1. The scientific study of earthquakes and seismic waves is known as _______.

o [pic]C) seismology

2. Fragments of unmelted rocks that are sometimes incorporated in magma are known as _______.

o [pic]E) xenoliths

3. _______ are the first waves to leave the focus after an earthquake.

o [pic]A) P-waves

4. The _______ is the part of the Earth's interior where rocks start to melt.

o [pic]B) asthenosphere

5. A _______ wave is an elastic rebound wave that travels outward in all directions from the point of an earthquake.

o [pic]E) seismic

For questions 6 and 7 refer to the figure below:


6. In the figure above, what is the approximate time of the arrival of the P-waves?

o [pic]B) 2 minutes, 15 seconds

7. According to the figure above, what is the approximate S-P travel time?

o [pic]A) 1 minute, 45 seconds

8. Using data from three locations to find the epicenter of the earthquake, is called the method of ___________________

o [pic]c) triangulation

9. The _________ interval is the time difference between the arrival of the primary and secondary waves, this is then used to calculate the distance from the seismograph to the earthquake.

o [pic]S - P

10. On the circle that is drawn using the distance calculated from the difference of the arrival of primary and secondary waves, gives you the _____________ of the circle.

o [pic]radius


11. In the figure above, the largest earthquakes correlate with which type of plate boundaries?

o [pic]Subduction zones (continental - oceanic)


12. In the figure above, what is the approximate speed of S-waves and the P-waves as the earthquake starts?

o [pic]B) 3km/sec and 6km/sec


13. The Earth's density as a whole is approximately 2.8 g/cm3.

o [pic]True

14. P-waves travel by compression-expansion.

o [pic]True

15. The mantle makes up roughly 80% of the Earth's volume.

o [pic]True

Fill in the blank

16. A large, destructive wave sometimes caused by am earthquake is called a _______. TSUNAMI

17. _______ is the bouncing back of a wave from an interface between two mediums. REFLECTION

18. S waves cannot travel through ____________ LIQUIDS

19. ______________ happens when a wave increases or decreases its speed when it changes of medium. REFRACTION

20. The theory that stress is continually built up along a fault and released when earthquake occurs is known as the _______ rebound theory. ELASTIC

21. The method of using data from three seismic stations to locate an earthquake is known as _______. TRIANGULATION

22. _______ are fragments of unmelted rock that are sometimes incorporated in magma. XENOLITHS

23. The area inside the Earth where rocks start to turn plastic is known as the _______. ASTHENOSPHERE


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