Competency 1: Define diversity in the workplace. - Amazon S3

Competency-Based iPLA Guide: Diversity in the WorkplaceOverview?How to Use this GuideThis guide is meant to help you understand the knowledge and competencies typically expected of someone who has a college-level understanding of Diversity in the Workplace. This guide is also meant to help you go through the processes of thinking about your learning and competencies in preparation for?writing your Prior Learning Request. ?Respond to the activity prompts by drawing from your own experience and using the short scenarios provided to discuss how you would approach each situation.The activity prompts in this guide act as a worksheet to help you identify and describe your learning. The rubric at the end can help you both formulate your responses and assess your learning. Once you have completed all of the competency activities and assessed that you have college-level knowledge in this area, you will compile a more formal iPLA request, incorporating your responses to the competency activities. PLA ProcessWhen you are ready, compile your responses into a learning description to create a more formal iPLA request. Once you complete your learning description, submit it to your mentor for review before you submit your iPLA request to PLA Planner, which initiates the evaluation process.?The college will assign an evaluator to your iPLA request. The evaluator uses two sources to assess your learning: 1) your learning description/iPLA request, which you develop from your answers to this worksheet, with any appropriate supporting evidence, and 2) an interview. The evaluator asks questions to help clarify and verify your knowledge and to gain a better understanding of the depth and breadth of your learning. The evaluator may ask about possible redundancies between a particular credit request and other studies that are listed on your degree program. The evaluator also may suggest changes in the title of your learning components, the number of credits, the level of learning, or liberal arts and sciences credit designations.?Once your interview is complete, the evaluator will write a recommendation which is posted in PLA Planner. To learn more about the evaluation process, please talk to your mentor and read the college’s iPLA guide at Overview of Diversity in the Workplace To gain credit in Diversity in the Workplace, you should demonstrate competence?in different?areas, including:????Defining diversity in the workplace????Discussing laws pertaining to diversity in the workplace and their application????Outlining strategies for inclusion????Making connections between diversity and its impact in business and society?Competency Worksheet for your iPLA RequestCompetency 1: Define diversity in the workplace. Activity 1.1 Sub-competency 1: Identify the categories of human diversity and their ranges of difference. What about diversity in the workplace did you learn?In your own words:?What is diversity?How do you see diversity as a workplace issue?Describe the various dimensions/categories of diversity that are important to consider.? Describe how you gained your learning. How did you gain your knowledge of diversity in the workplace? (e.g., on-the-job experience, job-related training*, self-study, non-credit course, etc.)What types of organizations, groups, and workplaces have you been a part of and what kinds of diversity were reflected?Over what period of time did this learning take place? In what ways have other people been part of your learning in this area?*Some training may be pre-approved for credits; check with your mentor.???Describe your learning. ??List key categories you have learned about Diversity in the Workplace, using the diagram below?to help you identify learning and gaps in learning.?To identify these categories, consider the following:If you were to write a book about this topic, what would your chapter headings be?Create a visual that depicts your own learning and understanding of diversity. What are the connections between the categories you have identified?Once you have listed key categories that you know about this topic, describe each category in more detail. In your own words, what are the main things you learned within each category? You may incorporate some of these details into your visual, if appropriate.The diagram below identifies many categories of learning in this field. ?Your learning may fall within some areas and not others, based on your personal experience, and that’s okay.?Activity 1.2 Sub-competency 2: Describe why it is important for people to understand and appreciate difference.? Using your own experiences, explain why it is important to acknowledge and appreciate differences.Using the scenarios below, explain why it is important to acknowledge and appreciate differences.?Scenario 1: You have just been hired on a new job. You walk into your workplace on the first day, and you notice that the other people who share your job look just like you. How do you feel? What do you think? What do you do? Scenario 2: You have just been hired on a new job. You walk into your workplace on the first day, and you notice that the other people who share your job all look different from you, but they look like each other. How do you feel? What do you think? What do you do??Activity 1.3 Sub-competency 3: Identify the benefits and problems of diversity in groups, organizations, and the workplace. In your experience, what have you seen as the benefits and problems of diversity??Using the following scenarios you've seen already in the previous sub-competency, further elaborate on the benefits and drawbacks of each of these situations:Scenario 1: You have just been hired on a new job. You walk into your workplace on the first day, and you notice that the other people who share your job look just like you. How do you feel? What do you think? What do you do? Scenario 2: You have just been hired on a new job. You walk into your workplace on the first day, and you notice that the other people who share your job all look different from you, but they look like each other. How do you feel? What do you think? What do you do?Competency 2: Discuss laws pertaining to diversity in the workplace and their application.Activity 2 Sub-competency 1: Describe some of the laws and policies relating to diversity in the workplace.? Briefly describe some of the laws governing diversity in the workplace. How have some of the laws changed over time? What are the implications of these laws governing diversity in the workplace??Describe any policies in your workplace that address some of the laws around respect and diversity in the workplace. How do these policies reflect the law? Do these policies make a difference in the culture and environment of the workplace? If you have thoughts or even hopes about where the law and policy are heading, please elaborate on petency 3: Outline strategies for inclusion.Activity 3.1 Sub-competency 1: Define inclusion. What is inclusion?Activity 3.2 Sub-competency 2:?Describe the characteristics of a workplace that is diverse and inclusive. What are the characteristics of a workplace that is diverse and inclusive?What are the problems that a workplace faces when it is not diverse and inclusive?? ?Your organization has decided to create an office for Diversity and Inclusion. You have been tasked with developing this new office. In your plan, be sure to include the following:The mission of the officeA brief glossary of termsResources and relationships that the office will engage withList some of your proposed initiativesExplain the full scope of responsibilities of this officeActivity 3.3 Sub-competency 3: Define and identify stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Describe the differences and similarities between stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Give an example of each.?Use the scenarios below or describe scenarios from your own experience or observation to identify stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination:Scenario 1: Your coworker, who is also an athlete, is looking for a new job. The coworker asks you for advice because he/she is afraid to be categorized as an athlete and therefore not perceived to be as intelligent as other applicants. What advice would you offer to this coworker about self-conception and self-presentation?Scenario 2: A student corrects a professor twice about her preferred pronoun being “she”. The professor persists in referring to the student as “he.” What should be done in the situation? What might the professor be responding to? What might the student be objecting to? What issues does this situation bring out?Activity 3.4 Sub-competency 4: Define and identify harassment and discrimination at work.? Use the scenarios below or describe scenarios from your own experience or observation as a tool to analyze the issues of harassment and discrimination.Scenario 1: You are on a hiring committee with five other people. During the search process, you observe one of your colleagues saying that they think that one of the candidates is very attractive; another colleague comments on the dress of one of the interviewees; and yet another colleague comments on the weight of one of the applicants. What do you do? What considerations do you hold in mind in communicating with these colleagues about their comments? Do you believe that their comments are appropriate or not? Why?Scenario 2: Your friend confides in you that she believes her work situation is unfair because she is not being included in meetings that are relevant to her work. What advice can you give her? What signs can you tell her to look for? What interpretations might you offer for various experiences she is reporting?Activity 3.5 Sub-competency 5: Promote inclusion. You have just begun a new job at a new organization. How would you judge the extent to which the organization is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment?Use the scenario below or your own experience to discuss ways of promoting inclusion.Scenario: You walk into a workplace, and you see that everyone in the front desk area is young, white and female; in the production area, employees are all male people of color; and top management is all white men. What do you say to yourself? What do you say to someone there who might ask you for your impression? What do you say to the head of HR, in advising them about diversifying their workforce?Competency 4: Make connections between diversity and its impact in business and societyActivity 4.1 Sub-competency 1: Apply diversity to specific workplace situations.? Use the scenarios below to help describe your understanding of diversity and its applications.Scenario 1: You are hiring a person for a position in your workplace. ?How do you ensure that your hiring practice is unbiased? What information might inform your interviewing practice? And what would be the ideal criteria that you would consider in hiring an applicant? Scenario 2: A friend of yours is setting up a nonprofit organization. They want to be sure to be inclusive and to abide by the law in terms of diversity. You suggest that they set up a diversity office. What would you advise them to do in terms of creating a mission statement, providing resources, and outlining initiatives for this office?Activity 4.2 Sub-competency 2: Explain the benefits of diversity in business.? Describe an organization that has embraced diversity and how this impacted the organization.Describe an organization that has not embraced diversity and inclusion and how this impacted the organization.Activity 4.3 Sub-competency 3: Reflect on the impact of diversity on society. Discuss some diversity issues that are currently in the news. For instance, consider the ‘#MeToo Movement’ or some other diversity-related issue in the media and describe its impact on petency 5: Reflect on your competencies in this areaActivity 5.1 Sub-competency 1: Evaluate your own knowledge and experience. How easy/difficult was it for you to provide the information – to develop details and examples – to fully answer the questions for each competency including this one? ?Did you have an easier time with some competencies than others? ?Please explain. ?You may want to use the rubric and see which categories best relate to your experience.Identify any gaps you identified in your learning in this area. Discuss how you might learn more about these areas.Activity 5.2 Sub-competency 2: Share your knowledge about diversity? What would you highlight if you were asked to share what you know about diversity to a group of your work colleagues?Describe Additional Learning This section is intended to provide you with an opportunity to discuss other learning you may have accomplished that is not already reflected in the Competency prompts.? Please make sure you discuss your learning with your mentor for guidance on how to articulate what you have learned.Next Steps Step 1: Compile and Write Your iPLA Request, Based on Responses to Worksheet Activities??Review and compile all your responses to the activities from the various competency areas into a learning description. Review your learning description with your mentor. From the questions in the guide and the feedback you receive from your mentor, complete your iPLA request.?Review what you have written and be sure that your learning description conveys your knowledge.?Re-review the rubric, consider the evaluation criteria, and be sure that your learning description meets or exceeds expectations.?Consider the feedback you have received from your mentor.?The final iPLA request should reflect college writing; be sure to proofread what you write before submitting it to PLA Planner.?Step 2: Prepare for your interview?After the evaluator has reviewed your request, he or she will conduct an interview with you to gain a more in-depth understanding of your knowledge. You are expected to participate actively in the evaluation process. The evaluator may ask you to demonstrate or elaborate further on your learning. The evaluator needs to be confident that your learning is college level and not redundant with other learning in your degree plan.?Think about questions that the evaluator may want to ask you and think about possible responses that you can provide. The interview process can be interesting and informative. The interview is an opportunity for you to discuss ways in which you have used your knowledge and applied that knowledge in different situations. It can result in an increased understanding of your learning and provide you with new or differing perspectives.? Rubric for Diversity in the WorkplaceCompetency 1: Define diversity in the workplaceSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of differenceApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of differenceSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of difference.Sub-competency 2: Describes why it is important for people to understand and appreciate differences.Sub-competency 3: Identifies?the benefits and problems of diversity in groups, organization, and the workplaceMeets Expectations ANDDemonstrates sensitivity to diversity concerns across multiple contexts within the workplaceSub-competency 2: Describes why it is important for people to understand and appreciate differencesApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of differenceSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of difference.Sub-competency 2: Describes why it is important for people to understand and appreciate differences.Sub-competency 3: Identifies?the benefits and problems of diversity in groups, organization, and the workplaceMeets Expectations ANDDemonstrates sensitivity to diversity concerns across multiple contexts within the workplaceSub-competency 3: Identifies?the benefits and problems of diversity in groups, organization, and the workplaceApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of differenceSub-competency 1: Identifies?the categories of human diversity and their ranges of difference.Sub-competency 2: Describes why it is important for people to understand and appreciate differences.Sub-competency 3: Identifies?the benefits and problems of diversity in groups, organization, and the workplaceMeets Expectations ANDDemonstrates sensitivity to diversity concerns across multiple contexts within the workplaceCompetency 2: Discuss laws pertaining to diversity in the workplace and their applicationSub-competency 1: Describe some of the laws and policies relating to diversity in the workplaceApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsIdentifies laws and policiesDescribes the relationship between law and policyMeets Expectations?ANDExplains the implications of current laws, history of change in law, and potential changes in the futureCompetency 3: Outline Strategies for InclusionSub-competency 1: Define inclusionApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Defines inclusionSub-competency 1: Defines inclusion.Sub-competency 2: Describes the characteristics of a workplace that is diverse and inclusiveMeets Expectations?ANDThe definition and description reflect the complexity of diversity in the workplace and societySub-competency 2: Describe the characteristics of a workplace that is diverse and inclusiveApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Defines inclusionSub-competency 1: Defines inclusion.Sub-competency 2: Describes the characteristics of a workplace that is diverse and inclusiveMeets Expectations?ANDThe definition and description reflect the complexity of diversity in the workplace and societySub-competency 3: Define and identify stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminationApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDefines and describes the similarities and differences between stereotypes, prejudice and discriminationIdentifies instances of stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.Describes inclusive strategies to address/resolve these issuesMeets Expectations?ANDElaborates on strategies to create an inclusive environment to prevent or minimize these types of issues. Reflects on the impact of these issues on individuals and societySub-competency 4: Define and identify harassment and discrimination at workApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDefines harassment and discrimination in the workplaceIdentifies instances of harassment and discrimination.Describes inclusive strategies to address/resolve these issuesMeets Expectations?ANDElaborates on strategies to create an inclusive environment to prevent or minimize these types of issues. Reflects on the impact of these issues on individuals and societySub-Competency 5: Promote InclusionApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDescribes some strategies to promote inclusionEvaluates level of inclusion in the workplace and describes some strategies to promote inclusionArticulates strategies to promote inclusion that take into account the complexity of diversity and perspectives of different individualsCompetency 4: Make connections between diversity and its impact in business and societySub-competency 1: Apply diversity to specific workplace situationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-Competency 1: Applies?diversity to specific workplace situationsSub-Competency 1: Applies diversity to specific workplace situations.Sub-Competency 2: Explains the benefits of diversity in business.Sub-Competency 3: Reflect on the impact of diversity on societyMeets Expectations?ANDAddresses the complexity of diversity issuesSub-competency 2: Explain the benefits of diversity in businessApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-Competency 1: Applies?diversity to specific workplace situationsSub-Competency 1: Applies diversity to specific workplace situations.Sub-Competency 2: Explains the benefits of diversity in business.Sub-Competency 3: Reflect on the impact of diversity on societyMeets Expectations?ANDAddresses the complexity of diversity issuesSub-competency 3: Reflect on the impact of diversity on societyApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-Competency 1: Applies?diversity to specific workplace situationsSub-Competency 1: Applies diversity to specific workplace situations.Sub-Competency 2: Explains the benefits of diversity in business.Sub-Competency 3: Reflect on the impact of diversity on societyMeets Expectations?ANDAddresses the complexity of diversity issuesCompetency 5: Reflect on your competencies in this areaSub-competency 1: Evaluate your own knowledge and experienceApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Evaluates?own knowledge and experienceSub-competency 1: Evaluates?own knowledge and experience AND?identifies gaps in learning.Sub-competency 2: Identifies critical competencies and sub-competencies to teach othersMeets Expectations?ANDDescribes additional competencies not included in this guideSub-competency 2: Share your knowledge about diversityApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsSub-competency 1: Evaluates?own knowledge and experienceSub-competency 1: Evaluates?own knowledge and experience AND?identifies gaps in learning.Sub-competency 2: Identifies critical competencies and sub-competencies to teach othersMeets Expectations?ANDDescribes additional competencies not included in this guide ................

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