KindleMonster TrafficRider 1293495146050Feature ProductsDisclaimer: This electronic publication is restricted to your own personal use. It does not come with any rights of distribution. You do not have the right to reprint, reproduce, redistribute, or sell this publication in any form without the author’s express written consent. You may not sell it as PLR. The author retains full copyright to this publication at all times. The author has made every reasonable effort to ensure that this publication is free from error. However, the author assumes no responsibility (legal or otherwise) for any errors, omissions, or alternate interpretations of the subject matter contained herein. This publication is purely an informational product and is provided only at an “at your own risk” basis. It is not intended for use as a source of legal, accounting, or other forms of authoritative advice. The author encourages the reader to seek out legal advice regarding the reader’s own publications. The reader is responsible for his or her actions. No guarantees of income, sales, or results are claimed or implied. Figures and statistics are true only for the author and are given for example purposes only. Individual results will vary. The reader assumes all legal responsibility for the use of the materials and information contained herein. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the reader’s geographic location. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slight of individual persons, groups of persons, or formal organizations is purely unintentional. The reader agrees to hold the author completely harmless in all such matters. The author assumes no legal responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of the actions or words of any purchaser or reader of this product. Your continuance in reading this publication constitutes your acknowledgment that you agree to every stipulation presented above. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks referred to within our little book are the property of their respective trademark holders who are not affiliated with, sponsor, or endorse the contents of this publication. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to: support@ PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR:Welcome my friend!Thanks for picking up this course. There are few defining moments in our lives and I hope this can be one of them. I know how you feel being stuck at a place you don’t want to be at while you see the possibilities out the window. Alcatraz was shut down because it was inhumane to provide emotional suffering to prisoners who were able to see the beautiful San Francisco through their tiny cell windows. Maybe not to this extent, but sometimes doesn’t it feel like you’re stuck in a mini “Alcatraz”? You know there are much better and exciting things in life outside your “cell window”, but you’re stuck in your day job, doing things that you don’t want to do, pleasing people you don’t want to please. For me, it was through this kind of desperation that finally got me over the edge to succeed in making money online. Now I do things just the way I want to – I travel as much as I want to, I spend generous time with friends and families that are important to me, and laugh a lot more. And it’s all because I have an online business with passive income that requires minimal effort to maintain. Through this course, it’s my aim to help you do the same. This system you’re about to learn is actually one of my favorite strategies because:The niche is evergreen (meaning, stability and consistency of income)You can make a good amount of money (meaning, sustainability)You have to spend little expense to begin (~$20-$25 to create one book in 5 book series)You don't have to do majority of the work (which increases chance of success – let's be honest. You can be your worst enemy sometimes :)You can learn this over a weekend or two (not during the week because I know you’re busy)I believe making money should be easy, lucrative, and fun. It's created in similar style as my other popular product, Kindle “Copy & Paste” Mogul. So I'm sure you'll like it. As always, we’ll be moving quickly without fluff, and give you easy, “bite-sized”, immediately actionable steps so you can take action to make money right away! If you follow the system, money will be made. Let’s begin…. 3175850900About the AuthorThis fun loving, Asian-American (self-proclaimed) heartthrob is no stranger to business. He first made money online in junior high building home pages and putting up banner ads using his mom's social security card. As a passionate entrepreneur, he was involved with all facets of business from direct sales to cold calling to launching a series of start-up companies. But life wasn't all rosy for him, as he failed to succeed in making money online for years after years due to too many distractions, too little focus, impatience, laziness, and lack of easy, clear, and trustworthy plans. Though through desperation, when he finally "got it", success literally erupted and he now shares his secrets on how one can achieve the same amazing results in the easiest, fastest amount of time for those who are in a similar situation as he was before. He loves to travel, meet people, and create memories that last for a lifetime. He believes in empowering people that they too, can achieve financial success to live life to the absolute fullest. He is a black belt master in Tae Kwon Do and currently lives happily with his wife and long hair Dachshund dog, Bambi, in California.Step 1Be where the buying frenzy is: Diet NicheYou know it. Your sister knows it. Even your grandma knows it. EVERYONE is interested in dieting. According to ABC news statistics:20 Billion – Annual revenue of US weight loss industry108 Million – Dieters in United States4-5 Attempts – Number of diet attempts made PER YEAR That is just RIDICULOUSLY crazy. These 108 million dieters are making 4-5 diet attempts PER year. As a result, the weight loss industry is RAKING IN 20 BILLION DOLLARS per year. That’s about 55 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY! WOW!If you’re not in this industry right now, do you feel a little bit like that kid who’s left out of the dance?…Well, NOT anymore with this course you’ve just picked up!Gear up your dancing shoes and twinkle your toes because not only am I going to make you participate in this moneymaking “dance”, I’m going to make you shake it like a ROCKSTAR!Step 2How to party in the diet niche: Diet Recipe BooksYES!This is your ticket to bliss. We do this because of 2 reasons:We can ride the HUGE TRAFFIC of current Diet PhenomenonsIt is EXTREMELY cheap to createLet me explain. Riding the HUGE traffic of current Diet PhenomenonsYou’re probably aware there’s always some sort of mega popular diet popping up. It’s because there are HUGE marketing dollars invested by different weight-loss programs. It’s told that even celebrity endorsers of these programs make from $500,000 to $3 Million. With this much marketing dollars and promotions, diet programs are bound to go mainstream and all of a sudden, your friend Susan calls you up to try this new diet with her. Sound familiar?So let’s say this new diet called “YOOTHIN DIET” hits mainstream. You see it on TV, ads, billboards, Facebook, magazines, etc. Wouldn’t it be cool if we can “ride” this traffic and make money with it legally, ethically, and creating a product people love?Yes, we definitely can with Diet Recipes Book. Brace yourself because you’re gonna absolutely love this… Check this out- I’ll give you an example about what I’m talking about. As of this course creation date of June 2014, “10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse” is hugely popular. (Cleanse, detox – they all go under “diet”) It’s ranked #3 for the super competitive “Health, Fitness, & Dieting” category:-70485584200In fact, check out these incredible stats:-9525-96520This book is ranked 34 out of ALL of the BAZILLION AMAZON BOOKS! WOW!31754203700Undoubtedly, this is a great book, but did you know there are dieters out there who want even more recipes for this diet? Because we can never have enough recipes…So, what if…. we create a recipe collection book for the diet program? Wouldn’t dieters find it valuable?Here’s a golden tip for you:Titles CANNOT be copyrighted. What if we call it something like “10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Unofficial Recipes Supplementary Collection Book”?Do you think we’ll then be able to ride the HUMONGOUS traffic wave with this HUGELY searched keyword “10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse”?Yessiree bob! In fact, check out these other recipe books when doing a search for “10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse”:381000If you look at the top 3 products, you’ll notice their rankings are high:018415087630001714500These rankings indicate the higher selling books should be making 15-25 sales every day. Considering their prices of $2.99-$4.00, that should equate to roughly $30 - $70 PER day, or $930 - $2,170 PER month at the high end, PER BOOK, AFTER Amazon fees.Not bad considering it can take as low as $20 to create one of these books in a 5 book series ;)No, no…. tips NOT necessary! Step 3Choosing Your Monster Wave to RideGear up. We are going to go on the ride of a lifetime.First, we’ll select a WAVE (diet) that is going on right now.Brain-dead 2-step plan to find the BIGGEST waves:Go to Amazon>Kindle Store>Kindle eBooks>Health, Fitness, & Dieting >Diets & Weight Loss22225593725BOOM! Check out this GOLD right here:Are your eyes twinkling like a Christmas tree?Because they should! All of these books you see are potential BLOCKBUSTER WAVES. They all get tremendous amounts of traffic. You can pick any of these up and you’ll go on a ride of a lifetime!Just pick one that is on an actual diet, not something irrelevant, like “mini habits”. SILVER PLATTER SURPRISE BONUS!This method will get you the current bestsellers, but if you need a bit more reassurance AND if you're reading this close to June 2014, you can just pick one from one of these diets and run with it: Doctor's Diet The Pound a Day Diet10-Day Detox DietSuper Shred Fast Metabolism 5:2 Fast Diet Gluten Free Bread Wheat Belly Superfood Smoothie Paleo Diet Paleo Smoothie Mediterranean Diet Dash Diet Sugar Detox Smoothie Low Sugar Burn Fast & Feed Muscle Superfoods Dash Diet Healthy Juicing Green SmoothiesGot one?Good. Moving on…Step 4Your Surfboard: Creating A Traffic Sucking Title For Your BookAs a model, I’ll take you by the hand and show you how I created a book on the “Paleo Diet”.What we do after we get this “master keyword” is 3 sub-steps:Add the word “Recipe”Add “Unofficial” to eliminate confusion in the marketplace from buyers who might think the book is from the original publisher. It’ll reduce possible negative reviews from purchasers for whatever reasons, as well as any legal ones.Create a subtitle to get even more traffic to our book. The basics of traffic are simple: If we have more relevant keywords that lead to our book, the more traffic we’ll get.Here’s how:3.1 Search your master keyword e.g. “Paleo diet” on Amazon search bar.3.2 Open up a text program and write down all the keywords that appear when you input your master keyword as instant search. 3.3 Mix the keywords in a way that is relevant, makes sense, and is compelling. 793752898775For example, for our master keyword “Paleo diet”, relevant keywords we can use are: “for athletes”, “for beginners”, “for weight loss”, “books”, and “kindle”. Then, how about something like this?“Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection – Jam-Packed Kindle Book for Athletes and Beginners Alike”Trick is, just play around with the keywords until you write down something that clicks. It’s fun and easy. If you find it doesn’t make any sense, just do your best. Don’t get caught up and just be “good enough”, not perfect. 3.4 Add an “Attention Hook Word”.If you have a book that titled “Paleo recipe book”, the fact is there will be 500 other books with the same title, your readers will think they've landed in a land of clones. What you want to do is add an attention-sucking hook word to go in front of the title. This will be your “secret sauce”. Here's one simple but powerful way:3.4.1 Go to Google Images and type in your dietE.g. For Paleo, the images. These are pictures people associate when they think of the name “Paleo”.Notice there's pictures or keywords that “pop up” in your mind like: caveman, Indians, Food pyramid, fit, bread, running, club, primal, evolution, sexy, grass, green, mammoth, yoga, etc. Pick something and put it in front of your keyword-crafted title:Like:“Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection – Jam-Packed Kindle Book for Athletes and Beginners Alike”See how much of a pull it creates just by having an “attention hook word”? ;)Just don't get hung up on this spending too much time. Just go with your gut and pick something. It'll do better than 100 others because nobody does this! :)Step 5Create your recipe booksWe’ll now be creating your recipe book so easily that you’ll want to take off your shoes and sing Hakuna Matata at the top of your lungs. Better yet, we’ll be creating a 5 book series, 4 recipe books and 1 compilation book at the fraction of the effort it takes to create a normal book. It’s always better to create a series because when your customer picks up a book and they like it, they have a lot more options to buy from you and for you to make more money! Plus, Amazon absolutely loves book series, and it will only strengthen your promotion and sales efforts. Here’s what to do:5.1 Create your business account at Direct link: Post a jobCopy and paste:Job Posting ScriptTitle: Seeking Diet Recipe Web Researcher/Scraper DescriptionI'd like someone to perform a web research on Paleo Diet Recipes and scrape 216 recipes. It should be broken down into 54 recipes of:1. Breakfast2. Lunch3. Dinner4. SnacksYou will also need to slightly rewrite cooking instructions and write a short description blurb.If you do well, there will be more consistent work similar to this. If you're interested, please reply with your most recent and relevant work sample and how much you're interested in weight loss recipes. You may have to perform a short test to prove your competency.Criteria: Administrative support > web researchHourly pay Skills: Internet-research, data-mining, data scraping, and web scrapingLess than 1 monthPart-timeEntry LevelGive my job maximum exposureI want to hire one freelancer5.4 Starting the momentum finding star players We'll invite a couple of top workers so they bid on our job and create a momentum so others will want to join in the fun.3175551180Do you enjoy going into an empty restaurant with just the servers looking at you like a starving hawk? Nope! Me neither. So we want to create the momentum by inviting some contractors to join. 31755276855.4.1 Click “Find Freelancers” on the Odesk header.5.4.2 Here’s the criterion you should input to find and invite the most ideal contractors: Title: researcher AND skills: Internet-research4.5-5.0 stars $0-$5 hourly rate Billed at least 1,000 hoursLast activity within 2 weeksScored in the Top 30% in U.S. English Basic SkillsWe'll send an invite to as many contractors as we want by pressing “contact”.Ideally, I invite about 10-20 to begin and invite more if they're not suitable.5.5 Try 'em before you buy 'em!You'll get a steady stream of candidates within hours of your posting – not only from contractors you've invited, but also from additional contractors, as well as this job post was posted openly to the public.We will assign our candidates a very small work sample test they can finish in 5-10 minutes.POWER MOVE -127001692275This is a killer technique that lets you “test drive” the contractor safely so you get less turnovers in the future. Usually contractors have no problem with this, but once in a while some will complain and not do the test for you. This is good because we're weeding out those who will not put in the “hard work”. We only want superstars on our team. I know there are some guys out there who try to take advantage of this to just get free work. But NEVER do this. First of all, it's unethical. And secondly, this is extremely shortsighted because if you want someone who's good, you'll want to keep him or her around so they keep on making you money over and over in the future. If you turn them off, they will leave and never return, and you'll need to go look for new contractors every time. Not smart. 5.1. Give it about 24-48 hours so your candidates gather together. 5.2. Read through some of the responses by the candidates, keeping note of their communication style and their character. We will want someone who: A. Has good English communication skills (who doesn't write like “Give job now”) B. Is dependable (who will not disappear during work and someone we can work with for a long time to increase output in the future) You can check this by looking at 1) ratings and 2) hours. If they have 4.89 star ratings and 1000+ hours on Odesk, do you think they're dependable? You bet! 47625956310C. Not pasting generic responses (like: Website Content, Blog/Article, Product descriptions), Proof Reading/Editing/Re-Writing, No Grammar mistakes, SEO friendly, and Unique Content (1) 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: - We will serve you unless you are not satisfied with work. (2) 100% Money back Guarantee: - We will refund all money; no transition charge will be deducted. (3) Unlimited Revisions: - Ask what you want, we will make it true. (4) Fast Turnaround Time: - No more delay in work, super fast excellent team. (5) Prices like no one else has. 5.3. If you think they're a TRY-ABLE candidate (notice I said NOT a “perfect candidate”, but “can give them a test and see where it takes us” type of candidate), click on “shortlist”. Note: even if their hourly rate seems high, just shortlist anyway for the reason I'll get into in a little bit. 5.4 Click “shortlist” to sort by potential star candidates We'll now test the applicants.5.5 Contact them and copy and paste:Test ScriptThanks for applying for our position!Like we said in the ad, we’re looking for someone who’s dependable, communicates well, and able to compile recipes quickly.If your is good, we’ll need your services a lot more in the near future.For this task, we’re creating a recipe report for the “Paleo Diet” , we’ll need about 216 recipes collected.In order to accurately assess your skills, it’d be great if you can collect 5 sample recipes that work in conjunction with Paleo Diet by researching online and collecting recipes. This quick work will help us determine if you’ve turning in the test, please attach a SEPARATE works cited sheet that shows where you’ve collected your recipes.If you’re interested, please let me know that you will start on this test and you may begin immediately.Thanks and best of luck!You'll begin to receive confirmation from contractors that got the message and will be submitting the test work. QUICK TIP Some will come back to you and say, “is this a paid testing?” Then reply back with this power script:Unfortunately, no. Doing this quick test will take you 5-10 minutes. We need this to accurately assess quality of our contractors without turnovers because we tend to work with a single contractor for a long time.Please let me know if you'd still like to proceed. Usually contractors have no problem with this and will proceed with sending you back their sample test work. 5.6. In 24-48 hours or less, you'll be getting the test work back. What you'll be looking for when you get these back are: 1) The promptness the test work was returned. 2) Quality of the work. You'll immediately get a feel for someone who is good or not, and one will most likely stand out and that'll be our man (or woman). 5.7 Pick our worker.Since they've proved themselves that they've got the chops, we can now confidently assign them the whole workload. 5.8 We go to this winning contractor and message him/her with this script:Offer ScriptCongratulations (CONTRACTOR NAME)! I've looked over your test work and it looks good. I am considering giving you a temporary to permanent position with our team. You will be doing exactly the same thing you've done during the test – collecting recipes and slightly rewording cooking instructions and writing description blurbs.I'm sure you'll love it! :) You've displayed some of the characteristics during the test, but if you're consistently dependable, prompt on deadlines, and communicate well, they'll be a lot more work for you in the future. We can offer $100 for you to collect 216 recipes. It should be due within 5 days. Let me know if this works for you. See what we're doing here? POWER MOVE This killer move of posting the job as hourly and negotiating a fixed rate deal will ensure you get the highest quality worker (because quality contractors are more likely to apply for an hourly job than a fixed rate job) for the lowest price amount. We are the ones who are calling the price, not them. If the contractor is willing to take it, they will. If not, that's fine also. Swiftly move to the 2nd choice! Somebody is guaranteed to take it! You might be thinking... whaaa? Isn't paying $20 for a full book too cheap? (since we're creating 5) Are we treating our contractor too cruelly?? Very, very good question. The answer is no. I'm a big fan of win-wins. In the US, $20 won't take anyone very far of course, but there are actually a lot of countries who are not even making $1 a day in different parts of the world. If our contractor is good, not only will we be paying him/her $20, but many times over that to create our next series of recipe books. That's why online outsourcing is so awesome. You can tap into low cost labor in different parts of the world and still make it a win-win situation for all parties involved. 5.9. When the contractor accepts your offer, simply open up a new fixed-rate job posting, except this time make the market visibility to “only people I have invited can find this job”, and set the budget to $20. 5.9.1 Invite the contractor to this posting. 5.9.2 When they accept the offer, hire.In 5 days, you'll receive 216 recipes, which we'll use to create 5 books. (4 books + 1 compilation book) I'll talk more about this later.We will divide up 216 into 4 x 54 recipes books.We'll call each one of our books 50 recipes book. However, we'll surprise them with 54. QUICK TIPAlways deliver more than expected. Surprise them with goodies. That will get you great reviews.STEP 6Dressing the Manuscript After we receive the manuscript, we'll be “dressing” it. No, no don't get any ideas! Unless playing dress-up with manuscripts is appealing to you! What I mean by that is, we'll add in a couple of pages to make the book official and more marketable. 1024255-104775We'll dress it up with: 1. A sample page 2. A disclaimer page3. A cross-sell page4. A table of contents pageHere we go: 6.1 Sample page: At Amazon, when someone's interested in your book, what do you think they'll do? Yes, they'll click on “look inside” and glance through your pages, which is a very valuable and fleeting opportunity for you to sell your book. That's why we don't want to waste these pages with meaningless verbiage. Not many talks about this but I've found this to be very effective selling method.POWER MOVESelect 3 of your best recipes and give it to them right away in Sample Page to get their mouths salivating and sucked right into the book!SAMPLE PAGE EXAMPLE1393825488315Sample Recipe #1Mustard Lime ChickenThis mouth-watering recipe will delight and surprise everyone who feasts their eyes on it. Mustard and lime will tantalize your taste buds and is perfect to eat during a special event where it calls for celebration – like graduation or promotion. Serves 2Ingredients:1 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breasts? cup fresh lime juice? cup fresh cilantro, chopped? cup Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon chili powder? tsp. Celtic sea salt ? tsp. PepperDirections:Combine lime juice, cilantro, mustard, olive oil, chili, salt, and pepper in a food processor. Pulse until ingredients are well combined.Rinse chicken breasts, pat dry, and place in a 7 x 11 inch baking dish.Pour marinade over chicken, cover, and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes or up to 6 hours.Heat grill and cook chicken for 5-7 minutes per side until browned and cooked in the center. Serve and enjoy.6.2 Disclaimer page: We'll insert a disclaimer page to claim our copyright and protect ourselves from stepping on anybody's toes to avoid getting into any hot water. Let's protect ourselves offensively and defensively. I'm a strong advocate of “safety first before playing”. You should also take it with respect and treat it with importance. We want to avoid copyright infringement, defamation, or consumer confusion (trademark law). Recipes (facts) cannot be copyrighted and we also need to make it clear that our book is unofficial and we have no affiliation with the diet originator and they do not endorse our product (avoiding consumer confusion). We should also mention we used public information for our books, just in case there's any inaccuracy in the facts that we used. Copy and paste this on the disclaimer page: Disclaimer ScriptAll Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or retransmitted, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher; with the exception of brief quotes used in connection in reviews written for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with us and they do not sponsor or endorse our publications. This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by the aforementioned interests or any of their licensees. The information contained in this book is not designed to replace or take the place of any form of medicine or professional medical advice. The information in this book has been provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information contained in this book has been compiled from sources deemed reliable and it is accurate to the best of the Author's knowledge; however, the Author cannot guarantee its accuracy and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Upon using the information contained in this book, you agree to hold harmless the author from and against any damages, costs, and expenses, including any legal fees, potentially resulting from the application of any of the information provided by this guide. The disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by the use and application, whether directly or indirectly, of any advice or information presented, whether for breach of contract, tort, neglect, personal injury, criminal intent, or under any other cause of action. You agree to accept all risks of using the information presented inside this book. You need to consult a professional medical practitioner or get medical advice before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information in this book. Important thing is you don't “take away” from the popular diet. They spent resources building up their brand and reputation and that's not cool, wouldn't you agree? You should, however, seek to “INCREASE” their value with your recipes- help out other dieters who are seeking recipes to aid their dieting efforts (avoiding defamation).Never tear down or bad mouth. Never provide fake recipes. We want to build up their value with praise and admiration, increase their fan base, or fan loyalty. Hope I'm clear on this subject. Treat it with respect and you'll be treated with respect. Got it? 6.3 Cross-Sell Page: Amazon loves book series and so do we because it gives us more exposure and Amazon shelf space. If we create a series and link them together, when a customer finds out about one of our books, voila! It gives us more opportunity to sell all our books. You'll just need to create a page that has links to all of your books. We'll list our 4 books and 1 bundle book like so: Grab the Entire “Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” Series Today!“Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” - Breakfast (with recipes like Ra-Ra Chicken Noodle Soup)“Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” - Lunch (with recipes like Grilled Shrimp Scampi) “Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” - Dinner (with recipes like Grecian Pork Tenderloin)“Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” - Snacks (with recipes like Superfast Asparagus) SAVE BIG: Get All 4 For The Price of 3! Limited Time Offer! “Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection” - Super Diet Bundle Pack!POWER MOVE See what we're doing with “recipes”? We're stirring curiosity so they want to pick up our books! It's what TV drama series do all the time with the “next time on...” previews. We're giving our readers a “sneak preview” of the coming attractions so they can't wait to pick up our other books! :) So pick a couple of great recipes and show our readers what they can get in the other books! We'll position this page on the page after the disclaimer and at the very end of our book because people who finish our book will most likely want more and we want to give them easy access to pick up more! At this point, we'll just be putting the titles without linking to it. After we upload all of these books to Amazon, then we'll come back to this page, simply link the texts with links, and re-upload. 6.4 Table of Contents Page List out all your recipes here. Numbering is a good idea because people like to number. Also, after 50, write “Bonus Recipe #1”, “Bonus Recipe #2”, and so on. STEP 7Creating A Killer Cover There's a saying “don't judge a book by its cover”, but this statement cannot be more false when it comes to Kindle publishing. Think about it. Covers are the BIGGEST things a potential customer sees while they browse through the shelves of choices to buy. In fact, if you have a great looking cover, you'll instantly have an unfair advantage in getting clicks because currently so many of these recipe covers are so awful. Picking a great High-Definition Picture is especially important for recipe book covers because pictures really do the selling. The reader should be able to almost “smell” the food through your book cover. 317531750It's the difference between this:41275511810 And this...You'll also need to think about this in terms of how and WHERE people buy. People will be on their phones, iPads, and Kindles when they're considering purchasing a book. You'll only have seconds to capture attention so it'll need to be colorful, high definition, and the title needs to be bold and BIG. 7.1 How to make your own magnetic cover 7.1.1 Find an eye-popping diet dish picture at . It's high quality and relatively cheap to purchase compared to other stock photo sites.You can get the small size (835x900), which cost 1 credit. If you buy the 10 credit package for $35, it comes out to be ~$3.50 per image. The pictures will more than pay for itself. Totally worth it!3175165100However, if you want to look around a bit, you can even try searching for some at or (it's free), but it'll be lower quality and limited selection.7.1.2 Go to 7.1.3. Search “kindle covers”31756032507.1.4. Sort “highest rating”7.1.5. Click through 4~8 of these sellers, observing their previous works by pressing on the arrow on the right of the pictures. Find a seller that is aligned with what we're thinking: colorful, high quality and the title is bold and BIG. When you find a designer that you like, purchase it by clicking on the “order now” button on the right and pay the man or woman so he/she can get to work!-3492579375After the order page, copy and paste the directions below:Cover Design Script“Hi, please create a colorful, high quality, and title that is bold and BIG for a Kindle book cover for {Paleo recipe book} using the attached picture. Title: {“Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection”}Please have “Breakfast” in BOLD letters on the bottom. Author: {Martha Paul}Please let me know if there's anything else you need.” Done! 412751002030Your cover designer is now off to work. You'll receive your cover on the expected delivery date. Great job! It's not so hard is it? Let's now put it all together... STEP 8 Uploading and putting it up for sale Requirements for this round: 1. Completed book cover 2. Completed book 8.1 Sign up for an account at Kindle Direct Publishing, if you haven't already “Enroll in KDP Select”: check9620256369058.3 Fill in the forms: 10661656286508.3.1 Book name: YOUR BOOK NAME (Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection Jam-Packed Kindle Book for Athletes and Beginners Alike - Breakfast) 8.3.2 This book is part of a series: check 8.3.3 Series Title: MAKE A SERIES TITLE (Sexy Caveman: Paleo Diet Unofficial Recipe Collection) Description: Insert a short description of what this book is about with a sample recipe.Also, write, “check inside the book for more sample recipes”POWER MOVE See what we're doing here?As soon as the casual browser reads this description, they'll get this “surprise present” - free recipe. It'll suck them right into the description and when they see “check inside the book for more sample recipes”, they'll read inside our book to get even more recipes. We're “wheeling” them in step-by-step to get our sale (cue evil laugh).8.3.4. Verify your publishing rights: check “this is not a public domain work...”8.3.5. Target Your Book to Customers8.3.6 Add Categories:Kindle Store>Kindle eBooks>Cookbooks, Food & Wine>Special Diet>Low Fat Books>Cookbooks, Food & Wine>Special Diet>Low Fat8.3.7 Search keywords: DIET NAME, diet, recipe, and cookbook8.3.8 Upload your book cover and your book 8.3.9 Royalty: 2.99 and 70% Royalty and check all countries Done. Amazon will now take over and it'll be on the shelves for everyone in the world to buy within the next day. :) STEP 9MARKETING LIKE A CHAMP: “Stairway to Heaven” Strategy This strategy is to make your books climb up the charts at break-neck speed. We will upload all inner linked books together and promote 1 flagship (first) book hardcore so it creates a “mother book”, which will send traffic to its “baby books”. 9.1 Get Reviewed! Do you want to buy a book that has zero reviews and feels like there are crickets chirping? Of course not! So, let's gets some reviews and throw up a party for others to join! :) 9.1.1 Go to the websites below and find 5-10 relevant reviewers who might be interested in reviewing diet recipe books.They should give you plenty of prospects. When you find someone who is a potential candidate, send them an email, your eBook as an attachment, with the text:Review Request ScriptHey! How's it going? Thanks for all the work you've been doing with the reviews! I've just finished a hot new {Paleo Diet Recipe Collections Book} book and was wondering if you'd like to read through it? If you're a fan of {Paleo Diet}, you'll absolutely ADORE this book and sleep with it under your pillow. :) I've attached it in this email for you for your convenience. I'd appreciate a short review of what you thought about it. Here's the Amazon link: {YOUR LINK HERE} It'd be great if you can let me know when you'll start reading so I can look out for it! Thanks! {YOUR NAME} RESOURCE ARMORYAttach your eBook as an email attachment. Convert it into .pdf to make it more professional. Don't send them a .doc. You can convert .doc to .pdf at: 9.2 Shoot Up Your Flagship Book as “Mother” Book. When a new book is listed, Amazon boosts up the ranking for a short, fleeting time. We're now going to seize this opportunity to get as many fans as possible by making it free. Don't worry, even though you're giving one book out for free, it'll bring in TONS more sales because of this. 9.1.1 Select one of your books you think has turned out the best. We'll make this our flagship “mother” book. 317509245609.1.2 Go to KDP Bookshelf and click the “Manage Benefits” link on your first book. 9.1.3 On the “Create a new promotion” dropdown, select “Free Book Promotion.”9.1.4 Click “Create a new Free Book Promotion Deal for this book.”9.1.5 Enter the promotion start date and end date.Do it for 5 full days. After you're done with this book, you will do the same with the other books in your series. 9.3. Supercharge the stairs After you have the reviews, do the free promotion; let's kick it up a notch. When there's spikes of downloads to your book, Amazon goes berserk and shoots up your ranking even more so we can get even more fans. So let's get these download spikes. 9.3.1 Go to Go through each site and fill out the forms.There are readers who are actively looking for free books. This website makes it convenient to get in front of these readers by announcing that your book is free to them. Some of the links will be outdated and not work, but just move through them. Pretty cool, eh? Once you're done with the 5-day free download promotion of a book in your series, do the same with the other books in your series to get MASSIVE exposure. You'll get to heaven in no time ;)That's it! This is a “tried and true” strategy to market your books. If you want something more advanced to absolutely DOMINATE Kindle, check out Kindle Bestseller Combination Codes. It's not for sale to the public.If you’ve completed up to this step, you will be seeing your first sale very shortlyThat wasn’t hard, was it?You’re now within the top elite crowd that can proudly say they’ve made money online.What you can do to make even more money?Rinse and repeat, my friend!It’ll go faster and better each time you do it.You won’t be making a million sales off the bat with these recipe books, but considering the fact that you’re spending just ~$100 to create a 5 book series and just a few hours of time, you can most likely quickly grow this to meet your ideal income.Because even if you sell 1 recipe book a day and you make $2 per book, that’s 1 x $2 x 5 books x 30 days = $300 per month you make using $100 and very little time and energy. That’s 300% ROI! And I bet a buck that you'll make much, much more than this!Diets come and go. But here's something that's constant – there will always be a popular diet around. Just catch the waves like I've shown you. It's consistent. Simply tell your recipe writer to create the next book on the topic you give them! You're the boss!Basically, what you've learned is a powerful system that will make you automated money by creating books that readers love with minimal effort, time, and money. All while having the time and freedom to do things that you enjoy!I know finances can be a little tight right now, and work takes up all your time and energy so you can’t do anything else (trust me, I’ve been there), so I wanted to create a system that you can easily learn to get you one step closer to your financial dreams.Was it useful? I sincerely hope so.I'm honestly very excited for you. If you've read this far, you're better off than 90% of the population. So I believe you'll do very well. Get moving on this now!Rock on!Help us improve...I'd love to find out what you thought about the course! Fill out a 30 second survey and I'll activate a special bonus for you:FREE LIFETIME UPDATES1488440-59055Most of the principles and strategies in this course are fundamental and unchanging.However, each time we find better ways to do things or there are updates that need to be addressed, we have you covered.You'll receive free updates for a lifetime to your email.It's my way of congratulating and supporting you in your online entrepreneurial journey. Rock on,1359535445770Now that you've finished the course...Do you have any questions? Comments? Or suggestions?Was something unclear or are you stuck?Was there any particular section you liked? Or disliked?Success story?Send me an email! My team members and I would love to hear from you!I can't promise I'll get back to you every time because of the sheer volume that we receive, but we'd still sure as heck like to read it!Send it to my support team at: support@Sharing is Caring2009775-1270If you loved it, please share it on Facebook by clicking the button!Now check out other courses by Stevie Drive Publishing:Kindle “Copy and Paste” Mogul"If You Just Know How to 'COPY-AND-PASTE', You'll Finally ERUPT the MONEY DAM With This Secret Method. Bar-none easiest way to make sales on Kindle using RABID Celebrity traffic using a very clever method (similar style as Kindle Monster Traffic Rider).Bonus: mind maps, step-by-step task checklist, audiobook.Kindle Killer“Following the false gurus cost me over four figures per month in income... don't make the same mistake I did, and learn how you can boost your income up to $7,000 per month... without writing a single extra sentence!”Revolutionary course that dispels the myth that there's no money to be made outside of “Mighty Amazon”.Bonus: mind maps, step-by-step task checklist, and 7 channels income tracker spreadsheet ................

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