I am south of Latvia, east of Lithuania and the Northern European Plain sweeps through my northern countryside.I am south of the Ukraine and I am landlocked. The Prut river forms my western border.I used to be part of Czechoslovakia. My capital is Prague and and I am due north of Austria.I am on the the Balkan Peninsula and have a girl’s name as my capital. I border Turkey and the Black Sea.I border the Gulf of Venice on my very small coastline. I used to form the norther most border of Yugoslavia.I am a fairly large country and the Transylvanian Alps run through the middle of my country. I have been the setting for many monster stories.I am a small country on the Balkan Peninsula. I am much smaller than I was when Alexander the great lived here.My capital is one of the largest cities in the world. Although I am not part of Russia, most of my people speak Russian. I was also one of the largest producing countries during Soviet rule.I was once part of Austria. I am land locked and my capital city is actually 2 cities on the opposite side of the Danube river.I used to be part of Serbia, but gained my independence in 1992. I have coastline on the Adriatic Sea. ................

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