Amazon S3

|POSITION: |Marketing and Communications Manager|LOCATION: |Yarraville |

| | |DIRECT REPORTS: |Communications Officer and |

| | | |volunteers as required. |


|DATE PREPARED: |December 2016 |CEO SIGNATURE: | |

| | | | |


|Foodbank Victoria is an independent not for profit organisation that provides food relief to individuals and families experiencing |

|hardship. With more than 80 years’ experience, we are the state’s oldest and largest food relief organisation. In times of disaster |

|we are a leading provider of emergency food relief to Victorian communities as part the State Government’s Emergency Response and |

|Recovery Committee. |

|In 2014/15 we distributed 9.7 million kilos of food - the equivalent of over 17 million meals across metro, regional and rural |

|communities. We work with a network of corporate and community partners to source and distribute food with the aim of helping to |

|improve the lives of Victorians that need our support. |

| |

|The Position |

|The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for Foodbank Victoria’s marketing, communications, and public relations |

|activities, both external and internal, to add value and build profile for FBV, stakeholders and partners. |



|Lead a team in marketing, |Effective and productive management of direct reports, suppliers and volunteers within the |

|communications and public |department. |

|relations |Ensure that FBV’s values and goals are understood and practised throughout the team. |

| |Ensure that the Annual Plan is developed and met. |

| |Perform regular reviews with employees, identifying and resolving performance issues, training and |

| |development requirements. |

| |Maintain a climate that attracts, retains and motivates staff and volunteers. |

|Manage marketing, communication |Responsible for all FBV marketing, communications and public relations activities and materials |

|and public relations strategy |including our annual report, publications, websites, social media platforms, presentations and |

|and activities |media relations. |

| |Ensure articulation of FBV’s desired image and position and assure consistent communication of |

| |image and position throughout FBV to both internal and external parties. |

| |Responsible for editorial direction, design, production and distribution of all FBV publications. |

| |Develop and deliver media strategy and relationships with media stakeholders to ensure maximum |

| |positive exposure of FBV. |

| |Act as FBV’s representative with the media and secondary spokesperson to the CEO. |

| |Coordinate the appearance of all FBV print and electronic materials such as letterhead, use of |

| |logo, brochures, in line with the Foodbank Australia style guide. |

| |Provide counsel, technical assistance and resource materials to assist FBV departments in the |

| |marketing, communications and positioning of their activities, with a focus on assisting |

| |fundraising with messaging. |

| |Ensure that FBV regularly conducts relevant market research and monitor trends. |

| |Lead projects as assigned, such as cause related marketing and special events, both locally and in |

| |partnership with FBA. |

| |Design, support and oversee cross-functional teams throughout FBV when required. |

|Budget managed and achieved |Maintain financial discipline for the department |

| |Ensure that costs are appropriately controlled. |

| |Regularly analyse and report on the return on investment of all activities. |

| |Effectively contribute to the development of department budgets and monitor progress regularly. |

| |Develop short and long term plans and associated budgets for the marketing, communications and |

| |public relations program and its activities. |

|Self-management |Positive participation in regular leadership team meetings. |

| |Inform leadership team members of relevant marketing, communications and public relations |

| |department information as appropriate. |

| |Willingness to undertake training and development opportunities as appropriate. |

| |Effective time management and organisational skills demonstrated through ability to meet deadlines.|

| |Ability to problem solve the majority of issues within the department, only referring matters that |

| |require CEO approval |

| |Demonstrate the Foodbank Victoria values of empowerment, accountability, respect and integrity in |

| |all work activities. |

|Authorisation Level |This position has responsibility for income and expenditure for the department as outlined in the |

| |Annual Budget which is approved by the Foodbank Victoria Board in June of each year. |

| |Prior approval from the CEO is required for any single purchase or financial commitment of $1,000 |

| |or more and/or any monthly purchase or financial commitment of $4,000 or more. In the absence of |

| |the CEO, approval of two other departmental managers is required. |

| |All employment decisions must be approved by the CEO. |

|Physical Requirements |Ability to perform standard office based tasks including computer use. |



|Achievement of Key Results|Team works efficiently and effectively. |Staff and volunteers working with the department are |

| |Department budget. |effectively managed; measured through Employee |

| |Annual Plan. |Development Plans, volunteer satisfaction surveys and |

| | |return on investment reports. |

| | |Achievement of measurable targets in profile awareness, |

| | |through positive media coverage across all platforms, |

| | |social media indicators, including google analytics and |

| | |market research reporting. |

| | |Costs controlled within Budgeted limits. |

| | |Annual Plan achieved and then revised each year with new |

| | |goals identified and implemented. |

|FBV Values and Policies |Ensure a safe and healthy working environment |100% compliance with Foodbank Victoria’s policies and |

| |Treat fellow staff, clients, suppliers, all |procedures. |

| |others and the environment with dignity, |OHS policies and procedures applied to all staff and |

| |courtesy and respect |volunteer activities. |

| |Uphold the principles of equal opportunity and |Take part in 1 internal workplace audit every 12 months. |

| |maintain an inclusive workplace free of |No reported breaches in confidentiality. |

| |discrimination, harassment & bullying |All known violations of this FBV guidelines reported to |

| |Accept responsibility and accountability for |line manager. |

| |our actions, work performance and the use of | |

| |property | |

| |Act in ways that maintain our integrity, | |

| |reputation and the confidentiality of | |

| |information of all stakeholders | |

| |Act in the spirit, as well as the letter, of | |

| |the law and Foodbank Victoria’s policies | |

| |Report and act upon any known violations of | |

| |Foodbank Victoria policies. | |

|Team Performance |Provide a flexible and stimulating workplace |>90% Team meetings attended |

| |that encourages honest and effective |Training programs are achieved |

| |communication |Review discussions completed |

| |Nurture a culture of mutual trust, support and | |

| |encouragement where everyone’s contribution is | |

| |recognised equally | |

| |Commit to the achievement of Foodbank | |

| |Victoria’s goals and objectives in a manner | |

| |that promotes enjoyment and satisfaction in our| |

| |work | |

| |Celebrate excellence | |

| |Act and communicate ethically with all | |

| |stakeholders | |

| |Adhere to ethical purchasing procedures | |

| |Avoid all conflicts of interest | |


|Conceptual Thinking – Considers how things fit together. Sees patterns or trends, makes the |Y |H |

|complex simple. | | |

|Acting Decisively- Takes action despite obstacles. Makes decisions quickly and in a crisis. |Y |H |

|Strategic Orientation – Understands, contributes to and aligns work/priorities to strategic |Y |H |

|business strategies. | | |

|Focus On Improvement – Sets and works to meet stretching goals. Makes improvements to |Y |H |

|systems and own work methods. | | |

|Impact And Influence – Knows own impact and able to persuade others and build alliances. |Y |H |

|Customer Service Orientation- Takes personal responsibility for customer satisfaction. |Y |H |

|Addresses customer needs. | | |

|Leadership – Promotes team effectiveness. Facilitates involvement, removes roadblocks and |Y |H |

|shares a compelling vision. | | |

|Developing And Coaching Others – Gives guidance and feedback. Creates development |Y |H |

|opportunities and helps others to grow and develop. | | |

|Self-Management – Knows own reactions and feelings, able to respond calmly and manage stress |Y |H |

|effectively, operates with honesty and integrity. | | |

|Teamwork and Co-operation – Co-operates and participates positively in the team. Values and |Y |H |

|encourages others input. | | |

|Commercial Acumen- Understands key business drivers and market place. Able to anticipate |Y |H |

|trends. Seeks to broaden own knowledge. | | |

|Flexibility – Looks for alternatives, tries new methods, learns new skills and takes on |Y |H |

|different roles. | | |



|A recognized university qualification in |Minimum of 5 years professional experience |Seeks feedback and responds appropriately |

|marketing, communications, public relations|in a similar role, preferably in the not for|Copes with change, effectively |

|or advertising is required. |profit sector. |Takes initiative |

|Hold and maintain a current driver’s |Strong creative, analytical and |Works hard to meet and exceed |

|license and be prepared to drive. |interpersonal skills. |accountabilities |

|Professional development training |Demonstrated successful experience writing |Makes others feel valued |

|undertaken. |press releases, making presentations and |Is reliable, consistent and fulfils |

|Ability and willingness to work outside |negotiating with media. |commitments |

|normal office hours to support and/or |Excellent written and verbal communication |Maintains confidentiality |

|attend events on occasion. |skills. |Works collaboratively |

|Willingness to undertake a criminal record |Collaborative and inclusive working style. |Plans and organises work efficiently and |

|check |Financial management skills |effectively |

| |Well developed organisational and time |Understands our markets, supply chain and |

| |management skills |operations. |

| |Experience in the use of Microsoft programs.|Identifies opportunities to grow or improve|

| |Experience using and managing a CRM, |the organisation. |

| |preferably Salesforce. |Resourceful. |

| | |Innovative |

|I have read, understand and agree to this position |Name: | |

|description | | |

|Signature: | |

|Date: | |


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