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Health & WellbeingDrink SpikingThe purpose of this badge is to make you aware of drink spiking, to give you tips on how to avoid this happening to you and to learn about the dangers and recognise them.Health & WellbeingDrink Spiking #1Read through the table below and answer yes or no as to whether you think their drink has been spiked.ScenarioYesNoSarah goes on a night out with friends to an 18th party. She thinks its funny downing bottles of Bacardi Breezer really quickly and trying to impress her friends. What she didn’t realise was her friends were pouring vodka into the bottles so she ended up really drunk and at risk of being arrested for drunk & disorderly.Jordan and his mates go out and decide to buy some ecstasy tablets. Jordan says he struggles to swallow his tablet as he doesn’t like the taste so his friend suggests Jordan put it into his drink. Jordan says yes so his friend puts it in his drink.Maria’s friend encouraged her to go on a night out when she didn’t really feel like it. When they got there Maria asked for a coke but her friend got her a vodka and coke without telling her. This continued all through the night and Maria ended up being really sick and couldn’t remember anything.Joe makes a meal for his girlfriend. She’s feeling really stressed and uptight so he bakes some muffins with cannabis in as he often does this with his mates, but he doesn’t tell her as she doesn’t agree with drugs. She ends up in fits of giggles on the sofa and appears to be enjoying herself.Jamie goes to the bar to get George a beer but there’s a two for one deal on so he comes back with two drinks each.Health & WellbeingDrink Spiking #2Match the drink spiking drug to the description…Alcohol: Booze, BeerA white powder that is mostly used on animals. It can cause a catatonic state and short-term amnesia. The effects do not last long, but until they wear off, ketamine can cause a loss of feeling in the body and paralysis of the muscles. It can also lead to you experiencing a distortion of reality/hallucinating. You can ‘trip’ for between half an hour to several hours, and the after-effects may be felt for some hours afterwards.GHB: Liquid Ecstasy, Geebs, GBL, GBH, 4-BD, 1Comes in liquid form and is legal. It is widely used socially and comes in different flavours. It can be addictive and can be lethal if not used sensibly.Ketamine: Vitamin K, Super K, K, Green, Donkey DustCan come in the form of resin or plant-form. It has quite a strong smell and can be smoked, put into a pipe or put into food such as cakes. It can make you feel chilled out or can make you laugh a lot. It affects how the brain works and can make you feel anxious or paranoid. It is illegal to possess it and can be linked to long-term mental health problems.Cannabis: Hash, Weed, SkunkSalty-tasting clear fluid or white powder that is east to make at home. Acts as a muscle relaxant and causes short-term amnesia when takes with alcohol. It produces a feeling of euphoria, reduce inhibitions and drowsiness. The effects start after about 10 minutes to an hour and can last for up to seven hours or so. Because GHB can really knock you out, it has been linked to drug assisted sexual assaults.Health & WellbeingDrink Spiking #31)Only illegal drugs are used in drink spiking…TrueFalse2)Which of these are commonly used for drink spiking?AlcoholGHBKetamineRohypnolAll3)The most common substance used in drink spiking is…AlcoholGHBKetamineRohypnol4)Main reasons for drink spiking are…Robbery/theftRevengeMaliciousnessStrange humourRapeAll5)Drink spiking only happens to females…TrueFalse6)Date rape drugs are estimated to be involved in how many reported rapes?1 in 21 in 51 in 101 in 507)Over 75% of victims are raped by somebody that they know…TrueFalse8)Only 1 in 13 rape cases end in conviction…TrueFalse9)Percentage of people who fall victim to drink spiking and report the incident to the police is…15%35%55%75%95%Health & WellbeingDrink Spiking #4 - How to Avoid Drink Spiking-52578027876500302514027976000Don't go out drinking alone. Go out with your friends and watch out for one another. Perhaps appoint a drinks watcher. Consider sticking to bottled drinks and avoiding punch bowls or jugs of cocktailsDon't give out your address to someone you've just met.If you think your drink has been tampered with, don't drink. Before going out, let someone know where you're going and what time you expect to be home.If possible, make plans for your journey home at the beginning of your evening.Avoid taking expensive equipment with you or anything that could be a target for thievesWhen in bars or clubs, get your drink directly from the bar. If you set it down to go to the dance floor, be wary of going back to it.Remember soft drinks can also be a target for date-rape drugs.Don't spend time alone with someone who makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Follow your instincts and remove yourself from situations that you don't feel good about.Health & WellbeingDrink Spiking #5 - 321564035750500How to Help (reading exercise)-76200444500If you think a drink has been spiked:Tell someone what is happeningTaking your friend to a safe area and staying with themKeep a close eye on their condition. Call an ambulance if their condition deteriorates in any way, for example, if they lose consciousnessIf you or your friend suspects drink spiking, contacting the police or going to the emergency department of your nearest hospital. Urine or blood tests performed within the first 24 hours are able to detect the presence of most drugs.GHB is particularly nasty because it can cause serious breathing problems. People cannot sleep it off. They need to get medical assistance immediately.ActivityHaving worked through this badge, what are your thoughts on drink spiking? Have your opinions changed since the start of the badge?Do you think drink spiking is a real danger in your area?What are the main things you’ve learnt from completing this badge? ................

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