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Plaza Account #: Click here to enter text. Owner’s Name: Click here to enter text.Address: Click here to enter text.City, State, Zip: Click here to enter text.Phone: Click here to enter text.Email: Click here to enter text.Pet #1: Click here to enter text.Pet #2: Click here to enter text.Pet #3: Click here to enter text.Pet #4: Click here to enter text.This Contract is between Plaza Del Amo Animal Hospital (hereafter called “PDAAH”) and the Pet Owner or Authorized Agent of the Pet Owner whose signature appears below (hereafter called the “Owner”). The term “pet” refers to all pets boarding with the same ownership.Please read carefully and initial each item:Initials1. Owner Information: Owner specifically represents that he/she is the owner of the pet, or has been authorized by the Owner of the pet to enter into this Contract as the Owner’s Agent.Initials2. Emergency Contact: An Emergency Contact is REQUIRED for every boarding stay. Please ensure that your contact understands your wishes in the event of an illness/injury or life-threatening emergency. As the Owner’s specified Emergency Contact, they are willing and authorized to make decisions regarding the care and well-being of your pet, including financial parameters. If you will be traveling out of the country, a state-side Emergency Contact is REQUIRED. Initials 3. Payment: Owner agrees to pay the boarding rate for all services and treatments owed on the day pet is picked up. Prices are subject to change without notice. Owner understands that boarding stays of more than 14 days will be subject to our Long-term Boarding Policy and we may bill their credit card on file for their outstanding balance every 14 days, prior to the departure of their pet from PDAAH.Initials4. Hours of Operation: Owner understands that PDAAH is not a 24-hour facility. Boarding pets are not monitored before or after normal business hours Monday-Saturday and after 4pm on Sundays or Holidays. Business hours are subject to change without notice. Pets requiring overnight care, or medical monitoring or services beyond simple treatments should not board at PDAAH. Initials 5. Check-In and Check-Out Dates: Full day rate charges begin the day of drop off. Check-out time is 11am Monday- Saturday (full day rate applies after 11am, with the exception of grooming pets that are receiving a full bath or trim). Sunday is charged at a half day rate, if picked up between 1pm – 3:30pm. Owner agrees to pick up their pet on the date specified. If circumstances change, Owner agrees to notify PDAAH, as soon as possible. If a pet’s boarding stay is extended, all efforts will be made to maintain the pet in the same requested boarding accommodations, but Owner understands the pet may be moved to different accommodations within PDAAH, based on the current availability. Check-in and Check-out are not available outside normal business hours and Holidays. Check-in is not available on Sundays. Initials6. Cancellation: If Owner needs to cancel boarding reservation, please do so at least two (2) days prior to arrival date. PDAAH reserves the right to charge a late cancellation fee.Initials7. Vaccine Requirements: PDAAH specifically requires all Dogs and Cats be vaccinated against communicable diseases prior to boarding. All Dogs must be up-to-date on their Distemper-Parvo combo (DAPP or DAP), Bordetella, and Rabies vaccines, per your Veterinarian’s vaccine protocol. All Cats must be up-to-date on their FVRCP vaccine. For Cats, the Rabies vaccine is required for those that receive Grooming Services. NO breeder or at-home administered vaccines are permitted. No vaccine waivers are accepted for the Rabies vaccine (per California Law) for dogs. Exceptions are only made for the Distemper-Parvo combo, Bordetella, or FVRCP vaccines with an Annually Signed Letter from Owner’s Veterinarian that states a VALID MEDICAL REASON why pet cannot receive the vaccines and proof of previous Distemper-Parvo combo or FVRCP vaccination in the past is provided. Initials8. Flea Free Facility: If fleas or evidence of fleas (flea dirt/feces) are found on Owner’s pet, a Capstar (kills adult fleas within 30 minutes) will be given at the current hospital rate. A current (within 30 days of boarding, unless Bravecto) and adequate* topical, oral, or collar flea preventative are REQUIRED. IF pet has not been adequately* treated with a flea preventative product, a dosage of Advantage II will also be applied to pet, at the Owner’s expense. *Frontline (or generic Fipronil products), Hartz, or Sentry are NOT typically effective flea preventative products against Southern California fleas. Initials9. Communicable Diseases and Medical & Behavioral Conditions: Owner represents that pet is healthy and has not been exposed to any known communicable disease(s) within a 30 days period immediately prior to boarding. Owner agrees to disclose to PDAAH all known medical conditions and/or behavior problems, which may affect pet’s care prior to Check-in. Owner shall inform PDAAH of any changes in pet’s condition and behavior at or prior to Check-in for all subsequent boarding stays. Pets with casts, splints, limited mobility, post-operative recovery requirements, or those with more specific treatment requirements due to their medical conditions may only be boarded in PDAAH’s Treatment Room. Initials10. Personal Property: Owner releases PDAAH from, and waives all claims and liability against PDAAH for damage to or loss of personal equipment or belongings provided by Owner for pet while the pet is boarded. Owner agrees to limit personal belongings to five (5) items or less per pet boarding. No breakable items (i.e. glass or ceramic bowls, etc.) are allowed. Initials11. Abandonment: Owner understands that if pet is not picked up within 14 calendar days after the day pet is scheduled for pick up, pet shall be deemed Abandoned. PDAAH then has the right to place the pet with a new owner (pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 1834.5, Abandonment Law).Initials12. Bite History: Has the pet ever bitten any person or animal(s)? ? No ? Yes (choose one)If yes, please explain: If Multiple Pets On Contract Please List Name of Pet along with explanationInitials13. Right to Refuse Services: Owner understands that PDAAH reserves the right to refuse service at its discretion. PDAAH does not board animals with behavior problems that are deemed a safety risk for staff, other boarding pets, or itself.Initials14. Illness and Injury: PDAAH cannot guarantee the health of any animal, but pledges to provide appropriate care to all boarders. Despite precautions, Owner acknowledges that pet will be in an environment with other pets during boarding, and understands that any pet may harbor and spread a communicable disease. Owner releases PDAAH and waives claims and liability against PDAAH for all losses, damages, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with any disease contracted or injury developed by Owner’s pet during boarding that are often unavoidable, including, but not limited to, weight loss or gain, rough hair coat, kennel cough, upper respiratory infection (including Influenza), diarrhea, and fleas. Initials15. Emergency or Life or Death Situations: Owner acknowledges that the staff at PDAAH may not be able to contact Owner or their Emergency Contact immediately. In the unlikely event of a life-threatening emergency or life or death situation, OWNER CHOOSES ONE of the following: (Note: non-life-threatening illness/injury are addressed in Boarding Agreement, at time of each stay.)Initialsa. Owner ELECTS treatment in a life or death emergency situation: PDAAH at its sole discretion, is authorized to engage the services of a PDAAH Veterinarian to provide at least reasonable treatment and diagnostics to stabilize and make the pet comfortable until the Owner or Emergency Contact can be reached. Until Owner or Emergency Contact are available to discuss further care and related fees with the attending Veterinarian at PDAAH, Owner agrees to pay all related expenses associated with the treatment of the pet, up to and including $500.00 or $ Enter Amount, whichever is greater.ORInitials b. Owner DECLINES any and all treatment: In spite of a life or death nature of pet’s emergency, Owner is declining any and all treatment of the pet, up to and including Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation (CPCR), if pet’s heart and breathing stop (i.e. Owner is indicating they do not want their pet resuscitated, should the pet die). Owner fully recognizes that this release is against the recommendations of the Veterinarians at PDAAH. Owner accepts full financial and medical responsibility for their decision and hereby agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Veterinarians and Staff at PDAAH of all responsibility and liability of that choice.Initials16. Release of Liability: Owner agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless PDAAH, the Veterinarians, and Staff from any and all manner of damages, claims, loss, liabilities, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and related costs, arising out of or related to PDAAH’s services, except which may arise from the gross negligence or intentional and willful misconduct of PDAAH, including, without limitation, (i) any inaccuracy in any statement made by Owner or information provided by Owner to PDAAH (ii) owner’s pet, including but not limited to destruction of property, dog or cat bites, injury, and transmission of disease, and (iii) any action by Owner which is in breach of the terms and conditions of this Contract.Initials17. Entire Agreement: This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. All terms and of this contract shall be binding on the heirs, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns of the Owner and PDAAH. This Contract covers the current relationship between Plaza Del Amo Animal Hospital and the Owner. Each time the owner brings in the pet to PDAAH for boarding, the Owner affirms the terms of this Contract, and the truthfulness and accuracy of all statements the Owner makes in this Contact.Owner Acknowledges and Agrees with All Terms Listed Above:Please Type Your name______________________Owner SignatureDate: Click here to enter a date.? I Accept - Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "I Accept" button, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement. By selecting "I Accept" you consent to be legally bound by this Agreement's terms and conditions. ................

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