
2021 AWS Section Annual Report - Part I (Secretary's Report)The worksheet below is intended to help you compile information needed for the 2021?AWS Section Annual Report - Part I (Secretary's Report).?Please note:?The Part I will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and must be completed in a single sitting. The system will not allow you to save your?work and return at a later time to complete the form. We encourage you to use this worksheet?to?gather the information needed and then proceed to complete the 2021?AWS Section Annual Report in a single sitting.?About this Report:Part I allows you to report the details relating to the Section Officers your Section has elected and appointed for next year as well as other relevant information that will help us to ensure our records are up-to-date.?If you need clarity on which roles should be elected and which can be appointed, please review the detailed outline on roles and responsibilities of AWS Section Officers which can be found in the AWS document titled?Suggested Duties & Responsibilities for Section Officers and Committee Chairmen?located at:? Section Annual Reports are due July 1, 2021.Please be advised: The Section Annual Report is a bylaw requirement of the American Welding Society (AWS). The Section Annual Report covers the fiscal year -?June 1 to May 31 - and?must be received by AWS World Headquarters in order for AWS to issue an Anniversary Payment and Dues Rebate to your Section.This Report must be received at AWS World Headquarters by 11:59PM Eastern on?July 1, 2021.?Please note that a 25% penalty will be applied to your rebate if your Annual Report is received after July 1, 2021.? A 75% penalty will be applied if your Annual Report is received after September 15, 2021.Please complete the report as thoroughly as possible, but do not to miss the July 1?deadline. Should your Section be unable to complete the report prior to the July 1?deadline, please?email Darrill A. Gaschler (dgaschler@) to discuss.?If you have any questions or need additional information or support, or if you encounter any challenges while using the online form,?please feel free to contact Darrill A. Gaschler at 800-443-9353 x 260 or?dgaschler@.Thank you for your continued involvement with – and support of – the AWS. A. General Information1. Full Name of Person Completing the Form?*?2. AWS Membership Number of person completing this form.?*If the person completing this form is not an active AWS Member, please enter "Nonmember".??3. Role of Person Completing Form - at time of form submission?*If you hold multiple roles, please select the highest role.??3a. If you chose "Other", please note your role below.?4. Email Address of person completing this form.?*If you do not have/use an email address;Please enter your phone number so you can be contacted if we need additional information/clarification.??5. Please choose the AWS District your Section is a part of.?*Click the Help link to determine which?District your Section belongs to if you are uncertain.??6. Section Name?*?6a. If your Section is not listed above, please enter it in the space below.??B. CommunicationAll Section Officers and Committee Chairpersons will receive the AWS Section News newsletter and other correspondence intended for all Section leaders. There will be times when AWS Headquarters (AWS HQ) needs to contact someone to relay important information, connect a member seeking to become involved, or to check in on Section activity and/or offer to provide support.Please identify 1 person to serve as the primary point of contact for this type of communication.Who should AWS Headquarters communicate with throughout the year?7a. Please enter the name of the Section's designated point of contact.?*?7b. Please enter the email address of the Section's designated point of contact.?*?7c. Please enter the phone number for the Section's designated point of contact.?*?Being accessible to those interested in Section activity is critical to a Section's success. Please answer the questions below to ensure the best possible contact information for your Section is placed where?people may seek it.?8. Does your Section utilize a dedicated email address to communicate with members??*If so, please type it here so we can update our records.If you do not use a dedicated email address please enter "No".??C. Section Activity9. Please select the month that your Section's activity typically begins for the year.?*?10. Please select the month that your Section's activity typically ends for the year.?*?11. How many meetings did your Section complete during the 2020-2021 Section year??*?11a. Please list the date, topic, speaker, location, and approximate attendance of the meetings you conducted during the 2020-2021 Section year.?*Please list each meeting's details beginning with a number. For example:1. September 1, 2020; General Section Meeting; No Speaker; Zoom; 15 in attendance2. October 14, 2020; Technical Talk; Ellen Ochoa and Michael Coats; Johnson Space Center; 63 in attendance3. February 20, 2021; Annual Welding Competition; 100 in attendance (75 in person, 25 online)If you did not host any meetings during the 2020-2021?year, please reply "N/A".??12. What was the average attendance of your meetings and events during the 2020-2021 year??*??Our Section did not conduct meetings or events during the 2020-2021 year?1-20?21-49?50 or more attendees14. Did your Section host any "signature" events during the 2020-2021 year?If yes please type the name of the event.?If no, simply respond with N/A.?15. Is your Section planning to sponsor a member to attend FABTECH??*??Yes. Our Section plans to sponsor a member to attend FABTECH in 2021.?No. Our Section does not plan to sponsor a member to attend FABTECH in 2021.D. Section Officers and Committee Chairpersons Elected/Appointed?for 2021-2022We understand that some Sections have postponed the election and/or appointment of Section leaders as a result of the impacts of COVID-19.If there have been no changes to your Section’s leadership team, please select “No” to the following question and proceed to E. Section LibraryIf there have been changes to your Section's leadership team please note them below. For example; if you have elected/appointed new Section leaders OR members who were serving in a role over the past year have stepped down - please select "Yes" and enter the details in the fields where personnel have changed. For roles that are not occupied or no longer occupied due to a leader stepping down, please insert “No longer occupied” in the corresponding role. If there are roles your Section has not elected or appointed, please leave those fields blank.?Has your Section completed the process of electing/appointing leaders for the 2020-2021 year??*??Yes???NoSection ChairSection Chair Name?*?Section Chair AWS Member Number?*??Section Chair Email Address?*?Section Chair Primary Phone Number?*?Does the Section Chair wish to have any professional affiliation recognized alongside their name?If so, please list the company, school or entity name, or other professional designation (CWI, Ph.D, etc.).??Should the Section Chair's contact information be posted to the District page of as well as the Section website??Section 1st Vice ChairSection 1st Vice Chair Name?Section 1st Vice Chair AWS Member Number??Section 1st Vice Chair Email Address??Section 1st Vice Chair Primary Phone Number?Does the Section 1st Vice Chair wish to have any professional affiliation recognized alongside their name?If so, please list the company, school or entity name, or other professional designation (CWI, Ph.D, etc.).?Should the Section 1st Vice Chair's contact information be posted to the District page of as well as the Section website??Section SecretarySection Secretary Name??Section Secretary AWS Member Number??Section Secretary Email Address?Section Secretary Primary Phone Number?Does the Section Secretary wish to have any professional affiliation recognized alongside their name?If so, please list the company, school or entity name, or other professional designation (CWI, Ph.D, etc.).?Should the Section Secretary's contact information be posted to the District page of as well as the Section website??Section TreasurerSection Treasurer Name??Section Treasurer AWS Member Number??Section Treasurer Email Address??Section Treasurer Primary Phone Number?Does the Section Treasurer wish to have any professional affiliation recognized alongside their name?If so, please list the company, school or entity name, or other professional designation (CWI, Ph.D, etc.).?Should the Section Treasurer's contact information be posted to the District page of as well as the Section website??Membership Committee ChairMembership Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Education Committee ChairEducation Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Publicity Committee Chair?Publicity Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Program Committee Chair?Program Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?S.E.N.S.E. & Student Affairs Committee ChairS.E.N.S.E. & Student Affairs Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Certification Committee Chair?Certification Committee Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Awards Chair?Awards Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Scholarship & Foundation RepresentativeScholarship & Foundation Representative Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Image of Welding Chair?Image of Welding Chair Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Student Member LiaisonStudent Member Liaison Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Technical RepresentativeTechnical Representative Name and Member NumberPlease enter as Name - Member Number?Please list other roles that members may have been appointed to that are not listed above.Please list full name and AWS Member Number.If listing multiple members or roles, please separate individuals using a semicolon.???E. Section LibraryA Section Library is comprised of publications, and possibly other resources, that a Section has been granted by AWS HQ, purchased on its own, or gained through some other source. A Section's Library is intended to serve as a member benefit, enhancing the value of your Section to the members it serves. As such, we want to ensure we have the correct information on file so members who seek information about their Section's Library are able to locate it.?Section Library AddressPlease enter the address of the physical location that your Section Library is contained within.?If your Section does not host an AWS Section Library, please respond with N/A.???Please enter the name of your Section's Librarian.?*??If your Section does not host an AWS Section Library, please respond with N/A.??How would the Section Librarian like to be contacted??*Please enter the phone number or email address of the Section Librarian.???F. Successes, Challenges, and Feedback.What successes has your Section experienced this past year (June 2020 through May 2021)??*?Be as brief or detailed as you would like.??What challenges have prevented your Section from effectively engaging members??*Be as brief or detailed as you would like.???Feedback?*Please feel free to leave any additional feedback that you would like AWS HQ and/or your District Director to be aware of.?? ................

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