

My Personality

You will be using two sources of information for this project:

Go to My Portfolio and click on My DWYA (Do What You Are) Report

Go to the Personality Page at

You do not need to take Personality Page assessment. Just use your results from Do What You Are and read the information about your personality type.

1. Make a list of at least 10 of your personal strengths:

2. Using your own words, provide a thoughtful description of your personality (at least one page) using the Do What You Are report and Personality Page (click on the portraits of type symbol). Do not use cut and paste from Do What You Are or the Personality page! Include the four letters in your personality type and how these dimensions of personality affect your personal, social and work life. In describing the four letters of your personality type, you may cut, paste and revise material from your journal entries from the personality chapter. If your journal entries are not very complete, you may need to revise and expand on the work done in the journal entries.

Use these topic sentences:

My personality type is . . . . . . . . . . (Include the 4 letters of your type

I am an introvert (or extrovert). This means that . . . .Tell how it affects your personal, social or work life.

I am a sensing (or intuitive type). This means that . . . . Tell how it affects your personal, social or work life.

I am a feeling (or thinking type). This means that . . . . Tell how it affects your personal, social or work life.

I am a judging (or perceptive type). This means that . . . .Tell how it affects your personal, social or work life.

3. Look at your DWYA report and Personality Page (Click on the crossroads). For a career to be satisfying to you, it should:

4. What careers are suggested by Do What You Are and the Personality Page?

5. Look at your DWYA report. My preferred learning style is:

6. What did you find interesting at Personality Page (click on the heart symbol) about personality and relationships?

7. What is your evaluation of your personality assessment and did you find it helpful?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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