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|To develop resources and approaches to enable DTFC to ensure that football is accessible to all persons regardless of experience, background, age, ethnicity or gender. |

| |

|To invest in our coaches to ensure that players receive a high standard of coaching in order to improve their abilities and understanding of the game. |

| |

|Provide a safe and positive alternative place to go other than playing on the streets. |

| |

|Help people realise their potential, develop personal skill and confidence. |

The Club is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for young people to enjoy and play football. We strive to create an identity of which they can be proud, whether that is by providing kit, facilities or equipment. We operate an equal opportunities policy and we make all possible effort to keep costs to individual players down so that participation and inclusion is not down to financial circumstance.

Each team trains at least once per week throughout the year and between September and March/April they play weekly competitive matches against other local teams. Our ethos is based on the power of positive encouragement. Players develop a deep sense of commitment to the club, playing week in, week out, whatever the weather. Training on dark winter evenings keeps them out of mischief and gives them a sense of purpose!

The club will asses the make-up of its junior teams based on the ability levels of individuals. Players will be moved up and down within this structure to ensure that they are playing a level of football that is both comfortable and enjoyable at their current development level. This will remove any pressure on players to perform to a standard above what they want to achieve and increase their involvement in competitive matches.

Our network of coaches will be provided with support and development from DTFC and The Football Association. They will be monitored closely by the club to ensure that the vision is being fulfilled and supported in any challenges that they come across. Our investment in our coaches is our investment in our player’s development.


| |Current Year |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 |

| |Season 2016/17 |Season 2017/18 |Season 2018/19 |Season 2019/20 |

|No of Teams |17 |26 |41 |62 |

| |

|AIM’s |

|To provide all age groups, genders and abilities with opportunities to play football. |Increase the number of participants (players and volunteers) annually within the community. |

|Allow children to enjoy the sport without applying too much pressure on them. |Bring players and coaches through the clubs structure from mini soccer up to senior football. |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|To continue to develop new teams |Develop a DTFC Mini Soccer School |Established school set up with a |Junior Development Committee |September 2016 |Participants charged subs to cover coach costs.|

|annually |for U5 and U6 ages |minimum of 60 players per season | | |Head Coach assisted by young leaders. |

| | |that move to U7s annually | | |End of Season Awards £100 |

|To create the right environment for |Split players into relevant teams |Larger number of teams |Junior Development Committee |Ongoing from 2016 U7s |To ensure each team has a realistic and |

|players of all abilities |based on ability levels. |Less players dropping out as they | | |sustainable income and expenditure account |

| |Maintain Local Junior League Teams |progress. | | |funded by subs, signing on fees and |

| | | | | |sponsorship. |

|Introduce Futsall as an alterative |Recruit a Futsall Officer |Boys, Girls, Men and Ladies Teams by|Futsall Development Officer |Year 3 |£500 per annum |

|to normal football |(volunteer) with specific emphasis |2017 | | | |

| |at introducing it at all levels | | | | |

| |within the club | | | | |

|To provide competitive football |Work with local disability schools /|Enter at least 1 adult and U16 team |Disability Coordinator |Year 3 |£500 for football coaching courses and disabled|

|opportunities for people with |hospitals to recruit volunteers for |into local disability league | | |specific sessions. |

|disabilities. |football activities and install a | | | |Apply for Grants and local funding assistance. |

| |Disability Coordinator within the | | | |£1000 per annum for ongoing growth and |

| |club. | | | |development. |

|To develop girls teams from mini |Install a girl’s development |Number of teams developed - A |Girls Development Officer |Year 3 |To ensure each team has a realistic and |

|soccer through to 11-a-side and |officer. |minimum of 1 female team at each age| | |sustainable income and expenditure account |

|ladies. |Contact and interact with local |group from U7 to Adult | | |funded by subs, signing on fees and |

| |schools and Involve Ladies team | | | |sponsorship. |

| |players to interact with junior age | | | |£1000 per season for advertising and |

| |groups. | | | |promotional items |

| |Launch advertising campaign for | | | | |

| |female football | | | | |

|Raise profile and recruit more |Annual mini soccer tournament and |One new volunteer per season with no|Club Committee |Ongoing |Tournament self funding. |

|supporting volunteers into the club |link with community to find support |previous association to the club | | |£100 per volunteer for FACRB checks and |

| |and volunteers. |other than being a supporter. | | |relevant training. |

| |Advertise roles better, with | | | | |

| |descriptions. | | | | |

|To encourage players to move through|Ensure strong pathways between the |95% from mini soccer to junior |Club Committee |Year 3 (targets reviewed |£200 for training and literature to support |

|the various sections of the club |clubs sections exist |football | |annually) |growth model. |

|from mini soccer to senior football |Install a format to monitor and |50% of junior to U18 (5% to young | | | |

|/ volunteers. |report on progression. |leaders) | | | |

| | |25 % of U18 Boys to Male(1 player | | | |

| | |per season to 1st team) | | | |

| | |25 % of U18 Girls to Female (10 | | | |

| | |players per season to 1st team) | | | |

| | |15% of adult to Veteran & volunteers| | | |

|Forge strong links with Schools |Have a dedicated Schools Liaison |Quarterly training sessions to |Schools Liaison Officer |Annually from Year 1 |£1000 per annum. |

|within the Town / District / County |Officer |schools in the town. | | |Explore NFA / Football Foundation Funding for |

| |Organise presentations and training |Half yearly visits to schools in | | |initiatives. |

| |sessions to schools. |District (surrounding villages) | | | |

| | |Annual visits to county secondary | | | |

| | |schools | | | |


|AIM’s |

|To provide a safe and friendly environment for young people to enjoy and play football. |To ensure that clubs coaches, volunteers, officials are protected from abusive behaviour. |

|Set a best practice example that other teams within the country can aspire to. |Educate parents and spectators |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|Install the FA respect campaign |Educate players through coaches and |Monitor number of ‘incidents’. |Respect Coordinator |Ongoing |Minimal expenses only as majority of|

|throughout the club |NFA presentations. |Captains wearing respect armbands. | | |literature and educating received |

| |Educate coaches through NFA |Literature on display. | | |from NFA free of charge. |

| |training. |Respect aids in place (barriers | | |Small capital costs for barriers etc|

| |Educate spectators as part of |etc). | | |(helped by leagues and also look for|

| |signing on process (juniors) and | | | |community partners to install at |

| |posters / programme adverts for | | | |their cost). |

| |senior football. | | | |Initial £1000 and ongoing budget of |

| |Display literature and Install a | | | |£500 per annum to support roll out. |

| |respect officer in the club. | | | | |

|To ensure the welfare of players is |Install two welfare officers at the |Monitor number of ‘incidents’. |Club Welfare Officers |Ongoing |£200 per season for training and |

|enforced at all times. |club and ensure they are trained and|Evidence Training Records. | | |marketing. |

| |partnering with the County FA. |Guidance given to players and | | | |

| | |parents. | | | |

|To achieve and retain the FA Charter|Have a clear process in place with |Achieving the standard with |Club Committee |Ongoing |£500 courses and training but has |

|Standard Community Club |documented procedures that ensure |successful annual health review. | | |cash benefits and funding |

|Accreditation. |the club complies with the criteria.|Regularly attend local community | | |advantages. |

| |Get all club members to buy-in and |standard workshops with NFA and | | | |

| |assist in the development. |local clubs. | | | |

|To facilitate Soccer Parents Courses|By obtaining the necessary training |All Managers and volunteers to |Junior Development Committee |Start of every season (as part of |£200 for materials |

| |packs or providing online access |complete the Soccer parent Course. | |signing on process) | |

| | |At least one parent per team to | | | |

| | |annually complete the course | | | |

|Monitor performance |Share data, ideas, initiatives with |Evidence data sharing. |Club Committee |Year 2 |Expenses TBC |

| |other grass roots clubs within the |Periodic meetings with willing | | | |

| |UK |clubs. | | | |

| |Learn from the findings. | | | | |


|AIM’s |

|Enable players to compete at higher competition levels |To develop all coaches to higher levels appropriate to their teams needs (emphasis on age appropriate |

|To see players progress into the clubs senior team or beyond |training) |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|Too provide excellent coaches for |To install a Coach Development |Coaches at required levels through |Coach Development Officer |Ongoing |Coach Development Officer Expenses |

|players. |Officer within the club. |out. | | |and Coaches Training |

| |Emphasis on all training should be |Introduction of minimum 2 young | | |(approx £500 per age group) |

| |centred on age appropriate. |leaders per season that remain in | | | |

| | |the club | | | |

| | |All coaches joined Coaches | | | |

| | |Association | | | |

|High standard of competitive |Put higher U13-U17 Teams into |MJPL team at U13, U14, U15, U16, U17|Junior Development Committee |Year 2 |To ensure each team has a realistic |

|11-a-side opportunities for those |Midland Junior Premier League. | | | |and sustainable income and |

|players who want it. | | | | |expenditure account funded by subs, |

| | | | | |signing on fees and sponsorship. |

| | | | | |£500 per season for additional |

| | | | | |trials and marketing for players. |

|Introduce a DTFC (Local) Football |Create clubs own or partnership |Stand alone Football Development |Football Development Officer |Year 2 |The development centre will charge |

|Development Centre |football development centre for DTFC|Centre at Daventry Town FC. | | |fee’s to cover its own expenses. |

| |players at the right level, as well |Evidence of players progressing from| | | |

| |as players from other teams/clubs |the Development Centre to League | | | |

| | |Clubs. | | | |

|Promote the FA Skills Programme |Encourage all players to use the FA |All young players using the online |Junior Development Committee |Year 1 and annually |Free through County FA |

| |Skill Programme Website and work |FA Skills Awards. | | | |

| |with the FA skills coach to develop |4 sessions per year at the club with| | | |

| |volunteers and players. |the FA Skills Coach. | | | |

|Club to promote basics skill |Club to put together homework packs |Season training pack put together |Junior Development Committee |Year 2 |Expenses TBC |

|development training and coaching |for Managers to hand out to players |for all age groups | | | |

|exercises to the parents/carers of |on a regular basis. | | | | |

|players to increase practice time at| | | | | |

|home | | | | | |


|AIM’s |

|To create a club vision and ethos that is the foundation for the clubs development. |Ensure a structure exists within the club to support its activities and champion the clubs development plans.|

|To ensure that the club abides by all FA guidelines and good practice principals. | |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|Put a structure in place to support |Put together a new Football |No teams leaving the club |Junior Development Committee |April 2016 |Group made up of volunteers. |

|the junior section. |Development Committee with key roles|prematurely | | |Nominal amount of expenses to |

| |and responsibility’s to support | | | |support activities and promotion |

| |coaches, volunteers and players. | | | | |

|Create a pioneering Vision and Ethos|Focus the club by introducing a firm|A vision issued and promoted to |Junior Development Committee |April 2016 |N/A |

|for the club. |Vision that is endorsed by |parents and players. | | | |

| |committee. | | | | |

|Ensure all teams are affiliated with|Keep on top of Deadlines and submit |All teams affiliated on time every |Club Committee |Annually |Varying costs per team |

|the County FA (including annual |paperwork promptly. |year. | | | |

|tournament). | | | | | |

|Regularly review the FA resources |Utilise the FA Charter Standard |All FA recommended documents or |Club Committee |Year 1 |N/A |

|and ensure that templates are being |Downloads |equivalents in place within the | | | |

|utilised. | |club. | | | |


|AIM’s |

|Number of new volunteers is in line with development of new teams |That all roles within the club are clearly defined |

|Support young leaders within the community |Target more female volunteers |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|To continue to increase the number |By setting up a parental committee |An established parent committee |Volunteer Coordinator |Year 1 |£500 costs for promotional media |

|of volunteer helpers involved in the| |which meets regularly and assists in| | |within the club |

|club | |day to day running of the club | | | |

|To reward the clubs volunteers for |Hold volunteer award evenings |The number of volunteers retained |Volunteer Coordinator |Year 1 and annually |Awards cost to be funded through the|

|their work throughout the year |alongside the club presentation |for following seasons | | |clubs fund raising activities. |

| |evenings to recognised efforts | | | | |

|The club uses the FA Football |Utilise the FA Football Workforce |All volunteers to have job |Club Committee |Year 1 |N/A |

|Workforce resource so that all |Resource |descriptions | | | |

|coaches and volunteers have job | | | | | |

|descriptions with clear roles and | | | | | |

|responsibilities. | | | | | |

|To offer in house events aimed at |By inviting guest speakers including|To have 4 guest speakers per annum |Junior Development Committee |Year 1 |£25 per person to cover hospitality |

|increasing knowledge of how the club|representatives from the Northants | | | |expenses |

|operates and to bring knowledge and |Football Association | | | | |

|experience from outside the club | | | | | |

|from which we may benefit | | | | | |

|To ensure that volunteers are given |By attending courses |All volunteers to attend relevant |Volunteer Coordinator |Year 1 |£200 per year for course costs |

|access to training and advice |By providing access to football |courses / workshops | | |funded through the clubs fund |

|provided by either the Football |Workforce Literature and Workshops |Make literate available to all | | |raising activities |

|Association or Northamptonshire | |persons (electronic and hard copies)| | | |

|Football Association | | | | | |

|To continue to increase the number |By nominating volunteers to |At least 1 qualified club referee |Volunteer Coordinator |1 qualified ref per team by 2017 |£500 per annum (qualified refs to do|

|of qualified referees within the |undertake the referees course |per 11-a-side team | |2 qualified refs per 11-a-side team |club games free of charge to reduce |

|club |provided by Northamptonshire | | |by 2018 |referee expenses within the club) |

| |Football Association | | | | |

|Increase the number of female |Actively identify and recruit female|New female coach every year |Volunteer Coordinator |Year 1 and 2 (one new female coach) |Courses to be funded as a cost from |

|coaches |volunteers, parents and players to | | |Year 3 (at least one level 2 female |the team(s) income and expenditure. |

| |become coaches. | | |coach) | |

|Develop Young Leaders |Run a Junior Football Organisers |Five new young leaders per season |Volunteer Coordinator |Year 1 and annually |Training courses and any |

| |course at the club and register the | | | |discretionary payments to be funded |

| |young leaders on to the step into | | | |centrally by club fund raising |

| |sport programme. | | | |events and/or direct team expenses. |

| |Identify and create roles for young | | | | |

| |leaders and support their | | | | |

| |development. | | | | |


|AIM’s |

|To ensure that facilities support the clubs plans and are able to sustain growth. |Ensure that facilities are adequate and comply with league requirements. |

|To ensure that all facilities create a safe environment for players and spectators | |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|Create New Junior Facilities at |Purchase adjacent land and introduce|4 new pitches constructed. |Club Committee |Year 3 |£1,000,000 |

|Daventry Town FC |4 new junior pitches | | | |(seek funding through partners, FF |

| | | | | |Grants and CFA. |

|Find new (cost effective facilities |Form new partnerships with local |Additional training / match venues |Club Committee |Year 1 |Keep minimal with joint working. |

|within the town) |schools / organisations |secured. | | | |

|All goalposts are safe |Check goalposts before each game and|All goalposts to be safe |Club Committee |Ongoing |£1000 per year for course costs |

| |replace when needed through applying| | | |funded through the clubs fund |

| |to the goalpost safety programme at | | | |raising activities |

| |the football foundation. | | | | |

|Change the main ground to an |Local government and national |Full size artificial pitch for use |Club Committee |Year 2 |More investigation required. |

|artificial pitch |funding required in partnership to |by the whole community | | | |

| |achieve. | | | | |


|AIM’s |

|Develop good school links with local schools |Minimum of 1 press release per month |

|Develop and promote a website |Introduce a charity to support community good causes. |

|Objective |Tactic |Achievement Target |Responsibility |Timescale |Finance |

|Establish relationships with local |Identify a Schools Liaison Officer |Appointment of a Schools Liaison |Junior Development Committee |Ongoing |TBC Expenses |

|schools |Contact local schools and establish |Officer within the club |Schools Liaison Officer | | |

| |point of contact |To develop contacts within all of | | | |

| | |the local schools | | | |

|To organise a Mini Soccer Festival |Provide facilities, referees and |Minimum of 1 football festival per |Schools Liaison Officer |Year 1 and annually |£500 per year |

|specifically for local primary |trophies |year | | | |

|schools | | | | | |

|To enable greater use of the website|Expand the website for use by all |Number of members visiting the site |Web Development Officer |Ongoing |Maintenance of £100 per year |

|for the use of players, coaches, etc|teams at all age groups | | | | |

|To ensure that all club details |Utilise the website |Growth of the club should be at |Junior Development Committee |Ongoing |£200 per year |

|including coaching courses and | |least in accordance with the Club | | | |

|meeting and child protection details| |Development Table | | | |

|are more widely accessible | | | | | |

|Assist community organisations with |Support the local authority’s street|Provide street soccer sessions for |Junior Development Committee |Year 1 and annually |Costs funded by the street soccer |

|football initiatives. |soccer initiative annually |the local authority (Daventry | | |partners. |

| | |Active). | | | |

|Communicate directly with Parents, |Hold quarterly parents / volunteers |Improved communication with parents,|Club Commercial Officer |Ongoing |TBC |

|players and volunteers. |evenings supported by monthly |players and volunteers | | | |

| |newsletters to all members and | | | | |

| |players. | | | | |

|Set up a local charity |Set up a charity supported by club |DTFC Charity registered. |Club Commercial Officer |Year 1 |Should not be a cost for the club. |

| |community work that can donate to | | | | |

| |local charities and causes. | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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