
[pic] [pic]

[pic] Read the article.

|5 |Is Affluenza a Real Disease? |

|10 |On June 15, 2013, 16-year-old Ethan Couch stole two cases of beer. One hour later, he drove his truck into a parked car: four people|

|15 |were killed and two teens were severely injured. Blood tests showed that at the time of the accident, Couch had been drinking |

|20 |alcohol. The prison sentence in Texas for this crime is normally 2 to 20 years in prison. However, Couch’s attorney argued that the |

|25 |court should be merciful with Ethan because he was a victim of the disease “affluenza”. |

|30 |The word “affluenza” is a combination of the words affluent (rich) and influenza (flu). According to attorney Edward J. Beckwith, |

| |affluenza is a disease which affects the rich and their children. It is caused by the combination of too much money and too much |

| |freedom. The symptoms of it are: no understanding of the connection between work and money, and no thoughts for others. Beckwith |

| |claims affluenza can affect a teen’s ability to grow into a responsible adult. |

| |According to Ethan’s attorney, he suffered from affluenza because his parents spoiled and neglected1 him. At the time of the |

| |accident, the 16-year-old was living alone in a big mansion which his father had given him as a present. He also had lots of money |

| |to spend and a truck. Ethan’s attorney claimed that his parents should be held accountable for his bad behavior because they had |

| |spoiled him. The prosecuting attorney disagreed with their argument – he recommended 2 to 20 years in prison. The judge, however, |

| |was more sympathetic. Eventually, Ethan Couch was sentenced to ten years probation2, and 2 years in a rehabilitation clinic3. During|

| |his time in this “luxury” rehabilitation clinic, Ethan will have horseback riding therapy, yoga and cooking classes. |

| |Ethan’s light sentence has made many people furious. The families of his victims think his sentence is a joke, and they aren’t the |

| |only ones who are angry. There are many who think this sentence is unfair, because other Texas teens who have committed similar |

| |crimes have been sentenced to anything from 10 to 20 years in prison. However, these teens weren’t from wealthy families, so their |

| |attorneys couldn’t argue they were victims of “affluenza”. |

| |Is affluenza a real disease? Attorneys argue yes, but psychologists reject their claim, stating that affluenza isn’t a real disease.|

| |It isn’t listed as a disease in any textbook or psychology book. According to some psychologists, affluenza is a form of bad |

| |behavior. Affluenza might not be a disease, but it’s still dangerous. Many critics believe that once we start calling bad behavior a|

| |disease, we’re giving people like Ethan Couch an excuse for bad behavior. It is true that we’re also teaching young people that |

| |there is no such thing as equality, because there is one punishment for the rich and another for the poor. Without a doubt, this is |

| |a dangerous message for future generations. |

1 neglected הזניחו / أهملا 2 probation תקופת מבחן / فترة مراقبة 3 rehabilitation clinic מרפאת שיקום / عيادة تأهيل

[pic] Answer the questions.

1. Tick (() the TWO correct answers. (2 x 2 = 4 points)

What do we learn about Ethan Couch in lines 1-6?

…… a. Where he committed the crime.

…… b. Who was with him on the night of the crime.

…… c. How he felt about the crime.

…… d. How much alcohol he had in his blood.

…… e. What sentence he received.

…… f. What illness he suffers from.

2. “Affluenza” is a combination of the words affluent and influenza. (line 7) (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Give two examples from another paragraph to show Ethan comes

from an affluent background.



3. According to attorney Edward Beckwith, what are the causes and the (4 x 2 = 8 points)

symptoms of affluenza? Complete the chart. (lines 7-12)

|Causes |Symptoms |

| | |

| | |

4. Circle the correct answers. (4 points)

Ethan’s defense attorney thinks Ethan is responsible / his parents are responsible for what he did, but the prosecuting attorney disagrees. He thinks Ethan / his parents should serve 10 to 20 years in prison.

5. Complete the sentence according to lines 22-26. (4 points)

The writer says Ethan received “a light sentence” because


6. The main subject of lines 22-26 is (-). (4 points)

a. people’s opinion of the trial

b. people’s angry reactions to Ethan’s sentence

c. Ethan’s reaction to his sentence

d. the parent’s reaction to the sentence

7. How do each of the following answer the question in the title? (3 x 2 = 6 points)

Complete the sentences.

1) Attorneys think .

2) Psychologists think .

3) The writer thinks .

[pic] Do you agree or disagree that the court should be merciful with Ethan? (line 5) (4 points)

[pic] [pic]

[pic] Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra (10 x 1 = 10 points)

words. Make any necessary changes.

whether or not unsupervised recommend discipline assume obey

pleasantly surprised implications perspective encourage intend no doubt

1. Mom was …………………………… when we washed all the dishes.

2. Young children mustn’t be left ……………………………. .

3. That’s your …………………………… . Other people have a different opinion on the subject.

4. I’m going to the demonstration in Tel Aviv, …………………………… you like it.

5. The waitress …………………………… we order the pasta with mushrooms and cream.

6. The school will …………………………… anyone who uses a cellphone during the exam.

7. The …………………………… of his actions are worrying.

8. My teacher …………………………… me to take part in the school play last month.

9. It’s important to teach a dog to …………………………… orders and commands.

10. After Larry finishes school, he …………………………… to volunteer at the elephant sanctuary in Thailand.

[pic] Complete the sentences to show you understand the meaning of (7 x 1 = 7 points)

the words and expressions in bold.

1. The man was imprisoned .

2. My neighbour’s attitude is .

3. The boy was miserable because .

4. I was annoyed because .

5. If you spoil children .

6. From now on, we .

7. My parents’ outlook is .

[pic] Choose four of the words below and write a sentence with each. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

You may change the form of the word.

protest symptom previous development extremely desperate





[pic] [pic]

[pic] Write a question for each of the SMS facts. Pay attention to the words (5 x 1 = 5 points)

in bold. Use each of the words below once.

who what how much how many when

1. ?

SMS stands for Short Messaging Service.

2. ?

People send the most messages between 10:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

3. ?

You can have up to 160 letters in a text message because that is the same amount

of letters on the average postcard.

4. ?

Cellphone companies make $69 to $70 billion from text messages each year.

5. ?

Matti Makkomen invented SMS.

[pic] Circle the correct answers to complete the letter to an advice column (10 x 1 = 10 points)

and the reply below.

Dear Angela,

I don’t know what to do. Maybe you 1. can / must help me? I 2. can’t / couldn’t trust anyone with this secret. I’ve discovered that a boy in my school is sending anonymous emails to other students. These emails are nasty. I tried to talk to him. He told me I 3. should / might mind my own business. He said if I told anyone, he’d tell everyone it was my idea. He’s very popular with students and teachers. I’m worried he 4. must / might be able to convince everyone it’s me. What

5. should / must I do?


Dear Marcy,

This is a secret you 6. mustn’t / don’t have to keep. You 7. have to / may speak to

a teacher. This boy 8. might / should be dangerous. Sending nasty anonymous emails 9. can / is able to cause real harm. This boy 10. may / must be stopped. Don’t let him frighten you. Speak to a responsible adult as soon as you can.

Good luck!


[pic] Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in brackets and (10 x 1 = 10 points)

the modal perfect. Make any necessary changes.

1. Grant: I went to the pool this afternoon but it was crowded.

Kerry: Too bad! You …………………………… (should / join) us. We saw a great movie.

2. Lisa: Nina didn’t invite me to the party.

Alice: Don’t be upset. She is so busy she …………………………… (must / forgot).

3. Bart: Why didn’t you tell me that the meeting was canceled?

Steve: I …………………………… (would / tell) you, but I didn’t know it was canceled!

4. Anne: Do you know where Alexa is?

May: I’m not sure. She …………………………… (might / go) to the sports center.

5. Mom: Do you know where my cellphone is?

Lynn: I don’t know. Do you think you …………………………… (might / left) it next to

the pool?

6. Don: I couldn’t do my homework because I didn’t understand the questions.

Tom: Why didn’t you call me? I …………………………… (could / help) you.

7. Max: This pizza tastes strange.

Dan: They …………………………… (ought / put) more cheese on it.

8. Sam: Why is the dog drinking so fast?

Lee: He …………………………… (must / be) very thirsty.

9. Dad: My back is killing me. I can’t move!

Mom: You …………………………… (should / not lift) those heavy cartons.

10. Ellen: What happened to the cake in the fridge?

Susan: The kids …………………………… (may / eat) it.

[pic] [pic]

Write a composition expressing your opinion on the following topic:

The Knesset has passed a new law banning free plastic bags in shops

and supermarkets.

Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

Write 100-120 words.

Remember to:

• begin with a catchy opening that introduces the issue

• state your opinion on the issue

• give at least two main arguments to support your opinion

• provide a reason, fact and / or example to support each argument

• conclude by restating your opinion and possibly making a suggestion


Part 1


Part 2



 Reading  (40 points)


 Grammar  (25 points)

 Writing  (10 points)


Part 3



Part 4


 Vocabulary  [pic]-56789:;RSTUVWgh÷ó÷ã÷ó÷ó÷ãÛ÷×±’zÂiV@*h™4

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