100+ FREE FACEBOOK BOOK PROMO SITESANNOTATED TO SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY & MISTAKESFRANK DALEYSELF-KNOWLEDGE COLLEGE PRESS100+ FREE FACEBOOK BOOK PROMO SITESANNOTATED TO SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY & MISTAKESBy Frank DaleyPublished by Self-Knowledge College Press? Copyright: Jan. 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9878352-7-7All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. NOTE: You may not sell it or any part of it or employ it for anything other than your personal use. It is under copyright. Exceptions are made for journalistic purposes, quotations, and/or short excerpts in reviews, on blog posts, etc. Self-Knowledge College Press is a division of Self-Knowledge College (SKC), which also offers Dropout to Dean’s List, the site for at-risk students. The communications arm of SKC is The Daley Post. For further information, please go to any of our websites: Self-Knowledge College Dropout to Dean’s List The Daley Post Self-Knowledge College Press3 Miles Drive, Caledon, Ontario, Canada, L7C 1H2 daleyfrank0@905-584-0617TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-1" \n \h \z \u INTRODUCTIONQ AND As TO HELP YOU USE THIS BOOKRULES, REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINESTHE LISTBONUSES! OTHER BOOKS THAT MIGHT INTEREST YOUSIX BONUSES!Get a FREE ADVANCE copy of How to Write a Book Review! (Working title) the next book in my writers’ series!How to speed up your book promotion posting process. Public Relations: The 3 Main Sectors--they are not the same things! Excel spreadsheet to chart your promo posts.The new Amazon rules for reviews.A Free copy of my historical novel The Battle of the Long Sault (title might change). See the end of this book for details! Other StuffFound new or other sites we should look at? Let us know!Other books by the author you might like.100 + FREE FACEBOOK BOOK PROMO SITESANNOTATED TO SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY & MISTAKESFrank DaleySelf-Knowledge College PressINTRODUCTIONI am not an expert at book promotion and marketing. I’m feeling my way just as many of you are, but I have spent a lot of time learning some of the best free procedures. This book is to help you promote your books in probably THE best free way, which is using Facebook book groups. It also gives you Six Bonuses! (See below!)This book deal gives and saves you a LOT!At least three weeks’ work. Money! What’s your hourly rate? Multiply by 120+ hours and that’s how much money you’ll save. (At least.)Stress! Jump in immediately, use the book with confidence.Time waiting for results. See results soon!More money by giving you my next book for writers, FREE! in exchange for a review of it! I’ll be on How to Write a Book Review! (You can practice!) (That’s bonus No. 1)The book also gives you five other bonuses! (See front of the book for detailsWe writers have to do promotion and marketing for our work. Most of us do not have the staff, time or money to do this. But we still have to become marketers to sell our books. We have to use free methods. There aren’t a lot of them and they take time and patience. It took me almost four weeks of 8-hour days to research, write, edit and otherwise prepare this book. I did it first because I needed to do it for myself. I thought I should share this knowledge with other writers. The best way to promote your books free is to engage with the many Facebook book groups. This book deals only with free sites on Facebook. Those sites are of many kinds which is part of why it took so long to plough through them. There are pure promotion groups, discussion and promotion groups, discussions only groups, speciality genre groups, groups with few rules and some with many. You can get past all this fast with this book. Here are more than 100 selected sites for you to promote your books free. I hope it pays off for you. Q AND As TO HELP YOU USE THIS BOOK WHAT'S IN THE BOOK?You get the name of each site, a link to each site, and a brief description of the guidelines of each one so you can do a quick check to see if it meets your requirements. Then you can follow up on each site to see specific aspects that will refine your work. The sites are alphabetized for easy use.ARE THESE ALL THE BOOK PROMOTION SITES ON-LINE? No, there are more, and of various kinds, free and for a fee. We are focussing on free Facebook sites. ARE THERE MORE FACEBOOK SITES? Yes. These sites come and go. There are some we undoubtedly missed, some that have gone bye-bye, and some that we ignored because they didn't seem serious or beneficial. There were some we did not include because their terms of operation were so complex that they would more likely confound you and lead you into mistakes than help you. And there are probably new ones since we published. But this book offers you 100 plus sites that you can rely on as we went to press. If you know of any good sites, please advise us.ARE THESE SITES ALL FREE?Yes.CAN I POST TO THEM USING A THIRD PARTY? In some cases, no. You can use some tools but for many of these sites third party posters are either not allowed or are frowned upon. The danger is spamming and the site administrators try to avoid that. A virtual assistant (VA) or personal assistant, who has access to your personal admin area on your Facebook pages, can do it.WHO RUNS THESE SITES?People, usually concerned, helpful people, run these sites but there aren't many ways to make money doing this, so the owners do it it's primarily for the love of writing. The names of most administrators are on each site. We did not include them because they change frequently but you can find them on their pages, usually near the top right-hand corner under the banners. DO ALL THESE SITES OPERATE THE SAME WAY?No, they most assuredly do not. You have to examine the rules and regulations of each site so as not to violate their guidelines. They offer a good service, so it behooves us to be courteous and not violate their structures. Sites can go extinct, change ownership, change administrators, change rules and regulations and change guidelines overnight. Be vigilant and you'll be fine. NOTE: Some sites are essentially discussion sites and they restrict promos or do not permit them at all. Some do if they offer something of value to the readers, either the book itself (which then becomes free) or something in the way of writing advice. These sites want discussions about books, writers (and marketing in some cases) but they do not want their sites to become simply promotional. Some sites do begin as promotional sites but change to become more discussion sites because they get overwhelmed by postings. RULES, REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINESWHAT KINDS OF RULES SO THEY HAVE?Many sites have few rules. You can post and promote your books to your heart's content. Some even allow you to post your book promotion more than once a day. But most have restrictions of various kinds. I'll just mention a few. Some allow you to post many times a day, some once a day and some only once a week because they have other things going on such as cover promotion, technical tips, etc. on other days. Many have restrictions regarding hateful or hurtful comments or bad language. Some don't want certain genres on their sites or certain topics (often of a sexual nature). They are all run by individuals, or partners and they all have their legitimate personal rules and regulations.Take the time to check them out so you don't get slapped (or banished!). Most of the site managers do this part-time and without payment so do not torture them with rule breaking. Don't post more frequently than they allow. The sites are generally non-profit and they are doing us a service. Some of them sell space for ads but most do not. Many sites want no porn, and no political or religious books. Some have rules about KDP Select (Kindle Direct Publishing).RULES AND REGULATIONS: EXAMPLESHere are some examples of rules and regulations you might run into. This next site, among others, has a schedule of days on which you can post different things.Facebook Page Name: Authors Rules and Regulations: Monday: Book CoversTuesday: ArticlesWednesday: Blog LinksThursday: Author Pages & GroupsFriday: Book LinksSaturday: Author Page Under 500 "likes"Sunday: Works for Critiques They want you to post those things on those days. Don't hurry through these guidelines on the sites is and post the wrong thing on a wrong day. When an administrator sees your transgression, he or she may remind you of the house rules nicely and then ban you if you continue to do it. My job is to alert you to this process. Your job is to adhere to the rules of each site.One site, Books Go Social, is a somewhat different. It allows you to promote your books, but they also have rules as to when you can do so. For example, you can promote your book once a month on the day that corresponds with the first letter of your first name. My name is Frank. F is the sixth letter of the alphabet, so I can promote my books on the 6th day of every month. They do have other special days too! This is primarily a discussion and sharing site, however, their paid services are growing.That site is free, but there are levels. For example, if you want them to promote your book on Twitter and Facebook to their huge following they charge you. Other sites have different rules. You'll become familiar with them as you go. HOW FREQUENTLY SHOULD YOU POST BOOK PROMOTIONS? This is difficult to answer. Many writers and publishers belong to multiple book review and promotion sites and when they post a promo, they do it on all the sites they belong to, and usually within minutes of each other. To a degree, this makes sense from the posters point of view, but you can easily overdo it and annoy people. We've all been inundated with 30 promos for the same book on our Facebook page in the space of 10 minutes.While I appreciate the promotional activity, I get annoyed with the dozens of the same promotion. On the other hand (there is always another hand, isn't there?), you can easily delete these in bulk since they appear on your screen one after the other. One way to diminish the annoyance factor is to post your promo on a few sites at time over the space of a few hours.IF I BREAK THE RULES AND THEY YELL AT ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO?Apologize, and don't repeat your error. If you use a virtual assistant to do this for you, remind him or her to be careful to screen out those sites whose rules you are breaking by using blanket approaches. WHERE DO I FIND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EACH SITE?The group description is usually located on the top right-hand side of the group's page. There, you will often find an expanded version of their guidelines, rules and regulations that we provide. We didn’t include all these because they change frequently so it’s best if you check them at least once before you post. Check again periodically. Some administrators are strict about the rules and that’s because it takes them a lot of time to manage these sites and they don’t want to be constantly telling people what they have already told them. Be courteous.DO THE SITES DISTINGUISH BETWEEN FICTION AND NON-FICTION?NO. There are such sites but we found none here.DO THE SITES DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES BY GENRE?NO. There are such sites but we found none here.SPECIAL SITES Some sites have two strings or threads. One says something like "What Are You Selling?" and they invite you to promote what you are selling on that thread. They might ask you about sales too. I have never used this thread on those sites. The second thread is often called DISCUSSION. That is where you post the promo for your free book (or 99 cent book) or whatever prices that that site is dealing with.FREE and .99 SITES Some sites feature ONLY .99 books. Some feature ONLY FREE books. Some allow you to post books at different prices. You have to check each site to be sure.KINDLE, NON-KINDLE AND OTHER PLATFORM SITES It is true that Amazon sells the most books, and most sites cater to that. Some sites have the word ‘kindle' in their title, header or URL. That could mean they accept only Kindle books but check because some sites while using the word “Kindle,” seem to do so as a catch-all but also accept books on other platforms or from your own website. If no guidelines are provided on this aspect, it means the site has a broader acceptance policy.DO THESE SITES REALLY HELP?Certainly they get your book cover, a short description and a link to the book on Amazon (or wherever), and that's good. But you have to remember that these book sites are for WRITERS and readers, not just readers. In fact, many seem to be just for writers. If you are a writer, how many books by other people can you read? You need time to write. You will post your books on these sites, yes, but how much time will you devote to seeing what other writers are posting? Most of the time writers will check these sites primarily to see whether they managed to post their own promo blurb on a given site on a given day. If you are a reader, how much time do you have to read other people's books that are not on the top 100 on anybody's list yet? How much time in your life do you have to read, period?It takes time to read what other writers and publishers have posted on one site. Now, consider that we are telling you about more than 100 sites! You won't post on all of them, of course, since many of them will be sites that are not in your preferred genres, but you will still find many sites on which to promote your work. Do you have time to go through these sites every day to see what you want to read? Will you have time to do this, much less read all the books you might want to read? CAN I JUST JOIN ANY OF THESE SITES?Probably, but most have a process whereby you ask to join, and the administrator approves you.WHAT ABOUT BOOK REVIEWS? One of the things we must do to gain traction on Amazon or the other book platform sites is to get some reviews for our books. Reviews are necessary; they help people decide whether to buy a book—along with the cover, topic and description. We're going to presume you can write well and that your book is edited. But with more than 4,500 books being published on Amazon every DAY, getting attention is no easy task. Add another 500 more books on other platforms (Nook, Apple devices, Kobo, etc.) and through traditional publishing, and you begin to see the magnitude of the problem. There is ferocious competition for the reader's eyes, time and money.One way to get reviews is to entice people on these book promotion sites to read your book and write a review. Except, remember what we said about your time (or interest) to read other people's books and their ability and interest to read yours? It is the same problem for everyone.It isn't bad karma; it is just that people are busy and have their personal interests.For example, what are your favorite genres to in which to read? Let's say you like thrillers, cookbooks and vampire stories. Are you going to read and review romances, sports books or dog books? Probably not. You do not have the interest or the time to do so. You do have a life, yes? A job, family, other interests?So if you ask someone to review your book, and she does, don't be surprised if she asks you to review hers. Now consider this: you have written a forty-page book and people who have written 380-page novels, and who have graciously and maybe favorably reviewed your book, want you to review theirs? You could spend weeks reading books you do not want to read just so some people will review yours. It's a fact if you take this approach, so be wary.And what if you haven't the slightest clue about how to review a book in the first place?Soon, I'll have a short book giving you the necessary information and training on How to Review Books. Please see the note at the end of this book for more information. The point is, this system is not perfect. Posting book promos to sites composed primarily of other writers is not going to make you rich. Many writers, pressed for time, probably just check those sites to see if their promo got published. Most, I suspect, do not spend a lot of time trolling for other people’s books. But we all do it to some degree to find books for ourselves and help others. Work like this will get you interest, comments, reviews and some traction in the marketplace. It’s much better than hoping all this necessary promotion gets done by fate. This book will save you hundreds of hours figuring out how to do it yourself. WHAT ABOUT REVIEW SWAPPING?Review swapping is a bad idea. It's a private deal you make with another writer. You offer to review his/her book and ask him/her to review yours. Amazon's review policies do not allow this practice, so don't do it. If Amazon finds out (and with their algorithms, they probably will) they can ban you from Amazon, period. I have even had people approach me and say, "You give me a 5-star review, and I'll do the same for you." Do not accept these offers.NEVER DO THIS!Some of the "review seeking" promo pages listed in this document will have people who will review your work; on the condition you review one of their works in exchange. This seems like a good idea but it can be trouble. As I’ve mentioned. The best principle is to review books that you want to review and hope others will review yours. Not everyone is interested in the same things you are but often it works out. There are ways to maximize this, and I'll tell you about these in my forthcoming book How to Write Book Reviews.Now, what if you genuinely want to review someone's book, and he or she wants to review yours? I think that's fine as long as it doesn't become review swapping, that is, you don't do it all the time, or, with the same reviewers. Amazon might not have the algorithmic sophistication to detect this (although they might or could develop it. I hope they don't because this is a human thing, and it would be mean-spirited and counter-productive to do it. I think they just want to keep people from review swapping as a general practice, and I agree with that. More about this in the forthcoming book on book reviewing “Book Review Exchanges” is not exactly the same thing, I suppose, as review swaps. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. Just consider the real meaning of the words used in each case.WHAT DO WE MEAN, THIS BOOK IS "ANNOTATED?” It means we tell you the following: the Facebook site's name, the URL, the general area of books each site is interested in and a short but pertinent guide to some of the rules and regulations under which these sites operate.We did not copy and paste all the rules and regulations under which each site operates because they change. What we do provide is a fairly comprehensive list of the 100 plus sites that allow promotions for your books. All in one place and all checked by us. You do not have to do this yourself or make the notes we made or gather the information you need. You just have to go to each site to copy and paste your book promotions. But we stress that you read each sites’ guidelines for posting. Our notes in this book are insufficient. They alert you to the guidelines but they do not cover them in detail. They change too frequently. This way of proceeding will save you many hours of time and much frustration. The list is also alphabetized so that when you begin the posting process you can easily see where you left off. As writers, we have to do a lot of time-consuming things that take us away from writing. We have to do book promotion on these sites (or think we have to)! We've made it easier and faster for you.WHY IS THIS BOOK GREAT VALUE? It took us over 150 hours to do the research and the preparation for the book. And because you value your time, at $10/Hr., this will save you $1,500. YOU’LL SAVE much more if your time is worth more. You make $20/Hr.? You’ll save $3,000! Better yet, you’ll save almost three weeks’ work!DOES THIS BOOK MEAN I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY WORK?HA, HA! This isn't fantasyland. Of course, you have to do some work but we have cut down the amount of work by more than 150 hours, or at least 2.5 weeks! And once done, this will serve you for years as long as you keep the site information up to date. (We can do that for you in future editions.) KNOW ANY GOOD SITES YOU LIKE THAT WE MISSED? Tell us about them and we'll add them to the next edition! NOTES ON THE COMMENTS AND DESCRIPTIONS RE THE SITESThe comments in the descriptions are taken from the sites themselves. They have been edited for space considerations and sometimes for clarity and grammar. You will find all the comments and descriptions in their entirety on each site. If the descriptions sound folksy, that is the way they want it. RE: SWAPS.Some of these sites DO allow swaps. WE ADVISE AGAINST THAT but you may still find value on these sites. RE: .99 BOOKSWe use .99 to indicate 99 cent books. Some sites prefer 99 cents and especially it if is in their URL., we leave it as is.RE: NO GUIDELINES “NO GUIDELINES”“No guidelines” in the brief descriptions we provide means there were none or they were not specific when we last visited the site.RE: MULTIPLE TITLESIf you are promoting more than one book or multiple titles, publish notes for a couple then link to your author page, where folks can review all titles available, OR, select one book per day to promote.THE LIST There are over 100 here now. More to come in the next edition!2 friends, promote your books with usThis is for promoting YOUR BOOKS ONLY.All About BooksA group for all who love books. For authors and readers.All Things BooksPlugging books and other writing related to books is welcome.Amazing FREE and 99 Cent eBooksAuthors are more than welcome to join and to share their free bookAmazon Kindle Book Sharing ClubAllows friends with digital Amazon books via the Kindle reading device or any digital devices that are compatible with an Amazon account, to share, trade and loan books to each other.Amazon Kindle UnlimitedThis group is for KDP Select Authors to help each other and exchange book reviews using Kindle Select to download the books.Please note: this group is for BOOK REVIEW EXCHANGES primarily focused on those with an Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription but if your book is currently free you may post asking for a review exchange while your book is free. Be careful of ‘swaps.”Amazon, Kindle Good ReadsFor people who own Amazon Kindles and want to share their recommendations for books they recently read and liked, or chat about their favorite authors, etc.Amazon, Kindle, eBook ReadersEveryone can join especially e-bookers using their e-reading gadgets.Amazon/Kindle Readers UK/Europe/Asia/Africa ElsewhereThe group promotes eBooks and paperbacks.An Author PromotesNo guidelines published.Aspiring AuthorsWhat we're all about: books, novels, stories, writing, writers, plays, screenplays, short stories, plot, creative, creativity, fiction, interactive story.Author and Book Lovers Discussion GroupThis is a discussion group for authors and book lovers to chat about their favorite books. All authors are welcome to promote here!Author Book Sale and Giveaway Promotion Share ExchangeYou may post your promo but it is in good faith that you are looking to do a share exchange. What is that you ask? It is for you to make your post then find other posts you are willing to share on your timeline. (Caution.)Author Promo & Book Sales GroupAll that is required to be a member of Author Promo and Book Sales Group is that you have at least one book published and in print and available for readers to purchase. Post your book covers and links to where the book can be purchased. AuthorsAnything about writing. Stories, experiences, advice and tips. Any new books, promotions or book cover designs.Authors 99? e-Books PromotionThis is a group for .99 e-books only. Please promote your books here if they are .99 or free!Authors Free and .99 and Promotional Book ClubGroup to post FREE and .99 E-books. Readers can post reviews to show appreciation for the free and .99 books.Authors Need LikesThe purpose of this group is to help new and established authors to gain popularity and publicity for their Facebook Pages and to connect readers to new favorite authors.Please post links to your Facebook author page, as well as to where to find you on Twitter, Google +, Goodreads, your blog etc. Please also post tips about how you have increased traffic to your Facebook page, blog or website.Authors Promoting AuthorsA group for all authors to share their work and connect. Open to any genre. Please make an effort to comment on posts and interact.Authors, Agents, and Aspiring WritersPost once a day.Awesome Free Kindle Books Here!Promote Your Kindle book During Free days.Bargain eBooksThis is a group designed for readers, so they can come on daily for eBooks that are on sale. Authors can post their post one time and include the dates the book will be on sale.Book Authors Open GroupThis is group for all book authors. You can share your experiences and learn together with other authors.Book BlissFor any and all who love books and reading. It's going to have all the general things such as reviews, discussions, news, etc.Book GiveawaysA group dedicated to promoting Book and Bookish giveaways.Book MeA group to share your reading and just chat about books! A place where authors can promote their books and themselves. It is also to promote literacy and our love for reading.Book PlaceA group for anyone who likes books or is in any way connected with books, including readers, authors, librarians, editors, agents, publicists, illustrators, and more. This includes both print and electronic forms.Book PromoNo guidelines provided.Book Promotion CentralAuthors, bloggers, and book lovers feel free to promote your book, book blog, or book-related Facebook page.Book Reviews & PromotionFree eBooksBooks According to DitterFeel free to share your books, blogs and reviews.Books Go Social Readers GroupIt has to have 5 reviews on Amazon, an average score of 3.5/5 and it also must be approved for the site.Books Gone ViralRead about or tell us about your books or books you like and where to get them. Look at or post cover art pics. All cover art must be legal. Very short excerpts of 2-3 paragraphs and links allowed.Books, Books and more Books!!!Where authors and readers can post to help promote their books and giveaways.Buy My BookThere are no rules or restrictions on writers here. You can post your book links here every day if you wish, as many times as you like.Celebrating AuthorsIn this group, shameless SELF-PROMOTION is not only welcomed, it’s encouraged, and to the point!Cold Coffee, Café AuthorsCold Coffee Cafe Authors Group Is Where Authors Promote Their Own Books And Avid Readers Purchase!Please respect all our authors in the group, by posting each book just once per day.eBook CentralThis is going to be a happening group where everyone can come to one place and post about their books, find books they want to read, or brag about a book. Any genre of book is welcome. What is not welcome: We DON'T want any selling of anything that does NOT pertain to books (Sunglasses, links to porno, you get the idea).Double posting is not allowed but if you have a nice handful of books or authors that you work with, then share each of their books or your books.eBook Creation MastermindThis group is for eBook creators and those looking to create and launch their first or next eBook.eBook Review ExchangeConnect with other authors on this page to set up a review exchange. (Caution advised re swaps.)eBooks nBooks Promos GroupEnables authors to promote their books. Please refrain from the page long repeats.English WritersNo guidelines posted.Everything BooksFeel free to post comments, questions, advice, and, of course, pitch your own books!Free BooksIf you have a free or discounted book then please share it with us.FREE Books on Kindle, Nook & MorePlease only post links to books on Amazon, Nook, etc. Links to websites or other pages will be deleted and users who post them will be removed. (This ‘etc’ seems ambiguous. Read the rules carefully.)Free eBooksFree eBooks only.FREE EBooks -- Reviews & PromotionPost information about all kinds of FREE audiobooks, general eBooks, Kindle eBooks, and eBook promotions here. Kindly restrict to a maximum four books per person per day.Free eBooks for Kindle, Nook, and MoreFree eBooks only. No other posts allowed.Free Kindle and Nook eBooks for ReadersThis is a group for readers to come and find free eBooks. Anyone can join and post links to the free eBooks they have found; we especially love when authors join this group and post links to their free eBooks!Free Kindle Book LibraryThis page is for Kindle Authors and Kindle Book Readers.FREE Kindle BooksDownload FREE Kindle books in this group that are available on Amazon and Kindle. Post your Kindle book that is available today and get it in front of a large audience of Kindle book readers!Free Today on Kindle and BeyondFree eBook or book only.Great ReadsThis is for book promotions, news and any links to new and old books for authors everywhere. Found a great new read? Put it on here. Share the news, share your views! Readers, get reading, We want your news and reviews!Indie Books PromotionIf you know of or wrote an indie book that you want everyone to read, this is the page to promote it!Indie Writer Book & Self PromotionPost about your books, your websites, your blogs, your giveaways & events. Share experiences and support. Anything relating to writing and publishing can be posted here.Kavit Haria's Kindle Publishing ClubThis is a private group for those interested in Kindle publishing.KDP Select AuthorsKindle Authors whose books are enrolled in KDP Select and are FREE to Kindle Unlimited members.Kindle Author Book PromotionsNo guidelines posted. Kindle Bestseller Secrets Group SupportThe ‘rules’ here are, non-specific.Kindle BooksNo guidelines posted.Kindle Boot Camp Alumni ReviewersA place for Boot Camp Alumni to meet and share the books they have written for review in a safe, supportive, professional group.Kindle eBook DealsKindle Authors - Promote your book deals (only twice a day).Kindle eBook Promotion and Review ExchangePromote your Kindle e-books and swap reviews here! (Don’t swap!)Kindle eBooks Free - $.2.99Post links to e books available on Amazon Kindle with pricing in the range $0.00 to $2.99. You may add links to audio books via Audible.Kindle Kingdom - Review & Promote BooksFREE eBook promotion.Kindle Krazy! Authors Actively Seeking ReadersQ & A. Free Chapter Reads.Kindle PublishersThis group is for promotion of Kindle eBooks for sale or free available on Amazon or elsewhere and for discussion and comment on those posts. No other posts are permitted in this group.Kindle readers and authors.For Kindle and Kindle app readers, authors, tips on books, and developments on Kindle and other e-readers.Kindle Reviews: Amazon Review ExchangeGroup for book publishers interested in reading books and leaving a REAL review.Kindle Unlimited, UnchainedNo guidelines posted.Kindle?Review?Exchange?5?StarsLet's build an army of kindle reviewers!Lots of free kindle books to read!Kindle/Book ClubA group for all to share books that they love, that they have written and/or (?) that they want to share with the world.L E Barrett’s Writers’, Poets’ and Readers’ WorksPoems, Writing, Book Promotions, Editors and Publishers, Blog Reviews, and Readers' comments.Nook and Kindle ReadersFree eBooks only.Novel Spot ReadersFind out about the newest books here!Passion for BooksAllows you to post pics and videos of books and talk about contents of the book. It doesn’t say whether or not you can post link to buy a book.Pat's First Kindle Book (From Start to Finish)As a reminder, if you share a link to a book that you or, perhaps any of your clients, have published, it's okay AS LONG AS you also include a few tips, strategies, tools, services, etc. that have helped you along the way.Pimp Your BooksPromote your favorite books and authors.Priceless PromotionsPost your work, promote others.Priceless Promotions-Invite Your Artistic Friends-Promote What You WantThis is an open group where you can post your work, promote others and not have to worry about the admin kicking you.Promote AnythingNo pornographic content.Promote Anything – With AuthorsNo porn!Promote Books on Social MediaPromote Books on Social Media.Promote it. Get Your Books Out TherePromote your books here. Seek reviewers. Or just chat about books you love!Promote Your BooksBook promotion made easy!Promote Your Books HereA group to provide a friendly, relaxed meeting place for writers to promote their books. At the moment, there is only one rule (well, OK, two!)- No Politics and No Spamming.Promote Your Books!This group is strictly for book promotion. If you have more than one book available, do not spam the page with ten listings for ten books. Link to your author page, where folks can review all titles available, OR select one book per day to promote.Quotes Successful ThinkersYou can post quotes for book, twice a day, but no promoting the actual book and no links to the book.Ready to ReadOpen group to promote your new release.Review SeekersThis is where authors and publishers meet readers and users who write and post reviews of books and apps on Amazon, B&N, iTunes, and blogs. Members are invited to request a review if they indicate they will provide a free copy to the reviewer.Review SwappingOnly post if you’re looking for review swap. You can post both FREE BOOKS and BOOKS for .99 ONLY. (Remember what we advise re swapping.)Reviewers RoundupThis is a self-generating book/publishing group where you can share anything and everything about books written, read, reviewed, or about to be!Shameless Mutual Self-PromotionWe are shamelessly promoting OTHERS and shamelessly ASKING for help promoting ourselves. The purpose of this group is to promote each other, find good work to promote, find guests to interview, and have a general love-fest of marketing!In this group you can NOT: Send people in this group to buy your OWN stuff with links to sales pages. We are not here to sell to each other.Look for people for your MLM "opportunity." (If you are promoting a direct sales business with marketing techniques like videos of your own, blogging, writing a book, etc. you can ask us about it.)Short eBook ReviewsWe will review your short eBook on amazon, if you would not mind to return a favor.Support An AuthorFeel free to list your KDP Free Days.Talking FictionThis is an interactive group where participation is strongly encouraged. Because of that we ask that postings of a promotional nature be kept to a minimum (1 per week) and all other materials (blogs, articles, etc.) posted should be spread out over a period of days to give others a chance to read and interact with them.This is the only site specific to fiction that we included. It’s also the only one we came across that does this although there must be more. We’ll include them in the next edition.The Fab Friday 99 Cents Promotion Group for AuthorsPlease, make sure your book is either free or 99c! If you are looking for reviews or want to promote your book, this is a great place to start (if your book is 99c). If you swap buys or reviews, make sure you OPEN the book you bought and flip through at least 25% of the book. If you don't, Amazon will delete your review. If this happens and you are reported to the group moderators, you will be banned from the group. (Note the swapping indication.)Today’s FREE Kindle Books (Sharing is Caring)Post only links to FREE Kindle Amazon EBOOKS during KDP promotion days.(NO Kindle Unlimited / Prime.)Unlimited Kindle ReadsAuthors can post any books of theirs that is on Kindle Unlimited. Readers can check out some good reads.We Love Big BooksPosting Book Teasers or Sales links are fine.Writer’s KickstartThis group is for the purpose of promoting PUBLISHED AUTHORS (Traditional or Indie). You can post ONE (1) post per day, and one tweet, which some of our other members will hopefully repost/RT on their own pages. PLEASE return the courtesy.Writers and Readers UniteAuthors may post about their new books and readers may post review or comments.Writers Like WritersDon't ask for review swaps, likes or prayers for success, I'll ban you, Anything not related to books or writing will be banned. Do not say a book is free with kindle unlimited or use a Kindle Unlimited hash tag, it is not and that will get you banned too.Do not post more than once a day and double posts will get you banned too.BONUSES! BONUS #1: BOOK PROMOTION TERMS AND BACKGROUNDWe have to do our own promotion as we've said, but since we do, we'd better know what we're talking about.BOOK MARKETING NOTES Even if a traditional publisher publishes your book, most of the promotion and marketing of the book will be up to you. In fact, most traditional publishers will not consider publishing your book unless you have what they call a platform, the definition of which is hard to nail down. It means you have to have a reputation or a tribe of people or something that will draw readers to your book. The most common things publishers look for in a platform are if you have or participate in a TV show or radio program. Or if you are famous (at least in your field). Or if you have a newspaper column, another book, website(s) and many followers on social media. They want to know there is a potential market for your book aside from the topic and your writing ability. And they want to know that you are willing and able to do most of the marketing and promotion. OTHER WAYS TO PROMOTE YOUR BOOK There are companies that will promote your book for a fee. There are also book publicists. Most are expensive. There are cheap promotional services on Fiverr and other sites. Some of these can be useful, but often they promise a lot more than they can deliver. And some of their methods are likely to get you banned from Amazon. There are many books devoted to book promotion and many people who offer book promotion as their main area of expertise or one of a group of marketing areas they promote. It is not within the scope of this book to deal with these. SEE Bonus NO. 5 regarding paid reviews as opposed to paid promotional MONLY MISUSED TERMS IN PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR)Public Relations involves anything to do with the connection between a person or company and the public. It consists of three main areas: advertising, promotion, and publicity. Many people think these words are interchangeable. They are not.ADVERTISING Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support. (Wikipedia) Always a paid service.PROMOTIONPromotion refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It is one of the four basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four P's: price, product, promotion, and place. (Wikipedia) Promotions can cost money or time or resource, Think of those gifts that McDonald’s uses to entice people. The toy is usually not made by McDonald’s but by another company and each pays for part of the promotion. Or McDonald’s commissions a toy from a provider. There are many kinds of promotions but they cost the promoters something so it isn’t proper to call them free. There is such a thing as a free promotion. That is usually when one company decides to promote another for reasons of business, charity or social awareness. But the company that offers this service to another organization pays somebody something!PUBLICITYPublicity is the movement of information with the effect of increasing public awareness of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment. (Wikipedia) Almost always free. (Which is why people say “free publicity.” But people also use the term publicity when they really mean advertising or promotion.BONUS #2: HOW TO SPEED UP THE POSTING PROCESSMany of the promo pages listed in this document allows you to post once a day. If you choose to post your book on multiple FB promo pages once a day, there is an easier way to go about posting on the next day.Go to your FB timeline on your own FB page In the top right corner, you’ll see “view activity log” When you click, you will see all of your FB activity, separated by days. Go to the day when you posted multiple times in a rowWhat you posted and the group you posted on, will appearJust click and you’ll be directed to that page where you can repostInstead of trying to remember what groups you posted on and then typing in the search menu and choosing from a suggested list, this method will keep posting organized and quick.BONUS NO. 3. EXCEL SPREADSHEET TO CHART YOUR PROMO POST ACTIVITY AND RESULTSI have included an excel spreadsheet so that you can chart your book marketing promotion work should you wish to do so. The first two cells are filled in and contain the names of the Facebook group sites and the URLs. The others are blank for you to choose how to use. You can retain sites you use, delete others and insert new ones. You can enter dates and times of promotions, Sites you use, title of different blubs (you may want to change the language for each kind of promotion each holding slightly different copy such as “Two days left! For my book on…” etc. ” Or, “Today only! You can download my book on. Emailed Mr. ‘X’…” etc.).Get your Excel sheet HEREBONUS #4: You can get my next book in this series for authors and writers FREE: It is on HOW TO WRITE A BOOK REVIEW. (That’s a working title. It’s Coming Soon!) This book will teach you now to write book reviews so you get a good reputation as a reviewer.Most book reviews on Amazon are terrible. They are too short, too repetitive, too similar, too thoughtless, etc. Many people just copy what others have said or they make vague general comments that don’t help the potential reader or the author.I know you probably weren’t trained to write book reviews but I can fix that. I have been a professional reviewer of books, movies, and television for 50 years (stop laughing!).In short order you will be an excellent reviewer. You need to be able to review well if you hope to get others to review your books. This new book will help you do that. In fact, you can practice with this FREE book!If you’d like to be on the advance reviewers list to get the book free, please email me atdaleyfrank0@Write: “Put me on the book reviewers’ list!” in the subject headline, please! I’ll let you know when it is ready.Thanks, Frank DaleyNEW BONUS!BONUS NO. 5. UPDATED AMAZON POLICY CHANGES RE REVEWS IN GENERAL AND PAID REVIEWS IN PARTICULARAMAZON'S NEW RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR BOOK REVIEWS.(They have rules for products, too, but as writers we are concerned with books.) NOTE: THIS IS A SHORT VERSION OF WHAT I WILL WRITE ABOUT IN MY NEXT BOOK HOW TO WRITE BOOK REVIEWSThere are different rules for book reviews. These new rules are being instituted by Amazon to make its site more open and transparent, but there may be babies being thrown out with this bathwater. We’ll get to that next time.1. WRITING AND REVIEWING IN YOUR NICHE Amazon has apparently removed hundreds of reviews from writers who write reviews for books in the same niche in which they publish their books. It could be that if you are a diet book writer you won't be eligible to review other diet books for example. The rationale probably is that there is too much room for collusion or unfairness in the review procedure. Here's a case for which it doesn't make much sense. (The principle is the same, but the effect is not, or at least it is not as bad or as likely to be abused.)What if you are a novelist? Are you to be banned from reviewing all other novels? The New York Times and many other newspapers and magazines ask novelists to review other novelists' books. Some of the most knowledgeable people to review books are peers, people already in the field under whatever genre a book is in. Asking fellow writers for reviews is still an option (at this time but the review might not be published. It's difficult to know how far this will go. I'm giving you the best information at this time. But the rules and complications could change. I encourage you to keep abreast of this issue.2. PROMOTIONAL (MATERIAL IN) REVIEWS The use of promotional content in reviews is no longer accepted on the Amazon Marketplace if it can be said that the sole purpose of the review was promotional. The key word there is "solely."On the other hand, reviews on Amazon or anywhere else SHOULD NOT BE SOLELY for promotional purposes. Those notices or blurbs should be reserved for advertisements. More about this in my forthcoming book on How to Write Book Reviews.)‘VERIFIED' REVIEWS (Those preferred by Amazon)‘Verified reviews’ are those that Amazon says were written by people who bought the book they are reviewing on Amazon.These reviews are generally displayed higher in the thread on Amazon. 3. REVIEW COPIES Historically, in the arts and entertainment businesses, reviews are not paid for (more about that shortly) by the creators. Access to the creation is not usually paid for either for professional reviewers. AMAZON SUING ‘REVIEWERS’ There are many sites by individuals, groups or companies offering to write favorable reviews of books on-line for pay. You can find these services on Fiverr and other sites although probably not for long. Amazon has begun lawsuits against those individuals for the practice. Amazon is not suing Fiverr (the site discourages clients from doing this); instead it is going after more than 1,100 individual "reviewers." Some of these so-called reviewers do the following. a) they ask that you pay them for writing a review b) they offer to write a favorable reviewc) they offer to write a 5-Star reviewd) they offer to write more than one review (5 or more) and say they will use different names and IP addresses so they won't be detected.e) variations on these themesHere are links to several news stories on the subject.Fortune on ABC –TV. Interview with Jeff Jon Roberts Consumerist. Writer: Laura Northrop Wire. Reporter: Jacob Demmitt. After undercover sting, Amazon files suit against 1,000 Fiverr users over fake product reviews[Geek Wire] practice is not to engage in the practices immediately above. As to the other issues, stand by! If you’d like a free review copy of my next book in this writers’ series, tentatively entitled, How to Write Great Book Reviews Just email me at: daleyfrank0@Write: “Put me on the book reviewers list” in the subject line! Do it now while you’re thinking about it. Send EM get free book! How simple is that?If you liked this book, would you please take the time to write a short review for your fellow authors and writers? It would help them and help me too!Thanks, FrankOTHER BOOKS OF MINE THAT MIGHT INTEREST YOUWhat’s Your Problem? No, really, what IS your problem? The Sherlock Holmes Guide to Problem IdentificationYou can’t solve a problem until you know what it is. That sounds obvious but it’s not. Many people fail to solve problems because they don’t know there is a first step in the process: problem identification. Lots of times we think or feel we know what a particular problem is but when we try to fix it, it just doesn't work. We think hard but the problem remains. Are we slow or dumb? NO, it’s because we can’t solve a problem until we name it.This step-by-step guide to problem identification teaches: How to find emotional blocks that stop you from identifying the real problems How to “see” hidden psychological biases that prevent problem identification How to correct poor thinking habits that camouflage the real problemsThe Battle of the Long SaultIn The Battle of the Long Saul, a young, ambitious Montreal garrison commander, Dollard des Ormeaux, deplores the French strategy of never combating the Iroquois in the forest because of earlier disastrous encounters. He decides to do something about it and he heads up the Ottawa River with 16 men to ambush the Iroquois as they have been doing to the French and their Huron allies for years. Unfortunately, he is unaware that the Iroquois have finally decided to attack the forts of Montreal, Quebec and Three Rivers and wipe out the French. The two forces meet and what happens next is akin to the battle of Thermopylae in Greek history or The Alamo in American history. THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY. SPECIAL BONUS NO. 6I have added the first chapter of the novel, plus a link where you can read the whole book, FREE. It is on my own author site Novel Ideas. It’s also free in serial form on Wattpad. The book will be available on Amazon soon. See the end of this book for chapter one! Answer the Question!This book is for students who get poor marks on essays, tests and exams when they feel they know the answer to the question. The problem is they failed to answer the question the teacher or professor asked. Instead they answered question they thought, wanted, hoped or guessed she asked. You can fix this overnight. If you’d like this book please register at HYPERLINK "" and you can download it FREE immediately. How to Find Yourself: 4 Steps to Self-AwarenessSelf-awareness: understanding your gifts, talents, abilities and your capacity to achieve the most with them. If you are happy in your life, you don't need this book. If you are not, then it is for you. Because if you don’t know yourself, 3 bad things will happen: You will not be in the right line of work. You will not be with the right person. You will not be happy. You won’t be happy because of the first two. You know this already, I’m just reminding you. If any of those conditions apply to you, you need this book.WHO AM I?Frank Daley I am a writer, speaker, and teacher. I’m in Caledon, Ontario, just outside Toronto.SELF-KNOWLEDGE COLLEGEI am the founder of Self-Knowledge College. I help people know themselves so they can be more successful in their personal and professional lives. Until you know yourself, you are unable to make the best decisions for yourself because you don’t have the right information about yourself. I believe that if you do not know yourself, three bad things will happen to you in life.You will not be in the right line of work.You will not be with the right person.You will not be happy.?The last one follows from the first three.??You will make wrong decisions in the main areas of life (career and mate selection in?particular) and you will continue to make those poor decisions until you die unless?you again self-knowledge. That’s harsh, but it is demonstrably true.I can prove it to you.You know this intuitively, I’m just reminding you.DROPOUT TO DEAN’S LISTMy site for at-risk students, Dropout to Dean’s List teaches students self-knowledge so they can become better students and select the right educational program to enrol in after high school, whether it be college, university or some thing else. THE DALEY POST (MY BLOG)The Daley Post FICTIONI am serializing a historical adventure novel, The Battle of the Long Sault on WATTPAD. And on my author site, Novel Ideas. THE BATTLE OF THE LONG SAULT The Battle of the Long Sault takes place in1660 near Montreal and involves the wars between the French and their allies, the Huron and Algonquin native tribes, and their enemies, the Iroquois. Think The Canadian Alamo!Here’s a description of it.The Battle of Long Sault occurred over a five-day period in early May, 1660 during the French-Indian wars. It was fought between French colonial militia, with their Huron and Algonquin allies, against the Iroquois Confederacy. The battle took place along the Ottawa River in Canada at a series of rapids known as Long Sault. (Sault is an ancient French word for rapid(s).)A force of 17 Frenchmen and about 40 Indian allies?under the command of Adam Dollard des Ormeaux went up the Ottawa river to ambush marauding Iroquois on the river as the Iroquois had been doing to the French for years.He was joined by 40 Indian allies, Huron and Alqonquin, but as they prepared to camp at the bade of the rapid, two Iroquois war canoes came slicing over the rocks.The fight began and they did well for time because they had more guns than the Iroquois and were better shots. But the odds and the battle’s outcome came into doubt as 200 Iroquois reinforcements arrived down the sluicing waters.The French could not reach their canoes, which the enemy burned.They were running out of water, food and ammunition. Then, things got worse.Think the Canadian Alamo. This is not a love story. The Battle of the Long Sault.Chapter 1. Iroquois attack on Quebec.Quebec, April 19th, 1660Father Gustave Lamont wrote on the plain wooden table that served as his desk in his room at the Jesuit House in Quebec.Quebec, April 19th, 1660‘Dear Father Superior:We are near despair. Everywhere we see infants to be saved for heaven, sick and dying to be baptized, adults to be instructed, but everywhere we see the Iroquois. They haunt us like persecuting goblins. They kill our new-made Christians in our arms. If they meet us on the river, they kill us. If they find us in the huts of our Indian allies, our Hurons, they burn us and them too. Please, revered father, send us troops to destroy these Iroquois lest all our holy work be undone by their bloody hatchets. The Iroquois must be destroyed; it is a holy work to be inspired by God. We are needful of God’s grace and needful of soldiers to act in his service. If we do not have troops, we are lost.As Father Lamont wrote, Martine Messier walked quickly to the stone fort of Quebec. Dusk was falling, but there was still enough light to make it back to the walls. She hurried along and smiled to herself when she thought of her husband Antoine Primot’s admonition to wait for him to escort her home. She had been visiting her friend Denise at her farm three-quarters of a mile from the fort. It was a well-traveled road, and she passed a farmer she recognized walking the other way.“Hello there, Fernand Rameau!”“Hello, Martine! What are you doing here by yourself? It is too dangerous.” He unslung his musket from his shoulder and approached her.“I’ll take you back. Antoine would kill you if he knew you were out here alone.”“Oh!” she laughed, “He said the Iroquois would kill me!”“One or the other.”“Well, I can’t wait for him tonight. He was to come for me later, but I have soup to prepare. Besides, it is still daylight, and there are people walking… look, I have met you.”“Even so, it is not wise. Come, I’ll take you back.”“Nonsense, I’ve come all this way. The walls are only around that bend. Go off and see to your business and I’ll to my own. Go along now.”Rameau grunted tolerantly as she went past him along the road towards the fort. He turned and started in the opposite directing pausing to look back periodically. The woman was young, maybe 24, and beautiful, known as ‘la bonne femme.’ M. Rameau might have looked back at her anyway, just for the pleasure of it, but it was the situation that made him uneasy.Martine laughed to herself. If I can come to Quebec and live in this wild place these past four years, surely I can walk a mile on my own.The broad section of the road narrowed somewhat as it went through a small growth of underbrush and trees. Too late, she saw the figure drop from the tree, but she felt him land on her shoulders. Immediately, two more figures leapt from the bush. She screamed before the first Mohawk could silence her with his club and Rameau heard it even as his conscience was prodding him to turn around and take her, willingly or not, to the fort.The force of the jump knocked Messier to the ground, but she fell clear of the Mohawk. The others, swiftly moved in on her but still screaming, she fought furiously, her hands and feet lashing out.The first blow to her back knocked her down again and the second grazed her shoulder. The Iroquois was clearly not trying to kill her but to seize her as a captive. Rameau was racing towards her and her screams had alerted several Algonquins and Raymond Cleroux, who were approaching the fort by a nearby path. The brave who had leapt on her swung his arm and this third blow to the skull knocked her senseless. The Algonquins, hearing silence and fearing the worst, began firing their muskets in the hope of frightening off the Iroquois.As one attacker began tying her feet, she regained consciousness and reached out, grabbing his testicles, clenching hard. The Iroquois screamed in pain, dropped his weapon, and tried to back away, but she did not let go. The Algonquins was rounding the bend. The two other Iroquois ran for the woods as Messier lunged and grasped the Mohawk’s hatchet from the ground. Screaming like crazy, and still clutching his testicles, she swung the hatchet, slicing a deep gash in his shoulder. She released him as he fell and then, as he rose, she regained her own feet, and as he fled she threw the hatchet at him. It whipped through the air rotating and stuck deep in his back. He dropped to his knees, his hands reaching back for the hatchet.Rameau reached her as the Algonquins, now on the scene, attacked the wounded Iroquois, killing him. Rameau lifted Messier up and hugged her when he saw she was unhurt.She slapped his face.Raymond Cleroux, with the Algonquins, approached her said,“Martine, why did you slap Fernand? He just rescued you!”“Oh my god, I’m sorry. I thought he wanted to kiss me!”Everyone laughed at the absurdity, but then she began to shake.The Algonquins chased the escaping Iroquois. One hid, or was too fleet and escaped, but the other tripped on a root, twisted his ankle and was caught. He was a member of the Wolf clan by his markings and of the Onondaga nation. The Algonquins dragged him back to the fort to torture him, but first the French wanted information.Father Lamont had enough influence to prevent the Algonquins from torturing the captive, but he did not think it wise politically or theologically to do so. Too much interference in the ways if the Indian allies meant they would not bother bringing in their prisoners, they would just kill them in the forest. That would be a loss of valuable information.It was also expedient and satisfying to exact some punishment on the savages. Were these Indian allies not simply duplicating what the Iroquois did to the French priests and settlers? Perhaps similar treatment of their own captives would make the Iroquois think twice about such horrifying actions and amend their behavior in the future.? But principally, the Jesuits thought torture was good for the soul. Some of their brothers were using the practice in Spain in the Inquisition.? No, they would permit the customary torture, but first they would prepare him for heaven.Later that night Fr. Lamont continued his letter to his superior in France: We have rarely indeed seen the burning of an Iroquois without feeling he was on the way back to paradise: and we never knew one of them to be surely on the path to paradise without seeing him pass through this fiery punishment. We baptized the Wolf Indian with water and told him he would see God in this day. Is it not a marvel to see a wolf changed in one stroke into a lamb, and enter into the fold of Christ, which he came to ravage?The Algonquins tied the Iroquois to a stake and tormented him for several hours before burning him.During the repeated flagellations and taunts and cuts and blows the Mohawk was remarkably steadfast, hurling insults at his tormentors. The Wolf also frightened them by telling of 800 of his brother warriors who were gathering below Montréal on the Ottawa River. He said 400 hundred more Iroquois, who had wintered on what the French referred to as the Richelieu River, after their cardinal benefactor, and the Iroquois called their own name, the Iroquois River, were to join them on a massive attack on Quebec. They were planning to kill the governor, burn the town, and move on to Trois-Rivieres and Montréal, ridding themselves, once and for all, of the French people in New France.THIS BOOKI wrote this book to help myself promote and market my books and then I realised other people could benefit from it too. I hope you profit by it. REVIEWSReviews are the lifeblood of any writer’s ability to gain traction. If you found this book helpful, I would be grateful if you could write a short review of it. Here is where you can do that. And thank you for doing it!FINAL NOTEIf you see Book promotion site that you site that you would like to see added to this list or if you have any questions, please Email me at: daleyfrank@Thank You!Frank ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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