-3327400Student NameYear 2 – Print, Radio, TV Unit 13– Extended Media ProjectAcademic year 2017 -2018 0Student NameYear 2 – Print, Radio, TV Unit 13– Extended Media ProjectAcademic year 2017 -2018 Important…. all the text written in red or highlighted needs to be deleted once you finish the portfolio. Your ‘who am I’ image goes at the front / or an image related to the topic of your FMP. You can also make your front page of the booklet like a font page of the book or a magazine. Also, change the background of the pages. Make this document stand out. It is about YOU and this is about YOUR project. CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u CONTENTS PAGEREF _Toc478429309 \h 2LIST OF FIGURES PAGEREF _Toc478429310 \h 4LIST OF TABLES PAGEREF _Toc478429311 \h 4DEFINITION OF TERMS PAGEREF _Toc478429312 \h 4Unit 13/14 - Project Proposal PAGEREF _Toc478429313 \h 5 PAGEREF _Toc478429314 \h 5Project Action Plan and Timetable PAGEREF _Toc478429315 \h 8 PAGEREF _Toc478429316 \h 8Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478429317 \h 9 PAGEREF _Toc478429318 \h 9The Background of my Project PAGEREF _Toc478429319 \h 9Who am I? PAGEREF _Toc478429320 \h 10What did I learn on my course? PAGEREF _Toc478429321 \h 10What is my project about? PAGEREF _Toc478429322 \h 10Why my project is important? PAGEREF _Toc478429323 \h 11My Research Plan PAGEREF _Toc478429324 \h 11 PAGEREF _Toc478429325 \h 11Literature/Resources Review PAGEREF _Toc478429326 \h 13 PAGEREF _Toc478429327 \h 13Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478429328 \h 13Practitioners Report PAGEREF _Toc478429329 \h 13CONCLUSION - Who/what was my inspiration? /Contextualisation of my study PAGEREF _Toc478429330 \h 13Research Design PAGEREF _Toc478429331 \h 14 PAGEREF _Toc478429332 \h 14Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478429333 \h 14Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc478429334 \h 15Research Design Evolution PAGEREF _Toc478429335 \h 17Research Findings PAGEREF _Toc478429336 \h 18 PAGEREF _Toc478429337 \h 18Data analysis PAGEREF _Toc478429338 \h 19Conclusion - How did the research help me with my project? PAGEREF _Toc478429339 \h 19My Project PAGEREF _Toc478429340 \h 19 PAGEREF _Toc478429341 \h 19Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478429342 \h 19Pre-Production PAGEREF _Toc478429343 \h 19Production PAGEREF _Toc478429344 \h 20Post-production PAGEREF _Toc478429345 \h 20Presentation PAGEREF _Toc478429346 \h 20MY FMP – FINAL PRODUCT PAGEREF _Toc478429347 \h 20 PAGEREF _Toc478429348 \h 20Project Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc478429349 \h 20 PAGEREF _Toc478429350 \h 20APPENDICES PAGEREF _Toc478429351 \h 21Extended project in creative media production Learning Outcomes and Assessment PAGEREF _Toc478429352 \h 211. Be able to initiate and develop a creative media production project proposal. PAGEREF _Toc478429353 \h 212. Be able to use research, analysis and evaluation to develop solutions for creative media production project. PAGEREF _Toc478429354 \h 213. Be able to solve practical, theoretical and technical problems in a creative media production project. PAGEREF _Toc478429355 \h 224. Be able to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project. PAGEREF _Toc478429356 \h 225. Be able to use practical methods and skills in a creative media production project. PAGEREF _Toc478429357 \h 226. Be able to use evaluative and reflective skills in the production of a creative media product. PAGEREF _Toc478429358 \h 227. Be able to present a creative media production project. PAGEREF _Toc478429359 \h 22REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc478429360 \h 22LIST OF FIGURES TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1- What is research PAGEREF _Toc478425763 \h 15Figure 2- How to ask good questions PAGEREF _Toc478425764 \h 16Figure 3 - My exercise 1 PAGEREF _Toc478425765 \h 16LIST OF TABLES TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1 - Project Proposal PAGEREF _Toc477729279 \h 6Table 2 - Project Action Plan and Timetable PAGEREF _Toc477729280 \h 9Table 3- My research Plan PAGEREF _Toc477729281 \h 11DEFINITION OF TERMS FMP – Final Major ProjectUAL – University of the Arts London Unit 13 - Project ProposalCandidate NameAlexander ReeveCandidate Number01211013PathwayProject TitleThe Day of ClaritySection 1: Rationale (approx. 150 words)My previous projects were mostly experimentation, because I had never done anything like that before. I had never made a film, edit a video, make a radio drama or made a magazine spread before. Now I will use the skills I have collected from this course to make my final major project.My project will be a short story I will make into an audiobook. The story will be about the top superhero and his sidekick who need to save the city from a dastardly villain who threatens to destroy it. I will ask a drama student to read out my story and I will use Adobe Audition or Premiere to edit it.This will appeal to my audience by being a fun and interesting short story. It will have simple themes but a lot of action and strong characters. I will have someone from the drama department read it out because that will be more professional than me reading it out and will be closer to similar professional works.Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)For this project I will use the recording studio to record someone reading out my story in the same way as existing audio books. I will then edit the recorded sound using Adobe Audition or Premier. The target audience for my project will be mostly male 13-18 year olds but not exclusively. It could be 18-25 year olds but I plan on making it family friendly.I will research existing stories of similar genres to find out what makes them successful. I will also do a survey to find out what people look for in this kind of story and help come up with character ideas. My role in this project will be writer and editor of this audio book. I will write the short story and edit the recording after it is finished.To make this project a success I will need to be able to write a fun and interesting story. I will also need to be able to get someone to read out the story in a way that doesn’t boar the listener and I will need to be able to edit the audio after it is recorded. Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 150 words)My final major project will be a short superhero story in the format of an audio book. I will use a student from the drama department to read it out and use the recording studio to record the audio. I will research similar stories to find out what works and what doesn’t and I will do a survey to find out what kind of thing people look for in this kind of project. The end result should be an audio book based off an original story that I have written and edited myself, while I use a drama student to make the audio sound more professional, if I cannot I will ask one of my classmates to instead.Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)Fandom; One Punch Man, Yusuke Murata, (December 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018Viz, MY HERO ACADEMIA accessed: 15/4/2018"Mark Harrison" (May 18, 2016) Sky High: looking back at an underrated superhero treat accessed: 15/4/2018Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1 - Project ProposalProject Action Plan and Timetable Project Action Plan and TimetableWeekDate WeekBeginningActivity / What you are intending to do - including independent studyResources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops123456Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2 - Project Action Plan and TimetableIntroduction For this project, I will be researching: What makes a good superhero story? I am doing this because I plan on writing the story for my final major project. For this project, I will research and analyse the superhero genre and different aspects of it in order to give me inspiration and help me write a compelling and interesting story about superheroes. I will turn this story into an audiobook by recording someone read it aloud. I plan on asking a student from the drama department because they were very good in a previous project we did together and I think it will help make the audiobook more professional.To help find out the answer to my question I will do a range of research into the superhero genre. I will analyse different media and products in different ways in order to discover the answer to my question. I will also do a survey as primary research to find out first-hand what people look for in superhero stories and how to make my story the best it can be.In the next sections of my research, you will find analysis of existing media products and even reviews of products to ensure I have a clear understanding of similar products on the market. I also did a survey asking questions about what makes a good story, villain, and hero to directly see what my potential audience thinks of the genre and to make sure I do not do anything against the genre that my audience will not like.The Background of my Project Use those questions as a headings for your answers: What is it that makes me do my project?I have always been creative and had lots of ideas I would like to develop, but never had much of an outlet to express the ideas the way I would like to. I want to tell this story and through this course I can.I chose to do an audiobook because it is very similar to the radio drama project we have previously done this year. I had a problem with my radio drama and that was the music and sound effects. I had trouble finding and using them correctly, but in an audiobook there are no sound effects or background music, so I can focus on the dialogue instead.My personal experiences that influence my choices (idea for the project, my role in the project, how it relates to my future career) When I was young I would watch a lot of superhero shows like Justice League, Teen Titans, Wolverine and the X-men and many other shows of the superhero genre. There are also a lot of shows that are similar to the superhero genre that usually are not classified as superhero shows like Ben 10 or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These kinds of shows share some similar tropes and often share some of the same genres, but are not classed as superhero shows.These shows have influenced me to write a story about superheroes, similar to them. I chose to do an audiobook because it is very similar to the radio drama project we have previously done this year. I had a problem with my radio drama and that was the music and sound effects. I had trouble finding and using them correctly, but in an audiobook there are no sound effects or background music, so I can focus on the dialogue instead.What is the basic premise of my project?This is a superhero story about the top heroes' sidekick and him becoming the top heroes’ successor. Or being forced to. It will start with some other heroes fighting the villain of the story’s subordinates after being deployed to fight this dastardly villain. They are then quickly decimated. Luckily the top hero, Master Guardian arrives to save the day and stop the villain’s plans to destroy the city. We will see the top hero in his element from the sidekick’s perspective, Kid Hazard as he realises he might just be ready to take the top heroes’ mantle, as they have the same powers Master Guardian has more experience.I will then turn this story into an audiobook by recording someone read it aloud and recording them in the recording studio. Then I will edit it using Adobe Audition or Premiere and upload it to YouTube. What do I seek to achieve and how it relates to my target audience? The main point of my story is to tell the coming of story of the sidekick as it will be from his perspective and how he sidekick takes over for the top hero, despite him thinking he is not ready.I want the audience to feel the history between the top hero and his sidekick. They should understand that this villain has decimated the other heroes that tried to stop him and the villain will destroy the city if he is not stopped.Who am I? When I was young I would watch a lot of superhero shows like Justice League, Teen Titans, Wolverine and the X-men and many other shows of the superhero genre. There are also a lot of shows that are similar to the superhero genre that usually are not classified as superhero shows like Ben 10 or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These kinds of shows share some similar tropes and often share some of the same genres, but are not classed as superhero shows.The favourite superhero show I have ever watched is Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man. It has changed, however, I loved Young Justice and Avengers Assemble but I have come to prefer Ultimate Spider-Man.My favourite comic book is One Punch Man because it changes the genre so much. The main character is so powerful he can defeat almost any enemy with one punch. So any fight he gets in is over before the tension can really rise. So the focus is on the enemies underestimating him and in the other characters, as they are normal people or other heroes with a reasonable amount of power.There are many hero stories that have influenced my story including some from Marvel, DC and even some Japanese superhero series. Such as Guardians of the Galaxy, DC's Legends of tomorrow and My Hero Academia. I even adapted the hero systems from My Hero Academia and One Punch Man for my story.The way I experience these stories has changed since I was young. When I was a child I would watch hero cartoons for the action and would always agree with the hero. Recently I have started to re-watch those same cartoons and I have started to understand the villain’s perspective, even if I don't entirely agree with them.My favourite comic book publishing company is Marvel. I do like others like DC Comics. There is not a specific reason that I prefer Marvel, I just prefer to read or watch their products. Although I do prefer certain heroes from other publishing companies over some from Marvel.Overall superheroes have heavily influenced my life and my attitude towards them has changed over time, but I still enjoy them just as much as when I was a child. Even if I enjoy them for different reasons. I will have plenty of references and inspiration to draw upon if I ever have trouble while writing my own superhero story.What did I learn on my course? Skills analysis task:Before I joined this course I did not know how to film videos, edit videos, make magazines or make a radio drama. But now I have done at least the basics of all of that, I also know the codes and conventions of them, so I know how to make them correctly. At the start of last year I knew nothing about media, by the end I knew the basics. Now at the end of this year I know more than the basics. All of my previous projects have helped me learn all I need to make this project.What is my project about?This will be a superhero story about the top heroes' sidekick and him becoming the top heroes’ successor. Or being forced to. It will start with some other heroes fighting the villain of the story’s subordinates after being deployed to fight this dastardly villain.They are then quickly decimated. Luckily the top hero, Master Guardian arrives to save the day and stop the villain’s plans to destroy the city. We will see the top hero in his element from the sidekick’s perspective, Kid Hazard as he realises he might just be ready to take the top heroes’ mantle, as they have the same powers Master Guardian just has more experience.This story should make me a better writer by giving me a chance to write a story that people can experience in a way other than just reading it. The audience will be able to hear what is going on and while creating the story I will be able to get advice and help from my classmates and tutors. My role in this project will be writer and editor. Why my project is important? The main point to my project is to write a good story because I always think of random ideas I want to develop and this is a good way to incorporate that into my project. It will touch on many subjects like a realistic superhero society, terrorism (in a cartoonish way) and the coming of age of young adults like our sidekick Kid Hazard. But because this will be a short story I will not be able to go too in depth. This will be similar to One Punch Man or My Hero Academia, as there will be an established superhero society instead of heroes being free agents like in DC Comics and Marvel.My Research PlanUse your research plan information from Unit 12 to complete this sectionTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3- My Research PlanFMP - RESEARCH PLAN No of WordsInterest/Topic/Theme150 As primary research I will make a survey on Survey Monkey and include questions related to my final major project to get a general idea of where my project should go and what I should focus on. I will then share it through social media to get my questions answered.As secondary research I will find similar stories and analyse what makes them successful and unsuccessful to find out what I should include and avoid in my own story and how this is done professionally. I will absorb the media and then analyse them on my blog.Why is it important? - Importance 100The main point to my project is to write a good story because I always think of random ideas I want to develop and this is a good way to incorporate that into my project. It will touch on many subjects like a realistic superhero society, terrorism (in a cartoonish way) and the coming of age of young adults like our sidekick Kid Hazard. But because this will be a short story I will not be able to go too in depth. This will be similar to One Punch Man or My Hero Academia, as there will be an established superhero society instead of heroes being free agents like in DC Comics and Marvel.My research question(s) 100My main question is: What makes a good superhero story? To research this question I will use primary and secondary research, for my primary research I will do a survey and ask my classmates directly as they are a part of my target audience. For my secondary, I will look at successful and unsuccessful stories of a similar genre and analyse what worked and what didn't work.Research Design 100To research this question I will use primary and secondary research, for my primary research I will do a survey and ask my classmates directly as they are a part of my target audience. For my secondary, I will look at successful and unsuccessful stories of a similar genre and analyse what worked and what didn't work.There are problems with my research methods though. For Primary research, I will make a survey and ask some people directly the same questions to try and get more in-depth answers. However, some of the questions are quantitative so they will get simple answers so the results are only as good as the question I ask. Qualitative questions get better quality answers because the person taking the survey has to fill in the answer. However, there is a chance I will not get the answers I need or expect. These can help but some could be useless to me. Also, These kinds of questions can be hard to analyse as they need to be read and analysed individually as quantitative questions are all the same out of a few options.For my secondary research, I will research The Incredible Hulk film and Iron Man film because The Incredible Hulk was relatively successful but it is considered to be a bad superhero film. Whereas Iron Man has good reviews and is considered to have revitalized Marvel studios after several failures like Spider-Man 3 and Hulk.Literature (Proposed Sources – Harvard Format)Please, copy this part straight into your Project Proposal. The Incredible Hulk Review:"Peter Bradshaw", (13 Jun 2008), The Incredible Hulk Accessed: 19/4/2018Iron Man review:"Philip French" (4 May 2008), Iron Man Accessed: 19/4/2018One Punch Man Series:Fandom; One Punch Man, Yusuke Murata, (December 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018The Secret of One-Punch Man's Success, by Kevin Cirugeda, (Nov 11th, 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018 My Hero Academia Manga:Viz, MY HERO ACADEMIA accessed: 15/4/2018SHUEISHA Inc, WEEKLY SHONEN accessed: 15/4/2018Sky High Movie:"Mark Harrison" (May 18, 2016) Sky High: looking back at an underrated superhero treat accessed: 15/4/2018Literature/Resources Review This part relates to Unit 12 task 3 and 4Introduction The introduction should be relatively brief, simply providing an overview of the chapter. For example: For this project, I will be researching: What makes a good superhero story? I am doing this because I plan on writing the story for my final major project. For this project, I will research and analyse the superhero genre and different aspects of it in order to give me inspiration and help me write a compelling and interesting story about superheroes. I will turn this story into an audiobook by recording someone read it aloud. I plan on asking a student from the drama department because they were very good in a previous project we did together and I think it will help make the audiobook more professional.To help find out the answer to my question I will do a range of research into the superhero genre. I will analyse different media and products in different ways in order to discover the answer to my question. I will also do a survey as primary research to find out first-hand what people look for in superhero stories and how to make my story the best it can be.In the next sections of my research, you will find analysis of existing media products and even reviews of products to ensure I have a clear understanding of similar products on the market. I also did a survey asking questions about what makes a good story, villain, and hero to directly see what my potential audience thinks of the genre and to make sure I do not do anything against the genre that my audience will not like.CONCLUSION - Who/what was my inspiration? /Contextualisation of my study This relates to Unit 12 task 3 and 4 (analysis of existing media products) I have chosen to analyse the One Punch Man series first, My Hero Academia comic and Sky High the film. I have chosen these products because they all have similar genres to what I plan on writing and are all different forms of media and I can learn a lot from how these different products affected their industries.One punch man:Yusuke Murata is the producer of One Punch Man. He is also a manga artist and the artist of the One Punch Man manga along with many other well-known manga, a lot of which have been made into anime.One Punch Man changed the anime community and when it hit it was an instant success and was instantly praised for its unique take on the genres and tropes it uses. The main protagonist; Saitama is a superhero, not because of some tragic backstory or sense of justice like we are used to, he is a hero for fun.Saitama became a hero because he was bored of his daily grind and wound up fighting a monster and found that it was the most exhilarating experience of his life. He then trained every day for years to become the strongest one there is. He succeeded but now all the fights he gets in are over in just one punch, losing the excitement he trained for.This anime is loved because it parodies a lot of the usual tropes and genres we are used to with this kind of anime. Instead of having an epic fight, the monster is defeated with one punch. The situation loses all tension in that one moment, all previous sacrifices are rendered null and other heroes are just useless bystanders.One Punch Man was heavily influenced by the classic superhero stories of the west and east. The huge fights of the west mixed with the style of the east. The classic Hollywood superhero movies of recent history have been mixed with the classic sentai (power rangers) childish monsters, with simple and predictable objectives.They used a range of skills and techniques in One Punch Man, the fight scenes, for example, have incredible animation, they are fluid, clear and stick to the fundamental rules of scenes, like the 180-degree rule.They are similar to another anime by the same director called Mob Psycho 100. Which is about psychics instead of superheroes, but they have some similar scenes. There is a character in One Punch Man call Tornado who also has psychic powers and they are animated similarly to Mob Psycho 100's characters powers.The target audience of One Punch Man is younger people around 16-25, mostly male but not exclusively. They also have a large established audience from the manga who will watch the anime to enjoy and compare the two.Being an anime, One Punch Man has a very large Japanese audience, because that is where it was made. However it is available with subtitles and dubbed in many languages, making the potential audience even larger, especially because it is on Netflix, which means it is not just a niche, it has the potential to be mainstream and has proven to be popular with younger international audiences.The studio that distributed One Punch Man is Madhouse Inc. which is a Japanese animation studio with many other successful animation series and movies. They are well established and well known in the animation community, as they have created and collaborated on many animations like Wolf Children, Death Note and Devil May Cry: The Animated Series.Most of Madhouse's works and collaborations could be considered anime. Anime is a Japanese style of animating usually based off manga or light novels, although there are original works like Kado the Right Answer, which has no source material. Most of Madhouse's series seem to be fantasy based like No Game No Life, Overlord and Death Parade but do have more realistic and slice of life series like Sakura Wars, Black Lagoon, and My Love Story.The world of One Punch Man is very different to our own in some aspects but exactly the same in others. In this world monsters and superheroes are real and the hero association has been set up to manage heroes and the threats they face. They have a danger ranking system to ensure they send a hero that can manage the situation. To help with that they also have a hero ranking system to make sure that heroes are not sent into dangers they cannot handle.One Punch Man is primarily a superhero series. Focusing on one hero that cannot be beaten and the interactions he has when he does his work for fun. When he joins the hero association he is given a 'C' rank which is the lowest of the ranks, while a companion of his is given an 'S' rank which is the highest rank for heroes. Saitama is the strongest hero and should be the top of class 'S' but because of some technicalities, he ends up with the lowest rank in the hero association. Instead of arguing he just does his job despite being treated badly or looked down on by those who meet him, until he defeats an enemy with only one punch.Overall the world of One Punch Man is interesting and a good reversal of an overused genre. A hero that will always win with little effort hasn't been done before and is a very interesting subject. The idea could get very boring if you treated it the same as any other superhero story as right at the climax the hero would win in one punch. But this is different as it is not about Saitama trying to defeat monsters and villains, it is about Saitama's daily life and interactions with others. Other's reactions when Saitama does in one punch, what they could not do with all of their strength.My Hero Academia:The writer of My Hero Academia is Kōhei Horikoshi who is a manga artist, she may not have that many works but they tend to be high quality and My Hero Academia is no exception. All of her works have been published by Weekly Shounen Jump, and are well known for releasing popular manga.My Hero Academia changed the Shounen genre. Most Shounen manga and anime follow the same basic plot lines and are predictable because of it. The big three; Bleach, Naruto and One Piece have run their course. They are still moving forward, Naruto has a spin-off of Naruto's dad called Boruto, Bleach has finished and One Piece is still going, but they do not have the same audience as before because every enemy had to be stronger than the last because the hero was now stronger than them. So the powers went from just beyond superhuman to ridiculous levels that could destroy the world in one attack.Now Shounen still has new titles and there is always going to be a following for the classics including the big three but, before My Hero Academia other Shounen anime and manga didn't have the same revitalized following as it does now. For example Black Clover. It has all the usual tropes of a Shounen manga but the anime didn't do very well because the execution was off and it seemed very generic. My Hero Academia is very similar in its genres and tropes but was received very well despite being inspired by Naruto, which could be considered the inspiration for a lot of Shounen manga, making many that do not have as much time and planning going into them.My Hero Academia has been highly praised for its manga and anime. Winning the Sugoi Japan Award in 2017 and it won the "Japan Expo Awards" in the same year for the manga and winning multiple awards in the second Crunchyroll anime awards, which had judges and fans voting in for it to win in multiple categories.The target audience is really all ages as it is just a fun interesting story about superheroes and what it takes to become a superhero. However, it is a Shounen manga, which roughly translates to a young male. Being part of the Shounen genre means it is primarily aimed at a young male audience due to its action and simplistic premise. Although it has transcended this and captured a wider audience, including a worldwide following partially thanks to its anime series.My Hero academia's English publishers are Viz Media and have published a lot of popular manga before My Hero Academia in The Weekly Shounen Jump series. Which has featured well-known Shounen manga including One Punch Man, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Hunter X Hunter.This has given My Hero Academia a boost as most people are more likely to read it if another popular manga has been published by the same company. However, it has its own merits and could probably get just as far with a different less well-known company, it would just likely take longer.My Hero Academia's world is similar to our won except people are born with superpowers. At first just one child but now over eighty percent of the world has some kind of superhuman ability. These abilities are called quirks and have created a new kind of profession, a Superhero.Our main character Izuku Midoriya doesn't have a quirk. But he still dreams of becoming the world’s greatest hero just like the current top hero All Might. Despite being 'quirkless' Midoriya takes notes on all the top heroes and studies all he can to be the best hero he can be, even if his dream is unrealistic.This kind of world creates quite a huge divide between heroes with big flashy quirks and less obvious or less powerful quirks. Normal people are not allowed to use their quirks in everyday life without a special permit and heroes need a license to help using their power.Heroes also need to join an agency who receive money after heroes perform heroic deeds, but heroes can also do freelance work like advertising, modelling or other similar work that would usually be done by celebrities like models and actors. This can make the hero industry very competitive and difficult to stay in for heroes with simple, less flashy quirks that cannot be used as easily to battle villains or save people.Overall, My Hero, Academia is a very good example of how to use old tropes and genres to make a good manga series. It has all the same aspects of other Shounen or superhero stories, but it tells its story in an interesting and fun way and that is why it is so successful.Sky High movie:Sky High was produced by Andrew Gunn who is known for producing family films. Often Disney films such as Minutemen, Race to Witch Mountain and Freaky Friday. He is well known for these sorts of family-friendly comedy films usually distributed by Disney and has been a producer as far back as 1996.Sky High was a family fluff film with a moderate budget and warm reception. The film did well and hired several up and coming actors, as well as a few well-known faces. It wasn't that popular but it did well and followed the genre of superhero film fairly accurately, despite combining it with a high school.Sky High has clear influences from classic comic book superheroes. It plays on the tropes of the superhero genre very well, reimagining them for a high school setting. It also has a connection to My Hero Academia as they share a similar premise, superhero high school training the next generation of superheroes to fight crime, villains and save people.Sky High shows a very good grasp of the basic skills and techniques used in film and other similar media. Even following the hero's journey. Having Disney as its distributor does explain that as even with low budget films they often go above people's expectations, making high-quality films even if they don't have the budget for the best actors and effects.The target audience of Sky High is Families, it is a family film made to keep children happy with superheroes and the adults happy with comedy. But it is primarily aimed at a younger audience of around nine to sixteen.Disney are the distributors of Sky High and are well known family-friendly films aimed at a younger audience. It has influenced my analysis because Disney is almost always successful in their creations, making many well-known classics. Sky high wasn't the greatest of successes but still managed to do very well considering it isn't even the best Disney can do.There are similar products to this from all over, the genres of comedy, action and, school have been done a lot by Disney and most of Andrew Gunn's films have some of those genres. Teenage superheroes have been done before as well, and have covered a wide range of powers and situations. By distributors are more well known for superheroes as well such as Teen Titans from DC Comics and Ultimate Spider-Man from Marvel Comics.Sky High uses superpowers to help represent social cliques in high schools. The hero course is for those with strong superpowers and the sidekick course is for those who do not have very applicable superpowers. Those on the hero course are considered cool and sidekicks are not.Overall Sky High is a moderately successful film with a good premise and fun action-packed story. It may not have done as well as it could have but it did very well keeping in mind it had a relatively low budget however, it did get a boost from having Disney as the distributors. Having such a well-known name behind it kept it from being forgotten and overlooked, getting the recognition it deserves.Research Design IntroductionCopy from Unit 12 For this project, I will be researching: What makes a good superhero story? I am doing this because I plan on writing the story for my final major project. For this project, I will research and analyse the superhero genre and different aspects of it in order to give me inspiration and help me write a compelling and interesting story about superheroes. I will turn this story into an audiobook by recording someone read it aloud. I plan on asking a student from the drama department because they were very good in a previous project we did together and I think it will help make the audiobook more professional.To help find out the answer to my question I will do a range of research into the superhero genre. I will analyse different media and products in different ways in order to discover the answer to my question. I will also do a survey as primary research to find out first-hand what people look for in superhero stories and how to make my story the best it can be.In the next sections of my research, you will find analysis of existing media products and even reviews of products to ensure I have a clear understanding of similar products on the market. I also did a survey asking questions about what makes a good story, villain, and hero to directly see what my potential audience thinks of the genre and to make sure I do not do anything against the genre that my audience will not like.Research QuestionsUnit 12 taks 2 ( Research topic and quesiton) My chosen question is: What makes a good superhero story?The reason I chose this question is because all I want to do is write a good superhero story and have that story turned into an audiobook. So I need to find out what makes a good superhero story before I write one. That way I will know what to do and what not to do while writing my own story.There are many superhero stories already on the market, but most are in the format of a comic book or they have been adapted for film and television. I will take inspiration from comic books, television series, films and other stories in order to write a well balanced and engaging short story.Research Design Evolution Unit 12 research plan and research itselfThis is where all your research is presented such as: Main question: What makes a good superhero story?To research this question I will use primary and secondary research, for my primary research I will do a survey and ask my classmates directly as they are a part of my target audience. For my secondary, I will look at successful and unsuccessful stories of a similar genre and analyse what worked and what didn't work.There are problems with my research methods though. For Primary research, I will make a survey and ask some people directly the same questions to try and get more in-depth answers. However, some of the questions are quantitative so they will get simple answers so the results are only as good as the question I ask. Qualitative questions get better quality answers because the person taking the survey has to fill in the answer. However, there is a chance I will not get the answers I need or expect. These can help but some could be useless to me. Also, these kinds of questions can be hard to analyse as they need to be read and analysed individually as quantitative questions are all the same out of a few options.To avoid these problems I will use more qualitative questions for my survey and I will be as specific as I can with my questions. I will also ask as many questions as I can to get a range of results about a wider range of aspects of the story I will write.There are also problems with secondary research like the analysis will only help with the aspects that are similar to my story. I can only get so much information from analysing other works. The information can be useful but it only goes so far.For my secondary research, I will research The Incredible Hulk film and Iron Man film because The Incredible Hulk was relatively successful but it is considered to be a bad superhero film. Whereas Iron Man has good reviews and is considered to have revitalized Marvel studios after several failures like Spider-Man 3 and Hulk.To avoid these problems I will look at both reviews and compare the reviews to ensure I have analysed them both. I will also focus more on the primary research to get better answers. To make sure I still get useful analysis I will make sure to get the overall impression of the reviewer's opinions on the film.?Target audience My target audience will be young adults mostly male around 13-18 but not exclusively. The reason it is this young is because I wanted to make it family friendly, so no swearing or gore because I wanted this project to be available for anyone because this is my Final College Project.It is also this genre because most superhero stories are for this age group, if they do contain gore, excessive violence and swearing they tend to be for a similar target audience, just slightly older about 18-25. (6 June 2016), About People who like Marvel, YouGov Accessed: 10/5/2018This graph shows the target audience of Marvel, one of the top comic book superhero distributors. So their target audience is very similar to mine. The graph shows that the audience is mostly male, and a younger audience in the first quarter of their life. So around 18-25, which would be my target audience except I have decided to make it family friendly because most superhero stories are. ?Skills and techniques For this project I will need to know how to record the sound and edit the recordings, which I have already done in a previous project as research into radio dramas. Radio dramas are quite similar to audiobooks as they both tell a story through audio alone. The main difference is radio dramas use scripts and audiobooks read directly from the story. They will use multiple people reading the script and have music and sound effects to add to the atmosphere, whereas audiobooks only have one person telling the story.My radio drama from a previous project: project will be very similar the only difference will be only one person reading the story and no sound effects or music, because audiobooks do not use them. So I already know how to do this and exactly what not to do. I did have some problems with the radio drama, the drama students I used as voice actors were busy with their work so they could only record on one day. Also the editing took a long time because we recorded several versions of the same line and I would have to isolate that line and its others figure out which one was the best and then place that in position. To minimise this I will only have one person reading out the story, I will not use music or sound effects, which will make editing easier and I will have my reader try reading out the whole story in one without any mistakes, minimising editing. Any mistakes made will be replaced with a good version. ?Production researchFor this project I will need only one other person. I need someone to read out the story while I am recording. I should be able to get a drama student to help me with this, but if they cannot help I will ask one of my classmates. If they can’t either I will have to do it myself. My main job role will be the writer for this project. I will also will be the editor and to find out what their job role is I found a job description for each. My role will also be similar to a radio drama director because I will be working on the project from script to publishing.Script writer: A script writer’s job is to write the script for the advertisement, radio drama, audiobook, television show, film or anything else they are hired to write for. In this case it will be an audiobook. They need to be creative, intelligent and talented as they need to be able to come up with interesting and original ideas for the script. A lot will specialise in a certain genre or field, only writing specific scripts for specific media, which can help them focus on the quality of the script.Editor: The editor’s main job is to review and compile all the information and get it ready to be aired. For an audiobook the editor would review and help make corrections to the script, edit the recorded audio and finish the recording, ready to be uploaded for distribution. They will often fill more than one role sometimes taking on some of the roles of a producer, ensuring the project is coming along and there are no setbacks.Director: The Director’s job is to make sure everything is being done to a sufficient standard in a timely manner. This is to ensure the project is completed on time, in the best quality possible and on budget. This can be a daunting and hard to manage job, so a lot of directors will work their way up through other jobs and delegate what they cannot do to those who can. Their overall responsibility is to ensure the project gets done and is similar to what I will be doing.Job roles references:“”, (2018), Radio Editor: Job Description, Salary and Outlook accessed: 10/5/2018“ALLABOUTCAREERS”, (2017), Media Scriptwriter accessed: 10/5/2018“BBC Academy”, (2018), Profile: radio drama director accessed: 10/5/2018During production I will be writing and recording the audiobook. I will need to plan out my story and write multiple drafts to get the story done properly. I will use Microsoft Word to write with and ask my classmates and tutors to check the quality of the story and flow of the plot. I will use the recording studio to record the audio which I tested when I did my radio drama project. I will also send whoever reads the story aloud the story I advanced so they can properly prepare.During post production I will use Adobe Premiere to edit the audio. I would use Adobe Audition but this way it will be easier to upload to YouTube. I will place the audio in Premiere and cut out any mistakes, while making sure the story flows well. I will then add an image and render the video. I will then take the video and upload it to YouTube. List only what is relevant to your project847890630339200Action/Resource Week of: Pre ProductionWeek of: ProductionWeek of: Post-ProductionMTuWThFMTuWThFMTuWThF12617453111500Research/ProposalTreatment177800-26797000First draft186055-50101500Middle draftsFinal draft197485-98552000Recording EditingSurvey results and findings:The ten questions I put in my survey and their eight responses where:How old are you? 16. 13. 21. 22. 20. 22. 20. 20. 17.I didn't have a lot of responses and most were around my age. However, this is not a bad thing. The ages are close to my target audience and the average is my age of nineteen. The only reason the age of the target audience is closer to my first two responses is that I decided to make the story family friendly because most superhero stories are.What is your gender? (With the options Male, Female or Other)My results for gender ended with about a third female and the rest being male. This also fits well with my target audience of mostly male but not exclusively. If I could I would have more results and I would make them balanced, around half male and female. Although I can still analyse and get good information from the results I do have.What do you think makes a good story?Good characters and a good plotAction.Imagination.Action, comedy, bit of romance.One that sounds intriguing and delivers on the intrigue. So it has strong, human characters and believable, or at least realistic given the situation, conflicts.Depending on what type of story, I think caring about the characters is key, and that the events themselves are framed in a way that is intriguing and easy to watch.I can appreciate a serious story that's deep and well-written, but I enjoy stories that feel fun to watch/read the most.Clear storyline that is captivating.Sprawling adventures, compelling character arcs and a good villain. The results for this question have a common overall theme of creativity and well thought out characters. Some answers are small and simple and some are in full sentences. This is actually helpful as simple answers help me to keep my story grounded. While the more in-depth answers help me think of imaginative and creative ideas for my story that some might not think of. Who is your favourite superhero and why?Deadpool, because he is hilariousDoctor strange because Magic.Batman because he’s the most realistic superhero.Thor, he's hotIron Man. He's a mad genius that has some really good banter and is captivating and entertaining, so I want to follow his story and learn everything about it.Superman, cause he's like Jesus but better. Also I just like how him and the films in particular are an idealistic beacon of hope in a dredge of panic and misfortunes.The Green Arrow, as portrayed in the Arrowverse. From the start, he brings a great sense of menace that you usually only see in villains, and as he mellows out, we learn about his deep past that keeps the character fresh.Batman. He has no superpowers but has lots of gadgetsRaven from Teen Titans (DC) Because of her character arc regarding her father and magic.This question was to get a general idea of what kind of hero people prefer and the reason. Some heroes are simple and please because of this, others have in-depth backstories, conflicts, and reasons to be fighting. This question was also to see if there are any heroes that more than one person prefers as I can shift my focus onto a story arc similar to that kind of story even if it is just a little. What kind of superhero do you prefer?Funny ones, rather than ones who spend the entire time brooding or talking about justiceLone wolfAnyGod likeOne that's made their powers or gained them in some way rather than them being something natural.The conflicted ones, because they're sacrificing their lives and happiness for the good of others and usually their city as a whole. Spider-Man in particular is constantly on the fence about whether he wants to live a good normal life, or help out when no one can.While I did say that I prefer fun stories, when it comes to heroes, I prefer the dark edgy types. They usually end up being more memorable.VigilanteA flawed hero, that can be understood and opposed when the story calls for it.This question is to see what type of superhero is most popular and the results are quite scattered between realistic and fun stories. I will try to ground my story in reality, while also making it fun, action-packed and entertaining for the reader. The story will focus on the hero aspect of the life of a superhero so, the human side of the characters will have to come through in a different way.If you could have super powers what would they be?Pyrokinesis (fire), regeneration and electrokinesis (electricity)MagicFreeze timeRead mindsInvisibilityInvisibilityYokai (Ghost) based seeing and intangibility powersSuper strength and telekinesisMagic and/or StealthThis question was to help give inspiration to my heroes and villains. I will use some of these powers and their corresponding hero or villain names to create the basis for some villain and extra hero characters that will play important roles in the story, even if the roles aren't that big.If you were a superhero what would your superhero name be?Small-MightDioDruggyTabbyRavenousEnigmaticBlind WraithPsykoCorvidaeThese hero names will help give me inspiration in creating my hero and villain characters. Somewhere not serious for example, Dio is a villain from a different animated series. However, all of these ideas are useful even if they are jokes as I can draw inspiration from the root of the joke. Dio is from a series with superpowers so, I can analyse some of those powers for example.Do you prefer superheroes or super villains? (with the options Heroes, Villains or Not Sure)This question's results were a surprise to me as no one picked superhero at all. Two-thirds chose villain and the rest chose not sure. This made me rethink my story plan. I will spend a lot more time on the villains and their motivations. I will ensure that my villain is dangerous, creative and intelligent. This will ensure my villains are perceived as a real threat and hopefully make the story more entertaining.Who is your favourite comic book super villain and why?Harley Quinn, because she is a strong independent woman (newer comics) and she is funnyBane because drill carThe Joker because he doesn’t care about money just wants to watch the world burn downJoker His laughThe Joker. He's crazy, mad, maniacal and is one of the most human supervillains I've come across in superhero media.Joker, because he's not your stereotypical villain with a grudge or some stupid plan to rule the world, he just likes seeing the world go mad and wants to make his mark on Gotham as someone to be feared.I don't read proper comic books, but one main villain that really appealed to me was Deathstroke as shown on Arrow. The way he's so intimately tied to Oliver's past making his vengeance truly personal is refreshing to watch, culminating in an epic season finale which uses flashbacks very effectively to show them fighting in both the past and present.The Joker. He suffers from super insanity and he is very funny.Possibly Harley Quinn due to her development with her abuse at the hands of the Joker as well as her slight movement into being an antihero.This question's results were very surprising because they are all very similar despite none of the participants knowing the others answers. All of the villains are from DC Comics and most of them are The Joker from Batman. Deathstroke is a mercenary that is very good at his job and has run into Batman in some versions of the Batman story. Harley Quinn is the Joker's partner in crime and is madly in love with him. The Joker uses this to his advantage when planning out his crimes.To make sure I don't overlook this pattern in my responses I will make sure I spend more time on the villains, making them closer to the villains chosen by the participants of the survey's choices. I will also make my main villain insane and have no powers similar to the Joker. He will not be a copy, but he will be inspired by the character to ensure this correlation in data is not overlooked.If you were a supervillain what would your villain name be?DisastahDioTheresa MayGreyImperilmentPandemoniumAstrophar the OmniscientBrain gameThe NightingaleThis question was also to give me inspiration for villain and hero names for my story. They can correlate to the powers as the results are in the same order as the people who did the survey, meaning the first result was done by the same person in each question. Most of the names make sense in that context as Corvidae works with the stealth/ magic power and The Nightingale villain name also works with those powers.Overall I think this survey and these results will help me in writing my story and have already given me some ideas on what to do and what not to do, like the Joker result for the ninth question. I will ensure the story is imaginative, has an interesting plot and strong characters.References:“Fandom; One Punch Man”, Yusuke Murata, (December 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018The Secret of One-Punch Man's Success, by Kevin Cirugeda, (Nov 11th, 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018“Viz”, MY HERO ACADEMIA accessed: 15/4/2018SHUEISHA Inc, “WEEKLY SHONEN ” accessed: 15/4/2018"Mark Harrison" (May 18, 2016) Sky High: looking back at an underrated superhero treat accessed: 15/4/2018"Peter Bradshaw", (13 Jun 2008), The Incredible Hulk Accessed: 19/4/2018"Philip French" (4 May 2008), Iron Man Accessed: 19/4/2018“”, (2018), Radio Editor: Job Description, Salary and Outlook accessed: 10/5/2018“ALLABOUTCAREERS”, (2017), Media Scriptwriter accessed: 10/5/2018“BBC Academy”, (2018), Profile: radio drama director accessed: 10/5/2018(6 June 2016), About People who like Marvel, “YouGov” Accessed: 10/5/2018My radio drama from a previous project:“Alexander Reeve,” (January 11, 2018), AJradiodramaevaluation Accessed: 10/5/2018Research FindingsUnit 12 task 6 research findings Data analysis What strategies did you use to analyse your data? What did you find out? I used varied methods of research but the main ones were secondary research of existing products and primary research by creating a survey through Survey Money and sharing it with my classmates and others I know through Facebook messenger. My secondary research included researching reviews of superhero movies similar to my idea. I analysed what the reviewer thought of the movie and the overall tone of the review. I also then compared the parison of two superhero movie reviews:These two reviews are very different despite being from The Guardian. One clearly doesn't like the movie and goes out of its way to point out problems with the movie. The other review praises it but doesn't explain all that much. Overall they take very different approaches to the review but they both point out the problems with both movies to ensure that the readers have all the information they need to know whether or not they should watch the movies.My primary research was a survey that I shared through social media to get responses. I did a short analysis after each question. I did the maximum number of questions I was allowed on survey monkey and I found some surprising results I did not expect.The survey questions and analysis:How old are you?I didn't have a lot of responses and most were around my age. However, this is not a bad thing. The ages are close to my target audience and the average is my age of nineteen. The only reason the age of the target audience is closer to my first two responses is that I decided to make the story family friendly because most superhero stories are.What is your gender? (With the options Male, Female or Other)My results for gender ended with about a third female and the rest being male. This also fits well with my target audience of mostly male but not exclusively. If I could I would have more results and I would make them balanced, around half male and female. Although I can still analyse and get good information from the results I do have.What do you think makes a good story?The results for this question have a common overall theme of creativity and well thought out characters. Some answers are small and simple and some are in full sentences. This is actually helpful as simple answers help me to keep my story grounded. While the more in-depth answers help me think of imaginative and creative ideas for my story that some might not think of.Who is your favourite superhero and why?This question was to get a general idea of what kind of hero people prefer and the reason. Some heroes are simple and please because of this, others have in-depth backstories, conflicts, and reasons to be fighting. This question was also to see if there are any heroes that more than one person prefers as I can shift my focus onto a story arc similar to that kind of story even if it is just a little.What kind of superhero do you prefer?This question is to see what type of superhero is most popular and the results are quite scattered between realistic and fun stories. I will try to ground my story in reality, while also making it fun, action-packed and entertaining for the reader. The story will focus on the hero aspect of the life of a superhero so, the human side of the characters will have to come through in a different way.If you could have super powers what would they be?This question was to help give inspiration to my heroes and villains. I will use some of these powers and their corresponding hero or villain names to create the basis for some villain and extra hero characters that will play important roles in the story, even if the roles aren't that big.If you were a superhero what would your superhero name be?These hero names will help give me inspiration in creating my hero and villain characters. Somewhere not serious for example, Dio is a villain from a different animated series. However, all of these ideas are useful even if they are jokes as I can draw inspiration from the root of the joke. Dio is from a series with superpowers so, I can analyse some of those powers for example.Do you prefer superheroes or super villains? (with the options Heroes, Villains or Not Sure)This question's results were a surprise to me as no one picked superhero at all. Two-thirds chose villain and the rest chose not sure. This made me rethink my story plan. I will spend a lot more time on the villains and their motivations. I will ensure that my villain is dangerous, creative and intelligent. This will ensure my villains are perceived as a real threat and hopefully make the story more entertaining.Who is your favourite comic book super villain and why?This question's results were very surprising because they are all very similar despite none of the participants knowing the others answers. All of the villains are from DC Comics and most of them are The Joker from Batman. Deathstroke is a mercenary that is very good at his job and has run into Batman in some versions of the Batman story. Harley Quinn is the Joker's partner in crime and is madly in love with him. The Joker uses this to his advantage when planning out his crimes.To make sure I don't overlook this pattern in my responses I will make sure I spend more time on the villains, making them closer to the villains chosen by the participants of the survey's choices. I will also make my main villain insane and have no powers similar to the Joker. He will not be a copy, but he will be inspired by the character to ensure this correlation in data is not overlooked.If you were a supervillain what would your villain name be?This question was also to give me inspiration for villain and hero names for my story. They can correlate to the powers as the results are in the same order as the people who did the survey, meaning the first result was done by the same person in each question. Most of the names make sense in that context as Corvidae works with the stealth/ magic power and The Nightingale villain name also works with those powers.I think this survey and these results will help me in writing my story, along with my secondary research and they have already given me some ideas on what to do and what not to do, like the Joker result for the ninth question and the Incredible Hulk review pointing out the Hulk’s strange speech pattern. Overall I will ensure the story is imaginative, has an interesting plot and strong characters.Conclusion - How did the research help me with my project? Unit 12 Research report Based on all of my research I realize that my current plans for my story were not as thought out as they needed to be. I will spend more time on developing characters and world building. I will also ensure my main villain is not a one-dimensional character that I could have copied from any other hero and villain story. My survey results show that people are more interested in the villain than the hero.For my future projects, I will analyse more varied products across a wider range of media for my secondary research. For my primary research, I will try to get a lot more results and try to get more complex analytical answers as some were quite simple and generic. I will also use different techniques in order to gather research instead of just a survey.There will be some problems moving forward with my project. I will have to write my story and I could get writer's block or have problems linking the story's structure together. I will also need to contact the drama department to see if I can get one of the students to read out the story as an audiobook. Finally, I will need to edit and evaluate my work before the deadline we have been given for our final major project.My Project Introduction For my project I will be creating an audiobook based on an original story that I will write myself. I will then have a student I met from the drama department during a previous project read it out while I record the audio in the recording studio. If no one from the drama department can help I will have one of my classmates help me and if they are also too busy I will read it out myself. After the story is written and recorded I will use Adobe Premiere to edit the audio, because I have used it a lot for previous projects and know how to use it better than other editing software’s. I will then add an appropriate image so it can render properly and export it. Finally I will upload the exported video to YouTube.Pre-Production Your pre-production paperwork / planning goes here 377888534353500-6502403448052971800658177500-5715006581775002952750440055000-5715004396105002943225220027500-5715002199005003864610000-5715000002960370000-619125000The video of my pitch was accidently deleted. But it was very similar to my pitch from last year. I was very nervous and I stuttered quite a lot. I mostly talked directly to Alma, I should have talked to the camera instead as it would have made my pitch more professional.I stuttered too much and didn’t have time to rehearse, so I was very nervous and it didn’t seem professional. I have improved slightly from last year as I was able to talk about each slide, but I did have problems doing so. Compared to some other classmates my pitch was terrible and I will have to work on my nerves, public speaking and performance in the future.Production Evaluate stages of your production: My production will come in three stages: writing the story, editing the story and recording the audio. This will be difficult and will require help from others, I will need my tutors to check spelling and grammar, I will need my classmates to answer my survey to help give me inspiration and ideas, and I will need a drama student or a classmate to help me by reading out my story while I record them. The writing took longer than I expected because I had to keep going back and altering the story, sometimes slightly and sometimes I would change large sections, add paragraphs, or remove small sections. I rewrote it at least three times and did a lot more minor alterations and changes at each stage while checking the story, even up to the last minute, just before recording.476251333500left-134810500left22098000This was one of my drafts for my story. I gave it to one of my tutors who specialises in writing based projects. I printed out my story and they read through it, pointing out problems and mistakes I had made along the way. They wrote the problems out in pencil on the printed out story and when they gave it back to me they went through some of the problems they found and gave me useful advice on how to improve my story.I then went back to my story and worked on the improvements, crossing them off as I worked. The most common problem was incorrect use of grammar and punctuation. So every time I made alterations I had to check with someone because I am not very good with that kind of thing.Below is a link to my WordPress with the finished story. It was a little over seven pages in the end and this will be a problem during recording because it will make the audio file very long. To get around this during recording I will ensure the person reading the story has breaks and we stop at the end of each page. “Alexander Reeve,” (June 8, 2018), FMP Story: The Day of Clarity Accessed: 8/6/2018During the production I was unable to get a drama student to help me record. However I was able to persuade one of my classmates to help. I booked the recording studio to use but others that had used it had some audio problems. So, I also borrowed a Zoom Mic to record with instead of the equipment in the studio, to avoid any recording problems with the equipment. Before I started recording the audio I tried to get a drama student to help, but the had their own work to do so I asked my classmates. I managed to persuade Amber Martin and Jesse Way to help me with this project. I only needed one of them to read the story, so I had both record the first page before we properly got started. I then listened back to each recording to decide on the one I would use for the actual audiobook. I couldn’t decide who was better because Jesse’s voice sounded perfect, but Amber added character to the story in the way she read it. In the end we all decided Jesse would read it, but Amber gave him some tips to help bring some character to the story in the same way she did.To record the audio, I sat in the recording studio with my classmate Jesse Way after he had read through the story to get a better understanding while reading and correct any mistakes I may have missed. We sat opposite each other, Jesse had the story in front of him, while I turned on the zoom mic and placed it in front of him. He then read the story, page by page, stopping for quick breaks in between each page but not long enough to lose the flow. I started and stopped the mic before and after each page, leaving enough time before Jesse started speaking to ensure I could edit it out later. If Jesse misspoke during a sentence he would stop, wait a second and restart from the beginning, or a good stopping point, leaving enough time in between for me to cut during the editing. If there was a sentence that ran over a page Jesse would go as far as he could then for the next page we would write the beginning of the sentence on the top of the page to make sure I had a good take.In the end we managed to record all the audio needed in one day. It only took a couple hours and sounded great. It wasn’t perfect and if I had more time I would have gone back and re-recorded a few sections, because they didn’t sound quite right. I would also make sure the mic was in the same position because some of the audio sounded different for different pages, making the transitions between pages obvious and jarring at times.Post-production The post production for my project was editing my audio to make a seamless audiobook that flows nicely. I believe I have managed to achieve this, however it is not perfect and there are some improvements I could make. The main problems are that the audio changes from page to page, in the places that I stopped the audio at the end and beginning of each page. To edit the video I downloaded all the audio from the Zoom Mic to my memeroy stick and then opened up a new Adobe Premiere file. I placed all the audio files into Premiere and made sure they all sounded right. I then renamed each file so I knew the order I needed to place them in. I then placed them in the audio bar and listened to the audio. Cutting and removing any noise in the beginning from turning the Mic on. I used the razor tool to cut sections of audio where a mistake had been made and before the correct audio. I then deleted the mistake and made sure the correct audio was in the correct place and the sound flowed with minimal noticable changes to the quality and flow of the recording. This is a screen capture of me editing my audio for this audiobook. I used the razor tool to cut the audio at the mistakes and the select tool to move and delete the newly cut audio. After I had finished the audio editing I needed to add an image, so it could be uploaded to YouTube. I placed it in the video bar and extended the image, so it was the same length as the entire audiobook. Next, I rendered the video, but was having some trouble doing so. The rendering kept stopping part way through and I would try again but it never worked. I decided not to bother after a while of failed attempts and just export the video. But I was also having trouble with that as well. It was having a similar problem and I couldn’t figure it out, I asked for help and the video exported but when I went back to check the video it cut out at exactly 3:32, near the beginning of the video. The exported video would be fine from the first second until 3:31, after that the audio was blank. No sound at all. I tried getting a tutor to help by exporting it to the desktop instead of my memory stick, but that didn’t work either. They even tried just exporting the audio, but it didn’t work. My tutor thought it might be the computer so, I moved room and started by rendering the video. I then exported it and once it had finished I checked the audio. The audio worked perfectly, so I uploaded the video to YouTube and that was the audiobook done. Image used in YouTube video link:Daniel Thomas Hind, 5 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make You a Superhero, (2017), Influencive LLC accessed: 12/6/2018Presentation Project presentation video and PPP goes under this section.The video of my pitch was accidently deleted. But it was very similar to my pitch from last year. I was very nervous and I stuttered quite a lot. I mostly talked directly to Alma, I should have talked to the camera instead as it would have made my pitch more professional.I stuttered too much and didn’t have time to rehearse, so I was very nervous and it didn’t seem professional. I have improved slightly from last year as I was able to talk about each slide, but I did have problems doing so. Compared to some other classmates my pitch was terrible and I will have to work on my nerves, public speaking and performance in the future.MY FMP – FINAL PRODUCT Here present your final FMP media production. The Final Audiobook:"Alexander Reeve", The Day of Clarity audiobook,?(11 Jun 2018)? Accessed: 12/6/2018Project Evaluation This is very important part of the project. Please pay attention to every question and make sure to provide relevant examples where appropriate to support your answers. My project is an audiobook based on a superhero story I wrote about Kid Hazard, the top hero’s sidekick, and how he became the world’s top hero. I wrote the story myself and had one of my classmates read it out while I recorded the audio. My final edit was similar to other products, as it had no sound effects or music and was relatively long. Most professional audiobooks are hours long while my audiobook is only twenty minutes. This was intentional as most other audiobooks are full novels while my audiobook was a short story. It turned out better than I expected. I originally wanted a drama student to help because they have been learning about reading lines with realistic emotions, none of them had time to help me because they were working on their own work. But I was able to persuade one of my classmates to help and it sounded better than I expected. The audios quality was quite high and there were minimal ambient sounds because I recorded it in the recording studio, however I did have to use a Zoom Mic because the recording studios equipment had problems with other student’s work.There are some problems with my work, for example when I recorded it I did it page by page and the mic was in a different place each time so some of the audios quality changes part way through. Also while the recording studio was soundproof and quiet, you can hear me in the background sometimes. We had to do some last minute alterations just before recording because there were some mistakes I had missed. Additionally I did have some problems with time management during production. I didn’t know how long the process of recording would be and my classmates had other things they needed to do other than help me with my project.There were many inspirations for my final major project. There are a lot of superhero comics, movies and television series I have seen. As well as other series that may not be superhero shows but have similar themes and genres. Some examples are the One Punch Man series, My Hero Academia manga and multiple Marvel films in the cinematic universe like Iron Man, The Avengers and Thor Ragnarok. There are shows with similar themes like Ben 10 or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that I used to watch as a kid, but still have an influence on what media I consume now. My Hero Academia and One Punch Man in particular have influenced this project more than the others as they are quite similar. They have a superhero society instead of superheroes having to have secret identity and try to hide themselves from society until they are needed to save the day. While the project was still in development there were some changes made. My first draft was only seven pages, but when I had it checked I realised the backstory set up was too long and needed to be cut down quite a bit. Once I got it back from my tutor I started making improvements, only slight adjustments at this point, but I also cut down the beginning. So, the second draft was only six pages long. I had that one checked but there were still some problems with the story’s flow and pacing. For my third draft I rewrote a large section of the story to fix the pacing problem, but when I had it checked my tutor found it was still lacking in character. To fix this I made some final adjustments, adding little sentences and even a couple paragraphs to make it more than just a story about heroes beating bad guys. There were still some spelling and grammatical errors that I could not find myself, so I had my classmates look it over even up to the last minute before recording, making slight adjustments to have the story make sense. Comparison:"Alexander Reeve", The Day of Clarity audiobook,?(11 Jun 2018)? Accessed: 12/6/2018“Raymond Frey”, 2017 Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok Audiobook, (Nov 3, 2017) accessed: 12/6/2018There are many differences between my audiobook and this professional audiobook. The main one being there is no difference in the quality of audio between pages. My audiobook’s sound changes slightly between each page because we stopped and started between each page to give the reader time to rest and get ready for the next page. There is also a little bit of background noise because I was in the room recording the audio, whereas the professional audiobook only has the reader speaking. My story is also a lot shorter, it is around twenty-three minutes while the professional audiobook is over three hours long. This is because the audiobook is an adaptation of a full novel and my audiobook is an adaptation of a short story. The main areas of development for this project would be quality of the audio, consistency of the audio and professionalism of the reader. While the audio was clear and understandable throughout it was not quite professional level. I could improve on this by using professional equipment instead of a Zoom Mic. The only reason I used a Zoom Mic was because other students had trouble with the recording equipment and I didn’t want to risk the same problems. The audio also had some consistency problems. Because I stopped the recording in-between each page to help break it up and give the reader a break between pages, but this made the audio between pages sound different. Finally the professionalism of the reader, my classmate did his best and I think it sounds great but during a previous project the drama students worked with us and their performances were near perfect. Their help would have elevated my work slightly higher and sounded, just a little bit more professional.My final product is very similar to what I pictured and explained in my proposal. I explained that I wanted to make a short story I would make into an audiobook. I did want to use a drama student to read it out but I had to change that aspect and use a classmate instead, however this did work out fine and it does sound quite professional. It didn’t change much from my original idea, although I did make three drafts of the story and make slight alterations to them a lot throughout the development process. Overall I think I have done what I set out to achieve. I wrote and adapted a short superhero story into an audiobook, it was longer than I expected, but it was what I wanted my project to be. To improve my work I would use professional recording equipment to record the audio instead of a Zoom Mic, I would also have a drama student read it out to make it sound more professional. Finally I would make sure the audio was consistent and didn’t sound different in different recording takes. I would do this by making sure the reader was at the same distance away from the mic and the settings on the equipment didn’t change.I think my work sufficiently answers the questions of my brief because I went through all the steps methodically, answering each question and my work reflects the work I have put in to previous projects. I could not have done this at the start of this course to this standard of work. I did not know most of the editing and recording techniques at the beginning of this course. Without the previous knowledge I have accumulated throughout this course I would not have known how to record, edit or even upload my finished audiobook.My pitch went about as bad as I expected. I knew I would be nervous, I knew I would stutter, I knew I should have prepared more, but I also knew that no matter how much I prepared I would have only slightly improved on how bad it actually was. No matter how much preparation I did I still would have been nervous and stuttered, it just might have been less than in my actual pitch. The video of my pitch was accidently deleted. But it was very similar to my pitch from last year. I was very nervous and I stuttered quite a lot. I mostly talked directly to Alma, I should have talked to the camera instead as it would have made my pitch more professional.I stuttered too much and didn’t have time to rehearse, so I was very nervous and it didn’t seem professional. I have improved slightly from last year as I was able to talk about each slide, but I did have problems doing so. Compared to some other classmates my pitch was terrible and I will have to work on my nerves, public speaking and performance in the future.Overall I think my project went very well, there are some improvements I could have made, but it was very close to what I imagined it to be. I achieved what I set out to do and it turned out better than I expected despite several setbacks, the main one being how long it took me to finish the work. APPENDICES Extended project in creative media production Learning Outcomes and Assessment 1. Be able to initiate and develop a creative media production project proposal. 1.1. Use critical and contextual perspectives to initiate a creative media production project proposal. 1.2. Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop ideas for a creative media production project proposal. 2. Be able to use research, analysis and evaluation to develop solutions for creative media production project. 2.1. Use research to support the development of a creative media production project. 2.2. Use analytical and evaluative skills to develop creative solutions to realise a media production project. 3. Be able to solve practical, theoretical and technical problems in a creative media production project.3.1. Solve practical and technical problems within a creative media production project. 3.2. Solve theoretical problems within a creative media production project. 4. Be able to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project. 4.1. Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project within an agreed timeframe. 5. Be able to use practical methods and skills in a creative media production project. 5.1. Demonstrate the exploration, adaptation and application of practical methods and skills in the realisation of a creative media production project. 6. Be able to use evaluative and reflective skills in the production of a creative media product. 6.1. Maintain evaluative and reflective records of the development and production of a creative media project. 6.2. Use evaluative and reflective skills to make decisions for a creative media production project. 7. Be able to present a creative media production project. 7.1. Explore strategies to present a creative media production project. 7.2. Present a creative media production project to a specified audience.REFERENCES “Fandom; One Punch Man”, Yusuke Murata, (December 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018The Secret of One-Punch Man's Success, by Kevin Cirugeda, (Nov 11th, 2015) accessed: 8/4/2018“Viz”, MY HERO ACADEMIA accessed: 15/4/2018SHUEISHA Inc, “WEEKLY SHONEN ” accessed: 15/4/2018"Mark Harrison" (May 18, 2016) Sky High: looking back at an underrated superhero treat accessed: 15/4/2018"Peter Bradshaw", (13 Jun 2008), The Incredible Hulk Accessed: 19/4/2018"Philip French" (4 May 2008), Iron Man Accessed: 19/4/2018“”, (2018), Radio Editor: Job Description, Salary and Outlook accessed: 10/5/2018“ALLABOUTCAREERS”, (2017), Media Scriptwriter accessed: 10/5/2018“BBC Academy”, (2018), Profile: radio drama director accessed: 10/5/2018(6 June 2016), About People who like Marvel, “YouGov” Accessed: 10/5/2018My radio drama from a previous project:“Alexander Reeve,” (January 11, 2018), AJradiodramaevaluation Accessed: 10/5/2018Image from finished audiobook on YouTube:Daniel Thomas Hind, 5 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make You a Superhero, (2017), Influencive LLC accessed: 12/6/2018The Final Audiobook:"Alexander Reeve", The Day of Clarity audiobook,?(11 Jun 2018)? Accessed: 12/6/2018Existing audiobook:“Raymond Frey”, 2017 Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok Audiobook, (Nov 3, 2017) accessed: 12/6/2018 ................

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