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The Position Paper of the Don Valley Community Members of the Haining Farm Redevelopment Working Group (Text Only)At the meeting #12 held on 27 July 2017 it was decided that the Don Valley Community Representatives should prepare a “narrative” to provide the background of their decisions made supporting the final concept plan to be provided to the joint sponsor of the Haining Farm Redevelopment Working Group. [Regional Director DELWP Kelly Crosthwaite and Parks Victoria Executive Director Chris Hardman.]The final concept plan takes in to account the views of the Local Community and the Minister’s [ Hon Lily D’ Ambrosio.] specific requirement that “The main purpose of the Group is the develop a plan for the site that considers the views of the community and does not materially increase the bushfire risk to the local and broader community.” [Ref. appendix 1]The process behind this document has involved 13 formal meetings of the Working Group (HFRWG) which commenced on 4 February 2017, together with many informal meetings held by the community members to consider and evaluate the information and reports provided by the various government departments and authorities involved in the process of determining the future role of Haining Farm. We wish to thank all concerned for their assistance in providing the technical an open discussions which assisted us in reaching our final recommendations, also for providing the community with the opportunity to engage in the process through the community forums held in Don Valley and Yarra Junction.The HRRWG endeavoured to work within the purposes contained in the Terms of Reference established by the project sponsors, primarily focusing on the views of the community. [Ref. appendix 5].Locally, Haining Farm plays a very special amenity function for both the Don Valley and surrounding communities, it provides a daily connection to the lives of residents and one of the reasons they chose to reside in one of the rural townships of the Upper Yarra Valley. Both resident and visitors to the area like the visual experience of seeing the cows, especially the children !. It also underpins the strong focus by the residents on the risk of living in an area with a history of devastating bushfires, and the significance of the need for safe egress provided by Don Road and the farm’s green and open paddocks running parallel to the road.The Engage Victoria web Site Survey indicated a clear difference of opinion for the choice of options provided by the survey which required the working group to come up with a compromise solution for the site which compiled with the requirements of the Minister, and took into account the strong views of the local community to retain the Farm for farming [ref. appendix 2] and the views of the wider community living beyond the Upper Yarra Area, who preferred to revegetate the entire site and accord with the recommendations of the VEAC Inquiry.The Group also took into account the Petition carried out by the Yarra Waterways Group earlier in the year in the township area of Don Valley which had been presented to the Minister. It provided strong support for the continuance of Dairy Farming on the site. It should be noted that many residents of Don Valley did register with the Engage Victoria survey as they believed they had already expressed their opinion on the future of Haining via the petition.The final concept plan for the site provides an option which retains the farming aspect of Haining whilst also providing habitat for the endangered species. The proposal splits the farm 50/50 by increasing the amount of revegetated land along the waterways [ Don and Yarra Rivers. ] whilst retaining some of the prime pasture areas of the farm sufficient to maintain a dairy operation. The values adding concept proposed by concept 2 has also been dropped as part of the groups proposed compromise.The proposal provides for increases access to the farm for the public to walk through the property to safely view both the farm animals in the areas retained for farming and endangered species along the waterways and areas set aside for conservations. The tracks will also improve access throughout the farm for fire management.This proposal also maintains sufficient pasture to ensure that the floor of the Upper Yarra Valley continues its role as the safest part of the area from a bushfire perspective, which is of major concern to the Don Valley community. All records confirm that the floor of the Upper Yarra Valley has never burnt beyond Haining farm and that it provides a safe place during all previous major fire events due to the irrigated and heavily grazed paddocks. The group believe more work is required on the Fire Management Plan prepared by the consultants with a requirement to take into account local factors which have contributed over many years to the fire safe history of the site.The proposal also takes into account the recorded wishes of the Donor of the site, Sir John Reid. [ ref. appendix 4. ] The group also recommends that the Donor be more appropriately recognised for his gift of the farm, and his subsequent contribution to the modernisation of the Dairy with a plaque on the property placed in a secure location where it can be viewed by the public. The proposal also enlarges the educational aspect of the farm which will enable an increased opportunity to educated children on conservation and farming, and how both can coexist.As a community member of the Haining Farm Working Group we support the views contained in this document and request that a copy of this document together with the appendix attachments be included in the final published report of the Group.We would also like to thank Victoria Purdue [DELWP] for her assistance during the past six months whilst the Group representing the Don Valley Community compiled the redevelopment plan for Haining Farm which takes into account the priorities identified by the local community and other stakeholders.?Minimisation of the bushfire risk to the Don Valley Community and the reserve itself,?Restoration of suitable habitat for the Helmeted Honeyeater and the Lowland Leadbeaters Possum,?the creation of public access, education and recreation activities and?the continued use of the property for Dairy Faring.Thank you,Signed by:Andrew MartinCassandra StanleyKate WarneMelanie ScottSid HornerPamela WilsonRick HoulihanClr Jim ChildAppendix summary:Letter form Minister the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio in response to the Don Valley Community Petition carried out by the Yarra Waterways Group between 9 Jan – 6 Feb 2017Haining Farm Engage Victoria Survey results illustrating local voting patternsVictorian Conservation Trust annual report 1975 detailing the gift of Haining Farm by Sir John Reid Herald Sun article 17 Jan 1974 Official visit by ‘Dick” Hamer to receive the gift of Haining FarmNational Parks Service Management Criteria for the initial manager of the farm, John YoungStudy of the recreational potential of public land in Don Valley for Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority by Melbourne University May 1978Terms of Reference for Haining Farm Working GroupProposed plan for Haining Farm ................

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