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Journal of Information Processing Systems Submission Checklist for AuthorsPlease be sure to read the Instructions for Authors on the Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) website () and to use the following checklist to ensure that all necessary actions have been completed and that all required items have been included before manuscript submission. (confirm the following and check (e.g., x) each item)General□ The page limit for Regular, Fast Track B Paper, and Fast Track A paper is within 11 and 8, respectively, single-sided pages, including tables and figures. Pages can be added up to 4.□ The paper pages are consecutively numbered throughout.□ The length of the paper abstraction does not exceed 200 words.□ In the submitted paper, the name of the authors, their affiliation, and acknowledgement are included.□ All abbreviations are tagged in parenthesis when they initially used.□ Tables are self-explanatory and has not repeated any material from the main article or pictures.□ Formulas are numbered. □ Figures and tables, with captions, are numbered and referred to in the text. □ Even if the figures or pictures are reduced in size for publication, they should be sufficiently large and clear enough not be affected by the process.□ If the figures or pictures are not original, the author should request permission from the relevant authors and this should be referred or remarked on the caption of the figure.□ All the references are listed at the end of your paper.□ All the references are numbered in the order of occurrence and referred to in the text by bracketed numbers.□ The author(s) of this article has (have) verified that its article is original and that it does not violate any other publisher's rights nor does it contain matters that may disgrace or invade privacy.□ If the paper in the submission was previously published in a conference, workshop, or symposium paper, the new submission should technically extend the original paper by at least 30% new material, the submission should clearly cite the prior conference paper, and the authors should explain what has been extended in the new submission.Front Cover□ The listed order of authors should follow the declaration of authorship.□ The front cover file should be attached separately from the original paper when registering on the ments ................

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