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Jen Moss : Leaving my video off for now- my connection is unstable and keeps kicking me off. Happy I can see you all though!09:14:08 From Jodee Nickel : give the little fella on the right a taller later09:14:21 From Christine Knoefler : Have them both pick on the same side09:14:29 From Jodee Nickel : have them work together09:14:39 From Jen Moss : Have the one that has more access share his apples09:15:23 From Anna Kitchin : change the way the tree is growing, plant more trees09:16:52 From Erica Lewis : Thank you Stephanie!09:39:54 From Carrie Sinclair : I'm having trouble hearing you!09:49:05 From Heidi Iyall : Connection going out again.09:49:32 From Linda Mathews : You all look frozen to me. I will wait a moment.09:57:26 From Kristine Perry : Thanks Linda, great work!09:57:28 From Courtney Pinter : Thank you, Linda. So great to hear about your successes!09:57:32 From Raeann Ducar : Such good work Linda and team! Thank you for sharing! So helpful and inspirational!09:58:04 From Karen Ray : Really impressive, Linda! Great work!09:58:09 From Janelle Todaro : thank you Linda. So impressive what you and team have done.09:58:09 From Talea Price : Thank you!!!!09:58:10 From Angela Shields : What were some examples of policy changes in food distribution you helped change?09:58:57 From Courtney Schupp : How have you been able to secure buy-in from your community partners?09:59:02 From Courtney Schupp : How can you consider and plan for sustainability with your PSE projects?10:08:57 From Courtney Schupp : Feel free to add anything you may have discussed in the chat box as well!10:08:58 From Christine Knoefler : Communication, listening, hearing10:36:00 From Adrianne Garner to Terry Perry(Direct Message) : Hi Terry, I’m hoping you can assist me. I completed the five modules through the University of Minnesota and got to the congratulations screen. It however did not send me a certificate as it did my staff. Can you give suggestions on how to obtain this.10:36:36 From Terry Perry to Adrianne Garner(Direct Message) : Yes, lets talk after the training.10:49:43 From Heidi Iyall : Mindy, have you tried to offer a monthly or quarterly training for new volunteers to help with sustainability? Maybe it could be a systems or policy change of food pantries to have volunteers take the training.10:49:49 From Raeann Ducar : Thank you for sharing Mindy! Good work! I liked how you encouraged the pantries to pick one nudge to focus on. Keeping it simple made it doable and they were all successful!10:50:12 From Talea Price : Cool mobile food pantry bus!!!!10:50:36 From Lindsay Goettemoeller : Great to hear about this work that Second Harvest is doing, Thanks for your presentation, Mindy.10:51:09 From Erica Lewis : Love the mobile bus and how colorful it is!10:52:28 From Heidi Iyall : Thank you to Linda and Mindy for sharing the great work you are doing!10:52:50 From Courtney Schupp : What assessment tools have been most effective in your PSE interventions?How did the process of gathering information influence your approach to the project?Share about a time when you changed your approach to an issue based on new information you learned about conditions, assets, needs or readiness.11:40:16 From Linda Mathews : This is a wonderful example of a needs assessment that widely informed the public and policy makers of a safety need and inspired movement toward addressing the need, hopefully making change and getting the $$ to do it!11:40:34 From Talea Price : Nice job!!!!11:41:38 From Heidi Iyall : Good work, Kristen. Such a benefit to your community to work on public safety and connectivity in the built environment.11:44:16 From Terry Perry : You can take a picture with your phone11:47:48 From Stacey Tigner-Loy : I set my timer for 7 min… then head back!11:47:56 From Raeann Ducar : What a good activity idea Courtney and Terry! This could be eye opening!11:48:08 From Meike Vandonge : Thank you everyone! Great presentations! And great work being done! I'm off to another call :)12:08:28 From Jodee Nickel : Very noisy12:08:42 From Janelle Todaro : mine too12:08:53 From Tricia Heimer : No lights, sidewalks are intermittent, streets are busy12:09:10 From Lori van Anrooy : A lot of potholes.12:09:17 From Erica Lewis : Some of the side walks need help! Live in an older part of town so would be hard for strollers or wheelchairs.12:09:58 From Pamela Bish : I noticed no street lights and thought it would be a very dark and perhaps unsafe stroll (tripping hazards) in the evenings12:10:03 From Heidi Iyall : Uneven and obstructed sidewalks would make it difficult for people with mobility challenges to walk/roll on some parts of the neighborhood.12:10:28 From Linda Mathews : I'm lucky, we have almost everything, but in my immediate 2 block radius, no sideways due to the lay of the land.12:10:29 From Sheila Mace : my neighborhood is not walking/biking friendly. No sidewalks or paths. Small shoulders on the streets.12:10:31 From Heidi Iyall : No bike paths.12:10:55 From Stacey Tigner-Loy : Empty park and playground. Crosswalks because of the park. Bike lanes. Neighbors wanting to chat it up.12:11:16 From Upasana Mukherjee : No sidewalks or shoulders. People are walking on the streets right beside the cars going at 35mph.12:11:26 From Carrie Sinclair : Most of the more affordable markets, retail, and grocery that low-income folks use are not accessible by walking12:12:06 From Angela Shields : I have access to everything as I’m only 4 blocks from Downtown, library, school, park, trails, corner store etc.12:12:09 From Mariah Brown-Pounds : Extremely rural, very quiet dead end street in the woods with very few cars passing. You can't even see the houses from the road. Nice for walking and biking but you have to have a car to get anywhere.12:13:08 From Jen Moss : Access to lots of great stuff here, but not very affordable.12:13:36 From Lindsay Goettemoeller : Newport is a very walkable and bikeable town...everything is accessible. Another Mayberry :)12:13:45 From Anna Kitchin : I took photos of the things that help and hinder healthy living, thanks for the tip Terry! Got a few looks from strangers but it was fun :)12:15:33 From Lindsay Goettemoeller : Thank you presenters! This was helpful and enjoyable.12:16:05 From Erin Greer : we have beautiful scenery and a lake, but no stores, no sidewalks12:20:34 From Terry Perry : From Courtney Schupp : Community Toolbox: From Courtney Schupp : PSE Toolkit: From Linda Mathews : Best of luck to all in your work. lmathews@wsu.edu12:21:52 From Jen Moss : Thank you CTW team for such a great training!!12:22:14 From Heidi Iyall : Thanks CTW! Great training!12:22:19 From Erica Lewis : Yes, thank you to all the presenters, Terry, Courtney, and Stephanie!12:22:31 From Mindy Wallis : Thank you!12:22:32 From Melissa Davis : Thank you!12:22:37 From Lindsay Goettemoeller : Thank you CTW team, well done. Bye everyone12:22:37 From Courtney Schupp : Workshop 4: May 6, 2021 from 9am-12:30pm12:22:41 From Julie Guyton : this was great-thanks!12:22:42 From Lori van Anrooy : Thank you12:22:43 From Erica Lewis : Thank you!12:22:46 From jill farrant : thank you!12:22:50 From Jesse Hansen : Thank you!12:22:53 From Pamela Bish : Thanks everyone!12:22:54 From Tricia Heimer : Thank you!always learn. Something :)12:22:59 From Jodee Nickel : Thank you so much.12:24:21 From Linda Mathews : I do not see the link to the CTW eval. Will it be sent later?12:26:16 From Carrie Sinclair : Thanks so much! ................

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