Welcome and please be be seated.Opening/Thank you for coming/etc.We are gathered here today to celebrate the uniting of two souls in marriage.Name2 and Name1 have chosen today as their wedding day. And on their behalf I extend to you a warm and heartfelt thank you for being present at this magical moment, as they begin a new chapter in their life together. Let us each and all surround them with our love and best wishes!Couple moment Name1 and Name2 It has been a busy day, and these weeks have been happy, busy, stressful ones. Before we go on with your ceremony, I would like you to imagine you are the only two people standing here. Feel the energy of love between you and the happiness in your hearts?Every so often in life that one person comes along who you know is and always shall be your friend, the one soul you have encountered who you just know you have known always and wish to be with always. Remember the moment you met? (Couples story can be shared here)Just think of all those who have crossed your paths, however when your paths crossed, there was an attraction, a connection and you met. A friendship began.And as you laughed, and talked sharing dreams and wishes. How you discovered this person is unlike anyone else.Conversations flow easily. Quite times are filled with calm.They awaken your soul. And, make you want to reach for more. Who plants a fire in your heart and brings peace to your mind. How any day you are together is the very best one. And then there was that moment when you knew you just knew this is the person you would be together with always, for they are the one you love. Love is a small word for a force more powerful than any kind of magic. It works in very deep and personal ways that no one else may ever understand. ? Love enables us to share our journey with our whole heart, and to be open to the moment when you acknowledge you have found your soulmate, the one with whom, worries and fears do not exist when you are together. With whom you can be completely and honestly who we are; because they love you for just who you are. Who make us feel treasured, safe and loved beyond our wildest measures. The one we would choose in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, across all planes of time. Name1 and Name2 , your wedding ceremony does not magically create a marriage, nor create a relationship that does not already exist between the two of you. There is bond of love and trust already deeply rooted in your heart and soul.Your wedding vows strengthen this bond as these promises say publicly and formally this is the person I promise to love today” tomorrow, the next day, and always” who I choose to spend the rest of my life with, and even though fate is unknown, we are promising to love each other thru everything, to quote Hagrid , “What’s comin’ will come and we’ll meet it when it does.”? Getting married is a little bit like stepping into the night.? You don’t really know what’s going to happen next.? And we really don’t have much of a choice. Marriage is conscious choice we make each day to take on the world together, it’s believing in each other and having faith in each other, valuing the hard work, dedication, patience and loyalty that it takes to make a marriage strong. And when the hard times come, to hold each other up, to battle on together, recognizing that two united in love is stronger than one alone. Knowing the solution will come if you allow it to. ? So I then ask: Name2 is it your intent this day to join your life with Name1’s in marriage promising to be with (name) whatever may happen? Name1 is it your intent this day to join your life with Name2’s in marriage promising to be with (name) whatever may happen?Spouse2 do you promise to stand by Spouse 1 always, have faith in her/him and encourage her,to listen to her/him and laugh with her/him and to hold her/him,to communicate fully and fearlessly with each other,to value your differences as much as your common ground,and to be her/his friend, lover, and partner for all the days of your lives ? Spouse2: Always. Spouse 1 do you promise to stand by Spouse2 always, have faith in her/him and encourage her/him,to listen to her and laugh with her/him and to hold her/him,to communicate fully and fearlessly with each other,to value your differences as much as your common ground,and to be her/his friend, lover, and partner for all the days of your lives ?[Spouse 1: Always.])Your rings seal the vows of marriage and are a physical manifestation of the promises joining the you together.The rings please…. The center of the ring also has a meaning, it is said to be the doorway the gateway the portal to adventures known and unknown. May the energy of the love and happiness shared here today, be carried within you always.As you place this rings upon your beloveds finger, bring with it all of the things of your past that will make your union strong and leave behind all the rest. Spouse 1/Spouse2 please repeat after me: Spouse2/Spouse 1 With this ring I thee wed/ /I give you my love and loyalty as long as we both shall live.You now begin to write the story of your life together. Some chapters will be funny, some romantic, some may be sad, others exciting and full of adventure You may not always be able to choose what you will face, you can though always make an effort to choose that which matters. Let the power of your love make you happy and the strength of your dedication to each other make you inseparable. You are only as strong as you are united, as weak as you are divided.”And now, with the best wishes of everyone here, by the laws of the State of ( ) I now pronounce you married/husband and wife/partners for life/bonded in heart and soul for life. Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.” please kiss your bride!Spouse 1 and Spouse2 may you live long and prosper. By the laws of the State of Oregon, I now pronounce you Partners for life!Please kiss and celebrate the first sweet kiss of your marriage. ................

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