State Library of Ohio

eBooks at the LibraryDigital Tablets, Smartphones, and iPod TouchesOne of the newest developments in reading is the electronic book, or eBook. An eBook is a digital copy of a book that can be read on a digital tablet, smart phone, or an iPod Touch . While these devices do not always provide the same reading experience as a true book, they can be very convenient. Most of them can hold hundreds or thousands of eBooks in less space than a single hardback book. eBooks are readily available from many online sources. Many libraries are also making eBooks available to their patrons through their online catalogs. Patrons can search for available titles, check them out with their library card, and then download them to their digital tablet, smartphone, or iPod Touch.eBook CompatibilityeBooks come in several different formats. Unfortunately not all devices can work with all formats. Overdrive, a maker of eBook software, provides a list of devices and whether or not they support the eBook formats used by libraries at resources/drc/Default.aspx?type=eBook. If you are considering buying a device specifically to read eBooks from the library, check the list carefully to be sure the device is supported. Some of the more popular devices that support library eBooks are:Apple iPadApple iPhone and iPod TouchWindows 7 SmartphonesAndroid Digital TabletsAndroid SmartphonesBlackberry SmartphonesCheck the list often, as it is continually updated as new devices come onto the market. If your device is not listed, it may still work if it has Android version 1.5 or later.Required SoftwareBefore you can start reading eBooks, you will need to download and install some free software onto your digital device. To work with eBooks available through the Washington County Public Library, you will need OverDrive Media Console or the Amazon Kindle App (if you plan to use the Kindle App, ask for the Kindle eBook handout). These apps are available from the Apple Apps Store and Android Marketplace. You can also get the Android, Windows 7, and Blackberry versions of the OverDrive Media Console from the SEO Digital Catalog and Download Center (see below for instructions on how to find the web site). Using these apps, you can download eBooks from the library directly to your device over Wi-Fi or 3G, depending on your device’s capabilities.Installing OverDrive Media Console on an Android, Blackberry, or Windows Phone 7 Devices534352532194500363855037401500Start the web browser on your device and go to the Washington County Public Library web site: Scroll down the page to the Download audiobooks eBooks video music image on the left side of the page.Tap the image to go to the SEO Digital catalog.362902519240500Tap the OverDrive Media Console link in the left side bar to go to the OverDrive web site.Choose the version of the OverDrive App you need from the box on the right side of the Overdrive web page.Tap the Download Now button.Follow the instructions for downloading the software onto your device.54768752413000If you are directed to the Washington County Public Library mobile site,Tap the Catalog button.Tap the iDownload image to the right of the Best Sellers slide show.If you are directed to the SEO Digital catalog mobile site,Scroll to the bottom of the page.Tap the Overdrive Media Console Get the App button.Some Android devices cannot access Google’s Android Marketplace. For these devices you can download the Media Console App directly from Overdrive.Go to Settings on your device and locate Allow Installation of Applications from Unknown Sources (exact wording may vary).Turn the option On.Open the web browser and go to software/omc/AndroidEULA.aspx Read the User Agreement and then scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap I Agree.The Media Console application should then download to your device.Locate your Download folder and tap the Media Console application to install it.Installing OverDrive Media Console on an iPad, iPhone or iPod TouchTurn on your device.Go to the iTunes App Store.Search for OverDrive.3962400-30670500Select the OverDrive Media Console App.Tap the Free App button. Enter your iTunes ID.400050014160500Tap the Install button.Wait for the app to install.Setting Up the OverDrive Media Console The first time you use the Media Console, you may be asked to authorize your device (sometimes this step does not happen until the first time you check out an eBook). You only need to do this once using an Adobe ID. You will also need to select the libraries you plan to use. You can select any libraryThe following instructions are for an Apple iPad but the process will be much the same for other devices.Authorize Your Device49911004000500Start the OverDrive Media Console app.The Authorization screen opens (this may not happen until the first time you download an item).If you have an Adobe ID, skip to step 9.Tap the Register at button (Get ID on Android devices). This will open your web browser and take you to the Adobe Sign In page.Tap the Create an Adobe Account button.Fill in the form. Only the items marked with a red * need to be filled in.Tap Continue at the bottom of the form.Return to the Overdrive Media Console.Tap the Sign In button (Settings on Android devices). Enter your Adobe ID (your email address) and your Adobe Password. Tap Authorize.6153150298450038862008763000After you sign in, OverDrive Media Console will open in the bookshelf view. Select Your LibrariesTap the Get Books button in the top right corner of the app’s window (on Android devices, tap the menu icon and select Get Books).The Get Books screen will appear. 409575039497000292417515494000Tap Add a Library on the Get Books screen. 3448050-276860003505200-64516000Enter your Zip Code in the search box.Tap Search. Select your library from the list that appears.If you select any of the Washington County Libraries you will use the SEO Library Center, which manages our eBooks.625792524320500345186023050500Tap the in front of SEO Library Center to add it to your list of libraries (it will turn orange). If you want, you may also add The Ohio eBook Project. Your library card will also work with it.After you select your library, tap the Cancel button in the upper right corner to return to the Get Books screen (on Android devices, open the menu and tap Get Books once more).Tap SEO Library Center on the Get Books screen. Your web browser will automatically open and take you to the SEO Digital Catalog.SEO Digital Catalog 333374925145900344805012890500When you arrive at the SEO Digital Catalog home page, you are presented with a view of featured eBooks, Audiobooks, or other media types that your particular device supports. Across the top is the navigation bar which you use to find eBooks, check them out and check your account status (your Digital Account is separate from your regular library account).Locating an eBookThere are several ways to look for eBooks. Use whichever method works best for you. These instructions are for the mobile web site. If you arrive at the full web site, the layout of the pages will be different, but the process is essentially the same. For full details, ask for the eBooks on Computers handout.Browse by Format Tap the Browse Button near the top left of the screenTap Browse all Adobe EPUB eBook Titles to see all the eBooks available in the EPUB format (depending on your device, there may be other choices available).Navigate through the results by tapping the Previous and Next buttons at the top or bottom of the page. Left click a title to view detailed information on it.416242579375Browse Button00Browse Button431482512890500Browse by Category40005006731000Tap the Browse Button near the top left of the screen.Select a genre or subject from the list (scroll down to see the eBook categories).326707527686000Browse through the results by tapping the Next and Previous buttons on the page.Left click a title to see detailed information on it.215265013335Browse By Format00Browse By Format3514725787400236156541910Browse Categories00Browse Categories141922512255500Results539051559690Previous and Next Buttons00Previous and Next Buttons466725193345006667510160Title00Title504825317500539051588900Checked Out Item00Checked Out Item399097583820006731014605AvailableFormats00AvailableFormats733425831850073342583185005390515138430Checked In Item00Checked In Item400050011430000Detailed Information on a Title447675139509500-1143001242695Format00Format828675288099500723900187134500-2667001773555Lending Period00Lending Period-2667002735580Other Information00Other Information5027930755650Number of Available Copies 00Number of Available Copies 314325193789500Use the Simple Search423862566675Search Button00Search Button21336015207000Tap the Search button at the top of the screen.-333375825500Available Now00Available Now5810259696450051720761055371005638800428625Go Button00Go Button5172075588645005581650960755Advanced Search Button00Advanced Search Button37941256286500Enter a title, author or keyword(s) to search for.Select Available Now if you want to see checked in eBook.Tap the Go button to the right of the search box.Use the Advanced SearchTap the Search button at the top of the screen.Tap Advanced under the right end of the search box.Enter as much information as you want in the various search boxes. You do not have to fill in all boxes.Make additional choices, such as format, from the selectors in the lower part of the search screen.When ready, scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Search.Checking Out and Downloading eBooksJoining a Waiting ListeBooks are very popular and you will find that most of the titles will be checked out. For these books, you can add your name to a waiting list. When your name makes it to the top of the list, you will receive an email informing you that your eBook is ready to check out. You have 72 hours after receiving the email to check out the title.Locate the title you want using any of the above methods.Tap Join waiting list. You will then be directed to the login page (If you are already logged in, skip to step 7).Select your library (Washington County Public LibrarySystem).Enter your entire Library Card Number located beneath the bar code (do not include spaces).Enter your PIN, which is usually the last four digits of the phone number you gave when you got your library card.Select Remember me on this device if you want your device to remember your library card number and PIN.306641524257000Enter your entire Library Card Number located beneath the bar code (do not include spaces).Enter your PIN, which is usually the last four digits of the phone number you gave when you got your library card.Select Remember me on this device if you want your device to remember your library card number.Tap the Login button. 343852525908000Check the information on the My Digital Holds screen to be sure it is all correct.Tap the Join waiting list button.Tap Click here to continue browsing.When you receive an email that your eBook is ready, return to the SEO Digital Catalog to check it out. If you do not check it out within 72 hours, the title will go to the next person waiting for it.28194006604000Claiming Your HoldReturn to the SEO Digital Catalog. Tap the My Digital Account tab.Log in.269557523749000Tap My Digital Holds.Locate the eBook that is available for checkout.Tap the Add to Digital Cart.Check out and download your eBook as described in the Checking Out and Downloading section of this handout.Adding an eBook to Your Digital CartIf you are lucky, the title you want will be available. This is determined by the presence of an Add to Digital Cart button.Tap the Add to Digital Cart button. Just as when you join the waiting list, you will be directed to the login page, unless you are already logged in. Log into your account. 3248025-27622500Your Digital Cart will open showing the eBooks you have selected for checkout. You can remove an eBook from your cart by tapping remove.583882523495000Tap Continue Browsing if you want to look for more eBooks.415290013843000Tap Proceed to Checkout if you are finished looking and want to download the eBook(s) in your cart.You can have 12 items in your Digital Cart at a time. However, you can only have 10 digital items checked out at any one time. Keep track of your time, as items are automatically removed from your Digital Cart and returned to circulation after 30 minutes.Checking Out Your eBooksWhen you are ready to checkout and download your selected titles, tap My Digital Cart near the top of the screen (or use the Proceed to Checkout button).Log in to your account if asked.Your Digital Cart will open showing all the eBooks you have selected.Review your items. Be sure it is the correct format for your device.Be sure you are not exceeding the number of items you are allowed to have checked out. The number of items you currently have checked out is displayed in the Important notes. If you have too many items in your cart, use the Remove button to discard some.When ready, tap the Confirm check out button at the bottom of the screen.476250109791500-76200955040Format00Format781050178117500-1238251784350Current Status00Current Status2809875204216000495300012382500055245001095375Tap to Remove00Tap to RemoveThe Download screen appears after you tap Confirm check out.At this point the lending period begins for the item. You can download the eBook immediately, or any time during the 21 day lending period.Downloading Your eBooksTap the Download button beneath a title (you can only download one title at a time.)1714500155067000You will be returned to the Media Console app as your title downloads. It will then appear on your bookshelf. In order to download the other titles you have checked out, you must return to the SEO Digital Catalog and download each one separately.Downloading Additional eBooks2660015-17145000Tap Get Books.Tap SEO Library Center.Tap My Digital AccountLog in if requested to do so.Tap My Digital Bookshelf.Tap the Download button for the next title you want.25527008890000Repeat Steps 1 – 6 for each additional title.Remember, the lending period begins when you check out an item, not when you download it.If you have not already authorized your device, you will be asked to do so before you download your first eBook. Follow the steps under Authorize Your Device earlier in this handout. After you authorize your device, the eBook should be automatically downloaded. If it is not, return to the SEO Library Center and download it once more.Tap Get Books in the Media Console app (on Android devices, open the menu and tap Get Books).Tap SEO Library Center.Tap My Digital Account.Log in if requested to do so.Tap My Digital Bookshelf.Tap the Download button for your eBook.38506407747000Reading Your eBooksNow that you have you eBooks downloaded to your device, it is time to enjoy them.Open the OverDrive Media Console app. The titles you have checked out will appear on your bookshelf.Tap a title to start reading it.4596130000Returning eBooks458152552451000When the 21 day lending period for a title runs out, an expiration notice will appear when you start the OverDrive Media Console app. Tap the Delete button in the notice to remove the title from your device. If you tap the Dismiss button, the notice will disappear; however it will return the next time you start the OverDrive Media Console app. Once an eBook expires, you can no longer open it even though it appears on your bookshelf.It is also possible to return eBooks early. Returning an eBook Early33432753378200046672501714500Tap the Edit button at the top left of the bookshelf screen (Tap the + to the right of the title on Android devices, then go to step 4).Tap the Red Minus Sign to the left of the title you want to return.61245751739900055911751573530Tap the Delete button to the right of the title.Tap Return and Delete in the confirmation box that appears.5591175282575Tap the Done button at the top left corner of the screen when you are finished.426720145974000When you return to your bookshelf, you will find that the deleted eBook is no longer there. Further ReadingiPad In Easy Steps by Drew Provan. c2011My iPad 2 by Gary Rosenzwig. c2011 ................

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