
Know your rights_250_2021.01.12Thu, 1/21 12:10PM ? 1:32:22SUMMARY KEYWORDSrights, questions, test, government, parliament, fines, called, act, constitution, victoria, state, people, email, put, home, brisbane, mask, members, case, commonwealth00:01Good evening, everyone and welcome to The Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet over the red FM network from of course, our secret underground studio. Now show is proudly sponsored by a webgate IT solutions stretching your it dollar further, if anyone's looking for any IoT experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at a web gate dotnet.au. And of course, we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now, in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being officially sponsored by alkaline health and of course, the runner resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors via the links on our health page. And we urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has, make sure you're booking for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to check out Verona resort in Noosa. And of course a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with all our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike, I'm joined again by Daryl is back in the studio with us hell am I01:13very well and good evening to you, young boy, Happy New Year to user.01:18And Darren's made the big trip to join us live he was offered a dinner with Tom Cruise, but he's given it up to be in the studio with us again. Thanks for joining us, man.01:29I missed out on.01:35Yeah, and there we have it. Now look, as I explained at the start of every show, we've won the know your rights group over six and a half years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, now that people's liberties and freedoms all around the country are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It seems like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights. Now tonight is not only our first show for the year, but also our 200 and 50th show overall, which is of course something that we are very proud of. And it certainly has been a team effort with john, our studio manager at the helm. Thanks, big Johnny for making all this happen. First welcome. And obviously for those who might be little bit new to all of this, it all started out with myself and Brenton back in June of 2014. Darryl came on board with us in 2015. And of course more recently, we've had Darren joining the team in 2019. Now, of course, the most important part of our show is indeed you our listeners and members. So on this special occasion, we would like to do a very special shout out to all of you as well. Without Of course, all your ongoing support and encouragement, we wouldn't simply be here. So all things being equal, we do look forward to another 250 shows ahead of us in the future. Now finally, before we do get stuck into tonight's show, another very important reminder, we have now moved over from Facebook to the me, we platform. And we do also have a telegram group as well. I'm sure as most of you have heard this past week, especially in the last few days, Paula has been shut down by Amazon. So it really is just a matter of time before our Facebook and YouTube channels are shut down as well. So please do take a moment to to join us and follow us on my way telegram and gab. If we've learned anything from the last year, it is how precious time is and how important our freedoms are. So please do understand we will be easing into things this year, and ensuring that we do take an extended break over the coming weekends to spend some time with family and friends. And we will be providing very limited email support during 2021. After all, of course, if we burn out who's going to be around to help keep you informed and educated about your rights. Again, I will ask you all to please acknowledge and respect the incredible amount of time, effort and energy that we have not only put into our last 250 shows, but of course all of our regular live video updates, plus all the incredible information that we have completely freely available on our website. Now, of course for anyone who's listening of another platform, that is Know Your Rights .au we do of course acknowledge that many of you are new Our group may be new to our show and perhaps our website, but we will ask you to please spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past six and a half years. And please refrain from trying to correspond with us via things like Facebook Messenger, or YouTube, we do see the occasional message or comment here and there. But the best way to get hold of us is of course via email. But again, we can answer only very basic questions by email. As I had mentioned, on our last few shows, with all due respect, we are here to help but we're not your on call lawyers, Darren and Darryl, a flat out doing important work with Rob cullerton. And the great Australian party, I'm here holding down the fort, keeping the know your rights group running. So if you do want to personalise response to your questions, for whatever reason, the only way to do that is by booking a one on one coaching call, which you can do via the links on the top left of our shop page. And a reminder, please provide all of the details in red at the bottom of that booking page.06:01We do believe we've caught06:02up on all but a handful of our coaching calls now. But if we have somehow missed you, please feel free to send us a friendly reminder. And we will do our best to squeeze you in over the next week or so. All right. So back to our show. As I said, for those keeping track, this is our 250 at the broadcast, we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show. And indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. Now for those of you who are new to our show and our website, you will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. That of course is Know Your Rights .au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now those podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics, as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary. The fact that the PTO is not a legal entity, we also deal with a straw man concept and of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution. And in particular, over the last, probably six to nine months, we've covered an extraordinary amount of information on all of the various COVID directives. So either way, there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and old alike to refer to in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered.07:28So like why do we do these broadcasts?07:32My as always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on these shows for taking action against these injustices, and really helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts as regularly as we can throughout this coming year. Because given what's transpired last year, this year is sure to be another very interesting as well. And we do of course want to play our part in keeping everybody informed of their rights, and of course, how to stand up for them. Now we do love to receive this this feedback as well as any questions they may have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover. And you can send those through to us via email at no your rights@. Otherwise, you can smss on 04127 double one, seven, double five. So as we usually do, I'm going to kick off tonight's show with some of the emails that we've received over the past few weeks, because I'm sure they'll be of interest to everyone tuning in. Please note that we did have a server issue so we did lose some of those emails. But given what's happened in Sydney and Brisbane, especially over the past few weeks, we have been absolutely bombarded. So these are just a selection of some of the many emails that we received. And again, I'm sure they'll answer a lot of the questions that many of you have. Alright, so Maxime has said, Hello, I bought your product a couple of months ago rather well. I have a question about marriage. How can I marry a person with a government issued ID in brackets legal person but still claim the bride as a natural person? I believe on the common law a marriage licence isn't required. How does the process work? Any recommendations on how to get married? Thanks in advance. Uh, we qualified to give marriage advice on this show.09:42still climbing abroad as a natural person. So I would say the climbing the legal person bride would be an unnatural person a dead entity. Well, that's a crime to marry a dead person. Especially to communicate with them? Well, yes.10:02But of course the problem is natural person isn't what a lot of people seem to think it is I exactly, I think trickeries10:10I think they are10:13pointing towards a common law marriage, I would say it's a a common law marriage is quite simple. It's when you agree, and she agrees and you live happily ever after. With witnesses. It's exactly, it just needs a witness. And it's an agreement. It's like a contract. It's not recognised by the state. But that is one way to get married if you don't want to have a three way marriage, the government.10:42Exactly, exactly. What he said. He10:49says, Hi, my name is Anthony. I'm sick of paying car registration in Queensland. What can I do to get away with it? Any thoughts would be great. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you all. Wow. I mean, wait, wait, he literally goes out with a question like that.11:06I reckon you could break it down. Firstly, and you could say that the average price for registration is somewhere around about 700 to $850. Yes. Now, let's just take. I think Victoria is around about $800. I think the registration component of that is $215. So I'll just recommend to Anthony to have a look at his registration, breakdown on the on the form. And you'll see that more than three quarters of it is actually insurance. Yes. So I think he's annoyed about the cost of the insurance rather than the registration itself, because registration is only 200 bucks. Yeah. Random bats.11:51So look, there's11:52there's a there's a couple of ways to do it. And I'm only gonna mention one right now. One would be to have a business in the authority signed differently. Don't mention that second.12:12Just in case anyone's wondering what that was. Yeah, exactly. What12:20we told you not to say that.12:23See, now I've now got a red flag. Yeah. Now if you work in the automotive industry, you can actually apply for plates. And those plates can only go on vehicles that are12:39unroadworthy.12:41So it's licence to drive around a roadworthy car and yet sorry, number with the with the car, and actually did not say too much. But I know it's possible they say that.12:58Look, and just a heads up. I mean, obviously, I'm assuming, by the way, the questions raised the ante is pretty new to this. And we do get these sorts of questions all the time. How do I drive around without Reggio? How do I drive around without paying tolls? How do I drive around without a licence? And look, all of these things can be done, but you need to know which battles to pick and which fights to fight? Yes, they can be done. Yes, you will likely get pulled over all the time, yes, you'll likely get questioned on things. Is it really worth it?13:26You've got a got to pick the battles, it comes down to a question of liability doesn't matter. Because if Anthony becomes involved in an accident, yes. And he doesn't have what's he's claiming to be registration, which is actually three quarters of it is insurance. Yeah, who bears the liability of his accident? And case all it13:46means is, like, you know, exactly damages property or damages somebody else and all the rest of it. These are the things that people yeah, and again, I want to reiterate right now at the start of 2021. Because we get this question all the time, every year, the know your rights group is equally as focused on knowing your responsibilities as knowing your rights. It's not about getting away with things, that that's not what this show is about. That's not what this group is about. That's not what our websites about. The book is about. It's about getting away with things. It's about knowing your rights, and also knowing your responsibilities and acting within those and not being forced by some so called or thority or entity telling you what you must or must not do. But you do still need to take responsibility for your actions every step of the way.14:40Other two thirds of our listeners just turned off. Wow.14:43Hopefully not.14:44Having said that, Mike, thanks for lending me the book because I got out of that fine, yet great.14:49No problems are good. But I must add, keep in mind that these are the Queen's highways. They are indeed and they laws? key.15:04Absolutely, absolutely. Alright, Sergio says I recently, I recently listened to one of the podcasts, which mentioned the referendum they had in the ICT for self government, where the majority of people voted against self government. But the results were ignored. And we were given the whole expensive monstrous government apparatus as a training ground for the corrupt labour liberal politicians. Does the results of the referendum mean that the government in ICT has no lawful authority, that nothing they do can be traced back to the Constitution? And we can and we can stand up and say we are subjects of the coin, and their fines are not valid, their rights are not valid, nothing is valid. How do we stand up to this monstrosity called the AC t government?15:59I think this is the case with every referendum ignoring it in a piece of legislation,16:07let's let's look at that and pull it apart. So why is a referendum held a referendum referendums held to ask for16:17empowerment of something? And the people said, No, you're not empowered to do it.16:23Yeah. So you didn't consent to it?16:28So if they ignore it, and go ahead with it, wouldn't one say if you go along with it, it's only with your fullest consent? And16:38indeed, they are. So16:42what do people do? How do they they challenge that? I mean, is it as simple as, as Sergio says, you know, standing up and sticking to the, you know, the fact that you are a subject of the claim? Well, 100%16:59I think it does come down to the fact that we know a gentleman who recently did this in the AC T. And he challenged that very fact in regards to the referendum and brought that to the table. Now,17:14this is the thing if17:18the parliament, okay, need your consent, and they asked for the consent and was denied. One would ask, when you're in that court, under that parliament, that EU parliament that was created without your consent, how can it impose anything upon you without your consent? If that's how you're asked? This is the whole thing. People are17:42sheep.17:43People unfortunately, just accept things. Me Myself I, whenever it you know, I was at the airport in Perth and some guy and a green vest came up to me and said,17:57you to put a mask on? And I said, Sorry, who are you?18:03And he's on the COVID. Marshal. I want to say Can Can I get a car battery bit? And I said, Oh, yeah. I said, So where's your power derived from?18:15He walked off.18:17So, you know, just because someone's got a green vest on doesn't mean they got any authority, and just because18:25they hate or any of it. Exactly. And as Justice Latham said in the 1942, taxation administration act, there are pretended laws in this country, and is your right to ignore them. I suggest you stand up and claim your right. Absolutely.18:40Absolutely. All right.18:44Are Amanda says hi might listening to a senator speak recently. He was bemoaning the fact that half of our laws slash legislation or written by bureaucrats, I assume he means the regulations that go with a particular act that is passed. Is that right? And he said that these laws are harder to get rid of or change and legislation passed by Parliament? Is that so? Also since they are not written by Parliament? Are they also supposed to have Royal Assent? What status do they have?19:19Hence,19:20effect in the current situation? This could be a question for your radio show or for Darren on constitution watch. thinks I'm no There you go. All him all that to you.19:32Well, bureaucrats are the parliament. Hmm. So um, um, and I suggest Yeah, basically, yeah. The bureaucrats that you're talking about that you're assuming in regards to the regulations that have been passed are the actual Parliament and the parliamentarians.19:58What's the last part of the question?20:00She's20:01talking about this senator speaking saying that somehow these bureaucratic laws are harder to get rid of or change than legislation passed by Parliament. But20:10yeah, it's it's it's sort of it's a it's a little bit of a contradiction in when we need a little bit of clarity on that because the bureaucrats are the members of parliament, unfortunately,20:23would have20:24or would say otherwise. How would you How do you interpret that?20:28Since 2003, the parliament, for whatever reason, chose to repeal section 87 of the Judiciary Act. The ID section 86 and 87 of the Judiciary Act, allowed the Justices of the High Court to make up their own rules. Okay. They are section 87 clearly said that the parliament then has final say. So whatever the justices transcribers, the rules for the High Court, then the parliament have to go over that, and then give it the normal whatever, like adjustments. Yeah. Now in 2003, the hair with a bunch of fools repealed section 87. Right. So took away that parliamentary oversight. And this is what we fall in a lot with regulations, that there are people other than the elected members who were making the rules based on the legislation. And I think what Howard did was not only he walked out the courts, parliamentary oversight, but they pretty much went right through the impairing the public service. The payout arbitrarily raised these rules and regulations based roughly on the legislation that the parliament, the parliament actually overseeing. And this has been the case.22:11Well, that's that's the same in, in state law, because a rule or a regulation is not debated in Parliament. It is it is just laid before parliament and passed. I don't know of any rules or regulations that weren't passed, because there's no reason not to pass them because they weren't debated. So this is the thing is this is what an Act of Parliament is it's a it's something that goes before the parliament is debated. And there's this scrutiny on that particular act to see whether22:49it qualifies, which we've seen a lot of towards the end of last year, you know, there was a lot of heated debates in Parliament about certain acts and bills, proposed bills and all the rest of it, which is what we need and what we need more of. But as you say, there's rules just23:05100% and this is why I had a conversation with a county court judge a few years back. And and she agreed with me that rules and regulations are not wars, because they are not debated. And although they are laid before parliament, they only pass so they don't pass the scrutiny of the actual Parliament themselves. So and then she found me not guilty.23:37That's all the charges. That's good. All right. Well,23:45Cameron, who's what he's one of our pretty proactive members is sent us a pretty detailed email here it's it gets a bit deep, but it's a it's a great email. And I think for those our more advanced listeners who've been around with us for a while, I'm sure you'll appreciate this. So says hi Neeraj. Good, I'm quite confused about the following. I'm not even sure how to phrase my question properly. But I'll try and make myself as clear as I can. Upon looking into David ickes work and research there seems to be some contradictions with what the know your rights group says. And I'd like some clarification, please. He describes how there are certain historical bloodlines that he calls the Brotherhood, which are responsible for the current power structures in the world, like the world religions banking system, and how groups like the Jesuits, Knights Templar, etc, have come to existence. According to him, the British Crown operates from the square mile City of London, created in 1666, which is also home to the Knights Templar church and the world banking system. There seems to be one of the three city states Along with DC in the Vatican, which control the world power, why is the British Crown in cahoots with the Vatican? Were they not the ones who created the Commonwealth constitution and Bill of Rights? If the British crown is controlled by that by the Vatican knights, Templar Jesuits, or whatever they're called? Would it not be better to dispense with the British Crown entirely? Why do we still need to be connected to it? Additionally, the royal family seems to be deeply connected to the rest of the elite satanic paedophile network, which many high level people have been exposed as being part of. So given all of this, what is know your rights groups support things like the Commonwealth constitution, Bill of Rights, the queen, being the monarch, etc. When this all appears to be their creation in the first place, I thought the British were against the influence of Rome. I've heard David ickes being mentioned on the show before, so you must be well aware of his work. What do you think of all of these things?25:59camera? Well, camera is the there has been an ongoing battle with Rome, particularly since 1213. And when King john saw in the treaty avoid, as a result of signing that treaty, the two years later, the variants and loads and the like, and not some, all the hierarchy, bureaucrats within the English system within the kings. Rome, basically saw the Magna Carta, the first Magna Carta, but that Treaty of Rome or is still being upheld to this day. And that's when you get your head around the Treaty of Verona 1213, you will see why the Vatican, the Pope, have an ongoing influence with with Britain and the monarchy. But yes, the Bill of Rights 1688 is a very good example of the fight back against the Pope. but to no avail, it seems that it lasted about 25 years. And they started to creep back in. But there's still that Bill of Rights. As much as they do not like the Bill of Rights to this very day, it stands as law in this country, especially in the High Court, even the corrupt High Court has upheld the Bill of Rights as transcribed enactment. So it's your knowledge of these laws that give it power. I don't want to tell you that the Bill of Rights exists, of course, because they're all breaching it. So it's your knowledge in the world, people that get their head around and have a rate of the Bill of Rights 1688 and see it for yourself. And the the the the effort really is in every one of us to do that. Well, and get your head around it, understand it and then apply it accordingly. Yep. Well,28:14I do believe the City of London, formerly known as London Ium, is actually been around since the mid 1100s. Not 1666, which is the date of the SR k v Trust Act. And when the City of London was burnt down. There was a couple of questions in there. I do believe, how, why is the British Crown in cahoots with the Vatican. The Vatican actually owns the crown and the crown rented back from them. Okay. That's if you look extensively, you'll find David, I've actually done a video on that. Cameron. You also asked would it be better to dispense the British Crown entirely? What do we still need to be connected to it will effectively we're not connected to it by act as a causal Republic, currently the Commonwealth and they just need us to sever these ties wire a referendum. And it's all being done by the political parties without your consent. So that's the answer to that one. Also, I think you asked, I thought the British were against the influence of Rome. And that you said given all this Why does know your rights group think that things like the Commonwealth Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the queen, being the monarch, etc, when this all appears to be their creation in the first place, so Why do we support it? We don't actually support the Constitution, or the queen, or the Bill of Rights. We don't support any of those things. It just laws. The Constitution resembles the foundation law of this country. It's what every law relies on for its creation. And it's binding on the know your rights group. It's binding on you as well. Cameron, so there's no getting out of it, whether you support or don't support it. David ickes material, I I actually went and saw David ickes rob the truck, he wants to come on here. He actually gave me a ticket to go and see David Ike a couple of years back, no big 12 hour session. And I went and saw that that was quite interesting. Some of the material is spot on. Okay, some of his quote, quite credible and well researched. There's other parts of it that I find quite ludicrous, like, Queen Elizabeth. And, and if anyone out there is going off at the moment going here, the Queen's lizard, sent me in the evidence.31:14Okay, cool. Let's see. Pretty cool.31:18All right. So there's some serious food for thought as we go into our first break. When we come back from the break, we're going to be discussing the recent three day locked down in Brisbane over the past weekend, the fallout from that, and of course, the remaining mandatory mass directive that is still in place. We're also going to be discussing dictator Danes lightest tactic, which is, of course, to force Victorians to apply to their own government to return home. And in many cases, even have a mandatory COVID test, despite showing no symptoms. Again, for those who who in other states who think this is wild and crazy and unbelievable, be prepared, once again, the writing's on the wall, Victoria is the test case that they get away with here, they will introduce there, it's just a matter of time. Now, as part of that discussion, we're also going to be covering the power or the so called power of the executive government, with regard to being able to issue health directives, and things like fines for not wearing a mask, etc. So, lots of really good info on that. And of course, to finish off tonight's show, hopefully, we'll have a little bit of time left to go through some more of the emails that we received. So they will, again almost certainly be questions similar to the ones you're asking right now. So please do listening all the way to the end of tonight show so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or so with the very same questions that we've already answered tonight. So like all our shows, it is going to be another information packed show again tonight. On that point, quick reminder, pod cast members can listen to all of our previous shows, and that is of course, all 249 of them. To review all the information that we have shared over the past six and a half years. You can also listen to our full catalogue of shows from the past six and a half years by ordering our new set of 12 podcasts a day packs. And as I mentioned on our last few shows, those new CD packs are being included at no extra cost for all of our platinum and ultimate Platinum packs as well. And speaking of our packs in case you missed our recent video updates, we have recently created some really good looking at you know your rights tote bags where people are sending us photos of the mountain about the shopping centres and stuff spreading the word, you can purchase those separately, or we are including them free with any of our special combo ultimate combo or platinum combo packs. So please do check out our products page to see what they look like. And please if you're not yet a podcast member and you want to access all of our weekly podcast with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast. incredible amount of information that we have on our court cases page and our members only forum. Please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please know that we will continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including, of course a new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week's show as part of our show notes. We have also had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows and we are now providing copies of those transcripts to all of our members as well as part of their podcast. membership, we have now managed to upload the last of the transcripts from last few shows. So they are all now available for members to access online. So we're going to play a couple of songs give you a chance to join up as a member if you haven't already. And please do be sure to check out our products page, and of course, our YouTube channel as well with all of those new live video updates. As always, if you do have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email, just remind them that our show is on live right now in case they forgot to tell him to go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in. Or they can listen in off their mobile device via the TuneIn app. Just download chewning do a search for red FM. And you will find us there. So we're gonna play a couple songs and we'll be back with lots more after this short break. And welcome back to the no you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. So obviously the big news over the last week or so, especially the last few days has been this snap decision to lock down the whole of Brisbane for three days. There was one case there was zero deaths. And the premier they decided that the best smartest thing to do was to lock the entire city down for three days. Now what was interesting was that people there were absolutely losing their minds. They raided the the supermarket shelves they went completely crazy. Now are up in arms all over social media. And people of course in Melbourne were36:54like, come on, gosh, you're36:56just amateurs. I mean, three days. Oh my god. Yeah, you had a start date, you had an end date. I mean, we enjoyed it for what, four or five months, something like that. I just kept dragging on and on and on and on and on. About Look, I mean, it's like anything, you know, where seasoned veterans were used to dealing with that kind of insanity. But when it first started, we all we all lost our minds as well. So this is all new for people in Brisbane had a similar thing a couple of weeks ago just before Christmas in Sydney with the Northern Beaches cluster where people were being told to stay home and and all the rest of it. So obviously the key point is that as we have been trying to explain to people, hopefully now they will listen. Okay, Victoria is just the test bed for the rest of the country. What they bring into Victoria they will ultimately bring into the other states. Now I know as as clear as it is still day here that there are people sitting there in Western Australia shaking their heads. No, no, no, not here, Mike. You know, McGowan's locked us down and we've got the strictest border controls and we're safe and all the rest of it. Okay, and how did it all start supposedly in Brisbane, through a cleaner at one of these quarantine hotels, what makes you think they want to come up with a similar story? Well, you know, in fully lockdown Perth or whatever else, okay, they are going to try this on everywhere, and they're gonna see what people will put up with. Now, of course, the biggest issue for those in Brisbane is that even though the lockdowns have ended, the mandatory mosque requirements still remains. Now what we have covered that, too. We're literally as blue in the face as some of those masks are. So please go to our YouTube channel. Check out all of the videos that have anything to do with masks or COVID related fines or anything in the title. To learn step by step how to deal with any issues concerns, worries you may have about wearing a mask or not wearing a mask or depending on how you want to look at it. Certainly if you're concerned about any fines, we cover the step by step process for very quickly, easily and successfully challenging any of those mandatory mask fines, things like that. We heard that on day one of the supposedly lockdown in Brisbane, you know a couple of guys were fined for being out out of their homes for not for one of the reasons and and I refuse to put masks on even though the police offered them some so they received some fines again, all of those fines can be very easily challenged. So again, please Check out the videos on our YouTube channel, check out our podcasts, our radio show podcast because there is tonnes and tonnes of information contained in those podcasts. So we've got the we got the situation in Brisbane with a master still supposedly mandatory. And now of course, good ol dictator, Dane in his infinite wisdom, has decided to introduce this traffic light system for the Victorian borders. So if you go into some way that he and his infinite wisdom considers to be a red zone, such as Brisbane with no new cases and no deaths, not sure how they classify that as a red zone. But that's yet another problem with this traffic light system. Too bad. So sad, you aren't coming home under any circumstances. If you go into an orange zone, which is a free zone, again, there's no specification of how many cases there needs to be or what qualifies something as a green zone, red zone or orange zone, they just make it up as they go along. It's completely arbitrary. And again, we've talked about arbitrary rule many, many times on this show, and in our videos, but nevertheless, if you are trying to return from a from an orange zone, you must ask permission by way of application to the Victorian Government to return home. And part of that application process is an undertaking to self quarantine at home when you get home. And within 72 hours to have a COVID test and to gain quarantine at home and to get the result of that quite COVID test, even though you may be showing absolutely no symptoms what so ever. And then of course, you've got the green zone where there are no cases there is no issue. There's no problem at all, you still have to apply to your government to be allowed to return home to your own state. Now would one of you kind gentlemen like to remind our listeners what section 92 of the Commonwealth constitution says about travel among the states being absolutely free?42:24Absolutely.42:28So I mean, how did they think they can get away with this and more importantly, or Worse still, how is it that they are getting away with this and have been since six o'clock yesterday evening? I believe it was? Well, Mike? Yes.42:44I've got to disagree with all this. You gotta disagree. Yeah, with this traffic light system and you can go across the border and rara. See, Darrell and I are living proof that that's not true.42:58But you haven't returned since 6pm. Yesterday, you you left and returned under a different system. This is now a special this is a this has been given a name by Mr. Andrews himself. He calls it the traffic light system.43:12Okay. When I left there was a five kilometre radius lockdown. So you're telling me now there's none of that? No, there's and and there's some sort of thing that's gonna stop me from leaving?43:25Well, according to Mr. Andrews,43:27as I told them at the airport, like the Attorney General of Victoria, Jill Hennessy at the time, yes, stated that the human rights and responsibilities act of 2006 is in full force during the pandemic. And Darryl and I were asked for an exit permit to leave Victoria. And I told her I told them that section 12 of the human rights responsibilities Act says that I can enter and leave Victoria freely at any time and that right there is by permit44:03There you go.44:04Now that cannot be denied. Okay, the guarantees the parliament had provided, and they are bound under treaty.44:16Well,44:17there's the answer people who's actually going to go out there and use it. It's been used it's been tried it's been tested, it's been proven. So the entry permit the exit permit, one and the same. Of course, there's the big stick the big threat of a $5,000 fine if you attend to run the traffic lights and circumvent the traffic light system and come in or out without said application and permit being granted. I've got one thing to say to that as well. Mine is sent me the red light camera fine league. So again, this just points out though, you know how insane And how massive the overreach of powers really are. I mean, they will stop at nothing to gain complete control, and 99.9% of the population will just go, Okay, well, yeah, I guess if that's what's in place, that's what I have to do. That's what I have to abide by, I'm either not going to go or I'm going to, you know, make my application for my permit, they're not going to actually understand their rights and stand up for them. And again, this is the whole reason why we're here. This is the whole reason why we do this. So to give everyone a little bit more background as to why all of these directives are unlawful? We said at the start of the show that we're going to talk about the power or so called power of the executive government to make these directives. So do they actually have any lawful power to get to say and do these things?46:05No, no. Short sways? No, they don't. I see. Why not? Well, the governor in Council, and the governor is the head of the Executive Council, which forms the executive arm of government most certainly do not have any judicial powers. Okay, first and foremost, the governor, under a new section put into also somewhat new, it's part of this new this Constitution Act 1975, here in Victoria. So the other constitution. So Victoria runs two constitutions in the 1855 and the Northern 75 constitution. But the one that they run under predominantly the 1975, one, allows the premier which doesn't exist in the 1855 constitution, to give advice to the governor, in relation to the exercise of powers and functions of the governor. So, of course, the you sirpa Daniel Andrews needs to explain to those who bothered to question him as to his powers and functions within the executive arm of government. And whether those powers and functions allow him to instruct a private entity called the Victoria Police to issue a foreign act in the judicial capacity. Enough of these questions over the years. As you said earlier, people are just accepting birdly what is being said by the mainstream a bunch of idiots, to the general public, and of course, we go past these COVID testing stations and see ACU of people queuing up to be tested here. Therein lies the major problem. Australia needs to really hang their head enjoy the rest of the world's woken up. Australia, Australia's still asleep, don't truly 100% of sleep and more than happy to pop on the shape uniform and bother by rail to the COVID testing station and be tested on a very inaccurate for testing. So an absolute joke that the executive arm of government can stand up and override the will of the Parliament and the law of the land More importantly, and express an order to wear a piece of medical clothing without a public health order being issued to the individual. to sign off in certain corporate structures like supermarkets and hardware stores where you need to select for create land.49:32I walked into the bank this week to try and get some money all you got to sign in as it seems when they are since this week. As it49:38really is.49:40You got to do your QR code thing just to go into the bank and go to the teller and take some money out. I mean, it's49:47just crazy. absolutely crazy. We have to stand up and resist roll of people keep merging. It's just bizarre. Still, the only one in the shopping centre with animals is not my shopping centre might otherwise. And this is the problem we need. It's all good. Well, half a dozen lovers standing by the law believed in, one needs to do it, everyone needs to do it, no one is absolutely zombied into accepting what these people dictate. Oh,50:33and speaking of which, I'm gonna see if I can find it. on here quickly while we were chatting, I took a took a photo. So this this is now out of this is what they're now telling people in Queensland, we've been getting this question a lot? And the answer is yes, do I need to wear a mask in my vehicle. This is only official websites in Queensland. We're asking you to wear a mask in the car because a consistent approach51:09helps keep people safe.51:12Not because it's medically required. But because it consistent approach helps keep people safe. We want you to wear a mask when you leave home by whatever means for whatever reason, won't drive or cycle put a mask on when you leave home and keep it on. Unless you're taking it off for an allowed purpose. If everyone in greater Brisbane gets in the habit of putting a milestone whenever they leave home, we're more likely to keep it on. And that's the thing that will help keep people safe and reduce the likelihood of a longer lockdown.51:43But hang on.51:45Before this new so called Super strain, which we'll get to later. They were like no cases in Queensland for weeks a month. I don't even know how many days, no warning masks. So all of a sudden these all one cases come along, they'll go lock down the whole city for three days and tell everyone they've got to wear masks for the next team, which of course will turn into 20 and 30. And as long as I can get away with. So I mean, this is the insanity that they're putting out there and people are buying into it. And people are complying. I mean, I just don't understand it. We still see it as I said the monster been reintroduced in, in Victoria for all indoors and I still walk into all the spy places and every place I go without a mouse. And yeah, I guess in the last few weeks or probably since the start of the year, I've been asked by a few more people aren't Why aren't you wearing your mask than I was last year. But again, all the regular places that I go to they don't say boo.52:56It's just52:58I don't understand it. I really don't understand why people just buy into this. Yo, I've been doing this for six, seven months now. haven't received a single fine. So you know, what is it that people are worried about? I go every day. People really in that much via53:21get a bit of information here for you our mic. The red, orange or green zones are based on the latest Coronavirus advice from Victoria's chief health officer,53:36karate guy.53:37So it's an advice from the chief health officer. So I think that can only take the form of a direction.53:44Okay, well,53:45okay, so I stand by section 12 of the Human Rights Act, where I can enter and leave at any time because section 38 of the same acts is that an officer a state officer can only make a decision that's inconsistent with your human rights. It's based on a statutory provision. And a direction is not a statutory provision. statutory provision is something that's laid before Parliament debated and passed with royal St. Hmm. So these are the things that I bought up at the airport when I left. And yeah, it's quite interesting. So I've just done a little bit of investigating. I might actually ring DHS when during the break.54:29Maybe we should play the call, but I don't think anyone's going to answer though it's a little late.54:34But there's an emergency on me54:36gave it and also a concern that put you on hold for two hours and then say sorry, we can actually call and hang up on you make your ring back again tomorrow morning. But let's give it a try. Anyway, let's go to another song bike. Let's see what we can find out and again, still lots more still to come. So please don't go anywhere. And welcome back to the no you're right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network with emails coming in, left, right and centre. Lots more questions. Before we get into those special shout out to Josie, first time listener Welcome to the show. All right, so Amanda, again, Amanda, Amanda has sent us another email here. Hi, my PCR tests can be handled like the case of a police officer using a speed camera unlawfully just discovered from the YouTube link there. The Rt PCR tests must be carried out as described in the insert authorization of the test. How many cycles are to be carried out in order to find this genetic material is called the cycle threshhold. Meaning that if 36 to 37 cycles, or above are needed to first detect any, then the patient carries very little of the virus, and that virus if prisons, not necessarily the CV virus is not live or infectious. In the beginning of all of this pandemic, each laboratory determined its own number of cycles to use to determine positive or negative, the cycle threshold, the number of cycles needed to detect the viral genetic matter. Think of that Coca Cola can that tested positive recently, is never given to doctors or patients. This would be an indicator of potentially how infectious a person was assuming fragments are from the virus active or dead? three factors are important. Is this test testing for the virus? Is the virus alive or dead? And how much is there? So the question to ask the person who does the testing or acts on results of testing?57:05Ah,57:06does the taste test exclusively for COVID? Read the label, it says it's not a test for COVID? Was the test carried out according to the authorised guidelines? What number of cycles? Was the cycle threshold? Is the virus alive or dead? Is this a valid positive test? And if so, for what exactly? Has the operator been trained on that machine? Where's the certification of the machine and the person? If the test has already been done, they have to prove the legitimacy of the test and the results that are acting on? What do you think? Well, I think that's an extremely comprehensive breakdown of it. And these are the sort of questions that everybody should be asking if they are ever told they need to take a test or blahdy blahdy blah.58:00Absolutely.58:03I mean, it goes into a lot of detail, doesn't it? And this is the sort of stuff that the mainstream media should bloody well be reporting on? And of course they aren't. These are the things that the mainstream media should be encouraging people to us. These are the questions that mainstream reporters should be asking doctors should be asking. Our chief Health Officers should be asking other government officials. Okay, should be asking our health minister, how many cycles? Has the Australian Government determined as you know, the relevant numbers for a positive or negative PCR test? But of course, none of this is what is actually happening. And of course, you know, we need to ask, why not? Why aren't these questions being asked? And when are people going to start asking them? Now these can be done as questions to people who was saying get a PC artist? These are questions that can be put on social media. These are questions that can be you know, written to your local Member of Parliament. These are questions that can be put in an FOIA request. Okay, there's plenty of ways to ask these questions, but people need to start taking action and doing it.59:14I read a book on socialism. Congratulation, when I was in the state, apparently, meteors controlled by by government in a socialist society. Oh,59:25God. Wow. There you go. Um, but a PC it is what is it? In fact, it's called poly a polymerase chain reaction test. That works by making lots of copies. a portfolio of an original swab of DNA. But in fact, it flies away if they say hey, oh, no, that's not daylight. Well, it's In molecular biology, RNA polymerase, abbreviated RNA play or RNA Pol. And officially DNA directed RNA polymerase is an enzyme that synthesises RNA from the DNA template. They Ella, according to the number of cycles is critical. If the number is too high, it will lead to a false positive, Neil, recent studies in the US and found that the get a fairly accurate that needs to be no more than 25 cycles of amplification. And, and then 70% of the tests pretty much bring up a positive, these positive results and not cases However, no. Okay, since the virus cannot be cultured, because it's dead, it's not alive. This testing abuse with the heights with the high PCR cycles has led to the tomb case damage. So they are abusing the testing. And no none of us are asking these questions specifically. I1:01:27mean, I can just keep amplifying and blind people until they find something that comes up that looks like them. And that's why as we sit here, a Coca Cola beat has been tested as positive a goat was tested as positive of papaya or something was tested positive motor oil was tested as positive, you can make anything test positive, you just keep1:01:45amplifying and1:01:47I believe taking someone's temperature is a breach of the Privacy Act because the outcome of the temperature check is your personal health record.1:02:02That's another factor. It's nothing to do with COVID pc artists. But thanks for that.1:02:08I'd like to talk about that. But I'm not a doctor and I can't give medical advice.1:02:14plenty of other people aren't doctors and seem to be giving it all day every day might why not jump on the bandwagon?1:02:20It wasn't the government. Exactly. Exactly. What happened. What happened to the doctor's advice?1:02:27I know1:02:28what happened to a doctor, Dr. We allow the government to be a doctor. Yeah. This is the craziness. It's simple as that rural I, the government giving us medical advice.1:02:41But I mean it this is the thing, even doctors, if you've got a flu, if you've got a cold or a flu, you know, back in the good old days when there was just cold and flu. And you rang up the doctor? They tell you well don't come in? I can't do anything for you just stay home chicken soup. Yeah, let's see, there's nothing we can do just let it run its course. Now if you were coughing up blood, dog, big bowls of flame or something like that, then you probably have already come in, let's have a look. And you know, you might need if it's really bad, of course of antibiotics or something like that. But unless you had like really severe symptoms, you know, imagine prior to this ever ringing up your doctor and saying, Listen, I feel perfectly fine, but just on the off chance that I might have something. I'm going to come in and get a couple of tests. Is that okay? It would have laughed at you. So, you know, it's just crazy. It's absolutely crazy. The conditioning that occurred in just one year and four1:03:43months. My daughter works at a health clinic behind the counter and their business has been overwhelmed with people panicking. panicking, Nikki. whether they've got COVID and they are in the waiting room is overflowing with people beside themselves worried where they've got COVID-19 all as a result of listening to mainstream media.1:04:13Yeah, I think and it is it is so unusual conceive and achieve. I mean, it's just like, you put it out there you keep focusing on it. That's what you manifest. They keep telling everyone that they will seek they will start manifesting sickness. I mean, it's just crazy. It's absolutely crazy and people can't see what's going on. All right, we need to keep moving. JOHN has said a couple of issues you may have already covered these year out a few 1000 times but anyway he's obviously new to all this. It says one more shops are requiring temperature checks. I chemist warehouse. New South Wales which refashion shop barrel is this lawful? Well, we just done What did you just say that up to temperature checks and the outcome of those checks being your private medical information, or 100%. Medical medically trained, then it's not a matter of administering the test it. It's the matter of determining the results of that test. Yes.1:05:15So we say that the test produces an outcome.1:05:20The people in chemists warehouse, they're not chemists that are doing the test. They security gods.1:05:25Yeah. So yeah, you know, when stuff, I've seen that one guy there actually, look, it's as simple as this, the outcome of a test is a medical record. Okay, they make a determination upon that outcome. And that outcome, okay, is a private health record. Yeah. And the Privacy Act says that you only have to give a private health record upon your consent.1:05:53When businesses want you to sign in your name, and details are left on a sheet, what happens to that information, breach of privacy, they leave these details out for the world to see, if you refuse to sign you're not allowed to enter and businesses are saying it is a requirement. Is this unlawful? Do you have redress in one shop that is that required, this was a secondhand goods store in the Southern Highlands, New South Wales. And again, we have spoken about this until we are blue in the face. Any business can make make any requirements of entry. Just like you can make any requirements of entry into your house if you want, it's their private business. So1:06:33that's point number one,1:06:35they can refuse you anything if you don't jump through their hoops, but you can sue them for discrimination. If they say, Well, look, we're gonna allow this person in because they had a temperature check and you didn't or they wearing a mask and you aren't or whatever else. But again, like the driving without a licence or registration plates, are you prepared for the fight for the battle? Okay, so But yes, technically, they can make whatever entry requirements they like. Number three, our son went to a doctor, first time he saw this doctor, and he was told he had to scan a QR code and also wear a mask. Is this correct? Is this a requirement of law? No, it's not a requirement of law. It's a requirement of that doctors business. That's all it is. And as we say, if certain businesses making unreasonable requests of you, then simply take your business elsewhere. Yeah, this is what we've been telling people since the start of this. And very soon those businesses will get the message. I mean, I gave the example whenever it was three, four months ago of office works, and they refuse to accept cash. And so I walked in loaded my arms up with all the stuff that I wanted. And I said, Oh, no, we don't take care. So I put on the counter, and I walked away. Lo and behold, you know, I go home, send a letter off, send it to the the CEO of office works, explaining the situation. Two weeks later, went back to Office works, and all of a sudden, they're accepting cash now. So I mean, you know, use your voice people. If you don't like a particular policy, that's all out there is no government. Again, we've covered this before there's nothing from the government says you must do these four must not do. They just say you are businesses have to have a COVID safe plan. It's up to the businesses to choose which elements of social distancing. They are hand sanitizers masks, temperature checks, whatever they choose to implement. There's no government mandate that says every business must do this, or every business must do that. Okay. It's the it's the business, especially with the proof of this is that you can walk into some businesses and sign in and other businesses are not signing, you walk into some businesses with a mouse. Some businesses without a mouse, some businesses require you to get a temperature check. Some businesses don't, there's all the proof that you need. So if you walk into a business that has a requirement that you don't like to say, but the other business down the road, doesn't have that requirement, so you're gonna let me in or not, they say no, go to the other business down the road. It's really very simple. It's not rocket science.1:09:10Mike in the Privacy Act, it also provides that a person commits an offence if the person refuses to allow another person to enter premises that are otherwise accessible to the public refuses to receive goods or services from another person or insists on providing less monetary consideration for goods or services. If you go to Section 94 H, you'll also see in regards to these QR codes that's in relation to the COVID safe app, isn't it? No, no,1:09:41that's a checking thing so that you scan the QR code that says do your check in at this particular location, and each QR code is linked to that.1:09:51But if you if you want to check it out, it's in Section 94 H of the Privacy Act. It's subsection two and a person commits an offence if I refuse entry. No,1:10:02absolutely, absolutely. But are you willing to get your head around that, take a copy of that with you in your pocket, show that to people get a name of someone who refuses you entry, despite being shown that and then take action against them. If you are great. The more people that do it, the better the quicker we'll put an end to this madness.1:10:21I think it's more fun to be refused, then call the police and show the police. The the actual police station,1:10:30police won't do anything because it's a Commonwealth act,1:10:32I have the power to act under it.1:10:36And I want to exercise that power because they state police and they'll say this is a Commonwealth matter. We don't want to get involved. And then you go and call the Federal Police. And they'll say that I want to get involved, although1:10:44I reckon we just put a petition to the premier and say, listen, we need to swap all those masks, shapes, heads.1:10:55Pretty much, pretty much.1:10:58All right. Oh,1:10:59praise the Lord, something not COVID related. Shelly has sent us an email he asked Can a CEO of a corporation such as a council, be a public officer, as per the justices act 1886. Because I believe I do not believe that this is the true intention, but just a brief printed change. And so she's included a section here of the justices act 1986, which is a reprint from February 2020 refer referring to a public officer saying officer employee of the public service of the state or the Commonwealth or officer an employee of a statutory body that represents the crown in the right of the state of all the Commonwealth, or see an officer or employee of a local government who is acting in an official capacity.1:11:55So Well, there's some trick words in there that they've included since 1886, of course. But of course the key words are in the right of in the world of wash in the world of a corporate entity called Korea. It's not the Korean under the United Kingdom. And the only Korean that has any authority in Australia through the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act as cited in the preamble to that act1:12:26is the cradle of the United Kingdom and none other Indeed, I think it's Sydney city council versus the state of New South Wales and it was provided in the Supreme Court there that local government or not the cram1:12:46they go.1:12:49In Final one here, I'm not sure what's wrong. This is guys loving the show. I call the DHHS last Monday and was in and told them I was recording the conversation. And then went on to ask which legislation was being used to enforce the border closure. And after waiting over two minutes for the lady to get back to me, she came back and said she needs to terminate the call because it can't be recorded. Or Jim from Parkdale. There you go. So we did try and call DHHS. But, sadly, despite being in an emergency, and being in a pandemic situation, the office was closed it was it was only emergency between 8am and 8pm. Apparently, so I'm here we'll we'll try again tomorrow and and see what we come up with. All right, so we do need to go to one more break. still lots more to cover after this, though. So don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after these few songs. And welcome back to The Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. So we are once again going to finish off on a bombshell tonight. Anyone who missed our last show last year. We finished off with the bombshell case regarding vaccinations. Please, if you missed that show, make sure you go and listen to the podcasts. And once again, the boys have been doing a bit of research and have come across yet another very, very powerful case that we want to finish off with tonight. So I'm just gonna hand it over to use her to explain the importance of this case1:14:34for high court in 19 104 Sydney Municipal Council versus the Commonwealth and the challenge in this particular case was with respect to the Municipal Council of Sydney having the ability to claim to recover from the Commonwealth municipal rights in respect of land Within the City of Sydney now, in that case, it came up that the term crown as used in the Sydney Corporation act must be taken to mean the crown in its capacity as representing the state of New South Wales in the act of 1879. Now, quite rightly, section 114 of the Commonwealth constitution does in fact apply. Because essentially, the land falls under what's called a grade in fee simple from the Korean of the United Kingdom. Now, the court in this particular case was backpedalling and we're talking nobody know for here they were Korea. final judgement the three judges Griffith Barton and O'Connor put down before Gradius certificate, we must be satisfied that there is some special reason for certifying that the question is one which ought to be determined by His Majesty's counsel. So that the listeners is the Privy Council, it must at least appear that there is some reasonable ground for disputing the correctness of our judgement. This is a very plain case, depending on the construction of the plain and ambiguous words of section one one for the Constitution. We do not say any grant for saying that it ought to be determined by His Majesty and council. Now, of course, what they are highlighting here is the fact that a corporation, which is not a Korean entity, is able to essentially collect a fee, and anyone would only look up the words fees or rights or anything like that to say that, yes, they all fall under the heading of a tax. They are in response to this court case. Of course, there were some the court managed to put fire out. And I guess there would have been some words spoken to the lawyers for the Sydney City Council. But in 1913, there was a question put to the Australian people in a referendum that was one of the most comprehensive group of questions that ever had to confront the Australian public the world those questions was, can we nationalise corporations? And you can see why. The Australian said no. Overwhelmingly, every single state said no, we will not allow the government to nationalise corporations.1:17:55And again, you know, in 21, the same question was put to the side in PayPal, it's like, Guys, don't you get it? You've been told no overwhelmingly in every state, and we've not allowing you to nationalise corporations. So I asked again, in order to live in our town, the same answer. And they have been blatantly ignoring the fact that a corporation has no jurisdiction within the Korean of the United Kingdom, and especially over face simple title. And it's a k that is great in fee simple title. I saw recently, a lady come over and with some paperwork, respecting with respect to local government. And I asked her to source a copy of her title deed from the land title's office. And she brought that in and clearly it said on the paperwork, this is an estate fee simple. I then asked her to make a query with the title's office as to why this is an incomplete title. And why the words grade in facing below there, according to the Property Law Act in every single state in this country. It says it must have the words grade in face simple. And the reply from the title service was no, that's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. This is the true copy of the title. So of course, I've got a written error response, two of which were near waiting on the reply. But yes, the corporations that are masquerading as a form of local government in this country, that they just masquerading near usurping the tax collecting powers of the Commonwealth. Clearly United Kingdom for whatever nefarious purposes that they envisage. And of course here of many complaints have been folded to government relating to the expenditure of local government in Australia is just mind boggling. But yes, there are grounds to challenge but of course, of course we need a court to take it to. And here we have an ordinary for the High Court basically say, No. There may be a question here for the Privy Council. No, we're not going to let you go there. Because you're going to need our permission. Of course, there is one other way to the Privy Council. That is, of course, you don't go to the High Court, you, you go straight from the Supreme Court of the state, to the Privy Council all the High Court in London. That's another avenue. But yes, that is very important. Indeed, indeed.1:21:03All right. So on that bombshell we have a once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. So please, if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now. These products have of course been specifically designed for people who really want to learn more and take their knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Again, I want to remind everyone we didn't go to all the trouble of creating these products has got nothing better to do with our time. I certainly didn't do it because we're going to make me in selling 20 and 30 LSA days. Okay, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experience so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way, and of course at the cheapest possible price. So in addition to all of the Know Your Rights products and packs, we've also got those new combo packs, which also include the Ozzy speeding fines and bank secrets, revealed information, which have been proven to have been very, very popular with people. We've had a number of very keen people who are new to learning about their rights, especially in in Sydney and in Brisbane over the last few weeks who you know, wanted to dive right in, that they've taken advantage of the extraordinary savings that the combo packs and the Platinum combo packs provide. So please do be sure to have a look over those. But whatever you do, spend some time looking over at our shop and Products page, we're not going to go through everything there. They're all laid out for you. The key product obviously is our Know Your Rights book, the step by step, the essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights, that fry CDs also proven to be very, very popular because there's just so much information from the authority themselves on their own letterheads that they can not deny, which you can then use when they go making claims back against you. The Quicken garren constitution, things like that are podcast CDs, the Black's Law Dictionary, all those sorts of things are all available there. As seminar DVDs have proven very popular, a lot of people like to just sort of sit in and watch and learn in the comfort of their own home at their own pace. And so we've got something for everybody. So please do make sure you check out our products and our shop pages. Make sure you also check out the bank secrets that a new website, we know that especially over the Christmas period, people will rack up a lot of money on their credit cards. A lot of people especially still feeling the fallout from all the COVID closures and all the rest of it, they're really struggling to pay their personal loans, credit card debts, things like that. Make sure you grab that bank secret revealed book and find out why you can very simply challenge the validity of those debts, and have them discharged very, very easily. And as I keep saying, if you're a motorist in this country, you simply must have a copy of the Ozzie speeding fines book. So please just go to Ozzie speeding and grab a copy of that. It absolutely is the best moding investment you'll ever make. Again, we've seen people especially over the recent holiday period with double demerit points and a lot of states that people are at risk of losing their licences losing their livelihoods potentially even their you know their homes and their families. So this is a very serious matter. But equally it can be very simply dealt with when you follow the step by step strategies in that book. So please make sure you grab that. So to finish up tonight, I want to do what we always do at the end of every show. And that to remind you There are many very simple things. Very simple things that people can do, because little or no money take up very little time but really do add up to make a big difference.1:25:01So first and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page, you can download the flyer that's relevant to your state and send that off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page to your local MP, and just see if they can answer those few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. We've obviously got our Know Your Rights Facebook group, up and running, we've got around 10,000 members, Ozzie speeding fines has got a Facebook group with about 7000 people now, bank Secrets Revealed has got a Facebook group up and running. So please make sure you join up with those groups. As I mentioned before, earlier in the show, we've also got our midweek group and our telegram group, so please be sure to check out with those people are keen to help us spread the word which is fantastic. They're off to bumper stickers business card someone sent through a message tonight, all you need to do is just email the various groups. So just info at Know Your Rights .au info at Ozzie speeding info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you just say Hey guys, this is my postal address, I'd love some cards and stickers, and they'll be sent out to you completely free of charge. Another really great way to help spread the word and get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course to send us through your short video testimonial, outlining how you successfully use their information. To fight back and win just a couple of minutes recording off a phone is perfectly fine. Send it through. And we'll put those up to inspire and empower others to fight back just as you have. Please make sure you order those books, watch the straw men videos on our website, research that concept online. Speak to the guys that operate in the private. If you're interested in private foundations, self managed super funds, trust structures, things like that. Don't forget, we've also got our affiliate programme up and running as well doesn't cost you anything to join, you can earn a full 20% commission from everyone that you refer who joined up with us in some way, whether they just buy a CD, become a podcast member, whatever. We've had some people making some really good affiliate commissions in the last few months. So please make sure you take advantage of that just go on to the affiliate link on our website, follow the simple steps and sign up there. Don't forget Ozzy speeding fines got an affiliate programme that you can join up as well on their website. And it's a really good way for people who've got a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits, just to make a little bit of extra income on the side by informing others about their rights. But whatever you do, at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all of the information that's already on all the websites, including of course Know Your Rights today, you Ozzy speeding, fines calm bank secrets . Today, you operate in the . And of course Darren's very, very comprehensive website constitution .au, which is being laid up dated very regularly with new documents, new articles, new research all the time. So please keep checking back. There, there's a wealth of information available, it's all very easily accessible on those websites. But you of course, need to actually access it, learn it and then put it into practice. Please don't forget that we're always looking for people, groups companies to sponsor our show. So if you would like to do that, be sure to contact us directly at info at no your rights group Comdata you. Again, I do want to thank all of our show sponsors, alkaline health, Verona resorts, in Noosa. And of course, our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner. Pleased to be sure to check out greener cleaners excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products that can genuinely save you money as well as amazing health and vitality products. If you are in Melbourne or going to be in Melbourne, please make sure you book in for a session with Phil Burton from alkaline health. As I promise you, you will be absolutely amazed by what he shows you. And of course, finally, who couldn't do with a holiday to Noosa. If you want to secure an extra 10% off your stay at baranda Resort. Be sure to book directly with them. Just say you're part of the know your rights group to secure that discounted rate. And of course your mind if you do want the shows to continue throughout the course of 2021 then we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore we need not only all the sponsors we can get but we also need people to join up as members to support us as well. Obviously, as we've said many times before, the shows don't write themselves. Anyone who's seen the constant changes and updates that we do to the website. You know the incredible amount of hours that we put into making all of that happen now video updates all the rest of it. We do need to eat and put a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember, for just the equivalent of the price of a cup of coffee a week. You can access our fully edited shows at notes for each show, our extensive court cases page, and of course, our new members only forum, as well as helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so, please do be sure to join us as a member tonight as the showings and do support the tireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics that we discussed. And we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. So already, we can see in the first couple of weeks that 21 is shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 was. So it's more important than ever before for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us spread the word and share the details of our website around with everyone that you know. Again, a reminder, we will be taking a long way cane for the next month or so. So please do be patient with us. When emailing us we will get back to you with any order related queries as soon as we can. Other than that, that is eat for our first show for the year. We will be back live again next Tuesday at 8pm. Until then, thank you,1:31:15Darrell for1:31:15all your wonderful research input all great as always,1:31:20take him back next week. Absolutely. Well, actually the week after.1:31:25Is it why what's happening next week? Well, now I was gonna do every week and then we're gonna have a break for Australia. No, I'm not what I just said you're not listening might say these people. Even the people in the show who are part of the show, don't listen to what I'm saying.1:31:41Because we're studying.1:31:42Yes, we should be listening to the show as part of the presenters of the show. But yes,1:31:48just to confirm my car. I already had next week's show paint in my diary. Excellent. Thank1:31:52you, Darren. That's great. And thanks for your thanks for coming down. Glad someone's paying attention.1:31:57All I can say Mike is how can you saw like an eagle when you're surrounded by to?1:32:03My thoughts? Exactly. And on1:32:05that bombshell, we will leave it there. We will speak to you all next Tuesday. Okay, that's for everybody. And we'll work out what's happening for the remainder of the month at that point. Have a great week guys skills couples everyone listening we'll we'll talk to you next Tuesday night. Thank you ................

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