
Response Templates5.2 Technical Requirements – Internet Access and Firewall ServicesProvide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided. 5.2.1Proposer must be either a Tier – 1 or Tier – 2 Internet Backbone Provider. Tier – 1 is defined as “having no upstream provider”. A Tier – 1 provider operates a national or global backbone network, and interconnects with other Tier – 1 providers in a peer-to-peer networking relationship. Tier – 2 is defined as “having one upstream provider”. A Tier -2 provider interconnects directly to at least one Tier- 1 provider, and preferably more than one Tier – 1 provider for redundancy and reliability. If the provider is Tier - 2, list the Tier – 1 providers ments:5.2.2Proposals must include fiber-based Internet Access with options for the following bandwidth speeds:5 Gbps10 Gbps14 Gbps (if available*)20 Gbps40 Gbps*Note: Based on recommendations from the FCC, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), and the International Society for Technology in Education, it is suggested that Iberia Parish have 1.0 Gbps per 1000 users (approximately 14000 users). Include options and pricing for speeds between 10Gbps and 40 Gbps, if ments:5.2.3After evaluating usage reports, IPSB may request upgrades during the contract term and/or contract extension(s). Service provider must address the ability and procedure(s) to upgrade Internet Access services to any of the speed options proposed in 5.2.2 including the associated cost for the upgrade (including installation, monthly charges, equipment, etc.), the upgrade procedures, and the expected upgrade timeline. The pricing being proposed for each option would be the maximum cost if the district elects to upgrade within a contract ments:5.2.4Firewall services are handled via leased equipment owned by our current service provider. IPSB desires to continue this service. Therefore, proposal must include firewall and managed services. Service provider must include the make and model and the technical specifications, including but not limited to, the feature set of the firewall that will be placed in our network environment.Firewall Requirements:Throughput must meet bandwidth needsFirewall Preferences:Allow/Block Traffic based on wildcard FQDNsNext-Generation Firewall (NGFW)Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus detection throughput for bandwidth needsPolicy based forwardingBidirectional forwarding detectionApplication based policy decisionsConsistent policy deployment to local and remote users regardless of OS Integration with Microsoft Active directoryIdentify and control circumvention applicationsDecrypt SSLDetailed reporting on all traffic with minimum 30-day reportingConfigurable AlertsComments:5.2.5Proposal must address the processes and procedures (including the expected timeframe from request to completion) for updating, adding, and deleting firewall rules in a managed firewall environment. Specify if the district will be granted access to make these changes. Comments:5.2.6Address committed information rates verses maximum information rates and burstable bandwidth. Specify maximum burstable bandwidth ments:5.2.7Service Providers must commit to carrier-grade reliability and availability, also known as five-nines (99.999%). During school hours (7:00 am – 3:30 pm), there must be an absolute minimum disruption of service, and absolutely no degradation in transport speed or capacity. Service provider shall provide pro-rated discounts for non-scheduled down time. These discounts shall be automatically applied on the invoice following said ments:5.2.8Describe the proposed networking technology (packet-switched, circuit-switched, Metro E, etc.).Comments:5.2.9Currently, Iberia Parish does not own its Public IP Address Range. Service provider must outline addressing options. IPSB currently has 32 public IP ments:5.2.10Proposals must include an explanation of security measures in place. Proposals must include, at a minimum, the prevention, detection, and mitigation of Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Indicate any effect that these security measures may have on Internet bandwidth and ments:5.2.11Service Provider must address cost of conversion to their service (equipment and configuration). Clearly outline if additional components (routers, switches, firewall, etc.) must be purchased, or if changes in the network configuration would have to be made for the service to work with the existing network equipment/infrastructure. The service provider should clearly state if the IPSB is responsible for making the purchase or if the cost is part of the service/installation charge. Comments:5.2.12Proposals must include a network diagram showing how the Internet access with managed firewall services will connect to the IPSB data center. This diagram should include any proposed equipment, hand-off points, and potential points of ments:5.2.13IPSB desires to have real time and historical visibility into the network. Service provider shall provide IPSB IT staff access to a network connectivity status system providing real time and historical statistical and graphical network information including, but not limited to, network uptime/downtime, network availability, network response time, and ingress/egress bandwidth usage per location. This system must be able to provide statistics and reports on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. Proposals must include sample statistics and reports from the proposed system. Comments:5.3 Technical Requirements – Wide Area Network Provide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided.5.3.1Proposals must include a point-to-point fiber network connecting all locations listed in Section 1.4, Locations. IPSB prefers a “true point-to-point fiber network”. IPSB defines a “true point-to-point fiber network” as a network where each remote location is directly connected back to the data center via continuous (splices are ok) strands of fiber with no additional electronic equipment in between. IPSB shall deduct points in the “Technical Merit” section of the evaluation for additional hops or points of failure between each remote location and the data center. Proposals must explain how the proposed network will meet our needs. Comments:5.3.2Proposals must include options for the following connection speeds between remote locations and the data center:10 Gbps20 Gbps40 GbpsIPSB may choose any combination of these WAN speeds. We will utilize whichever speeds best meet our needs on a site-by-site ments: 5.3.3Service provider must identify the connections as aerial or buried and whether these fiber connections are owned by proposer or being leased from another ments:5.3.4Proposed circuits must be terminated at each location’s demark point. All service provider equipment and/or cabling must be clearly labeled. Proposal must include a network diagram showing how remote locations would be connected back to the IPSB data center. This diagram should include any bundled customer premise equipment (CPE) and should clearly identify hand off details for each site. Note: All sites have a Brocade 7450 that handles routing between locations. This switch has one port, a 10G SFP+, available for an ments:5.3.5Address cost of conversion to your service (construction charges, installation, equipment, configuration, etc.). Clearly outline if additional components (routers, switches, firewall, etc.) must be purchased, or if changes in the network configuration would have to be made for the service to work with the existing network equipment/infrastructure. The service provider must clearly state if the IPSB is responsible for making the purchase or if the cost is part of the service/installation charge. Comments:5.3.6Service provider must commit to carrier-grade reliability and availability, also known as five-nines (99.999%). During school hours (7:00 am – 3:30 pm), there must be an absolute minimum disruption of service, and absolutely no degradation in transport speed or capacity. Service provider shall provide pro-rated discounts for non-scheduled down time. These discounts shall be automatically applied on the invoice following said downtime. Comments:5.3.7IPSB desires to have real time and historical visibility to the network. Service provider shall provide IPSB IT staff access to a network connectivity status system providing real time and historical statistical and graphical network information including, but not limited to network uptime/downtime, network availability, network response time, and ingress/egress bandwidth usage per location. The system must be able to provide statistics and reports on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. Proposals must include sample statistics and reports from the proposed ments:5.3.8Proposals must include a high-level network diagram or description of any aggregation points, equipment, and potential points of ments:5.3.9Proposals must include an explanation of security measures in place and encryption algorithms (if any) and their effect on ments:5.3.10After evaluating usage reports, IPSB may request upgrades during the contract term and/or contract extension(s). Service provider must address the ability and procedures to upgrade WAN services to the speed options in 5.3.2 including the associated cost for the upgrade (including installation, monthly charges, equipment etc.), the upgrade procedures, and the expected upgrade timeline. The pricing being proposed for each option would be the maximum cost if the district elects to upgrade within a contract ments:5.3.11It is important that the IPSB remain fully informed of new technological developments in the area of voice and data communications. Discuss the services you provide for voice, video, and data over ments: Key Design and Engineering Personnel Information and QualificationsProvide a response detailing any key personnel related to the network design and engineering. Proposal must include any relevant background information, qualifications, and certifications for these personnel. 6.1 Installation RequirementsProvide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided. 6.1.1Turn-Key Installation: IPSB is seeking a turn-key installation for the services and essential equipment required for Wide Area Network and Internet Access as outlined in this RFP. Service provider must provide for all hardware installations, software installations, and configurations, including but not limited to, equipment, cabling, labor, materials, permits, supplies, tools, and any other goods and services necessary to accomplish the scope of the project. Service provider must include in its price all costs associated with the installation process. It is IPSB’s intent that the entire installation be completed for the quoted price. Therefore, any items omitted but reasonably necessary to accomplish this project must be furnished and installed by the service provider at no additional cost to the IPSB.Describe how your company manages the installation and testing process, including the roles of key project personnel. Comments:6.1.2Installation Plan: Submit a proposed timeline assuming that services will begin on July 1, 2020. A detailed installation plan will be required before contract award.Note: IPSB does not wish to do a partial cutover to the a service provider. If the service provider is not able to complete installation for all locations by July 1, 2020, the service provider must agree to pay any and all costs required for IPSB to continue WAN and Internet services with its current provider until a complete cutover can be ments:6.1.3Facility Coordination: The service provider must be responsible for coordinating facility installations with IPSB IT Staff. The service provider and its representatives must follow all applicable school district regulations while on Iberia Parish School Board property, including policies addressing no smoking, no weapons, and drug-free zone. No work shall interfere with school activities or environment unless permission is given by the appropriate authority. All service provider personnel must be identified by the use of identification badges and uniforms or shirts with the provider’s logo clearly ments:6.1.4Work Performance and Standards: Service Provider warrants and represents to the IPSB that the installation of all contracted services and systems shall be completed in a professional manner and in accordance with the highest standards of the ments:6.1.5Project Management: Service provider must guarantee that all work will be managed by a qualified and designated project manager, who shall: 1. attend all scheduled project status meetings (including responsibility for generating and distributing meeting minutes) 2. be available to IPSB at all reasonable times 3. be responsive to IPSB’s questions, problems and/or concerns 4. be on-site at scheduled times to inspect work progress5. be on-site during critical phases of work, including network systems testing, cutover and first day in service.The designated project manager whose name and phone numbers shall be provided to IPSB prior to initiation of any on-site work under any contractual agreement, shall: be the service provider’s single point of contact with IPSBhave overall responsibility for all work until final project acceptancehave the authority to make necessary decisions and enlist necessary resources to ensure successful completion of all work in the required timeframes.Service provider project manager will be responsible for knowledge-transfer prior to and during cut-over. Project manager will also be responsible for turning over all necessary documentation on the installation. This documentation includes but is not limited to product materials, configurations, and network diagramsComments:6.1.6Subcontractors: Service providers may enter into subcontractor arrangements; however, they should acknowledge in the proposal total responsibility for the entire project. The use of any subcontractor(s) will not relieve the service provider from total responsibility for design, engineering, order, delivery, installation, cutover, maintenance and support services of all hardware, software, equipment and materials proposed. The conditions and provisions of the contract/agreement shall bind any subcontractor performing work on the project or services on behalf of the service provider. Nothing contained in any service provider/IPSB contract/agreement shall create any contractual or liability between the subcontractor and the IPSB.If the service provider intends to subcontract for portions of the work, the provider must identify any subcontractor relationships and include specific designations of the tasks to be performed by the subcontractor.Provider shall provide IPSB notice and a copy of any agreement for which providers subcontract all or part of the services to be provided ments:6.1.7Liaison and Coordination: Service Provider must provide a liaison to coordinate functions and activities, in a timely and professional manner with any other involved contractors, subcontractors, and service providers on behalf of the IPSB during the entire implementation ments:6.1.8Safety: Service provider shall be solely and completely responsible for the public safety and convenience of all persons and property where work related to this RFP is being performed, during all phases of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously during the term of the contract period and shall not be limited to normal working ments:6.1.9Liability: Service provider shall be fully liable for the actions of its employees, partners, etc and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the IPSB from suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description relating to personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property caused by the service provider, its employees, partners, etc. during the installation process.Each proposer must submit the following with the proposal:Certificate of Insurance showing Workman’s Compensation Certificate of Insurance for LiabilityComments: Key Installation Personnel Information and QualificationsProvide a response detailing any key personnel related to the network installation including the project manager and any installation supervisors. Proposal must include any relevant background information, qualifications, and certifications for these personnel. 7.1 Maintenance and SupportProvide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided. 7.1.1Maintenance: Explain your process for planned network maintenance. Service provider must commit to scheduled network maintenance windows on weekends or early morning weekday hours only. There must be no network disruptions during weekday daylight and evening hours except network emergencies.Service provider must commit to email notification of school board personnel for emergency network maintenance outages that are not pre-scheduled, even if this occurs in nights and ments:7.1.2Service: Discuss your diagnostic and repair capabilities, focusing on your ability to quickly and accurately identify and resolve reported ments:7.1.3Technical Support: Provider must have highly qualified network engineers and technicians on staff who can diagnose problems quickly and recommend solutions. Provide information regarding availability of technical support (on-site and remote). Specify physical location of the technical support staff including address and approximate distance from Iberia Parish. Service provider must guarantee that technical support will be onsite within two (2) hours of confirmation of a trouble ments:7.1.4Loss of Communications: Explain your response plan for loss of communications including fiber cuts, natural disasters, equipment failures, etc. Give examples of average response times based on past ments:7.2 Key Maintenance and Support Personnel Information and QualificationsProvide a response detailing any key personnel related to the network maintenance and support including technical staff who will be assigned to the IPSB. Proposal must include any relevant background information, qualifications, and certifications for these personnel.8.3 Contract Requirements – Internet AccessProvide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided.8.3.1Any formal agreement/contract entered into as a result of this proposal must contain an annual appropriation dependent upon a diligent good faith effort of the IPSB to appropriate funds annually for the same. Failure upon such to occur shall result in a termination of the contract at the end of the last year in which said appropriation took place (La. R. S. 38:2237(3)).Comments:8.3.2All RFP requirements outlined in this document as well as the selected winning provider’s proposal will become contractual obligations if a contract ensues. This includes, but not limited to, all specifications, drawings, addendums/amendments, brochures, and presentations submitted by either party. Failure of the successful proposer to accept these obligations will result in the rejection of the proposal. All legal disputes shall be litigated in Iberia Parish. In the event that there is a variance between the language in the service provider’s contract/purchase agreement/statement of work, and the requirements and commitments stated in this RFP and service provider’s response, the requirements and commitments in the RFP and service provider’s response would take precedence over the service provider’s contract/purchase agreement/statements of work. Contract for Internet Access shall be separate from that of ments:8.3.3A contract resulting from this RFP is scheduled to begin on July 1, 2020. Comments:8.3.4Contracts should include voluntary extensions. However, the entire contract term (original contract and any voluntary extensions) will not exceed 5 total years. The IPSB and the service provider will state in writing the willingness to enter into a contract extension agreement. Comments:8.3.5The contract should provide flexible conditions which allow the IPSB to negotiate changes in contract structure or pricing in response to significant market changes or technological changes. Service provider shall not raise cost of any proposed service for the life of the contract, including any extensions thereof. If price of the originally selected service should fall during the life of the contract, the service provider will not charge the district more than Lowest Corresponding Price. If the district wishes to upgrade service during the life of the contract, the service provider must provide the upgrade at a cost not to exceed the pricing provided to similarly situated nonresidential customers using similar services. This may occur any time during the initial contract period or subsequent ments:8.3.6IPSB will reserve the right to cancel the contract with the service provider for non-performance at any time during the contract period including extensions. The winning provider must agree that the IPSB can terminate a contract, if one is signed, regardless of the contract term if the provider does not provide the service as outlined in their proposal with a 99% or better reliability over a 30 day window. IPSB will reserve the right to terminate any contract signed without penalty, due to non-compliance of any products and/or services listed in the contract. While the IPSB will provide a 30 day written notice for contract termination, the IPSB reserves the right to grant the service provider a mutually agreed upon grace period to resolve noncompliance issues. Application of this and additional grace periods will be granted at the discretion of the IPSB. The IPSB will not waive its future rights of contract termination should they decide to waive their rights due to any noncompliance issue. Non-performance includes, but is not limited to, failure to provide quality service, poor installation performance, poor customer service, and failure to maintain a “green light” status as an eligible E-rate ments:8.3.7Provider acknowledges that the total yearly appropriation by the IPSB for the funding of this contract is dependent upon the amount of E-rate funding received on behalf of the IPSB. The winning provider must agree that the IPSB can terminate a contract regardless of the contract term if E-rate funding is discontinued or ments:8.3.8In the event of questions during an E-rate pre-commitment review, post-commitment review and/or audit inquiry, the awarded Service Provider is expected to reply within 3 days to questions associated with its ments:8.4 Contract Requirements – Wide Area NetworkProvide a response regarding how the proposer will meet each requirement in the space provided. 8.4.1Any formal agreement/contract entered into as a result of this proposal must contain an annual appropriation dependence upon a diligent good faith effort of the IPSB to appropriate funds annually for the same. Failure upon such to occur shall result in termination of the contract at the end of the last year in which said appropriation took place (La. R. S. 38:2237(3)).Comments:8.4.2Service provider acknowledges that the total yearly appropriation by the IPSB for the funding of this contract is dependent upon the amount of E-rate funding received on behalf of the IPSB. The winning provider must agree that the IPSB can terminate a contract regardless of the contract term if the E-rate funding program is discontinued or ments:8.4.3All RFP requirements outlined in this document as well as the selected winning provider’s proposal will become contractual obligations if a contract ensues. This includes, but not limited to, all specifications, drawings, addendums/amendments, brochures, and presentations submitted by either party. Failure of the successful proposer to accept these obligations will result in the rejection of the proposal. All legal disputes shall be litigated in Iberia Parish. In the event that there is a variance between the language in the service provider’s contract/purchase agreement/statement of work, and the requirements and commitments stated in this RFP and service provider’s response, the requirements and commitments in the RFP and service provider’s response would take precedence over the service provider’s contract/purchase agreement/statements of work. Contract for WAN shall be separate from that of Internet ments:8.4.4Contracts should include voluntary extensions. However, the entire contract term (original contract and any voluntary extensions) will not exceed 5 total years. The IPSB and the service provider will state in writing the willingness to enter into a contract extension agreement. Comments:8.4.5The contract should provide flexible conditions which allow the IPSB to negotiate changes in contract structure or pricing in response to significant market changes, technological changes, school construction, school closures, and the addition of new locations. Service provider shall not raise cost of any proposed service for the life of the contract, including any extensions thereof. If price of the originally selected service should fall during the life of the contract, the service provider will not charge the district more than Lowest Corresponding Price. If the district wishes to upgrade and/or add another location during the life of the contract, the service provider must provide the upgrade at a cost not to exceed the pricing provided to similarly situated nonresidential customers using similar services. This may occur any time during the initial contract period or subsequent ments:8.4.6IPSB will reserve the right to cancel the contract with the service provider for non-performance at any time during the contract period including extensions. The service provider must agree that the IPSB can terminate a contract, if one is signed, regardless of the contract term if the service provider does not provide the service as outlined in their proposal with a 99% or better reliability over a 30 day window. IPSB will reserve the right to terminate any contract signed without penalty, due to non-compliance of any products and/or services listed in the contract. While the IPSB will provide a 30 day written notice for contract termination, the IPSB reserves the right to grant the service provider a mutually agreed upon grace period to resolve noncompliance issues. Application of this and additional grace periods will be granted at the discretion of the IPSB. The IPSB will not waive its future rights of contract termination should they decide to waive their rights due to any noncompliance issue. Non-performance includes, but is not limited to failure to provide quality service, poor installation performance, poor customer service, and failure to maintain a “green light” status as an eligible E-rate ments:8.4.7A contract resulting from this RFP is scheduled to begin on July 1, 2020. If the service provider is not able to provide service for July 1, 2020, the service provider must agree to pay any and all costs required for IPSB to continue WAN and Internet services with its current provider until a complete cutover can be ments:8.4.8In the event of questions during an E-rate pre-commitment review, post-commitment review and/or audit inquiry, the awarded service provider is expected to reply within 3 days to questions associated with its ments:8.4.9Service provider must agree to release the IPSB from contractual obligations with no termination fees for all locations that will be closed during a contract term and/or contract extension. Reasons for such closures include, but not limited to, rezoning, school construction, state mandated closures, and natural ments:Internet Access Pricing SheetService Provider:Service: <Specify Service – Example: 5 Gbps Internet Access with Firewall Service >Contract Term: <Specify Contract Term – Example: MTM>E-rate Eligible ChargesDescription of Eligible Charges: <may attach description to this pricing sheet>Monthly<insert monthly charge>X 12 =<annual price>Non-Recurring Price<non-recurring costs>Total EligibleE-rate Ineligible ChargesDescription of Ineligible Charges: <may attach description to this pricing sheet>Monthly<insert monthly charge>X 12 =<annual price>Non-Recurring Price<non-recurring costs>Total Ineligible**Duplicate as Needed****One Proposal Per Page**Wide Area Network Pricing SheetService Provider:WAN Speed Proposed: <Specify Speed – Example: 10 Gbps>Contract Term: <Specify Term – Example: MTM>ELIGLIBLEINELIGIBLEMonthlyNon-RecurringMonthlyNon-RecurringIPSB Central Office – Data CenterIberia Parish Educational CenterAlternative Center for EducationAnderson Middle SchoolBelle Place ElementaryBelle Place Middle SchoolCaneview Elementary SchoolCenter Street ElementaryCoteau ElementaryDaspit ElementaryDelcambre ElementaryDelcambre High SchoolIberia Middle SchoolIberia Parish Career CenterJeanerette Senior High SchoolJefferson Island Road ElementaryJohnston Hopkins ElementaryLoreauville ElementaryLoreauville High SchoolMagnolia ElementaryNew Iberia Senior High SchoolNorth Lewis ElementaryPark ElementaryPesson ElementarySt. Charles ElementarySugarland ElementaryWestgate High SchoolNew Iberia Head Start – Site 1Jeanerette Head Start New Iberia Head Start – Site 2TOTALSummary – Eligible Services – YEAR 1Monthly<enter total for all sites>X 12 =<yearly cost>Non-Recurring=<yearly non-recurring>TOTAL Eligible ChargesSummary – Ineligible Services – YEAR 1Monthly<enter total for all sites>X 12 =<yearly cost>Non-Recurring=<yearly non-recurring>TOTAL Ineligible Charges ................

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