
 January Email 1: Subject Lines: Happy New Year! Body - Variation #1:Happy New Year! I sincerely hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that you’re ready to tackle your resolutions — whether you want to hit new personal goals or make big strides in your career. One of my resolutions is to make myself available to more people who could benefit from my services and expertise. I’d love to know your plans for the next 12 months and how I can help you achieve them. Feel free to reach out if your plans for the calendar year include buying or selling real estate.Also, if you or anyone you know is thinking of buying or selling real estate, please let me know or request a complimentary copy of my book on my website at book.Cheers,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneJanuary Email 2:Subject: Stuck in a winter slump?Body:If you’re anything like me, you start to get a little stir crazy when the holiday season ends. There’s nothing major to look forward to, and summer seems so far away. It’s easy to get caught in a slump.I find the best way to keep myself busy during the winter months is to invest my time in a home project. Now, I don’t mean you should shell out thousands to completely renovate your house — unless you’re financially prepared to do so. There are lots of smaller, less expensive, projects you can tackle that will have a big impact on the look — and value — of your home. If you’re looking for inspiration, I’d be more than happy to drop by to give you some ideas and provide you with a complimentary copy of my book that discusses the expected return on various home projects. And don’t forget that you or anyone you know can always claim a complimentary copy of my real estate book on my website at book.Let me know if I can be of any assistance.Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneFebruary Email 1:Subject Lines:Happy Valentine’s Day! I love hearing from you. Heartfelt Greetings From Your Favorite AgentBody:Love is in the air! I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled with everything that makes you happy (whether that’s chocolates, fresh flowers, a nice dinner out or tickets to see your favorite team).Don’t forget that I love hearing from you, so if you have questions about the local market or just want to chat, reach out to me any time. Oh, and by the way, you or anyone you know can always check out my real estate book on my website at book.Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneFebruary Email 2:Subject Lines: Spring is just around the corner!Body: It may feel like winter has been dragging on for ages, but before you know it, spring and summer will be here! Are you ready to clear out the clutter you’ve accumulated over the last year and get organized? Knowing what to keep and what to give away can be difficult and often requires objective input. If you’re struggling to get organized, I’d be happy to help you out. I can offer tips for discerning what you need and what’s bogging down your space, as well as advice on smart storage solutions. And as always, if you have any other questions about your home or you’re considering selling in the near future, don’t hesitate to contact me. Don’t forget that you or anyone you know can get a complimentary copy of my real estate book on my website book. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneMarch Email 1:Subject Lines:I’m lucky to know you!Body: As we “march” into spring and St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to reach out and see how you’re doing. I hope life is bringing you lots of luck and you’re ready for warm weather and plenty of days in the sun. If you or anyone you know is thinking about buying or selling real estate as we head into the busy season, make sure you give me a call or request a complimentary copy of my book on my website at book. Dream homes aren’t just for lucky people — they’re for people with good agents. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneMarch Email 2:Subject lines:March madness is here!I’m prepping for March madness!Body: No — I’m not talking about the basketball tournament. Spring and summer are the hottest times of year for buying and selling real estate, and I’m working overtime to get ready. I’ve been working hard to perfect my strategy so I can help sellers get the most money possible, and I’ve got an eye on what’s coming up on the market so I can help buyers find their perfect homes.Whether you’re thinking about buying or selling this season, now is the time to get in touch with me so we can develop a strategy. Don’t forget that you or anyone you know can always claim a complimentary copy of my real estate book on my website at book.Also, if you’d like a free evaluation to determine the price of your home, just reply to this email or give me a call. I look forward to hearing from you. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneApril Email 1:Subject:I just won the Powerball!!! OMGI’m finally doing it… I’m moving to Japan. Body: APRIL FOOLS!!!In all seriousness,?I hope you’re doing well and that this email serves as a friendly reminder to be on the lookout for any nefarious pranksters — including anyone who makes “too good to be true” claims about the value of your home. If you’re looking to sell your home soon, contact me to find out how much your home is really worth and how you can get the right buyers through the door. And if you know anyone else who is thinking of buying or selling real estate this year, I’d love to have an opportunity to serve them. Please let me know if I can help or offer a complimentary copy of my book, available on my website.Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneApril Email 2: Subject: April Showers bring May flowers!Body: You’ve probably heard this familiar phrase to describe the weather in early spring. But I was thinking the other day how it also rings true for my business. In order to grow, flowers need just the right amount of water and sunlight. Likewise, for a home to sell for the best price, it needs the right preparations and marketing strategy. It may seem like all home sales are created equal, but the truth is, successful transactions take a lot of care and expertise. That’s why I created a book to give home sellers the best chance of selling their homes for top dollar. If you’d like a free copy to keep in your home, I’d be more than happy to provide one. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneMay Email 1:Subject Lines:Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! Body:It’s May, the month we celebrate all of the wonderful mothers of the world. I hope you are spending special quality time with the moms in your life and letting them know how much you appreciate all they do. I also wanted to take this time to let you know how much I appreciate your support and want to remind you that I’m here for you (or any of the moms in your life!) at any time. One of the biggest compliments you could give me is to refer me to your friends or family. If you know anyone who is thinking of buying or selling real estate I’d love to have an opportunity to serve them. Please let me know if I can help or offer a complimentary copy of my book, available on my website.I hope you’re enjoying these warmer days and getting ready to enjoy the summer. Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneMay Email 2:Subject lines: Don’t you just love the Spring?The sweet smell of Spring! Body: The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the flowers are in bloom. For me, spring signals a fresh start and a chance to make a change. If you’ve been thinking about making a fresh start in a new home, now is the perfect time to start looking. There are more homes on the market this time of year than any other, so you’re more likely to find one that perfectly suits your changing needs and tastes. Contact me to find out which homes are in your price range and to get pre-qualified for a home loan. And if you need to sell your current home, I’d be more than happy to put together a comprehensive marketing strategy to help you get the most money possible in the shortest amount of time. Don’t forget that you or anyone you know can always claim a complimentary copy of my real estate book on my website at book.I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine! Let me know if you’re ready to make a change. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneJune Email 1: Subject: It’s hot out there! Body:Of course, I’m not just talking about the weather. The hot selling season is in full swing. If you were thinking about selling your home, there’s never been a better time to get in on the action. Properties are “flying off the shelf,” so to speak. Plus, there’s lots of inventory to find the perfect new home. If you want to see how much your home is worth in this hot market, get in touch with me asap so we can start the selling process. It’s not too late to take advantage of the year’s hottest market! Also, keep in mind I’m never too busy for your referrals. If you know anyone who is thinking of buying or selling a home please let me know. I’d love to help them or give them a complimentary copy of my real estate book. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneJune Email 2: Subject: Happy Father’s Day! Your Dad Deserves a High-Five.Body:June is the perfect time to celebrate fathers. The weather is just right for going outside, grilling, and heading to the beach. Here’s hoping you get to celebrate with all the special father figures in your life.Guess what else June is perfect for? Real estate! If you’ve got property on your mind this summer, go ahead and give me a call. And if anyone else you know is thinking of buying or selling, please let them know they can request a complimentary copy of my book on my website at book.Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneJuly Email 1: Subject: Happy Independence Day! Body:July is the time for picnics, fireworks, road trips and soaking up the sun. It’s the height of summer, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate everything that makes the season great. However you choose to celebrate this month, I hope you have a fun and safe holiday with family and friends. Don’t forget to think of me if and when you have any real estate questions or want to buy or sell in this hot season. The same goes for anyone else at your family gatherings; I’d love to help them out and give them a free copy of my book. Happy Fourth! Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneJuly Email 2: Subject: You deserve a break!Body: If you haven’t found much time to relax yet this summer, maybe it’s time to invest in some quality “you” time. Whether you take a trip to the beach, treat yourself to a day at the spa or just spend a weekend doing nothing, it’s important to reset every once in a while. Sometimes it’s impossible to feel relaxed when you’ve outgrown your current home (or you find yourself with an overabundance of square footage you can’t keep up with). If you’ve been thinking of upsizing or downsizing your space, now is the perfect time to do it. There’s lots of inventory on the market in every price range, so you’re guaranteed to find a property that works for you and your evolving needs.And the best part is, when you list your current home with me, I’ll do the heavy lifting to sell it for the most money possible. Contact me today to talk about what you want in your next property and to find out what you can get for your current home. I’m also happy to give you a free copy of my book as the perfect tool for the process. Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneAugust Email 1:Subject: It’s not too late! Body: I just wanted to quickly reach out to let you know there’s still time to get in on this hot selling season. Homes are still flying off the market, and I don’t want you to miss your chance to sell. Buyers are scrambling to find homes before the start of the school year, and yours could be the perfect one. If you want to quickly get your home on the market before the end of summer, give me a call so we can get started right away. Don’t forget that you or anyone you know can always claim a complimentary copy of my real estate book on my website at book.I look forward to hearing from you! Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneAugust Email 2:Subject:School Days, School Days …Body:It’s that time of year again — parents everywhere are draining the kiddie pools and clearing out the junk food in the house as they send their kids back to school.As summer comes to a close and the market slows down again, you might find yourself with a few “grown up” goals you want to tackle. I’d love to share with you how a slowing (but still hot!) market can mean more buyers interested in YOUR home.If you want to learn the current value of your home, give me a call. And if anyone else you know is looking for the right agent to buy or sell, please keep me in mind. I’m happy to give them (or you) a free copy of my book. Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneSeptember Email 1: Subject: Happy Labor Day! Body: If you have the day off, I hope you get to spend some quality time with family and friends, enjoying each other’s company (and a hot dog or two). I’m celebrating the end of a great selling season and looking forward to growing my client base the rest of the year and beyond. If you know anyone looking to buy or sell this fall, please send me their information so I can send a free copy of my book. And if you want a copy or two for yourself, I’d be more than happy to send them your way. Cheers! Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneSeptember Email 2: Subject:Did You FALL In love with your house or just settle like foundation? Body: The days are cooling down and the leaves are starting to turn. Fall is a popular time of year for plenty of reasons, and I’m sending this email in hopes you’re looking forward to plenty of cozy days and nights ahead with loved ones. But here’s something else about fall that you might NOT know — it’s actually a great time to sell. The slower market means less inventory, and that means more opportunity for you. Interested? Call me and let’s talk. Or, ask me how you can get a free copy of my book. Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneOctober Email 1: Subject: Are You Tending Your Pumpkin Patch? Body:Pumpkin patches, scarecrows, and hay rides, oh my! It’s no wonder so many people cite fall as their favorite season. There’s nothing quite like throwing on a sweatshirt and watching a Friday night football game or sitting around a bonfire toasting s’mores. But while you should partake in as much festive fun as you can, fall is also an important time to winterize your home if you live in a colder area. Here are a few things to take care of to keep your home in tip top shape through the winter months: Clear out your gutters.Caulk any cracks around the outside of your windows and doors.Paint a fresh coat of sealing paint on your deck.Put outdoor furniture in storage.Turn off any sprinkler systems.If you take care of your home and property now, you’ll be much better off if and when you decide to sell in the future. And when you do decide it’s time to sell, give me a call. Don’t forget that anyone else you know can also request a free copy of my book at book.Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneOctober Email 2: Subject: Happy Halloween! It’s a treat to know you. Body:Happy Halloween! Whether you’re looking forward to opening the door to the kids in the neighborhood or turning off the porch light and curling up with a mystery novel, I sincerely hope you have a fun holiday. And don’t let the market scare you — call me and let’s talk. I’m here to answer all of your real estate questions any time, no tricks involved. I’m also happy to share my expertise or a free copy of my book with your friends and family. Let them know to reach out any time. Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneNovember Email 1: Subject: Are you ready for the holidays?Body:The holiday season is right around the corner, and I’m sure you’re busy shopping and preparing for holiday get-togethers. This time of year can be exhausting, and it’s hard to even think about the future beyond December. But did you know that this time of year is also the best time to get a great deal on a new home?Because everyone is so focused on the holidays and sellers are looking to sell quickly before Christmas, you have an opportunity to get a great deal on your next home. If you want to see what homes are available in your price range this season, give me a call. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with loved ones. One of the biggest compliments you could give me is to refer me to your friends or family. If you know anyone who is thinking of buying or selling real estate, please let me know if I can help or offer a complimentary copy of my book.Sincerely,Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneNovember Email 2: Subject: I’m thankful to know you.Body:As we all gather with family and loved ones to give thanks over delicious food, I wanted to say how truly grateful I am for your continued support of my business. I hope you have a fantastic turkey day and enjoy time with the people who matter most. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to talk real estate. I’m always happy to lend an ear. I’m also happy to share my expertise or a free copy of my book with your friends and family. Let them know to reach out any time. Happy Thanksgiving! Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneDecember Email 1: Subject: There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays! Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season!Body: There’s something about the holidays that always makes home seem even more like home. Maybe it’s the warm glow of a fire on a chilly night or the soft lights twinkling outside our windows. Maybe it’s the smell of a fresh-cut Christmas tree or the nights spent snuggled on our couches drinking hot cocoa with our families. This time of year, I’m always especially grateful for the wonderful people in my life. There is no greater gift for me than getting to help those people find the perfect home to make lasting family memories. Please let me know if you or anyone you know is looking to purchase or sell a home. I’d love to provide you with the level of service all of my clients have come to expect.And of course, I’m always available to help you with all of your real estate needs or offer a free copy of my book. I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful holiday season together. I look forward to keeping in touch in the new year! Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhoneDecember Email 2: Subject:Happy Holidays! From XSeasons Greetings! From XBody: Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and prosperous new year! Remember that I’m never too busy to help you with all of your real estate needs. Please let me know if you or anyone you know is looking to purchase or sell a home in the new year. I’d love to work with anyone you send my way, and give them a copy of my book. I look forward to hearing from you! Agent NameBrokerageEmailPhone ................

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