.

5. Present formal patient case studies.

a. Documentation: Submit 1-2 formal written case studies

6. Review journals and pertinent literature relevant to internal medicine.

a. Documentation: Journal club presentation and/or conduct discussions with preceptor

7. Provide in-service lecture(s) to pharmacy students, nursing staff, or medical team when requested.

a. Documentation: Submit outline and lecture handouts.

8. Report cases of adverse drug reactions.

a. Documentation: Submit institution’s ADR reporting form or FDA drug reaction reporting form.

9. Attend all departmental and interdepartmental educational functions including lectures, grand rounds, and journal clubs.

a. Documentation: As per preceptor

Daily Schedule:

7 am-8am: Work Rounds 6 Dazian

8am-11am: Attending Rounds Family Medicine Conference Room 6 Dazian

12 noon Conference 18 Baird

1:00-4:00pm Follow up, notes, clinical discussion


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