
GoodImprovements Needed4096385-247650The following sample assignment contains plenty of relevant content and has been organised into different categories. In its current state, it would probably achieve a PASS grade. Look over the assignment and establish what is good, and what could be improved.4000020000The following sample assignment contains plenty of relevant content and has been organised into different categories. In its current state, it would probably achieve a PASS grade. Look over the assignment and establish what is good, and what could be improved.Legislations and RegulationsState the difference between legislation and regulations.Legislation are the laws that have been passed by Parliament. Before this law/ laws have been set, there will be regulations that will be in place to show this law can be managed and maintained. Regulations are managed by setting rules that employees must follow.There are regulations at Amazon that are thought through and managed by employees, these regulations have been put in place by the board in the Amazon community rather than the government. When I joined Amazon UK through my contract and policy I agreed to abide by their rules and ‘regulations’.Explain legislation and regulations relating to the following areas and describe the importance of the application of each in the administrative role.Data ProtectionAs I am the only user on my laptop I have to set a password to ensure I am the only one who can access it. Amazon have regulations in place to ensure that the password is secure. The password must be around ten to twelve characters; these characters must involve lower and upper case letters, a symbol and numbers. Passwords must not have a pattern and they must not match any internal passwords that Amazon uses. This is not a legislation but Amazon have implemented this to make sure our systems remain secure. In the Human Resource Department at Amazon we handle lots of sensitive documents. I regularly send letters to our external and internal sources. Our internal source is usually contractual letters to employees, any binding letters should be dual signed to verify the document. Any non-binding letters / documents can be verified by only one signature. Another regulation to protect data is to report suspicious emails when they come through. There is not a legislation in place to say I have to do this but Amazon have a rule that if an email looks suspicious it needs to be reported to stop a potential data breach.434975050800000There is a general data protection act that states the laws put in place by the government to protect data. There is also a general data protection regulation and this states how data can be protected e.g. though processes for employees to follow.This sets the rules for organisations to know what they can and can’t do with certain information about people. Customers and employees personal information needs to be processed fairly and by following the guidelines data will be protected. Before I joined Amazon I had to sign my contract. My contract covered the topic of data protection and how I have to abide by their rules and regulations of protecting all sensitive data I handle. When I signed my contract I agreed to Amazon’s terms Health and SafetyWhen I am on the Amazon site I have to wear my Identification badge at all times. This regulation is in place to show the security team and other employees that may not know me that I am an employee of Amazon and can be on these grounds. Without my Identification badge I cannot prove I am an employee and therefore could be escorted off the premises. I am not allowed to give my identification badge to anyone else and I must report it if it is lost. This regulation will ensure the safety of their employees / visitors.43316281001400RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation RIDDOR protects employers with any accident that may occur at work. When there is a health and safety incident at work it has to be formally reported. Accident forms can be assessed and used to improve the working environment and prevent the accident from happening again.42767251270635This is the accident report form for Amazon00This is the accident report form for AmazonWorking time law affects health and safety in the workplace. It is important for employees to have a well-balanced work like and home life. All employees should work no longer than 48 hours in a working week and every 6 hours worked the employee is entitled to a break of a minimum of 20 minutes. Managing work life and home life means employees have the right to paid leave. Paid leave could be due to an illness / injury, a bereavement, paid annual leave and many more. If a working time law wasn’t in place then employees could be overworked. Overworking can cause depression and lack of productivity. Having a break clears your mind and employees will be more efficient and happier while working.Equality and Diversity Genuine occupational requirement (GOR) is acceptable within a work place and it isn’t legally classed as discrimination. Some examples of GOR could be only having male staff in the men’s changing room in a department store or only having women employed at an all-women’s gym. GOR applies to an administrative role for example, Amazon will only employee someone over the age of 18 (In the UK under 18 is still classed as a child.). This is not discriminating against age as in the HR department you must be an adult due to some advanced situations you may be exposed to.The Equality and Diversity Act protects employees in and out of the workplace. Anything relating to work whether you are physically in work or not, the employee remains protected. An example of how an employee is protected out of work is if another colleague is harassing them. Harassment is not acceptable and can be reported under the equality and diversity act. The legislation protects employees against discrimination, there are many ways an employee could be discriminated for example, their age, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race and religion. Equality and diversity acts aren’t just about respecting one another, it’s also about promoting it in the work environment and people should be ready to adapt to different employees and what they might bring to the team.Every employee should have the same opportunities as each other. Amazon allow all employees to access the same training systems and each individual should be given time to go over their opportunities with a manager or senior member of staff. ................

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