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COACHES HANDBOOKCoaches Code of EthicsThe function of a coach is to properly educate students through participation ininterscholastic competition. The interscholastic program is designed to enhanceacademic achievement and should never interfere with opportunities for academicsuccess. Each child should be treated as though they were the coach’s own and theirwelfare shall be uppermost at all times.The coach must be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, either good or bad,in the education of the student athlete and, thus shall never place the value of winningabove the value of instilling the highest desirable ideals of character. (See FoodSupplement Statement in the Forms Section)The coach must constantly uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In allpersonal contact with the student athlete, officials, athletic directors, and schooladministrators, the state high school athletic association, the media, and the public, thecoach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct.The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuseand under no circumstances should authorize their use.The coach shall promote the entire interscholastic program of the school and direct his orher program in harmony with the total school program. The coach should encourageathletes to participate in as many sports as they are capable of participating.The coach shall be thoroughly acquainted with the contest rules and is responsible fortheir interpretation to team members. The spirit and letter of rules should be regarded asmutual agreements. The coach shall not try to seek an advantage by circumvention of thespirit or letter of the rules.Coaches shall actively use their influence to enhance sportsmanship by their spectators,working closely with cheerleaders, pep club sponsors, booster clubs, and administrators.Contest officials shall have the respect and support of the coach. The coach shall notindulge in conduct that will incite players or spectators against the officials. Publiccriticism of officials or players is unethical.Before and after contests, rival coaches should meet and exchange friendly greetings toset the correct tone for the event.A coach shall not exert pressure on faculty members to give student athletes specialconsideration.It is unethical for coaches to scout opponents by any means other than those adopted by the region and/or state high school association.COACHING EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIESRAPPORTA coach must be able to develop a good rapport with any number of individuals andgroups; team personnel, the student body, the professional staff (faculty, administration,maintenance, etc.), the community as a whole, spectators, officials, fellow coaches in theregion, media representatives and the parents of his/her players. Good rapport and animage of competency are invaluable for the coach.COOPERATIONCoaches should not have “tunnel” vision but should see the “big picture” and support allprograms. Coaches must work hand in hand with their athletic director, principal, andother members of the staff.LEADERSHIPDiligence, enthusiasm, honesty and a love for the game are all part of a professional pridethat should be exhibited by any coach. Personal appearance, dress, and physicalcondition--all should be exemplary. Dressing appropriately for practice, followingpractice schedules and building positive attitudes are very important.DISCIPLINEEvery facet of discipline is the coach’s responsibility. Individually, the coach becomes amodel of all that the program represents--observation of school code, training rules, rulesof the game, ideals of good sportsmanship, behavior of participants throughout theseason--at home and away, and the conduct of the crowd--especially where the studentbody is concerned. Desire to do well, to win well, and to lose well, should beemphasized. Staff, players and spectators should be motivated toward well-establishedgoals.IMPROVEMENTA coach must constantly take advantage of opportunities presented for self-improvement.Attendance at district meetings, rule clinics, special workshops and clinics in specificfields and similar in-service training programs is a must. Membership should bemaintained in professional organizations, coaches’ associations, and similar groupswhose programs are geared toward greater achievement and increased performance.Keeping abreast of current literature in professional journals, newspapers and magazine,and utilizing enrichment material available in other media forms is also expected.TRYOUTS AND CUTSCoaches should meet with any player that does not make the team and explain why he or she did not make the team. Coaches should encourage the kid not to quit and to work hard so they can make the team next year. Cuts should not be posted on a door. AWARDSTo qualify for a Varsity Letter an athlete must meet the following requirements: Must participate in 60 % of all quarters, innings, etc. with the varsity team; orParticipate for two seasons on the Varsity level; and/orBy appeal to the school Athletic Coordinator and Principal for a waiver. Banquets and Awards Programs are one of the most important events of the athletic program. Awards Banquets and programs are an attempt to show appreciation, and the Booster Club’s appreciation, to the athletes for their dedication and hard work for the athletic program. Each coach has the flexibility to determine what awards will be given out, but every player will be recognized for their participation for the full season. COACHING GUIDELINESThe athletic program is an integral part of the total school program. All coaches must be considered as teachers first and coaches second, even though the two aspects of our program are interrelated.Coaches should exhibit interest in the total school program as much as possible, and have the same responsibility toward faculty meetings, in-service meetings, assemblies, P.T.S.A., and other school activities as all other teachers.In contacts with people outside the school program, it is the coaches’ responsibility to interpret school regulations and policies and to see that they are followed. Goodjudgment on the part of the coach can avoid embarrassment or the creation of friction and misunderstandings. Many times coaches are perceived to be the mouth piece of the school to the public; therefore, coaches must not do or say anything that may embarrass the school or program.Coaches are in a unique position to influence behavior and character development.Therefore, it is essential that coach’s conduct is of the highest integrity and that they assume the responsibility for assuring equally desirable conduct from the members of their team groups. Some specific areas of emphasis are:A. A coach’s conduct during interscholastic competition must be in a mannernot to arouse the fans of either team. Examples of conduct that will not becondoned are:1) being overly aggressive in disagreements with officials,2) throwing objects such as towels, clipboards, etc.3) slapping clipboards or other objects against the floor, and4) having discussions or disagreements with fans while a game isbeing playedB. Profanity should be avoided at all times.C. The use of tobacco while supervising students is a violation of Board of Education policy.D. Do not allow students to argue with officials or display other unsportsmanlike conduct. E. Be well groomed and appropriately dressed at all times.F. Be supportive of administrative decisions, even those with which youdisagree.G. Be supportive of all athletic programs even though you may not be acoach in that sport.Failure to adhere to these guidelines could lead to reprimand, suspension, or dismissal from coaching by the principal or athletic director.SPECIFIC DUTIES 1. The principal is in control of all activities in the school. The varsity head coach will be in control of the total program in which he/she is the head coach and will report to the athletic director, who in turn, reports to the principal. 2. An annual Physical Examination Form: This form must be on file for all athletes prior to tryouts, practice, or participation. A copy of the appropriate physical form is included in the form section of the Athletic Department Website. These forms are now in packets and the entire packet should be completed before participation. 3. Insurance: Every athlete must have insurance in order to participate in tryouts, practice, or contest. The school system does not provide athletic insurance. 4. Budget Request: The head coach should submit yearly request to the athletic director at the times listed below. The request will be reviewed and if approved, will be ordered immediately. Any equipment ordered without the approval of the athletic director will be the responsibility of the person who placed the order.5. Eligibility: Every head coach is responsible for familiarizing himself/herself with the eligibility requirements and assuring the local administration that there are no violations. The Head Coach is responsible for Eligibility of his/her team. 6. Use and care of facilities: The supervision and care of all facilities is a part of the overall public relations effort of the individual coach. Supervision must be provided anytime students are in the dressing rooms or using school facilities. Members of the faculty may not give permission for non-school use of school facilities. The administration must complete a request from Community Schools.No keys are to be duplicated or loaned except by permission of the principal or athletic director. No student should be given keys to gain admission to a building.7. Coaching Staff Organization: The head coach will organize the available personnel to cover various responsibilities:1) supervise training and equipment rooms2) establish a system for emergency medical treatment3) establish a plan for the care and maintenance of the athletic facility4) dressing room supervision5) manager and trainee supervision6) issuing and taking up equipment.8. Inventory: A yearly up-to-date inventory must be filed with the athletic director(see the form section on the Athletic Department Website). The inventory willgreatly enhance the budgeting process for the next year. All inventories should besubmitted with in 4 weeks of the last contest. A contract for issuing equipmentshould be signed by the athlete with the understanding that he/she pays for lostequipment. 9. Publicity: Head coaches should make proper arrangements with the media in order to secure proper recognition for team and individual accomplishments. It is the responsibility of each head coach to report game/match results to the athletic director within 24 hours of the game/match.10. Trip Organization: Each head coach is responsible for arranging transportation to away game for his/her sports. When possible, teams should ride together to reduce cost. The female athletes in the front of the bus, the male athletes in the back of the bus and the coaches in the middle of the bus will provide proper supervision.Drivers are not always available to drive buses (especially in the spring) therefore;each school should recommend that all coaches have a CDL with passenger endorsement driver’s license and are trained to drive buses.If a game is cancelled, the head coach should notify transportation as soon as possible.Transportation back to the school following away games must be provided by the coach unless written approval is given and the student is released to the parents at the game. (See Alternate Transportation form on Website)11. Athletic Injuries: The head coach is responsible to see that all injuries areproperly cared for. Injuries, regardless of how minor, should be reported to thetrainer. If the athletic trainer is not on duty, the coach should make sure thestudent gets proper medical care. The athletic trainer should then be notified toprovide follow-up care. The head coach should file an injury report with theathletic coordinator and should follow up on injuries requiring hospitalization or medical attention as soon as possible.12. Parent Information: The head coach should keep parents informed, in writing,about team rules and regulations, practice times, schedules, and travel times, andmethods of selection of awards and trophies.13. Reports: The head coach will submit all reports as requested by the athleticdirector or the principal. All report forms are located on the Athletic DepartmentWebsite.LAY COACHESThe Glynn County Board of Education employs qualified community personnel to serve as lay coaches when a coaching shortage may occur. The Georgia High School Association stipulates the following procedures be followed:1. Member schools may employ persons who are not professional certificated teachers as assistant coaches in their athletic programs. These individuals are referred to as “community coaches” or “lay coaches”.2. Community Coach (lay coach) is defined as a person who does not have professional-level certification, who relates in role and function to a professional and does a portion of the professional’s job or tasks under the supervision of a the professional, and whose decision-making authority is limited and regulated by the professional. Community coaches are not allowed to function without theimmediate supervision of a professional.3. Licensed Para-professionals must complete the GHSA Coaches Education training and testing programs to be eligible to coach a high school sport.4. All community coaches must be under contract with the local board of education regardless of whether they are paid for their services or not.5. All community coaches must complete the GHSA Training and Testing Program in “Sport First Aid” and “Coaching Principles”.a. Prospective coaches must be subject to a criminal background check beforethey are registered for the GHSA Coaches education program.b. Courses are offered at various times each school year throughout the state.c. Prospective coaches are registered with the GHSA office by the school hiringthem.d. Community coaches must successfully complete and pass both courses beforeperforming coaching duties.6. It is recommended that the following priority for employment be used:a. Certified employees in the local system (secondary, middle, elementary,central office, etc.)b. Retired certified personnelc. Community coaches who have completed the GHSA Coaches EducationProgram.SALARY SUPPLEMENTSAll approved salary supplements must be paid through the Glynn County Board of Education.The principal or the athletic director can answer any questions concerning supplemental pay.Supplement Limitations1. Supplements for coaching assignments are paid for the extended daily and/orcalendar schedules, as well as extended responsibility, which are necessary forpractice, competitive events and other activities related to the respective athleticprogram. Supplemental pay shall be for after school work only with students. Ifa sponsor of an activity prefers to use a planning period, the sponsor will not bepaid a supplement.2. A maximum of three supplemented activities may be assigned to a teacher. Therecommended number of assignments is two. A teacher may have only onecoaching assignment per season without the permission of the principal.3. The Head Football Coach and Head Basketball Coach may not be the sameperson unless approved by the Athletic Director.4. Supplements are for individual coaching assignments. Supplements may not bedivided.Public RelationsFaculty RelationsAll athletic personnel need to cultivate a good rapport with non-coaching members of the faculty, i.e. cooperate in their ventures; attend their performances. Your attendance will gain notoriety and do more for your program. Make sure that your athletes have a high regard for regular attendance and academic excellence. Don’t take athletes out of class unnecessarily and don’t ask for special favors. Keep the faculty posted of all scheduled events well in advance. Notify them if changes occur.Win the respect of the community for the whole program, not just the team you coach.Develop an activities program that will encourage community participation. Above all, keep people informed.ENCOURAGE ATHLETES WHO HAVE THE ABILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN MORE THAN ONE SPORT. Most kids will only have the opportunity to participate in high school athletics and therefore should have the chance to participate in as many extracurricular activities as they can handle. Those few athletes who are capable of going to the next level will garner more looks by their versatility in other sports as well as the sport for which they are being recruited.CROWD CONTROLPOLICY STATEMENTThe athletic department along with the Glynn County School Police will provide security at some middle school events. Each coach should be aware of the crowd situation and be prepared to diffuse volatile situations. The coach should check with the local administration to discuss crowd control. Common sense will help you to diffuse a volatile situation before it erupts. A game manager will be assigned to all high school games to help with crowd control. Good sportsmanship should be stressed with your team. Those coaches of sports who have a band in attendance need to discuss with the band director the rules in relation to proper times to play to avoid a penalty. Make sure our cheerleaders are sensitive to injuries that may occur during competition.All coaches should avoid inciting the crowd by your displeasure with officials. There are ways of expressing yourself without excessive body language or speaking loudly enough for the fans to hear you. After the contest, make sure you lead the way in showing good sportsmanship in shaking hands with your opposing coach. Media CommunicationHead coaches should make every effort to contact the media and publicize the performance of his/her team. Local Media Outlets include but are not limited to The Brunswick News, The Islander, iHeart Media Radio, ESPN Radio, Southern Sports Addition-Bishop Media, Golden Isles Broadcasting, and the Georgia Times Union. If sending an email, Please be sure to include the following information:? Return Phone Number? Date of the event? Opponent? Site? Final Score? Leading Performers? Team Record? Next Game? CommentsAdmission to GamesThe cost to attend all middle school and high school games in Glynn County is $5.00 per person. High School Varsity Football is the only exception, and those prices can be found on the athletic website. Prices for playoff games will vary and are set by the GHSA. All faculty members will be allowed in for free with their faculty ID. This includes faculty from any of the Glynn County Public Schools. All kids 5 and under will be admitted into all games for free. DRUG TESTING REGULATIONS(High School Only)Drug and alcohol abuse has grown to major proportions in our society, and the school setting is not exempt from this trend. Therefore, it is important that educators and parents continually work together and explore ways to institute programs that encourage a drug and alcohol free lifestyle for their students/children. The Glynn County School System has created an action plan to address and nurture a drug and alcohol free environment for the entire Glynn County School System. The policy of mandatory random drug testing is intended to support comprehensive educational policies and programs of the Glynn County School System. The purpose of the policy is to educate students and parents or legal guardians of the dangers inherent to the unlawful use of drugs and alcohol. The policy is further intended to provide incentives to students in grades 9-12 involved in competitive interscholastic activities to avoid such use and to strive for effective rehabilitation when such use has occurred. Guidelines for Mandatory Drug Testing:Administrators shall not utilize information obtained in the course of administering the policy for disciplinary purposes other than those set forth in this policy. This policy is not designed to be used in any manner, voluntarily or involuntarily, to provide a source of information for law enforcement agencies or for the prosecution of the student. The Principal shall not release test results of any person other than those described within this policy or as required by law or a lawfully issued subpoena or court order. Applicability & Participation EligibilityParticipation in athletics, extra-curricular activities, and parking on campus is a privilege. A student’s participation in such activities is subject to compliance with the Random Drug Testing Policy in grades 9 through 12. These activities include but are not limited to any interscholastic athletic program identified by the Georgia High School Association including Literary and One Act. Organizations and competitive programs such as band, orchestra, vocal, debate team, drill team, dance team, or club team will also be included in the programs that are subject to be tested. Student drivers that park on campus are subject to be tested as well. Any student that elects to participate in any of these programs/activities or park on campus with parental consent will be subject to random drug testing in accordance with this policy. If the participating student is 18 years of age or will turn 18 years of age during the activity season or school year, the student must agree that all test results will be released to the student’s parents or legal guardians. The random test will be conducted in season and out of season. Random testing/screening may take place at any time during the school year from the beginning of classes. Upon completion of the consent form, the student will automatically be entered in the testing pool for the entire year. ConfidentialityThe Glynn County School System shall not release records of drug test/screen or any resulting actions to anyone other than the student’s parents, as defined by Georgia statutes, school officials, and the head coach/sponsor without the written authorization from the parent/guardian or the student, if the student is over 18 years of age. Additionally, the District respects the privacy of its students and shall maintain confidentiality regarding any drug testing/screening under this policy. NoticeThe guidelines covered in this regulation will be provided to all high school students and their parents at the beginning of each school year. These guidelines can also be found online at . All students for which this regulation applies and their parents/guardians must sign a statement of notice and consent and deliver the notice and consent form to the student’s school. Such consent shall be valid for the remainder of the school year in which the form is signed or until a Withdrawal of Student from Activity form is signed. This form must be signed and delivered prior to participation in any activity covered by this regulation. A student who fails to have a current Annual Consent to Drug and Alcohol Screening form on file, shall not be allowed to participate in any activity for which the student is subject to random drug testing/screening until such consent is signed and filed with the appropriate authority within the school. Participation includes but is not limited to attendance at tryouts, rehearsal, or sitting with a team, club, or organization at a school event. Refusal to TestAll students and their parents must sign the drug testing consent form in order to be eligible to play sports. If a student is chosen to be drug tested and he/she refuses to take the test, the student will be in violation of the drug policy and regulations. Therefore, by refusing to take the test, the student will be considered as having a non-negative drug test and therefore will be entered into the violation phase of the testing program. Testing ProgramTesting shall be accomplished by the analysis of urine specimens obtained from students. Collection and testing procedures shall be established, maintained, and administered to ensure (a) randomness of selection procedures, (b) proper student identification including ID or Student Summary Page, (c) that each specimen is identified with the appropriate student, (d) maintenance of the unadulterated integrity of the specimen, and (e) the integrity of the collection and test process as well as the confidentiality of test results. Substances TestedStudent urine specimens may be tested for the following but are not limited to just these drugs: (a) amphetamines, (b) marijuana (THC), (c) cocaine and it’s derivatives, (d) barbiturates, (e) phencyclidine (PCP), (f) benzodiazepine, (g) Methadone, (h) methaqualone, (i) LSD, and other drugs as deemed dangerous to students. Any participating student whose drug test administered pursuant to this policy renders a non-negative test result as indicated by the testing facility shall be subject to the following consequences: First Violation: The student and the student’s parents/guardians will be required to attend a conference with the school principal or athletic coordinator and the activities coach or sponsor. The student and his/her parents will also be required to attend a specified amount of counseling with a school counselor to discuss the dangers of substance abuse. The student shall be required to comply with any recommendations resulting from the assessment/counseling conducted as part of the program. The participating student will be subject to recurring test, not random, at times not to be disclosed to deter the participating student from committing a subsequent violation of this policy. The student will also have to pay a $46.00 fee to be re-tested. If the prescribed guidelines are followed, the student will be allowed to continue participation in the activity. Any student who fails to participate in and complete an approved drug treatment counseling program will forfeit his/her opportunity to resume participation in any activity covered in this policy. Second Violation: The participating student and his or her parents/guardians will be required to attend a conference with the school principal and activities coach/sponsor. The participating student will be required to sit out 10 % of the scheduled games and cannot attend practice during his/her suspension. The student and his/her parents will also be required to attend a specified amount of counseling with a program regarding substance abuse approved by the school district. The counseling will be done by a school counselor. The student shall be required to comply with any recommendations resulting from the assessment/counseling conducted as part of the program. The participating student will be subject to recurring test, not random, at times not to be disclosed to deter the participating student from committing a subsequent violation of this policy. The student will also have to pay a $46.00 fee to be re-tested. If the prescribed guidelines are followed, the student will be allowed to continue participation in the activity. Any student who fails to participate in and complete an approved drug treatment program will forfeit his/her opportunity to resume participation in any activity covered in this policy. Third Violation: The participating student and his/her parents will be required to attend a meeting with the school principal, and activities coach/sponsor. The participating student will be suspended and prohibited from participation in all athletic or extra curricular activities for one full calendar year from the date of the positive test. The student must enroll and complete a drug treatment program outside of the school system. A subsequent negative drug test must be provided before participation may be reinstated. That test will be conducted by the school system at the expense of the student. If a student is caught cheating during his/her drug screening (cheating paraphernalia, stored urine, masking drugs or agents, etc.) this will be a testing violation and will be addressed as a failed drug test. Drug Testing Procedures Participating student and parent/guardian must sign form providing notice and consent. Prior to giving a urine specimen, each participating student shall complete a Medical history form, which includes disclosure of all prescriptions and nonprescription drugs currently taken. Testing shall be done as follows: Once a student is identified on a team roster as an athlete or as a student involved in extra-curricular activities, his/her ID number will be entered into a computer program that will randomly select students based on a student’s ID number. The neutral party approved by the Superintendent shall determine the students to be tested randomly during each season and year by using a random selection procedure from among all participating students in each individual activity. The testing laboratory will notify the designated central office employee prior of the testing process. Collection procedures for urine specimens shall be developed, maintained, and administered by the testing laboratory in an effort to minimize any intrusion or embarrassment for each student, ensure the proper identification of students and the student’s specimen, minimize the likelihood of the adulteration of a urine specimen and maintain complete confidentiality of test results. To that end, procedures must require: A student picture ID for positively identifying the student;The presence of a neutral employee from the central office; The presence of one or more representatives of the testing laboratory when the specimen is taken; The provision by the laboratory of a receptacle for the collection of urine;The absolute privacy of the student during the collection process; The securing of restroom facilities utilized for the collection process;The securing of all of the student’s personal belongings prior to entering the collection stall andThe treating of water in the designated collection facility to prevent a student from attempting to dilute or otherwise adulterate the urine specimen; The professional testing laboratory shall conduct all scientific analyses of the collection specimens. Each specimen shall initially be tested by using a highly accurate immunoassay technique. Initial positive results must be confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). If the initial presumptive positive result is not confirmed by the GM/MS technique, the test shall be deemed to be negative. Only after the GC/MS confirmation and the review of a Medical Review Officer shall a test result be reported as positive. A portion of each urine specimen that tests positive for alcohol or drugs shall be preserved for at least six months. Written confirmation of all test results shall be forwarded by the testing laboratory to the employee designated by the Superintendent. The employee shall notify the Superintendent, County Athletic Director, and Principal when the lab has determined that a specimen tests positive. In the event that a student’s urine specimen produces a positive result, the principal and coach/sponsor shall meet with the student and the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to disclose and discuss the tests results. At this meeting, the Principal or coach/sponsor shall advise the student and the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of consequences under this procedure. Any student who has tested positive , or that students parents or legal guardians, may contest the test result by informing the principal of their wish to have a conference within 48 hours of the receipt of notice of the positive test result. The student and parent shall be allowed to present further evidence. If contesting the laboratory results, any further laboratory analysis shall be conducted with the students remaining urine specimen preserved by the testing laboratory and shall be conducted at the student’s expense. A final decision of the principal shall come within 5 days of receiving this second test result. The determination of the student’s eligibility shall be made at the school level by the principal. If the participating student is 18 years of age or will turn 18 years of age during the activity season or school year, the student must agree that all test results will be released to the student’s parents or legal guardians. One year after the student turns 18 years of age or one year after the student’s graduation, whichever is later, all records in regard to this procedure concerning each student shall be destroyed. At no time shall these results or records be placed in the student’s academic file or be voluntarily turned over to any law enforcement agency, or used for any purpose other than those stated herein. Booster Club PolicyThe Glynn County Board of Education (“Board”) authorizes the organization of Booster Clubs and Parent, Teacher, Student Associations (PTSA) (“organization(s)”) for the purpose of promoting community involvement in support of the schools in the Glynn County School System (“school system”).This policy specifically applies to any organization formed for the expressed primary intent to raise and/or provide funds, services, or other resources in support of a specific school or school-related activity.All such organizations must receive the written approval of the school principal prior to commencing operation. The organization seeking approval must furnish the following information to the school principal:An official application to form an organization; andA proposed constitution and bylaws for the operation of the organization, if applicable.The superintendent is authorized to establish minimum standards for development of the organization’s constitution and bylaws, and to specify any requirements that must be complied with by the organization in order to operate properly.Any organization formed prior to the adoption of this policy must ensure that the provisions established within this policy and the accompanying administrative regulation (LEC-R(1) – Booster Organizations) are implemented prior to the start of the 2018-2019 school year.The Board recognizes that organizations operate with significant autonomy. However, the Board holds such organizations accountable for complying with all applicable laws and Board of Education policies, and for following all acceptable accounting procedures. The Board, the school and the school system assume no accountability or liability for organization funds or how said funds are handled by the anizations are not permitted to act as an agent of the Board, the school or the school system.The Board, school and school system are not responsible for any debt incurred by the anizations shall not engage in activities in the interest of a school without the expressed written permission of the principal.The principal may suspend or terminate any organization for inappropriate conduct or activity that is determined to be in violation of policy, regulation, or law. All funds remaining in the treasury of a dissolved organization shall be dispensed consistent within the original intent of the organization or donor.Under no circumstances shall the organization's funds be commingled in any account with school activity funds, Board funds, or school system funds. Organizations may donate funds, equipment, services, or other resources to individual schools or to the school system consistent with this policy, and consistent with Policy DFK - Gifts and Bequests. When these funds are deposited in a school, Board or school system account, the organization relinquishes all control over these funds. All equipment or other tangible objects donated to the school system or its schools become the property of the school system.Employees of the school system are expected to adhere to the provisions of this policy and any associated regulation(s). As well, employees must adhere to The Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators regarding Remunerative Conduct. In addition, any gifts or benefits, monetary or otherwise, employee may personally receive from booster organizations must be properly documented and approved by majority vote of all members present at an openand publicly announced meeting of the approved booster organization. Acceptance by an employee of any gift that is determined by administration to not be in compliance with this policy or its associated regulation may result in administrative and ethical violation actions.Booster Club Regulations Booster organizations, including Booster Clubs and Parent, Teacher, Student Associations (PTSA) (“Organizations”), are an important resource for supporting academic, athletic and extracurricular programs in the Glynn County School System. The following regulations have been established by the superintendent to ensure that all such organizations operate appropriately and effectively within the Glynn County School System (“school system”).1. A school organization exists only to support the school and its programs.2. Each organization must be approved by the school principal prior to operating.3. Requests to form an organization must be submitted to the principal in writing and must state the purpose of the organization.4. Any organization formed prior to the adoption of Policy LEC (Booster Organizations) must ensure that the provisions of Policy LEC and Administrative Regulation LEC-R(1) are implemented in their organization prior to the start of the 2018-2019 school year.5. The principal shall determine if the organization is required to have a written constitution and by-laws based on its stated purpose, intent and size.6. Written constitution and bylaws must state the organization’s purpose, role, objectives and procedures for financial review consistent with Board policies and regulations. The constitution and bylaws should be reviewed annually. The organization’s officers and duties of officers shall be stated in the bylaws.7. Membership requirements and membership privileges should be defined in the organization's by-laws8. Each organization will develop a written annual budget with input from the sponsor/coach and the principal. The organization’s budget should help support the program’s needs. The annual budget must be submitted to and approved by the principal before the organization’s activities commence each year. The budget must be approved by the majority of members of the organization present at an open meeting where proper notice has been made to all members in consistent with paragraph 14 below.9. Any changes to the approved annual budget in excess of $1,000.00 (or series of cumulative similar changes that amount to $1,000.00 or more) must also be provided to the principal prior to adoption and must be approved by the majority of the membership present at an open meeting where proper notice has been made to allmembers in consistent with paragraph 14 below.10. Each organization will have a written mission with clear-cut objectives.11. All fundraising activities and projects to be conducted by the organization must have prior approval of the principal. Organizations must follow all Board policies/regulations pertaining to fundraising activities.12. The Board, school and school system are not responsible for any debt incurred by the organization.13. The principal or his/her designee may attend all organization meetings. Sponsors/coaches of each individual activity should attend the meetings of their particular organization.14. The principal or his/her designee, along with the organization, will work together to ensure that all organization meetings are scheduled at a mutually convenient date, site and time. All members shall be provided at least 72 hours notice in advance of a meeting where a vote of the membership is requested or required.15. All requests for assistance from an organization to the school must be approved through the principal.16. All gifts or donations to the school by the organization accepted by the principal must be in accordance with the provisions of Glynn County Board of Education policy DFK -Gifts and Bequests.17. Booster Organizations need to be aware that educators are subject to the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators -- specifically the standard pertaining to Remunerative Conduct.18. Each organization will have in its constitution certain procedures for an annual financial review. The principal will receive a copy of the annual review report as well as a quarterly financial report for each Organization. The financial review will be conducted by a neutral and independent third-party. The principal has the right andthe authority to request an audit of the Organization’s financial records at any time if circumstances are warranted.19. All questions by organization members concerning policy or procedures of the Board are to be directed to the principal or his/her designee.20. Each organization will have prescribed accounting procedures to ensure all funds have accurate financial accounting. At a minimum, these procedures shall include the following:Purchasing procedures to assure that no cash purchases are made.Check-writing procedures to assure that one unrelated officers of the organization sign each check issued.No sponsor/coach will be allowed to sign or co-sign a check issued for support of their activity.Each check issued will be supported by a paid receipt of an invoice for goods/services rendered on behalf of the organization.Bank statements shall be reconciled in a timely manner and signed by a designated member of the organization.The organization should consider having the treasurer bonded based on the amount of money and transactions completed by the individual(s).A financial review of the organization’s financial records will be conducted on an annual basis (within six months of the fiscal year-end). The review will be conducted by a neutral and independent third-party. ................

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