InstructionsThank you for your interest in applying to the Diocese of Austin Formation Program for the Permanent Diaconate. Before starting to complete the application, please read these instructions.This application process requires you and your wife (if married) to engage in three types of activities: completing an application form. Save a blank backup copy of this file to your computer now.requesting documents from others. Request them now.monitoring to ensure all materials are received hardcopy to our office by May 2, 2022.note:If you are married, your wife also must complete a questionnaire and return it by May 2, 2022. She, too, must request documents from others, and monitor progress to ensure they arrive to us by on time. She may return her completed materials either with yours or separately. You can complete the application form in either of two ways: Manually – print this file; write answers in the spaces and on additional paper. For each extra sheet of paper used, please include your name and the question number on each sheet.Electronically – use Microsoft Word to type in your answers. ? Use save as to rename the file like this: lastname_ firstname 2028application.doc? Save frequently as you enter your answers to avoid losing your work.? Save a copy of your completed application on your computer or a thumb drive. Note: We highly prefer option 2 above.note: Mail or hand deliver a hardcopy of your application by May 2, 2022 to:Formation Directors - Diaconal Formation ProgramDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025E-mail an electronic copy to: DiaconateFormation@ note:An application is complete when all materials (from the applicant, his wife, and those asked to submit documents) are received by the Diaconal Formation Program office, by May 2, 2022.Only completed applications will be reviewed for possible admission into the Formation Program; incomplete applications will not be considered.Your application materials are confidential. By signing the attestation form (below), you agree to allow your pastor (and others the Church enlists to assess your suitability for admission) to review their content. It is the Church who ultimately affirms a man’s call to diaconal ministry, and the Bishop who invites men into formation. Throughout this process, you are encouraged to continue praying and discerning your call, as well as discussing and praying with your family, Spiritual Director and Pastor. If you discern a change in the call to serve the Church, please let us know. Blessings,Deacon Rob Embry – rob-embry@ – 512-949-2411Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez – guadalupe-rodriguez@ – 512-949-2410Associate Directors of Diaconal FormationDocumentation ChecklistFour types of documentation are required to complete your application:Forms you must complete and submit (e.g., this application, autobiography, EIM status release).Documentation you must gather and you must submit (e.g., passport, driver’s license, visa).Documentation you must request other people/institutions to send to you, for you to submit (e.g., copies of annulments, death certificates, divorce decrees).Documentation you must request other people/institutions to send directly to the Formation Program Office (e.g., from pastor, spiritual director, physician, schools, parishes).note:We humbly request that instead of calling our office to ask if your application is complete, you use this checklist to monitor your application status and determine its readiness to submit.tips: Request now all documents that others (a) must send you for you to submit (no. 3 above) or (b) must send directly to the Diaconal Formation Program Office (no. 4 above). You are responsible for: Receiving documents others send you, and including them with your completed application materials so our office receives them on time (no. 3 above).Ensuring that our office receives materials on time from entities in no. 4 above):informing them of the May 2, 2022 deadline; asking them to notify you when they send their materials; giving them your contact info for any updates or questions; providing them with the Diaconal Formation Program address: Formation DirectorsDiaconal Formation ProgramDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025When your checklist indicates all the items from the first three categories above have been completed or gathered, submit them – do not wait to be notified by entities from item 4 above that they have sent their documents. When an entity notifies you that they have sent documentation, mark the appropriate box in your checklist with the date and method of notification (email, phone call, fax, tweet, etc.) for your records.Before you submit any materials for your application, make a copy for your records. YOU must complete or gather the following documents:Application for AdmissionCitizenship: Certified Birth Certificate or U.S. passport. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must submit both of the following documents:Your foreign passport andYour U.S. Visa that allows you to stay in the United States.NOTE: We will make a photocopy and return the original.Autobiography [see number 86 below]Residency in the Diocese of Austin: one of the following:Texas Driver’s License orTexas Official Identification Card orVoter Registration CardCurrent EIM status - Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM). [see number 87 below]Wife’s Materials: Questionnaire, EIM, Citizenship and Residency documentation, Autobiography, Sacramental records, and (if applicable) prior marriage documentation. These can be sent together with your materials or separately, if she desires. YOU must request that OTHERS send us these completed documents:Academic Records - Official transcripts from all academic institutions you attended – high school, college/university, post graduate. note: The academic institutions should mail Official transcripts directly to the Diaconal Formation Office.Pastor Recommendation - Give your Pastor the cover letter and the Recommendation form (pp. 40-43 in Appendix) for him to mail directly to the Diaconal Formation Office. Recommendation letters - each of these three persons should mail their recommendations directly to the Diaconal Formation Office: A person from your workplace, about your character, work ethic, and performance. A non-relative, about your character and/or spiritual development. If married: a non-relative who can attest to the stability of your marriage. If single: a non-relative, attesting to the stability of your single life.Primary Care Physician Statement [see number 88 below] – must be submitted by him/her directly to us. Spiritual Director Agreement [see number 89 below] – must be submitted by him/her directly to us.Mentor agreement [see number 90 below] – must be submitted by him/her directly to us.YOU must request Sacramental Records from others.Baptismal Certificate (dated 2021 or 2022) – requested from the Parish where you were baptized or made your Profession of Faith and sent to the Diaconal Formation Office. Ask whether your Baptismal Certificate is annotated with your First Communion, Confir-mation, and Matrimony sacramental dates. If not, contact the parishes where you received those sacraments, and have them a) send that information to the parish where you were baptized, and b) send a copy to the Diaconal Formation Office.First Communion Certificate (dated 2021 or 2022) requested from and sent by the parish where you made your first communion directly to the Diaconal Formation Office. Not needed if your First Communion is annotated on your Baptismal Certificate.Confirmation Certificate (dated 2021 or 2022) requested from and sent by the parish where you were confirmed directly to the Diaconal Formation Office. Not needed if your Confirmation is annotated on your Baptismal Certificate.Marriage Certificate (dated 2021 or 2022) requested from and sent by the parish where you were married directly to the Diaconal Formation Office. Not needed if your marriage is annotated on your Baptismal Certificate.For Prior Marriages: The following documentation is required only if the condition applies to you.certificate of divorce for any prior marriage ending in divorce.Decree of Nullity or Canonical Declaration of Nullity or Dissolution for PriorMarriages of Applicant and/or Wife If the prior marriage was declared invalid because of Lack of Form, a proper ecclesiastical Decree of Nullity is required.For other marriages, a Canonical Declaration of Nullity or Dissolution is required.note: An ecclesiastical Decree of Nullity or a Canonical Declaration of Nullity or Dissolution is required even if you have not remarried.certificate of death for deceased former spouse of applicant –for each deceased former spouse of the applicant.certificate of death for deceased former Spouse of Applicant’s Wife –for each deceased former spouse of the applicant’s wife.NOTE: We will make a photocopy and return the original.AttestationACKNOWLEDGMENT, REPRESENTATION, AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASEFor Use by Applicants, Aspirants, and Candidates for the Permanent Diaconatein the Diocese of AustinName: Date:The term “application” means the application to enter formation for the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Austin which I have submitted, inclusive of all statements, information, enclosures, exhibits, addenda, supplements, and attachments in or to the application.A.I make the following representations:(1)My statements and information in or attached to the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.(2)Unless I have provided a written statement otherwise, the application is complete.(3)I will amend the representations I make in the application or this document when I become aware that such representations are no longer true or additional information is necessary for a complete and truthful application.(4)I am completing this application voluntarily, to help the Church assess my suitability for admission into diaconal formation. B.I acknowledge and understand the following.(1)The application belongs to the Diocese of Austin.(2)Unless otherwise required by law or canon law, neither I nor my spouse have any right to retrieve, remove, review, or expunge all or part of the application from the records maintained by the Diocese of Austin.(3)The directors of formation for the permanent diaconate keep the application confidential with the understanding that the directors read and discuss the application and share all or part of the application with the bishop of the diocese and those who assist in the review of my suitability for admission to enter formation, to remain in formation, and for ordination. (4)Those who assist in the review of my application and my formation include, but are not limited to, the vicar general, chancellor, the directors of the permanent diaconate, members of the Admissions and Scrutinies Committee, the pastor of my parish, and specific advisors or consultors to the bishop or the directors of formation.(5)The bishop holds the sole discretion as to whether I am accepted into formation, whether I continue in formation, and whether I am ordained.(6)I am not entitled to any explanation if my application is denied, if I am removed from formation, or if I am not ordained.(7)As a condition of entering or remaining in formation, the directors of formation may ask me or my wife to submit and obtain assessments or diagnoses from professionals who are psychologists, counselors, speech therapists, intellectual or educational assessors, and other professionals; and to provide certain levels of release of information from such professionals to the directors of formation.(8)The directors of formation keep the information from the professionals described in B(7) confidential in the same manner that they keep the application confidential (as described under B(3) and (4)).(9)As a condition of entering or remaining in formation, I will be asked to separately authorize the diocese to obtain criminal and consumer background checks concerning me and my spouse. The information from such background checks will be discussed and shared with the persons described in B(4).(10)Formation for the permanent diaconate lasts approximately 5 years. The representations, acknowledgements, authorizations, and releases I make in this document continue in effect for the entire time I remain in formation, unless I amend or withdraw the representations, acknowledgments, authorizations, or releases as permitted under this document or law.(11)I may withdraw the representations, acknowledgments, authorizations, or releases in this document by providing written notice to the directors of formation, knowing that: (i) the Diocese of Austin requires not less than 30 days notice to close its files and notify any person who may need to take action with regard to the receipt of confidential information as authorized by this document; and (ii) such withdrawal does not apply to or affect information that was disclosed before the withdrawal or that is required to be made under applicable law.I authorize the following.(1)The Diocese of Austin and the directors of formation may discuss and provide the application as well as information from professionals described under B(7), as the directors of formation in their sole discretion determine appropriate, with and to the bishop of the diocese and those who assist in the review of my suitability for admission to enter formation, to remain in formation, and for ordination to the permanent diaconate (as described under B(4)).(2)The directors of formation may receive and communicate information from the application and the professionals described under B(7) by mail, e-mail, fax, or phone.I release the Diocese of Austin, the directors of formation, the bishop of the diocese, and all those described under B(3) and (4) from all liability related to the receipt or release of information in the application or from professionals described under B(7).Signature of above-named IndividualSignature of above-named Individual’s SpouseDate:Date:Receipt acknowledged by:Title: Date:Application FormPersonal Full NamebirthDate City StateZIPCountyCountrycurrent addressStreet How many yearsCity ZIPStateCountyPhoneHomeCellEmail Address Current Parish Name Years at parishAddressCity ZIPPastor PhoneCitizenship U.S. CitizenPlease submit an original birth certificate or US passportNot U.S. CitizenPlease submit an original birth certificate and your current passport and visaWe will photocopy these and return the original documents to you.IdentificationPlease submit a Texas Driver License with this application. We will photocopy and return the original to you. Please email us a clear headshot photo taken within the last 6 months.ResidencyPlease submit a Texas Driver License, Texas Official Identification Card, or Voter ID card. We will photocopy and return the original to you.Social Media – Please note all social media for which you have accounts. Facebook Linked-In Twitter Personal Blog Web Address Other Web Address Other Web AddressWork Status Employed Full Time Employed Part Time Unemployed Retired Volunteer Full Time Volunteer Part Time Other (please describe below or on a separate sheet of paper)Current OccupationHow many yearsEmployer Name Street AddressCityStateZIPSupervisorNamePhoneMay we contact your current employer? Yes NoBriefly describe your current job assignment. Use additional paper/space if needed.Does your current employment require you to travel/work on Saturdays? Does your current employment involve periodic relocation? If Yes to either question, please explain. Use additional paper/space if needed. Yes No Yes NoSacramental StatusBaptismDate I was BaptizedDenominationParish/Church NameCityStateZIPEucharistDate I received the Roman Catholic Sacrament of First Communion Parish NameCityStateZIPConfirmationDate I received the Roman Catholic Sacrament of Confirmation Parish NameCityStateZIPMatrimony Current Wife’s Full Nameincluding Maiden Name Date of my current marriage:Parish NameCityStateZIPWhen did you begin dating?Were you ever married before your current/last marriage (e.g., civil marriage,Church marriage, or common-law marriage)? Yes NoIf you have been married before, provide details here:Most recent prior marriage Wife’s Full Name:Date of my prior marriage:Is wife deceased? Yes NoIf yes, date of death:Annulment? Yes NoDate and Diocese:Date Divorce Finalized:Date of SeparationChurch or Place NameOfficiant NameCityStateZIPWhen did you begin dating?Second most recent prior marriage Wife’s Full Name:Date of my prior marriage:Is wife deceased? Yes NoIf yes, date of death:Annulment? Yes NoDate and Diocese:Date Divorce Finalized:Date of SeparationChurch or Place NameOfficiant NameCityStateZIPWhen did you begin dating?Third most recent prior marriage Wife’s Full Name:Date of my prior marriage:Is wife deceased? Yes NoIf yes, date of death:Annulment? Yes NoDate and Diocese:Date Divorce Finalized:Date of SeparationChurch or Place NameOfficiant NameCityStateZIPWhen did you begin dating?If you have more than three (3) previous marriages, please provide the same information as given above on a separate blank sheet.important – additional documentation may be required? If a former spouse is deceased, you must provide the Certificate of Death.? If a prior marriage is invalid because of Lack of Form, you must provide the ecclesiastical Decree of Nullity.? For other prior marriages, you must provide the Canonical Declaration of Nullity or Dissolution.? If divorced, you must provide either an ecclesiastical Decree of Nullity or a Canonical Declaration of Nullity or Dissolution. You must also provide the certificate of divorce.FamilyIf MarriedWifeName Maiden NameChildrenNameGenderAgeSchool Grade/StatusHave all your minor children been baptized? Yes No Confirmed? Yes NoOther Dependent PersonsNameAgeRelationshipIf SingleTotal number of persons financially dependent on me:DependentPersonsNameAgeRelationshipEducationElementary / High SchoolGraduation Date/ /High School NameGED Date/ /Street AddressNo. of years of high school completedCityStateZIPCollege/UniversitySchool Name Type of Degree Specialization/MajorDegree Awarded Yes No (years completed ___)Date AwardedCollege/UniversitySchool Name Type of Degree Specialization/MajorDegree Awarded Yes No (years completed ___)Date AwardedCollege/UniversitySchool Name Type of Degree Specialization/MajorDegree Awarded Yes No (years completed ___)Date AwardedLanguage SkillsLanguage List all languages that you could use in ministry.AbilityReadWriteSpeakEnglish Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good Fair PoorSpanish Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good Fair PoorOther: Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good Fair PoorOther: Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good Fair PoorCheck all insurance coverage you have: Health Life Accident Disability Long-term care None Other_______[note: No insurance is offered to deacons by the Diocese of Austin.]Describe any hospitalizations or past/present health issues (physical or mental); Use additional paper/space if needed.Describe your military service, if any. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you been or are you currently a member of a fraternal organization? Yes No If Yes, give details: name(s), length of service, role(s) or rank, etc. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you ever applied for or been accepted into a diaconal formation program? Yes NoIf Yes, please provide details: when, diocese name, rites received, courses taken, formator contact information, etc. Also, explain why you are re-applying – what has changed since your last application or formation experience that prompts you to apply again? Why now? Use additional paper/space if needed. Have you ever lost property in a foreclosure? Yes No If yes, give details: year, location, circumstances (why it happened), outcome, etc. Use extra paper/space if needed.Have you experienced or are you experiencing financial difficulties (due to credit or loan debt; delinquent accounts; back taxes, large investment losses, etc.)? Yes No Please describe the causes, the amount of debt, and the impact on your financial health. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If Yes, provide details: year of filing, amount of debt, current status, etc. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you ever been evicted? Yes No If Yes, give details: year, location, circumstances, outcome, etc. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you ever had a workplace complaint filed against you, or a professional or occupational license suspended or revoked? Yes No If Yes, explain. Use extra paper/space if needed.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes No If Yes, provide details: age at the time, year, circumstances, location, etc. Include any misdemeanors or felonies. Use additional paper/space if needed.Do you currently have any criminal charges pending against you? Yes No If Yes, provide details. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you ever been placed on probation or community service for a criminal act? Yes No If Yes, provide details. Use additional paper/space if needed.Impediments to OrdinationThe following questions concern issues that Canon Law deems to be barriers to ordination.Can. 1040 Those affected by any impediment, whether perpetual, which is called an irregularity, or simple, are prevented from receiving orders. Should any of these conditions apply to you, consider speaking to your Confessor or Spiritual Director before answering these questions. Can. 1041 The following are irregular for receiving orders:Have you been diagnosed with any mental illness that your doctor feels would prevent Yes Noyou from fulfilling the responsibilities of a deacon? UncertainHave you committed apostasy, heresy, or schism? Yes No UncertainHave you been married, even civilly, while (a) in a prior marriage, (b) bound by sacred Yes Noorders, or (c) under vows of perpetual chastity? Or are you married to a woman (a) still Uncertainin a prior marriage or (b) restricted by the same type of vows described above?Have you killed anyone (military- or law enforcement-related,self-defense, car Yes Noaccident) or procured or otherwise participated in an abortion? UncertainHave you mutilated yourself, someone else, or attempted suicide Yes No? UncertainHave you ever performed duties reserved only to a bishop or priest? Yes No UncertainHave you engaged in any behavior that could bring scandal to the Church or thatis Yes Nounbecoming to the clerical state? Uncertain Can. 1042 The following are simply impeded from receiving orders:Are you serving in an elected office (Can. 285)? Yes NoAre you serving in the military (Can. 289)? Yes NoNote: Can. 1043 If the Christian faithful are aware of impediments to sacred orders, they are obliged to reveal them to the ordinary or pastor before the ordination.Human PillarName and describe your strengths. Name and describe your limitations, e.g., impatience with children or elders, fear of jails/hospital, disdain for the homeless/poor/immigrants, a quick temper, prejudice toward a minority, a sense of inadequacy, phobias about blood/ crowds/public speaking, etc. Please describe:Describe any hobbies or interests you have – music, gardening, hunting, woodworking, tennis, etc.Briefly describe your life growing up. Use as much paper/space as needed.- parents’ marriage: blessed, good, troubled, divorced…- money: rich/poor/middle class- faith life: prayer, church; strong, occasional, never, etc.- siblings: number, genders, your place in order; best friends, OK, always fighting- location: big city, small town, country, military base(s), foreign - characterization: happy, norm-al, dysfunctional, broken- traumas: deaths, illnesses, divorce, accidents, fires, etc.- other: Explain how growing up in your family a) helped you form positive values, virtues, principles, b) left you at a disadvantage and with unique challenges, c) both, or d) other. Do/does/did you or your spouse abuse alcohol, drugs, food, the internet, gambling, relationships; suffer from physical, emotional, or mental illness; hold or express negative sentiments toward the Church? Please explain. Use additional paper/space if needed.Describe your current relationship with your parents and siblings: excellent, good, strained, estranged. Why? Give examples. Use additional paper/space if needed.Describe how you and your wife met. Describe how you celebrated your last wedding anniversary? Birthday? New Year’s Day? Describe any strained or tense relationship with a family member, boss, supervisor, neighbor, or parishioner? Use extra paper/space if necessary.Describe any experience of being fired, suspended or pressured to resign from your job? Use extra paper/space if necessary.Describe your best friend, and why he or she is your best friend. How did you meet this person: work, family, church, school, other? What makes this relationship special? Use extra paper/space if necessary.How would your best friend describe you? Use extra paper/space if necessary.Describe your understanding of your sexuality, past and present. Describe any experiences of co-habitation outside of marriage. Use extra paper/space if necessary.Have you ever experienced sexual abuse or trauma? What help have you sought to heal this? Have you ever sexually abused anyone, or fantasized about it? Have you engaged in pedophilia, or fantasized about it? What help have you sought to address this? Use extra paper/space if necessary.Have you ever had same-sex attraction? Ever acted on it? Explain. Use extra paper/space if necessary.If you have had a vasectomy or paid for a tubal ligation, please explain the circumstances in light of your understanding of the Church’s views on sterilization. If you have had an affair/child unknown to your wife, please explain the circumstances in light of the Church’s teaching about chastity before marriage and fidelity/faithfulness in marriage.Have you ever created, viewed, shared, or posted pornographic images of yourself or others? Please explain. Have you sought counseling for this? Have you ever made public statement critical of the Church, written or forwarded material that would scandalize the Church? Please explain. The Diaconal Formation Program seeks to strengthen a formation couple’s marriage relationship, and prevent formation stresses from weakening their marriage (which has led to separation and even divorce of ordained deacons). During the application process, we use the Prepare/Enrich inventory to explore relationship strengths and challenges in several areas: emotions, finances, sexuality, parenting, spirituality, among others. Please indicate whether you are experiencing challenges and would be open to receiving help (counseling, retreats, pastoral care, spiritual direction, etc.):Experiencing ChallengesOpen to Receiving HelpEmotional Connectedness?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoFinancial Stability?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoSexual Intimacy ?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoParenting ?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoSpirituality?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoOther: ____________________?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoOther: ____________________?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoOther: ____________________?? Yes???????????? ?? No?? Yes???????????? ?? NoDescribe your experience with suffering, illness, or death. Use extra paper/space if necessary.Clergy SupportDo you have regular contact with the priest(s) in your parish? Yes NoNames: Do you have regular contact with the deacon(s) in your parish? Yes NoNames: Do you have regular contact with other priests or deacons? Yes NoNames: Are any of these persons encouraging you to pursue diaconal formation? Yes NoIf yes, describe that encouragement. Use extra paper or space if mitment to Celibacy Read this commitment to celibacy:If currently unmarried, I attest to having been celibate for the past five years. I anticipate being celibate during formation (and embracing “intentional celibacy” – i.e., closing myself to the notion, desire, or opportunity for dating), and then remaining permanently celibate after ordination.If currently married, and should my wife die after ordination, I will become and remain celibate. I understand I do not understandPlease describe your feelings about this commitment: Spouse/Family AwarenessI have discussed with my spouse my sense of being called to be formed as a deacon. Yes NoIf No, explain why not. Use additional paper / space if necessary.If Yes, describe how she feels about it and how she will support you in your diaconal ministry. If Yes, describe her anticipated participation in your preparation during the Diaconal Formation Program, should you be accepted. Describe any concerns or reservations she has to your entering the Diaconal Formation Program. Describe how your children and other family members feel about your applying to the Diaconal Formation Program. Current ActivitiesList parish activities, the hours devoted per month, and your role.Current hours ROLEParticipantLeaderPast hours ROLEParticipantLeaderList current non-parish activities (e.g., hobbies, volunteer organizations, sports teams, community groups, philanthropies, etc.), the amount of time you devote to each, and your role:ActivityHours per monthParticipantLeaderHow many evenings each week are you currently away from your family? Doing what? Describe any positive or negative impact from this on your marriage/family. Use additional space/paper if needed.Describe some concerns, issues, problems in your parish. Use extra space/paper if necessary.Describe some concerns, issues, problems in your community. Use additional space/paper if needed.Beyond your education, describe any training or experiences you’ve had that might be helpful in the Diaconal Formation Program (e.g., workshops, presentations, seminars, in-service courses, etc.). Use additional space/paper if needed.Describe any special talents or gifts you have that will help you in diaconal formation. And/or any deficiencies you have that you anticipate will challenge you in diaconal formation. Use additional space/paper if needed.Formation participation requires at least 25 hours each month for 5 years. Assess your current work, family, and personal commitments and realistically describe a) how you will accommodate this workload (and what changes are needed to do so) and b) the impact of formation participation on your work/life balance (i.e, having less time for wife, family, job, hobbies, etc.). Use extra space/paper if needed. How much time do you foresee being able to devote to being a deacon, if ordained? Use additional space/paper if necessary.Describe what you believe the effect your being a deacon might have on your job and your ability to provide financial stability for yourself and your family. Use additional paper/space if needed.Describe how being a deacon might impact your role as husband/father, your relationships with family and friends, and your personal pursuits (hobbies, clubs, recreation, etc.). Use additional paper or space if necessary.What ministry/ies do you feel drawn to? Of these, which are in the parish e.g., RCIA), and which are beyond (e.g., visiting prisoners)? Use additional paper/space if needed.Which best describes the diaconate: job, profession, vocation, career, position. Please explain your answer. Use additional paper or space if necessary.Explain your desire to serve others; Use additional paper or space if necessary.Where does that desire come from?Why do you feel called to serve?What does serving others mean to you?Is serving as a lay person different than serving as a deacon – if so how?How do you serve your family? Describe your familiarity with the Bible and Catechism? How often do you read/study them? Is your study self-directed, university courses, parish courses, independent seminars, conferences, etc.? Bible StudyCatechism StudyList the print media (books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, etc., that you read in 2018. Star those about Christianity/Catholicism. List the video media (TV shows, webinars, movies, etc.) that you watched in 2018. Star those about Christianity/Catholicism. Spiritual Life Characterize your prayer life, i.e., the way(s) you pray, when, and how often. For example: “I pray the rosary before Sunday Mass each week.” Use additional paper/space if needed.How important is prayer to you…what impact does it have on your life, etc. Use additional paper/space if needed.Describe your family’s prayer life: what prayer(s), when, who joins, impact on family life, etc.). How important would you say prayer is to your spouse? Children? Use additional paper/space if needed.For men in formation, Church documents recommend mass, rosary, lectio divina, and liturgy of the hours – all daily; ‘frequent’ receipt of Reconciliation; and ‘regular’ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament attendance. What are your thoughts about this? Use additional paper/space if needed.Below, describe your relationship with God (A – I know about him, who he is. B – I have encountered him. C – I have a close relationship with him. D – some or all of the above) - God the Father - Jesus His Son - the Holy Spirit Below, describe your relationship with Blessed Mother Mary. Use additional paper/space if needed.(A – I know about her, who she is., B – I have encountered her, C – I have a close relationship with her, D – some or all of the above)Describe any retreats you’ve been to, pilgrimages you’ve gone on, holy shrines you’ve visited. What impact have they had on your spirituality? Describe any especially powerful experiences you’ve had at these places. Use additional paper/space if needed.Have you had any mystical experiences? Received visions, locutions, ecstasies, miracles? Any attacks from the enemy or undergone spiritual warfare? Please describe each. Use additional paper/space if needed.Why do you seek to be a deacon??Use additional paper/space if needed.How do you sense God calling you?? Be as specific as you can. Use extra paper/space if needed.How do you sense the call is from God, rather than pastor, wife, friends, yourself, other?? Use extra paper/space if needed.Explain when you first sensed this call; has it intensified??Use extra paper/space if needed.Have you ever specifically asked God in prayer if He is calling you to be a deacon? Please describe that experience, especially what happened after you prayed this. Use extra paper/space if needed.Describe your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the possibility of learning that you will not be invited by the Bishop into diaconal formation. Use extra paper/space if needed.According to canon law, a deacon is assigned by the Bishop to a parish. How you would feel if the Bishop assigned you to a parish not your current one? Use additional paper/space if needed.AutobiographyPrepare a 500- to 1000-word (2-3 pages, double-spaced), autobiography: an account of the major life influences – people, circumstances, events, opportunities, travel, achievements – that shaped your life, especially those things that led up to this decision to apply to the Diaconal Formation Program. Explain how you “got here.”Appendix – Various Forms Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (eim) – ApplicantAs volunteers, paid staff, religious, and clergy who serve the Catholic Diocese of Austin, we share in the ministry of Jesus Christ, a great privilege and an awesome responsibility. Our diocesan policies on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry are rooted in the Catholic understanding that each individual must be respected and honored. Jesus had a deep, abiding respect for each human being and would not harm or mislead anyone in their personal or spiritual life. We must attempt to do likewise. Policies on Ethics and Integrity in MinistryWithout exception, the diaconal formation applicant and his wife must become EIM compliant. Three (3) steps are required to become EIM compliant:Complete an EIM application. If you are not currently EIM compliant, you must submit an EIM Application at the Diocese of Austin website or using a paper form. NOTE: This generates a confidential, criminal background check.Attend an EIM Workshop within 60 days.Within 60 days of submitting the application, attend a 3-hour EIM Basic Workshop. Workshop dates, times, locations, etc. are listed here: . Call the workshop location to register, so adequate materials are available. Be prompt: once the workshop has begun, late arrivals may be refused entrance.Check the database.Ensure your parish EIM representative enters your EIM workshop attendance into the diocesan EIM database. Not being in the database means you are not EIM compliant. The EIM application is submitted one time only. The EIM background check is automatically rerun every 3 years from the date of your application submission and does not require any additional action on your part.EIM Refresher Workshop attendance is required every 3 years after the initial Workshop. Check with your parish EIM representative to determine if you are due for an EIM Refresher Workshop.NOTE: Make sure that the EIM Representative in your parishenters your workshop attendance into the diocesan EIM database.If you are not in the database, you are not EIM compliant.Thank you for complying with the Diocese of Austin’s commitment to keep God’s beloved safe.Diaconal Formation Program EIM Status - EIMName of Applicant:Date of Birth:Address:ZIP:Parish:City:I have already submitted an application.I have not submitted an application. Apply online I authorize the Diaconal Ministry Office to view my application and status.(Signature of Applicant) (Today’s Date)Primary Care Physician’s StatementApplicant – please schedule a health checkup, and give this form to your primary care physician to complete, sign, date, and submit to:Formation DirectorsDiaconal Ministry OfficeDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025Applicant Name:Address:Date of Birth:I have been the primary care physician for the above named person for _____ years.I have evaluated his general health and ability to undertake long hours of reading, study, and writing (and the stress associated with it), and I provide the following assessment:(Signature of Primary Care Physician)(Date)Printed Name/Title of Primary Care Physician:Address:Spiritual Director’s StatementAll men discerning a call to diaconal formation must have a spiritual director (SD). Guidelines for selecting a spiritual director are as follows:Must be a priest or a deacon.May not be clergy from your parish – neither priest nor deaconShould not be a friend, or even someone you have known a long time.Monthly 1-hour meetings are typical. A list of approved SDs can be obtained at: Applicant: please give this form to your Spiritual Director to complete, sign, date, and submit to:Formation Directors Diaconal Ministry OfficeDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025Directee Name:Parish:City:I agree to see this man in spiritual direction as he discerns his call to Diaconal Ministry in the Diocese of Austin. Because of the protections of internal forum, I will not share with the formation team anything beyond a yes or no to their question of whether he attends monthly spiritual direction. If/when our relationship in spiritual direction ends, I will notify the Diocese of Austin, Diaconal Formation Office: 512-925-2459.Signature of Spiritual DirectorPrinted Name of Spiritual DirectorDateParish of Spiritual DirectorPastor of Spiritual Director Mentor StatementMen in diaconal formation benefit from having a deacon mentor. This should be someone not from their parish. At some point during their first year or two in formation men ask a deacon to mentor him; some-times the formation team will assign a mentor. If at this point you wish to have a deacon mentor you, please give him this form to complete, sign, date, and submit to:Formation Directors Diaconal Ministry OfficeDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025Applicant Name:Parish:City:I agree to mentor this man in formation as he discerns his call to Diaconal Ministry in the Diocese of Austin. I understand that I am free to offer as much or as little input as I am comfortable sharing with the formation team if they ask me about this man.If/when our mentoring relationship ends, I will notify the Diocese of Austin, Diaconal Formation Office: 512-949-2459.Signature of MentorPrinted Name of MentorDateParish of MentorMentor’s PastorLetter to PastorApplicant – Please print this and the next three pages and give to your pastor. Have your pastor complete, sign, date, and submit them to:Formation Directors Diaconal Formation Program Diocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025Key resources that explain the Church’s expectations for men pursuing formation for the permanent diaconate:Basic Norms for the formation of Permanent Deacons,1998 (Vatican website)Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons, 1998 (Vatican website)National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons, 2005 (USCCB website)The Heart of the Diaconate – Deacon James Keating, 2015 ()Compendium on the Diaconate: A resource for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons, 2014 ()CONFIDENTIAL Name of Applicant to Diaconal Formation: Dear Pastor,Please assist us in evaluating the above-named Applicant to the Diaconal Formation Program from your parish. Because diaconal formation is most effective when it develops and complements qualities and charac-teristics already existing in the applicant, we ask for your candid assessment of this man as he seeks to pursue diaconal formation. Please make use of the enclosed Skills Evaluation Form and check the box or enter a comment that best describes your knowledge of each of the applicant’s skills. If there are skills for which you do not have any knowledge of his abilities, please feel free to check the “unknown” box.These skills are taken from the “Model Standards for Readiness for Admission into the Aspirant Path” and the “Role of the Pastor and Parish Community” in the USCCB publication National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States – both can be found online. They attest that the applicant shows evidence of the qualities, characteristics, attitudes, experience and spirituality deemed necessary for admission into formation.Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with this important evaluation. May our Lord bless you and your parish as you support and guide this applicant.Yours in Christ,Deacon Rob Embry, 512-949-2411Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez, 512-949-2410PASTOR – Please mail your completed forms directly to the Diaconal Formation Office – NOT to the applicant – at the following address: Formation Directors Diaconal Formation ProgramDiocese of Austin6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin, TX 78723-1025Pastor’s RecommendationCONFIDENTIALDo Not Share with Diaconal Applicant MAIL DIRECTLY to Formation Directors, Diaconal Formation Office, Diocese of Austin, 6225 E US 290 HWY SVRD EBAustin TX 78723-1025Applicant:Parish:(Print Name)Pastor: Please review these characteristics, then speak with your applicant. Now, characterize him: for each characteristic listed below, please check the most appropriate response from the boxes at right. Thank you.Characteristics of a man seeking diaconal formation:“This Applicant …”Has This SkillDevelop-ing This SkillNeeds HelpUn-knownIs responsible and confidentIs self-disciplinedDisplays an active prayer lifeHas a welcoming attitude and behaviorIs open to change – flexible and adaptableIs both a leader and a follower Serves as a Lector who proclaims regularlyServes as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy CommunionIs actively involved in parish and/or other community serviceSpeaks appropriately of his personal limitations and how they affect his life, family, employment, and current ministeringReflects or meditates on his faith life with a sense of discovering God’s willBalances and prioritizes commitments to family, work, leisure, and ministryParticipates frequently in adult faith opportunities (retreats, days of reflection, spiritual direction, Scripture study, Church teaching)Supports others’ growth in prayerAble to share with (words) and serve others (deeds)Is familiar with the Catechism of the Catholic ChurchStrives to apply the teachings of the Church to marriage, family, work, daily living and ministering“This Applicant …”Has This SkillDevelop-ing This SkillNeeds HelpUn-knownApplies the Gospel message and Church teaching to home/work/life challenges Lives according to Gospel values so as to be a life-giving witness to othersCan situate his sense of diaconal call within the Catholic Church’s mission.Can articulate his sense of call to the diaconate as originating beyond his own desiresIs responding to his sense of diaconal call without influence from spouse, pastor, or other person or circumstance.Has demonstrated an understanding of, and interest in the diaconal ministries of Word, Liturgy, and CharityHas the support of his pastor and parish staffIs docile to the movement of the Holy SpiritAccepts the Church as ultimate determiner of a man’s diaconal call If married, is in a positive and stable marriage; or if single, is in a mature celibate state of life.*Is in full communion with the Church. **He is “a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of man” (USCCB, Basic Norms, 66).I recommend do not recommend this applicant to enter diaconal formation.*Please add any other comments/concerns below, on the back, or in a separate email/letter.* Care should be extended to those who are recently married, widowed, or divorced. Recently married men should live their new vocational status for five years prior to applying.Recently widowed men should live their new vocational status for three years prior to applying.Divorced men must have received an annulment prior to applying for admission into Diaconal Formation.** Caution must be taken with someone whose sudden conversion experience seems to spur a diaconal vocation. At least five years should elapse between a convert’s or returning Catholic’s entry into the Church and his acceptance into the Diaconal Formation Program. (Pastor’s Signature)(Pastor’s Printed Name)(Date)Parish: ................

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