St - Amazon S3

Present -:

Cllrs. B Blackford (Chairman), B Clark (BC), D Crawley (DC), R Vodnik (RV), M Dolman (MD), E Seward-Adams (ESA) & S Robinson (SR)

Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & Cllr. Mrs L Gorman

|15/100 |Apologies: |

| |None. Thanks were expressed to all those who helped build and have offered to water the planters. |

|15/101 |Recordable/Non-Recordable Interests & Dispensations: |

| |None. |

|15/102 |Minutes: |

| |RESOLVED: The minutes of the Meeting held on 08th April 2015, as circulated, were approved & signed. The draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting |

| |& AGM, as circulated, were accepted as a true record. |

|15/103 |Public Participation: |

| |None. |

|15/104 |Police Report: |

| |No Report. |

|15/105 |Urgent Matters: |

| |None. |

|15/106 |Cornwall Councillor Report: |

| |LG advised that the first planning application for 330 houses at Trevemper Roundabout has been refused and the second one deferred. The Mayor of |

| |Newquay would the Chairman’s of the surrounding Parish Councils to work together to find a solution to the highway issues. BB agreed to attend these |

| |meetings. |

| |An article placed in the Newquay Voice regarding Cubert Crossroads was factually incorrect. Cornwall Council will be putting in a press release next |

| |week stating that a roundabout will be considered as one of the schemes of the feasibility study. The outcome of the study should be available in |

| |September 2015. |

| |There is no Planning Officer recommendation yet for the proposed development on land at Pentire Green as the officer is still waiting for information |

| |from the applicant. If the Officer is in mind to recommend approval then it is likely that the application will be on the August or September Planning|

| |Committee Agenda. As there is no Parish Council meeting in August it was RESOLVED that BB would represent the Parish Council at the Committee Meeting |

| |and he will circulate his presentation for approval prior to the meeting. |

|15/107 |Planning Issues: |

| |Applications: |

| |PA15/03830 (Forge Cottage) – Object to application submitted. However, if the pump was located to |

| |the side of the property with an appropriate screen, this would be |

| |acceptable. |

| |PA15/04766 (Seacroft) – Object (Harm to AGLV, gross overdevelopment, against article 4 direction & |

| |negative impact on coastal landscape) |

| |Decisions: PA15/02438 - Approved |

| |Cornwall Council has confirmed that there is Article 4 Direction relating to the use of land for any purposes except as a caravan on not more than 28 |

| |days, the use of land other than buildings & not within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse for recreation & the use of land other than a building, as a|

| |caravan site. |

|15/108 |North Coast Cluster/Community Network Report: |

| |The Community Network Meeting takes place on 11th June. Agenda items include libraries & gypsy encampments. The North Coast Cluster Meeting is on |

| |16th June. |

|15/109 |Memorial Hall Report: |

| |SR gave the report. A BT Business Account must be set up in order to have the broadband installed. Following discussions it was RESOLVED that the |

| |Clerk would be the main contact on the account. The date for the Christmas Decoration Evening is confirmed as 17th November; A copy of the accounts |

| |has been requested by Jill Smith; The weathervane needs repairing & the photocopier now needs to be disposed of. NOTED. |

|15/110 |Matters Arising: |

| |Update - Neighbourhood Plan: The drain survey will cost approximately £10- £15K. The Clerk has not yet applied for any grants as she is waiting for |

| |exact costings. Meeting to be organised to discuss grant applications. NOTED. |

| |Update – Sale of the Magazine Photocopier: The photocopier has had a full service and is advertised in the Newquay Voice. NOTED. |

| |Secondary Duties: DC elected to Finance Committee & Public Toilet Working Party. Village Hall Committee still outstanding. NOTED. |

| |Conversion of Chapel Close Play Area to Car Park: No update. Clerk to chase. NOTED. |

| |Emergency Store: SR has still not received the quote. It was discussed that RV & BC could make the repairs. RESOLVED: RV to investigate work |

| |required and cost of materials and report back. |

| |Parish Council Vacancies: The election notices are displayed and expire shortly. The vacancies can then be advertised & co-option will take place at |

| |September’s meeting. NOTED. |

|15/111 |Other Matters: |

| |Public Toilets Maintenance Issues: BB/SR have repaired the ladies toilet again. The wallgate units need servicing, a toilet roll holder needs |

| |replacing, a legionella risk assessment needs to be undertaken & a PAT test is required for the electrics. RESOLVED: SR to get quote for PAT service,|

| |Clerk to confirm all other works with Cormac. |

|15/112 |Highways/Footpaths Report: |

| |Gannel River: The change in the breakwater is now a danger and hazard to people using the beach. The Clerk has tried to contact the Duchy who do not |

| |reply. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask Guy Thomas to take this up on the Council’s behalf. |

| |Halwyn Hill/Speed Survey: The safety of the corner was debated. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact Cormac and request better signage and that a speed |

| |survery be undertaken on the corner of Gustory Road & West Pentire Road. |

|15/113 |Village Hall Report: |

| |No report. It was advised that there is a hole in the play park where the bin used to be which is causing a hazard. RESOLVED: Clerk to report to |

| |Village Hall Committee. |

|15/114 |Finance: |

| |Council: Lloyds - £6339.75 / Santander - £34875.12 |

| |RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £7884.01 were approved for payment. |

| |Memorial Hall: Lloyds - £1915.61 / Santander - £5496.70 |

| |RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £22.00 were approved for payment. |

| |Clerk’s Appraisal: RESOLVED: Clerk’s pay to increase to point 23 on the scale. In addition, 4.4 hours of holiday pay per month awarded. |

|15/115 |Correspondence: |

| |Correspondence noted included Cornwall For Change (Request for Support), Devon & Cornwall Police (Survey), Cornwall Council (Update on a Case for |

| |Cornwall) & Guy Thomas (Cubert Crossroads Brief). In addition a letter has been received from a local resident requesting that something is done about|

| |the pollution caused by the cars queuing to get into the National Trust Car Park and leaving their engines switched on. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to |

| |National Trust to request signage. |

|15/116 |Public Particpation: |

| |None. |

|15/117 |Business not requiring a decision at this meeting: |

| |Amended Emergency Plan to be circulated and an agenda item next month. |

|15/118 |Date of Next Meeting: |

| |The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 08th July at 7.30pm in |

| |the Memorial Hall, Crantock. The meeting closed at 21.00pm. |


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