1. In a letter keyed in modified block format, the date and closing lines begin at the left margin. |a. True |b. False | | | | |

|2. In a letter keyed in block format, the date and the closing lines |a. True |b. False | | | |

|start near the horizontal center of the paper instead of the left margin.| | | | | |

|3. The modified block letter may be formatted with open or mixed |a. True |b. False | | | |

|punctuation. A letter formatted with mixed punctuation has a colon | | | | | |

|following the salutation and a comma following the complimentary close. | | | | | |

|4. A multiple-page business letter does not require a heading on the |a. True |b. False | | | |

|second and succeeding pages. | | | | | |

|5. Paragraphs in a letter are double-spaced. |a. True |b. False | | | |

|6. GWAM is the acronym for "Gross Words a Minute." |a. True |b. False | | | |

|7. A facsimile (fax) refers to the process of transmitting an exact |a. True |b. False | | | |

|reproduction of information over telephone lines. | | | | | |

|8. The first page of a report is always numbered. |a. True |b. False | | | |

|9. Enumerated items in a report should be indented 0.5" from the left|a. True |b. False | | | |

|margin. | | | | | |

|10. The right-hand, odd-numbered pages of a document (like a book or |a. True |b. False | | | |

|magazine) designed to open to two pages at once is called a right face. | | | | | |

|11. A character positioned slightly above the rest of the characters |a. True |b. False | | | |

|in a line of text is a subscript. | | | | | |

|12. Columns of numbers must be aligned at the right by making use of a |a. True |b. False | | | |

|right tab. | | | | | |

|13. A tab that inserts a row of dots when pressed is called a decimal |a. True |b. False | | | |

|tab. | | | | | |

|14. After using spell check, a document must be read for content |a. True |b. False | | | |

|errors, word usage errors, and grammar errors. | | | | | |

|15. A single letter, numeral, or other element of a type font is |a. True |b. False | | | |

|called a space. | | | | | |

|16. Capital letters are called typeface. |a. True |b. False | | | |

|17. Pica type is 15 points. |a. True |b. False | | | |

|18. Elite type is 12 points. |a. True |b. False | | | |


|19. The managers (is/are) interested in quality as well as quantity of|a. is |b. are | | | |

|output. | | | | | |

|20. The committee (has/have) already ruled on the policy. |a. has |b. have | | | |

|21. They (make/makes) a good impression when they give a speech. |a. make |b. makes | | | |

|22. Mary (receive/receives) compensation for the extra hours she |a. receive |b. receives | | | |

|works. | | | | | |

|23. One of the students in our office (is/are) interviewing for a |a. is |b. are | | | |

|full-time job. | | | | | |

|24. Both of the computers in the main office (is/are) operating at |a. is |b. are | | | |

|capacity. | | | | | |

|25. Every company has (their/its) own policies on promotion. |a. their |b. its | | | |

|26. Please return (your/yours) card in the envelope provided. |a. your |b. yours | | | |

|27. She is (to/two/too) tired to go to the party this evening. |a. to |b. two |c. too | | |

|28. The table is (stationary/stationery) and cannot be moved. |a. stationary |b. stationery | | | |

|29. The (principal/principle) reason for the accident was |a. principal |b. principle | | | |

|carelessness. | | | | | |

|30. The (assistance/assistants) were busy preparing letters for their |a. assistance |b. assistants | | | |

|employer. | | | | | |

|31. At this time of the year, teachers lose their (patience/patients).|a. patience |b. patients | | | |

|32. The company's (personal/personnel) make decisions when |a. personal |b. personnel | | | |

|appropriate. | | | | | |

|33. He was pleased to give her (advise/advice). |a. advise |b. advice | | | |

|34. Many things have happened to her in the (past/passed) two years. |a. past |b. passed | | | |

|35. It is unusual to (receive/recieve) so many compliments. |a. receive |b. recieve | | | |

|36. The current (addition/edition) of the textbook is outdated. |a. addition |b. edition | | | |

|MULTIPLE CHOICE | | | | | |

|37. A style of typeface that is heavier in weight (appearance) than |a. bold. |b. italics. |c. shade. |d. caps. | |

|the regular style is called | | | | | |

|38. A shorthand reference for capital letters is |a. upper case. |b. caps. |c. bold. |d. lower case. | |

|39. A complete collection of letters, numbers, and character symbols, |a. font. |b. pitch. |c. character. |d. point. | |

|all of the same size and typeface, is called a | | | | | |

|40. A gap between the left margin and the first character of a line is|a. gap. |b. gutter. |c. indent. |d. space. | |

|called a/an | | | | | |

|41. To avoid having a single line on a page, you should |a. documentation protect. |b. find/replace feature. |c. widow/orphan protect. |d. justification feature. | |

|42. A measure of type size is called a |a. font. |b. point. |c. character. |d. space. | |

|43. Tabs that are preset in the software package are called |a. left tabs. |b. default tabs. |c. programming tabs. |d. right tabs. |e. auto tabs. |

|44. The number of creases in a letter folded for a No. 10 envelope is |a. five. |b. one. |c. two. |d. three. |e. four. |

|45. When a letter is sent by a special mail service, a mailing notation|a. a double space after the |b. a double space after the |c. a double space after the |d. a quadruple space after |e. immediately before the |

|is placed |attention line. |last time of information in |dateline. |the enclosure notation. |subject line. |

| | |the document. | | | |

|46. How many times would you press the return after the typed writer's|a. 1 |b. 2 |c. 3 |d. 4 |e. 5 |

|name and before the reference initials in letter? | | | | | |

|47. A subject line is related to |a. the body of the letter. |b. the inside address. |c. the salutation. |d. the attention line. |e. the postscript. |

|48. The first line of an ENDNOTE entry is |a. omitted. |b. indented 1/2 inch. |c. inverted. |d. blocked at the left |e. spaced twice. |

| | | | |margin. | |

|49. After keying any document, that document should be |a. turned in for grading. |b. edited and published. |c. printed. |d. thoroughly spelled |e. reformatted. |

| | | | |checked and proofread. | |

|50. What is the line space for a 2-inch vertical margin? |a. 6 |b. 8 |c. 10 |d. 12 |e. 14 |

|51. The left and right margins for a six-inch line on 8.5 inch wide |a. 2.00 inches. |b. 1.75 inches. |c. 1.50 inches. |d. 1.25 inches. |e. 1.00 inches. |

|paper are | | | | | |

|52. A left-bound or side-bound report using a six-inch line of 8.5 x |a. 2.00 and 1.50 inches. |b. 1.75 and 1.25 inches. |c. 1.50 and 1.00 inches. |d. 1.25 and 1.00 inches. |e. 1.00 and 1.00 inches. |

|11 inch paper should have margins set for | | | | | |

|53. The top margin for page two and beyond for an unbound report is |a. 2 inches. |b. 1.75 inches. |c. 1.5 inches. |d. 1.2 5 inches. |e. 1 inch. |

|54. Paragraphs on a memo are |a. single spaced and |b. single spaced and |c. double spaced and |d. double spaced and | |

| |indented. |blocked. |blocked. |indented. | |

|55. The top margin for page one of an unbound report is |a. 2 inches. |b. 1.5 inches. |c. 1 inches. |d. 0.5 inches. | |

|56. On a memo, the left and right margins are most often |a. 2.5 inches. |b. 2 inches. |c. 1.50 inches. |d. 1 inches. | |

|57. When all parts of a letter (including paragraphs) begin at the |a. modified block format. |b. mixed block format. |c. block format. |d. miniature format. | |

|left margin, the document is arranged in | | | | | |

|58. To erase characters to the left of the cursor, press the |a. delete key. |b. backspace key. |c. space bar. |d. return. | |

|59. To erase characters to the right of the cursor, press the |a. return key. |b. space bar. |c. backspace key. |d. delete key. | |

|60. The upper part of certain lowercase letters like b, d, and / that |a. ascender. |b. descender. |c. lowercase letter. |d. capital letter. | |

|extends above the height of the lowercase x is called a/an | | | | | |

|61. The portion of a letter extending below the baseline of a line of |a. ascender. |b. descender. |c. lowercase letter. |d. capital letter. | |

|text is called a/an | | | | | |

|62. Text aligned without indentation is called |a. justified. |b. flush. |c. block. |d. left-aligned. | |

|63. The space between two columns of text, or the inside margins of two|a. margin. |b. spacing. |c. gutter. |d. column. | |

|facing pages in a bound document is called the | | | | | |

|64. The alignment of text on a line to make both left and right margins|a. flush right. |b. hyphenation. |c. spacing. |d. full justification. | |

|flush is called | | | | | |

|65. A character positioned slightly below the rest of the characters |a. subscript. |b. superscript. |c. ascender. |d. space. | |

|in a line of text is a | | | | | |

|66. The area left blank on a page for the sake of legibility is called|a. white space. |b. margin. |c. blank space. |d. window. | |

|67. The proofreader's mark "stet" means |a. let it stand. |b. no new paragraph. |c. delete. | d. transpose. |e. close up. |

|68. When all lines of a document are flush on both the right and left |a. left aligned. |b. right aligned. |c. center aligned. |d. justified. | |

|edges, except the last line of each paragraph, the text is | | | | | |

|69. In a letter, the salutation is keyed a ______ below the letter |a. single space |b. double space |c. triple space |d. quadruple space | |

|address. | | | | | |

|70. The ______ lists the various parts of a report and the page numbers|a. preface |b. table of contents |c. foreword |d. appendix |e. title page |

|on which they begin. | | | | | |

|71. A form that describes what is to be bought and is forwarded to the|a. invoice. |b. purchase order. |c. customer requisition. |d. facsimile. | |

|Purchasing Department for processing is a/an | | | | | |

|72. A form used to order products from another company is a/an |a. facsimile. |b. invoice. |c. bill of lading. |d. purchase requisition. | |

|73. A statement sent to the customer indicating the goods ordered and |a. invoice. |b. purchase order. |c. facsimile. |d. purchase requisition. | |

|their total price is a/an | | | | | |


|A. Spelling error |

|B. Punctuation |

|C. Number expression error |

|D. Grammar error |

|E. No errors noted |

|74. The bus leaves at 6:30 p.m. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|75. Its time for us to review the test for tomorrow. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|76. We will of course expect a refund for the damaged goods. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|77. Please distribute the handbook to all personal. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|78. Please accept our apology for the delay. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|79. Marci Dowd Yvette Barlow and Wanda Kozioltoff will not attend |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |

|classes for the rest of the week. | | | | | |

|80. The computer is booted up yesterday. |A. Spelling error |B. Punctuation error |C. Number expression error |D. Grammar error |E. No errors noted |


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