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7:30 p.m. Sandhutton Village HallPRESENT:Councillor:H Cronin (Chairman)Councillors: M Aconley, O Fernyhough, A LowesOfficer:S FraserIn attendance:District Councillor J WatsonBusinessSHPC/0257To receive apologies for absenceApologies were received from District Councillor J WatsonSHPC/0258To receive declarations of interest regarding agenda itemsNone to receiveSHPC/0259To agree dispensationsNone dispensations to agreeSHPC/0260To receive a report for the local PoliceA~The Chairman welcomed PCSO 5518 Griffin, of Northallerton Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) was welcomed to the meeting, she reported the crime figures for the last month in the village which were zero, with the exception of 2 reports of anti-social behaviour. Other news was to bring to the attention of members is ‘Operation Rogue Trader’, she stated that is a national campaign and involved reassurance patrols and crime prevention visits to homes and estates where these individuals target. Officers had been in Northallerton, High Street on 13th April giving out leaflets on beating bogus callers and how to tackle doorstep crime. Members were informed the other area of focus at this moment is ‘child exploitation awareness’(CSE), whereby the Safer Neighbour Hood Team are currently attending Northalleton School to deliver awareness sessions to year 7s on CSE. The sessions are endorsed by CEOP, Child Line and Think U Know, who are all nationally recognised organisations supporting victims in addressing CSE offences against children and cybercrime. Members mentioned parking and speeding issA~ues in the neighbourhood and said that some enforcement was needed especially in the mornings. PC Griffin said she would bring this to the attention of colleagues and the Thirsk SNT too. PCSO Griffin was thanked for attending and asked if come to future meetings. The Clerk will forward on future dates. SHPC/261To invite questions from members of the public re Council businessThere were no members of public in attendance. Councillor Dadd, District Councillor raised the current business relating to the Lambert Hospital, Thirsk and the recent consultation process. Members expressed their concerns that the Parish Council had not been contacted in advance about the consultation meeting which was very poorly advertised or well attended. Councillor Dadd left the meeting and was thanked for attending.SHPC/0262To agree and adopt the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, held 21st January 2016.Resolved:Minutes SHPC/0248 to SHPC/0256 are adopted and acted upon.SHPC/0263To discuss correspondence and agree action thereof0263.1CO210416-1 - Understanding the role of combined authorities Resolved:The document was noted by members0263.2CO210416-4 - Revised Model Financial Regulations The Chairman read out the changes implemented by the National Association of Local Councils Resolved:The changes are adopted and amended in the Financial Regulations for the Parish Council0263.3CO210416-5 – NALC Funding & Grants BulletinResolved:Noted by members0263.4CO210416-6 – NALC Digital Councils Conference, London Resolved:Note by members0263.5C0210416-7 - Petition to Give Local Councils the right to appeal planning decisionsResolved:Previously circulated and noted by members0263.6CO210416– 8 - Hambleton Branch Meeting (2/3/16)Resolved:Previously circulated and noted by members0263.7CO210416-10 - Smaller Authorities Transparency FundMembers were informed that the bid put forward by the Council had been successfulResolved:The Clerk was congratulated for her work0263.8CO210416-11 - Access to NALC Website Members were informed of the login detailsResolved:Noted by members0263.9CO210416-13 - Resident letter, Tree removal Village GreenMembers were informed the Chairman had informed the resident that due to the Village Green being a conservation area, an official application had to be completed and forwarded to the District Council, furthermore this would need to signed by the Village Green owner. Resolved:Noted by members0263.10CO210416-15 - Section 137 Expenditure The Clerk explained the reason for Section 137 to members and informed them of the new limits.Resolved:Noted by members0263.11CO210416-14 - HSBC Bank MandateMembers were informed the mandate was still incomplete and reminder those member to visit the bank as the soonest opportunity.Resolved:Noted by members0263.12CO210416-17 - Police & Crime Commissioner Election 5/5/16, Notification. Resolved:Noted by members0263.13CO210416-18 - Hambleton Parish Liaison Meeting (31/3/16)Resolved:Previously circulated and noted by members.0263.14CO210416-19 – NALC Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments (SAAA) Opt Out.Resolved:The PC has until December 2017 to decide how they wish to proceed.0263.15CO210416-20 – NYCC Hambleton Area Committee (7/3/16)Resolved:Previously circulated and noted by members.0263.16CO210416-2, 3, 9 & 21 New Audit Regime- Four items of correspondence relating this subject were discussed as a batch. The Chairman Explained to members that the Council had decided for this year to opt into the External Audit arrangements. Members were informed of the Changes and deadlines for the Annual Return for 2016. Resolved:The Parish Council will hold a meeting on the15th June 2016 to sign off the Governance Statement, Annual Return and Accounts.SHPC/0264To agree the procedure for planning recommendations when the Council has not scheduled meetingThe Chairman explained that he had attending a recent training event on planning, whereby it was indicated that the District Council would like Councils to submit their comments directly online. Members discussed the processResolved:The Chairman will circulate plans to members for comment. Those comments will be forwarded to the Clerk for entering online. If there is no consensus, an extension will be requested or a special meeting held if an extension cannot be granted.SHPC/0265To agree recommendations for local planning applicationsNone to receive0265.1PL0210416-2 – HDC/15/02797/FUL Busby Stoop Farm, Replacement Turkey Buildings.Resolved:Noted by members the application had be granted.0265.2PL0210416-3 – HDC/15/0223/FUL Three Tuns Garage, Extension to Car Park, Hardstanding & Front AreasMembers said questions and concerns regarding the size of the proposed forecourt, opening hours, noise and pollution had been posed to HDC in regard to this application, and a response was still awaited.Resolved:The Clerk Chase for a response.0265.3PL020416-4 – HDC/16/00680/ADV – Three Tuns Garage SignageResolved:The signage is too large and in the wrong location0265.4NYCC/2015/0325/FUL Erection of a Portal Framed Warehouse, Todd Waste, Skipton Airfield.All members raised serious concerns regard the proposed plans. Resolved:NYCC planners and the Environment Agency are invited to the next meetingof the parish to discuss the application in more detail. ?The Pc is unable to make any recommendations at present until the following and queries are addressed:5.8 There is insufficient information as to where and how the plastics are removed and stored.5.9 What odours and quantity of gases will be released from the site5.15 What are the size of the lorries visiting the site. ?Also concerns about the amount of heavy traffic increasing into the village5.16 Why, if the material is processed elsewhere, is the plastic and other non degradable material not removed.5.18 What amount of noise is produced when air volume changes5.22 Times of delivery to the site could start before the site is open.SHPC/0266To agree payments since the last meetingThe table payments were presented and totalled ?598.12Resolved:Cheque payments 100298 to 100301 inclusive are agreed.SHPC/0267To receive and agree the Bank Reconciliation ReportThe Clerk presented the Reconciliation statements 381,382& 383, 149&150 Councillor Aconley checked it against the bank statements as per the Councils Financial Regulations.Resolved:The Reconciliation Statement is received and agreed as accurate.The meeting closed. ................

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