Children’s TV/video viewing habits ... - Home page | ACMA

Children’s TV/video viewing habits questionnaireIntro: PROG NOTE: DISPLAY “If you are using a mobile or a tablet please use landscape mode”PROG NOTE: DISPLAY “Welcome to the survey! The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please click on the below button to begin the survey.”Section A -PROG NOTE: ASK ALL RESPONDENTSA1Which of these areas best describes where you live? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1ACT2Sydney, including outer council areas of Gosford, Wyong, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, Wollondilly, Campbelltown and Camden3Regional NSW excluding Sydney4Melbourne, including Mornington Peninsula5Regional VIC excluding Melbourne6Brisbane7Regional QLD excluding Brisbane8Adelaide9Regional SA excluding Adelaide10Perth11Regional WA excluding Perth12Tasmania13Northern TerritoryA2Which of these age groups are you in? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1Under 18218-19320-24425-29530-34635-39740-44845-49950-541055-591160-641265 and overPROG NOTE: ASK IF AGED 18+ YEARS IE CODE 2-12 IN A2. CODE 1 TERMINATEA3Are you...? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1Male2FemaleA4How many people aged 18 years and over live in your household, including yourself? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1One2Two3Three4Four5Five6Six or moreA5How many children aged 15 to 17 years live in your household? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response0None1One2Two3Three4Four 5Five or moreA6And how many children aged under 15 live in your household? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response0None1One2Two3Three4Four 5Five or moreA7Thinking now about your child / children aged under 15 years in your household. Are you the parent, guardian or carer of any children aged under 15 in your household? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE1Yes \ parent, guardian or carer of a child aged under 15 in the household2No \ not parent, guardian or carer of a child aged under 15 in the householdPROG NOTE: ASK IF PARENT, GUARDIAN OR CARER IE CODE 1 IN A7. CODE 2 TERMINATEA8Please indicate the age of your child / all children aged under 15 years. (Select one answer per column)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE PER COLUMN- IF CODE 1 IN A6 DISPLAY COLUMN A, IF CODE 2 IN A6 DISPLAY COLUMNS A-B, IF CODE 3 IN A6 DISPLAY COLUMNS A-C, IF CODE 4 IN A6 DISPLAY COLUMNS A-D-IF CODE 5 IN A6 DISPLAY “As there are more than 4 children aged under 15, please only respond to this question for the 4 oldest children”A Child 1B Child 2C Child 3D Child 41 year-old (or less)11112 year-old22223 year-old33334 year-old44445 year-old55556 year-old66667 year-old77778 year-old88889 year-old999910 year-old1010101011 year-old1111111112 year-old1212121213 year-old1313131314 year-old14141414A9And please provide their first name (or nick name) and gender (Select one answer per column for gender)PROG NOTE:-TYPE IN THE FIRST NAME OR NICK NAME- Display: “For other sections of this survey, we will ask you questions about your child or one of your children and that’s the only reason why we need to have their name or nick name, as it will be easier to refer to him or her.”- SINGLE GENDER RESPONSE PER COLUMN- FORCE NAMES TO BE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Child 1 aged … Child 2 aged … Child 3 aged … Child 4 aged …(PROG POTE: INSERT AGE FROM A8)First name /nick name________________________________________________________________Boy1111Girl2222A10Thinking now about the time spent by your child/children under 15 watching television programs, movies, videos or DVDs at home or elsewhere on any device. This includes live (at time of broadcast) or catch-up TV, subscription and/or streaming services (like Netflix, YouTube etc.) but DOES NOT include movies you watched at the cinema).In a typical week, how many hours in total would your child or children aged under 15 spend watching any television programs, movies, videos or DVDs at home or elsewhere on any device? (Type in the number of hours. If none, type in 00. If less than one hour per week type in 01. If unsure or don’t know, please select can’t say (one answer per column)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER COLUMN- TWO DIGITS RESPONSE. VALID RANGE FROM 00 TO 50 - IF SOMEONE ENTER A NUMBER >50 THEN DISPLAY “If more than 50 hours per week please type in 50”AChild 1 (Insert first name from A9)BChild 2 (Insert first name from A9)CChild 3 (Insert first name from A9)DChild 4 (Insert first name from A9)Numbers of hours per week watching television programs, movies, videos, or DVDs/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week99 Can’t Say99 Can’t Say99 Can’t Say99 Can’t SayPROG NOTE: ASK IF WATCH TELEVISION IE AT LEAST ONE CODE 01 TO 50 OR 99 IN A10. OTHERS (ALL CODE 00 IN A10) GO TO A13 A11Thinking now specifically about children’s television programs and videos. Children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs is content created specifically for certain age groups, for example PROG NOTE:- DELAY 10 SECONDS BEFORE SHOWING QUESTION BELOW0–4yrs5–9 yrs10–14 yrsChannels includingABC Kids, Disney Junior, Nick. JrChannels including ABC ME, 9GO! Cartoon Network, NickelodeonChannels including ABCME, 9GO!, Disney ChannelPrograms such as:Ben and Holly’s Little KingdomThe WigglesPlay SchoolPeter RabbitGo JettersPeppa PigPaw PatroletcPrograms such as:Scooby-DooLittle LunchTea Cups TravelsAdventure TimeRegular ShowTeen TitansWe Bare BearsWits AcademyetcPrograms such as:Little LunchDennis the Menace Kids' WB WeekdaysRegular ShowAdventure TimeThe Next StepBackstageetcDoes your child/children aged under 15 watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs at home or elsewhere on any device? (Select one answer per column)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER COLUMN - ONLY DISPLAY CHILDREN WITH CODE 01 TO 50 OR 99 IN A10AChild 1 (Insert first name from A9)BChild 2 (Insert first name from A9)CChild 3 (Insert first name from A9)DChild 4 (Insert first name from A9)Yes1111No2222PROG NOTE: ASK IF WATCH CHILDREN’S TELEVISION IE AT LEAST ONE CODE 1 IN A11A-D. OTHERS GO TO A13 A12In a typical week, how many hours in total would your child or children spend watching any children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs at home or elsewhere on any device? (Type in the number of hours. If less than one hour per week, type in 01. If unsure or don’t know, please select can’t say. One answer per column)PROG NOTE: U- DISPLAY RESPONSES FROM A10 IN THE TOP BOX WITH THE NAME (IF CODE 99, DISPLAY unknown)- TWO DIGITS RESPONSE. VALID RANGE FROM 1 TO 50 BUT CANNOT EXCEED VALUE FROM A10- IF SOMEONE ENTER A NUMBER >50 THEN DISPLAY “If more than 50 hours per week please type in 50”AChild 1 (Insert first name from A9)Number of hours watching TV/Video /__/__/ per week (from A10)BChild 2 (Insert first name from A9) Number of hours watching TV/Video /__/__/ per week (from A10)CChild 3 (Insert first name from A9) Number of hours watching TV/Video /__/__/ per week (from A10)DChild 4 (Insert first name from A9) Number of hours watching TV/Video /__/__/ per week (from A10)A12 Numbers of hours per week watching children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week/__/__/ hours per week99 Can’t Say99 Can’t Say99 Can’t Say99 Can’t SayPROG NOTE: ASK ALL RESPONDENTSA13 Which television/video subscriptions do you have in your household? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:-MULTI RESPONSE - IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 991Foxtel/Foxtel Play2Netflix3Stan 4Quickflix5BigPond Movies6Dendy Direct7Amazon Prime Video8OZFlix9HayU10YouTube Red 11Optus12Selectra (Austar)13Telstra14TransACT15Fetch TV96Other (Please specify)99None of theseA14Which of the following, if any, are available for your child or children to stream video content to your television at home? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:- MULTI RESPONSE - RANDOMISE 1-9 THEN 99 LAST- IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 991Apple TV2Google Chromecast3Telstra TV 4Games consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Wii)5Smart TV (a TV set that connects directly to the internet and doesn’t need a computer, set-top box or games console to go online)6Fetch TV7TiVo8Kobo9FreeviewPlus96Other (Please specify)99None of these\ can’t sayCHILD SELECTION PROCESSPROG NOTE: IF AT LEAST ONE RESPONSE DIFFERENT FROM 00 in A10. IF ALL RESPONSES IN A10 ARE 00 THEN GO TO SECTION ZA15 Hidden question – Selection of one child for the rest of the surveyNumber of children under 15 that are watching children programs in A11 or A12PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE RULE TO SELECT ONE CHILD FOR THE SURVEY SECTION B, C AND D0None Randomly select one child under 15 in the household that is watching TV video in A10 1One Select this one child under 15 2Two Randomly select one of the two children under 15 that is watching children TV in A11 or A123ThreeRandomly select one of the three children under 15 that is watching children TV in A11 or A124FourRandomly select one of the four children under 15 that is watching children TV in A11 or A12A16Hidden question: Selected child’s name (from A9): _______________________A17Hidden question: Gender of the selected child (from A9) 1Boy2GirlA18Hidden question: Age of the selected child (from A8):11 year-old (or less)22 year-old33 year-old44 year-old55 year-old66 year-old77 year-old88 year-old99 year-old1010 year-old1111 year-old1212 year-old1313 year-old1414 year-oldA19Hidden question: Time spent by selected child watching ANY television/video (From A10)/__/__/ hours per week99 Can’t SayA20Hidden question: Time spent by selected child watching children’s television/video (From AA11 and A12)/__/__/ hours per week99 Can’t SayA21 PROG NOTE: DISPLAY ‘For the remaining questions of this survey, please ONLY think of your child’ (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME -FROM A16) SECTION B -PROG NOTE: ASK ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS OR CARERS SELECTEDPROG NOTE: IF SELECTED CHILD WATCHES CHILDREN’S TELEVISION PROGRAMS, MOVIES, VIDEOS OR DVDS IE CODE 01-50 IN A20. CODE 99 GO TO B2, CODE 00 GO TO NEXT SECTB1 You have indicated before that in a typical week (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME FROM A16), watches (PROG NOTE: INSERT NUMBER OF HOURS FROM A20) hours of children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs per week.Out of these (PROG NOTE: INSERT NUMBER OF HOURS FROM A20) hours, how many hours are during the weekend?PROG NOTE:-TWO DIGITS RESPONSE- VALID RANGE FROM 0 TO 25 - CANNOT EXCEED VALUE FROM A20- IF SOMEONE ENTER A NUMBER >25 THEN DISPLAY “If more than 25hours per weekend please type in 50”/__/__/ hours per weekend 99 Can’t SayPROG NOTE: IF SELECTED CHILD WATCHES CHILDREN’S TELEVISION PROGRAMS, MOVIES, VIDEOS OR DVDS IE CODE 01-50 or 99 IN A20. B2Which of the following devices are used by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - RANDOMISE A-I THEN J LASTYesNoATelevision set12BTablet (like an iPad, Kindle Fire, Google Nexus)12CDesktop computer12DLaptop12EMobile phone or smartphone (like an iPhone/Samsung Galaxy)12FPortable media player (like an iPod Touch)12GPortable or handheld games player (like a Nintendo DS/SonyPS Vita)12HGames console connected to a television (like a PlayStation/Xbox/Wii)12IDVD/Blu-ray12JOther device12PROG NOTE: ASK IF USE AT LEAST ONE DEVICE IE AT LEAST ONE CODE 1 IN B2. OTHERS GO TO B6B3For each of the following devices, please indicate how often it is used by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs at home or elsewhere? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - ONLY DISPLAY RESPONSES SELECTED IE CODE 1 IN B2, MAINTAINING ORDER AS PER B2More than once a dayOnce a daySeveral times a week (not daily)Once a weekLessoften than once a weekATelevision set12345BTablet (like an iPad, Kindle Fire, Google Nexus)12345CDesktop computer12345DLaptop12345EMobile phone or smartphone (like an iPhone/Samsung Galaxy)12345FPortable media player (like an iPod Touch)12345GPortable or handheld games player (like a Nintendo DS/SonyPS Vita)12345HGames console connected to a television (like a PlayStation/Xbox/Wii)12345IDVD/Blu-ray12345JOther device12345B4When (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs, does he/she do other activities on another device at the same time? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE1Yes, often2Yes, occasionally3No PROG NOTE: ASK IF MULTI VIEWING IE CODE 1-2 IN B4. OTHERS GO TO B6B5(a)What other activities does (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) undertake on another device when he/she is watching children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:-MULTI RESPONSE - RANDOMISE 1-13 MAINTAINING ORDER 1-2 AND 3-4, THEN 96-99 LAST- IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 991Watches another children’s program 2Watches another show but not a children’s program3Plays video games4Plays other games/apps5Uses social media (like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.)6Talks on the phone7Looks at photos8Sends text messages9Writes or check emails10Instant message with friends (like iMessage, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.)11Browses the internet 12Does homework on a device/computer13Watches videos online (YouTube)96Other activities (Please specify)99Can’t sayB5(b)What are all the devices that (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) is likely to use at the same time when he/she is watching children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs on one device and do other activities on another device? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:- MULTI RESPONSE - IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 99 - MAINTAIN ORDER AS PER B2, 96- 99 LAST1Television set 2Tablet (like an iPad, Kindle Fire, Google Nexus)3Desktop computer 4Laptop5Mobile phone or smartphone (like an iPhone/Samsung Galaxy)6Portable media player (like an iPod Touch)7Portable or handheld games player (like a Nintendo DS/SonyPS Vita)8Games console connected to a television (like a PlayStation/Xbox/Wii)9DVD/Blu-ray96Other device (Please specify)99Can’t sayPROG NOTE: IF SELECTED CHILD WATCHES CHILDREN’S TELEVISION PROGRAMS, MOVIES, VIDEOS OR DVDS IE CODE 1-99 IN A20B6Does (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs, in any of the following ways? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - USE A CAROUSSEL- DISPLAY B6B IF CODE 1 IN A13 YesNoCan’t sayAWatch children’s television programs or videos recorded from free to air television 1299BWatch children’s television programs or videos recorded from FoxtelCWatch children’s television programs or videos on catch-up services such a ABC iView, ABC for Kids, SBS on Demand, Plus7, 9Now, Tenplay, 1299DWatch children’s television programs or video content via an online subscription service such as Netflix or Stan 1299EWatch children’s television programs or videos on pay-per-view service (like Google Play, iTunes, Foxtel Play)1299FWatch children’s television programs or video content on free on-demand services from my IPTV or subscription video provider1299GWatch other free children’s video content over the internet such as YouTube 1299PROG NOTE: ASK IF WATCH IN AT LEAST ONE WAY IE AT LEAST ONE CODE 1 IN B6. OTHERS GO TO NEXT SECTB7For each of the following on-demand services or options, please indicate how often it is used by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - ONLY DISPLAY RESPONSES SELECTED IE CODE 1 IN B6- DISPLAY B7B IF CODE 1 IN A13 - MAINTAIN ORDER AS PER B6More than once a dayOnce a daySeveral times a week (not daily)Once a weekLess often than once a weekAWatch children’s television programs or videos recorded from free to air television 12345BWatch children’s television programs or videos recorded from FoxtelCWatch children’s television programs or videos on catch-up services such a ABC iView, SBS on Demand, Plus7, 9Now, Tenplay12345DWatch children’s television programs or video content via an online subscription service such as Netflix or Stan 12345EWatch children’s television programs or videos on pay-per-view service (like Google Play, iTunes, Foxtel Play)12345FWatch children’s television program or video content on free on-demand services from my IPTV or subscription video provider12345GWatch other free children video content over the internet such as YouTube 12345PROG NOTE: ASK IF USE CATCH UP TV IE CODE 1 IN B6C OTHERS GO TO B10B8You have mentioned previously that (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) is using catch up TV services to watch children’s television programs, movies, videos or DVDs.Which of the following catch up TV services does (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) use? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:- MULTI RESPONSE - IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 991ABC KIDS / ABC iview2SBS / SBS on Demand3Channel 7 / Plus74Channel 9 / 9Now5Channel 10 / Tenplay96Other (please specify)99Can’t sayB9For each of the following on-demand services or options, please indicate how often it is used by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME)? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - ONLY DISPLAY A TO G IF SELECTED IN B8- MAINTAIN ORDER A-G AS PER B8More than once a dayOnce a daySeveral times a week (not daily)Once a weekLess often than once a weekAABC KIDS / ABC iview12345BSBS / SBS on Demand12345CChannel 7 / Plus712345DChannel 9 / 9Now12345EChannel 10 / Tenplay12345GOther catch up services12345PROG NOTE: ASK IF WATCH IN AT LEAST ONE WAY IE AT LEAST ONE CODE 1 IN B6B10Please indicate how you would rate the quality of children’s television programs or videos watched by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) on? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - USE A CAROUSSEL - ONLY DISPLAY RESPONSES SELECTED IE CODE 1 IN B6- DISPLAY B10B IF CODE 1 IN A13 - MAINTAIN ORDER AS PER B6Excellent Very goodGood Fair PoorCan’t sayAFree to air television 1234599BFoxtelCCatch-up services such a ABC iview, SBS on Demand, Plus7, 9Now, Tenplay1234599DOnline subscription services such as Netflix or Stan 1234599EPay-per-view services (like Google Play, iTunes, Foxtel Play)1234599FFree on-demand services from my IPTV or subscription video provider1234599GOther free children video content over the internet such as YouTube 1234599SECTION C -PROG NOTE: ASK ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS OR CARERS SELECTEDC1Thinking now about YouTube. Does (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) use…? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROWYesNo / not than I am aware ofAYouTube main website or app12BYouTube Kids app12PROG NOTE: ASK IF CHILD USES YOU TUBE IE CODE 1 IN C1A OR C1B. OTHERS GO TO NEXT SECTC2How often does (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) use YouTube or YouTube kids? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE1More than once a day2Once a day3Several times a week (not daily)4Once a week5Less often than once a weekC3Which of the following devices are used by (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch YouTube or YouTube kids? (Select all that apply)PROG NOTE:- MULTI RESPONSE - IF CODE 1-96 SELECTED THEN CANNOT SELECT 99 - RANDOMISE 1-9 THEN 96-99 LAST1Television set 2Tablet (like an iPad, Kindle Fire, Google Nexus)3Desktop computer 4Laptop5Mobile phone or smartphone (like an iPhone/Samsung Galaxy)6Portable media player (like an iPod Touch)7Portable or handheld games player (like a Nintendo DS/SonyPS Vita)8Games console connected to a television (like a PlayStation/Xbox/Wii)9DVD/Blu-ray96Other device (Please specify)99Can’t saySECTION D -PROG NOTE: ASK ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS OR CARERS SELECTEDD1 Thinking now about you and how you monitor what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches on television, videos or DVDs. Which of the following statements best applies to you? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE1I let (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) make his/her own decisions on what he/she watches2I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only specific programs or shows3I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only children’s specific programs or shows4I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only on a specific television channel 5I choose the show or selection of shows (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD NAME) can watch99None of the above/can’t say D2Now more specifically about free to air television. What do you do if anything to check what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches on free to air television? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE 1I let (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHIILD’S NAME) make his/her own decisions on what he/she watches2I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only specific programs or shows3I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only children’s specific programs or shows 4I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only on a specific television channel5I choose the show or selection of shows (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) can watch on free to air television6(PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) never watches free to air television 99None of the above/can’t say PROG NOTE: ASK IF HAVE FOXTEL OR STAN OR NETFLIX OR USE YOUTUBE IE CODE 1-3 IN A13 OR CODE 1 IN C1A OR C1B. OTHERS GO TO D4D3And what do you do, if anything, to check what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches on…? (Select one answer per column)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER COLUMN- DISPLAY COLUMN A IF HAVE FOXTEL IE CODE 1 IN A13- DISPLAY COLUMN B IF HAVE NETFLIX OR STAN IE CODE 2 OR 3 IN A13- DISPLAY COLUMN C IF USE YOUTUBE IE CODE 1 IN C1A OR C1BABCOn FoxtelOn Netflix or StanOn YouTubeI let (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) make his/her own decisions on what he/she watches111I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only children’s specific programs or shows222I allow (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch only on a specific channel or area of the service I choose the programs or shows (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches 444 (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) never watches anything on this 555None of the above/can’t say 999999PROG NOTE: ASK ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS OR CARERS SELECTEDD4 How important do you think each of the following are in determining whether or not television programs or videos are suitable for (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to watch? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - USE A CAROUSSEL- RANDOMISE A-GExtremely importantVery importantSomewhat importantNot very importantNot at all importantCan’t sayAThe device used to watch a show (e.g., smartphone, tablet, PC, television)1234599BThe time of the day 1234599CLength or duration of the program or video1234599DThe type of program or video (e.g., children’s stories, information and/or quiz shows)1234599EThe channel or service that broadcasts the program or video1234599FThe amount and type of advertising 1234599GIf it is made in Australia or contains Australian content (e.g., places, animals)1234599 D5Do you have some rules or restrictions to monitor what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches? Select one answer)PROG NOTE:SINGLE RESPONSE1Yes 2NoPROG NOTE: ASK IF HAVE RULES OR RESTRICTIONS IE CODE 1 IN D5. OTHERS GO TO D7D6Please explain what rules or restrictions you have put in place to monitor what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches? (Please type in your response in the box provided)PROG NOTE:OPEN TEXT FIELDMAXIMUM OF 500 CHARACTERS. IF MORE THAN 500 CHARACTERS IS ENTERED PLEASE SHOW MESSAGE (Maximum of 500 characters allowed)OPEN BOX IS MANDATORY. IF NO TEXT IS ENTERED AND THE RESPONDENT TRIES TO CLICK FORWARD PLEASE SHOW MESSAGE (If you do not know, please type “can’t say” in the box)______________________________________________________________PROG NOTE: ASK ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS OR CARERS SELECTEDD7For each of the following please indicate how often you monitor what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches? (Select one answer per row)PROG NOTE:-SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW- RANDOMISE A-FAlwaysOftenSometimes RarelyNeverAI limit the time (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) is viewing (after school, weekends)12345BI limit the access to a particular device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, PC, television)12345CI select the programs or videos to watch12345DI watch with (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME)12345EI check regularly when (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) is viewing12345FI use a parental locking system that restricts (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) access to certain channels or programs12345D8And to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Select one answer)PROG NOTE:- SINGLE RESPONSE PER ROW - USE A CAROUSSEL - RANDOMISE A-HStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree or disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeCan’t sayAParental controls or parental locking system are too complicated and time consuming to install/use1234599BI do not want (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to view shows with disturbing or unsuitable material (such as sex, violence, nudity, bad language)1234599CI trust dedicated children’s programs and channels (such as ABC Kids, Foxtel Kids, YouTube Kids1234599D(PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME)’s viewing preferences are highly influenced by what his/her friends are watching 1234599E(PROG NOTE: DISPLAY IF HAVE OLDER SIBLINGS IN A8) (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME)’s viewing preferences are highly influenced by what his/her siblings are watching 1234599FI am happy for (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) to choose what he/she wants to watch1234599GI don’t have the time to monitor/control what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches1234599HI’m not sure how to monitor/control what (PROG NOTE: INSERT CHILD’S NAME) watches.1234599SECTION Z -PROG NOTE: ASK ALL RESPONDENTSZ1And now just a few more questions about yourself. Which one best describes who lives in your home? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1One parent (or guardian) with children 2Two parents (or guardians) with children96OtherZ2In the last week, which of the following best describes your employment status? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1A salary or wage earner or conducting a business 2A salary or wage earner or conducting a business but absent on paid leave (incl. unpaid maternity), holidays, on strike/stood down 3Unpaid work in a family business 4Other unpaid work5Did not have a job98Don’t know99Prefer not to stateZ3What is the level of the highest qualification you have completed? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response1Completed primary school2Completed years 7–93Completed School Certificate/ Intermediate/ Year 10/4th Form4Completed HSC (Higher School Certificate) / Leaving / Year 12/ 6th Form5TAFE Certificate or Diploma6University, CAE (College of Advanced Education) or some other tertiary institute degree or higher96Other (Please specify)98Don’t know99Prefer not to stateZ4What is your household’s combined annual income from all sources, before tax...? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response 1Under $20,0002$20,000—$39,9993$40,000—$59,9994$60,000—$79,9995$80,000—$99,9996$100,000—$149,9997$150,000 or more98Don’t know99Prefer not to stateZ5Do you speak a language other than English at home? (Select one answer)PROG note:-single response 1Yes 2NoZ6And what is your postcode? If don’t know \ refused please enter “9999”PROG NOTE: -ALLOW FOR A FOUR DIGIT RESPONSE__ __ __ __PROG note: ASK IF CODE 9999 in Z6. OTHERS GO TO CLOSEZ7What is the name of your suburb or nearest town?PROG note:-allow up to 256 characters-make open text box 25 columns wideClose: PROG NOTE: DISPLAY “SURVEY COMPLETED- THANK YOU” “Thank you for taking our survey” ................

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