
Coach’s Handbook 647700446809Southlands Christian Schools 18550 Farjardo St. Rowland Heights, Ca 91748 Phone (909) 598-9733 Fax (909) 468-9943 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \h \u \z \n Welcome1.0 PHILOSOPHY OF COACHING1.1 Mission1.2 Vision1.3 Core Values (5 C’s)2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ON ATHLETICS2.1 Sports Offered2.2 Conference Membership2.3 Classification2.4 Game Schedules / Practice SchedulesGame Schedules:Practice Schedules:2.5 End Practices on Time2.6 Lettering Criteria2.7 Athletic Clearance2.8 Multi-School Agreements (I-Poly) / Satellite Program (PSP)Ipoly General InformationPSP General Information2.9 TZU CHI Educational Procedures (Baseball/Volleyball/Basketball):2.10 Injury Procedures2.11 Uniform Distribution Policy & Procedures3.0 COACH REQUIREMENTS3.1 Coach Requirements:3.2 CIF-SS Blue Book Understanding:CIF BLUE BOOK3.3 Must for coaches:3.4 Support Other Programs- #BuyIn4.0 Coaching Duty Overview4.1 Coach Duty OverviewClearance Packet (digital version is available for phone), and first aid supply kit (if no trainer is present) must be present during all practices and games.5.0 Coaches Conduct5.1 Coaches Must:5.2 Music6.0 COACH MISCELLANEOUS6.1 Post-Hire Info:6.2 Coach Meetings:7.0 COACH NEGLIGENCE LIABILITY7.1 Duty to Act7.2 Duty to Properly Condition7.3 Duty to Offer Proper Instruction7.4 DUTY TO SUPERVISE7.5 DUTY TO WARN8.0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES8.1 Southlands Christian Athletic Emergency Action PlanSituations when 911 should be called are:8.2 Chain of Command8.3 EAP Action Plans9.0 YEAR-END DUTIES9.1 Collecting Uniforms9.2 Wish List9.3 Final Statistics9.4 Head Coach Evaluation9.5 End of the Season Banquet / Athletics Gala Featuring:Senior Letterman’s NightTeam Banquets:Athletics Gala Featuring Senior Letterman’s Night:10.0 COACH EVALUATION11.0 ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE11.1 Athletic Performance Benefits12.0 ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY AND RECRUITING12.1 Eligibility12.2 Recruiting13.0 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES13.1 Southlands Athletic Supply and Equipment Requests13.2 Coaches Gear13.3 First Aid Supply Kit14.0 TRANSPORTATION14.1 Weekly Schedule14.2 School Van Usage14.3 Behavior on Road Trips14.4 Procedures for players leaving post-game15.0 GAME DAY PROCEDURES15.1 Bus Procedures15.2 Prayer15.3 Statistics15.4 Reporting Scores16.0 TOURNAMENTS AND OFF-SEASON TRAINING .16.1 Tournament16.2 Off-Season Training and Gear17.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY2971800914400WelcomeIt is my honor and privilege to serve Southlands Christian School as the Athletics Director. If you are reading this “welcome”, it is because this school and department believes that you can make a tremendous impact on our youth now and for all of eternity. As a department it is our aim to serve you as Jesus served His disciples. Although Jesus was their ultimate leader, He was never too big to serve and love everyone. Our hope is that you share that same vision as we serve our student-athletes and families.Thank you in advance for your service to the SCS family.In His service,Ted Marvel 1.0 PHILOSOPHY OF COACHING 5029200323850It is the responsibility of all coaches to lead with an eternal perspective. Here at Southlands Christian Schools, coaches must seek to be a transformative coach, which means coaching to transform the lives of our student-athletes. A differing coaching philosophy would be called a transactional coach, who is coaching to get something out of the players (i.e. championships or personal accolades). The hope is that all coaches at SCS believe that coaching is a God-ordained calling. We are here to serve the SCS families with that eternal perspective. Coaches should be united in the “BUYIN” way of thinking. The heart of #BUYIN stems from Philippians 2:3. When you think about Jesus humbly stepping down from heaven to die for His creation, we as Christians are called to have that same mind and heart of HUMILITY. We believe that HUMILITY is contagious and creates a UNITY that can build a team, family, business culture, or even a friendship. For example, your captain or starting key positional player views himself/herself on the same level as the least talented player on the team. After unity has been created... STAND BACK and watch GOD move! Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers/sisters dwell in unity!” Even people who are not followers of Christ experience strength when people are united for the same cause. However, God’s sovereignty can override this pseudo “unity”. For us as believers, we believe that we will receive a blessing from the Lord... that doesn’t mean wins on a court/field necessarily, or for everything to work out the way we want it to. We believe that people who have a heart to “BUYIN” will look back and see/believe that God was “working everything out for good...” not for our glory, but for HIS purpose and glory. *This “BUYIN” vision was brought to SCS by Coach O. Without the “BUYIN” unity, we will NOT be a successful program.“Train up a child in the way he should go and he will never flee from it.”- Proverbs 22:61.1 Mission Our mission is to Train Men and Women of Integrity in the Lord 1.2 Vision Our vision is to Win CIF Championships with the utmost character1.3 Core Values (5 C’s) 1. Commitment 2. Consistency 3. Courage 4. Communication 5. CompassionOur Vision and Mission go hand in hand and are accomplished by our core values, which we call the “5 C’s.”CommitmentCommitment is the foundational core value. Student-athletes must agree to being committed to each other and the team. Without commitment, a student athlete cannot be successful or significantly contribute to the program. When a player commits, he or she is positioned in a place to take part in something very special. ConsistencyAlthough no person is consistent in all that he or she does, the hope is that all stakeholders fight to grow in consistency. Not allowing external factors to deter present tasks or objectives. Another way to express this core value would be goal focused, not reacting to praise or criticism: “… but one thing I do is forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13, NIV).CourageChoosing what is right in the face of fear: “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD” (Psalm 112:7, NIV).CommunicationPositive action and word towards others, but also fighting to communicate despite fears that can cripple us from speaking up: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29, NIV).CompassionA culture of love must be developed and nurtured within a team or department to raise the ceiling of production and/or efficiency. The goal is to have behavior driven by love for one another. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking…It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8, NIV).All of the 5 C’s are important, and all serve a role in helping student-athletes and athletic programs meet the mission and vision outlined above. However, compassion (love) is the most important. 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ON ATHLETICS 2.1 Sports Offered ? Fall: Football ? Boys & Girls Cross Country ? Girls Volleyball ? Winter: Boys & Girls Basketball ? Boys & Girls Soccer ? Competitive Cheer? Spring: Baseball ? Softball ? Track & Field 2.2 Conference Membership Southlands Christian High School belongs to the Western Athletic Conference (WAC), which includes the Western, Express, Academy, and San Joaquin Leagues. All of Southlands Christian High School boys’ and girls’ teams compete within the WAC. 2.3 Classification Southlands Christian High School is a member of the California Interscholastic Federation Southern Section (CIF-SS). Classification of divisions is based upon enrollment, history, and strength of schedule. 2.4 Game Schedules / Practice Schedules Game Schedules: All athletic contests (games) will be scheduled through the Athletic Director/Athletic Office. If coaches would like to make changes to their schedules, they need to make their requests known to the Athletic Director at least six months before the start of their season. Practice Schedules: The Athletic Director (A.D.) will meet with the coaches prior to the upcoming season. The A.D. and coaches will arrange a practice schedule, including times and location. A master practice calendar will be formulated and provided on Home Campus. Coaches are responsible to inform their team and parents regarding their practice schedule. Any changes regarding practice times, locations, or cancellations must be approved by the A.D. prior to communicating those changes to your team. 2.5 End Practices on Time It is a tremendous sacrifice for parents to commit to our athletic programs. In order to build trust and respect for our parents and players, the head coach must end practices at the specified time. 2.6 Lettering Criteria Standards for lettering are consistent across all sports. A student athlete must play in at least three Varsity contests to receive a letter for that year. Letters may be purchased from the SCS front office or the athletic office. 2.7 Athletic Clearance The Athletic Department will send out Welcome/Clearance Packets to Coaches & parents through Home Campus at specified times of the year (checkpoints are listed below). Coaches must communicate to players that they may not practice (summer off-season practices included) until they are 100% cleared (this includes payment/physicals- e.g. youth sports).The Athletics Department will send a list of cleared and uncleared players before the first official practice (or off-season practice). The Athletic Director and/or Assistant AD will enforce clearance policies on the official first day of practice.If a player is cut from the team for non-disciplinary reasons prior to the first contest, he/she will receive a full refund of their sport’s fee. All payments must be paid through the athletics clearance website. If a family chooses to pay in person, there will be a $20 processing fee. Coaches MAY NOT accept payment from players/parents. This is for your protection!Checkpoints to send out welcome/athletic clearance packets:July 1 - Fall sportsOct 1 - Winter/Spring sportsDec 1 - SpringJan 1 - Spring**Season officially begins - 1 month before 1st official CIF game (Exact date will be communicated)***See Appendix A for details on clearance procedures.2.8 Multi-School Agreements (I-Poly)Southlands Christian Athletics has three avenues in which students may participate in our athletic programs. Southlands Christian School “on-campus” student Southlands Christian Online School studentI-Poly High School Student (CIF Multi-school agreement)Ipoly General InformationTRANSPORTATION: Practice shuttle-Ipoly has invested close to $50,000 in a practice shuttle that runs Monday-Thursday. The shuttle departs from I-Poly at approximately 3:15pm and has two stops on most days. Stop 1 is at the TZU CHI Educational Center (Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball) at approximately 3:45pm. Stop 2 is at the SCS Rowland campus at approximately 4:00pm. *To honor I-Poly and the money invested, we want to be great stewards and partners. Therefore, it is mandatory that all players take this shuttle, unless agreed upon between parents, the Athletic Director, and coaches.Game Shuttle-The SCS athletics department will provide transportation for all home and away games unless otherwise determined by the SCS Athletic Department. COMMUNICATION (Students/Parents/I-Poly Administration):Students/Parents- Communication with our parents and students is an essential component to a team’s success. The more communication that you have with parents, the more informed they will feel. All typed/written communication must be approved by the Athletic Director before dispersing those to the parents/players (ie: flyers, player expectations, etc.). Your communication to parents should be Christ-focused, as not to excite or provoke them during a sensitive topic (24 hour rule). Communication with parents should remain professional at all times. If at any time you feel that you need administration to be included in a discussion, please contact the AD as soon as possible to set up a meeting time. We encourage our coaches to use the Matthew 18 principle when dealing with parents and others. If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. I-Poly Administration- All communication to I-Poly HS should be filtered through and handled by the SCS Athletics Department. If you would like a flyer or message to be sent to I-Poly HS, please allow our department to help fulfill your vision. Expectations Amid Cultural Differences- I-Poly is a public charter school and has a very different perspective on morality and acceptable behaviors. All athletes and parents sign a morale code of conduct with a clear understanding of SCS beliefs and expectations. Our coaches should hold our I-Poly athletes to the same standard as we would our SCS students. If you are unsure as to how to handle a situation, please direct your questions to the Athletics Director. If a student athlete does not feel comfortable praying, they may excuse themselves as your team prays, but must be respectful as to not cause disruption. PSP General InformationTransportation: All PSP students are eligible to use SCS athletics transportation. They are also able to meet at home game facilities. With that said we expect players to ride the bus to all away games like all other members of the team. Expectations amid Cultural Differences:We want to be considerate of their feelings and views. Some PSP students may not have as much social interaction with other students, so we want to be loving and meet these families where they are. 2.9 TZU CHI Educational Procedures (Baseball/Volleyball/Basketball): All coaches that will be working at the (Walnut) campus must sign in and sign out at the Security Gazebo, located in front of the gym entrance. Coaches must sign in and sign out for every practice, game, or event on the Walnut Campus. **UPDATED 2020-21- SEE COVID PROCEDURE HANDOUTAccidentsCoaches are expected to keep the facility clean and in order. In the event of an accident, please do your best to safely clean up. If the accident consists of bodily fluids, please follow procedures outlined in SCS in-service meetings. In addition, coaches will contact the Tzu Chi security (phone number listed below) and the Athletic Director if there is an accident that could not be thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning supplies will be located in the gymnasium foyer storage cabinet. Please contact the Athletic Director if supplies are running low.Facility Usage Teams using the gym must stay in the gym, field, or weight room. Please inform parents and opposing teams that no one is allowed to wander around the facility. In addition, the Tzu Chi facility has a “NO MEAT” policy (as part of their religious beliefs). We must respect this policy and not allow ourselves, our teams, fans, opponents, or opponent’s fans to eat meat while on the facility grounds.RestroomsGym sports must use the restrooms that are located inside of the gymnasium. Field sports must use the restrooms located at the “blue top”, adjacent to the flagpole. Head coaches will be given a key to open those restrooms. In the event that they do not have a key, security is able and willing to open the bathrooms. Procedures for Locking up the gymScore board must be turned off Make sure no food or drinks are left outIf able, please take out the trashTurn off all lights in the restroom, gym, and foyer entrance. All doors must be closed and locked by a coach (including weight room doors)*Tzu Chi security guard cell phone (Oscar & Simon): 626.238.24162.10 Injury ProceduresThe SCS athletics trainer should be at all, if not most, athletic contests. The trainer will be at practices determined by the Athletic Director. In the event that a student-athlete is injured, ice packs and basic first aid equipment will be available to the coach (this will vary depending on the practice/game site). Coaches must have their first aid kits with them for all team activities.An injury MUST be reported if the player was not able to continue to practice or play, significantly struggled in the game after the injury, or if the coach perceives it is sensible to report.Any significant injury, please contact the following people by Chain of Command:Head Athletic Trainer (AT) / Emergency Personnel Parent/GuardianAthletic Director *All head injuries must be immediately reported to the parent/guardian and Athletic Director. Student-athletes with head injuries must follow the “return to play concussion protocol”.*In the event of injury, always follow up with a visit or call to the athlete and family.In cases where an Athletic Trainer is not covering a game or practice, please complete the injury form below: INJURY FORM Return to Play (RTP) Status can be checked here: an athlete's RTP status is "limited", the athlete will be advised to take practice lightly or participate in a rehabilitation program during practice. They will not miss practice despite the injury, unless advised to do so, or if status is "restricted"Athlete Present/History of Medical Conditions: will allow you to be aware of the present/history of known medical conditions and allergies the athlete may have.Please keep all injury and medical history confidential.2.11 Uniform Distribution Policy & ProceduresEach student-athlete that has been selected on a team will receive the appropriate uniform from the Athletic Department. Uniforms will be handed out at practice one to two weeks before the first official game. A member of the athletic department will bring the uniforms, uniform log (name, jersey number and size), and will distribute jerseys.Each student-athlete and parent should inspect the uniform. If any issues arise, the parent/student-athlete must immediately inform the Athletic Department. At the conclusion of each season, the Athletic Department will determine a date that all uniforms must be returned. I understand that all school issued uniforms are property of Southlands Christian High School and will be returned at the end of the sports season in good condition. The team uniforms are to be used only when representing Southlands Christian School in a CIF sponsored athletic contest. I understand that if the uniform is not returned and in good condition, the athlete’s family will be billed by the accounting department for the missing and/or damaged item(s); this may include cleaning fees. Furthermore, I understand that if I do not pay the fee or return the items in good condition, my child’s grades will not be released. If the student athlete is a senior, he/she will not receive their official diploma until all obligations are complete- this includes International Polytechnic and SCS Online student-athletes.3.0 COACH REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Employment Requirements: Employee Packet & Handbook First Aid/CPR TB ClearanceLivescan Background Check I-9 PaperworkFundamentals of Coaching (NFHS or SCS Fundamentals of Coaching )Concussion Course Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) TrainingSexual Harassment TrainingCoaches Handbook Signature Page/CIF C.O.E.- Summer Orientation (August) Liability Insurance (complete Volunteer Driver Affidavit)COVID 19 certification and Waiver (updated July 2020) *All coaches will be given an SCS email address. 3.2 CIF-SS Blue Book Understanding: HYPERLINK "" \h CIF BLUE BOOK309- Sunday Restrictions 312- Association Rule 510- Undue Influence (Recruiting) School Policies and Procedures 3.3 Support Other Programs- #BuyIn Each program (team) is expected for game day support to attend 1-2 games of another SCS team per year. This support helps build unity within our department and teams. 4.0 Coaching Duty Overview 4.1 Coach Duty Overview Clearance Packet Emergency contact information (digital version is available for phone) and first aid supply kit must be present during all practices and games. Assume the responsibility for the overall development of players. Request to the A.D. at the end of the season any needed purchases for the following season. Regularly inspect and perform needed maintenance of all equipment. If major repairs are needed, inform the AD to arrange the work to be done. Be responsible for all uniforms and equipment issued to the team. (see section 2.11 for detailed process for uniforms).Coaches must remain at school until all athletes have departed (post-game or post-practice). *If your practice is at the SCS Rowland campus and a security guard is working, the coach may leave. However, If it is dark, it is imperative to walk the student to the security guard and inform the guard that you are departing. We would like all athletes to use the SCS restrooms, not the facilities at Carolyn Rosas park. *Do NOT leave any student athlete at Carolyn Rosas Park. Students waiting for their ride should wait at the school.If your practice is at the TZU CHI Educational center, you must stay and wait for the child to be picked up. You may NOT leave them in the supervision of their security guard. This responsibility can only be delegated to another coach, teacher, or administrator.On campus coaches must notify the Athletic Director to secure a substitute if a class will be missed during the normal school day for an athletic contest. Recruit and train student managers, statisticians, and video personnel (if applicable). Keep parents informed. Start with preseason meetings and use phone calls to keep parents up-to-date on any questionable behavior or situations. (BlastAthletics) Over COMMUNICATION is key! Maintain an accurate knowledge of rules pertaining to your sport (a new NFHS handbook will be provided at the onset of each season). Maintain accurate individual and season statistics and records (if applicable). No players may practice or play (in season or out of season) without being cleared by the athletic department. Any specific team rules, such as 2.5 minimum G.P.A. for a specific sport, must be approved by the Athletic Director prior to communication to the players/parents.No volunteers or assistant coaches are allowed to help out at practices or games without being cleared by SCS.5.0 Coaching Expectations “A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.” - Billy Graham5.1 Coaches MUST: Infuse Christ into your programBe selfless.............. “Consider others better than yourself.” Philippians 2:3 (definition of #BUYIN) Have a heart to lead student-athletes to salvation by word and deed (on and off the field/court. Ex. Social media, personal lifestyle, etc.). Require athletes to address coaches in a professional manner (ex: Coach, Mr., Miss, or Mrs.). Do not allow coaches to call you by your first name (Coach Ted is appropriate if you so choose). “FRIEND” VERSUS “BUDDY” NEVER TOLERATE ANY FORM OF HAZING OR ANY BEHAVIOR WHICH RESULTS IN BULLYING OF A FELLOW ATHLETE OR STUDENT. Please report any suspected bullying or hazing incidents to the Athletic Director immediately.Know and understand the CIF-SS Blue Book as it pertains to your sport. Know and understand league by-laws that pertain to your sport. Make sure that all athletes, managers, statisticians, etc. have appropriate authorization to practice, play, and travel. *Please choose team managers who are academically thriving. If a manager has an F in a class, they should not leave school early to travel to a game. Have Home-Campus bookmarked on your smartphone to readily locate student athlete’s emergency cards. Put in writing any rules for athletes which are more restrictive than school rules and obtain permission from the Athletic Director. Once approved, give a copy to the Athletic Director (i.e. if you miss a practice on game week, you will miss a quarter of a game). Record and keep accurate practice plans. Maintain all student confidences except those which fall under law (as in child abuse cases). Friend vs. Buddy again...Keep the team on the court or field until the contest is completed. NEVER TOLERATE YOUR TEAM QUITTING!Have a first aid kit and ice available at every practice and game. (Athletic trainer/medical aide may assist with this). Athletes should have timed and detailed progressions of the daily schedule, along with water breaks and implementation of one of the 5C’s. Do not text students during class hours. If a message needs to be delivered to a player or the entire team, reach out to the Athletic Department as they may contact the student(s) at the appropriate time. Look, act, and sound like a professional. Coaches should disagree with one another only when out of the sight and sound of students. Be included in fundraisers and encourage players and parents to be involved. Strive to have teams that are disciplined and hold athletes accountable for their actions Always use proper language (no cursing) and display Christ-like character “A (good) coach will give correction without causing resentment” - John Wooden5.2 RefereesCoaches must understand that arguing with a referee must be done with wisdom, professionalism, poise, and respect. Please communicate to your players that the coach should be the only person who respectfully disputes a call with a referee/official. Things to keep in mind when dealing with referees/officials: A referee that makes poor calls is usually doing his/her best, whether inexperienced or experienced. Yelling at the referee never solves the problem. Even if you get the next call, you are teaching your players a poor way of problem solving and a lack of self-control. More times than not, yelling will only make things worse for your team. Above all else, know that student athletes are looking at their coaches and seeds are always being planted, whether they are good seeds or bad seeds. Do not forget the primary reason why we are here. It is not just to win championships, but to build men and women of integrity in the LORD.“A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge; but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” Proverbs 15:1-25.3 MusicSCS is a Spirit-filled school and believes that we are ministers of the Gospel. Whether you listen to secular music or not in your free time is a personal choice. SCS wants to be the best example possible to our student athletes. In the opinion of this department, these student-athletes (saved or not) get enough of the “world” on a day to day basis. All coaches and volunteers may only play Christian music during games, practices, or team events (this includes transportation rides). Teams may not play mainstream or secular instrumentals. However, 80’s “hype” music is acceptable (e.g. “We will Rock You” -Queen). Any non-Christian music to be played must be approved by the Athletic Director. 5.4 Expectations of PlayersCode of Conduct:In addition to the CIF “Code of Conduct” that each player must sign (completed during the athletic clearance process), we want to emphasize one important rule and standard that must be kept for all of our programs. All players representing Southlands Christian School may not use foul language. If a player is caught cursing at a practice or game, that player should be reprimanded and encouraged to express themselves in a more Christ-like manner (See the appendix for player code of conduct- rule #6). If that player continues to use language that does not represent Christ and SCS, that player may face disciplinary actions. Quitting Policy:If a player and his/her family decide to quit a program after they have been officially selected to be on the team (first official practice/tryout), they will not be allowed to:Obtain a refund of their sport’s feePractice or play with any other team until that team's season has concluded. We do not encourage quitting and believe strongly in James 1:2-3 and James 5:12 Adversity is the greatest opportunity for growth through perseverance. Be a young man/woman of your word! “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”- James 1:2-3“But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.”- James 5:12Caveat: The Athletic Director may make exceptions if he/she deems it necessary6.0 COACH MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 Post-Hire Info:All walk-on (off campus) coaches will be paid hourly. On campus coaches will be paid with a stipend. Payment methods are in-line with the new IRS Federal tax obligations for school district employees as of 12-20-2019.6.2 Coach Meetings: Pre-Season of Sport Meetings with AD- Mandatory for all head coaches. One orientation meeting prior to the start of the school year (usually in August). End-of-year meeting with all coaches (usually in June). End of season meetings with AD at the conclusion of their season. League Meeting- Head coach is required to attend and vote for All League Awards (Please have stats ready to present at the meeting in order to give your players the best opportunity to win season ending awards.). In the event of an emergency and a head coach is not able to make the all-league meeting, he/she must discuss that with the Athletic Director so they can determine who may take his/her place. There are league fines for not attending this meeting. If not properly reported, those fines will be the responsibility of the Head Coach.7.0 COACH NEGLIGENCE LIABILITY The one constant in life is that everything continues to change. What we learned as student-athletes and what we saw or participated in might not be acceptable today. The coach, school, and district can be sued for a participant or spectator injury, regardless of fault. If a coach is being accused of negligence, the injured person may not be alleging that the staff intentionally caused them harm, but that the coach failed to act in a reasonable or prudent manner. Below are the Five Duties that coaches are responsible to follow. Please read carefully to make sure that you understand your role.7.1 Duty to Plan and Act This is a comprehensive requirement that transcends all other duties. Inherent in this duty is the need to continually conduct focused analyses of potential hazards and to develop responsive strategies that prevent or reduce the potential for injury and loss in the following areas: coaching competence; medical screening; appropriate activities that consider age, maturity and environmental conditions; facility and equipment evaluation and improvement; injury response; warnings to athletes and their families; insurance of athletes; child advocacy in cases of alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) or family neglect or abuse. Plans and policies should be rigorously implemented unless dangerous conditions prevent implementation. Plans should become policy documents and updated regularly by administrators, coaches and experts in specific areas (e.g. equipment, emergency response, etc.). Negligence can be alleged when an injury loss results from no planning, inadequate planning or when plans are developed but ignored. Coaches are considered experts in their field and must act in a reasonable or prudent manner. For example, failure to inspect and remove a slippery or dangerous foreign substance on a playing surface is not acting upon the duty of a coach. A court may find that the failure to inspect and remove the foreign matter was a substantial factor in the cause of the injury. 7.2 Duty to Properly Condition The coach must properly PREPARE AND CONDITION the athletes. Physically conditioning your players, generally and specifically, for the sport in which they are participating in is imperative. Start slowly and progress in the conditioning program. Always include a warm-up and stretching period before participating. When an athlete collapses on the field of play, one of the first things the lawyers will look into is the conditioning program. Did the coach properly “get them ready?” 7.3 Duty to Offer Proper Instruction The coach who does not teach proper techniques in a progressive manner would be considered negligent. Coaches must not only teach what to do, but also what not to do! A progression of skill development and conditioning improvement should be apparent from practice plans. This area includes teaching athletes what to do in case of a teammate’s injury. Coaches must research clinics that work with the schedules of the coaching staff. If a head coach desires to go to camp that is not free, he must get that approved by the A.D. before he/she attends (if he/she is looking for a reimbursement). 7.4 Duty to Supervise The lack of supervision, being physically present, is the most obvious and also most often cited reason for coaches being sued. Do NOT take the chance of leaving players on the court or on the field without supervision. Supervision is tied to the term “foreseeable.” Is it foreseeable that there may be “horseplay” if a coach is not present? This supervision is NOT limited to the practice/playing area. It also includes the locker rooms and any other areas in which players gather. Coaches can be held liable for not being present when student athletes are in their coach’s care. Coaches are expected to be able to administer accepted, prioritized, standard first aid procedures in response to a range of traumatic injuries – especially those that are potentially life-threatening.7.5 Duty to Warn A coach must always warn their athletes about the dangers of the sport and the equipment being used. Coaches must go over all protective equipment with the players and how it is to be worn, the dangers of NOT wearing the equipment or using equipment incorrectly. Courts have stated that the coach must be prudent and must warn the players about potential risks. In addition, injured athletes who require the services of a physician may not return to practice or competition without written permission of the physician (See Return to play/practice protocol link).8.0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Coaches are to have the Coaches Handbook, first aid supply kit, and clearance packet for every athlete with them at all times (travel, practices, team events, and games). In the event of an emergency, consent and contact forms must be on hand. Whenever an athlete needs an ambulance or hospital care, the coach will notify the Athletic Director as soon as possible. The coach will complete an accident report within 24 hours so that the A.D. has documentation on file of the who, what, where, when and treated by whom. A member of the coaching staff must accompany any athlete transported by ambulance when a parent or guardian is not present.8.1 Southlands Christian Emergency Action Plan Southlands Christian has a written emergency plan that should be followed in the event of a medical emergency. All coaches should be familiar with this document and their role and responsibility in an emergency. Any questions should be directed to the Athletic Director (or school administrator, in the absence of a licensed athletic trainer). An emergency is the need for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to give further medical attention and/or transport an athlete to the hospital. It is important in these situations that coordination between the athletic trainer, coaches, administrators and student responders be effective. This guide is intended to delineate roles and outline the protocol to be followed should an emergency occur. Situations when 911 should be called are: an athlete is not breathing or has trouble breathing an athlete has lost consciousness it is suspected that an athlete may have a neck or back injury an athlete has an open fracture (bone has punctured through the skin) severe heat exhaustion or suspected heat stroke severe bleeding that cannot be stoppedsuspected anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that may lead to a serious medical emergency- bee sting, peanut allergy, etc.) 8.2 Chain of Command Superintendent/Head of SchoolsPrincipalAthletic Director Assistant Athletic Director Athletic TrainerHead CoachAssistant CoachStudentThe highest person in the chain of command that is present at a scene will be the designated person in charge, or leader. That person is responsible for deciding whether or not to call 911, instructing others how they may be of help, and identifying who will be the person that stays with the athlete until EMS arrives. 8.3 EAP Action Plans EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN 1 (Serious Injury): The highest person on the chain of command will be deemed the leader, and will stay with the athlete to monitor the athlete’s condition and administer necessary first aid. If possible, someone else on the chain of command should also stay and assist. The front office or an administrator should be notified that there is an emergency situation on campus. The highest person on the chain of command will make the call to EMS or will designate another person to make the call. EMS should be told what the emergency is, the condition of the athlete and how to get to where the athlete is. Also, tell EMS that someone will meet them at the closest intersection to aid in directing the ambulance. DO NOT HANG UP UNTIL EMS HANGS UP FIRST. Phones at Southlands Christian Schools are located in the main office, classrooms and coaches offices. If transport is deemed necessary by EMS, the athlete will be taken to the nearest medical center. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN 2 (Lockdown-Rowland/Walnut Campus): In the event of a lockdown the adult presence must take students/athletes to the nearest available room. If students are practicing at Carolyn Rosas park, students should head to either room 80/61 or the park office. The goal is to get to a safe room where the door can be closed and locked. If getting to a room is not feasible, coaches/athletes are encouraged to get away from the threat as quickly as possible.The Walnut campus (gym/field) would follow the same procedure. Get to a safe room, lock the door and turn off the lights, if possible. If not feasible, run away from the threat and get to a safe location. Locations of AED’s: SCS Campus- 1) Front Office 2) Athletic Office 3) Walnut Campus Gym FoyerADDRESSES: Rowland Campus 18550 Farjardo St. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Walnut Campus - Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation- 1920 Brea Canyon Cutoff Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS: See Athletic Directory9.0 YEAR-END DUTIES 9.1 Collecting UniformsCoaches should coordinate with the Athletic Department and select a date at the conclusion of the season to have the entire team turn in jerseys. Coaches should communicate with the team about that date. 9.2 Wish List The coach may inform the A.D. via email of the equipment and supplies needed for the next season. The A.D. will evaluate and purchase those items that fit into the school budget. Coaches must be prepared to validate why that equipment is important to accomplish their goals as a team and/or provide the necessary safety. 9.3 Final Statistics A copy of the season summary must be handed to the A.D. Included in this report should be any team or individual school records that were broken during the season. 9.4 Head Coach Evaluation The head coach of each sport will have a meeting with the A.D. at the end of the season. The head coach will be asked to meet with their assistant coaches and give a brief summary of the season. They should discuss how the year went from their perspective and how to improve as a team/coaching staff. 9.5 End of the Season Banquet / Athletics Gala Featuring: Senior Letterman’s Night Team Banquets:Each coach is responsible to finish the season with a team-banquet of some type. The coach has the discretion to make this as formal or informal as he/she would like. However, it would be wise to get insight from parents and players before making a final decision on a venue. The coach will hand out certificates, plaques, team awards and all-league awards at this banquet. Athletics Gala Featuring Senior Letterman’s Night:The Athletics Gala and Senior Letterman's night is our annual end of the year banquet/fundraiser. All Coaches are required to attend this (paid) event. All trainers, players, managers, statisticians, and parents are invited. This celebration is a time of reflecting on the past season’s accomplishments, future athletic goals, and recognition of our senior athletes. Coaches or athletic personnel will present awards and varsity letters to those who have met the criteria (See lettering eligibility section for more details).10.0 COACH EVALUATION The purpose of an evaluation process for coaches is to develop and assess the goals and objectives for the school’s athletic program. Additionally, this evaluation is to help coaches grow in their craft, hold coaches accountable to the goals they set in their preseason coaches meeting, help programs reach their potential (athletically, spiritually and morally), and to encourage coaches. An effective evaluation needs to take into account the broad spectrum of competencies that help make a coach successful. It is important that as a department, we are unified in our definition of success. As John Wooden says, “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” The heart of success is rooted in preparation and the peace that comes from that. The AD will assess the head coach’s ability to meet the job description outlined in this handbook. At the end of each season, the A.D. and head coach will talk through that coach’s successes and areas of improvement, as well as their future here at Southlands Christian Schools. 11.0 ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE 11.1 Athletic Performance Benefits Our athletic performance class helps coaches spend more time focusing on skills and strategies for their sport. Students will have more time to study after school. Studies have shown that students who exercise during the school day have greater focus in the classroom. SCS athletic programs top to bottom will have an advantage over our competition, especially those sports that don't traditionally lift (because it is not seen as important), namely cheer and soccer because our teams will lift 3-4 times a week consistently. Students receive physical education credits. * Please contact the athletic performance coach with any questions regarding the Athletic Performance Class (see Athletics Directory). *Also it is our athletic department's policy that all SCS athletes are enrolled in this course (every year) unless there is an educational class conflict. AD will work with counselors to determine if a student athlete can drop the class or not. 12.0 ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY AND RECRUITING 12.1 EligibilityClick here for CIF Eligibility rules. 12.2 Recruiting Many coaches/schools are intentionally recruiting illegally. It is also true that most people falsify information on their taxes (or stretch the truth). It is a healthy or wise practice in our faith to be obedient in the little things. We may not agree with all of the regulations around recruiting, however we have chosen to coach in a school that is under the CIF guidelines, so it is our responsibility to do our best to uphold these rules. "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10 See Appendix F for the rules on Undue Influence13.0 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 13.1 Southlands Athletic Supply and Equipment Requests Fall coaches should submit requests by June 1st of the upcoming season. Winter coaches should submit requests by September 1st of the upcoming season. Spring coaches should submit requests by December 1st of the upcoming season. 13.2 Coaches GearWe are fortunate to have an all school sponsorship with Under Armour (UA). Please submit your sizes (collar shirt, jacket, shoes) to the department by the following dates:Fall Coaches: June 1Winter Coaches: September 1 Spring Coaches: December 113.3 First Aid Supply Kit First aid supply kits will be inventoried and refurbished prior to each season of sport. 14.0 TRANSPORTATION 14.1 Weekly Schedule The Athletic Department will arrange for all transportation to and from games (if necessary). A schedule of class release times/departure times will be given to each coach the Friday before the ensuing week. Coaches should email the weekly schedule to parents as soon as possible to allow families to prepare and plan for the week. A good practice is to forward the weekly schedule to a “team mom” as a form of delegation.14.2 School Van Usage The school van is able to transport nine (9) students. The driver must be a staff member and/or certified to drive a school van (over 21 years old). Also, the van and buses must be left in better condition than when they were checked out. Food and/or drink are only allowed when given permission by the AD. If the vans are not taken care of, teams may lose the privilege to use the vans. * The vans have an extended body and a higher center of gravity that makes them less stable when driving, and are more prone to rollovers. The vans also have large glass windows and small B-pillars, which makes the vehicle roof structure weak in the case of a rollover. -David Lakin (Former Transportation Director SCS)14.3 Behavior on Road Trips The coach is responsible for the behavior of the team while traveling to and from contests. The team is expected to display behavior consistent with the philosophy of Southlands Christian Schools. Poor behavior on road trips will result in team discipline or suspension. Please follow music guidelines outlined in the music section. If a team wants to stop for a meal before or after a game, they must obtain approval from the AD. A text or call after the game (i.e. after a big win) is acceptable, however, if a coach cannot get in contact with the AD, the team(s) will not be permitted to stop and eat. NO EXCEPTIONS14.4 Procedures for players leaving post-game Home game at SCS-Rowland Campus:If there is a security guard on duty, you may leave your athletes with them if you must leave. Please notify the security guard that you will be leaving. If there is no security guard on duty, you must stay with the athlete(s) until their ride arrives, or delegate an on-staff coach to stay with the athlete(s). Home game at TZU CHI:If a student-athlete is being picked up post-game, a coach must wait with the athlete(s) (TZU CHI policy). If a student is riding home with another family or friend, we do not have jurisdiction over how they depart. If, as a coach, you do not feel comfortable with the student-athlete leaving (walking or riding with another parent), use your discretion and ask the student if their parents have approved their decision. You may reach out to the parent if you feel it is necessary. Student Drivers: SCS student-athletes may not drive to any game that departs before school is out of session. Our goal is that every student rides on the transportation provided. We want our teams to travel together as a family. #BUYIN! *SCS Online student-athletes and families may meet at TZU CHI for home games. If there are any questions or concerns about this process, please reach out to the Athletic Director for clarification.Post-game transportation and logistics (away games):The head coach is ultimately responsible for the team after games. It is important that the players develop team unity and enjoy the wins and suffer defeat together as a team. Please be sure to have students and coaches clean up transportation vehicles when vehicles arrive at their final destination. Following an away game, parents are allowed to take their student-athletes home, however they MAY NOT take anyone other student-athlete without written consent (email or text is acceptable) from the parent/legal guardian. When possible, we encourage teams to ride back together post-game. #BUYINAs a department, we want to be as efficient as possible with time and resources. Coaches must have an expeditious mind-set after games. We want to get back to the school as soon as possible. Please keep post-game speeches to a minimum. We do understand that immediately following a game is a prime opportunity to correct and encourage. Please use discretion and wisdom during these opportunities. *Head Coaches are ultimately responsible to leave dugouts, fields, locker rooms and gyms better than we found it. How we leave these facilities is a direct representation of our teams, program, and school. 14.5 General Transportation Rules and RegulationsTransportation LogsEach Head Coach/Driver is responsible to complete a transportation log for each trip. There will be a clipboard with the rosters attached. If using an outsource bus (Fairway, etc.), a clipboard must be picked up in the Athletic Office prior to departure. The Head Coach may designate an Assistant Coach to be responsible for taking attendance. Attendance must be taken for each direction traveling (departing SCS to a game/practice and returning to SCS from a game/practice). Additional PassengersThe only passengers that are permitted to ride in SCS provided transportation are players, coaches, trainers, or other approved team personnel. All others (coach's wife, girlfriend, friends, etc.) are not permitted to ride with the team unless prior consent is given by the Athletic Director. If approved, those additional passengers must ride with that coach (same seat or next to the coach). Coaches must remember that the student-athletes are their first priority and attention to their behavior and safety is paramount. 15.0 GAME DAY PROCEDURES 15.1 Bus Procedures Coaches must be on time for all bus departure times. At least one coach (head coach preferably) should be on the bus with players at all times. In situations where two teams of opposite genders are traveling together, one team (boys or girls) must sit in the front and the other team (boys or girls) must sit in the back. In addition, a coach, or coaches, should sit between both teams as a “barrier”. 15.2 Prayer/Devotions A major aspect of athletics at Southlands Christian HS is developing the spiritual growth of all students. Before every game/practice/event, a coach or player should lead the team in prayer. At the end of every game/practice/event, a coach or player should end the day in prayer. Remember to bear the name Southlands Christian with pride and humility. Head Coaches are expected to lead their team in devotions and/or team building (with Christ values in mind) activities throughout the season. 15.3 Statistics The coach is responsible to obtain statistical data for their team/players. A coach should recruit students, assistant coaches, or parent volunteers to keep statistics at all games. 15.4 Reporting Scores The coach is responsible for reporting scores to the Athletic Department. Head Coaches may assign an Assistant Coach or a trusted parent to report scores. Scores must be reported to the AD by 8am the following morning after the contest. 16.0 TOURNAMENTS AND OFF-SEASON TRAINING 16.1 Tournament Each team will be allotted a maximum of $500 for tournaments per year ($500 for the entire program). Anything outside of the $500 will have to be fundraised and paid for before the check is sent out by the Southlands Christian Schools Accounting Department. 16.2 Off-Season Training and Gear Off-season training is separate from the SCS athletics program. *SCS Game jerseys may not be worn during off season training/scrimmages. 17.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY Coaches must remember that we are privileged to coach our student-athletes. We often spend more time with our athletes than their parents do. It is our job and responsibility to keep our students safe on and off the field. It is mandatory for all coaches to take part in yearly health and safety orientation meetings. Please arrange your schedule to attend. 6046470137160847725137160Coaches Code of Ethics – Signature Page Athletics is an integral part of the school’s total educational program. All school activities, curricular and extracurricular, in the classroom and on the playing field, must be congruent with the school’s stated goals and objectives established for the intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development of its students. It is within this context and in accordance with Title V of the California Administrative Code of Ethics is presented. 1. Show respect for players, officials and other coaches. 2. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. 3. Establish and model fair play, sportsmanship and proper conduct. 4. Establish player safety and welfare as the highest priority. 5. Provide proper supervision of students at all times. 6. Use discretion when providing constructive criticism and when reprimanding players. 7. Maintain consistency in requiring all players to adhere to the established rules and standards of the game to be played. 8. Properly instruct players in the safe use of equipment. 9. Avoid exerting undue influence on a pupil’s decision to enroll in an athletic program at any postsecondary educational institution. 10. Avoid exerting undue influence on pupils to take lighter academic course(s) in order to be eligible to participate in athletics. 11. Avoid suggesting, providing or encouraging any athlete to use non-prescription drugs, anabolic steroids or any substance to increase physical development or performance that is not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, Surgeon General of the United States or American Medical Association. 12. Avoid recruitment of athletes from other schools. 13. Follow the rules of behavior and the procedures for crowd control as established by the local board and the league in which the school participates. 14. Refrain from the use of profanity, vulgarity and other offensive language and gestures. 15. Support the principles of Pursuing Victory with Honor. 16. Accept and fulfill the contractual and sponsorship commitments made by the CIF Southern Section during playoff competition. As a condition of membership in the CIF, all schools shall adopt policies prohibiting the use and abuse of androgenic/anabolic steroids. All member schools shall have participating coaches agree that he/she will not use steroids without the written prescription of a fully licensed physician (as recognized by the AMA) to treat a medical condition (Bylaw 503.I). By signing below, I agree to only provide non-muscle building, nutritional supplements to student athletes. (State Rule 22.B.12) I have thoroughly reviewed the coaches handbook. I pledge to uphold all policies and procedures stated in the handbook. Printed Name of Coach _______________________________________ School ___________________Signature of Coach __________________________________________ Date _____________________ Appendix Appendix A SCS Athletic Clearance Tutorial Appendix B SCS Athletic Grade Check SheetAppendix C CIF Sports Calendar Appendix D CIF Transfer FormAppendix E Injury Report Appendix F 510 By Law “Undue Influence” (See next page)Appendix G SCS 5 C's PosterAppendix H Sample Practice Plan Appendix I Volunteer Driver Form Appendix J Athletics Directory ................

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